2535 Molecular and Cell Biology Bdbi
2535 Molecular and Cell Biology Bdbi
2535 Molecular and Cell Biology Bdbi
1. Basic description
Timetable: Complete
DIRECTIONS: You must write a brief introduction that gives students a general
idea of the subject, that helps to situate and contextualise the subject within the
course as a whole, that identifies key aspects and that introduces the approach
Some key points that must be taken into consideration in the presentation of the
subject are:
• Contextualisation (what is the context of the subject? )
• Type and focus of the subject (introduction, specialisation, what does it
contribute to the competence profile to be gained…)
• Key aspects of the subject (focusing on comprehension, application…)
• General recommendations (areas that the teacher sees appropriate to
Molecular Biology combined with Cellular Biology means to study the molecular
processes occurring and ruling the cell’s physiology. The teaching project of this
subject pretends, among other goals, to:
1. Introduce the student into the world of Molecular Biology, to understand the
transfer of genetic information from nucleic acid till protein synthesis and cell
2. Help the student to know the general structure, organization and function of
eukaryotic cells. We aim to transmit the student how morphology, structure and
function are connected.
3. Teach to student the bases of basic research in molecular and cellular biology,
and help them reaching the correct conclusions from their experimental results.
I. General competences
CB1. That the students have demonstrated to have acquired the knowledge and
understanding in a field of study that starts from the basis of general secondary
education, and is typically at a level that although it is supported by advanced
textbooks, includes some aspects that involve knowledge of the forefront of their
field of study.
CB2. That the students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or
vocation in a professional manner and have competencies typically demonstrated
through devising and defending arguments and solving problems within their field
of study.
CB4. That the students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to
both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CG1. That the students will acquire an intra- and interdisciplinary training in both
computational and scientific subjects with a solid basic training in biology.
CE1. To acquire biological knowledge from the cellular to the organismal level, with
an interdisciplinary vision and special emphasis on biomedical applications.
CE2. To manage and exploit all kinds of biological and biomedical information to
transform it into knowledge.
CE4. To acquire technical knowledge of how to perform experiments in the
laboratory in the areas of molecular and cell biology
CE7. To demonstrate knowledge, skills and appropriate practices in the area of the
biology of organisms and biosystems.
Learning outcomes
RA1.1. Validate appropriate knowledge and skills in the area of biological sciences.
RA1.3 Understand the stages of gene expression: phenomena of cell division and
death in unicellular and multicellular organisms, regulation and use of RNA as a
functional molecule.
RA1.4. Identify the main metabolic pathways and the process of transmission of
extracellular signals.
RA4.1. Process, manage and interpret basic omics data (genomics, proteomics,
4. Contents
DIRECTIONS: The core themes around which the subject is organised must be
determined. The primary reason for specifying core themes is to identify the basic
organisation for the subject. Therefore, it is not necessary to adjust the blocks of
content to themes.
This course covers the basic principles of cell structure and function, in both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Subjects include the cytoskeleton, the plasma
membrane and extracellular matrix, cell communication and organization of tissues.
The course also explores molecular mechanisms and replication, transcription and
translation, as well as regulation and control.
Session 10. The plasma membrane and cell adhesion components (1h)
The plasma membrane as mediator of the inside and outside cellular milieu.
Composition and functions. Cell to cell contacts. Adherent Junctions, Occluding
Junctions, Desmosomes, Communication Unions.
SEMINARS (8 hours)
The practical work will last 6 days (3 for molecular biology, 3 for cellular biology),
with a total of 24 hours.
The student will learn some basic techniques in molecular biology, such as
transformation of bacteria, purification of plasmid DNA and sequencing and analysis
of this DNA, as well as PCR amplification of some template DNAs.
5. Assessment
A series of exams are used to measure the success in meeting the course learning
objectives. In order to successfully complete this course, the student must pass at
least with 50 % on the final mandatory examination. All exams are compulsory.
The course assessment will be performed as follows: from 10 points, 7 points will
correspond to the evaluation of the theoretical contents (5 points theoretical final
exam, 1 point mid-term theoretical exam on Molecular Biology, 1 point mid-term
theoretical exam on Cell Biology), 3 points to the evaluation of practical and
seminar contents.
1 point, Evaluation of molecular biology part mid-term theoretical exam will consist
True/False type of exam: 100%
Grades given after 15 days maximum
1 point, Evaluation of cell biology part mid-term theoretical exam will consist in:
True/False type of exam: 100%
Grades given after 15 days maximum
Practical guide – MB (w 10)
Practical guide – CB (w 10)
Final exam – MB practical work (w 10)
Final exam – CB practical work (w 10)
Final exam – seminars (w 10)
Copy in any exam or plagiarism in the essay implies failing the course.
A specific exam will be provided to the student only when particular impossibility to
attend to the exam (death of close relative, student medical problem).
Information of Make-up Exams
Only the students that after the evaluation have not passed the course can go
retake the final theoretical exam in July. The grades obtained at the new exam will
substitute the grades of the previous failed exam during the trimester and will be
used to calculate the final grade according to the percentages reported above.
Text books:
BERG, J. M.; TYMOCZKO, J. L.; STRYER, L AND GATTO, G. J. Biochemistry. 7th ed.
Londres, UK, WH FREEMAN. ISBN. 9781429276351. 2011.
MATHEWS, C. K.; VAN HOLDE, K. E.; AHERN, K.G. Biochemistry. 3ª ed. San
Francisco: Benjamin/Cummings, 2002.
Molecular Biology of the Cell. Garland Science, 5ª ed., 2008.
COOPER, G.M. i HAUSMAN, R.E. The Cell. A molecular approach. Washington D.C.
and Sunderland, 2007.
Other books:
LEWIN, B. Genes VI. Nova York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1997.
7. Methodology
8. Scheduling activities
Total or partial copy and/or plagiarism will imply a failure in the subject
with a final grade of zero points and no access to the make-up exam.
According to the academic regulations specified in the Disciplinary rules
for students of Universitat Pompeu Fabra, other additional sanctions may
apply depending on the seriousness of the offence.