History Civic - Question Paper
History Civic - Question Paper
History Civic - Question Paper
IMPORTANT: Attempt all the questions from Part I and any two questions from Section A and
any three from Section B of Part II.
Question 1
Choose the correct option: [16]
1. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the center and the states
falls under its ______________
2. If the Prime Minister of India resigns, this means the resignation of the ______________
4. The Parliament enjoys the exclusive rights to legislate on subjects contained in the __________
6. Who among the following can take over the administration of the state on the breakdown of
constitutional machinery in the state? _________________________
7. Who among the following passed the General Service Enlistment Act___________________
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Jahandar Singh
(a) Calcutta
(b) Delhi
(c) Dhaka
(d) Lahore
10. Who introduced the Vernacular Press Act and Indian Arms Act of 1878?
11. The assertive Nationalists proposed the name of _____________ as President of the Surat
Session of the Congress held in 1907.
12. The Swadeshi and Boycott Movement was the outcome of______________
13. Which country was not a member of the group called the Allied Powers? ___________
(a) USA
(b) Britain
(c) France
(d) Germany
14. Choose the incorrect statement regarding Fascism and Nazism __________________
15. Which United Nations body led a worldwide campaign for immunization of children?
(a) WHO
(a) Turkey
(b) Egypt
(c) Syria
(d) Morocco
Question 2:
Part II
Section A
Question 3:
The Union Legislature is the body that governs and makes laws for the country. With reference to
this, answer the following questions:
i. Mention any three administrative functions of the speaker of the Lok Sabha. [3]
ii. Explain the following- [3]
a) Election of the speaker
b) Term of the speaker
c) Procedure for the removal of the Speaker
iii. Which House of the Parliament can be thought of as being more powerful? State any four
Question 4
The executive power of the Indian Union is vested in the President. He is the Head of the State
and the supreme commander of the Defence Forces of India. With reference to the President,
answer the following questions:
i. What are the qualifications required to be elected as the President of India? [3]
ii. Why is the President elected indirectly? State the composition of the Electoral College. [3]
iii. What is meant by the Discretionary powers of the President? State any three such powers.
Question 5
The independence of the Judiciary is of utmost importance in a Democratic set up. In this context,
write about the following:
i. Explain four ways in which the independence of the Judiciary is guaranteed from the control of
the executive and Judiciary [4]
ii. Why is the Supreme Court called a Court of Record? [3]
iii. What are Writs? Explain the Writ of Certiorari and the Writ of Prohibition. [3]
Question 6
The Revolt of 1857 was the result of years of frustration with British rule and
mismanagement. With reference to this, answer the following questions
i. Explain any three provisions in the Government of India Act of 1858 [3]
iii. Explain any three of the following Socio-Religious causes of the Revolt of 1857. [3]
1. Apprehension about Modern Innovations
2. Activities of Missionaries
3. Fears regarding Western Education-
4. Taxing Religious Places-
5. Law of Property
With reference Nationalism and the birth of the Indian National Congress, explain each of the
Question 8
With reference to the picture given below answer the following questions.
i. Identify the Memorial built for those who were killed in this incident. Explain what happened at
the incident. Which Movement was launched because of this? [4]
ii. What was the Programme of this Movement? [3]
iii. Why was the Movement suspended? [3]
Question 9
The Second World War was a culmination of several factors. In this context, explain the
Question 10