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Task 1.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Compare different organizational structures and culture, and their impact on the organization.
1.2 Explain the factors which influence individual behavior at work.....................................................4
1.3 Explain how HRM contributes to an organization’s objectives.......................................................5
1.4 Assess the role of line managers in HRM.........................................................................................6
1.5 Analyze the impact of legislation on HRM in the UK today.............................................................7
TASK 2................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Describe the stages in recruitment and selection of staff in the selected organization.
Construct a new strategy for the organization..............................................................................................7
2.2 Explain the ways organizations motivate workers............................................................................8
2.3 Explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management.................................9
2.4 Analyze the link between motivational theories, job evaluation and rewards.............................11
2.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and reward strategies in different organizations.....12
Task 3..................................................................................................................................................................12
3.1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership and management styles in different
3.2 Analyze methods used to monitor employee performance in the selected organization..........14
3.3 Evaluate the impact of employment-related legislation on employment termination
arrangements and analyses termination procedures used by your selected organization, and one
other organization of your choice.................................................................................................................14
Task 4..................................................................................................................................................................15
4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations.......................................15
4.2 Explain factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in
4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within your chosen organization........17
Organization behavior is that important aspect with the help of which the relationship in
between the structure and the culture in company could be explain. There is a direct
relationship in between the goals and organizational behavior. The organizational behavior
also has a relationship with the external factors of the environment because the behavior of
the employees can be face an impact by the external factors. This assignment is based on the
evaluation of the HRM and its strategic system in companies Capco & HSBC.

Task 1
1.1 Compare different organizational structures and culture, and their impact on the
There are different type and level of the structure and the culture are carrying in different
countries under which the companies perform all the activities. Both the structure which the
management of company use in company and eh culture have an interactive relationship with
each other because the development of the culture depends on the type of structure which the
company’s management use in company. following are those characteristics of the structure
of the company which must be consider by the management of companies.

 Functional organization: as there are different acts very which the management of
company perform in company so the structural type to divide the activities on functional
basis to allocate the tasks to different employees and managers of company according
to their skills.
 Geography-based: geographical regions are considering by the human resource
management of company for creating and development of the structure of operating the
activities is called as the Geography-based structure adopted by the management of
company and this structure enable the management of company to handle the demand
and needs of the people of different geographical background.
 Product-based: this type of structure is adopted by the management of that company in
which the management product huge variety of products. in this type of structure the
focus of the managers in HR department is to allocate the tasks to the employees of
company on product based context (Bhattacharyya, 2009).
 Multidivisional structure: basic in management which spruce company recognize the
important processes of the organization and division of what they do all the work by the
managers in the subdivision to finish the exercise with greater productivity in the market
Some of the following structure are examples of those structure which could be consider by
the management of company:

 Unity of command: the unity of command is basically a way of empowerment and in

this context, it is very important for the human resource management that command
regarding the activities of the company must be taken by one superior at one time
because it reduce the level of the conflicts.
 Span of control is one of the important aspect which must be consider by the human
resource management of all the companies. span of control basically shows the power
of any person to control the activities of other. it is the fact when the structure of the
company is flat than the span pf control in that company is low because of lower level
of the hierarchy in company and vice versa.
 flat organizational structure is one of the structures which the management of CAPCO
is using for the achievement of the goals and objectives of the company. the level of
hierarchy in this type of structure is noted as low. The reason behind the wider span of
control in company is based on the small number of the hierarchy in company. matrix
structure is a type of structure which the managers in the HR department of company
consider when the projects which the company is taking in the company are of different
nature but the management must complete these projects simultaneously. HSBC is
one of the well reputed companies and the structure in the context of the span control
in company is noted as longer level of the hierarchy in company due to which the
power and span of control of the managers in company have become low (Dym and
Hutson, 2005)

Classification of organization culture:

 Role culture
 Task culture
 Power culture
 Person culture
Free and open is one of the culture which the manager in the HR department of CAPCO are
using for managing the activities carry out by the employees of company. this culture is giving
good benefits to the company because of the higher level of the efficiency and the
commitment shown by the employees of company as because of the higher level of the
opportunities for the employees to develop their skills and the capabilities in the company. the
satisfaction of the employees of company increase the productivity of the company. In
contrast to it the culture under which the managerial activities of the HSBC are carry out is
more systematic which means that all the employees and the managers who are 0performing
different tasks in the company must have to perform all the activities according to the rules
and the principles which the management have selected in the company. it has been
evaluated that the company have established more attractive control by adopting systematic
culture in company but the important thing is that the motivation of the employees could not to
such extent which attract them to work in company for longer period (Atkinson, Nazorean and
Greaves, 2015)

1.2 Explain the factors which influence individual behavior at work.

The behavior of the employee in company could be affected by different level of the factor
because the behavior of the employees of company and the working environment around
which the employees carry out the activities have interrelated with each other. Following are
some of the example of the factor which have an impact on the behavior of the employees of

Factors that influence individual behavior:

 Organization culture: as it has ben described above that the culture is one of the
important aspect for the behavior of the employees so this is the reason that human
resource management of company must ended to select that culture under which the
employees can feel easy to perform the activities. It is the fact that of the culture of the
company’s I based on the strict rules than the satisfaction of the employees could
decreases which eventually decrease the behavior of the employees of company to
negative level (Bhattacharyya, 2009).
 Colleagues: If the bad behavior of colleagues is carrying in the group than it reduces
the level of the efficiency of the project or activity which is carrying by the group of
 Perception: perception is basically a since of thinking about different aspects by the
employee of the company. the perception of the employees of company regarding the
decisions making process of the HR managers is important for the behavior of the
employees to perform the activities in company (Atkinson, Nazarian and Greaves,
 Personality: as it is the fact that different people have different way of thinking and the
thinking and nature of the people is directly shows their personality. So, this is the
reason that the personality is one of the dependent factor regarding the behavior of the
employees of company.
 Status: status is basically level of the power in the company and in the context of the
companies the managers who are performing working at higher hierarchical position
are at higher status in company. if those people show dominant attitude than it reduces
the efficiency of the lower level employees (Jantan, Nasurdin and Fadzil, 2008).

1.3 Explain how HRM contributes to an organization’s objectives.

The suitability of the image of the brand in the market in which the company is operating is the
main objective and goal of the human resource management of CAPCO. This is the reason
that eh human resource management of company play very important role in the achievement
of the goals and objectives of the company. As the employees who are working in company
are consider as important asset of the company so the human resource management of
company must need to consider the needs and demands of the people working in company.

There are different ways under which the human resource management of company and play
important role in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the company. In the case of
the CAPCO out has been seen that eh human resource management of company is playing
important role in the context of taking different decisions and strategies. There are differ met
rules and responsibilities which the human resource management in CAPCO is performing.
For example, the company like CAPCO is dealing with the customer in direct way so it is very
important for the human resource management of company to increase the skills and the
capabilities of the employees of company. for this purpose, the human resource management
of company is giving training and development opportunities to the employees by which the
managers are increasing the skills too interact with the customers in the market. recruitment,
selection, training and coaching, performance evaluation, monitoring, rewarding system,
motivating employees are some of the important responsibilities which are carrying out by the
human resource management in company for the achievement of the objectives and goals of
company (Mathis, 2011).
1.4 Assess the role of line managers in HRM.
Line manager in the company play very important role in the achievement of the goals
because the line manager is responsible to tackle difference aspects regarding the
performance of the employees of company in the company. CAPCO is a company in which
the line manager is given diverse level of roles such as the supervision of the employees of
company is one of the important role of the line manager in company. There are some of the
rules and principle which must be follow by the employees of company when the activities are
carrying by the employees of company. It is the responsibility of the; in manger to ensure that
all rules are following by the employees. Following are some of the most important role of the
line manger by which the objectives of the company are achiving by the employee in efficient

 Line manager ensure that the rules and regulations in company are very important and
he implement different context under which the activities are taking by the employees in
accordance with the rules and regulations.
 Proper coaching and mentoring is ensuring by the line manager of the company to
increase the skills and the capabilities of the employees
 Targets are communicated to the employees of company by the line manager and by
giving quality services the line manager of company encourage the employees to
achieve the targets on time.
 informal conversations and formal face-to-face interviews are conducted by the line
manager by which the line manager of company advise the employees about their level
of responsibilities in company.
 the performance of the employees of company is measure by the line manager of
company by creating a feedback system in company
 establishment of the training of the employees is also the responsibility of the line
manager of company (Mathis, 2011).
1.5 Analyze the impact of legislation on HRM in the UK today.
In fact, there are laws and regulations of a distinctive set of Managements from different
countries. There are several issues that are considered by the legislator in the collections of
the nation when laws and regulations and provided by governing bodies. There are distinctive,
which have been issued in relation to the laws and privileges to workers of the organization
active in such a form of the administration that there is a need for laws to consider when
choosing direction and techniques to address the Worries about whether the organization's
workers. There are destinations distinctive aspect, which was considered by commercial
demonstrations as it pertains to the privileges of workers of the Organization, for example, it is
the duty of the HR manager of the organization in accordance with laws and directives to the
construction of a clear framework in the organization as to the privileges of the organization.

The workers should be needed to make an attractive workplace for the organization and
management of workers must make sure that each organization uses will pay in accordance
with the prescribed standards. It is the duty of the HR managers of the organization to ensure
that each worker working in the administrative structure of the institution agrees. There are a
variety of employment laws with the directives that created to assist the human resource
management to select and determine the basic rights of the workers who are working in
company and laws and regulations about the way the end of the of the job which is known as
the termination of the employee (Mathis, 2011).

2.1 Describe the stages in recruitment and selection of staff in the selected
organization. Construct a new strategy for the organization.
CAPCO recruitment procedure depends on the first stage CV tool all the time. HR manager in
company gives advertisement to the site if the organization in the light of the demand is
obtained by managing the total number of people who are demonstrating their enthusiasm to
work in the organization. Manager in HR department in the company from the beginning of
classify the CV sent from the total applicant who are thinking to work in company. After
examination procedure after stage of human resources director is to call al the selected
applicant for the meeting or interview. Conducting interviews by human resource managers
depends on the different stages need to go through by the candidate. After the hearing or
interview in the middle regardless of the manager in HR department of company to give the
candidate the distinctive tasks they must do. candidate is elected, or expelled by the director
of human resources for implementation candidate determined in carrying out the tasks
awarded by the HRM.

As there are different stages involve in the recruitment process which the management of
CAPCO is using in company. consultancies form the companies is also an option of
recruitment by the human resource management of CAPCO. recruitment process in HSBC in
contrast to the CAPCO includes different steps such as the first the manager in HR
department of company receive the CVs which are than evaluated and assess by the HR
manager in company. A test of 25 minutes’ is considered by the human resource manager
which is conducted by the human resource management of company to assess the skills and
the capabilities of the candidate and after the test the next step is the telephonic interview
which so also conducted by the manager in HR department of company. final selection is
make by the HR manager of company.

2.2 Explain the ways organizations motivate workers.

Maslow hierarchy needs theory: in relation to changing the hierarchical configuration of the
needs of the workers this considered hypothesis as to the inspiration of Organizational work
representatives. According to this theory it is important for the management of human
resources in the organization to distinguish between the changing needs of the organization's
workers on the basis that if the requirements were not satisfactory than by administering
targets by the workers Cannot be explored by the workers in an effective manner (Wheatley,
2006). As is evident from this theory following are basic level of first necessity for workers:

 Esteem needs
 Social needs
 Safety needs
 Physiological needs

It depends on the social needs of the people on the need to support any given by other senior
supervisors in the organization. The self-assessment of the needs of the employees are
associated with the employees of the company and will be given this signal for them in the
organization. The safety work is safe and the state of thinking about leisure needs as
fundamental components of the total number of workers who are working in company. Needs
that are made in the individual about survival has gone within the framework of physiological
needs. Maslow is to take these requirements in the light of physiological needs. The
physiological needs like incorporates the needs of sustenance, shelter, water and air (Jogulu,
Application of Maslow hierarchy needs theory: it has been evaluated that the both the
employees and the managers in company play role in respect of the application of the Maslow
theory of needs. It is very important that the mangers of the company must provide all the
information which is require achieving the needs to the employees and the employees of the
company are responsible to work with higher level of the efficiency and committeemen to have
the goals and objectives. Provision of safe environment in the company is one of the step by
management to ensure that the safety needs of the employees of company are fulfill by the
management. reward system of the company help the management to ensure that eh esteem
needs of the employees of company are considering by the management (Luthra, 2015).

Hertzberg two-factor theory: Hygiene factors and Motivation factors are those factors which
are important for the satisfaction of the employees of company and the dissatisfaction of the
employees also depend on these factors according to this theory presented by the Fredrick.

The employees’ motivation in the organization in relation to which is the performance of work
in the organization can be created by the driving components. It makes sense of the
competition between the workers of company and with the help of inspirational variables.
Proximity with the elements of hygiene does not happen, but these are the variables that
reduces the level of disappointment of workers regarding the achievement of the goals and
objectives of the company.

Application of Hertzberg two-factor theory: HR manager of company although have

different responsibilities but in respect of the allocation of the Hertzberg two-factor theory the
HR manager need to consider both the factors on equal basis and to motivated the employees
who are performing the activity in company must be achieve by the manager by establishing a
reward system in company (Grint, 2005).

2.3 Analyze the link between motivational theories, job evaluation and rewards.
The satisfaction level of the employees in the CAPCO is achiving by the management of
company aby adoption different systems because the management of company accept this
reality that without the satisfaction of the employees of the company the management of
company could not achieve the targets which the strategic management of company have set
for the employees of company. there are different motivation theories which have been
presented by the researchers for giving a guideline to the management of company that how
the happiness and the satisfaction of the employees of company can be achieve by the
management of company.

The main context of the motivation theories is that the management of company must need to
get understating of the needs and the demands of the people working in company and then
the strategic as are develop by the management of company according to the level of the
needs and demands of the people working in company. The involvement of the employees of
company in the decision-making process and in the business operation according to the
Maslow hierarchical need theory is very helpful for the company to achieve the target which
the management of company is considering to be achieve. There are some of the non-
financial measures which can add some extra advantage to the company in respect of the
enhancement of the motivation of the employees of company. the key focus by the human
resource management of CAPCO is to enhance the working environment according to the
modern technology to give the employees an environment in which the company can fulfill all
the tasks on time and with higher level of the efficiency (Julie, 2000).

Job evaluation is one of the important functions which the management in HTR department of
company air taking to measure the performance of the employees of company. tteh job
evaluation is basically to evaluate that what type of responsibilities will the employees paly
and what types of resources are required by the management and the employees to complete
the job. Job evaluation and the reward system of the company have a direct relationship with
each other because the motivation is one of the important aspect which is consider by the
management of to achieve when the job evaluation is carry out by the management of
company and the reward to the employees of company and achievement of the targets which
the company has given to them. CAPCO management must need to improve the job
evaluation process of the company to establish fair reward system on company for enhancing
the satisfaction level of the employees of the company in the market.

Task 3
3.1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership and management styles in
different organizations.
The leaders of the company need greater level of the focus and the commitment when the
decisions are taken by the leaders of the company to manage the employees and people who
are working under the leadership of the leader of the company. As the people who work under
a leader need different level of assistance form the leader of company so it is very important
to note that eh leaders of the company must need to have all the information and knowledge
about the style and techniques of the leadership. The performance of the employees on
company are directly depend on the style and the decision taken by the leaders of the
company so the leadership play important role in the success of the company to gain the
targets (Jogulu, 2010)

The targets and the objectives which the management of company for the employees’
company must be achieve by having the demanded skills and the capabilities. The leaders of
the company can adopt different style of the le3adershio some of these are given below:

Persuasive style: the leaders of company when see that the employees must be manage by
giving them order and rules to follow. The type of leadership style under which the leader of
the company select the level of the tasks and the strategies which are than implemented on
the people working in company. this form of the leadership style creates lower level of
motivation context for the employees because under this style the employees only must follow
the orders of the leaders but they cannot take part in the decision-making process and the
operational management process.

Participative style: the type of leadership in which the leaders and the employees have more
attractive relationship and interaction with each other because the leaders of the company
when adopting this style than different opportunities are created by the leaders under which
the employees can take part in the decision-making process and the operational management
of company. the involvement of the employees in the decision-making process help the
management to encourage the employees and enhance the motivation level of the employees
of company.

Management approaches which the management of company adopt for managing the
activities in company are also very important part of the decision-making process of company.
the co next based on which the approaches of the engagement are selected by the
management of company are based on the productivity level which the managers of the
company want to achieve in the market in which the company is operating.

CAPCO: contingency approach to management is the approach which the human resource
managers in the CAPCO are considering to follow. The key objectives of the management of
company is to enhance the productivity of the company by implementing new changes in the
company according to the level of the needs and changes in the technology. This is the
reason that the change management is one of the important approach adopting by the
management of companies which are working by large number of employees.
HSBC: there is one of the system arci approach regarding the management which the
managers in the HSBC is adopting because of the reason that the management of company
want to increase the productivity of the company by working and performing all the activities
sunder certain level of criteria and direction (Kelman, 2006).

As the working environment in the world is changing with the passage of time so it is very
important for the human resource management of company to consider the evaluation of the
performance of the employees of the Company. This evaluation process of the performance of
the employees is known as the monitoring process by the human resource management of
company. The management of company need to manage activities perform by the employees
of company to understand the level of deficiencies that can be employed by improving the
ability to raise the level of targets in which can be achieved in an effective manner.

Organization in the light of the fact that improving the skills and capabilities of the company
workers, according to the needs and demands is crucial to the fundamental objectives of the
completion of the organization. The HRM in CAPCO is performing in right direction because
the managers in the HR department of company is measuring the performance of the
employees on regular basis to see that what are those areas in which the focus must be given
by the management (Capco.com, 2016).

3.2 Evaluate the impact of employment-related legislation on employment

termination arrangements and analyses termination procedures used by your selected
organization, and one other organization of your choice.
The termination process which the management in company use for terminating the employee
is based on the employment related legislations because the impact of the laws and regulation
on the process of termination have both the positive and negative. the positive impact could
be created by the laws and regulations if the human resource management of company
considering all the laws and regulation but if laws and regulations regarding the termination
are not following by the management than the negative impact could be created. the
management in HRM department of CAPCO must need to see all the legal terms and
conduction of the termination. There are different requiems cerate by the laws and regulations
for the human resource management of company which must be follow the management of
company. the manger in HR department in company must need to issue a motive to the
employees to give proper time to the employees. The termination must be carry out according
to the laws a regulation because the employee has the right to demand compensation from
the company in case of not following the laws and regulations (Frazer and Oswald, 2009).
Task 4
4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations.
There are certain activities in company which are perform by a group of people in company.
The groups are considering as very important in modern time because the groups working
environment in company enable the employees of company to share important information
with each other. The junior staff and the groups can help from the senior managers which
eventually increase the skills and the capabilities of the employees of the company who are
working in company.

There are different forms of the groups such as the formal groups and the informal groups.
The formal groups of the company are those groups which formally selected by the
management of company and the employees who are involved by the management in the
formal groups must have the skills and capabilities because the main objective of the formal
groups is to achieve certain activity in the company which have complexity element.

Info0mral groups are those groups which are created by the employees of company for
completing the activities which the management of company given to them in the company.

The success of the groups created by the management of company depend on the behavior
of the employees of company because the behavior has a direct relationship in between the
performance of the employees and the level of the motivation o=and committeemen of the
employees of company.

The behavior of the employees of company in company is important as out because the
efficiency of the operating activities of the company are based on the behavior of the
employees of company. there are certain personal objectives which are consider by the
peeopel when they think about the behavior. Every person in company want to achieve those
objectives so this is the reason that the people working groups try to achieve the targets along
with the achievement of their personal goals (Frazer and Oswald, 2009)

4.2 Explain factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective
teamwork in organizations.
Promoting factors:

Mutual Trust: trust is one of the important element in respect of the enhancement of the
motivation od employee regarding the working as a team is increase.
diversity Workforce: when there is diversity in respect of the working environment of company
than the management of company attract the teamworking environment to encourage the
employees to work together in company.

communication is applicable: the teem working environment of company can establish an

attractive communication environment in company by which the experience and information is
share among the employees and the company.

The HRM in CAPCO is focusing on the enhancement of the ways by which the management
of company helping the employees to achieve the goals and objectives. Tram working
environment in company enable the management to create such type of working environment
in which the achievement of the targets could become easy for the employees. Following are
some of the important aspects which are consider by the management of company to
enhance the working environment for creating opportunities of development for the employees
in company (Gregory, 2013)

 Operative communication
 Joint belief
 Operative leadership

Inhibiting factors:

Poor communication: it is the fact that if company is lacking attractive and sound
communication system in company than the achievement of the targets become difficult for
the management of company.

Unclear goals: the management in the HR department of company need to have clear
explanation of the objectives and the goals which the management of company want to
achieve in the market.

Consciousness: At the point where the person splinters away in the organization, and
therefore you should think of a single line. In the small possibility that individuals focus on
taking their views unchanged for others, then it may be a break in the group. When individuals
working at the meeting point, they should think correctly (Sevincer, Kluge and Oettingen,
4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within your chosen
Technology always play very important role in making attractive ad suitable working
environment in company under which the working activities are carry out by the employees in
efficient and attractive way. There is different context based on which the success and
operational activities of the company could be improve by adding the technology in company:
there are different tools created by the technology by which the management of company can
establish attractive commutation system in company and the promotion of the products and
services is carry out by the management of company by enhancing the use of the
technological and social media source (Luthra, 2015).

The human resource management of company pay very important role in attainment of the
goals and objectives of the company. there is different level of the activities which are perform
by the management in the HR department of company because the managers in the HR
department have a direct interaction with the employees of the company. the style which the
leaders of the company adopt for managing and controlling the activities on company must be
selected by the leaders of the company according to the level of need.
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