01 06 Worksheet

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06 Idea Development Worksheet

Summarizing an Article
Select one of the following articles from the 1921 book The Wonder Book of Knowledge to summarize. The
articles are found on the last page of the lesson. Then, use the article to complete steps 3, 4, and 6 in the chart
 “How Chewing Gum Came to Be”
 “How Fireworks Came to Be”
 “How Shoes Came to Be”
Steps to an Effective My Work
Step 1 You do not need to include anything here.
Read the entire article.
Step 2 You do not need to include anything here.
The text has been divided into
four sections.
Step 3 Central idea sentence for section 1:
Write a central idea statement
for each section of the text. TIE
it together! Central idea sentence for section 2:

Central idea sentence for section 3:

Central idea sentence for section 4:

Step 4 Type the rough draft of your four central idea sentences as one paragraph, and add
Put your central idea sentences a topic sentence that includes the title and author of the article:

Step 5 You do not need to include anything here.

Revise your draft to make it
more concise, effective, and
Step 6 Include the final draft of your summary here. Your paragraph should be at least five
Proofread for spelling and sentences in length:
grammar. You have a final draft!

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint
Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.

On Target Almost There Needs Improvement

Part 1: 50-40 points 39-29 points 28-0 points
Summarizing an  Includes a topic sentence  Attempts a topic  May be missing a
Article that clearly states the sentence that states topic sentence that
author’s name and the the author’s name states the author’s
title of the article and the title of the name and the title of
 Clearly recaps the central article the article
idea of the four sections  Attempts to recap the  May be missing
of my article central idea of the recaps of the four
 Ideas were clearly four sections of my sections
organized and free of article  Ideas may not be
personal opinion  Attempts to organize organized and/or
 Summary paragraph is ideas and may include may include only
well-developed and personal opinion opinions
includes at least five  Attempts to develop a  May be missing a
sentences paragraph but may developed paragraph
 No errors in grammar, include less than five  Major errors in
punctuation, and spelling sentences grammar,
 Minor errors in punctuation, and
grammar, spelling
punctuation, and

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint
Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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