Health Coverage Comparison
Health Coverage Comparison
Health Coverage Comparison
Use the Health Plan Comparison Sheet to calculate the total out-of-pocket medical expense for each insurance
plan, Health Choice and Super Health, and record your answers in the chart. When you begin, your deductible
has not been met. The fee listed next to each item is the cost of that service without any health insurance.
1. Doctor’s office visit for a sore throat and cough $5 co-pay $95
(in network) $95
2. Emergency room for stitches (in network) $115 $25 co-pay $115
» Surgery $14,000
» Two-night hospital stay $2,000
» Prescription (brand) $185
10. Urgent care (in network) $105 $10 co-pay $10.50 co-pay
In Network: None
Deductible Out of Network: $250 individual per $250 per calendar year
calendar year
In Network: None
Out of Network: 100% after payments 100% after payments reach $1,000
Out of Pocket
reach $2,500
Answer the following questions and be ready to discuss your answers with the class.
1. How much total money would you have spent out of pocket with each plan?
Health choice: $0
Super Health: 100% or up to $1,000
2. With each plan, how much total money would you have to spend before the insurance
coverage pays 100% of your medical costs?
No maximum out of pocket with in-network: would have to pay your co-pay the entire year. With
Super Health, once you spend $1,000 out of pockets, the rest of the expenses are paid.
4. Why is it important for young adults to understand the role of health insurance?
You are not immune to freak accidents or unforseen circumstances, and health insurance will allow
you to be prepared.