Infosec Report A2

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Question 1

Lab 1
Setup, folder creation and generating certificate authority key

mkdir demoCA
cd demoCA
mkdir certs crl newcerts
touchindex . txt serial
echo 01> serial
cd . .
openssl req−new−x 509−keyout ca . key −out ca . crt−config /etc/ ssl/openssl . cnf
Viewing ca.key and

cat ca . key

cat ca . srt
Generating Server key

openssl genrsa−aes 128−out server . key 1024

cat server . key

Viewing Server Key

openssl rsa−¿ server . key−text

Generating a Certificate Signing Request

openssl req−new−key server . key −out server .csr−config/etc /ssl /openssl . cnf

Signing the certificate signing request

openssl ca−¿ server .csr−out server . crt−cert ca . crt −keyfile ca . key−config/etc /ssl /openssl . cnf

cat server . crt

cat demoCA /newcerts/01. pem

Configuring DNS

127.0 .0 .1i 210486. com

Creating a combined server.pem from server.key and server.crt

cp server .key server . pem

cat server . crt ≫ server . pem

Starting a webserver with server.pem certificate

openssl s server −cert server . pem−www

Security warning due to unknown CA created above

Allowing Certificate Authority

Opening website
Setting up SSL and certificates in Apache2/SSL

cp server .crt pkicert . pem

cp server .key pkikey . pem

sudo mv pkicert . pem/etc /apache 2 /ssl

sudo mv pkikey . pem/etc /apache 2/ ssl

Editing 0000-default.conf

¿ VirtualHost∗:80> ¿
ServerName i210486. com
DocumentRoot / var /www /html
DirectoryIndex index . html
¿ /VirtualHost >¿
Editing default-ssl.conf

¿ VirtualHost∗:443 >¿
ServerName i210486. com
DocumentRoot / var /www /html
DirectoryIndex index . html
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile/etc /apache 2 /ssl/ pkicert . pem

SSLCertificateKeyFile/etc /apache 2/ ssl/ pkikey . pem

¿ /VirtualHost >¿
Starting enabling ssl, checking config and starting server

sudo apachectl configtest

sudo systemctl restart apache 2

Website Display
Setup MIMT
Adding replacing ssl certificate for with my created ssl certificate

¿ VirtualHost∗:443 >¿
ServerName nu . edu . pk
DocumentRoot / var /www /html
DirectoryIndex index . html
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile/etc /apache 2 /ssl/ pkicert . pem

SSLCertificateKeyFile/etc /apache 2/ ssl/ pkikey . pem

¿ /VirtualHost >¿
¿ VirtualHost∗:80> ¿
ServerName nu . edu . pk
DocumentRoot / var /www /html
DirectoryIndex index . html
¿ /VirtualHost >¿
Editing /etc/hosts

127.0 .0 .1nu . edu . pk

Setting up fake mimt website via apache

sudo apachectl configtest

sudo systemctl restart apache 2
Making a new key for

openssl genrsa−aes 128−out nuedu . key 1024

Creating Certificate Signing request

openssl req−new−key nuedu .key −out nuedu . csr−config/etc /ssl /openssl . cnf
Signing Certificate

openssl ca−¿ nuedu . csr−out nuedu . crt−cert ca . crt−keyfile ca . key −config /etc/ssl /openssl . cnf
Setting compromised SSL in apache

cp nuedu . crt pki¿ . pem

cp nuedu . key pki¿ . pem
sudo mv pki¿ . pem/etc /apache 2/ ssl
sudo mv pki¿ . pem/etc /apache 2/ ssl

Setting ssl in default-ssl.conf

Restarting apache and checking

sudo apachectl configtest

sudo systemctl restart apache 2
Question 2
Common Functions between client & server
Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
def diffie_hellman(sock):
# key between 1 and p-1
private_key = random.randint(1, p-1)

public_key = pow(g, private_key, p)


server_public_key = int(sock.recv(256).decode('utf-8'))

shared_secret = pow(server_public_key, private_key, p)

return shared_secret

The function above runs on both client and server, the function makes a privatekey between 1 and p-1,
and calculates
publicKey=g mod P
Where “a” is the random private integer that is decided on both client and server side. Then the
calculated key is sent to each other via socket.send() and socket.recieve(). Before sending, the key is
encoded into bytes to be sent, and decoded while received.

Then to calculate the final key, the formula

SharedSecret=B mod P
Here B is the key received from each side and is used to make the final shared secret key
Password Storage
Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
Encrypted Registration / login


Registration Confirmation
Encrypted Communication

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