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Instant Download Jude The Obscure Webster S Korean Thesaurus Edition Thomas Hardy PDF All Chapter
Instant Download Jude The Obscure Webster S Korean Thesaurus Edition Thomas Hardy PDF All Chapter
The Republic Webster s Korean Thesaurus Edition Plato
Thomas Hardy
TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which has
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Jude the Obscure
Webster's Korean
Thesaurus Edition
for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, and AP® Test
Thomas Hardy
TOEFL®, TOEIC®, AP® and Advanced Placement® are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which
has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.
Jude the Obscure: Webster's Korean Thesaurus Edition for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, and AP®
Test Preparation
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ISBN 0-497-90013-0
PREFACE FROM THE EDITOR .......................................................................................... 1
PART FIRST AT MARYGREEN .......................................................................................... 2
I............................................................................................................................................................... 3
II ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
III .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
IV.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
V ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
VI.......................................................................................................................................................... 34
VII......................................................................................................................................................... 42
VIII ....................................................................................................................................................... 51
IX .......................................................................................................................................................... 57
X ........................................................................................................................................................... 64
XI .......................................................................................................................................................... 71
PART SECOND AT CHRISTMINSTER .............................................................................. 79
I............................................................................................................................................................. 80
II ........................................................................................................................................................... 88
III .......................................................................................................................................................... 96
IV........................................................................................................................................................ 103
V ......................................................................................................................................................... 111
VI........................................................................................................................................................ 118
VII....................................................................................................................................................... 128
PART THIRD AT MELCHESTER.................................................................................... 137
I........................................................................................................................................................... 138
II ......................................................................................................................................................... 146
III ........................................................................................................................................................ 150
IV........................................................................................................................................................ 157
V ......................................................................................................................................................... 167
VI........................................................................................................................................................ 174
VII....................................................................................................................................................... 185
VI........................................................................................................................................................ 273
PART FIFTH AT ALDBRICKHAM AND ELSEWHERE...................................................... 283
I........................................................................................................................................................... 284
II ......................................................................................................................................................... 290
III ........................................................................................................................................................ 300
IV........................................................................................................................................................ 310
V ......................................................................................................................................................... 320
VI........................................................................................................................................................ 331
VII....................................................................................................................................................... 343
IV........................................................................................................................................................ 395
V ......................................................................................................................................................... 404
VI........................................................................................................................................................ 413
VII....................................................................................................................................................... 421
VIII ..................................................................................................................................................... 429
IX ........................................................................................................................................................ 437
X ......................................................................................................................................................... 446
XI ........................................................................................................................................................ 450
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................... 458
Thomas Hardy 1
Webster’s paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently assigned readings in
English courses. By using a running English-to-Korean thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this
edition of Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy was edited for three audiences. The first includes
Korean-speaking students enrolled in an English Language Program (ELP), an English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) program, an English as a Second Language Program (ESL), or in a TOEFL® or
TOEIC® preparation program. The second audience includes English-speaking students enrolled in
bilingual education programs or Korean speakers enrolled in English speaking schools. The third
audience consists of students who are actively building their vocabularies in Korean in order to take
foreign service, translation certification, Advanced Placement® (AP®)1 or similar examinations. By
using the Webster's Korean Thesaurus Edition when assigned for an English course, the reader can
enrich their vocabulary in anticipation of an examination in Korean or English.
Webster’s edition of this classic is organized to expose the reader to a maximum number of
difficult and potentially ambiguous English words. Rare or idiosyncratic words and expressions are
given lower priority compared to “difficult, yet commonly used” words. Rather than supply a single
translation, many words are translated for a variety of meanings in Korean, allowing readers to
better grasp the ambiguity of English, and avoid them using the notes as a pure translation crutch.
Having the reader decipher a word’s meaning within context serves to improve vocabulary
retention and understanding. Each page covers words not already highlighted on previous pages. If
a difficult word is not translated on a page, chances are that it has been translated on a previous
page. A more complete glossary of translations is supplied at the end of the book; translations are
extracted from Webster’s Online Dictionary.
The Editor
Webster’s Online Dictionary
1 TOEFL®, TOEIC®, AP® and Advanced Placement® are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service
which has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.
2 Jude the Obscure
"Yea, many there be that have run out of their wits for women, and become
servants for their sakes. Many also have perished, have erred, and sinned, for
women.... O ye men, how can it be but women should be strong, seeing they do
Thomas Hardy 3
The%schoolmaster was leaving the village, and everybody seemed sorry. The
miller at Cresscombe lent him the small white tilted cart and horse to carry his
goods to the city of his destination, about twenty miles off, such a vehicle
proving of quite sufficient size for the departing teacher's effects. For the
schoolhouse had been partly furnished by the managers, and the only
cumbersome article possessed by the master, in addition to the packing-case of
books, was a cottage piano that he had bought at an auction during the year in
which he thought of learning instrumental music. But the enthusiasm having
waned he had never acquired any skill in playing, and the purchased article had
been a perpetual trouble to him ever since in moving house.
The rector had gone away for the day, being a man who disliked the sight of
changes. He did not mean to return till the evening, when the new school-
teacher would have arrived and settled in, and everything would be smooth
The blacksmith, the farm bailiff, and the schoolmaster himself were
standing in perplexed attitudes in the parlour before the instrument. The master
had remarked that even if he got it into the cart he should not know what to do
with it on his arrival at Christminster, the city he was bound for, since he was
only going into temporary lodgings just at first.
bailiff: 집행관, 집사, 법정내의 간수, 보트 레이스. 부단한.
법의 집행관. lodgings: 셋방. perplexed: 당황한, 난처한, 복잡한,
blacksmith: 대장장이, 대장장이의. parlour: 객실, 거실, 응접실, 면회실, 어찌할 바를 모르는, 골치 아픈.
cumbersome: 성가신, 주체스러운, 특별 휴게실, 객실용의, 영업소, 원래 rector: 교장, 총장, 학장, 교구목사,
귀찮은, 방해가 되는, 방해되는, 객실, 원래 객실풍으로 설비한 교구 목사, 수도원장, 신학교 교장,
장애가 되는. 영업소, 클럽 따위의 특별 담화실, 원장, 주임 신부, 교구사제, 학교에서
destination: 목적지, 보낼 곳, 목적, 특별 담화실. 교장.
대상. perpetual: 종신의, 영구한, 끊임없는, schoolhouse: 교사.
furnished: 가구 달린, 구색을 갖춘, 사철 피는, 영구하다, 다년생 식물, schoolmaster: 교사, 도미의 일종,
재고량이 ...한. 부단한, 잔소리 따위 부단한, 교장, 가르치다, 교육 기자재, 남자
lent: 사순절, 케리므브즈 대학 춘계 영속하는, 다년생의, 싸움 따위 교원, 지도자, 교사로서 가르치다.
4 Jude the Obscure
A little boy of eleven, who had been thoughtfully assisting in the packing,
joined the group of men, and as they rubbed their chins he spoke up, blushing at
the sound of his own voice: "Aunt have got a great fuel-house, and it could be
put there, perhaps, till you've found a place to settle in, sir."
"A proper good notion," said the blacksmith.%
It was decided that a deputation should wait on the boy's aunt-- an old
maiden resident--and ask her if she would house the piano till Mr. Phillotson
should send for it. The smith and the bailiff started to see about the
practicability of the suggested shelter, and the boy and the schoolmaster were
left standing alone.
"Sorry I am going, Jude?" asked the latter kindly.
Tears rose into the boy's eyes, for he was not among the regular day scholars,
who came unromantically close to the schoolmaster's life, but one who had
attended the night school only during the present teacher's term of office. The
regular scholars, if the truth must be told, stood at the present moment afar off,
like certain historic disciples, indisposed to any enthusiastic volunteering of aid.
The boy awkwardly opened the book he held in his hand, which Mr.
Phillotson had bestowed on him as a parting gift, and admitted that he was
"So am I," said Mr. Phillotson.
"Why do you go, sir?" asked the boy.
"Ah--that would be a long story. You wouldn't understand my reasons, Jude.
You will, perhaps, when you are older."
"I think I should now, sir."
"Well--don't speak of this everywhere. You know what a university is, and a
university degree? It is the necessary hallmark of a man who wants to do
anything in teaching. My scheme, or dream, is to be a university graduate, and
then to be ordained. By going to live at Christminster, or near it, I shall be at
headquarters, so to speak, and if my scheme is practicable at all, I consider that
admitted: 시인된, 공인된, 명백한. hallmark: 순분 인증 각인, 보증 딱지, 제조업, 짐 꾸리기, 습포, 패킹.
afar: 멀리, 원방에서, 원방에. 순도 검증 각인, 에 각인을 찍다, 에 parting: 이별, 고별, 나누는, 출발,
awkwardly: 어색하게, 꼴사납게, 순도 검증의 각인을 찍다. 분리, 별세, 고별의, 떠나가는, 머리
서투르게, 이상하게. indisposed: 기분이 나쁜, 할 마음이 따위의 가리마, 저물어 가는, 이별의.
blushing: 얼굴이 빨개진, 조심성 내키지 않는, 몸이 좀 아픈, 마음이 practicability: 실제 가능, 실행할 수
있는, 얼굴을 붉힘, 부끄럼을 잘 타는, 내키지 않는, 기분이 언짢은, 싫중난. 있음.
부끄러워함. maiden: 처음의, 아가씨, 처녀, practicable: 실행할 수 있는, 실용에
deputation: 대리 임명, 대표, 대표단, 미혼녀, 미혼의, 소녀, 단두대, 맞는, 통행할 수 있는, 사용할 수
대리임명, 대리 행위, 대리. 단두대... 미혼의, 처녀인, 처녀의. 있는.
enthusiastic: 열광의, 광신적인, packing: 포장, 짐꾸리기, 채워 넣는것, thoughtfully: 생각에 잠겨, 친절히,
열광적인. 통조림 제조, 포장용품, 통조림 생각이 깊게.
Thomas Hardy 5
being on the spot will afford me a better chance of carrying it out than I should
have elsewhere."
The smith and his companion returned. Old Miss Fawley's fuel-house was
dry, and eminently practicable; and she seemed willing to give the instrument
standing-room there. It was accordingly left in the school till the evening, when
more hands would be available for removing it; and the schoolmaster gave a
final glance round.%
The boy Jude assisted in loading some small articles, and at nine o'clock Mr.
Phillotson mounted beside his box of books and other impedimenta, and bade
his friends good-bye.
"I shan't forget you, Jude," he said, smiling, as the cart moved off. "Be a good
boy, remember; and be kind to animals and birds, and read all you can. And if
ever you come to Christminster remember you hunt me out for old
acquaintance' sake."
The cart creaked across the green, and disappeared round the corner by the
rectory-house. The boy returned to the draw-well at the edge of the greensward,
where he had left his buckets when he went to help his patron and teacher in the
loading. There was a quiver in his lip now and after opening the well-cover to
begin lowering the bucket he paused and leant with his forehead and arms
against the framework, his face wearing the fixity of a thoughtful child's who
has felt the pricks of life somewhat before his time. The well into which he was
looking was as ancient as the village itself, and from his present position
appeared as a long circular perspective ending in a shining disk of quivering
water at a distance of a hundred feet down. There was a lining of green moss
near the top, and nearer still the hart's-tongue fern.
He said to himself, in the melodramatic tones of a whimsical boy, that the
schoolmaster had drawn at that well scores of times on a morning like this, and
would never draw there any more. "I've seen him look down into it, when he
was tired with his drawing, just as I do now, and when he rested a bit before
carrying the buckets home! But he was too clever to bide here any longer-- a
small sleepy place like this!"
acquaintance: 지식, 알고 있음, 면식, impedimenta: 수하물, 보급품, 전통, 떨다, 전동, 흔들리다.
아는 사람, 잘아는 사람, 익히 알고 방해물, 병참, 장애. quivering: 진동하는, 떨고 있는,
있음, 안면, 숙지, 아는 사인. loading: 짐싣기, 선적, 짐싣기의. 떨리는.
bide: 살다, 기다리다, 멀물다, 참다, lowering: 내려가는, 비천한, sleepy: 졸음이 오는 듯한, 졸린, 너무
때를 기다리다. 저하시키는, 저하, 낮게 하는. 익어 속이 썩기 시작한, 잠자는 듯한,
fern: 양치류. melodramatic: 신파조의, 멜로 졸리는.
fixity: 고정물, 불변성, 영구성, 정착, 드라마식의, 멜로드라마조의, thoughtful: 생각에 잠긴, 주의 깊은,
부동, 정착물. 멜로드라마식의, 연극같은. 인정있는, 사려 깊은, 생각이 깊은,
good-bye: 안녕, 안녕히 가세요, moss: 이끼, 늪, 이끼로덮다, 이탄지, 인정 있는.
안녕히 가십시오, 안녕히 계십시오. 남자 이름. whimsical: 변덕스러운, 별난, 이상한,
greensward: 잔디, 잔디밭. quiver: 떨림, 떨게 하다, 화살통, 진동, 묘한, 기분적인.
6 Jude the Obscure
A tear rolled from his eye into the depths of the well. The morning was a little
foggy, and the boy's breathing unfurled itself as a thicker fog upon the still and
heavy air. His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden outcry:
"Bring on that water, will ye, you idle young harlican!"
It came from an old woman who had emerged from her door towards the
garden gate of a green-thatched cottage not far off. The boy quickly waved a
signal of assent, drew the water with what was a great effort for one of his
stature, landed and emptied the big bucket into his own pair of smaller ones, and
pausing a moment for breath, started with them across the patch of clammy
greensward whereon the well stood-- nearly in the centre of the little village, or
rather hamlet of Marygreen.%
It was as old-fashioned as it was small, and it rested in the lap of an
undulating upland adjoining the North Wessex downs. Old as it was, however,
the well-shaft was probably the only relic of the local history that remained
absolutely unchanged. Many of the thatched and dormered dwelling-houses had
been pulled down of late years, and many trees felled on the green. Above all,
the original church, hump-backed, wood-turreted, and quaintly hipped, had
been taken down, and either cracked up into heaps of road-metal in the lane, or
utilized as pig-sty walls, garden seats, guard-stones to fences, and rockeries in
the flower-beds of the neighbourhood. In place of it a tall new building of
modern Gothic design, unfamiliar to English eyes, had been erected on a new
piece of ground by a certain obliterator of historic records who had run down
from London and back in a day. The site whereon so long had stood the ancient
temple to the Christian divinities was not even recorded on the green and level
grass-plot that had immemorially been the churchyard, the obliterated graves
being commemorated by eighteen-penny castiron crosses warranted to last five
adjoining: 인접하는, 부근의, 인접한, 및 동남부의 구릉지대. 있는.
이웃의. felled: 경사지는, 함락되는, 공그르는, outcry: 외침, 경매, 떠들썩함, 보다 큰
assent: 동의하다, 승낙하다, 동의, 구르는, 나빠지는, 내려가는, 내리는, 소리로 외치다, 야료하다, 항의.
인정하다, 찬성하다. 넘어가는, 분류되는, 쓰러지는, quaintly: 기묘하게, 색다르게.
castiron: 불굴의, 무쇠로 만든, 견고한, 아래를 향하는. relic: 유물, 유골, 유적, 기념품, 유풍,
융통성 없는. foggy: 흐린, 안개짙은, 빛이새어 유보, 성골, 시체, 잔재, 자취, 유품.
churchyard: 묘지, 구내, 교회묘지, 흐려진, 당황한, 흐릿한, 몽롱한, stature: 발달, 신장 성장, 키, 성장,
교회의 경내. 안개가 지욱한. 성장도.
clammy: 차고 끈적끈적한, 냉습한, graves: 포도주, 그라부산. upland: 고지, 고지에 사는, 고지의,
친친한, 찐득한. hamlet: 작은 마을, 작은 촌락. 산지.
downs: 다운스 정박지, 잉글랜드 남부 hipped: 에 열중한, 우울한, 엉덩이가 whereon: 그 위에, 무엇 위에.
Thomas Hardy 7
Slender%as was Jude Fawley's frame he bore the two brimming house-
buckets of water to the cottage without resting. Over the door was a little
rectangular piece of blue board, on which was painted in yellow letters, "Drusilla
Fawley, Baker." Within the little lead panes of the window--this being one of the
few old houses left--were five bottles of sweets, and three buns on a plate of the
willow pattern.
While emptying the buckets at the back of the house he could hear an
animated conversation in progress within-doors between his great-aunt, the
Drusilla of the sign-board, and some other villagers. Having seen the school-
master depart, they were summing up particulars of the event, and indulging in
predictions of his future.
"And who's he?" asked one, comparatively a stranger, when the boy entered.
"Well ye med ask it, Mrs. Williams. He's my great-nephew--come since you
was last this way." The old inhabitant who answered was a tall, gaunt woman,
who spoke tragically on the most trivial subject, and gave a phrase of her
conversation to each auditor in turn. "He come from Mellstock, down in South
Wessex, about a year ago--worse luck for 'n, Belinda" (turning to the right)
"where his father was living, and was took wi' the shakings for death, and died
in two days, as you know, Caroline" (turning to the left). "It would ha' been a
animated: 싱싱한, 기운찬, 살아있는, 비교적으로, 다소라도, 비교해 보면. resting: 휴면하고 있는, 휴식하고
생기가 있는. depart: 벗어나다, 출발하다, 떠나다, 있는, 증식하지 않고 있는.
auditor: 청강생, 감사, 방청자, 빗나가다, 세상을 떠나다. stranger: 손님, 제삼자, 낯선 사람,
회계검사관, 듣는 사람, 회계 감사원. gaunt: 무시무시한, 수척한, 여윈, 새로 온 사람, 무 경험자, 모르는
bore: 구멍, 구멍을 뚫다, 쓸쓸한. 사람, 을 쌀쌀하게대하다, 여보세요,
싫증나게하다, 송곳구멍, 밀물, inhabitant: 주민, 거주자, 서식동물. 문외한.
총구멍, 해일, 뚫다, 구멍을 내다, luck: 행운, 불행히도, 운, 불운. tragically: 비극적으로, 비참하게.
구멍이 나다, 따분한 것. med: 지중해. trivial: 하찮은, 평범한, 보잘것 없는,
brimming: 넘쳐흐르는, 넘치게 따른, particulars: 상세. 보통의, 하찮은 일, 진부한.
가득 차게 부은, 넘칠 듯한. rectangular: 직각의, 직사각형의, willow: 버드나무, 솜틀, 솜틀로 틀다,
comparatively: 비교적, 꽤, 상당히, 직4각형의. 크리켓의 배트.
8 Jude the Obscure
blessing if Goddy-mighty had took thee too, wi' thy mother and father, poor
useless boy! But I've got him here to stay with me till I can see what's to be done
with un, though I am obliged to let him earn any penny he can. Just now he's a-
scaring of birds for Farmer Troutham. It keeps him out of mischty. Why do ye
turn away, Jude?" she continued, as the boy, feeling the impact of their glances
like slaps upon his face, moved aside.%
The local washerwoman replied that it was perhaps a very good plan of Miss
or Mrs. Fawley's (as they called her indifferently) to have him with her--"to kip
'ee company in your loneliness, fetch water, shet the winder-shet-ters o' nights,
and help in the bit o' baking."
Miss Fawley doubted it.… "Why didn't ye get the schoolmaster to take 'ee to
Christminster wi' un, and make a scholar of 'ee," she continued, in frowning
pleasantry. "I'm sure he couldn't ha' took a better one. The boy is crazy for
books, that he is. It runs in our family rather. His cousin Sue is just the same-- so
I've heard; but I have not seen the child for years, though she was born in this
place, within these four walls, as it happened. My niece and her husband, after
they were married, didn' get a house of their own for some year or more; and
then they only had one till-- Well, I won't go into that. Jude, my child, don't you
ever marry. 'Tisn't for the Fawleys to take that step any more. She, their only
one, was like a child o' my own, Belinda, till the split come! Ah, that a little maid
should know such changes!"
Jude, finding the general attention again centering on himself, went out to
the bakehouse, where he ate the cake provided for his breakfast. The end of his
spare time had now arrived, and emerging from the garden by getting over the
hedge at the back he pursued a path northward, till he came to a wide and lonely
depression in the general level of the upland, which was sown as a corn-field.
This vast concave was the scene of his labours for Mr Troutham the farmer, and
he descended into the midst of it.
The brown surface of the field went right up towards the sky all round,
where it was lost by degrees in the mist that shut out the actual verge and
accentuated the solitude. The only marks on the uniformity of the scene were a
bakehouse: 제빵소, 빵집. 시원치 않게. solitude: 고독, 쓸쓸한 곳, 독거, 외딴
centering: 홍예틀, 공을 고올 앞 jude: 유다서, 남자 이름. 곳, 황야.
중앙부로 차보내기, 중심하기. kip: 작은 짐승의 가죽, 하숙, 자다, thee: 너를, 너에게.
concave: 요면, 오목면, 오목한, 무두질한 킵 가죽, 잠자다, 킵 가죽. thy: 그대의.
오목하게 하다, 오목해지다, 요면의, loneliness: 쓸쓸함, 외로움. uniformity: 한결같음, 획일, 균일성,
오목함. niece: 조카딸, 질녀. 고름, 균등, 등질, 일률, 일치, 일정
descended: 유래한, 전해진. northward: 북방, 북을 향하여, 불변.
don't: 금지조항서, 하지마세요. 북쪽으로, 북쪽으로의, 북, 북을향한, verge: 가장자리, 기울다, 경계, 한계,
frowning: 언짢은, 찌푸린 얼굴의, 북으로 향한, 북쪽으로 향해서, 끝, 바싹 다가가다, 에 직면하다, 에
찌푸린얼굴의, 험한. 북쪽으로 향한, 북으로 향해서. 향하다, 접하다, 가, 향하다.
indifferently: 무관심하게, 상당히, pleasantry: 익살, 농담, 기분이 좋음. washerwoman: 세탁부, 여자 세탁부.
Thomas Hardy 9
rick of last year's produce standing in the midst of the arable, the rooks that rose
at his approach, and the path athwart the fallow by which he had come, trodden
now by he hardly knew whom, though once by many of his own dead family.%
"How ugly it is here!" he murmured.
The fresh harrow-lines seemed to stretch like the channellings in a piece of
new corduroy, lending a meanly utilitarian air to the expanse, taking away its
gradations, and depriving it of all history beyond that of the few recent months,
though to every clod and stone there really attached associations enough and to
spare-- echoes of songs from ancient harvest-days, of spoken words, and of
sturdy deeds. Every inch of ground had been the site, first or last, of energy,
gaiety, horse-play, bickerings, weariness. Groups of gleaners had squatted in the
sun on every square yard. Love-matches that had populated the adjoining
hamlet had been made up there between reaping and carrying. Under the hedge
which divided the field from a distant plantation girls had given themselves to
lovers who would not turn their heads to look at them by the next harvest; and in
that ancient cornfield many a man had made love-promises to a woman at
whose voice he had trembled by the next seed-time after fulfilling them in the
church adjoining. But this neither Jude nor the rooks around him considered. For
them it was a lonely place, possessing, in the one view, only the quality of a
work-ground, and in the other that of a granary good to feed in.
The boy stood under the rick before mentioned, and every few seconds used
his clacker or rattle briskly. At each clack the rooks left off pecking, and rose and
went away on their leisurely wings, burnished like tassets of mail, afterwards
wheeling back and regarding him warily, and descending to feed at a more
respectful distance.
He sounded the clacker till his arm ached, and at length his heart grew
sympathetic with the birds' thwarted desires. They seemed, like himself, to be
living in a world which did not want them. Why should he frighten them away?
They took upon more and more the aspect of gentle friends and pensioners-- the
only friends he could claim as being in the least degree interested in him, for his
athwart: 에거슬러, 을 가로질러, 하찮은 것, 한 덩이의 흙덩어리. 화려, 화려, 잔치 기분.
어긋나게. corduroy: 코듀로이, 코듀로이 양복, gradations: 순서.
clack: 수다, 딱딱소리나게 하다, 코르덴, 코르덴바지, 코듀로이 바지. granary: 곡창, 곡물창고.
딱딱거리다, 지껄여대다, cornfield: 옥수수밭, 밀밭, 보리밭, meanly: 의미 있는 듯이, 일부러,
꼬꼬댁거리다, 딱딱하는소리, 곡물 밭, 곡물밭. 비열하게, 빈약하게, 상스럽게.
잘짝소리, 지껄여댐, 지껄임, fallow: 유휴하다, 담황색의, 묵히고 populated: 거주시키는.
딱딱하는 소리, 딸깍거리다. 있는, 유휴, 연한 황갈색의, 놀리다, utilitarian: 공리적인, 공리주의의,
clacker: 땡땡이, 달가닥 소리를 내는 경작하지 않은, 연한 회갈색의, 공리주의자, 실용적인.
것, 논밭에서 새를 쫓는 장치. 갈아만 놓고 놀리다, 휴경지, 수양을 weariness: 권태, 싫증, 피로.
clod: 아둔패기, 덩어리, 소의 어깨살, 쌓지 않은. wheeling: 윤전, 노면의 상태, 수레로
바모, 우둔한 사람, 흙덩이, 흙, gaiety: 유쾌, 환락, 쾌활, 법석, 호사 나르기, 자전거 타기.
10 Jude the Obscure
aunt had often told him that she was not. He ceased his rattling, and they
alighted anew.%
"Poor little dears!" said Jude, aloud. "You shall have some dinner-- you shall.
There is enough for us all. Farmer Troutham can afford to let you have some.
Eat, then my dear little birdies, and make a good meal!"
They stayed and ate, inky spots on the nut-brown soil and Jude enjoyed their
appetite. A magic thread of fellow-feeling united his own life with theirs. Puny
and sorry as those lives were, they much resembled his own.
His clacker he had by this time thrown away from him, as being a mean and
sordid instrument, offensive both to the birds and to himself as their friend. All
at once he became conscious of a smart blow upon his buttocks, followed by a
loud clack, which announced to his surprised senses that the clacker had been
the instrument of offence used. The birds and Jude started up simultaneously,
and the dazed eyes of the latter beheld the farmer in person, the great Troutham
himself, his red face glaring down upon Jude's cowering frame, the clacker
swinging in his hand.
"So it's 'Eat my dear birdies,' is it, young man? 'Eat, dear birdies,' indeed! I'll
tickle your breeches, and see if you say, 'Eat, dear birdies,' again in a hurry! And
you've been idling at the schoolmaster's too, instead of coming here, ha'n't ye,
hey? That's how you earn your sixpence a day for keeping the rooks off my
Whilst saluting Jude's ears with this impassioned rhetoric, Troutham had
seized his left hand with his own left, and swinging his slim frame round him at
arm's-length, again struck Jude on the hind parts with the flat side of Jude's own
rattle, till the field echoed with the blows, which were delivered once or twice at
each revolution.
"Don't 'ee, sir--please don't 'ee!" cried the whirling child, as helpless under the
centrifugal tendency of his person as a hooked fish swinging to land, and
beholding the hill, the rick, the plantation, the path, and the rooks going round
and round him in an amazing circular race. "I--I sir--only meant that--there was a
good crop in the ground-- I saw 'em sow it--and the rooks could have a little bit
appetite: 식욕, 욕구, 욕망, 기호. 묻은, 새카만, 잉크로 표를 한, sordid: 더러운, 야비한, 욕심 많은,
breeches: 승마용 바지, 반바지, 잉크묻은, 더러워진, 잉크로 표시를 칙칙한.
승마바지, 바지. 한. sow: 암퇘지, 뿌리다, 에 씨를 뿌리다,
buttocks: 엉덩이, 고물. nut-brown: 밤색의, 소녀의 얼굴 퍼뜨리다, 흩 뿌리다, 씨를 뿌리다, 의
centrifugal: 원심성의, 원심력을 따위가 밤색의, 에일 따위가 밤색의, 원인을 뿌리다, 선철이 흐르는 길, 의
이용하는, 중앙 집권화에서 분리되는, 에일 따위가 적갈색의, 적갈색의, 씨를 뿌리다, 쥐며느리, 원인을
지방 분권적인, 원심의, 원심분리기, 소녀의 얼굴 따위가 적갈색의. 뿌리다.
원심 분리기, 원심력의, 원심 통. rattling: 활발한, 굉장한, tickle: 간질이다, 가볍게 대다, 즐겁게
impassioned: 열렬한, 감격한, 감동한, 덜거덕거리는, 훌륭한, 아주, 성가신, 하다, 재미나게하다, 손으로 잡다,
정열적인. 매우, 딸랑거리는, 대단히, 기운찬, 간질이기, 간질거리다, 간지러움,
inky: 잉크같은, 잉크의, 새까만, 잉크 귀찮은. 간지럽다, 간질간질하다, 간지럼.
Thomas Hardy 11
for dinner-- and you wouldn't miss it, sir--and Mr. Phillotson said I was to be
kind to 'em--oh, oh, oh!"
This truthful explanation seemed to exasperate the farmer even more than if
Jude had stoutly denied saying anything at all, and he still smacked the whirling
urchin, the clacks of the instrument continuing to resound all across the field and
as far as the ears of distant workers-- who gathered thereupon that Jude was
pursuing his business of clacking with great assiduity--and echoing from the
brand-new church tower just behind the mist, towards the building of which
structure the farmer had largely subscribed, to testify his love for God and man.%
Presently Troutham grew tired of his punitive task, and depositing the
quivering boy on his legs, took a sixpence from his pocket and gave it him in
payment for his day's work, telling him to go home and never let him see him in
one of those fields again.
Jude leaped out of arm's reach, and walked along the trackway weeping-- not
from the pain, though that was keen enough; not from the perception of the flaw
in the terrestrial scheme, by which what was good for God's birds was bad for
God's gardener; but with the awful sense that he had wholly disgraced himself
before he had been a year in the parish, and hence might be a burden to his
great-aunt for life.
With this shadow on his mind he did not care to show himself in the village,
and went homeward by a roundabout track behind a high hedge and across a
pasture. Here he beheld scores of coupled earthworms lying half their length on
the surface of the damp ground, as they always did in such weather at that time
of the year. It was impossible to advance in regular steps without crushing some
of them at each tread.
Though Farmer Troutham had just hurt him, he was a boy who could not
himself bear to hurt anything. He had never brought home a nest of young birds
without lying awake in misery half the night after, and often re-instating them
and the nest in their original place the next morning. He could scarcely bear to
see trees cut down or lopped, from a fancy that it hurt them; and late pruning,
when the sap was up and the tree bled profusely, had been a positive grief to
bled: 물집의, 거품의. profusely: 풍부하게, 마구, 넘치도록, 재미없는, 점점 무너뜨리다, 수액,
exasperate: 악화시키다, 감정을 통이 크게. 대호를 파다, 짧은 방망이.
자극하다, 더하게 하다, 격노케하다, pruning: 가지치기, 전정, 전지. stoutly: 용감하게, 튼튼하게.
격분시키다. punitive: 형벌의, 벌주는. thereupon: 그위에, 그러므로,
flaw: 돌풍, 금, 결점, 흠, 흠집을 내다, resound: 울리다, 반향하다, 울려 그리하여, 거기서, 그 위에, 그 후
한차례의 폭풍, 금가다, 질풍, 잠시 퍼지다, 널리알려지다, 울다, 즉시.
동안의 폭풍우. 울려퍼지다, 극구 칭찬하다, 떨치다, trackway: 밟아 다져진 길, 도로.
homeward: 귀로의, 본국으로 향해서, 찬양하다, 큰소리로 말하다, 평판이 truthful: 진실의, 성실한, 정직한,
집으로, 집으로 돌아가는, 집쪽으로. 자자해지다. 거짓말 안하는.
misery: 불행, 비참, 빈곤, 고통, sap: 대호, 바보, 생기, 점점 urchin: 소년, 개구쟁이, 선머슴,
정신적 고통, 육체적 고통. 약화시키다, 기운, 시든, 활기 없는 고슴도치, 장난꾸러기, 섬게.
12 Jude the Obscure
him in his infancy. This weakness of character, as it may be called, suggested that
he was the sort of man who was born to ache a good deal before the fall of the
curtain upon his unnecessary life should signify that all was well with him
again. He carefully picked his way on tiptoe among the earthworms, without
killing a single one.%
On entering the cottage he found his aunt selling a penny loaf to a little girl,
and when the customer was gone she said, "Well, how do you come to be back
here in the middle of the morning like this?"
"I'm turned away."
"Mr. Troutham have turned me away because I let the rooks have a few
peckings of corn. And there's my wages--the last I shall ever hae!"
He threw the sixpence tragically on the table.
"Ah!" said his aunt, suspending her breath. And she opened upon him a
lecture on how she would now have him all the spring upon her hands doing
nothing. "If you can't skeer birds, what can ye do? There! don't ye look so deedy!
Farmer Troutham is not so much better than myself, come to that. But 'tis as Job
said, 'Now they that are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I
would have disdained to have set with the dogs of my flock.' His father was my
father's journeyman, anyhow, and I must have been a fool to let 'ee go to work
for 'n, which I shouldn't ha' done but to keep 'ee out of mischty."
More angry with Jude for demeaning her by coming there than for
dereliction of duty, she rated him primarily from that point of view, and only
secondarily from a moral one.
"Not that you should have let the birds eat what Farmer Troutham planted.
Of course you was wrong in that. Jude, Jude, why didstn't go off with that
schoolmaster of thine to Christminster or somewhere? But, oh no-- poor or'nary
child--there never was any sprawl on thy side of the family, and never will be!"
"Where is this beautiful city, Aunt--this place where Mr. Phillotson is gone
to?" asked the boy, after meditating in silence.
ache: 아프다, 아픔, 쑤시다, 갈망하다, 한덩이, 머리, 원뿔꼴의 횐 설탕, 때려 눕히다, 마구 퍼지다, 쭉 뻗다,
간망하다, 통증, 하고 싶어 못 견디다. 시간을 놀며 보내다, 빵의 덩어리. 꼴사납게 뻗어나다, 볼품없이 뻗어
can't: 못 하다. primarily: 첫째로, 주로. 있다, 불규칙하게 넓어짐, 불규칙하게
dereliction: 유기, 태만, 포기. rated: 정격의. 뻗어나다, 불규칙하게 뻗음, 쭉 펴다,
derision: 비웃음, 경멸, 조롱, secondarily: 보좌로서, 종속적으로, 큰 대자로 나가자빠지게 하다.
조소거리. 다음으로, 두번째로, 종적으로, thine: 너의 것.
journeyman: 날품팔이, 직공, 제2로, 제2위로. tiptoe: 발끝, 살그머니, 발끝으로,
숙련노동자, 숙련노 공장. signify: 의미하다, 중대하다, 열심히, 발끝으로 걷다, 살그머니
loaf: 덩어리, 요리의 일종, 예시하다, 나타내다, 중요하다, 의 하는, 주의 깊은, 크게 기대하고 있는,
어정거리다, 빵 한덩어리, 전조가 되다. 발끝으로 서 있는, 발끝으로 선,
놀고지내다, 빈둥거리다, 원뿔꼴의 sprawl: 큰대자로 드러눕다, 큰대자로 발끝으로 걷는.
Thomas Hardy 13
"Lord! %you ought to know where the city of Christminster is. Near a score of
miles from here. It is a place much too good for you ever to have much to do
with, poor boy, I'm a-thinking."
"And will Mr. Phillotson always be there?"
"How can I tell?"
"Could I go to see him?"
"Lord, no! You didn't grow up hereabout, or you wouldn't ask such as that.
We've never had anything to do with folk in Christminster, nor folk in
Christminster with we."
Jude went out, and, feeling more than ever his existence to be an
undemanded one, he lay down upon his back on a heap of litter near the pig-sty.
The fog had by this time become more translucent, and the position of the sun
could be seen through it. He pulled his straw hat over his face, and peered
through the interstices of the plaiting at the white brightness, vaguely reflecting.
Growing up brought responsibilities, he found. Events did not rhyme quite as
he had thought. Nature's logic was too horrid for him to care for. That mercy
towards one set of creatures was cruelty towards another sickened his sense of
harmony. As you got older, and felt yourself to be at the centre of your time, and
not at a point in its circumference, as you had felt when you were little, you were
seized with a sort of shuddering, he perceived. All around you there seemed to
be something glaring, garish, rattling, and the noises and glares hit upon the
little cell called your life, and shook it, and warped it.
If he could only prevent himself growing up! He did not want to be a man.
Then, like the natural boy, he forgot his despondency, and sprang up. During
the remainder of the morning he helped his aunt, and in the afternoon, when
there was nothing more to be done, he went into the village. Here he asked a
man whereabouts Christminster lay.
"Christminster? Oh, well, out by there yonder; though I've never bin there--
not I. I've never had any business at such a place."
bin: 큰상자, 저장하다, 정신병원, 쏘아보. rhyme: 운, 시를 짓다, 압운시, 동운어,
포도주 저장소, 큰 상자. heap: 기가 푹 꺽이다, 느닷없이, 많이, 운이 맞다, 운을 달다, 각운, 운문,
brightness: 환함, 머리가 좋음, 빛남. 퍽, 쌓다, 쌓아 올리다, 더미, 매우, 운이 맞게 하다, 암운, 시로 만들다.
circumference: 원주, 주위, 주변, 수북이 담다, 쌓아올리다, 쌓아올린 shuddering: 쭈뼛해지는, 떠는,
주변의 길이, 경계선, 범위, 영역, 것. 몸서리치는.
주변의 거리. hereabout: 이 근처에, 이 근방에. translucent: 반투명의, 투명한,
despondency: 낙담. horrid: 무서운, 지독한. 명백한.
garish: 야한, 번쩍거리는, 화려한. litter: 난잡, 가마, 깔짚, 깃을 깔다, whereabouts: 어디쯤에, 소재, 있는
glaring: 눈부신, 번쩍번쩍 빛나는, 들것, 난잡하게 어지르다, 어수선하게 곳, 행방, 의 장소.
눈에 띄는, 명백한, 흘겨보는, 야한, 흩어진 물건, 잡동사니, 낳다, 쓰레기, yonder: 저기에, 저쪽, 훨씬 저쪽의,
빤한, 현란한, 빤짝빤짝 빛나는, 물건을 흩뜨리다. 저곳에, 저곳에의.
14 Jude the Obscure
The man pointed north-eastward, in the very direction where lay that field in
which Jude had so disgraced himself. There was something unpleasant about
the coincidence for the moment, but the fearsomeness of this fact rather
increased his curiosity about the city. The farmer had said he was never to be
seen in that field again; yet Christminster lay across it, and the path was a public
one. So, stealing out of the hamlet, he descended into the same hollow which
had witnessed his punishment in the morning, never swerving an inch from the
path, and climbing up the long and tedious ascent on the other side till the track
joined the highway by a little clump of trees. Here the ploughed land ended,
and all before him was bleak open down.%
ascent: 오르막, 오름, 상승, 등산, 세균덩어리. 우묵 들어가다, 힘없는, 우묵 들어간,
사승, 오르막길, 올라감. coincidence: 일치, 부합, 동시에 공복의.
bleak: 으스스 추운, 황량한, 쌀쌀한, 일어난 사건, 동시에 일어남, inch: 인치, 소량, 신장, 조금씩
쓸쓸한, 찬바람 나는, 싸늘한, 동시발생, 동시에일어난 사건, 동시 움직이다, 키, 작은섬, 조금, 강우량
바람받이의, 침체된, 차가운. 발생, 우연히 같이 일어난 사건. 단위, 조금씩 움직이게 하다.
climbing: 기어오르는, 등산, curiosity: 호기심, 골동품, 진기함, pointed: 뾰족한, 가시돋친, 노골적인,
상승하는, 기어 오름, 등산용의, 진기한 것, 신기함, 진기한것. 두드러진, 말씨가 명쾌한, 명쾌한.
등산용의 기어오름, 기어오름. highway: 상도, 간선 도로, 공도, 공로, stealing: 훔침, 도루, 훔친물건.
clump: 군생하다, 쿵쿵 밟다, 밑창을 공로의, 상도의. tedious: 지루한, 장황한.
대다, 밑창, 덩어리, 무거운 발걸음 hollow: 구멍, 우묵한 곳, 공허한, unpleasant: 불쾌한, 불유쾌한,
소리, 수풀, 풀숲, 응집시키다, 쿵쿵, 골짜기, 거짓의, 도려내다, 속이 텅빈, 심술궂은.
Thomas Hardy 15
Not%a soul was visible on the hedgeless highway, or on either side of it, and
the white road seemed to ascend and diminish till it joined the sky. At the very
top it was crossed at right angles by a green "ridgeway"--the Ickneild Street and
original Roman road through the district. This ancient track ran east and west
for many miles, and down almost to within living memory had been used for
driving flocks and herds to fairs and markets. But it was now neglected and
The boy had never before strayed so far north as this from the nestling
hamlet in which he had been deposited by the carrier from a railway station
southward, one dark evening some few months earlier, and till now he had had
no suspicion that such a wide, flat, low-lying country lay so near at hand, under
the very verge of his upland world. The whole northern semicircle between east
and west, to a distance of forty or fifty miles, spread itself before him; a bluer,
moister atmosphere, evidently, than that he breathed up here.
Not far from the road stood a weather-beaten old barn of reddish-grey brick
and tile. It was known as the Brown House by the people of the locality. He was
about to pass it when he perceived a ladder against the eaves; and the reflection
that the higher he got, the further he could see, led Jude to stand and regard it.
ascend: 오르다, 오르막이되다, 시대가 neglected: 게을리한. semicircle: 반원.
거슬러 올라가다, 올라가다, 에 nestling: 유아, 둥지를 떠나기전의 southward: 남으로부터, 남으로,
오르다, 높아지다, 을 오르다, 새끼, 어린아이, 어린애, 갓 깐 남쪽에, 남쪽으로, 남쪽으로의,
오르막이 되다, 등귀하다, 상향, 병아리, 아직 날지 못하는 새 새끼, 새 남쪽의.
거슬러 올라가다. 새끼. strayed: 길을 잃는.
breathed: 무성음의. overgrown: 너무 크게 자란, 너무 tile: 기와, 기와를 이다, 타일, 하수
diminish: 줄이다, 감소시키다, 줄다. 자란, 전면에 우거진, 지나치게 자란, 토관, 타일을 붙이다, 실크해트, 패,
eaves: 처마. 키가 너무 큰, 전면에무성한, 비밀 지킬 것을 맹세케 하다, 토관,
locality: 장소, 산지, 위치, 현장, 꼴사나운, 볼꼴사나운, 너무커진, 모자.
지방성, 풍습 등의 지방성, 부근, 식물이 너무 무성한, 사람이 너무 weather-beaten: 비바람에 단련된,
소재지. 크게 자란. 비바람에 시달린.
16 Jude the Obscure
On the slope of the roof two men were repairing the tiling. He turned into the
ridgeway and drew towards the barn.%
When he had wistfully watched the workmen for some time he took courage,
and ascended the ladder till he stood beside them.
"Well, my lad, and what may you want up here?"
"I wanted to know where the city of Christminster is, if you please."
"Christminster is out across there, by that clump. You can see it-- at least you
can on a clear day. Ah, no, you can't now."
The other tiler, glad of any kind of diversion from the monotony of his
labour, had also turned to look towards the quarter designated. "You can't often
see it in weather like this," he said. "The time I've noticed it is when the sun is
going down in a blaze of flame, and it looks like--I don't know what."
"The heavenly Jerusalem," suggested the serious urchin.
"Ay--though I should never ha' thought of it myself.... But I can't see no
Christminster to-day."
The boy strained his eyes also; yet neither could he see the far-off city. He
descended from the barn, and abandoning Christminster with the versatility of
his age he walked along the ridge-track, looking for any natural objects of
interest that might lie in the banks thereabout. When he repassed the barn to go
back to Marygreen he observed that the ladder was still in its place, but that the
men had finished their day's work and gone away.
It was waning towards evening; there was still a faint mist, but it had cleared
a little except in the damper tracts of subjacent country and along the river-
courses. He thought again of Christminster, and wished, since he had come two
or three miles from his aunt's house on purpose, that he could have seen for once
this attractive city of which he had been told. But even if he waited here it was
hardly likely that the air would clear before night. Yet he was loth to leave the
spot, for the northern expanse became lost to view on retreating towards the
village only a few hundred yards.
damper: 현악기의 약음기, 피아노의 heavenly: 하늘의, 천국 같은, 훌륭한, thereabout: 그 근처에, 대략, 그
단음 장치, 난로의 공기 조정판, 흥을 천부의, 거룩한, 근사한, 타고난, 무렵에, 그 당시, 쯤, 그쯤, 그부근에,
깨뜨리는 사람, 기를 꺽는 석, 의기를 천국의, 멋진, 천국과 같이. 그분근처에, 그분근에.
저상시키는 것, 지음기, 축이는 기구. loth: 싫은, 싫어하여. tiler: 집회소 문지기, 타일장이,
designated: 관선의, 지정된. monotony: 단조로움, 단음, 단조. 기와장이, 타일 일하는 사람.
diversion: 견제, 전환, 기분 전환, ridgeway: 산등성잇길. tiling: 기와 이기, 타일, 기와 지붕,
오락, 우회로, 양동 작전, 양동, 견제 strained: 억지의, 팽팽한, 긴박한, 기와, 기와류, 기와지붕, 타일 깔기,
작전, 기분. 긴장한, 긴장된, 억지로 지어낸, 타일붙이기, 타일을 깐 면.
expanse: 팽창, 넓은장소, 넓음, 확장, 부자연스러운. versatility: 다재, 다능, 다예, 융통성
넓게 퍼진 공간, 넓게 퍼진 장소. subjacent: 아래에 있는, 아래의, 밑에 있음.
far-off: 아득히 먼. 있는, 밑의. wistfully: 바라는 듯이.
Thomas Hardy 17
He ascended the ladder to have one more look at the point the men had
designated, and perched himself on the highest rung, overlying the tiles. He
might not be able to come so far as this for many days. Perhaps if he prayed, the
wish to see Christminster might be forwarded. People said that, if you prayed,
things sometimes came to you, even though they sometimes did not. He had
read in a tract that a man who had begun to build a church, and had no money to
finish it, knelt down and prayed, and the money came in by the next post.
Another man tried the same experiment, and the money did not come; but he
found afterwards that the breeches he knelt in were made by a wicked Jew. This
was not discouraging, and turning on the ladder Jude knelt on the third rung,
where, resting against those above it, he prayed that the mist might rise.%
He then seated himself again, and waited. In the course of ten or fifteen
minutes the thinning mist dissolved altogether from the northern horizon, as it
had already done elsewhere, and about a quarter of an hour before the time of
sunset the westward clouds parted, the sun's position being partially uncovered,
and the beams streaming out in visible lines between two bars of slaty cloud.
The boy immediately looked back in the old direction.
Some way within the limits of the stretch of landscape, points of light like the
topaz gleamed. The air increased in transparency with the lapse of minutes, till
the topaz points showed themselves to be the vanes, windows, wet roof slates,
and other shining spots upon the spires, domes, freestone-work, and varied
outlines that were faintly revealed. It was Christminster, unquestionably; either
directly seen, or miraged in the peculiar atmosphere.
The spectator gazed on and on till the windows and vanes lost their shine,
going out almost suddenly like extinguished candles. The vague city became
veiled in mist. Turning to the west, he saw that the sun had disappeared. The
foreground of the scene had grown funereally dark, and near objects put on the
hues and shapes of chimaeras.
He anxiously descended the ladder, and started homewards at a run, trying
not to think of giants, Herne the Hunter, Apollyon lying in wait for Christian, or
of the captain with the bleeding hole in his forehead and the corpses round him
discouraging: 낙담시키는, 용기를 고요한 흐름, 타락. 쓰지 않은, 담보가 없는, 덮개가 없는,
꺾는, 실망적인, 신이 안나는, 맥빠진, slaty: 석판색의, 슬레이트의, 석판 노출된, 모자를 쓰지않는, 차페물이
시원찮은. 모양의, 슬레이트색의, 슬레이트같은, 없는, 덮게를 씌우지 않는, 차폐물이
foreground: 전경, 가장 두드러진 슬레이트가많은, 석판쥐빛의. 없는.
지위, 가장두드러진지위, 다중 spectator: 구경꾼, 방관자, 관찰자, unquestionably: 분명히, 의심이 없는,
프로그래밍, 다중 프로그래밍의, 목격자. 의심할 나위 없이, 확실히.
전경의, 최전면, 최전면의. streaming: 흐름, 능력별 학급 편성. veiled: 분명치 않은, 가면을 쓴,
homewards: 집쪽으로. topaz: 황옥, 벌새의 일종. 감추어진, 베일로 덮인, 숨겨진.
lapse: 경과, 추이, 잘못, 실수, transparency: 투명, 투명양화, 투명도, westward: 서방에, 서쪽의, 서쪽,
소멸하다, 폐지, 모르는 사이에 투명 도안, 각하. 서쪽으로 향하는, 서부 제국, 서쪽에,
빠지다, 과실, 물의 고요한 흐름, uncovered: 보험에 들지 않은, 모자를 서쪽으로.
18 Jude the Obscure
that remutinied every night on board the bewitched ship. He knew that he had
grown out of belief in these horrors, yet he was glad when he saw the church
tower and the lights in the cottage windows, even though this was not the home
of his birth, and his great-aunt did not care much about him.%
Inside and round about that old woman's "shop" window, with its twenty-
four little panes set in lead-work, the glass of some of them oxidized with age, so
that you could hardly see the poor penny articles exhibited within, and forming
part of a stock which a strong man could have carried, Jude had his outer being
for some long tideless time. But his dreams were as gigantic as his surroundings
were small.
Through the solid barrier of cold cretaceous upland to the northward he was
always beholding a gorgeous city--the fancied place he had likened to the new
Jerusalem, though there was perhaps more of the painter's imagination and less
of the diamond merchant's in his dreams thereof than in those of the Apocalyptic
writer. And the city acquired a tangibility, a permanence, a hold on his life,
mainly from the one nucleus of fact that the man for whose knowledge and
purposes he had so much reverence was actually living there; not only so, but
living among the more thoughtful and mentally shining ones therein.
In sad wet seasons, though he knew it must rain at Christminster too, he
could hardly believe that it rained so drearily there. Whenever he could get away
from the confines of the hamlet for an hour or two, which was not often, he
would steal off to the Brown House on the hill and strain his eyes persistently;
sometimes to be rewarded by the sight of a dome or spire, at other times by a
little smoke, which in his estimate had some of the mysticism of incense.
Then the day came when it suddenly occurred to him that if he ascended to
the point of view after dark, or possibly went a mile or two further, he would see
the night lights of the city. It would be necessary to come back alone, but even
that consideration did not deter him, for he could throw a little manliness into
his mood, no doubt.
The project was duly executed. It was not late when he arrived at the place of
outlook, only just after dusk, but a black north-east sky, accompanied by a wind
bewitched: 요술을 거는. incense: 향, 향을 피우다, 분향하다, reverence: 존경, 존경하다, 위덕, 님,
confines: 경계. 아첨, 에 향을 피우다, 아부, 방향, 경례, 숭상, 숭상하다, 신부님, 경의,
cretaceous: 백악기, 백악질의, 향내, 성나게 하다, 노하게 하다, 몹시 위엄, 경계.
백악기의, 백악계의, 백악기 의, 화나게 하다. spire: 가는 줄기, 싹트다, 뾰족탑, 쑥
백악기층. manliness: 사내다운, 남자 같은, 내밀다, 소용돌이, 절정, 첨탑을 달다,
drearily: 쓸쓸하게, 적막하게, 사내다움. 가는 잎, 끝이 가늘고 뾰족한 것,
음울하게, 황량하게. mysticism: 신비주의, 비교, 비밀, 나탑, 돌출하다.
fancied: 공상의, 상상의, 가공의, 신비교. tangibility: 명백, 만져서 알 수 있음,
사육자, 이길 듯싶은, 잘 될 듯싶은, permanence: 영구, 영속, 종신 고용, 실체, 확실.
마음에 든. 종신관, 변하지 않는 사람. therein: 그 속에, 그 점에서, 그
gigantic: 거인 같은, 거대한. persistently: 부득부득. 가운데에.
Thomas Hardy 19
from the same quarter, made the occasion dark enough. He was rewarded; but
what he saw was not the lamps in rows, as he had half expected. No individual
light was visible, only a halo or glow-fog over-arching the place against the black
heavens behind it, making the light and the city seem distant but a mile or so.%
He set himself to wonder on the exact point in the glow where the
schoolmaster might be--he who never communicated with anybody at
Marygreen now; who was as if dead to them here. In the glow he seemed to see
Phillotson promenading at ease, like one of the forms in Nebuchadnezzar's
He had heard that breezes travelled at the rate of ten miles an hour, and the
fact now came into his mind. He parted his lips as he faced the north-east, and
drew in the wind as if it were a sweet liquor.
"You," he said, addressing the breeze caressingly "were in Christminster city
between one and two hours ago, floating along the streets, pulling round the
weather-cocks, touching Mr. Phillotson's face, being breathed by him; and now
you are here, breathed by me--you, the very same."
Suddenly there came along this wind something towards him-- a message
from the place--from some soul residing there, it seemed. Surely it was the sound
of bells, the voice of the city, faint and musical, calling to him, "We are happy
He had become entirely lost to his bodily situation during this mental leap,
and only got back to it by a rough recalling. A few yards below the brow of the
hill on which he paused a team of horses made its appearance, having reached
the place by dint of half an hour's serpentine progress from the bottom of the
immense declivity. They had a load of coals behind them-- a fuel that could only
be got into the upland by this particular route. They were accompanied by a
carter, a second man, and a boy, who now kicked a large stone behind one of the
wheels, and allowed the panting animals to have a long rest, while those in
charge took a flagon off the load and indulged in a drink round.
They were elderly men, and had genial voices. Jude addressed them,
inquiring if they had come from Christminster.
addressing: 어드레싱, 어드레스 지정. furnace: 용광로, 시련, 화덕, 몹시 좋아하는, 탐구적인.
caressingly: 달래는 듯하게, 애무하게. 더운 곳, 작열하는곳, 작열하는 곳, liquor: 알코올 음료, 술, 술을 많이
declivity: 하향, 내리막, 내리받이, 어려운 시련의 장소, 난방로, 노, 먹이다, 물약, 용액에 담그다, 독주를
내리받이길. 아궁이. 마시게 하다, 독주를 많이 마시다,
dint: 두들겨 움푹 들어간 곳, 두들겨 genial: 온화한, 다정한, 친절한, 분비액.
움푹 들어간 곳-두들겨서 자국을 쾌적한, 온난한, 턱의, 정다운, parted: 나뉜, 부분으로 나뉜,
내다, 두들겨서 자국을 내다, 타격, 천재의, 생식의. 흐트러진, 갈라진.
움푹 들어간 곳, 힘. halo: 후광, 무리, 영광. serpentine: 사문석, 뱀같은,
flagon: 목이 좁은 병, 큰 포도주 병, inquiring: 알고 싶어 하는, 묻고 싶은 꾸불꾸불한, 음험한, 음흉한, 뱀
술병, 그 한잔분의 용량, 큰 병, 그 한 듯한, 묻는, 미심쩍은, 미심쩍은 듯한, 모양의, 꾸불꾸불 구부러지다, 에스자
잔분의 용량. 알고 싶어하는, 호기심에찬, 캐묻기 곡선, 서펜타인 연못, 뱀춤.
20 Jude the Obscure
alike: 똑같은, 같은, 같게, 같이, 서로 hither: 이쪽의, 여기로, 이리로, 공상적으로.
같은. 여기에. screwed: 나사로 고정시킨,
bashful: 수줍어하는, 수줍은, 수줍다, hoss: 말. 나사모양의, 술 취한, 엉망인, 나사로
내성적인, 부끄럼타는. interrupt: 방해하다, 가로막다, 죈, 술취한, 비뚤어진.
eyed: 눈구멍이 달린, 눈 모양의 중단하다, 중단시키다, 끼어들다, solemn: 엄숙한, 정식의, 격식 차린,
얼룩이 있는, 눈을 한. 일시 정지, 도중에서 방해하다, 신성한, 종교 상의, 진지한, 심각한
forbid: 금하다, 허락지않다, 금지하다, 저지하다. 표정의, 종교상의, 중대한.
방해하다, 하는 일이 절대로 없기를. perceptible: 지각 할 수 있는, 인지할 waistcoat: 조끼, 양복 조끼.
fore: 전면, 전방에-전방, 전방에, 수 있는, 지각할 수 있는. whir: 휙 하다, 윙윙 돌다, 휙 나는
기수에, 이 위험하다, 의 에, 앞쪽, preaching: 설교, 설교하는 것. 소리, 씽 하는 소리, 씽 소리내며
전방, 이물에, 앞 전방의, 앞 앞면의. romantically: 낭만적으로, 날다.
Thomas Hardy 21
of the college life. 'Em lives on a lofty level; there's no gainsaying it, though I
myself med not think much of 'em. As we be here in our bodies on this high
ground, so be they in their minds-- noble-minded men enough, no doubt--some
on 'em--able to earn hundreds by thinking out loud. And some on 'em be strong
young fellows that can earn a'most as much in silver cups. As for music, there's
beautiful music everywhere in Christminster. You med be religious, or you med
not, but you can't help striking in your homely note with the rest. And there's a
street in the place--the main street--that ha'n't another like it in the world. I
should think I did know a little about Christminster!"
By this time the horses had recovered breath and bent to their collars again.
Jude, throwing a last adoring look at the distant halo, turned and walked beside
his remarkably well-informed friend, who had no objection to telling him as they
moved on more yet of the city--its towers and halls and churches. The waggon
turned into a cross-road, whereupon Jude thanked the carter warmly for his
information, and said he only wished he could talk half as well about
Christminster as he.%
"Well, 'tis oonly what has come in my way," said the carter unboastfully. "I've
never been there, no more than you; but I've picked up the knowledge here and
there, and you be welcome to it. A-getting about the world as I do, and mixing
with all classes of society, one can't help hearing of things. A friend o' mine, that
used to clane the boots at the Crozier Hotel in Christminster when he was in his
prime, why, I knowed un as well as my own brother in his later years."
Jude continued his walk homeward alone, pondering so deeply that he forgot
to feel timid. He suddenly grew older. It had been the yearning of his heart to
find something to anchor on, to cling to--for some place which he could call
admirable. Should he find that place in this city if he could get there? Would it be
a spot in which, without fear of farmers, or hindrance, or ridicule, he could
watch and wait, and set himself to some mighty undertaking like the men of old
of whom he had heard? As the halo had been to his eyes when gazing at it a
quarter of an hour earlier, so was the spot mentally to him as he pursued his
dark way.
adoring: 숭배하는, 경배할 만한, 홀딱 있는. 짐마차로 여행하다, 짐마차로
반한. lofty: 거만한, 고상한, 당당한, 치속은, 수송하다, 짐마차, 왜건, 무개 화차,
cling: 달라붙다, 집착하다, 배어들다, 대단히 높은, 숭고한, 거드럭거리는, 광차.
착 달라 붙다, 접근을 유지하다, 매우 높은. well-informed: 박식한, 정보에 밝은,
애착을 가지고 떨어지지 않다, 따라서 noble-minded: 마음이 고결한. 견문이 넓은, 잘 알고 있는, 전문적
나아가다, 들러붙다, 달라붙어 안 ridicule: 비웃다, 비웃음, 조소, 조롱, 지식을 갖고 있는.
떨어지다, 고수하다, 달라 붙다. 놀림, 조롱거리, 조소하다, 웃음거리. whereupon: 그래서, 거기서, 그
hindrance: 방해, 장애, 방해물. timid: 겁많은, 수줍어하는, 때문에, 무엇 위에, 그 위에.
homely: 검소한, 평범한, 수수한, 머뭇거리는. yearning: 동경, 열망, 포부, 대망,
꾸밈없는, 가정의, 가정적인, 얼굴이 waggon: 짐마차로 운반하다, 물건 사모하는, 그리움, 열망하는, 간절한
못생긴, 내집과 같은, 보기 흉한, 흔히 파는 수레, 배달용 트럭, 북두칠성, 생각.
22 Jude the Obscure
castle: 성장, 성, 큰저택, 더블린성, 태운. 적합하다, 탄원, 구애, 적합하게 하다,
안전한 은신처, 대저택, 성을 쌓다, scholarship: 장학금, 학식, 장학생의 에 어울리다, 남하는 대로 하다, 의
왕을 지키다, 성장말로 지키다. 자격, 학문. 마음에 들다.
few: 별로없는, 적은, 거의 없는, silent: 조용한, 활동하지 않는, 묵음의, till: 까지, 갈다, 돈궤, 서랍, 귀중품함,
조금은 있는, 수가 적은. 무언의, 무언으로, 침묵하는, 조용히, 할 때까지는, 하여 마침내, 표석 점토,
figure: 인물, 숫자, 모습, 도안, 도형, 잠자코, 익명의, 침묵을 지키는, 배양하다, 땅을 갈다, 까지줄곧.
상징, 초상, 외관, 피겨스케이트, 소식이 없는. tree: 나무, 나무를 달다, 수목, 골을
자릿수, 도해. spring: 봄, 샘, 용수철을 달다, 튀다, 끼다, 가꼐도, 계통수, 목제품, 궁지에
knowledge: 지식, 학식, 이해, 학문, 폭발시키다, 도약하다, 뛰다, 몰아 넣다, 나무 위로 쫓다, 수목
견문, 인식, 인생 따위의 경험, 경험. 뛰어넘다, 반동, 원천, 청춘. 모양의 것, 크리스마스 트리.
manned: 유인의, 사람이 탄, 사람을 suit: 형편이 좋다, 청원, 소송, 한 벌,
Thomas Hardy 23
extraordinarily: 엄청나게, lard: 돼지기름을 바르다, 돼지기름, 없는조용한, 고요한, 잡음이 적은,
이례적으로, 비상하게, 대단하게, 돼지기름을바르다, 이야기 따위를 소리가 안나는.
유별나게, 특별히. 윤색하다, 윤색하다, 라드, 돼지 비계 pedestrian: 보행자, 도보의, 진부한,
inconvenient: 불편한, 형편이 혹은 베이컨 조각을 끼워 넣다, 고기 도부주의자, 단조로운.
마땅하지 않은, 폐가되는, 따위에 돼지 비계 혹은 베이컨 조각을 repute: 평판, 세평, 명성, 호평, 이라고
부자유스런, 형편이 나쁜, 부자유한. 끼워 넣다, 문장 따위를 윤색하다. 평하다, 신용, 생각하다, 로 보다, 라
itinerant: 순회하는, 순회자, 편력자, light-footed: 걸음이 빠른, 걸음이 평하다, 여기다, 고명.
순방자, 설교자, 순회 전도사, 가벼운. rustic: 시골의, 통나무로 만든, 조야한,
도붓장수, 편력중인, 지방순회 madly: 미쳐서, 극단으로, 몹시, 소박한, 거칠게 만든, 수수한, 전원의,
공연배우등, 지방순회의, 지방 미친듯이. 농부, 시골 사람, 촌사람 같은,
순회의. noiseless: 소리없는, 소음이 시골풍의.
24 Jude the Obscure
woman as a certain cure for a bad leg, the woman arranging to pay a guinea, in
instalments of a shilling a fortnight, for the precious salve, which, according to
the physician, could only be obtained from a particular animal which grazed on
Mount Sinai, and was to be captured only at great risk to life and limb. Jude,
though he already had his doubts about this gentleman's medicines, felt him to
be unquestionably a travelled personage, and one who might be a trustworthy
source of information on matters not strictly professional.%
"I s'pose you've been to Christminster, Physician?"
"I have--many times," replied the long thin man. "That's one of my centres."
"It's a wonderful city for scholarship and religion?"
"You'd say so, my boy, if you'd seen it. Why, the very sons of the old women
who do the washing of the colleges can talk in Latin--not good Latin, that I
admit, as a critic: dog-Latin--cat-Latin, as we used to call it in my undergraduate
"And Greek?"
"Well--that's more for the men who are in training for bishops, that they may
be able to read the New Testament in the original."
"I want to learn Latin and Greek myself."
"A lofty desire. You must get a grammar of each tongue."
"I mean to go to Christminster some day."
"Whenever you do, you say that Physician Vilbert is the only proprietor of
those celebrated pills that infallibly cure all disorders of the alimentary system,
as well as asthma and shortness of breath. Two and threepence a box--specially
licensed by the government stamp."
"Can you get me the grammars if I promise to say it hereabout?"
"I'll sell you mine with pleasure--those I used as a student."
"Oh, thank you, sir!" said Jude gratefully, but in gasps, for the amazing speed
of the physician's walk kept him in a dog-trot which was giving him a stitch in
the side. "I think you'd better drop behind, my young man. Now I'll tell you what
according: 그러므로, 따라서, 손발을 끊다. 구조하다, 달래다.
나름으로, 에 따라, 에 의하여. personage: 인물, 저명 인사, 사람, shilling: 실링.
alimentary: 영양의, 음식의. 명사, 소설의 등장 인물, 등장 인물, shortness: 짧음, 부족, 무름, 낮음,
asthma: 천식. 극의 등장 인물, 역사상의 인물. 가까움, 무뚝뚝함, 냉랭함, 부서지기
gratefully: 감사하여, 기꺼이. physician: 의사, 내과 의사. 쉬움, 간략.
infallibly: 오류가 없는, 전혀 잘못이 pills: 의사. threepence: 삼펜스 경화, 삼펜스의
없는, 절대 확실한. proprietor: 경영자, 소유자, 소유주, 금액, 삼펜스.
licensed: 인가된, 세상이 인정하는. 독점권 소유자, 집주인, 사업주. trustworthy: 신뢰할 수 있는, 확실한,
limb: 수족, 날개, 팔, 의 salve: 위안, 연고, 가라앉히다, 연고를 신용할 수 있는.
가지를자르다, 앞이, 가장자리, 구, 달 바르다, 위안하다, 덜어주는 것, 고약, undergraduate: 재학생, 대학 재학생,
따위의 가장자리, 문장의 구, 엽변, 의 에 고약을 바르다, 의 해난을 대학생의, 대학의.
Thomas Hardy 25
I'll do. I'll get you the grammars, and give you a first lesson, if you'll remember,
at every house in the village, to recommend Physician Vilbert's golden ointment,
life-drops, and female pills."
"Where will you be with the grammars?"
"I shall be passing here this day fortnight at precisely this hour of five-and-
twenty minutes past seven. My movements are as truly timed as those of the
planets in their courses."
"Here I'll be to meet you," said Jude.%
"With orders for my medicines?"
"Yes, Physician."
Jude then dropped behind, waited a few minutes to recover breath, and went
home with a consciousness of having struck a blow for Christminster.
Through the intervening fortnight he ran about and smiled outwardly at his
inward thoughts, as if they were people meeting and nodding to him-- smiled
with that singularly beautiful irradiation which is seen to spread on young faces
at the inception of some glorious idea, as if a supernatural lamp were held
inside their transparent natures, giving rise to the flattering fancy that heaven
lies about them then.
He honestly performed his promise to the man of many cures, in whom he
now sincerely believed, walking miles hither and thither among the surrounding
hamlets as the Physician's agent in advance. On the evening appointed he stood
motionless on the plateau, at the place where he had parted from Vilbert, and
there awaited his approach. The road-physician was fairly up to time; but, to the
surprise of Jude on striking into his pace, which the pedestrian did not diminish
by a single unit of force, the latter seemed hardly to recognize his young
companion, though with the lapse of the fortnight the evenings had grown light.
Jude thought it might perhaps be owing to his wearing another hat, and he
saluted the physician with dignity.
"Well, my boy?" said the latter abstractedly.
"I've come," said Jude.
abstractedly: 추상적으로. 뭄짓으로 신호하다, 움직이지 않는, 훌륭한, 각각의 단수의, 개개의, 단
flattering: 아첨하는, 유망한, 실물보다 정지한, 정지한-뭄짓으로 하나의, 독특한, 멋진, 이상한,
좋게 보이는, 알랑거리는, 빌붙는, 신호하다링, 팅삥, 동기가 없는. 현저한.
비위 맞추는, 기쁘게 하는, ointment: 연고. supernatural: 초자연의, 불가사의한,
발림말하는. outwardly: 외견상, 표면상, 외면상은, 초자연적인 힘, 신의 조화.
inception: 개시, 시초, 발단, 처음, 밖으로 향하여, 외면에, 밖을 향하여, thither: 저기에, 저쪽에, 저쪽의,
학위를 받음. 외부에 대하여, 바깥쪽에, 저쪽으로.
irradiation: 계몽, 방사하다, 조사, 외부적으로. timed: 일정 시간후 작동하도록
쐬다, 빛나다, 비추다, 뢴트겐선 치료, owing: 빚지고 있는, 지불해야 할, 에 장치한, 때에 알맞은.
및을 투사함, 광휘, 광삼, 발광. 기인하는. transparent: 투명한, 솔직한, 명료한,
motionless: 움직이 않는, 퍄, singularly: 단수로, 단수, 이상하게, 빤히 들여다뵈는, 명백한, 명쾌한.
26 Jude the Obscure
"You? who are you? Oh yes--to be sure! Got any orders, lad?"
"Yes." And Jude told him the names and addresses of the cottagers who were
willing to test the virtues of the world-renowned pills and salve. The quack
mentally registered these with great care.%
"And the Latin and Greek grammars?" Jude's voice trembled with anxiety.
"What about them?"
"You were to bring me yours, that you used before you took your degree."
"Ah, yes, yes! Forgot all about it--all! So many lives depending on my
attention, you see, my man, that I can't give so much thought as I would like to
other things."
Jude controlled himself sufficiently long to make sure of the truth; and he
repeated, in a voice of dry misery, "You haven't brought 'em!"
"No. But you must get me some more orders from sick people, and I'll bring
the grammars next time."
Jude dropped behind. He was an unsophisticated boy, but the gift of sudden
insight which is sometimes vouchsafed to children showed him all at once what
shoddy humanity the quack was made of. There was to be no intellectual light
from this source. The leaves dropped from his imaginary crown of laurel; he
turned to a gate, leant against it, and cried bitterly.
The disappointment was followed by an interval of blankness. He might,
perhaps, have obtained grammars from Alfredston, but to do that required
money, and a knowledge of what books to order; and though physically
comfortable, he was in such absolute dependence as to be without a farthing of
his own.
At this date Mr. Phillotson sent for his pianoforte, and it gave Jude a lead.
Why should he not write to the schoolmaster, and ask him to be so kind as to get
him the grammars in Christminster? He might slip a letter inside the case of the
instrument, and it would be sure to reach the desired eyes. Why not ask him to
send any old second-hand copies, which would have the charm of being
mellowed by the university atmosphere?
addresses: 구애. 사물이 상상으로서만 존재하는, 집오리 따위가 꽥꽥 울다, 시끄럽게
bitterly: 쓰게, 격심하게, 비참하게, 비현실적이어서 신용할수 없는, 허수, 지껄이다.
몹시, 살을 에듯이, 통렬히. 상상상의, 허수의. second-hand: 중고로, 중고의, 고물로,
blankness: 공백, 단조. laurel: 명예, 월계관, 승리, 월계수, 간접의.
disappointment: 실망. 승리의 표시로서의 월계수의 잎, shoddy: 가짜, 가짜의, 재생의,
farthing: 영국의 동전, 영국의동전, 승리의 표시로서의 월계수의 가지, 굴퉁이의, 재생 털실, 위조품, 재생
파싱. 월계수의 가지, 월계수의 잎. 나사, 재생 모직물, 재생한 털실, 재생
humanity: 인류, 인간성, 인정, 인간, quack: 돌팔이 의사, 식자연하는 사람, 모직물의, 싸구려 물품.
인문 과학, 박애, 인간임, 사람의 가짜의, 사기꾼 같은 짓, 사기꾼, 꽥꽥 unsophisticated: 순진한, 단순한, 섞지
속성, 자선 행위, 라틴 문학, 인간애. 울다, 떠들썩하게 지껄이다, 엉터리 않은, 순수한, 진짜의, 섞인 것 없는,
imaginary: 상상의, 가공의어떤 치료를 하다, 돌팔이 의사가 쓰는, 순박한.
Thomas Hardy 27
To tell his aunt of his intention would be to defeat it. It was necessary to act
After a further consideration of a few days he did act, and on the day of the
piano's departure, which happened to be his next birthday, clandestinely placed
the letter inside the packing-case, directed to his much-admired friend, being
afraid to reveal the operation to his aunt Drusilla, lest she should discover his
motive, and compel him to abandon his scheme.
The piano was despatched, and Jude waited days and weeks, calling every
morning at the cottage post office before his great-aunt was stirring. At last a
packet did indeed arrive at the village, and he saw from the ends of it that it
contained two thin books. He took it away into a lonely place, and sat down on a
felled elm to open it.
Ever since his first ecstasy or vision of Christminster and its possibilities, Jude
had meditated much and curiously on the probable sort of process that was
involved in turning the expressions of one language into those of another. He
concluded that a grammar of the required tongue would contain, primarily, a
rule, prescription, or clue of the nature of a secret cipher, which, once known,
would enable him, by merely applying it, to change at will all words of his own
speech into those of the foreign one. His childish idea was, in fact, a pushing to
the extremity of mathematical precision what is everywhere known as Grimm's
Law-- an aggrandizement of rough rules to ideal completeness. Thus he
assumed that the words of the required language were always to be found
somewhere latent in the words of the given language by those who had the art to
uncover them, such art being furnished by the books aforesaid.
When, therefore, having noted that the packet bore the postmark of
Christminster, he cut the string, opened the volumes, and turned to the Latin
grammar, which chanced to come uppermost, he could scarcely believe his eyes.
The book was an old one--thirty years old, soiled, scribbled wantonly over
with a strange name in every variety of enmity to the letterpress, and marked at
random with dates twenty years earlier than his own day. But this was not the
cause of Jude's amazement. He learnt for the first time that there was no law of
aforesaid: 전술한, 진술한. 강제적인, 억지로...시키다. 찍다, 에 소인을 찍다.
aggrandizement: 증대, 강화, 과장, completeness: 완전성, 완정. uncover: 덮개를 벗기다, 목로하다,
확대. elm: 느릅나무. 모자를 벗다, 털어놓다, 탈모하다,
amazement: 놀람, 소스라침. enmity: 적의, 증오. 뚜껑을 벗기다, 폭로하다.
cipher: 아라비아 숫자, 암호, 영, extremity: 말단, 수족, 선단, 곤경, uppermost: 최상의, 최초로, 가장 눈에
계산하다, 변변치 않은 사람, 자명, 비상수단, 끝, 극한, 극단, 극도, 띄는, 맨먼저 마음에 떠오르는,
암호로 쓰다, 암호를 쓰다, 열쇠, 극단책, 앞끝. 최고위에, 최상에, 최고의, 맨 먼저
운산하다, 을 계산하다. letterpress: 편지 복사기, 활판 인쇄한 마음에 떠오르는, 맨 앞에, 맨 위에,
clandestinely: 은밀히, 남몰래. 자구, 활판 인쇄, 철판인쇄기, 인쇄한 맨 먼저.
compel: 강요하다, 강제하다, 억지로 자구, 문자인쇄면, 본문, 활판 인쇄기. wantonly: 변덕스럽게, 장난치며,
복종시키다, 억지로 시키다, postmark: 소인, 우편의 소인, 소인을 제멋대로, 방자하게.
28 Jude the Obscure
backward: 거꾸로의, 싫어하는, delusion: 착각, 속임, 미망, 미혹, presently: 현재, 이내, 목하, 곧,
뒤로의, 개약의, 뒤로, 개악의, 현혹, 매혹. 이윽고, 얼마 안되어, 곧바로.
거꾸로, 발전이 늦은, 후방의, grammarian: 문법가, 문법 교사. thousands: 오만.
후방으로, 퇴보하여. individually: 개별적으로, 하나하나, transmutation: 변성, 변형, 변이,
brains: 뛰어난 지능을 가진 사람. 개인적으로. 변화, 변질, 변종, 소유권의 양도,
charm: 매력, 주문, 마력, 매혹하다, innocence: 무죄, 천진난만, 결백, 진화, 변용.
돈, 작은 장식물, 참, 매력을 가지다, 순진, 꼭두서니과의 일종, 무해, 순결, trunk: 트렁크, 줄기, 주요한, 간선,
황홀하게 하다, 매력이 있다, 부적. 숫 됨, 현삼과의 일종, 깨끗함, 때묻지 중계선, 몸통, 코, 주요부, 본체,
crushing: 눌러 터뜨리는, 압도적인, 않음. 트렁크스, 전화 중계회선.
박살내는, 결정적인, 분쇄하는, miserable: 비참한, 불쌍한, 초라한, utterly: 아주, 완전히, 완전한, 전혀,
궤멸적인, 눌러 터뜨리는 것. 딱한, 빈약한, 천박한. 순전히.
Thomas Hardy 29
During the three or four succeeding years a quaint and singular vehicle
might have been discerned moving along the lanes and by-roads near
Marygreen, driven in a quaint and singular way.%
In the course of a month or two after the receipt of the books Jude had grown
callous to the shabby trick played him by the dead languages. In fact, his
disappointment at the nature of those tongues had, after a while, been the means
of still further glorifying the erudition of Christminster. To acquire languages,
departed or living in spite of such obstinacies as he now knew them inherently
to possess, was a herculean performance which gradually led him on to a greater
interest in it than in the presupposed patent process. The mountain-weight of
material under which the ideas lay in those dusty volumes called the classics
piqued him into a dogged, mouselike subtlety of attempt to move it piecemeal.
He had endeavoured to make his presence tolerable to his crusty maiden
aunt by assisting her to the best of his ability, and the business of the little cottage
bakery had grown in consequence. An aged horse with a hanging head had
been purchased for eight pounds at a sale, a creaking cart with a whity-brown tilt
obtained for a few pounds more, and in this turn-out it became Jude's business
thrice a week to carry loaves of bread to the villagers and solitary cotters
immediately round Marygreen.
bakery: 빵집, 제과점. erudition: 박식, 해박, 박학. spite: 악의, 원한, 앙심으로, 에 짓궂게
callous: 무감각한, 냉담한, 굳히다, herculean: 아주 어려운, 굴다, 을 돌보지 않고, 에도 불구하고,
굳어진, 못이 박힌, 무정한, 굳어지다, 헤르쿨레스의, 장사의 힘을 요하는, 짓궂게 굴다, 앙갚음하다.
못박힌, 무감각하게 하다, 무정하게, 초인적인, 초인적인 힘을 필요로 succeeding: 계속되는, 다음의.
예사인. 하는, 헤라클레스의. thrice: 매우, 세번, 세 번, 몇 번이고.
crusty: 피각질의, 심통 사나운, inherently: 타고난, 고유의. tolerable: 참을수 있는, 상당한, 참을
버릇없는, 쉬 화를 내는, 성마름, piecemeal: 조금씩, 조각난, 산산이 수 있는, 웬만한, 꽤 건강한.
성마르게, 껍질이 딱딱한, 껍질이 조각난, 산산이, 산산조각의, 제각기. turn-out: 마차, 집합, 옷차림, 생산액,
딱딱하고 두꺼운, 까다로운, 겉가죽 quaint: 고풍이며 아취 있는, 색다르고 분기점, 동맹 파업자, 동맹 파업,
같은, 무뚝뚝한. 재미있는, 기이한, 별스러워 대피선, 내용물을 비우기, 기상,
dogged: 완고한. 재미있는. 기상신호.
30 Jude the Obscure
The singularity aforesaid lay, after all, less in the conveyance itself than in
Jude's manner of conducting it along its route. Its interior was the scene of most
of Jude's education by "private study." As soon as the horse had learnt the road
and the houses at which he was to pause awhile, the boy, seated in front, would
slip the reins over his arm, ingeniously fix open, by means of a strap attached to
the tilt, the volume he was reading, spread the dictionary on his knees, and
plunge into the simpler passages from Caesar, Virgil, or Horace, as the case
might be, in his purblind stumbling way, and with an expenditure of labour that
would have made a tender-hearted pedagogue shed tears; yet somehow getting
at the meaning of what he read, and divining rather than beholding the spirit of
the original, which often to his mind was something else than that which he was
taught to look for.%
The only copies he had been able to lay hands on were old Delphin editions,
because they were superseded, and therefore cheap. But, bad for idle
schoolboys, it did so happen that they were passably good for him. The
hampered and lonely itinerant conscientiously covered up the marginal
readings, and used them merely on points of construction, as he would have
used a comrade or tutor who should have happened to be passing by. And
though Jude may have had little chance of becoming a scholar by these rough
and ready means, he was in the way of getting into the groove he wished to
While he was busied with these ancient pages, which had already been
thumbed by hands possibly in the grave, digging out the thoughts of these minds
so remote yet so near, the bony old horse pursued his rounds, and Jude would
be aroused from the woes of Dido by the stoppage of his cart and the voice of
some old woman crying, "Two to-day, baker, and I return this stale one."
He was frequently met in the lanes by pedestrians and others without his
seeing them, and by degrees the people of the neighbourhood began to talk
about his method of combining work and play (such they considered his reading
to be), which, though probably convenient enough to himself, was not altogether
a safe proceeding for other travellers along the same roads. There were
awhile: 잠시, 잠깐. ingeniously: 교묘한, 재간 있는, 단수성, 회유.
bony: 골질의, 뼈의, 뼈만 앙상한, 뼈가 재주가 있는. stale: 김빠진, 피곤한, 굳어진, 시시한,
많은, 뼈대가 굵은. pedagogue: 교사, 교육자, 아는 신선치 않은, 케케묵은, 생기가 없는,
comrade: 동무, 동지, 친구, 동료, 체하는 사람. 탁한, 신선하지 않은, 신선미가 없는,
동료다운, 전우, 조합원. purblind: 반소경의, 우둔한, 맛이 없어지게 하다.
conscientiously: 양심적으로. 흐려뵈는, 반소경이 되게 하다, stoppage: 정지, 장애, 중지, 지불
conveyance: 양도, 전달, 운반, 수송, 우둔해지게 하다. 정지, 휴업, 멈춤.
탈것, 교부서, 수송기관, 양도증서, reins: 신장, 허리, 감정과 애정, 콩팥, tilt: 경사, 기울기, 포장, 기울다,
교부, 수송 기관. 신장부분, 고삐, 제어의 수단. 기울이다, 상하로 움직이다, 마상 창
dictionary: 사전, 사서, 옥편, 자전. singularity: 단독, 단일, 특이, 비범, 시합을 하다, 찌르다, 찌르기,
divining: 점. 이상, 기이, 기이한 버긋, 괴이, 희한, 공격하다, 마상 창 시합.
Thomas Hardy 31
classics: 고전. 하는, 임신시키는, 충만시키는, 달하다, 학습 고원, 안정 상태에
critically: 혹평하여, 비평적으로, 포화시키는. 달하다, 큰 접시, 안정 수준에 달하다.
아슬아슬하게, 위태롭게, 위급하게, impulsive: 충동적인, 추진적인, roadside: 길가, 노변, 길가의, 대로변,
가까스로. 순간력의, 추진하는, 자극적인, 대로변의.
doings: 행동, 행실, 행사, 사건, 소행, 고무적인, 감정에 끌린, 감정에 흐른. shiny: 빛나는, 윤이 나는, 번쩍이는,
몸가짐. kneel: 무릎꿇다, 무릎을 굽히다. 햇빛이 쬐는, 번들거리는, 해가
glancing: 번쩍번쩍 빛나는, 넌지시 ladder: 사닥다리, 연줄, 사닥다리 비치는, 닳아 빤질빤질한.
빗대는, 맞고 빗나가는, 번쩍이는, 모양의 것. sponge: 해면, 해면으로 닦다, 식객,
번뜩이는. luminary: 발광체, 달, 명사, 지도자, 술고래, 해면 모양의 물건, 해면에
goddess: 여신. 태양, 선각자. 흡수시키다, 해면을 따다, 흡수하다,
impregnated: 수태시키는, 스며들게 plateau: 고원, 플래토 상태, 안정 기에 스펀지, 패배를 자인하다, 등치다.
32 Jude the Obscure
The horse stood still till he had finished the hymn, which Jude repeated
under the sway of a polytheistic fancy that he would never have thought of
humouring in broad daylight.%
Reaching home, he mused over his curious superstition, innate or acquired,
in doing this, and the strange forgetfulness which had led to such a lapse from
common sense and custom in one who wished, next to being a scholar, to be a
Christian divine. It had all come of reading heathen works exclusively. The
more he thought of it the more convinced he was of his inconsistency. He began
to wonder whether he could be reading quite the right books for his object in life.
Certainly there seemed little harmony between this pagan literature and the
mediaeval colleges at Christminster, that ecclesiastical romance in stone.
Ultimately he decided that in his sheer love of reading he had taken up a
wrong emotion for a Christian young man. He had dabbled in Clarke's Homer,
but had never yet worked much at the New Testament in the Greek, though he
possessed a copy, obtained by post from a second-hand bookseller. He
abandoned the now familiar Ionic for a new dialect, and for a long time onward
limited his reading almost entirely to the Gospels and Epistles in Griesbach's
text. Moreover, on going into Alfredston one day, he was introduced to patristic
literature by finding at the bookseller's some volumes of the Fathers which had
been left behind by an insolvent clergyman of the neighbourhood.
As another outcome of this change of groove he visited on Sundays all the
churches within a walk, and deciphered the Latin inscriptions on fifteenth-
century brasses and tombs. On one of these pilgrimages he met with a hunch-
backed old woman of great intelligence, who read everything she could lay her
hands on, and she told him more yet of the romantic charms of the city of light
and lore. Thither he resolved as firmly as ever to go.
But how live in that city? At present he had no income at all. He had no trade
or calling of any dignity or stability whatever on which he could subsist while
carrying out an intellectual labour which might spread over many years.
What was most required by citizens? Food, clothing, and shelter. An income
from any work in preparing the first would be too meagre; for making the
bookseller: 책장수, 서가, 책선반, 모순된사물, 주견없은. patristic: 교부의 유저의, 교부의.
서적상. insolvent: 파산자, 지급 불능의, polytheistic: 다신교를 믿는,
clergyman: 성직자, 목사. 파산한사람, 지불불능자, 지불불능한, 다신교의.
forgetfulness: 건망증, 태만, 소홀, 지불 불능의, 지불 불능의 사람. subsist: 생존하다, 존재하다,
망각. lore: 지식, 학문, 전승, 특수한 과학적 급양하다, 밥을 대다, 생활하다,
heathen: 이교도, 미개한, 이교의, 학문, 과학적 학문, 또는 특수 단체에 존속하다, 에게 양식을 공급하다.
미개인, 불신자, 무종교자, 이교도의, 관한 과학적 학문. superstition: 미신, 사교.
이단의, 이방인. mediaeval: 중세의, 구식의, 중고의, sway: 흔들다, 동요, 지배하다,
hymn: 찬송가, 찬송하다, 찬미하다, 중세풍의. 좌우하다, 지배, 의 결의를 움직이다,
찬송가를 부르다. onward: 전방으로, 전방에, 전진의, 흔들리다, 좌우 하는 힘, 자유로이
inconsistency: 불일치, 모순, 무정견, 전진적인. 하는 힘, 의 의견을 움직이다.
Thomas Hardy 33
second he felt a distaste; the preparation of the third requisite he inclined to.
They built in a city; therefore he would learn to build. He thought of his
unknown uncle, his cousin Susanna's father, an ecclesiastical worker in metal,
and somehow mediaeval art in any material was a trade for which he had rather
a fancy. He could not go far wrong in following his uncle's footsteps, and
engaging himself awhile with the carcases that contained the scholar souls.%
As a preliminary he obtained some small blocks of freestone, metal not being
available, and suspending his studies awhile, occupied his spare half-hours in
copying the heads and capitals in his parish church.
There was a stone-mason of a humble kind in Alfredston, and as soon as he
had found a substitute for himself in his aunt's little business, he offered his
services to this man for a trifling wage. Here Jude had the opportunity of
learning at least the rudiments of freestone-working. Some time later he went to
a church-builder in the same place, and under the architect's direction became
handy at restoring the dilapidated masonries of several village churches round
Not forgetting that he was only following up this handicraft as a prop to lean
on while he prepared those greater engines which he flattered himself would be
better fitted for him, he yet was interested in his pursuit on its own account. He
now had lodgings during the week in the little town, whence he returned to
Marygreen village every Saturday evening. And thus he reached and passed his
nineteenth year.
contained: 억제하는, 조심스러운. 수예, 손재주. requisite: 필요한, 요건, 필수품,
copying: 등사, 복사. handy: 알맞은, 가까이 있는, 솜씨 필요조건, 필요물, 요소, 없어서는
dilapidated: 황폐한, 황랑한. 좋은, 편리한, 손 가까이에 있는, 안될, 필수의.
distaste: 마음에 들지 않다, 싫증. 능숙한, 펼리한. rudiments: 징조.
ecclesiastical: 성직의, 교회의, 기독 humble: 겸손한, 검소한, 천하게 하다, scholar: 학생, 장학생, 학자, 학식,
교회에 관한, 교회에 관한. 창피를 주다, 욕을 보이다, 비천한, 어학자, 학식이 있는 사람.
engaging: 매력 있는, 마음 끄튼, 마음 낮추는, 천한, 경멸하다. trifling: 하찮은, 경박한, 시시한,
끄는, 남의 마음을 끄는. preliminary: 예비의, 예선. 사소한, 게으른.
freestone: 자르기 쉬운 암석, 씨를 prop: 지주, 지지자, 버팀목, 소품, whence: 하는 그 곳으로, 어찌하여,
발라내기 쉬운. 버팀목을 대다, 명제, 버티다, 교수, 어디서, 바의, 왜, 어떻게, 출처, 하는,
handicraft: 수세공, 손끝의 숙련, 주먹, 후원자, 발을 버티고 딱 서다. 어디로부터.
34 Jude the Obscure
At%this memorable date of his life he was, one Saturday, returning from
Alfredston to Marygreen about three o'clock in the afternoon. It was fine, warm,
and soft summer weather, and he walked with his tools at his back, his little
chisels clinking faintly against the larger ones in his basket. It being the end of
the week he had left work early, and had come out of the town by a round-about
route which he did not usually frequent, having promised to call at a flour-mill
near Cresscombe to execute a commission for his aunt.
He was in an enthusiastic mood. He seemed to see his way to living
comfortably in Christminster in the course of a year or two, and knocking at the
doors of one of those strongholds of learning of which he had dreamed so much.
He might, of course, have gone there now, in some capacity or other, but he
preferred to enter the city with a little more assurance as to means than he could
be said to feel at present. A warm self-content suffused him when he considered
what he had already done. Now and then as he went along he turned to face the
peeps of country on either side of him. But he hardly saw them; the act was an
automatic repetition of what he had been accustomed to do when less occupied;
and the one matter which really engaged him was the mental estimate of his
progress thus far.
accustomed: 익숙한, 평소의, 여느 comfortably: 기분좋게, 안락하게, 소심하게, 어렴풋이, 연약하게,
때와 다름없는, 길든, 습관의, 에 부족함이 없이. 머무적거리며.
익숙한. engaged: 바쁜, 약속된, 교전중인, frequent: 자주가다, 늘모이다,
assurance: 보증, 확신, 자신, 철면피, 고용된, 약혼중인, 용무중인, 상습적인, 수많은, 자주 일어나는,
침착, 보험. 통화중인, 약혼인, 연동의, 종사하는, 자주일어나는, 빈번한.
basket: 바구니, 광주리, 네트, 한 벽에 반쯤 묻힌. knocking: 노킹, 문두들김.
바구니, 바구니 모양의 것, 바스켓, execute: 사형을 집행하다, 실시하다, memorable: 유명한, 잊지 못할,
바구니에 넣다. 연주하다, 제작하다, 서명 날인하다, 기억할만한.
clinking: 땡그랑 울리는, 멋들어진, 집행하다, 시행하다, 수행하다, repetition: 되풀이, 반복, 암송, 모사,
멋들어지게, 뛰어나게 좋은, 쨍그렁 실행하다, 완성하다. 모방, 복사, 반복된 말, 복주, 복창,
소리나는. faintly: 희미하게, 힘없이, 가냘프게, 사본, 재주장.
Thomas Hardy 35
"I have acquired quite an average student's power to read the common
ancient classics, Latin in particular." This was true, Jude possessing a facility in
that language which enabled him with great ease to himself to beguile his lonely
walks by imaginary conversations therein.%
"I have read two books of the Iliad, besides being pretty familiar with
passages such as the speech of Phoenix in the ninth book, the fight of Hector and
Ajax in the fourteenth, the appearance of Achilles unarmed and his heavenly
armour in the eighteenth, and the funeral games in the twenty-third. I have also
done some Hesiod, a little scrap of Thucydides, and a lot of the Greek
Testament.... I wish there was only one dialect all the same.
"I have done some mathematics, including the first six and the eleventh and
twelfth books of Euclid; and algebra as far as simple equations.
"I know something of the Fathers, and something of Roman and English
"These things are only a beginning. But I shall not make much farther
advance here, from the difficulty of getting books. Hence I must next
concentrate all my energies on settling in Christminster. Once there I shall so
advance, with the assistance I shall there get, that my present knowledge will
appear to me but as childish ignorance. I must save money, and I will; and one
of those colleges shall open its doors to me--shall welcome whom now it would
spurn, if I wait twenty years for the welcome.
"I'll be D.D. before I have done!"
And then he continued to dream, and thought he might become even a
bishop by leading a pure, energetic, wise, Christian life. And what an example
he would set! If his income were 5000 pounds a year, he would give away 4500
pounds in one form and another, and live sumptuously (for him) on the
remainder. Well, on second thoughts, a bishop was absurd. He would draw the
line at an archdeacon. Perhaps a man could be as good and as learned and as
useful in the capacity of archdeacon as in that of bishop. Yet he thought of the
bishop again.
algebra: 대수학, 대수, 대수 논문, 직업 특유의 통용어. 열네째, 열네번째의, 열네번째,
대수 교과서. eleventh: 제11의, 열한 명 한조의 것, 십사분의 하나의, 십사분의 하나,
archdeacon: 부감독, 부주교. 제 십일, 제 11, 오전 열한 시 경에 제14회의 열네째의.
beguile: 기만하다, 지루함을 잊게 먹는 가벼운 식사, 오전 열한 시 경에 spurn: 일축, 퇴짜, 자빡, 일축하다,
하다, 사취하다, 즐겁게하다, 기쁘게 먹는 가벼운 다과, 열한 시, 열한 개 걷어차다, 걷어차기, 쫑아버리다,
하다, 속이다, 잊게 하다. 한벌의 것, 열한, 십일, 십일의. 쫓아버리다, 딱 거절하다, 차버림,
childish: 어린애 같은, 유치한, 어린이 energetic: 정력적인, 원기왕성한. 차다.
같은, 어른답지 못한, 앳된, 아동의, farther: 더먼, 좀더, 그위에, 더욱더, sumptuously: 호화롭게, 사치스럽게.
어른이 같은. 더멀리, 더욱이, 더 앞선, 더 멀리, 더 unarmed: 무장하지 않은, 무기가
dialect: 방언, 통용어, 파생언어, 지방 먼, 더 뒤의, 더 나중의. 없는, 방호 기관이 없는, 무기를
사투리, 한 계급 특유의 통용어, 한 fourteenth: 열네째의, 제 십사, 지니지 않은, 무기를 갖지 않은.
36 Jude the Obscure
abundance: 풍부, 부유, 윤택, 다수, fattened: 살찌우는, 살찌는. 환등기.
충분한 물작 공급, 충분한 물자 공급, greasing: 기름치는 것. mingled: 섞는, 뒤섞이는.
유복. hedge: 울타리를 만들다, 양쪽에 걸다, plentiful: 많은.
beloved: 가장 사랑하는, 애인, 남편, 장벽, 막다, 울타리로 두르다, 울타리, slyly: 몰래, 장난스러운, 교활한,
소중한-가장 사랑하는 사람, 아내, 에 장벽을 만들다, 양다리 걸치기, 은밀한, 익살맞은, 음흉한.
가장 사랑하는 사람, 귀여운, 방해하다, 산울타리, 바자울. smattering: 데 알고 있는 지식,
애용하는, 여보, 사랑받아, homestead: 자작농장, 집과 부속지, 겉핥기.
사랑스러운. 자작 농장, 주택, 택지. thereon: 그 위에, 그 즉시, 그 후 즉시.
bred: 하게 자란. kneeling: 무릎을 꿇는. transactions: 업무, 회보.
brook: 참다, 시내, 견디다, 실개천. lantern: 초롱, 칸델라, 등화실, 환등, useless: 쓸모없는, 무익한, 속절없는,
chitterlings: 식용 곱창, 곱창. 정탑, 등대의 등실, 등실, 채광창, 편치 않은.
Thomas Hardy 37
by putting their mouths demurely into shape and recommencing their rinsing
operations with assiduity.%
"Thank you!" said Jude severely.
"I didn’t throw it, I tell you!" asserted one girl to her neighbour, as if
unconscious of the young man's presence.
"Nor I," the second answered.
"Oh, Anny, how can you!" said the third.
"If I had thrown anything at all, it shouldn't have been that!"
"Pooh! I don't care for him!" And they laughed and continued their work,
without looking up, still ostentatiously accusing each other.
Jude grew sarcastic as he wiped his face, and caught their remarks.
"You didn't do it--oh no!" he said to the up-stream one of the three.
She whom he addressed was a fine dark-eyed girl, not exactly handsome, but
capable of passing as such at a little distance, despite some coarseness of skin
and fibre. She had a round and prominent bosom, full lips, perfect teeth, and
the rich complexion of a Cochin hen's egg. She was a complete and substantial
female animal--no more, no less; and Jude was almost certain that to her was
attributable the enterprise of attracting his attention from dreams of the
humaner letters to what was simmering in the minds around him.
"That you'll never be told," said she deedily.
"Whoever did it was wasteful of other people's property."
"Oh, that's nothing."
"But you want to speak to me, I suppose?"
"Oh yes; if you like to."
"Shall I clamber across, or will you come to the plank above here?"
Perhaps she foresaw an opportunity; for somehow or other the eyes of the
brown girl rested in his own when he had said the words, and there was a
momentary flash of intelligence, a dumb announcement of affinity in posse
attributable: 에 돌릴 수 있는. demurely: 점잔빼게, 진지하게, 즉석에서 지불하다, 당장지불하다, 에
bosom: 가슴, 껴안다, 내부, 마음속에 침착하게. 널빤지를 깔다, 강령 항목.
간직하다, 믿고 있는, 품, 흉부, fibre: 섬유, 소질, 기질, 섬유질, 강도. pooh: 체, 흥.
흉부슴속, 가슴속, 속, 표면. momentary: 순간의, 찰나의, rinsing: 찌끼, 헹군물, 헹군 물,
clamber: 기어 올라가다, 기어 올라감, 순간적인, 시시각각의. 헹구기, 가셔낸 물, 가시기.
힘들여 기어 올라가다, 기어오르다. ostentatiously: 화려하게, 허세를 sarcastic: 풍자적인, 빈정대는말, 풍자,
coarseness: 조잡, 야비, 거침, 열등, 부려, 여봐란 듯이. 비꼼, 빈정댐, 말, 비꼬는, 빈정대는.
조잡함, 추잡, 결의 거침. plank: 두꺼운 판자, 즉시 지불하다, simmering: 당장에라도 폭발할 것
complexion: 안색, 외관, 형세, 모양, 밑에 놓다, 판자위에서 구운 채 같은.
양상, 형편, 혈색, 얼굴빛, 얼굴의 내놓다, 정강의 조항-판자를 깔다, wasteful: 불경제의, 낭비하는,
살갗. 의지가 되는 것, 정당의 강령 항목, 낭비적인, 황폐시키는, 허비의.
38 Jude the Obscure
between herself and him, which, so far as Jude Fawley was concerned, had no
sort of premeditation in it. She saw that he had singled her out from the three, as
a woman is singled out in such cases, for no reasoned purpose of further
acquaintance, but in commonplace obedience to conjunctive orders from
headquarters, unconsciously received by unfortunate men when the last
intention of their lives is to be occupied with the feminine.%
Springing to her feet, she said: "Bring back what is lying there."
Jude was now aware that no message on any matter connected with her
father's business had prompted her signal to him. He set down his basket of
tools, picked up the scrap of offal, beat a pathway for himself with his stick, and
got over the hedge. They walked in parallel lines, one on each bank of the
stream, towards the small plank bridge. As the girl drew nearer to it, she gave
without Jude perceiving it, an adroit little suck to the interior of each of her
cheeks in succession, by which curious and original manoeuvre she brought as
by magic upon its smooth and rotund surface a perfect dimple, which she was
able to retain there as long as she continued to smile. This production of dimples
at will was a not unknown operation, which many attempted, but only a few
succeeded in accomplishing.
They met in the middle of the plank, and Jude, tossing back her missile,
seemed to expect her to explain why she had audaciously stopped him by this
novel artillery instead of by hailing him.
But she, slyly looking in another direction, swayed herself backwards and
forwards on her hand as it clutched the rail of the bridge; till, moved by amatory
curiosity, she turned her eyes critically upon him.
"You don't think I would shy things at you?"
"Oh no."
"We are doing this for my father, who naturally doesn't want anything
thrown away. He makes that into dubbin." She nodded towards the fragment on
the grass.
adroit: 교묘한. 결합하는. 과장된, 둥글게 벌린, 둥근, 우렁찬,
amatory: 연애의, 호색적인. dimple: 보조개, 보조개가 생기다, 의 뜻에서, 쟁쟁하게 울리는, 화려한,
audaciously: 대담하게, 무례하게. 잔물결이 일다, 움푹 들어가다. 똥똥한, 문체 따위가 과장된.
cheeks: 측면, 궁둥이. offal: 겨, 기울, 부스러기, 찌꺼기, suck: 빨다, 흡수하다, 한 번 빨기,
clutched: 초조한, 긴장한. 찌꺼기 고기, 하치 생선. 빨아들이다, 빨기흡인력, 얻다,
commonplace: 평범한, 평범한 일, pathway: 오솔길, 좁은길, 길, 좁은 길. 착취하다, 홀짝 빨아들이다, 한 번
상투어, 진부한, 흔해빠진말, 비망록, premeditation: 고의, 예모, 미리 핥기, 실망, 에게 젖을 먹이다.
다반사, 평범한 것, 흔해빠진 말, 생각함, 계획, 미리 생각하기. tossing: 야당, 변명, 아웃, 탈락, 외부,
흔해빠진 이야기. reasoned: 사리에 맞는, 상세한 이유를 수비측.
conjunctive: 접속어, 결합적인, 붙인, 도리에 입각한, 숙고한 끝의. unconsciously: 모르게, 무의식적으로,
접속법, 접속적인 접속어, 접속적인, rotund: 낭랑한, 토실토실 살찐, 부지중에.
Thomas Hardy 39
"What made either of the others throw it, I wonder?" Jude asked, politely
accepting her assertion, though he had very large doubts as to its truth.%
"Impudence. Don't tell folk it was I, mind!"
"How can I? I don't know your name."
"Ah, no. Shall I tell it to you?"
"Arabella Donn. I'm living here."
"I must have known it if I had often come this way. But I mostly go straight
along the high-road."
"My father is a pig-breeder, and these girls are helping me wash the innerds
for black-puddings and such like."
They talked a little more and a little more, as they stood regarding each other
and leaning against the hand-rail of the bridge. The unvoiced call of woman to
man, which was uttered very distinctly by Arabella's personality, held Jude to
the spot against his intention-- almost against his will, and in a way new to his
experience. It is scarcely an exaggeration to say that till this moment Jude had
never looked at a woman to consider her as such, but had vaguely regarded the
sex as beings outside his life and purposes. He gazed from her eyes to her mouth,
thence to her bosom, and to her full round naked arms, wet, mottled with the
chill of the water, and firm as marble.
"What a nice-looking girl you are!" he murmured, though the words had not
been necessary to express his sense of her magnetism.
"Ah, you should see me Sundays!" she said piquantly.
"I don't suppose I could?" he answered
"That's for you to think on. There's nobody after me just now, though there
med be in a week or two." She had spoken this without a smile, and the dimples
Jude felt himself drifting strangely, but could not help it. "Will you let me?"
"I don't mind."
accepting: 어음 인수 상사. 도덕적인 매력, 지적인 매력. scarcely: 겨우, 거의, 이 아니다, 하지
assertion: 단언, 독단, 주장, 나타나다. marble: 대리석, 공기돌, 조각, 대리석 않는 일은 좀처럼 없다, 간신히.
chill: 오한, 냉기, 차가운, 한기, 춥게 무늬를 넣다, 대리석제, 책 가장자리 strangely: 이상하게, 기묘하게,
하다, 냉담한, 냉장하다, 냉랭한, 따위를 대리석 무늬로 하다, 종이 서먹서먹하게, 기묘하게도, 색다르게,
풀죽음, 추위에 떨고 있는, 냉담. 따위를 대리석 무늬로 하다, 아이들의 이상하게도.
distinctly: 뚜렷하게, 명백하게. 공기돌, 비누 따위를 대리석 무늬로 thence: 그때부터, 그러므로,
exaggeration: 과장, 과장적 표헌. 하다, 대리석 무늬로 하다, 대리석의 거기서부터, 그런고로, 그곳에서부터.
folk: 가족, 사람들, 민족, 국민, 조각물. unvoiced: 소리로 내지 않은, 무성의,
민속풍의. mottled: 얼룩진, 잡색의, 얼룩덜룩한. 입밖에 내지 않은, 무성음의.
leaning: 경향, 경사, 기호. nice-looking: 예쁜. vaguely: 모호하게, 막연히, 막연하게,
magnetism: 자기, 자력, 자기학, 매력, politely: 공손히. 건성으로, 멍청하게.
40 Jude the Obscure
By this time she had managed to get back one dimple by turning her face
aside for a moment and repeating the odd little sucking operation before
mentioned, Jude being still unconscious of more than a general impression of her
appearance. "Next Sunday?" he hazarded. "To-morrow, that is?"
"Shall I call?"
She brightened with a little glow of triumph, swept him almost tenderly with
her eyes in turning, and retracing her steps down the brookside grass rejoined
her companions.%
Jude Fawley shouldered his tool-basket and resumed his lonely way, filled
with an ardour at which he mentally stood at gaze. He had just inhaled a single
breath from a new atmosphere, which had evidently been hanging round him
everywhere he went, for he knew not how long, but had somehow been divided
from his actual breathing as by a sheet of glass. The intentions as to reading,
working, and learning, which he had so precisely formulated only a few minutes
earlier, were suffering a curious collapse into a corner, he knew not how.
"Well, it's only a bit of fun," he said to himself, faintly conscious that to
common sense there was something lacking, and still more obviously something
redundant in the nature of this girl who had drawn him to her which made it
necessary that he should assert mere sportiveness on his part as his reason in
seeking her-- something in her quite antipathetic to that side of him which had
been occupied with literary study and the magnificent Christminster dream. It
had been no vestal who chose that missile for opening her attack on him. He saw
this with his intellectual eye, just for a short; fleeting while, as by the light of a
falling lamp one might momentarily see an inscription on a wall before being
enshrouded in darkness. And then this passing discriminative power was
withdrawn, and Jude was lost to all conditions of things in the advent of a fresh
and wild pleasure, that of having found a new channel for emotional interest
hitherto unsuspected, though it had lain close beside him. He was to meet this
enkindling one of the other sex on the following Sunday.
antipathetic: 비위에 맞지 않는, fleeting: 덧없는, 무상한, 잠깐 동안의, sucking: 미숙한, 빨아들이는,
반감을 가진, 나면서부터 싫은, 어느덧 지나가는, 빨리 지나가는, 젖내나는, 아직 젖 떨어지지 않은,
공연히 싫은, 성미에 안 맞는, 빨리지나가는. 풋내기의, 젖을 빠는, 빨아 들이는.
본래부터 싫은. inscription: 명, 비문, 제명, 헌정사, tenderly: 상냥하게, 예민하게, 상하기
ardour: 열정, 열심. 명각, 비명, 공채의 등록, 등록공채, 쉽게, 유약하게.
assert: 주장하다, 단언하다, 옹호하다, 제자. unsuspected: 의심받지 않은,
자기 설을 주장하다, 역설하다, 자기 lacking: 이 결핍된, 결핍되어. 생각지도 못할, 혐의받지 않은.
권리를 주장하다, 을 단언하다. momentarily: 잠깐, 시시각각, vestal: 처녀, 순결한, 처녀의, 수녀,
discriminative: 차별적인, 구별을 지금이라도, 즉시, 순간적으로. 베스타 여신의, 정결한, 베스타
나타내는, 구별적인, 식별하는, repeating: 연발하는, 반복하는, 여신을 섬기는, 베스타 여신에 시증든
구별하는, 식별력이 있는. 순환하는, 되풀이하는. 처녀.
Thomas Hardy 41
Meanwhile the girl had joined her companions, and she silently resumed her
flicking and sousing of the chitterlings in the pellucid stream.%
"Catched un, my dear?" laconically asked the girl called Anny.
"I don't know. I wish I had thrown something else than that!" regretfully
murmured Arabella.
"Lord! he's nobody, though you med think so. He used to drive old Drusilla
Fawley's bread-cart out at Marygreen, till he 'prenticed himself at Alfredston.
Since then he's been very stuck up, and always reading. He wants to be a scholar,
they say."
"Oh, I don't care what he is, or anything about 'n. Don't you think it, my
"Oh, don't ye! You needn't try to deceive us! What did you stay talking to
him for, if you didn't want un? Whether you do or whether you don't, he's as
simple as a child. I could see it as you courted on the bridge, when he looked at
'ee as if he had never seen a woman before in his born days. Well, he's to be had
by any woman who can get him to care for her a bit, if she likes to set herself to
catch him the right way."
born: 타고난, 태어난, 으로 태어난. drive: 몰다, 드라이브, 돌진하다, 법, 읽을거리, 읽기.
bridge: 다리, 브리지, 기러기발, 운전하다, 혹사하다, 몰이하다, regretfully: 불만스럽게, 애석하게,
다리놓다, 선교, 연결음악, 영위하다, 부딪치다, 추진력, 유감스럽게.
중개역을하다, 푯대, 함교, 큐대, 다리 차로나르다, 쫘다. silently: 잠자코, 조용히, 아무 말
모양의 것. laconically: 간결한. 않고, 묵묵히, 고요하게.
catch: 걸리다, 발견하다, 쥐다, 붙들다, nobody: 아무도 ... 않다, 하찮은 사람, talking: 담화, 말하는, 표정이 풍부한,
잡기, 손잡이, 붙들려고 하다, 사람을 무명인, 보잘것 없는 사람, 수다, 수다스러운.
속이는, 걸다, 얻고 싶은 것, 의 보잘것없는 사람. ye: 너희들, 호칭으로 사용, 이인칭
주의를 끌다. pellucid: 투명한, 명백한. 대명사의 복수형, 명령문에서 사용,
deceive: 속이다, 미혹시키다, reading: 독서, 해석, 낭독, 독서하는, 이인칭 대명사.
사기하다. 판단, 선집, 학식, 의회의 독회, 읽는
42 Jude the Obscure
The next day Jude Fawley was pausing in his bedroom with the sloping
ceiling, looking at the books on the table, and then at the black mark on the
plaster above them, made by the smoke of his lamp in past months.%
It was Sunday afternoon, four-and-twenty hours after his meeting with
Arabella Donn. During the whole bygone week he had been resolving to set this
afternoon apart for a special purpose,-- the re-reading of his Greek Testament--
his new one, with better type than his old copy, following Griesbach's text as
amended by numerous correctors, and with variorum readings in the margin.
He was proud of the book, having obtained it by boldly writing to its London
publisher, a thing he had never done before.
He had anticipated much pleasure in this afternoon's reading, under the quiet
roof of his great-aunt's house as formerly, where he now slept only two nights a
week. But a new thing, a great hitch, had happened yesterday in the gliding and
noiseless current of his life, and he felt as a snake must feel who has sloughed off
its winter skin, and cannot understand the brightness and sensitiveness of its
new one.
He would not go out to meet her, after all. He sat down, opened the book,
and with his elbows firmly planted on the table, and his hands to his temples
began at the beginning:
boldly: 대담하게, 뻔뻔스럽게, 뚜렷이. 빛나다. sensitiveness: 느끼기 쉬운, 성잘
bygone: 과거의, 과거의 일, 과거. margin: 가장자리, 난외, 여유, 한계, 내는, 반응하는, 극비에 부쳐야 할,
gliding: 활공, 미끄러지는, 활주, 방주를 털다, 이문, 판매 수익, 감광성의, 민감한, 절대적 충성을
활주하는, 활공하는, 미끄러짐. 변두리, 여지, 증거금을 걸다, 증거금. 요하는.
hitch: 걸리다, 걸다, 매다, 다리를 nights: 밤마다, 밤에. sloping: 경사진, 비스듬한, 비탈진.
절다, 급히 멈춤, 와락 움직이다, plaster: 회반죽, 반창고, 고약을 snake: 뱀, 뒤틀다, 꿈틀거리다,
고장, 끌어넣다, 와락잡아당기다, 붙이다, 석고, 온통 발라 붙이고, 꿈틀꿈틀 움직이다, 음흉한 사람,
지장, 홱 움직이기. 고약-회반죽을 바르다, 고약처럼 잡아 끌다, 말 살며시 가벼리다, 말
lamp: 램프, 광명, 등불, 애써 쓴 처바르다, 석고 분말을 혼화하다, 의 없이 가벼리다, 묶다, 뱀 같은 인간,
형적이 뚜렷하다, 전등, 지식 따위의 치료비를 내다, 포도주에 석고 분말을 와이어로 하수관을 청소하다.
광명, 눈, 마음 따위의 광명, 비추다, 혼화하다, 처바르다. variorum: 집주의, 집주판.
Thomas Hardy 43
compelling: 강제적인, -하지 않을 수 dwelling: 주거, 주소, 거처. muscular: 근육의, 근육이 늠름한,
없는, 강력한, 사람을 가만히 두지 elevated: 고상한, 높은, 쾌활한, 근육이 건장한.
않는, 어쩔 수 없는, 억지의, 감탄하지 거나한, 의기 양양한, 한잔하여 predestinate: 숙명의, 예정하다,
않을수 없는. 기분이 좋은. 예정된.
descending: 내려가는, 강하하는, indoors: 옥내에서, 옥내에. schoolboy: 남학생, 학생 다운, 학생의.
하향의. knob: 혹, 손잡이, 작고 둥근 언덕, unhealthy: 건강치 못한, 불건전한,
dip: 담그다, 살충액에 담그어 씻다, 마디, 설상가상으로, 혹이 생기다, 위험한, 건강하지 못한, 건강에
살짝 적시다, 적시다, 잠시 내렸다 작고 둥근 덩어리, 에 손잡이를 달다. 해로운.
올리다, 어리석은 사람, 양초, 순간적 materially: 실질적으로, 대단히, 크게, vacant: 빈, 멍한, 한가한, 비어 있는,
강하, 소매치기, 물건을 건지려고 물질적으로, 질료적으로, 현저하게, 공허한, 결원의, 사람이 안 사는,
손을 쑥 넣다, 살짝 잠기다. 물유적으로, 실리적으로. 허탈한, 빈자리 지위의, 빈자리의.
44 Jude the Obscure
Somebody had seen him through the window, for a male voice on the inside
"Arabella! Here's your young man come coorting! Mizzle, my girl!"
Jude winced at the words. Courting in such a business-like aspect as it
evidently wore to the speaker was the last thing he was thinking of. He was
going to walk with her, perhaps kiss her; but "courting" was too coolly
purposeful to be anything but repugnant to his ideas. The door was opened and
he entered, just as Arabella came downstairs in radiant walking attire.%
"Take a chair, Mr. What's-your-name?" said her father, an energetic, black-
whiskered man, in the same businesslike tones Jude had heard from outside.
"I'd rather go out at once, wouldn't you?" she whispered to Jude.
"Yes," said he. "We'll walk up to the Brown House and back, we can do it in
half an hour."
Arabella looked so handsome amid her untidy surroundings that he felt glad
he had come, and all the misgivings vanished that had hitherto haunted him.
First they clambered to the top of the great down, during which ascent he
had occasionally to take her hand to assist her. Then they bore off to the left
along the crest into the ridgeway, which they followed till it intersected the high-
road at the Brown House aforesaid, the spot of his former fervid desires to
behold Christminster. But he forgot them now. He talked the commonest local
twaddle to Arabella with greater zest than he would have felt in discussing all
the philosophies with all the Dons in the recently adored university, and passed
the spot where he had knelt to Diana and Phoebus without remembering that
there were any such people in the mythology, or that the sun was anything else
than a useful lamp for illuminating Arabella's face. An indescribable lightness
of heel served to lift him along; and Jude, the incipient scholar, prospective D.D.,
professor, bishop, or what not, felt himself honoured and glorified by the
condescension of this handsome country wench in agreeing to take a walk with
him in her Sunday frock and ribbons.
behold: 보다. 시초의. 질색인.
businesslike: 민첩한, 사무적인, indescribable: 형언할 수 없는, twaddle: 객적은 소리, 시시한 글을
실제적인. 막연한. 쓰다, 시시한 저작, 쓸데없는 군소리,
condescension: 겸손, 생색내는 듯한 radiant: 빛나는, 즐거운 듯한, 광점, 쓸데없는 소리, 쓸데없는 소리를
태도, 정중, 은혜를 베풀듯한 태도, 빛을 내는, 복사의, 찬란한, 빛을 하다.
겸양. 발하는, 방사의, 방사점, 방산 분포의, wench: 젊은 여자, 소녀, 하층 계급의
fervid: 타오르는 듯한. 방사되는. 여자, 하층 흑인의 여자, 매춘부와
frock: 작업복, 부인복, 성직자의 옷, repugnant: 모순된, 일치하지 않는, 놀다, 처녀, 음탕한 여자.
프록을 입히다, 성직에 취임시키다, 반항하는, 지겨운, 반감을 가지는, zest: 묘미, 풍미, 대단한 흥미, 열심,
성직자복, 드레스, 프록코트. 반감을 가진, 불유쾌한, 비위에 맞지 에 풍미를 더하다, 음식물에 넣는
incipient: 초기의, 시작의, 발단의, 않는, 아주 싫은, 적의를 품은, 풍미를 더하는 것, 풍취, 강한 흥미.
Thomas Hardy 45
They reached the Brown House barn--the point at which he had planned to
turn back. While looking over the vast northern landscape from this spot they
were struck by the rising of a dense volume of smoke from the neighbourhood of
the little town which lay beneath them at a distance of a couple of miles.%
"It is a fire," said Arabella. "Let's run and see it--do! It is not far!"
The tenderness which had grown up in Jude's bosom left him no will to
thwart her inclination now--which pleased him in affording him excuse for a
longer time with her. They started off down the hill almost at a trot; but on
gaining level ground at the bottom, and walking a mile, they found that the spot
of the fire was much further off than it had seemed.
Having begun their journey, however, they pushed on; but it was not till five
o'clock that they found themselves on the scene,-- the distance being altogether
about half-a-dozen miles from Marygreen, and three from Arabella's. The
conflagration had been got under by the time they reached it, and after a short
inspection of the melancholy ruins they retraced their steps--their course lying
through the town of Alfredston.
Arabella said she would like some tea, and they entered an inn of an inferior
class, and gave their order. As it was not for beer they had a long time to wait.
The maid-servant recognized Jude, and whispered her surprise to her mistress in
the background, that he, the student "who kept hisself up so particular," should
have suddenly descended so low as to keep company with Arabella. The latter
guessed what was being said, and laughed as she met the serious and tender
gaze of her lover--the low and triumphant laugh of a careless woman who sees
she is winning her game.
They sat and looked round the room, and at the picture of Samson and
Delilah which hung on the wall, and at the circular beer-stains on the table, and
at the spittoons underfoot filled with sawdust. The whole aspect of the scene had
that depressing effect on Jude which few places can produce like a tap-room on a
Sunday evening when the setting sun is slanting in, and no liquor is going, and
the unfortunate wayfarer finds himself with no other haven of rest.
conflagration: 큰 화재, 돌발, 큰불. slanting: 견지, 편견으로 말하다, trot: 자습서, 총총걸음으로 걷다,
depressing: 울적한, 억압적인, 풀이 물매, 경향, 기울다, 기울어진. 총총걸음, 자습용 번역서, 아장아장
죽은, 침울하게 만드는, 내리눌린, tenderness: 유연함, 마음이 무름, 걷는 어린애, 속보로 달기다, 속보,
불경기의. 민감, 애정, 유연, 친절, 다정. 서두르며 가다, 빠른운동, 빠른
haven: 항구, 피난처. thwart: 반대하다, 카누의 창막이, 걸음으로 안내하다, 자습서로
inclination: 경향, 기울기, 경사, 경각, 좌절시키다, 보트나 카누의 가로장, 공부하다.
경도, 성향, 기울이기, 의향, 숙임, 가로질러, 가로지른, 방해하다, underfoot: 짓밟아, 가는길에 방해가
사면, 비탈. 훼방놓다, 가로놓인, 보트 젓는 되어, 멸시하여, 발밑에, 발 밑에,
melancholy: 우울, 우울한, 습관적인 사람의 좌석, 을 가로질러서. 거치적거려, 발밑의.
우울, 우울병, 체질적인 우울, 우울증. triumphant: 의기양양한, 승리를 거둔, wayfarer: 나그네, 단기 숙박자,
sawdust: 톱밥, 콧대를 꺾어 놓다. 의기 양양한, 승리를 얻은. 여행자.
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“With a lessened attraction from the earth, the moon will draw
us. And passing it, some other planet will draw us onward. And later,
the stars themselves.”
He indicated his switches. “I can make the bow or the stern, or
one side or the other, attractive or repulsive to whatever body may
be nearest. And thus, in a measure, navigate. But that, Leonard, will
be necessary for a few hours only, until we are well out beyond the
He said it quite quietly. But I gasped. “Beyond the stars . . . in a
few hours?”
“Yes,” he said. “In our case, differing from my experiment with
the model, we carry the Elton Beta ray, the ‘red ray,’ with us. The
gravity principle we use only at the start, to avoid a possible
collision. With the red ray preceding us, we will follow it. Ultimately
at four hundred thousand miles a second.
“But the source of the ray, being with us, will give the ray
constant acceleration, which we in turn will attain. Thus an endless
chain of acceleration, you see? And by this I hope to reach the high
speeds necessary. We are going very far, Leonard.”
“That model,” I said, “grew larger. It spread—or did I fancy it?—
over all the sky.”
He smiled again. “I have not much left to tell you, Leonard. But
what there is—it is the simplest of all, yet the most astounding.”
Jim’s voice interrupted us. “We’ve finished, Dr. Weatherby.
Everything is aboard. It’s nearly dawn. How about starting?”
The dawn had not yet come when we started. Dr. Weatherby’s
workmen were none of them in evidence. He had sent them away a
few days before. They did not know his purpose with this vehicle; it
was thought among them that he was making some attempt to go
to the moon. It was not a startling adventure. It caused very little
comment, for since Elton’s discovery many such projects had been
undertaken, though all had not been successful.
Dr. Weatherby’s activities occasioned a few daily remarks from
the National Broadcasters of News, but little else.
There was, however, one of Dr. Weatherby’s assistants whom he
trusted with all his secrets: a young fellow called Mascar, a wordless,
grave individual, quiet, deferential of manner, but with a quick
alertness that bespoke unusual efficiency.
He had been on guard in the workshop since the workmen left.
When Jim and I arrived, Dr. Weatherby had sent Mascar home for
his much needed sleep. But he was back again, now before dawn,
ready to stand at the Elton switch and send us away.
Dr. Weatherby shook hands with him, as we all gathered by the
huge bull’s-eye lens which was swung back to give ingress to the
“You know what you are to do, Mascar. When we are well
outside, throw off the Elton switch. Lock up the workshop and the
house and go home. Report to the International Bureau of News
that if they care to, they can announce that Dr. Weatherby’s vehicle
has left the earth. You understand? Tell them they can assume, if
they wish, that it will land safely on the moon.”
“I will do that,” said Mascar quietly. He shook hands with us all.
And his fingers lightly touched Dolores’ head. “Good-bye, Miss
“Good-bye, Mascar. Good-bye. You’ve been very good to
Grandfather. I thank you, Mascar. You wait at home. We will be back
“Yes,” he said. He turned away, and I could see he was striving to
hide his emotion.
He swung on his heel, crossed the room, and stood quiet, with a
firm hand upon the Elton switch.
Jim called impatiently, “Come on, everybody. Let’s get away.”
For one brief instant my gaze through the forward opened end of
the building caught a brief vista of the peaceful Hudson countryside.
Hills, and trees in the starlight, my own earth—my home.
The huge convex door of the vehicle swung ponderously closed
upon us.
“Come to the instrument room,” said Dr. Weatherby.
We sat on the couch, huddled in a group. The bull’s-eye
windows, made to withstand any pressure, were nevertheless
ground in such a way that vision through them was crystal clear. The
one beside me showed the interior of the workshop with Mascar
standing at the Elton switch.
He had already thrown it. I could not hear the hum. But I saw
the current’s effect upon Mascar. He was standing rigid, tense, and
gripping the switch as though clinging. And then, with his other
hand, he seized a discharging wire planted near at hand, so that the
current left him comparatively unaffected.
Still I could feel nothing. My mind was whirling. What was it I
expected to feel? I do not know. Dr. Weatherby had assured us we
would undergo no terrifying experience; he seemed to have no fear
for the girls. But how could he be sure?
The walls of the workshop now were luminous; Mascar’s
motionless figure was a black blob of shadow in the glowing,
snapping interior of the room. Sparks were crackling out there. But
here in the vehicle there was nothing save a heavy silence; and the
air was cold, dank, tomblike.
Then the vehicle cooled rapidly. Soon we had the heaters going.
The coldness of space enveloped us penetrating the vehicle’s walls.
But with the heaters we managed to be comfortable.
Dr. Weatherby sat at the instrument table. His chronometer there
showed 5 a.m. We had started at 4 a.m. On one of the distant dials
the miles were registering in units of a thousand. The dial-pointer
was nearing XX6. Six thousand miles:
Dr. Weatherby glanced up as I appeared. Alice and Dolores, and
Jim with them, had gone astern to prepare a broth. We were all of
us still feeling a bit shaky, though the sense of lightness had worn
Dr. Weatherby had a chart on the table. It showed our solar
system. The sun was at its center, and the planetary orbits in
concentric circles around it. The planets and our own moon and a
few of the larger comets and asteroids were all shown, their
positions given progressively for each hour beginning at our starting
“I’m heading this way, Leonard. Holding the general plane in
which the planets lie.” His finger traced a line from the earth, past
the moon, past Mars. Jupiter and Saturn lay over to one side, and
Neptune to the other. Uranus was far on the opposite side, beyond
the sun.
Dr. Weatherby added, “The moon is drawing us now. But I shall
shortly turn a neutral side toward it, and Mars will draw us. We are
more than a freely falling body. We are being pulled downward.”
I sat beside him. “What is our velocity now?”
He gestured toward a dial, an ingenious affair. He had already
explained its workings, the lessening rate of the earth’s gravitational
pull shown by a hair-spring balance as a figure on the dial.
“Three thousand miles an hour, Leonard.” But as I watched, the
figure moved to 4; and then to 5, 6 and 7.
The moon, nearly full, lay below us, ahead of us, white, glittering
and cold, with the black firmament and the stars clustering about it.
We were falling bow down. Overhead, above our blunt stern, the
giant crescent earth hung across the firmament. It was still dull red;
its configurations of land and water were plainly visible. A silver
sunlight edged it.
“Ah, the sun, Leonard!” Abruptly we had emerged from the
earth’s conical shadow into the sunlight. But the heavens remained
black. The stars blazed with a cold, white gleam as before. And
behind us was the white sun with its corona of flame leaping from it.
There was a slow change all that day. These glowing things we
were passing—universes, stars, or electrons or intimes, call them
what you will—they seemed now more uniform; those at a distance,
more like opaque globules, gray. And they seemed almost solid and
cold. Yet it was the illusion of distance only, for we passed through
several of them—streams of white fire mist as always before.
At noon a black void of emptiness surrounded us. It was the
longest, the most gigantic we had encountered, an hour of it.
Then again a point showed. It spread to the sides of us. But it
was different. I could not say how. It was vague, gray. It streamed
past, very distant on both sides and beneath us. At one moment I
fancied it appeared as a distant, gigantic enveloping curtain, gray
and vague. But then I thought it was a film of tiny globules, solid,
entities, unradiant.
I called Dr. Weatherby. But before he arrived, the grayness had
all slipped behind us. He saw it as a gray, formless blob. It
congealed to a point. And then it vanished.
“That was an atom, Leonard,” he said. His voice had an
excitement in it. “That was our first sight of anything of the new
realm large enough to have an identity. Substance, Leonard! The
substance of which our universe, our earth, is so infinitesimal a part.
Everything we see now will be identical with it. The atoms! We are
The scene outside was wholly changed. Beneath us, to the sides
and ahead, a grayness stretched, a continuous solid grayness.
Elusive, formless, colorless; I could not guess how distant it might
be save that it stretched beyond the limits of my vision. But ahead
and above us, the scene was not gray. A vague, luminous quality
tinged the blackness up there. Luminous, as though a vague light
were reflected.
There was no visible movement anywhere. But presently, as one
staring at a great motionless cloud will see its shape is changing, I
began to see changes. The flat gray solidity was not flat, but hugely
convex. And it was slowly turning. Huge convolutions of it were,
slowly as a cloud bank, taking new forms. And all of it was slowly
moving backward.
Then we came to the end of it. Black emptiness ahead. Behind us
was a gray-massed, globular cloud. Then another, its twin fellow,
came rolling up beneath us in front, spread to the sides, shrank
again behind us.
“Molecules,” said Dr. Weatherby. “See how they’re dwindling!”
I saw presently, swarms of them, always smaller. And ahead of
us they seemed congealed into a gray solidity—a substance, it was
passing beneath us, and to the sides.
Again quite unexpectedly, my viewpoint changed. I saw our
vehicle plunging upward, its pointed bow held upward at an angle. A
solidity was around us; to the sides, gray, smooth curtains; overhead
a glow of white in a dead black void.
A black void? My heart leaped. That was not blackness up there
above our bow! It was blue! Color! The first sight of color. A blue
vista of distance, with light up there. Light and air!
Beside us the smooth gray walls were smooth no longer. Huge
jagged rocks and boulders, a precipice! We seemed in some
immense canyon, slowly floating upward. But it was a dwindling
canyon. And then abruptly we emerged from it.
I saw its walls close together beneath us. An area of gray was
down there; gray with a white light on it. The light made sharp inky
shadows on a tumbling naked waste of rock.
The gray area was shrinking to a blob, a blob of gray shining in a
brilliant light. Directly beneath us, stretching to the horizon on both
sides, lay an undulating white level surface. The single blob of gray
was down there on it. And off in the distance, where the surface
seemed abruptly to end, gigantic blurs loomed into the blue sky.
Dr. Weatherby was calling me to the tower. I found him trembling
with eagerness. “Leonard, I have the electro-telescope working.
Look through it.”
I gazed first through the front and overhead tower windows. The
white disk filled a perceptible area of the sky. But it was not like a
sun; it seemed rather a smooth, flat disk with light behind it, a white
disk with a dark narrow rim. Clear, cloudless sky was everywhere
else. And very far away, behind and above the white disk, I saw a
gigantic, formless, colorless shape towering into the blue of
“Look through the telescope, Leonard.”
I gazed upward through the electro-telescope. Its condensing
lens narrowed the whole gigantic scene into a small circular field of
vision. I gasped. Wonderment, awe swept over me. The blue sky
was the open space of a tremendously large room: I saw plainly its
ceiling, floor and distant walls.
The giant shape was a man. He was bending forward over a
table—the table was under me. The man’s hunched shoulders and
peering face were above me.
For an instant my mind failed to grasp it all. I swung the
telescope field downward, sidewise, and up again. And then at last I
understood. This was a room, with men grouped at this nearer end
of it around the table—men of human form, intent faces framed with
long, white hair.
The undulating surface over which our vehicle was floating, was
a slide of what seemed glass, a clear glass slide with a speck of gray
rock lying in its center. And the white disk over us in the sky was the
lower, small lens of the microscope through which these men were
examining us!
Twenty days! So full of strange impressions I scarcely know how
to recount them. Yet, after such a trip, they were days of almost
Our vehicle beneath that microscope had grown rapidly in size.
And with our expanding visual viewpoint, and the nearness of solid,
motionless objects, its velocity seemed infinitely small. It barely
floated past the microscope, settling to the floor of that huge room;
and with a normal proportionate size, the Beta ray shut off, it came
to rest.
They crowded around us—old men, loosely robed, and with
flowing white hair, seamed, sooth, hairless faces, stern, but kindly,
and eyes very bright and intelligent.
They crowded around us, at first timid, then friendly, talking
together excitedly in a strange, liquid tongue.
Dr. Weatherby tried to greet them and to shake hands. They
understood neither his words, nor the gesture. But in a moment they
comprehended. And shook hands, all of them with each of us, very
The room had oval openings for windows; light was outside but it
seemed rather dim. Presently one of the men tried to herd us along
the wall of the room.
“No!” said Dr. Weatherby. “Don’t go! We must stay in the
But when we turned toward it the men resisted us with a sudden
stubborn force.
“Don’t!” I shouted. “Jim, stop that! We’d better go with them.”
The old men seemed to have gone into a sudden panic of violence.
They were pushing, shoving us. They obviously had little strength,
but the commotion would draw others from outside.
We yielded, and they herded us down the long room. A panel slid
aside. We crossed a long, narrow viaduct, a metallic bridge with high
parapet sides. We seemed to be a hundred feet in the air.
I caught a vista of low-roofed buildings: verdure—giant flowers
on the roofs, streets down there, and off in the distance a line of
The air was soft and pleasant. Overhead was a blue sky, with gay
white masses of clouds. There seemed to be no sun. The light was
stronger than twilight, but flat, shadowless.
At the opposite end of the viaduct the ground seemed rising like
a hill. A small mound-shaped building was there: a house with a
convex roof which had a leveled platform on one end, a platform
banked with vivid flowers.
It seemed a two-storied building, built of smooth, dull-gray
blocks. Balconies girdled it. There were windows, and a large, lower
doorway, with a broad flight of circular stairs leading up the hill to it.
Our viaduct led us into the second floor of the house. We entered
on a large room, an oval, two-storied room so that we found
ourselves up on a sort of second-story platform, midway from floor
to ceiling.
Low couches were here, a row of them with sliding panels of
what might have been paper dividing them. The platform, this
second story, was some thirty feet, broadly oval. It had a low,
encircling railing; a spiral staircase led downward to the main floor of
the apartment.
I saw furniture down there of strange, unnatural design, a
metallic floor splashed with vivid mosaic pattern, a large gray frame,
ornately carved, with a great number of long strips stretched across
it, strings of different length. It seemed not unlike an enormous harp
lying horizontal.
Narrow windows, draped with dark gauze, were up near the
ceiling. They admitted a dim light. This whole interior was dim, cool
and silent. A peace, a restfulness pervaded it. And our captors—if
captors they were—seemed more like proud hosts. They were all
But when they left a moment later, I fancied that they barred the
door after them.
“Well,” said Jim. “I can’t say but that this is very nice. Let’s look
things over and then go to bed. I’m tired out, I can tell you that.
Say, Dolores, it just occurred to me—these fellows can’t understand
a word we say. But you were thinking thoughts to them a while ago,
and you understood each other. Why don’t you try that now?”
It had occurred to me also. Why had these people understood
Dolores’ thoughts, when her words were incomprehensible? Were
thoughts, then, the universal language? Tiny vibrations which each
human brain amplified, transformed into its own version of what we
call words? It seemed so.
Dolores was clinging closely to Alice’s hand. In these unfamiliar
surroundings she was at a loss to move alone.
“I did,” she answered Jim. “I tried . . . but there was so much
noise. They could not hear me.”
“Try now,” said Dr. Weatherby.
“I will. I am.” She stood motionless, hands to her forehead.
There was a long silence. Then she said, “I think . . . yes,
someone thought to me, The Man of Language will come to you.”
“Is that all, Dolores?”
“Yes. That’s all. It’s gone.”
“The Man of Language!” Jim exclaimed. “An interpreter! Dolores,
what about that young man and girl who were in distress? They
were out here, weren’t they?”
“I don’t know. I never get their thoughts now.”
“I have tried. They may get mine. I can’t say. But they never
They brought us food, meals at intervals, strange food which
now I shall not attempt to describe. But we found it palatable; soon
we grew to like it.
Then a man came, whom afterward we learned to call the Man of
Language. He wore a single garment, a queerly flaring robe,
beneath which his naked legs showed.
His face was smooth, hairless. But the hair on his head was
luxuriant. His head, upon a stringy neck, was large, with a queer
distended look, and with veins bulging upon his forehead.
Yet withal, he was not grotesque. A dignity sat upon him. His
dark eyes were extraordinarily brilliant and restless. His smile of thin,
pale lips was kindly, friendly. He shook hands with each of us. But he
did not speak at first. He sat among us, with those restless eyes
regarding, observing our every detail.
We soon found he knew no word of our language. He had come
to learn it, to have us teach it to him. We were made aware, later,
that all these people, compared to ourselves, had memories
extraordinarily retentive. But this man, he called himself Ren, was
even for them, exceptional. His vocation was to learn, and to
He began with simple objects: eyes, nose, and mouth. Hands, a
table, a bed. As though he were a child, we pointed out our eyes,
and named them; one eye, two eyes, a finger, two, three, four
It seemed like a game. When we told him once, it was never
forgotten. But it was a game which to us, even under such
conditions, soon became irksome. We were impatient. There was so
much we wanted to know. And though we never tried to leave this
building in which we were housed, it was obvious we were virtual
Ren came after every time of sleep. He stayed hours; his
patience, his persistence were inexhaustable. We took turns with
him, each of us for an hour or two at a time. Occasionally Dolores
would try to make something clear by thinking it. It helped. But he
did not like it. It was necessary for him virtually to go into a trance
before he could receive Dolores’ thoughts.
Gradually Ren was talking to us, broken sentences at first, then
with a flow surprisingly voluble. He used queerly precise phrases,
occasionally a sentence inverted; and with a strange accent of
pronunciation indescribable.
We had tried to question him when first he could talk. But he
avoided telling us anything we wanted to know, save that once, at
Dr. Weatherby’s insistence, he assured us that our vehicle was safe.
And that the small fragment of rock beneath the microscope—that
tiny gray speck which held our universes, our earth—was under
guard so that no harm could come to it.
This was a city, the capital, the head city of a nation. Its people
had lived here on this globe since the dawn of their history,
ascended from the beasts which even now roamed the air, the
caves, forests, and the sea.
Ren smiled at us. “You too,” he said. “I can realize you are of an
origin the same.”
He did indeed think we were of a human type very primitive. The
men of science who had seen us coming out of infinite smallness
beneath their microscope, had remarked on it.
The small protuberance in the corner of our eyes, the remains of
the beasts’ third eyelid, the shape of our heads, our almost pointed
ears—I noticed that his own were very nearly circular—our harsh
voices, our thick, stocky, muscular bodies were indications that they
remarked on.
We discussed it. But Jim interrupted. “How did your men of
science know that we were coming out of that piece of gray rock?”
It had been partly by chance. The fragment of rock had been a
portion of the interior wall of a room wherein scientific experiments
were being made. Ren used our words, “Experiments in physics and
One of the scientists had found himself receiving strange
thought-waves. Ren described them. They were Dolores’ thoughts.
The scientist traced them with measuring instruments to the wall of
the room, but could be no more exact than that.
Then, later, from a tiny protuberance of the wall, a glow was
observed. It proved to be a sudden radio-activity; this protuberance
of gray stone had become radiant. Electrons were streaming off from
it. The scientists chipped it off the huge block of stone of which it
was so small a part, and put it under a microscope. It was violently
radio-active. And from it they observed a stream of red.
“Our Beta ray,” Dr. Weatherby exclaimed. “Our voyage, the
disturbance we set up made the substance give off its electrons.”
“Yes,” nodded Ren. “They think so. They examined it beneath the
lens, and after a little while they saw you.”
Alice said, “My sister was getting thoughts from here.” She told
him about the mysterious young man and girl, threatened by some
unknown danger, a strange cliff, the young couple at bay upon a
ledge, the valley beneath them filled with a nameless horror.
Ren’s face clouded. “Yes. We have had thoughts from them. But
now the thoughts have stopped. Those two are the children of our
ruler. You would call him our king? They are the young prince and
his sister, the princess.
“A year ago they both disappeared. A year, that is ten times
daylight and darkness. We did not know why they went, or where.
Run away, or perhaps stolen from us, for our king is very old and of
health quite bad. Soon the prince will be king.
“But they disappeared. There is a very . . . a horrible savage
people in the forests beyond the great caves. You spoke it truly, my
lady Alice. They are a nameless horror; we do not often speak of
things like that. We fear our prince and princess may be there.
“And here at home there is a growing trouble as well. Our
women, the young girls particularly, are very restless and aggrieved.
They do not like their lot in life. Some already are in rebellion.
“On the great island is a colony of virgins, where no man may go.
We thought . . . we hope that perhaps the virgins had stolen our
prince and princess, to hold them as hostages that we may be
forced to yield to the virgins’ cause.”
“The prince and the princess stolen,” Jim exclaimed, “and you’ve
done nothing about it?”
Ren smiled gently. “We have done a great deal, but to no
purpose has it been as yet. We got the prince’s thoughts. He was
asking us for help. But he would not say what threatened, and he
could not say where he was, for he did not know. And then the
thoughts suddenly stopped.
“Oh yes, we have searched. The island of the virgins was
invaded. But the virgins—indeed no woman of our nation—will admit
knowing anything of our prince. We have organized an army. All the
nearer forests have been searched. And now we are getting ready to
invade the caves. But it is not easy to get men for our army. That
nameless horror—”
His voice held an intonation almost gruesome. He changed the
subject abruptly.
“Our king, very shortly now he will want to see you. He feels,
perhaps, you can aid us. You men, of strength, and these two young
women—they might perhaps be of assistance in dealing with our
virgins. But you will have to be examined, your minds gauged, so we
may know if your oath of allegiance is honorable.”
“By the infernal, mine will be!” Jim exclaimed. “I’ll go with your
army to the caves, nameless horror, or not.”
Jim, with Ren, later joined me. And then Dr. Weatherby
approached. “Where are the girls?” he asked.
They were in another part of the building. I noticed Dr.
Weatherby gazing downstairs with a furtive air, as though he had
come here to join us, knowing the girls were not here, and not
wanting them around.
Jim was saying, “You think, Ren, that tomorrow—I mean after
our next sleep—that the king will want to see us?”
“Yes,” answered Ren. “Perhaps tomorrow.”
“When we’ve taken the oath,” Jim added, “they’ll let us out of
here, won’t they. If we’re going to join your army.”
Dr. Weatherby sat down among us. He said to Ren, “You spoke of
your king being in ill-health. Do you have much sickness, much
disease, here?”
“No,” replied the old man. “Our climate is healthy. Our people
have always been so. There is very little—”
“I mean . . . perhaps you have doctors, men of medicine, who
are quite skillful?”
“Yes. There are such. In the past they have been very learned.
The records of our history—”
“And surgeons, perhaps, very skillful surgeons?” Dr. Weatherby
was leaning forward; his hands, locked in his lap, were trembling.
Ren said abruptly, “What do you mean?”
“I mean . . . my granddaughter, Dolores, she is blind.”
The man nodded gravely. “That is so. It is very sorrowful. I have
seen others here. It is a terrible affliction.”
“But your surgeons, Ren. I have dared hope that she might be
There was a moment of breathless silence. A pity for Dr.
Weatherby swept me. Ren would shake his head: he would say, “No,
she cannot.”
But he said, “Why, it could of course be done.”
“There is the question of an eye available.”
“You mean you wonder about a transfer. It is strange, but even
though we are so different,” Ren said, “our eyes are identical in
Dr. Weatherby went into further details concerning the
complications of Dolores’ blindness, but Ren shrugged away its
import. “It can be done,” he repeated. “And there is a man who will
give us the missing link. Loro, a criminal who must die. He is
repentant now. At his trials he pleaded that he might live long
enough to expiate his crimes.
“Loro will volunteer. I know it.”
“Are you sure she will see when they take the bandages off?”
“I think she will, Alice. They say she will.”
“But we don’t know. I wish she’d awaken. We can take the
bandage off then, can’t we?”
“Yes. Dr. Weatherby will do it.”
Alice tip-toed across the room and back. “She’s still asleep. I wish
she’d awaken. Will it have to be as dim as this in here?”
“Yes, I think so. Dimmer, maybe. They’re afraid of the first light
for her.”
The intricate, deeply involved operation had evidently created a
widespread interest throughout the city. Surgeons had come,
examined Dolores, held innumerable conferences, examined Loro,
whose eyes, as they had suspected, could be used with perfect
satisfaction. They anticipated there would be no difficulties. This was
their decision after their final conference: they were capable of
giving sight to Dolores.