Sales Call Script
Sales Call Script
Sales Call Script
1 Strong Start
2 Problems
4 Prescriptions
3 Outcomes
5 Logistics
6 Price
(Make them feel comfortable)
____, how are you?
Crazy times right now. The world is going mad ha-ha.”
(This statement is best used in uncertain & strange
periods of time such as during the lockdown)
“I was checking out your social media the other day and
saw you have a great time with your friends in Goa.
I hope you reached home sober ha-ha.
Anyway, I’ve been looking forward to today. I’m really
excited to see how I can help you.”
(Set the frame and expectations)
1.What’s been the biggest takeaway for you so far?
(Let them sell themselves on why they need you)
2. Cool, where do you want to go from here?
(They will ask, how do I get started)
Love that, that’s exactly why I want to work with you. So,
here’s how the investment works, it’s super simple.
Present your pricing options
Objection 1: “I’ve got no money”
Since when did you value money more than your
Objection 2: I want to go away think about it and give it
a go myself then get help”
What's going to get you there faster? Doing it alone or
working with me?
Objection 3: “I need to think about it”
If you keep doing the same thing that you’re currently
doing and in a year from now what do you think will
Objection 4: When they’re uncertain about the
investment or program.
Say things like “Well tell me, do you think this is
something that could possibly get you where you're
looking to go?
They’ll say, “Well yeah, I think so.”