AROGANTE Mitchel Cloud B.
AROGANTE Mitchel Cloud B.
AROGANTE Mitchel Cloud B.
Mitchel Cloud B.
Name: ________________________________________________ AugustAge: __________
Birthday: _____________ Ms. Jacyll Nicole M.
5 Teacher: ________________________________
Program/Duration: ________________________ AS
Doctor/School/Team/Teacher -Diagnosis: _________________________ Degree:(Optional) _____________
1 2 3 4 5 6
Present Level of Projected Dates
Educational Long Term GOAL Remarks
Objectives/Strategies/ Begins Ends Form of Evaluation
Functioning (Entry Plan)
AREA/SKILL: Behavior Skills
Cloud can: To be able to sit for 1 hour to Objective 1: Cloud will Through:
sit down for 5 – 30 2 hours continuously with or remain seated while sitting
minutes while doing without doing anything. within 10 minutes:
table activities. - give table top activities
using manipulatives ____ Observation
- mouth exercise ____ Checklist
- hand exercise ____ Interview
____ Report
Objective 2: Cloud remain ____ Videos
seated for 30 minutes while ____ Pictures
doing: ____ Portfolio
- give art therapy activities:
tearing, coloring, pasting,
cutting, etc.
- paper and pencil activity
Prepared by: