SWE - University Grad - Full Loop - Access - v1
SWE - University Grad - Full Loop - Access - v1
SWE - University Grad - Full Loop - Access - v1
Full Loop
Interview Guide
Welcome to your preparation guide for your interview at Meta! Use the
What You’ll Find in sidebar to quickly jump to the section you are looking for. Our
This Guide engineering leaders and recruiters put together this guide, so you know
Interview Process Overview what to expect and how to prepare. We recognize that interviewing can
Coding Interviews be stressful, so we hope this guide provides the information and
Behavioral Interview resources you need. Remember, your recruiter is there to support you,
so please reach out to them with any questions.
Final Tips and Post Interview
Appendix / Resources
Accommodations Process
Before you get started, it's important to note that Meta is
committed to providing reasonable support (called
accommodations) in our recruiting processes for candidates with
disabilities, long term conditions, mental health conditions or
sincerely held religious beliefs, or who are neurodivergent or require
pregnancy-related support. If you need support, please reach out to
[email protected] or your recruiter.
Team Introduction
the process and aim to adequately prepare you to bring your best self to your
Your interview process will include 3 to 4 interviews, each lasting about 45
minutes; each interviewer will leave a few minutes at the end for your questions.
You can expect the following interviews as part of your full loop:
• Coding (two – three coding interviews)
• Behavioral
• It's okay to ask the person you're speaking with to speak slowly if you
can't catch what they're saying.
Coding Interviews
The interview focuses heavily on coding. You’ll be assessed on how you solve the
problem as well as the structure and style of your code. It’s best to avoid bugs, but
the interviewer will not compile your code so don’t worry about making minor
mistakes. Finding and catching bugs in your code is a positive sign!
Additionally, they’ll want to hear your thought process throughout, so be sure to
provide a narrative as you go through the code. You’re welcome to code in whatever
language you feel most comfortable but choosing one that is going to assist in
getting an optimal solution in the most speedy and efficient manner is key.
What we look for?
Your interviewer will be thinking about how your skills and experience might help
their teams. Help them understand the value you could bring by focusing on these
traits and abilities.
How to prep
Interviewers can only assess your skills and abilities based on what you show
them during your interview, so it’s important to plan and prepare to best
showcase your strengths.
In addition to the Preparation Hub on your Career Profile, live interview training
will be offered that is distributed by your recruiter. We encourage you to attend a
live prep session, as well as practice on your own. If you’re not able to catch a live
session this video will give you an example of what to expect during your coding
Be honest with yourself—only you know how much prep time you’ll need. Make
the most of your prep time by following these steps to plan your approach before
you start practicing.
• Schedule time to study and practice. Block out time every day to write
code. You’ll need to practice writing code without executing it - without
the help of a compiler and debugger. This will simulate a timed interview
environment. Be sure to practice with a friend or peer and create a mock
interview for yourself.
• Prioritize breadth over depth. It’s much better to practice solving fewer
example problems of many problem types than to become very familiar
with one type at the expense of the others.
• Set aside time to review what you’ve practiced. As you solve problems,
make cheat sheets or flash cards to review later. Revision and repetition
will strengthen your understanding of core concepts.
• Remember your goal. Aim for confidently solving one to two questions—
while thinking aloud—in about a 35 minutes. (Keep in mind you will have
two – three coding interviews so you will want to aim for this in each
interview block)
• Practice coding the way you’ll code during your interview. Use
CoderPad.io if your interview is via phone or video call, or use a whiteboard
or pen and paper if your interview will be in person. Check with your
recruiter if you’re not sure which format you’ll use.
• Code in your strongest language. Provide the most efficient solution and
find and fix the bugs yourself.
• Practice talking through the problem space and possible solutions before
you dive in and talk through your decisions out loud as you code.
Interviewers will be evaluating your thought process as well as your
coding abilities. Explaining your decisions as you code is crucial to helping
them understand your choices. The more you practice this, the more
natural it will feel during the interview.
3. Understand the types of problems you may encounter
• Problems may assess the depth of your knowledge and your versatility.
For example, your interviewer might ask you to solve a problem any way
you want. Then, they could add constraints on the running or space
characteristics and ask you to solve it again.
• Problems may focus on edge cases. You might be asked to parse some
data format or mini language. Your answers demonstrate your ability to
handle multiple states in your head.
• Think about data structures, particularly the ones used most often. For
instance, array, stack (or queues), hashtable, trees (including specialized
trees like binary trees and binary search trees), graphs, and heaps.
• Problems may test how well you know how things work under the hood.
For example, you might be asked to implement well-known library
Other websites:
• LeetCode
• HackerRank
• Topcoder
• GeeksQuiz
• Cracking the Meta Coding Interview Videos (The Approach and Problem
Walk-through) (password: FB_IPS)
• Ask clarifying questions. Talk through the problem and ask follow-up
questions to make sure you understand the exact problem you’re trying to
solve before you jump into building the solution.
• Let us know if you’ve seen the problem previously. That will help us
understand your context.
o Data structures, particularly those used most often (array,
stack/queue, hashset/hashmap/hashtable/dictionary, tree/binary
tree, heap, graph, etc.)
o O memory constraints on the complexity of the algorithm you’re
writing and its running time as expressed by big-O notation.
• Generally, avoid solutions with lots of edge cases or huge if/else if/else
blocks, in most cases. Deciding between iteration and recursion can be an
important step.
• Expect questions. The interviewer may tweak the problem a bit to test your
knowledge and see if you can come up with another answer and/or further
optimize your solution.
• Take the interviewer’s hints to improve your code. If the interviewer makes
a suggestion or asks a question, listen fully so you can incorporate any hints
they may provide.
• Ask yourself if you would approve your solution as part of your codebase.
Explain your answer to your interviewer. Make sure your solution is correct
and efficient, that you’ve taken into account edge cases, and that it clearly
reflects the ideas you’re trying to express in your code.
What to Practice
Everyone could use a refresher in at least one core area! Before coding interviews
brush up on CS fundamentals— especially algorithms and data structures. Review
foundational techniques—recursion, graph theory, tree traversal, combinatorial
problems, and so on.
Looking for more detailed guidance on what to review for your coding interviews?
The exercises housed in your Career Profile under “Preparation Hub” have been
helpful for many University Grads preparing for a Meta technical interview. Feel
free to use this list as a starting point and tailor it to suit your areas of need.
Behavioral Interview
What can you expect
The behavioral interview will consist of a 45-minute session. Your interviewer will
want to learn about your background, what you’re passionate about in tech, and
what kind of impact you want to make.
What do we look for?
The purpose of the behavioral interview is to assess if a candidate will thrive in
Meta’s fast-paced and highly unstructured environment. To that end, we assess
candidates on five signals that correlate with success at Meta:
How to prep
Just like with the coding interviews, it’s important to prepare ahead of time for
interviews designed to get to know you better.
• Know yourself. Take the time to review your own résumé as your
interviewer will almost certainly ask about key events in your work history.
Be prepared to discuss projects in depth. It's helpful to outline 2-3 major
projects ahead of time.
• Be honest. Not every project is a runaway success and we may not always
interact perfectly with our peers. Being transparent in these situations
won’t be counted against you in the interview. In fact, sharing & discussing
how you learned, improved, and grew from your past experiences is
valued. Share what you learned from a past situation.
• Use the S.T.A.R. method to mentally organize your thoughts. This will
provoke a well-thought-out and chronological action of events. Easy to
describe, easy to follow. You can practice this method using the
Journaling Exercises in the Preparation Hub within your Career Profile.
• Carefully review and familiarize yourself with the job description and
perform research on Meta and the role. Be prepared to answer why you
are interested in this specific role and in working at Meta.
• Please take the time to review our mission statement and core values.
These values influence how we work together to fulfill our mission of
bringing the world closer together. We also encourage you to take time
using our products such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and
important to think outside the box and to approach problems from
creative and different perspectives.
Appendix / Resources
Below is a curated list of resources to get started and help you prepare.
• Once you’ve made it to the onsite/full loop interview stage, request to interact
with an employee and learn what it's like to work at Meta through the Meta
Connections Program.
Meta Resources
• Meta Careers website & Meta Careers for Interns & New Graduates
At any time during the interview process, you can track your progress, send
thank-you notes and update your personal information all via the Career Profile. If
you do not receive a link from recruiting, you may create one.