Grap 4
Grap 4
Grap 4
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arg Tur+<r*iur qr*tr
Cornltri3sion for Air' Quality Managernent ln
-El f.
National Capital Region and
Adioining Areas ').rol I
Sub.: Implementation of Actions under stage-lV ('Severe+' Atr Quality) of
revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR- steps to be taken,
The Commission for Air Qualil.y Managcmcnt in NCR and adjoining arcas, vide
Direction No. 83 datcd I 7th Septembcr, 2024, issucd statutory dircction for
implementation of thc revised schedule of thc Graded Response Action PIan
(GRAP), available on the CAQM websitc (, as and when orders under
GRAP are invoked.
The Sub-Committee for invoking actions under thc GITAP in its carlier mectings
held, had invokcd actions undcr Stagc-I, Stage II and Stagc-III of thc GRAI) on
14th Octobe r, 2024, 2l't Octobcr, 2024 and l4th Novcmber, 2024.
The Sub-Committee in its urgcnt mceting hcld on l Tth November' 2024 further
reviewed the air quality scenario in the region as well as the forccasts lor
meteorological condit.ions and air quality indcx of Delhi made availablc by
The Sub-committee observed that the AQI of Delhi was recorded at 44 I (Scvere)
at 4:00 P.M on 17.11.2024 (today) and has bccn gradually increasing further
and has already reachcd Scverc+ category, as thc AQI clockcd 447, 452 and 457
at 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM and 7:0O I'>M respectivcly. l"urthcr, thc average AQI for l)clhi
is expected to rcmain in this adversc rangc owing to healy fog, variable winds,
highly unfavorable meteorological and climatic conditions. F'orecasts from
IMD/llTM also indicate a likelihood of the AQI of Delhi to particularly remain in
higher end of "SEVERE"/"SEVERE+" catcgory in the coming days, owing to
unfavorable climatic conditions.
Therefore, in an cffort to prcvcnt furthcr detcrioration of thc air quality, thc Sub
Committee decided that ALL actions as envisagcd under Stage IV of the GRAP
-'severe+' Air Quality (DELHI AQI>45O1 be implcmcnted in right earnest by all
the agencies concerned in thc NCR, in addition to the Stage-I, II and III
actlons already in force, from 8:OO A.M. of 18.LL.2O24 in the National
Capital Region (NCR).
'l'hese include
1. Stop entry of truck traffic into Delhi (except for trucks carrying essential
commodities/ providing e ssential services). A11 LNG/ CNG / Electric/ BS-
VI Diesel trucks) shail, however, be permitted to enter Delhi.
2. Do not permit LCVs registered outside Delhi, other than EVs / CNG / BS-
Vl diesel, to enter l)elhi, except thosc carrying cssential commodities /
providing csscntial serviccs.
3. llnlorce strict ban on plying ol Delhi - registered IlS,lV and below diesel
operated Medium Goods Vehicles (MGVs) and Heavy Goods Vehicles
(HGVs) in Delhi, except those carrying essential commodities / providing
essential services.
4. Ban C&D activities, as in the GRAI) Stage-lll, also lor linear public projects
such as highways, roads, flyovers, overbridges, power transmission,
pipelines, tele-communication etc.
Further, citizens may be urged to adhere to the citizen charter and assist in
effective implementation of the GRAP measures aimed towards sustaining and
improving the Air Quality in the Region, in addition to the citizen charter of
Stage-1, Stage-ll and Stage-lll, as under: