AROGANTE Mitchel Cloud B.

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Division of City Schools


Caloocan City
Vision: An Advocate of the culture of excellence in educating children with those with special needs and inculcating the value of gender sensitivity


SY 2024 - 2025

Mitchel Cloud B.
Name: ________________________________________________ AugustAge: __________
Birthday: _____________ Ms. Jacyll Nicole M.
5 Teacher: ________________________________
Program/Duration: ________________________ AS
Doctor/School/Team/Teacher -Diagnosis: _________________________ Degree:(Optional) _____________

1 2 3 4 5 6
Present Level of Projected Dates
Educational Long Term GOAL Remarks
Objectives/Strategies/ Begins Ends Form of Evaluation
Functioning (Entry Plan)
 AREA/SKILL: Behavior Skills
Cloud can: To be able to sit for 1 hour to Objective 1: Cloud will Through:
 sit down for 5 – 30 2 hours continuously with or remain seated while sitting
minutes while doing without doing anything. within 10 minutes:
table activities. - give table top activities
using manipulatives ____ Observation
- mouth exercise ____ Checklist
- hand exercise ____ Interview
____ Report
Objective 2: Cloud remain ____ Videos
seated for 30 minutes while ____ Pictures
doing: ____ Portfolio
- give art therapy activities:
tearing, coloring, pasting,
cutting, etc.
- paper and pencil activity

Objective 3: Cloud can sit

within 1 hour without
assistance while doing:
- sitting on the church
- sitting while traveling
- sitting outside while
waiting for the class
- sitting while watching to a
short story movie

Cloud can: To be able to lessen his Objective 1: Cloud will Through:

 express himself by crying and tapping of hands establish routine/designated
crying loudly with behavior when being calm-down strategy to
tapping of hands on frustrated. manage the frustrated
the table/wall behavior during activities in ____ Observation
4 out of 5 opportunities: ____ Checklist
- focus on quiet hands ____ Interview
____ Report
Objective 2: Cloud will ____ Videos
establish routine/designated ____ Pictures
calm-down strategy to ____ Portfolio
manage the frustrated
behavior during activities in
4 out of 5 opportunities:
- deep breathing exercise

Objective 3: Cloud will

establish routine/designated
calm-down strategy to
manage the frustrated
behavior during activities in
4 out of 5 opportunities:
- using of sensory

Objective 4: Cloud will

establish routine/designated
calm-down strategy to
manage the frustrated
behavior during activities in
4 out of 5 opportunities:
- massaging both arms
and legs
Objective 5: Cloud will
establish routine/designated
calm-down strategy to
manage the frustrated
behavior during activities in
4 out of 5 opportunities:
- counting

Objective 6: Cloud will

establish routine/designated
calm-down strategy to
manage the frustrated
behavior during activities in
4 out of 5 opportunities:
- jumping on a
Cloud can: To be able to independently Objective 1: Cloud will Through:
 finish the given task: complete tabletop or paper- remain seated and focused
table top or paper- and-pencil activities for 20 on his work for 5 minutes
and-pencil activities minutes without exhibiting without prompting.
 with minimal disruptive behaviors. - Classroom routine ____ Observation
prompting/hand-on- - Mouth Exercises ____ Checklist
hand assistance. - Hands Exercises ____ Interview
- Table top activities ____ Report
- Art therapy (tearing, ____ Videos
sorting, molding, ____ Pictures
scribbling, clipping) ____ Portfolio

Objective 2: Cloud will

remain seated and focused
on his work for 10 minutes
without prompting.
- Classroom routine
- Mouth Exercises
- Hands Exercises
- Table top activities
- Art therapy (tearing,
cutting, sorting,
crumpling, scribbling,
digging, cutting and
Objective 3: Cloud will
remain seated and focused
on his work for 20 minutes
without prompting.
- Classroom routine
- Mouth Exercises
- Hands Exercises
- Table top activities
- Art therapy (tearing,
cutting, sorting,
molding, crumpling,
scribbling, digging,
cutting and pasting,
tracing, coloring)
- Paper and pencil

Objective 4: Cloud will

raise his hand to request
assistance when he needs
help, rather than engaging
in disruptive behaviors.
- Using of visual
- Using hand gestures
- Offer frequent breaks
and opportunities for
sensory input (fidget
toys, sensory toys)

 AREA/SKILL: Self-Help Skills

Cloud can: To be able to independently Objective 1: Cloud will Through:
 can wash his hand wash his hands using the wash his hands with 1- 3
using the proper proper steps with no more prompting or hand-on-hand
steps washing hands than one prompt in 4 out of 5 prompt.
however with opportunities. - provide visual ____ Observation
minimal prompting. representation of ____ Checklist
steps in washing ____ Interview
hands ____ Report
- use timers ____ Videos
- implement a buddy ____ Pictures
system ____ Portfolio

Objective 2: Cloud will

wash his hands with 1
verbal prompting.
- provide visual
representation of
steps in washing
- use timers
- implement a buddy

Objective 3: Cloud will

wash his hands with without
- provide visual
representation of
steps in washing
- use timers
- implement a buddy

Cloud can: To be able to independently Objective 1: Cloud will Through:

 wear his own top and wear his own clothing or his button his polo and zip his
bottom clothes or his uniform without prompting. short with 1- 3 prompting or
own uniform. hand on hand prompt.
 can zip his short but - Provide buttoning
can’t button his polo and zipping table ____ Observation
activities ____ Checklist
- provide visual ____ Interview
representation of ____ Report
steps in wearing ____ Videos
clothes or uniform. ____ Pictures
- provide a daily ____ Portfolio
routine schedule
- give 1 – 2 instruction
Objective 2: Cloud will
button his polo and zip his
short with 1 verbal
- Provide buttoning
and zipping table
- provide visual
representation of
steps in wearing
clothes or uniform.
- provide a daily
routine schedule
- give 1 – 2 instruction

Objective 3: Cloud will

button his polo and zip his
short with without
- Provide buttoning
and zipping table
- provide visual
representation of
steps in wearing
clothes or uniform.
- provide a daily
routine schedule
- give 1 – 2 instruction

Cloud can: To be able to independently Objective 1: Cloud will Through:

 take a bath and complete personal hygiene complete the steps of taking
brush his own teeth routines (e.g., taking a bath, a bath and brushing teeth
however with a brushing teeth) with no more with 1 – 3 prompting or
minimal prompting or than two verbal prompts. hand on hand prompt. ____ Observation
guidance. - provide visual ____ Checklist
representation of ____ Interview
steps in taking a bath ____ Report
and brushing teeth. ____ Videos
- provide a daily ____ Pictures
routine schedule ____ Portfolio
- use timers

Objective 2: Cloud will

complete the steps of taking
a bath and brushing teeth
with 1-2 verbal prompting.
- provide visual
representation of
steps in taking a bath
and brushing teeth.
- provide a daily
routine schedule
- use timers

 AREA/SKILL: Social and Communication Skills

Cloud can: To be able to say his own Objective 1: Cloud will Through:
 respond by simply complete name and complete express or say his first name
looking around when sentence “My name is….” when he is asked “What is
his name is called. when being asked your name?” with 1-3 verbal
 can say his own independently. prompting. ____ Observation
name but with verbal - Provide a cue card. ____ Checklist
prompting or mouth - Using manipulatives ____ Interview
imitation. materials ____ Report
- Tracing/writing his ____ Videos
name ____ Pictures
- Using timer ____ Portfolio
- Mouth exercise

Objective 2: Cloud will

express or say his two
names when he is asked
“What is your name?” with
1-2 verbal prompting.
- Provide a cue card.
- Using manipulatives
- Tracing/writing his
- Using timer
- Mouth exercise
Objective 3: Cloud will
independently say his
complete name “My name
is….” when he is asked
“What is your name?” with 1
verbal prompting
- Provide a cue card.
- Using manipulatives
- Tracing/writing his
- Using timer
- Mouth exercise
Cloud can: To be able to independently Objective 1: Cloud will say
 say hi/wave hands greet his teacher, classmates hi/wave hands to his teacher
for greetings but with by simply saying hi or waving or classmate with 1 verbal
mouth imitation or hands. prompting or physical
verbal prompting. prompting.
- Eye focus activities
- Provide a visual
- Walking and running
- Buddy system

Objective 2: Cloud will say

hi/wave hands to his teacher
or classmate without verbal
prompting or physical
- Eye focus activities
- Table top activities
- Chore activities
- Provide a visual
- Walking and running
- Buddy system


Prepared by:

1. __________________________________ 2. ______________________________ Date: ______________ 3. _______________________________ Date: _________

Signature over printed name and Position Signature over printed name and Relationship to the Student Signature over printed name and Relationship to the Student

1. _______________________________________ Date: ______________ 2. ______________________________________ Date: _____________

Signature over printed name and position Signature over printed name and position

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