Full Pressure Sensitive Design and Formulation Application First Edition Benedek Ebook All Chapters
Full Pressure Sensitive Design and Formulation Application First Edition Benedek Ebook All Chapters
Full Pressure Sensitive Design and Formulation Application First Edition Benedek Ebook All Chapters
Site Analysis Informing Context Sensitive and
Sustainable Site Planning and Design 3rd Edition James
A. Lagro
Volume 2 Pressure-Sensitive D esign and Formulation, Application
Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis Group
Volume 2
Design and
Istvan Benedek
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Volume 2
Design- and Formulation Basis 1
Hot-Melt PSAs Based on Styrenic Polymer 141
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Synthesis of Styrenic Block Copolymers 144
2 .2.1 Di-Block Copolymers 145
2 .2.2 Tri-Block Copolymers 146
2.2.3 Star Block Copolymers 148
Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives of 181
Controlled Water-Absorbing Capacity
Mikhail M. Feldstein, Gary W. Cleary and
Parminder Singh
References 229
Removable and Repositionable 231
Pressure-Sensitive Materials
Zbigniew Czech
References 248
UV-Curable Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives 251
Hyun-Sung Do and Hyun-Joong Kim
References 288
Pressure-Sensitive Design and Formulation 291
in Practice
Istvdn Benedek
Istvan Benedek
Pressure Sensitive Consulting
Young-Jun Park
Seoul National University
Laboratory of Adhesion and Bio-Composites
Seoul, S. Korea
Zbigniew Czech
Sczecin University of Technology
Polymer Institute
Hyun-Sung Do
Seoul National University
Laboratory of Adhesion and Bio-Composites
Seoul, S. Korea
Hyun-Joong Kim
Seoul National University
Laboratory of Adhesion and Bio-Composites
Seoul, S. Korea
Chapter 6 Pressure-Sensitive Design and Formulation
in Practice
Istvan Benedek
Pressure Sensitive Consulting
Design- and Formulation Basis
Istvan Benedek
The goal of this chapter is to discuss the hardware required to formulate pressure-
sensitive products. The formulation basis includes knowledges about the raw materials
of the formulation and about the equipment employed for the formulation. These are
the main parameters of the formulation. Such parameters are interdependent.
The raw materials used for a formulation depend on the end-use performance
characteristics, and on the manufacturing technology of the pressure-sensitive
product.They are strongly affected by advances in macro-molecular chemistry and
by economic considerations.
The end-use requirements for various PSPs are different. Related to the application
field of the product the economical considerations are restrictive for the choice of the
2 Vol.2y Chapter 1
manufacturing technology. Although theoretically almost each raw material class can
be used for each pressure-sensitive product class, there are preferred raw materials
for different PSPs. The main pressure-sensitive products include labels, tapes and
protective films [2].
Table 1.1 The Main Raw Materials for Various Pressure-Sensitive Product Classes.
general Rubber-resin solutions
Acrylic dispersions
Thermoplastic elastomers-hot-melts
special Special elastomer solutions
Special viscoelastomer solutions
Self-adhesive plastomers
Coating Adhesive
direct Carrier
Extrusion Carrier
Casting Carrier
in situ manufacture
the special products. This chapter discusses the raw materials for coating technology
Solvent-based pressure-sensitive adhesives are the most used coating components for
pressure-sensitive products. The use of solvents allowed the uniform tackification of
the rubber and thin layer coating of natural rubber-based PSAs on continuous webs
and thus it made possible the development of the pressure-sensitive industry. As
discussed earlier, solvent-based adhesives are formulated as rubber-resin and
viscoelastomer-resin formulations (where the resin may include other tackifying
additives, e.g., plasticizer, wet-tackifier, etc.) or as pure viscoelastomer formulations.
The base elastomers and viscoelastomers for solvent-based adhesives include the
polymers that can be dissolved or dispersed in a common organic solvent. Such
polymers can undergo a (post-synthesis ) dissolving, or they can be prepared as organic
solutions or dispersions.
The main raw materials for solvent-based PSAs are natural and synthetic rubbers,
acrylic copolymers , copolymers of vinyl acetate, polyvinyl ethers, polyurethanes and
silicones (see Sect. 1.6.1 ). Rubber-based adhesives offer good normal- and high
temperature-cohesion and water resistance, but low ageing resistance. They exhibit low
plasticizer resistance because they are tackified systems. Such products display high
shrinkage [5]. Rubber-based adhesive solutions are suggested for packaging and office
tapes, medical and protective tapes, etc. Solvent-based formulations comprise a liquid
vehicle also ( see Sect. 1.13.2). Additives ( fillers,wetting agents, etc.) are also used for
solvent-based pressure-sensitive adhesives.
Formulations with 100 % solids include hot-melts and-warm melts, i.e., high
polymer-based recipes and oligomer-based formulations. Hot-melts are based mostly
on thermoplastic elastomers. Such compounds were discussed in the chapter
concerning tackification. Typically a hot-melt-based adhesive contains various ( 5-12 )
ingredients for a good balance of performances. Hot-melts are used in high coating
weight strapping tapes, mounting tapes, labels and packaging envelops. Hot-melt
pressure-sensitive adhesives have aggressive tack, high peel resistance and good
adhesion on cardboard [5]. For applications which need high coating weight (e.g., for
mounting and carpet laying tapes where the surface is rough ) they can be used
economically, supposing that the adhesive is protected from the environment.
Unfortunately, they are plasticizer-sensitive. Warm-melts were described in the
Vol.Chapt.4, Sects. 1.1 and 1.2 concerning in situ synthesis and crosslinking, and in
Vol.l.Chapt.6. Some special aspects of the development of such raw materials will be
discussed in Vol.2, Chapt. 5.
In principle, the raw materials for PSPs are elastomers (which have to be transformed
into viscoelastomers) or „ready to use,, viscoelastomers. Their elasticity and
viscoelasticity is a function of their chemical composition and macromolecular
characteristics. Both can be modified as advances in macromolecular chemistry
provide new possibilities for macromolecular synthesis and polymer analogous
reactions.Thus, the raw materials for PSPs are in continuous development.
Although developments in macromolecular chemistry allowed the synthesis of
elastomeric materials with a natural rubberlike build-up ( e.g., stereoregulated
polydienes ), the ma-nufacture of PSPs was based mainly on natural rubber or special
rubberlike diene copolymers. The breakthrough made by the synthesis of viscoelastic
polymers ( which can be used as one-component PSAs ) was not followed by a
similar advance in the domain of rubber-like products. The introduction of
thermoplastic elastomers has been a progress concerning easy processibility, but the
formulation freedom of such materials as adhesive was (at least in the first period of
their development) very limited. This arosed because of the limited availability of
methods that could be used to build up an ordered structure without the loss of certain
mechanical or adhesive properties.
Further developments in the copolymerization chemistry and technology allowed
the synthesis of other viscoelastomers ( e.g., vinyl acetate, maleinate, etc.,
copolymers) which compete with acrylics in numerous special domains. Such raw
materials can be formulated in water, or in solvents. The functionalization of
synthetic rubber-like copolymers made possible the synthesis of water-dispersible or
water-soluble elastomers , i.e ., the formulation of rubber-resin recipes that are water-
based ( like common acrylics ). Such functionalized diene-styrene copolymers are
used mostly for economic reasons.
Design and Formulation Basis 7
Actually the main macromolecular raw materials for PSPs are elastomers,
viscoelastic high polymers,plastics, viscous high polymers and oligomers. Such
compounds are based on monomers.
1.3.1. Monomers
The role of the monomer as base unit in the control of the macromolecular and
chemical characteristics of a polymer was discussed in detail in Chapt. 4. A
special role is played by such monomers which can be used for in situ adhesive
synthesis also. Reactive diluents are such monomers.Their function in the off-line or
in-line synthesis of pressure-sensitive raw materials or pressure-sensitive adhesives
was discussed in the Vol.l,Chapt.4, Sects. 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. In certain cases, they are
used as supplemental crosslinking agents too (see Vol.l,Chapt. 4, Sects. 1.2. and 2.2.1
and Vol. 1, Chapt.6).
The radiation-curable reactive diluents ( monomers ) are used for viscosity control
and fine regulation of the final properties. In some cases the formulations with
reactive diluents are supplied as a solution of the oligomer in a reactive monomer .
Such reactive diluents must be compatible with the other components of the recipe,
must exhibit low shrinkage and low vapour pressure [7]. Generally, the recipe
contains prepolymers, reactive diluents ( di,- tri- and multifunctional monomers ) and
additives like wetting agents, fillers, adhesion promoters, and matting agents also.
The main reactive monomers are multifunctional acrylates . For instance, as reactive
diluents, hexanediol diacrylate,trimethylol propane triacrylate, tripropyleneglycol
triacrylate and pentaerythritol tetraacrylate were suggested. Low irritation
multifunctional monomers were developed based on alkoxylated di-, tri- and
tetrafunctional acrylates [8]. Such a reactive diluting agent is for instance a 80 %
solution in tripropyleglycol diacrylate, or 75 % solution in trimethylolpropane
triacrylate [9] or in hexanedioldiacrylate [10]. Sherman [11] introduced new diluting
monomers for UV-light-induced curing, e.g., dicyclopentadienyl acrylate, polybutane
-diol diacrylate, p-carboxyethyl acrylate, 3-chlor-2-hydroxypropyl acrylate,
thiodiethyleneglycol diacrylate and isobomyl acrylate.The main reactive diluents
suggested for EB curing include: HDDA,TMPTA,TPGTA [9] and PETA [12].
Triallylcyanurate is recommended as crosslinking agent for EB curing too [13]. As
crosslinking agent for styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymers (Cariflex-1107)
and styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymers ( Cariflex D-1101 ) pentaeryithritol
triacrylate and trimethylol propane thioglycolate were proposed [14]. The various
crosslinking monomers used for acrylates were discussed in detail in [15]. Recently the
preparation and adhesion performances of UV-crosslinkable acrylic PSAs were
investigated by Hyun-Joong Kim et al. [16] (see Chapt. 5 also).
1.3.2. Oligomers
As discussed in Vol.l, Chapt. 4, Sect. 1.2.3 oligomers were developed for in situ
manufacture of pressure-sensitive adhesives. Such oligomers ( 50 -10 % of the recipe)
can possess various chemical composition ( hydrocarbon- based or heteroatom
based) and different functionalities. Thus they can undergo various types of
reactions (polymerization, polyaddition and polycondensation ) which lead through
different initiation mechanisms (thermal or radiation-induced ) to various polymers
(see Macromerization also).
The most used radiation-curable oligomers are: polyester acrylates, epoxy acrylates,
urethane acrylates and polyetheracrylates [7]. As reactive oligomer, polybutadiene
8 Vol. 2,Chapter 1
a blend of such products having different functionalities is used. According to Ref. [31],
the epoxy/mono-ol ratio is critical to optimizing PSA properties.A ratio of 2.5-1.5
provided high peel tack and shear.
Oligomeric or macromolecular crosslinking agents with epoxy groups can be used
too (see Chapt. 4). For instance, a crosslinkable formulation contains 0.1-10 pts a ,(3-
unsaturated carboxylic acid and a macromolecular crosslinking agent (e.g. > 2 pts
epoxy containing polyglycidyl compounds) at an epoxy/carboxy ratio of 0.1-3.0. The
polymer has been crosslinked with 1 phr polyethyleneglycol diglycidyl ether [32].
Multi-block copolymers based on polybutadiene and aromatic polyamides were
prepared by the reaction of amine terminated telechelic aromatic oligoamides with
a,Q-dicarboxylatopolybutadienes. The aromated oligoamides are prepared from
bis(aminophenylether) and isophthalic acid [33].
Functionalized polystyrene can be used as macroinitiator for the synthesis of block
copolymers. Bromine terminated polystyrene with a molecular weight of > 20,000 was
used with Mn2 (CO)io as a free radical poly-merization catalyst; block copolymers of
methyl methacrylate, chloroprene or methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate and
butadiene were prepared with this technique [34].
Sugar acrylate copolymers were synthesized by emulsion polymerization of
macromers containing reactive end groups with conventional vinyl monomers such as
vinyl acetate or acrylates. The macromers are made from modified sugar units. Such
copolymers are easily recyclable, biodegradable and compostable [35]. It should be
accentuated that radiation-curable adhesive raw materials ( monomers, oligomers or
polymers) possess only a limited use. According to Ref. [3 6], in 1996, lacquers
accounted for 82.8 % of the European market of radiation curable systems , with inks
representing 10.5 % and adhesives 6.7 %. Now their participation attains about 70%.
Elastomers were the first base materials for PSAs. First natural Rubber, later
synthetic elastomers were used.
By the use of natural rubber as raw material for PSPs, chemical interventions are
directed towards molecular weight regulation (by mechano-chemical destruction,
crosslinking or cyclization). For instance, according to Ref. [37], the first removable
price labels used almost exclusively a paper carrier coated with rubber-resin
adhesive.In such formulations, natural rubber, synthetic rubber and polyisobutylene
were added. The rubber was calendered (masticated ). Cyclised rubber was suggested
also as elastomer component with low viscosity.
According to Ref. [38], the use of natural rubber latex for pressure-sensitive
adhesives is limited by the following factors: low compatibility with resins; low
mutual solubility of resin and rubber ; low homogeneity of the films and too high
drying temperature in comparison to the softening point of the resins. Really, the low
compatibility of NRL and resins causes the inhomogeneity of the films and the low
mutual solubility too. Such low compatibility is related to the high molecular weight
of the rubber ( in comparison with masticated rubber used for solvent-based
formulations), to the low polarity of the rubber and to the different non-rubber-like
impurities in the NRL). However, contrary to the forecast in Ref. [39], in special
applications ( e.g., envelopes) NRL was not replaced by acrylics. Such formulations
which work like contact adhesives ( i.e., adhesive to adhesive) are based mostly on
natural rubber latex. For instance, a PSA that adheres to itself only is based on natural
rubber (15 pts ) and Alresen-PA 101 (5 pts ). The rubber is masticated and dissolved in
petrol, with a boiling point of 80-100 °C ( 85 pts ) [40].
10 VoL2,Chapter 1
It has been shown, that the properties of polymers can be significantly improved by
build-up of a multiphase, composite structure. In such heterogeneous systems, one
polymer exists above the Tg ,while the other exists below its Tg.The one component is
glassy,the other is rubbery. Such interpenetrating networks can be made by several
methods including latex blending and sequential [41-43] or simultaneous
polymerization [44-46]. Multipolymers are synthesized by block copolymerization,
grafting reactions and side-chain and end-group reactions through unsaturation or
functional groups [47]. The smallest degree of phase separation and the highest
degree of interpenetrating results in simultaneous polymerization. In sequential
polymerization a two-step crosslinking may occur [46]. The network first formed is
to be a continuous network. Crosslinking is responsible for the control of the size of
the phase separated domains of the second network. A full interpenetrating network
may be formed when both of the components are crosslinked; the so-called pseudo-
interpenetrating network may be produced when only one of the components is
crosslinked. For instance, interpenetrated networks were made by swelling of PUR in
MMA monomer and polymerization of the compound. The introduction of the glassy
PMMA in the polyurethane elastomer leads to a polymer with broad glass transition
temperature domain.This is generated by the restriction imposed by the rigid polymer
component on the segmental mobility of the elastomer. Styrene block polymers are the
most important macromolecular products with segregated structure used for adhesives.
The off-line and in-line synthesis of multipolymers having segregated structure
was discussed in Vol.l,Chapt. 4, Sects. 1.1 and 1.2. Their modification by crosslinking
leads to more sophisticated networks (see Vol.l,Chapt. 4, Sect.2.2.1 ). Details of the
formulation of styrene block copolymers were described in the chapter discussing
tackification. Therefore in this chapter, only special aspects of the development of
the elastomer and viscoelastomer basis will be covered. Such aspects are related to
advances in macromolecular chemistry, which provide new pressure-sensitive raw
As mentioned earlier, multipolymer latex systems are produced too. In this case
the latex is made by multiphase reactions and not necesarily by emulsion
According to Ref. [48], the main thermoplastic elastomers include block
copolymers ( e.g.,styrene and styrene diene ,copolyester, polyurethanes and
polyamides); thermoplastic polymer mixtures ( blends of an elastomer and of a
thermoplast, e.g., nitrile rubber-PVC or EPDM rubber-polyolefins) and elastomeric
alloys ( that possess a highly crosslinked elastomer component).According to
Ref. [49], thermoplastic elastomers can be classified into the following main
categories [50]: styrene copolymers, olefin copolymers, vulcanized compounds,
polyesters, polyurethanes and polyamides. The main commercial grades are listed in
Ref. [48]. According to Ref. [51], the following macromolecular compounds are the
most important commercially available thermoplastic elastomers : thermoplastic
polyurethanes, thermoplastic polyesters, thermoplastic polyolefins and thermoplastic
styrene-butadiene copolymers.
The thermoplastic polyurethanes contain long flexible polyether or polyester
chains, which alternate with polar polyurethane segments , which associate by
hydrogen bonding. The polyether-ester copolymers possess flexible polyether chains
and polyester segments. The crystallization of the polyester segments causes domain
build up and phase separation. The olefinic TPEs are based on blends of polypropylene
with ethylene-propylene copolymers. Polyurethane and polyester based TPEs exhibit
high strengths and excellent environmental resistance, polyolefin TPEs display good
environmental resistance but low elasticity. According to Rader [48], the thermo-
Design and Formulation Basis 11
Common Products
According to Ref.[61], the main mid-block sequences are built-up from polybutadiene
(in SBS ), polysioprene (in SIS), ethene-buthene ( in SEBS), ethene-propene (in
SEPS) and functionalized ( maleinized or silanized) midblocks. The application field
of the copolymers is strongly influenced by the nature of the mid-block. Because of
the higher stiffness of the polybutadiene blocks, SBS polymers are recommended
mostly for non pressure-sensitive applications; SIS polymers are suggested for PSPs;
SEBS and SEPS polymers with hydrogenated ( saturated) structure are proposed for
severe application conditions. Functionalized polymers with polar groups exhibit
better adhesion to polar substrates. The nature of the mid-block affects the end use
domain of the copolymer too. As discussed earlier, commercially available SBCs
12 VoL2, Chapter 1
The best known synthesis methods of styrene block copolymers by coupling are
based on a 3 step and a 2 step procedure. In the 3 step procedure there are two
separate phases in which polystyrene and polydiene blocks are synthesized using a
monofunctional anionic initiator ( e.g., sec-butyllithium [66]):
where I is the monofunctional initiator having an active site. In the third step, two half
Design and Formulation Basis 13
The coupling efficiency does not attain 100 %, therefore, such products always
contain 15-20 % di-blocks:
( 1. 10)
( 1. 11)
80,000 or 160,000 respectively and the viscosity of the linear copolymer is low, that of
the branched one is high [32].
Anionic polymerization of dienes in hydrocarbon solvents yields mainly cis
configuration , like in natural rubber. Hydrocarbon soluble difunctional initiators lead
to cis diene in the mid-block. Changes in the mid-block structure allow further
modifications of such polymers. For instance, the 1,4- trans structure crystallizes
easily [67]. Changing the macrostructure of cis-BR improves its properties. For
instance, changing the macrostructure by means of coupling reaction at the end of the
living chain produces polymers with improved characteristics [68]. Hydrogenation
provides other modification possibilities. The saturated mid-block thermoplastic
elastomers are commercially ABA type block copolymers where the polyisoprene or
polybutadiene is hydrogenated [69].The chain dimensions of hydrogenated
semicrystalline polybutadienes are in semicrystalline status about 13 % greater than
those of lineary polyethylene in the theta status [49]. The block copolymers with the
saturated mid-block segment have an Mn of about 25,000 to 300,000 [70].
Generally, the saturated polymers (Kraton-G) possess higher solution viscosity and
are harder. They display a rapid increase of the viscosity after cooling . The Kraton-
G grades exhibit 100 % elastic recovery in comparison to Cariflex ( 10-15% ). The
Cariflex and Kraton-G polymers with the highest molecular weight have the highest
styrene content too.
The cohesive strength of styrene-block copolymers is obtained by the associative
structures built-up by the polystyrene blocks.The size and morphology of the
polystyrene domains influence the cohesive strength. It depends on the polystyrene
content of the copolymer. For instance, replacing a di-block with 18 % styrene with
the tri-block with 29 % styrene up to 30 % increase of the shear resistance can be
obtained. However ,improving the cohesion by increase of the polystyrene level of
styrene block copolymers is limited because of the increase of the plateau
modulus.This makes the polymer more difficult to tackify (see Vol.l,Chapt. 4).Melt
viscosity also increases with styrene content. It should be mentioned that the ,^rigidity „
of the polymer due to its higher styrene content can be partially balanced by reduction
of the global molecular weight.
Cohesion increase is possible by changing the sequence length of the polymer, the
level of sequences having different length and the global composition of the polymer
( i.e., the copolymer/homopolymer ratio). Such regulation of die polymer composition
and structure is possible by using different synthesis methods. Copolymers with di- and
tri-blocks differ mainly in their elasticity and shear resistance. Because of the
enchanced mobility of di-blocks ( they are fixed in molecular associations on one end
only ) they improve the wetting and adhesion and make the polymer less elastic and
thus more cuttable.Di-block reduces the plateau modulus and results in softening at a
lower temperature. The di-block-ffee product exhibits higher shear strength and better
high temperature performances. It possesses better mechanical properties. For
instance, a pure tri-block copolymer shows 6.3 x 105Pa tensile strength (in comparison
with 4.2x103 Pa for SI di-block) [65].
It is evident that a higher degree of molecular association improves the shear
resistance, however, it cannot improve the temperature resistance and SAFT which
are dependent on dissociation , which is a function on the Tg of the polymer. To
improve the temperature resistance of styrene block copolymers the following
possibilities were tested: reinforcing of the polystyrene domains with high melting
point tackifier resins ( see Vol.l,Chapt. 4 also ) and change of the Tg of the end-
blocks. Therefore other styrene derivatives were studied as aromatic monomer.
Copolymers of styrene with a-methylstyrene give better temperature resistance. For
such polymers with a lower end-block molecular weight (15,000), a comonomer ratio
(styrene/a-methylstyrene) of Vi was suggested [65].
Design and Formulation Basis 15
Tackified Triblock
Fig.1.2 The influence o f “diluting agents” on the damain build-up in SBC ( E-aromatic units;
M-diene mid-blocks; MCT-mid-block-compatible tackifier).
Multiblock Copolymers
According to their structure, styrene block copolymers can have a linear (1.14), radial-
branched (1.15), or multi-arm (1.16) structure [61]:
16 Vol.2, Chapter 1
Functionalized Products
Note (Tables 4.2 and 4.3): DB- di-block content; Viscosity of a 25 % solution in toluene; *Brookfield, toluene,
77°C , 25%; ( SI )n styrene isoprene multiarm ; ( SB )„ styrene butadiene multiarm; SB di-block;FU-
functionalised,l% bound functionality as succinic acid; Mi-mixed diene;li-linear; lie-linear crosslinkable
Thermoplastic Polyurethanes
Such polymers exhibit a two-phase structure. They can be crosslinked by the acetylenic
units in the hard segment without affecting the elastic and flexible nature of the soft
segment [93].
Natural rubber was the first raw material used for PSA manufacture. Later synthetic
rubber-like polymers were produced. Some of them possess a natural rubber-like
20 Vol.2,Chapter 1
chemical composition ( i.e., they are polydienes ) and structure (cis ). For instance,
polybutadiene rubber,with high cis grades (cis made with Ti' catalysts, or Neocis made
with Nd catalysts) , and low cis types ( e.g., Intene® made with Li catalysts ) are
available also [111]. The copolymerization of the dienes with hard monomers
produced rubber-like polymers too. Different polymerization systems (e.g., peroxides,
metallocenes, etc.) were tested also [112]. Insertion of polar functional groups in the
diene-vinyl copolymer allowed the synthesis of water-based latices. The co
polymerization of dienes with special reactive monomers provided the possibility of
chemical crosslinking. Block copolymerization of dienes with monomers that build-up
ordered and segregated structures (e.g., styrene ) allowed the physical crosslinking of
synthetic elastomers.
Alternating or random styrene-diene copolymers are common raw materials for the
rubber processing industry. There are numerous commercial grades available. Some of
them are also suitable as adhesive raw materials . Such copolymers possess a low glass
transition temperature. For instance, a styrene-diene copolymer ( Dispercoll-S31)
suggested for PSAs exhibits a Tg of -64 °C [113]. Emulsion-polymerized styrene-
butadiene rubber (E-SBR), can be cold polymerized, e.g., Europrene®/In-tol® ( 1500,
1502,1507,1509, 1512, 5502 ). Solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubbers ( S-
SBR ) are available also.The Cariflex E-SBR hot clear types ( S-10111C,S-101 IE and
S-1013 ) are recommended for solution applications [111]. Such polymers have a
22.5-44.5 % styrene content and Mooney viscosity of 40-59 (ML 1+4 ,100 °C ).
In in the first period of the development of synthetic rubber technology, emulsion
polymerization of SBR was the primary method for producing general purpose
synthetic rubber. Polymers produced by this method have a broad range of molecular
weight and a high degree of branching. In the early 1960s, Firestone introduced
random solution styrene-butadiene rubbers ( Stereon ) on the market [114]. The
differences in the properties of emulsion and solution polymerized rubber are to some
extent the result of the contribution of resinous impurities in emulsion SBR. Solution
SBR has narrower MWD (2.10 vs 5.5), lower vinyl content ( 11 % vs 17%), lower Tg (-
69.7 °C vs -50.6 °C) for lower bound styrene (18% vs 22 %) and more cis-1,4 content.
The hot process SBR contains more styrene ( 45-80 % ) than the low temperature
process SBR (25-30%) [115].
Polar vinyl-diene copolymers have been developed too. Random copolymers of
dienes with polar vinyl monomers with heteroatoms or with dienes having heteroatom
were synthesized. The best known products are the copolymers with acryl nitryl and
with chlorbutadiene. Special polychloroprene grades having a linear, non-branched
structure do not need mastication, they can be dissolved directly. Such products can be
filled with 11% -15 % metal oxides without affecting the adhesive properties. Nitrile
rubbers display Tg values of - 48 to -1.5 °C, depending on their nitrile content.
Hydrogenated NBRs exhibit a Tg value of -25 °C, independently of the nitrile content.
Such compounds display strain induced crystallinity which ensures tensile strength
values 200 times higher than the non hydrogenated product [116]. Such products are
used mostly for special applications, e.g., where flame- or chemical resistance is
needed. For instance, self adhesive tapes for wrapping around cables to make them
less susceptible to damage in fires include 100 pts of 40/60 to 65/45 mixtures of
chlorinated polyethylene/acryl nitryl-butadiene rubber, 50-140 parts 1 /2 -2/1 mixtures of
hydrated alumina, calcium carbonate and borate salts, stibium oxide and liquid
chlorinated paraffin [117].Nitrile rubber must be masticated (20-70 °C). The masticated
Design and Formulation Basis 21
rubber is blended with 25-35 % of the solvent quantity required and swollen (4-6 h).
Non-masticated or masticated old rubber builds up a highly viscous gel in the solution
1.7.1. Poly(butenes/isobutenes)
Alkenes and isoalkenes with C4 constitute the raw material basis for a range of
macromolecular hydrocarbons which exhibit viscous or elastic properties depending
mainly on their molecular weight. Such compounds are known as polybutenes or
polyisobutenes. The polymerization of butene and isobutene and their
copolymerization with dienes or functionalized monomers made possible the synthesis
of new rubber-like, viscoelastic or viscous, hydrocarbon-based polymers. Polybutenes
are obtained by the polymerization of a C4 fraction containing a high proportion of
isobutene. A wide range of polymers with different molecular weight ( 440-5,900) is
produced having a viscosity of 13 to 40,500 m2/s ( at 100 °C , ASTM D445) [129].
High molecular weight , rubber-like polyisobutene was synthesized first in 1934
[130]. The properties of polyisobutene were described in detail by Jordan [131].
Butylrubber is a copolymer of isobutene with isoprene (with less than 3% isoprene)
having a molecular weight of 300,000-400,000. It is manufactured as latex also. In
butylrubber,a chain segment of about 100 isobutene molecules contains about 3
isoprene molecules [132]. In butyl rubber ( as determined by 13C-NMR ) the butene
and isoprene units are inserted in head to tail position [133].
Polyisobutenes are liquids ( having a molecular weight of 36,000-58,000 ) or
solids (having a molecular weight of 800,000-2,600,000 ). Polyisobutenes exist as oily
liquids having a low molecular weight ( 300-4000 ), highly viscous, tacky liquids
with a molecular weight of 40,000-120,000 and elastomer-like solids with a
molecular weight of more than 300,000. They possess a low Tg of about -50 °C to -60
°C. The low molecular products are known ( specially in USA ) as polybutenes also.
Polybutene ( e.g., Parapol from Exxon ) can be used as plasticizer [134] ( see
Vol.l,Chapt.4 ). Polybutenes are liquidshaving a high degree of tack. They can be
used as tackifier and modifier.Their properties were studied as main tackifier for
butyl rubber (with a molecular weight of 450,000 ) and polyisobutene ( with a
molecular weight of 2 , 100 ,000 ).
The main commercial products are the low molecular weight Indopol (Amoco),
Oppanol-B (BASF) and Napvis (BP), the medium molecular weight Oppanol (BASF)
and Vistanex grades ( Exxon ) and the rubber-like Oppanol-B and Vistanex grades
[135].The mechano-thermal degradation of polyisobutenes can be accelerated by using
peroxides (e.g., butylperoxide). In such procedure ( with 0.25 % di-f-butyl-peroxide)
the molecular weight decreases from 81,400 to 19,000 (mastication) [136].
Polyisobutenes are used for tapes, medical plasters and labels [137].
Polybutenes display the following advantages: compatibility with aliphatic
resins,compatibility with atactic PP and SBC, high filler level tolerance, formulation
latitude to balance the adhesive properties, optimization of low temperature properties
( by Tg ),optimization of high temperature properties (through the Tm ) and of the level
of crystallinity [138].High molecular weight polybutenes (with 85-98 % monoolefins)
were supplied as modifier for thermoplastic elastomers (e.g., Amoco Polybutenes).The
tackiness of such polymers increases with the molecular weight. Such polybutenes
have viscosities of 27 m2/s at 38 °C (grade L-14) and about 600 m2/s (grade H-300)
and 3400 m2/s at 99°C (grade H-1500) [139]. High molecular polybutene is suggested
as tackifier/plasticizer for special (e.g., medical, insulating,masking and electric),
packaging and general use tapes based on adhesives with hydrocarbon rubbers.
High molecular polybutene is miscible with most hydrocarbon rubbers.
Pelletized, partially crosslinked butyl rubber is suggested for 100 % solids butyl tapes
[140] . Halogenated phenolic resins can be added at high temperature to butyl rubber
[141] . Secondary rubber dispersions were proposed as filler for water-based adhesives
in order to improve their plasticizer stability,solids content and temperature stability.
Such dispersions have particles of 20-30 pm and are based mostly on butyl rubber
[142] .
24 Vol.2, Chapter 1
1.8.1. Silicones
Silicone-based PSAs were developed in 1953 [149]. Such adhesives were prepared by
mixing of a silicone polymer gum with a siloxane resin ( see Vol.l,Chapt. 4
also).They have principally two components: a highly flexible, linear siloxane
rubber and an extensively branched siloxane resin. Industrially, polydimethylsiloxane
and polydimethyl -diphenylsiloxane are the main polymers for the production of
silicone PSAs [149]. For elevated thermal stability phenylsilicones , for better
adhesion characteristics and improved filler loading capability methylsilicones were
suggested. Such polymers can be crosslinked with benzoyl peroxide. The MQ resin
is a highly branched siloxane polymer, where M is trimethylsiloxy and Q is Si02.
Such MQ resin is a hard glassy material with a broad Tg above room temperature.
Amoroux et al. [150] investigated the adhesion of a silicone elastomer made of
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) crosslinked with a silicone MQ resin.The resines had
the following chemical formula MDV1Q, with M=Me3SiOi/2, Dvl =Me(CH2=CH)Si02 /2,
Q= Si04/i and Mn= 4300 g/mol, Mn/Mw= 1.8.
Polydimethylsiloxanes exhibit a Tg of about -120 °C. In comparison acrylics show
a glass transition temperature of about -65 to -40 °C. Therefore, the peel resistance of
both adhesives increases with decreasing the temperature (as the polymer stiffens), but
the peel increase of acrylics is followed by a sharp decrease at temperatures below -
20°C. The peel force of silicones continues to increase at lower temperatures.
Therefore, the silicone is a better adhesive for lower temperatures. Thus silicones are
functioning as PSAs from at least -73 °C up to 250 °C. Acrylics work between -25
and +150 °C. At room temperature, acrylics have a slightly higher ( about 20 %) shear
resistance than silicones, but below -20 °C the shear resistance of acrylics decreases
while the silicone reaches a plateau between -50 and -73 °C.The silicone maintains
100 % of its room temperature resistance when laminated at -20 °C, while the acrylic
exhibits only 61 % of its original peel resistance. Such silicone based product provides
a shelf life of 12 months.
Silicone rubbers are resistant to moisture, UV light, ozone, weathering,corona
discharge and radiation. Silicone rubbers exhibit excellent electrical properties,
bacterial resistance and physiological inertness. They show excellent release and
antistatic characteristics.
Silicones display good chemical resistance.As mentioned above, such rubbers are
mainly based on dimethylsiloxane polymers, but vinyl, phenyl and trifluoropropyl
groups can be introduced to replace methyl groups on the silicon atom.The presence of
vinyl groups improves vulcanization and phenyl groups improve low temperature
resistance, while trifluoropropyl groups are added to increase resistance to solvents
[151]. Silicone rubbers have a broad service temperature ( -100 °C to +316 °C ) and
good flame retardancy. They show low smoke density and toxicity and high chemical
26 VoL2,Chapter 1
and environmental resistance [152]. For instance, a cured self-bonding silicone tape
withstands temperature extremes of -10 °C to +180 °C. Silicone rubber displays
spontaneous adhesion on itself or on polar substrates. Its autoadhesion is improved
by temperature, humidity and ammonia. Silicone adhesive chemistry is based on
curing of such compounds. Curing may have different mechanisms.
Because of the higher reactivity of the polar groups on silicone in comparison
with hydrocarbons, low temperature crosslinking (e.g., condensation crosslinking) can
be carried out. First low-solids silicone adhesives with 60 % solids were manufactured.
Such adhesives were used for splicing, electrical and masking tapes. For such
applications they must be cured (see Vol.l,Chapt. 4, Crosslinking also).
New silicone PSAs are based on a silylvinyl-silylhydride addition reaction
(hydrosilylation) [144]. Such reaction is catalyzed by platinum. The addition- based
crosslinking of silicones in the presence of Pt catalysts occurs as illustrated by scheme
1.17 [144].
For adhesive manufacture, silicone polymers with vinyl and hydride groups are
prepared and compounded with tackfying MQ resins . Such polymers can be cured at
temperatures as low as 110 °C. As the Si-H/Si-vinyl ratio increases from 1.12 to 2.17,
the curing temperature can be reduced from 136°C to 93°C. Such formulations possess
80-90 % silicone solids.They need no diluting agent to be coated. The first generation
of high solids silicones had a viscosity of about 50,000 mPa.s.The lack of sufficient
cohesive strength ( shear at high temperatures, e.g., 260 °C ) has been a limitation for
such adhesives. In industrial practice, new addition-cure high-solids silicone PSAs
are multi-component systems and possess four components as follows: an adhesive
polymer;a tackifying resin and two separate crosslinkers. The level of the crosslinker
and the ratio between the two crosslinkers influence the properties of the silicone
PSA. Such compounds display low, shear-dependent viscosity.Typically a coater-ready
blend should have a viscosity of 4,000-8,000 mPa.s for reverse roll applications and
10,000-40,000 mPa.s for knife-over-roll applications [149].
According to Ref. [153], siloxane adhesives comprise siloxanes, hydrodiene-
siloxane, accelerators and fillers. Dimethylsiloxane from trimethylsilyl-terminated
dimethyl siloxane and methylvinysiloxane (100 pts), trimethylsiloxy-terminated
polymethylhydrodiene siloxane ( 5 pts) dicumylperoxide ( 3 pts) and hexamethyl
disilazane-treated silica were mixed to give an adhesive [154]. Some silicone pressure-
sensitive adhesives are dispersions (in organic solvents ) of polydimethyl siloxane gum
and resin, diluted with xylene [155]. A common silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive
contains 600-700 ppm silanol. It can provide sites for crosslinking and sites for
hydrogen bonding with a drug if used for medical applications [156]
Design and Formulation Basis 27
(see schema 1.18). By endcapping the adhesive polymer and resin, the silanol groups
can be eliminated.
The manufacture of such silicone PSA begins with the reaction of silanol end-
blocked polydimethylsiloxane and silicone resin dissolved in organic solvent in the
presence of ammonia. Such PSAs have a high content of silanols. Reacting silazane
with the product, gives a trimethylsilyl end-capped, non-reactive siloxane [157].
Reactive silicone groups can be built into common polymers too. For instance, a
pressure-sensitive adhesive for tapes and label comprises a polyether containing at least
one reactive silicone-containing group (100 pts bw ), a resin compatible with the
polyether (10-140 pts), a curing catalyst (0.1-10 pts), and 0-150 pts other
components.The resin is an aromatic petroleum resin,a low molecular weight
polystyrene resin, an alicyclic petroleum resin and a coumarone resin [158].
Poly(imide-siloxane) segmented copolymers were prepared also [159].
Polydimethylsiloxane-polyamide block copolymers were synthesized [160]. Vinyl-
terminated polydimethylsiloxanes can be reacted with silicone polymers having
mercaptoisobutyl groups, and can be cured in the presence of photoinitiators (e.g.,
benzopheno-1,2 -hydroxymethyl- 1 -phenylpropane- 1 -one and 2 ,2 -diethoxy-aceto-
phenone) and UV light [161]. Photoiniated-polymerization using acrylic groups is
possible too [162]. Amine-compatible silicone PSAs were developed for transdermal
drug delivery systems [157]. Medical grade silicone PSAs introduced in the 1970s
contained high molecular weight polydimethylsiloxane and an amorphous silicone
resine [166]. From these components an interpenetrating polymer network results,
having excellent cohesion properties. Acrylated silicone medical products are
segmented polymers with sequences of silicone chains and acrylate chains. The
soft silicone acrylates are elastomeric and non-tacky.
It should be mentioned that MQ resins are used for release control (i.e., increase of
the release force) for silicone release layers also. In this case it is supposed that the
resins mixed in the silicone release layer do not migrate into the adhesive and „divide
themselves between the silicone phase and the silicone adhesive interface,, [163].
Guyot and Vergelati [162] use molecular modelling ( low molecular silicones) to
prove the above hypothesis. The working mechanism of such resin release control
agents can be compared with their tackification effect in adhesives. Table 5.4 presents
some screening formulations for silicone PSAs.
1.8.2. Polyurethanes
Polyurethane adhesives are used for special applications. The high polarity of
polyurethanes ensures good adhesion; their partially crystalline structure allows
excellent mechanical properties [168]. The main technical polyurethanes are two-
component and one-component ( humidity-curable and heat-curable) compounds [169].
The raw materials employed in formulating polyurethanes include isocyanates,
polyols, chain extenders, catalysts, solvents and additives . The most used aromatic
isocyanates are toluene diisocyanate (TDI), methylene-4,4 '-di (phenylisocyanate)
(MDI) and polymeric MDI (PMDI) with NCO functionalities varying from 2.2 -3, and
4,4',4“-triphenylmethane - triisocyanate (TTI). To avoid the use of monomeric
28 VoL2,Chapter 1
Chemical nature R ef
164 165 166 167
Dimethyl siloxane or — OP — —
copolymer gum
Phenylsiloxane 5
Polyorganodisiloxane with — — OP —
monovalent hydrocarbon groups
Organopolysiloxane with R '3S i0 4-S i0 2 OP
units with R '= alkyl, alkenyl or OH,
(0.6-0.9)/l mol ratio
with > 2H per mol
Resin with R3Sio.5 units OP
R= C<6 hydrocarbyl, with > 95% being
methyl and SiO units
Hexachloroplatinate lOOppm OP
Toluene 15
isocyanate groups. These NCO groups are free to react with moisture either present
already on the web or added as water fog at the nip station [174] (1.20):
(U 9 )
( 1.20)
( 1.21)
( 1.22)
By suitable choice of the starting polyisocyanate, polyol and acrylate, the desired
substitution,functionality and molecular weight can be achieved [175]. Using such
oligomers, block copolymers with distinct properties can be synthesized.The
crosslinking density and molecular weight of the polymer control the mechanical and
adhesive properties. Generally, the isocyanate can be regarded as a stiff component of
the copolymer,while the polyol may be regarded as a relative flexible component.The
stiff segments tend to form laterally ordered groups through intermolecular bonding
occurs. Flexible groups are disordered and randomly oriented. They are necessary to
provide toughness and flexibiliy. If the flexible backbone is sufficiently long,a certain
amount of coiling occurs giving rise to rubbery domains. Flexible groups influence
peel strength and cleavage strength. The soft segments can contain various
heteroatoms. For instance, segmented , UV-light-curable polyurethane-acrylates
based on hydroxyl-terminated dimethylsiloxane (PDMS ) soft segments with a
molecular weight of 1800 and 2,4 TDI-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate hard segments
were synthesized too [176].
Polyurethanes modified with acrylate derivatives can be crosslinked by free radical
mechanism [177]. For instance, a polyurethane prepolymer with free -NCO groups
was mixed with a polyol and zinc organic catalysts, and than reacted with
dicyclopentadienyl oxyethyl acrylate in the presence of an UV-catalyst. The acrylic
derivative polymerizes and builds-up an interpenetrating network.The urethane-
acrylate oligomer may be a viscous material which has to be diluted with a reactive
diluting agent. Such diluting agent can be an acrylate monomer. Its influence on the
properties of the adhesive film is considerable. It improves the cohesion but reduces
the adhesion. A tackifier resin can be added too [178]. For instance, dicyclopentenyl
methacrylate, air curing-monomer is polymerized through its methacrylate group to
produce polymers with pendant, reactive double bonds capable of being crosslinked
30 Vol.2,Chapter 1
The cationic dispersions are prepared in a similar manner . In this case, the chain
extension agent is bears amino groups. Non-ionic PUR dispersions contain chain
extension agent with hydrophilic polyether chains. Polyurethane ionomer dispersions
are synthesized without supplemental emulsifiers because the negative influence of
the wetting agents on the adhesion. They are based on high molecular polyether or
polyester with a molecular weight of 2000. Such polymers react with diisocyanates (in
acetone) and chain extension agents having ionic (anionic COO', S03‘ or cationic -
NR 3 ,PR3+ ) groups which stabilize the (secondary) polymer dispersion [186]. The
influence of the hard segments was studied in Ref. [187]. As stated, decrease of the
NCO/OH ratio of the polyurethane dispersion (PUD) produced an increase of the
average particle size, decrease in the molecular weight due to an increase of the
average particle size, lower thermal resistance, lower elastic modulus, an increase vin
the thermal degradation stability due to the highre sioft segment content, an increase in
the polyurethane crystalllinity, an improvement of the adhesion to PVC.
The prepolymers are hot dispersed in water ( triethylamine aqueous solution) and
chain extender hydrazine wis added to inhibit the reaction between the -NCO groups
and the water, due to the preferential reactivity of -NCO gropus with amine groups.
Pressure-Sensitive Adhesion as Process 31
Figure 2.3 Idealized plot o f the storage modulus, G \ loss modulus, G” , and tan 8 for a typical
pressure-sensitive adhesive as a function o f temperature [16]. coref = 1 Hz.
Figure 2.4. Temperature dependence o f dynamic shear moduli G ’, G ” and tan 8 for PVP-PEG
PSA at a reference deformation frequency o f 1 Hz [14].
PVP-PEG adhesive is more in the range of 3-5 MPa (Fig. 2.4), a value clearly
incompatible with the Dahlquist’s criterion for tackiness, which specifies that an
adhesive loses its tack if its elastic modulus at 1 Hz is higher than about 0.1 MPa. Also
typical PSAs are used in a temperature range corresponding to the beginning of the
high-temperature rubbery plateau or the end of the transition region (Fig. 2.3), while
the PVP-PEG blend has been found to be tacky in a region corresponding to the center
of the transition region [26]. Typical values of tan 5 for conventional PSAs range from
0.1 to 0.7. For the PVP - PEG adhesive hydrogel at 20° C the value of tan S is about
1.25 (Fig. 2.4).
32 Vol. 2, Chapter 1
with acrylates exhibit an improved balance of the adhesive properties but they also
display a non-aggressive type of tack [195]. They have a broad range of applications
from pressure-sensitive adhesives (as hot-melts and water-based dispersions), non
pressure-sensitive hot-melt adhesives, adhesiveless self-adhesive films, coatings and
blends to general moulding and extrusion of non adhesive films, profiles, etc.
Ethylene-vinylacetate copolymers were used as heat-activated adhesives also [196].
Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers with more than 70% vinyl acetate have been
proposed as polymeric plasticizer for cellulose derivatives [197]. Ethylene-vinyl
acetate based formulations for primers are known too [198]. Cold-seal coatings are
based mainly on NRL and a vinyl acetate copolymer [199].Ethylene-vinyl acetate
copolymers can be used in cellulose microcapsules for drug release as coacervation-
inducing agent [200]. Flame-retardant non corosive ( FRNC ) elastomers based on
EVAc were prepared also [201]. They can be crosslinked peroxidically.Ethylene-
vinyacetate copolymers have been suggested as detackifiers, antiblocking and release
agents also. Such agents are added (0.5-1.5 %) to lacquers.Increase of the vinyl
acetate content increases elongation and flexibility, impact strength,low temperature
resistance; polarity and adhesion, solubility; crosslinkability blocking; tensile
strength ( up to 30 % viny lacetate level ) and gas permeability, and decreases the
stiffness, water resistance, slip, specific resistance and chemical resistance [202 ].
The main ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers preferred for adhesives contain 14-40%
vinylacetate and have an MFI value of 25-2500 [203].
The modulus of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers depends on their
manufacturing method. Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers obtained by partially
saponification of the vinyl acetate groups differ from those obtained by partially
esterification of PVA. Partially hydrolysed ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers have
hydroxy sequences as block. Their modulus is lower than the modulus of partially
acetylated products. Such low modulus causes higher peel resistance [204]. For
high-pressure synthesized ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers , the maximum of the
branching depends only slightly on the composition of the copolymer. Increase of
the vinyl acetate content of the copolymer increases the distribution of the branched
chain lengths [205].
Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers suffer photodegradation caused by UV radiation.
In this process hydroperoxy groups are formed . Their number incresases with the
vinyl acetatecontent of the polymer. The degradation reaction occurs with splitting off
of acetic acid ( by ring formation) [206]. Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers can be
crosslinked between 120 °C and 160 °C ( 10-15 min, curing time ) [207]. Ethylene-
vinyl acetate copolymers cannot be steam sterilized. However, radiation ( such as
from Cobalt 60 ) may be used at the normal sterilization level of 2.5 megarads,
without causing significant degradation. Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers are
stable up to 230 °C; ethylene-acrylate copolymers are stable up to 320 °C [208].
As mentioned above, terpolymers of ethylene, vinyl acetate and acrylates exhibit
improved adhesive properties. Ethylene-vinyl acetate-acrylate copolymers as water-
based dispersions show acrylate-like tack and peel and good adhesion on polyolefins.
They need no tackification and hence they are ageing and plasticizer resistant.
Therefore they can be suggested for flooring adhesives also [209]. ( For instance, an
ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer with a Tg of -23 °C is used for flooring adhesive
[210] ). However their use is limited to paper label and decorative film application
because of their low shear resistance and pronounced water sensitivity [145]. Such
copolymers can work as tackifier.
Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers synthesized in high pressure procedure are raw
materials for PSAs . They possess better adhesive properties than common EVAc
copolymers. For instance, a conventional pressureless vinyl acetate copolymer having a
Design and Formulation Basis 33
Tg of -30 °C exhibits a looptack of 7.0 N/10 mm in comparison with 2.6 N/10 mm for
a high pressure ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (Vinnapas-EAF 60 ), a peel
resistance of 10.5 N/10 mm in comparison with 5.3 N/10 mm (for Vinnapas-EAF 60)
and shear resistance of 0.2 h in comparison with more than 500 h for the high pressure
copolymer [211]. High shear pressure-sensitive water-based adhesives based on
ethylene-vinyl acetate-acrylate were prepared and used for labels, flooring and
ceramics. Such adhesives can be tackified and plasticized [212]. Vinnapas-EAF 60
(Wacker ) was the first (high pressure made) pressure-sensitive ethylene-vinyl acetate
dispersion synthesized in Europe. It exhibits pronounced plasticizer and shrinkage
resistance and cohesion. It can be used as tackifier for other dispersions , for flooring
adhesives or as PSA for tapes, labels and insulation materials [213,214]. For instance,
the Vinnapas-EAF 60 dispersion can be used as tackifier and flexibilizer for flooring
adhesives [215].
Such adhesives contain a pressure-sensitive adhesive on ethylene-vinyl acetate
basis, a non pressure-sensitive ethylene-vinyl-acetate dispersion, resins, fillers
andadditives. They can be applied as one-side flooring adhesives after an about 20
min drying time, and display excellent thermal stability ( important for floor heating).
So-called legging adhesives are prepared too. In this case the addition of a resin
allows the regulation of the legging. Removable flooring adhesives are required also.
These are removable with or without water. In this case an ethylene-vinyl acetate
copolymer-based primer is applied on the substrate to allow removability.
Various reactive comonomers were tested in ter- and multipolymer with ethylene-
vinyl acetate. For instance, such copolymer contains vinyl esters or aliphatic carbonic
acids ( C3 -Ci g), esters of acrylic or methacrylic acid, and of maleic acid with aliphatic
Ci-Cig alcohols, in the presence of 0.05 to 0.05 % a,P-unsaturated carbonic acids
and 0 % to 0.95 % epoxydized or hydroxy methacrylic or acrylic acid ester and 1.5 -
20% celluloseether. The copolymer diplays a Tg of -40 to 0°C [216].
Secondary ethylene-vinyl acetate dispersions can be manufactured too.Their
properties were compared with those of ethylene-vinyl acetate dispersions in [217].
Vinyl acetate copolymers can be used for water-soluble compositions too. Water-
soluble HMPSAs are based on a water-sensitive polar copolymer and a solubilizing
component [218]. As base polymer, N-vinyl pyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymers
were suggested. Such compounds have to be tackified, and their melt viscosity has to
be reduced. The composition includes 35-65 % polymer and 35-50 % solubilizing
component. As solubilizing component, free monobasic saturated fatty acid with an
acid number higher than 137 was suggested . A special composition for water-
activatable hot-melt includes vinyl pyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymer with vinyl
pyrrolidone/vinyl acetate ratio of 3/1 to 1/3 and an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer
with 17-40 % vinyl acetate [219]. In this case, the role of EVAc copolymers
(preferably with 40%, 33 % and 28 % vinyl acetate level) is to increase cohesive
strength and flexibility and to lower the penetration into substrates.
Polypropylene and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers are used in blends as
thermoplastic elastomers [220]. A segmented ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer
possesses higher vinyl acetate content (36 %) and better thermal, oxidation and UV
radiation resistance and good anchorage on PVC [221].The crosslinking of TPEs
based on ethylene-vinyl acetate improves their physical properties [222 ].
The base ethylene-vinyl-acetate copolymers for hot-melts contain 28 % vinyl
acetate [223]. Such polymers have good oxydation resistance, compatibility with
resins, fillers and waxes ( excepting paraffin ). Because of their low tack such
polymers were not used for HMPSAs. Elvax-170 (a segmented ethylene-vinyl acetate
copolymer from Du Pont) was manufactured for HMPSAs. Such polymer possesses
alternating segments with low and high vinyl acetate content. It has higher vinyl
34 VoL 2,Chapter 1
acetate content than common EVAcs and much higher ( R&B) softening temperature
( 220 °C ). Such copolymer is designed to be used for hot- melts because of its low
viscosity ( of 15,000-50,000 mPa.s at 150 °C ) and good oxidation resistance and
excellent UV light-resistance [210]. Such polymers are compatible with aromatic
and alkyl - aromatic resins, colophonium derivatives and phatalate plasticizer.
Water white systems are needed for hygienic articles [223]. The plasticizer resistance
of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers allows their use as adhesive on PVC carrier
[212].For both applications EVAc copolymers are recommended. Formulations for
hygienic articles can contain up to 20 % plasticizer.
The above listed formulations and practical applications illustrate the excellent
versatility of vinyl acetate copolymers for carrier materials and adhesive or non
adhesive coatings. Unfortunately such copolymers are not suitable for high
performance pressure-sensitive use. Because of its macromolecular characteristics
polyvinyl acetate does not exhibit pressure-sensitive properties. First plasticizing of
PVAc was tried toachieve such pressure sensitivity; later, its copolymerization was
perfected. As demonstrated in Ref.[224], and discussed in Ref.[225], a decade ago, in
a comparative study of acrylates, CSBR and EVACs, ethylene vinyl acetate
copolymers do not possess balanced adhesive properties. Their adhesion is low and
heir tackification is difficult.
Later, multipolymers with acrylates and maleic derivatives were developed.
Although the properties of acrylic terpolymers are better, they do not reach the level of
common acrylates and their tackification remains difficult. The copolymers with
maleinates show better tack and specific peel but (unfortunately) very low cohesion.
The copolymers of vinyl acetate with N-vinyl pyrrolidone are used mainly in water-
dispersible or soluble formulations as base elasto-mer (see above).As is shown,a water
soluble hot-melt pressure-sensitive adhesive is based on a water-sensitive polar
copolymer and solubilizing components. As base polymer vinyl pyrrolidone-vinyl
acetate copolymers are preferred. Due to their pronounced hydrophilic character
vinyl pyrrolidone polymers are preferred for special, for example medical applications.
For instance, for drug releasing medical devices a crosslinked hydroxyethyl
methacrylate-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone copolymer hydrogel was proposed [226]. Water-
soluble adhesive compositions based on vinyl pyrrolidone copolymers will be
discussed in the Sect., 1.13.2 .
1.10. Acrylates
Acrylic -WB
Acrylic -SB
Acrylic -HM
“After carefully perusing the letter of your
correspondent, dated Scutari, in your impression of Wednesday
last, I perceive that, although the kitchen under the
superintendence of Miss Nightingale affords so much relief, the
system of management at the large one in the Barrack Hospital
is far from being perfect. I propose offering my services
gratuitously, and proceeding direct to Scutari at my own
personal expense, to regulate that important department, if the
Government will honour me with their confidence, and grant me
the full power of acting according to my knowledge and
experience in such matters.
“I have the honour to remain, sir,
“Your obedient servant,
“A. Soyer.”
It is the cause, and not the death, that makes the martyr.—Napoleon.
Before many weeks had passed by, Miss Nightingale was again
called to mourn the loss of another of her helpers. The next claimed
by death was Sister Winifred, a Sister of Charity, who, with other
nuns from Ireland, was tending the Irish soldiers in the hospital at
Balaclava, to which they had recently come from Scutari and Kullali.
Only a few days after her arrival Sister Winifred was attacked by
cholera, which had broken out afresh at Balaclava.
Very touching is the account which Sister Mary Aloysius gives of
the death of her comrade: “Our third day in Balaclava was a very
sad one for us. One of our dear band, Sister Winifred, got very ill
during the night with cholera. She was a most angelic sister, and we
were all deeply grieved. She was attacked at about three o’clock in
the morning with the symptoms which were now so well known to
us; every remedy was applied; our beloved Rev. Mother never left
her. She was attended by Father Unsworth, from whom she received
the last rites of our holy religion; and she calmly breathed her last
on the evening of the same day. A hut was arranged in which to
place the remains; and so alarming were the rats—and such huge
animals were they—that we had to watch during the night so that
they should not touch her. She, the first to go of our little band (viz.
the Roman Catholic sisters), had been full of life and energy the day
before. We were all very sad, and we wondered who would be the
A burial-place was found for Sister Winifred on a piece of ground
between two rocks, on the hills of Balaclava, where her remains
could repose without fear of desecration. The funeral formed a
contrast to that of the Protestant sister at Smyrna, but was equally
impressive. We can picture the sad cavalcade, distinguished by the
symbols of the Roman Catholic faith, wending its way up the hillside
to the lonely spot in the rocks above the Black Sea. Two priests
preceded the coffin, chanting the prayers, and the black-robed nuns
came closely behind, while soldiers and military and medical officers
Amongst the mourning band walked one tall, slight figure
dressed simply in black whose presence arrested attention. It was
Florence Nightingale, who had come to pay her tribute of love and
honour to the sister who, if divided by faith, had been united with
her in holy work and deeds of mercy.
A tribute was paid to the memory of Sister Winifred in a poem
by a friend, from which we quote the following verses:—
They laid her in her lonely grave upon a foreign strand,
Far from her own dear island home, far from her native land.
They bore her to her long last home amid the clash of arms,
And the hymn they sang seemed sadly sweet amid war’s fierce
They heeded not the cannon’s roar, the rifle’s deadly shot,
But onward still they sadly went to gain that lowly spot;
And there, with many a fervent prayer and many a word of love,
They left her in her lowly grave with a simple cross above.
* * * * *
Yet far away from her convent grey, and far from her lowly cell,
And far from the soft and silvery tone of the sweet convent bell,
And far from the home she loved so well, and far from her native
’Mid the cannon’s roar on a hostile shore she laid her down to die.
* * * * *
She went not forth to gain applause, she sought not empty fame;
E’en those she tended might not know her history or her name;
No honours waited on her path, no flattering voice was nigh;
For she only sought to toil and love, and ’mid her toil to die.
* * * * *
And most glorious its lot to point out to the stranger,
The hallowed remains of the sainted and blest;
For those angels of mercy that dared every danger
To bring to the soldier sweet comfort and rest.