November 2024 - Mindful Intelligence Advisor - Print Versionhow You Can Be Healed
November 2024 - Mindful Intelligence Advisor - Print Versionhow You Can Be Healed
November 2024 - Mindful Intelligence Advisor - Print Versionhow You Can Be Healed
III. GLOBAL OUTLOOK…………………...………………………………….…..….…..………..…………………... PG. 12
IV. PEOPLE ADVANCE REPORT……………………………………………………………………………………... PG. 16
V. TOOLS OF ENGAGEMENT……………...………………………………………………..……………………….. PG. 19
I. COMMUNISM VS. THE REPUB- “No matter what state you live in, vote Trump. This
may be our last chance to protect our Constitutional
LIC, THE 2024 ELECTION RE- rights. America is turning into a one-party state, fast.”
VIEW –PART II –Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
“Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive
with me; Fight against those who fight against me.
By Joshua Bontrager, Political & Cultural Corre- Take hold of shield and buckler, And stand up for my
spondent help. Also draw out the spear, And stop those who pur-
sue me. Say to my soul, ‘I am your salvation.’” –Psalm
Mindful Intelligence Advisor is a monthly analysis of economic, monetary, and geopolitical developments on a global scale and their domino effect on our
country, free enterprise system, families, and finances. It is explicitly Christian, conservative, and free-market in its perspective. Information contained herein
has been carefully selected from sourced believed reliable, but absolutely accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Electronic Version (with Automatic Billing): Monthly: $22.95; Quarterly $64.95; Yearly: $249.95
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Oct 31, 2024 PG. 2
“Duty is ours; results are God’s.” –John Quincy A. STATE OF THE PRESIDENTIAL
Adams RACE
INTRODUCTION The past month has witnessed several noteworthy
America stands just days from the most im- shifts.
portant election in its history. In God’s Providence, a 1. POSITIVE TRENDS FOR TRUMP:
nation that has largely turned its back on the One who
gave it liberty has been granted another chance to defeat J.D. Vance eviscerated Tim Walz in the Vice-
the Marxist globalists and stem (even if temporarily) the Presidential debate and proved that he is not “weird,”
surging tide of tyranny overwhelming the nation. as Democrats claimed him to be.
Donald Trump recently said that Elon Musk, the Donald Trump displayed his relatability and intel-
world’s richest man, would “rather be making rocket ligence by working a shift at McDonald’s and appear-
ships” than stumping the political trail. Instead, Musk is ing on Joe Rogan’s podcast (41 million views and
actively encouraging Americans to vote for Trump, put- counting on YouTube as of October 30, despite
ting his fortune, freedom, and life itself on the line. Google’s shadow banning).
“The other side wants to take away your freedom of Bettors on Polymarket moved the Presidential
speech. They want to take away your right to bear race from a tie on October 2 to Trump 66%, Harris
arms,” said Musk at an October 5 Trump rally in But- 34% on October 29.
ler, PA. “…President Trump must win to preserve the Democrat-friendly Big Tech moguls, including
Constitution..” Google’s Sundar Pichai, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Face-
In last month’s election article, we outlined the exis- book’s Mark Zuckerburg, and Apple’s Tim Cook,
tentially high stakes in these terms: appeared resigned to a Trump presidency. Pichai
“The Deep State regime –including establishment called Trump and told him that his McDonald’s visit
Democrats and Republicans – wants to destroy what’s was the most searched-for item on Google.
left of American liberty by legalizing tens of millions of 2. NEGATIVE TRENDS FOR HARRIS:
illegal invaders, emboldening rogue regimes abroad, Meanwhile….
launching endless wars, nuking the economy and middle
class to promote ‘equity’ and ‘save the planet,’ ceding Even leftist pundits admitted that Harris’ media
power to unaccountable global bodies like the United campaign bombed spectacularly. When asked on The
Nations, taking children away from parents in the name View, “What would you do differently than Joe
of ‘gender-affirming care,’ expanding abortion (baby Biden?” Harris stated, “There is not a thing that
murder) in every state, permanently rigging election comes to mind,” and added, “I’ve been a part of most
rules, and censoring, imprisoning, or assassinating all of the decisions that have had impact.”
who dissent. These demonic (and increasingly desper- Shortly after Harris called Trump “Hitler,” the
ate) forces will lie (media propaganda), cheat (stolen Washington Post, the LA Times, and other main-
elections), and murder (assassinations) to achieve stream papers refused to endorse her, undermining
their authoritarian ends. her claim and leading to an establishment meltdown.
“By contrast, the new anti-regime alliance – con- The WaPo’s decision came from owner Jeff Bezos,
sisting of Donald Trump’s GOP, disaffected Democrats, who reportedly wants to avoid losing lucrative gov-
awakening Independents, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ernment contracts under a future Trump administra-
supporters – wants to deport illegals, secure elections, tion.
tackle the chronic disease epidemic, stop endless wars, Pollster Rich Baris says that the critical Catholic
protect children from transgender mutilation surgeries, vote, which Joe Biden won in 2020, is moving toward
empower parents, end censorship, revitalize America’s Trump.
economy, and free political and religious prisoners.”
In Michigan, Muslim voters are increasingly dis-
This month’s election article will examine (1) how satisfied with Biden-Harris’ handling of the Middle
the 2024 election has shifted since our analysis one East, and some are endorsing Trump.
month ago. (2) four possible scenarios for a dangerous
November - January, and (3) the stark differences be- A poll from TIPP Insights found that 40% of
tween a Trump and a Harris presidency. Democrats agreed either “somewhat” or “strongly”
that Harris was not their party’s strongest candi-
date, while 37% agreed that the process that selected
her was undemocratic.
3. THE POLLS – Donald Trump now leads nar- 3. NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE COATTAILS –
rowly in the RCP average, and mainstream media has Within the past several weeks, Democratic Senate can-
finally admitted that a Trump national vote win is a real didates in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and
possibility. AtlasIntel, the most accurate pollster of Ohio have all distanced themselves from Harris by men-
2020, has Trump ahead by 3 points nationally. tioning Trump in their ads. By contrast, Republican
Trump, who significantly outperformed polls in Senate candidates are eager to appear with Trump.
2016 and 2020, is polling ahead (even if narrowly) in all Kamala’s deep unpopularity could doom Demo-
of the key swing states, while showing surprising gains cratic Senate and House candidates who otherwise
in other states: down in recent polls by only 3 in New could have won, while Trump’s surge over the past
Hampshire, 3 in New Mexico, 1 in Virginia, and 2.5 in month could help pull Republicans in tight races
Tim Walz’s home state of Minnesota. over the finish line. 11 of the 41 most competitive
House races are in California or New York, where
Constitutional attorney and political bettor Robert
Trump recently held massive rallies.
Barnes assesses, “When examining 2024 polls to 2020
or 2016 polls by the same pollster, the striking conclu- C. THE VOTES
sion is their polls have Trump running better with
EVERY single demographic, whether it’s age, gender, 1. THE EARLY VOTE – Early voting includes
race, religion, region, education, income, status or early in-person voting and mail-in voting. Many Repub-
state.” licans have encouraged their voters to vote early to (1)
avoid election day chaos and (2) ensure that schedule
B. HOUSE AND SENATE changes do not prevent them from voting on Election
1. SENATE – West Virginia remains a safe flip
to Republican, while Montana will likely turn Red. Thus far, early voting looks hopeful for Republi-
RCP rates Florida and Nebraska as “Lean GOP.” cans, with momentum coming from low-propensity
voters who have been mobilized by conservative bal-
Three Democratic-held seats – Arizona, New Mexi- lot-chasing groups such as Turning Point Action and
co, and Maryland – all lean Democrat, but Republi- Elon Musk’s network. Constitutional attorney and pro-
can’s best pickup shot of the three is Kari Lake (R)
fessional election bettor Robert Barnes comments,
in Arizona. Democrat’s best pickup seat is Texas, “GOP turnout isn’t up as much as Dem turnout is way
which RCP recently moved to “toss-up.” down, and that bodes big trouble for Harris.”
Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Republicans are leading in early voting in North
(R-KY) has poured millions into supporting RINO Lar- Carolina, Nevada, and Arizona and have improved their
ry Hogan in Maryland (an unlikely GOP win) while early vote margin in Pennsylvania by an astounding
sabotaging more competitive races with conservatives 500,000 since this point in 2020.
(i.e., Ted Cruz in Texas), just as he did in the 2022 mid-
terms. In Virginia, Bart Marcois notes, “There is unprece-
dented energy among GOP early voters. In-person vot-
Five Democratic-held seats are labeled toss-ups: ers are running about 47% GOP and 45% Democrat.
Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and This is a sharp reversal from previous years…”
Ohio, but Ohio is the most likely to flip Red. All five
states have moved toward the GOP, at the same time 2. THE FRAUD MACHINE – However, the
that Trump’s upward surge has continued. Democrats’ greatest advantage remains their ability
to cheat and win at any cost. Consider a few highly
Polymarket gives Republicans an 82.5% chance of concerning stories:
flipping the Senate.
The Nevada Supreme Court ruled that ballots that
2. HOUSE – The latest from The Cook Political arrive without a postmark up to three days after the
Report lists 201 solid or likely Republican seats, and election must still be counted.
191 solid or likely Democratic seats. 12 seats are “Lean
Dem” and 6 “Lean GOP.” There are 25 tossups: 14 The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously struck
held by Republicans and 11 held by Democrats. down a state election board rule that would have re-
quired poll workers to verify by hand-count that the
Polymarket gives Democrats a 50% shot at taking number of ballots matched the number of voters.
the House, down from 63% on October 3.
In Michigan and North Carolina, judges dismissed
lawsuits from the RNC regarding porous overseas
3. TRUMP WINS, BUT DEMS BLOCK HIM If Trump wins, he will face the wreckage of four
FROM TAKING OFFICE – Top Democrat Rep. Ja- years of the lawless Biden-Harris regime. Yet, Trump
mie Raskin (MD) suggested that Democrats might not may be more successful this time around, with anti-
certify a Trump victory, because Trump might some- establishment VP like J.D. Vance to watch his back,
how cheat to win. DNC propaganda outlet Politico re- health warrior Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to wage war on
leased this headline, “The Very Real Scenario Where Big Pharma, Elon Musk to trim government waste, and
Trump Loses and Takes Power Anyway.” In both cas- Tulsi Gabbard to stand up to the neocon war machine.
es, the claim that Trump is a “threat to democracy” is Still, the Deep State would throw everything at a
pure projection of the left’s own totalitarian ends. victorious Trump – lawsuits, vicious media propagan-
Lawfare assassin Marc Elias (who one pundit said da (especially over deportations of illegals), impeach-
is always deployed to help count “illegal votes”) was ments, chaos (think BLM-style riots, manufactured pan-
recently hired by a Harris legal team that already in- demics, economic collapse, or war), and more assassi-
cludes thousands of lawyers. nation attempts (aimed at Trump and his “Nazi” sup-
Even if Dems are unsuccessful in overturning a porters). In Washington, Democrats and RINO elected
Trump victory, their legal efforts could become the officials would use their power against Trump, while in
rationale for refusing certification, or at the very the states, Democratic governors and attorneys general
least, galvanizing their supporters for resistance to a would fight America First policies, but much more ef-
Trump presidency by painting Trump as an illegiti- fectively than often-feckless Republicans fought
mate “fascist.” Biden-Harris.
II. PATRIOT OR TRAITOR? – DID These two appear to have EITHER teamed up to
take down an “election denier” who exposed the fun-
TINA PETERS TRY TO SAVE OUR damental security vulnerabilities in Domain voting sys-
REPUBLIC OR OVERTHROW IT? tems, OR they made an example of an election sabo-
teur feeding off the irrational fears of others.
By Paul Gordon Collier, Editor
This report will present the state’s version of the
“I don’t blame the jury. They could only go on what case, as well as Tina Peters’ version of the case, fol-
they were given, and they were not given the exculpato- lowed by this writer’s analysis of the case. The truth,
ry and vital evidence to prove that it was me and only however, may not be clear, and unless and until more
me as the elected official that had the authority to bring evidence is allowed to come forward, the “debate”
Conan Hayes in to do an investigation.” –Tina Peters about her status as a Patriot or a Traitor might well
after being convicted and sentenced to nine years in continue.
In the end, it might not be determined by the evi-
INTRODUCTION dence, it might be determined by the choice America is
Is former Mesa County, Colorado Recorder Tina about to make, to PRESERVE herself or become
Peters a Patriot or a Traitor? Colorado would have PROGMERICA (which is no America at all).
you believe she’s a traitor. They just sent her to prison A. THE STATE’S VERSION OF THE
for nine years. The judge who sentenced her was CASE
Matthew Barrett.
If you read the coverage of most “Mainstream me-
Democrat-appointed Judge Matthew Barrett took a dia” (aka DNC-CCP content marketing companies),
new seat on the bench thanks to a DNC-CCP-led ex- you will get the state’s version of the case against the
pansion of the Colorado Judiciary that allowed far-left former Mesa County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder,
“entrepreneur” Governor Jared Polis to appoint new Tina Peters. Even conservative media like justthenews
judges that would tilt the judiciary in the anti- and Breitbart appear ready to abandon Tina Peters’
American party’s favor. cause.
To get a sense of who this Governor is, consider this Wonkette described Peters as a “certified wacko” in
comment Polis made that attempted to spread the DNC- their opening line covering the start of the trial.
CCP lie that Trump was the one suffering from cogni-
tive decline, not Trump. He said, “I don’t know if it’s, Here is their summary of the case as they character-
you know, some say it’s cognitive decline, whatever – ize it, which is exactly the same as the state’s character-
whatever it is. But the more he’s distracted, and attack- ization of the case: “Peters hatched a plan to disable
ing people like [Georgia Gov. Brian] Kemp or me, the security cameras, unlock the doors, and sneak in a
whether they’re Republican or Democrat, maybe he’s former pro surfer named Conan Hayes to tamper with
forgotten who he’s running against. And I think that’s Dominion voting machines in Mesa County, so they
great. Because I support Kamala Harris. I think she’ll could then complain that someone was tampering with
be a great president.” voting machines in Mesa County. It’s very Sidney Pow-
ell! Peters did this with the help of her co-worker
This analysis from Judicial Performance might Belinda Knisley and some goons allegedly sent by (also
explain why this Judge was picked for this case. The former!) Overstock dot com CEO Patrick Byrne, the
org ultimately gave Barrett a “meets performance Trump advisor who’d been bumping pirogies (sic) with
standards” rating, but with this caveat: “Certain Russian spy Maria Butina.
aspects of the survey, however, were inconclusive: For
example, the results showed above-average … the crew stole the identity of a state employee
performance scores from non-attorneys but below- named Gerald Wood, and claimed that Conan Hayes/
average performance scores from attorneys… Gerald Wood was a new administrative assistant. That
Commissioners raised concern over feedback they had got him access to a highly secure four-hour process
received about judicial demeanor – namely that on known as a ‘trusted build,’ with state and county offi-
occasion Judge Barrett can be perceived as both pro- cials physically present in a room while Dominion em-
prosecution and as unduly harsh toward some ployees updated voting machine hard drives.”
“Once in, Conan Hayes allegedly managed to take “The reports from the comparison of the two images
digital images of content on the Dominion hard drives, that you can see at, you can see the re-
along with unique passwords, which helpfully let inves- ports; they never would let those in. Sandra Brown,
tigators pinpoint exactly whodunnit. Hayes also messed Belinda Knisley, and Gerald Wood knew of Conan and
with the server somehow, disabling the secure boot set- assisted, and the text chats verified by experts prove
ting and enabling booting from an optical drive. And this. Conan Hayes was a high-level government in-
then SOMEHOW video of the hard drives and pass- formant with government security clearance, and he
words made its way to the Gateway Pundit, and to the was instrumental in the takedown of international orga-
great wizard of QAnon himself, Ron Watkins.” nized crime cartels, as well as other government opera-
Their summary of the state’s case is accurate, tions…”
though they present the state’s case as fact. The color- “I don’t blame the jury. They could only go on what
ful language was included here to give you a sense of they were given, and they were not given the exculpato-
the “integrity” of the people who would have you be- ry and vital evidence to prove that it was me and only
lieve Tina Peters is a Traitor, not a Patriot. me as the elected official that had the authority to bring
Conan Hayes in to do an investigation.”
“You are no hero. You abused your position. And
A good summary of Tina Peters’ version of the case you’re a charlatan who used, and is still using, your
was captured by WesternSlopeNow, which conducted a prior position in office to peddle a snake oil that’s been
brief interview with her through Zoom: proven to be junk, time and time again.” –CO District
Q: What are your thoughts about the guilty ver- Judge Matthew Barret at the sentencing hearing of
dicts? Tina Peters
A: It’s an interesting verdict. As we were going Tina Peters was convicted of three felony counts of
through the trial, we saw that the prosecution would not “attempting to influence a public servant” and one felo-
let us in with any of our affirmative defenses. Much ny count of “conspiracy to commit criminal impersona-
excluded evidence was kept from the jury. For instance, tion.”
the codemonkeyz video that they kept talking about – Baptist News Global characterized her conviction
that was so “damning” – they never would let the according to the DNC-CCP party line: “A conservative
jury see it. If they would have seen it, they would have evangelical who used her position as a county clerk in
seen there were no passwords in there. an attempt to sway the 2020 presidential election has
been found guilty of seven crimes, including four felo-
Speaking to the passwords, when I took that video,
nies. Tina Peters, former elections clerk for Mesa
it was because Conan (Hayes) was not even there at the
County, Colo., is the first local election official to be
trusted build yet. The trusted build went on for an hour
charged and convicted for supporting Donald Trump’s
and a half before he was even there. I was keeping
track of what was going on to the best of my ability, so ‘big lie’ that he actually won the 2020 race.”
that he would know what he had missed. She was sentenced to nine years in prison, followed
If there were any passwords that were taken, they by six months in county jail, with a chance to get out
were subsequently deleted during the trusted build be- early with good behavior. She is 69 years old, and she
cause that’s what Dominion’s instructions instruct the lost her son, Remington Peters, who died on Sunday,
Secretary of State Danny Casias to do in the instruc- May 28, 2017, performing for the Navy Seal Leap
tions, which I have a copy of. Frogs team doing a parachuting demonstration. She’s
almost a Goldstar Mom; after all, she gave up her son
“Q: You’ve said you are appealing. On what through his service to this country.
The judge did not give her a chance to avoid prison
“A: There’s a lot of excluded evidence that was while she appealed. Instead, he ordered her to be re-
never presented. I mentioned the codemonkeyz video manded to prison authorities immediately.
that they made such a big deal about, but never would
let the jury see. Also the 12-minute audio recording
that Stephanie Wenholz presented, that was played
over and over…
Peters said this to the Judge in response to the con- Matt Crane, head of the Colorado County Clerks
viction, “It is with a heavy heart that I hear the vile ac- Association – “Since it first came to light that Tina
cusations and the anger leveled against me for what I Peters violated her oath of office, broke the law, and
did to serve the people of Mesa County. I’m not a crimi- destroyed the trust her community placed in her, clerks
nal, and I don’t deserve to go into a prison where other across Colorado and election workers across the
people have committed heinous crimes.” country have been made to answer for her crimes.
The Judge was rather vindictive in his sentencing. Today, our justice system spoke, and now Tina will
Here are some of the choicest quotes: finally suffer the consequences of her actions.”
“You are as privileged as they come. And you use Pam Anderson, Former Jefferson County Clerk
that privilege to obtain power, a following, and fame. and Recorder – “[Peters] is the most lethal combo of
There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s exactly what you arrogance and self-imposed ignorance. Her betrayal
was one reason why I will always stand up for our de-
wanted.” mocracy, against hyper partisans, and support the
“There’s no good reason why you’re here other thousands of faithful and true local election officials
than active decisions you made.” across the country.”
“Prison is the only place that duly meets the pur- Phil Weiser, Colorado Attorney General – “We
poses of sentence in this matter.” place a sacred trust in our elections officials to conduct
safe, honest, and fair elections. Tina Peters violated her
You will note the insertion of critical race lan- duty as an election official and seriously compromised
guage in his sentencing, a phrasing not untypical of this trust with her fellow Coloradans. Today, the court
far-left judge appointed by a far-left governor. handed down a fair and just sentence for her criminal
Another far-left activist, Colorado Secretary of State acts, which put the safety of our elections – and the
Jena Griswold (more on HER later), praised the 9-year freedom and safety of others – at risk… Today’s
sentencing of a 69-year-old woman, saying Peters was sentencing is a warning to others that they will face
“sentenced to nine years of incarceration for her consequences if they attempt to illegally tamper with
dangerous attempts to break into her own election our voting processes or election systems.”
equipment to prove Trump’s ‘Big Lie.’ We will not IBTimes – “Despite the overwhelming evidence
allow anyone to threaten our elections. Colorado’s against her, Peters remains a figure of support among
elections are the nation’s gold standard. I am proud of far-right groups who continue to promote election
how we have responded to the first insider elections fraud conspiracies… Despite the widespread
breach in the nation, and look forward to another condemnation, Peters has continued to receive support
secure and successful election in November.” from election fraud proponents.”
Everyone realizes a 9-year sentence for a 69-year- Amanda Gonzalez, Jefferson County Clerk –
old woman means she is most likely going to die in “Tina is not representative of the dedicated election
prison, and these folks, including this Judge, reveled in officials in Colorado and throughout the country. There
that reality. is little that is more dangerous in the long run to our
communities than individuals who are attempting to
D. THE PRAISE OF THE CONVICTION dismantle and undermine our democracy,”
If you do a search for the Tina Peters story on
Google and even DuckDuckGo, you will be hard-
pressed to find any non-DNC-CCP content marketing CONVICTION
company or “ally” links in the results. Finding the joy Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow – “This is one of
in the conviction, and the certainty of its “rightness” is the biggest injustices this country has ever seen! Tina
easy; finding any dissenting views is extremely difficult Peters is a hero, and she will be vindicated! God bless
and, frankly, the non-DNC-CCP media, for some rea- Tina, and my prayers are with her!”
son, has not spent much effort covering this story (as
this writer pointed out earlier). Pastor Dave Bryan of California (who serves a
church Peters has spoken at) – “I know the fact is there
Here are some choice quotes from people and DNC- was cheating in the Dominion machines, and they spun
CCP media celebrating the conviction and sentencing: that seven ways from Sunday. This is not about justice;
this is about a political vendetta.”
John Case, Defense lawyer on Peters recording the The Colorado Republican Party first announced the
“trusted build” session – “And thank God she did. incident in a news release earlier in the day, including
Otherwise, we really wouldn’t know what happened.” an affidavit purporting to find the error. The name of
Doug Frank, Election Fraud Investigator – “Tina the person who signed the affidavit was blacked out.
Peters is no conspirator. Tina Peters is a patriot. Tina They said they found a spreadsheet publicly posted on
Peters is law-abiding. Tina Peters is not a threat to any- the secretary of state’s website that contained an inven-
one except perhaps some government officials who have tory of voting systems used throughout the state.
something to hide. She should not have to endure one When the user clicked “unhide” on the
more minute of this tyranny. As Jefferson said, when the spreadsheet’s tabs, they found hidden tabs that
people are afraid of the government, there’s tyranny. appeared to show the passwords to some of the voting
When the government is afraid of the people, there’s system components. In a letter to Secretary of State
liberty.” Jena Griswold, GOP Chair Dave Williams requested
F. MORE VOTER FRAUD IN MESA she confirm the passwords have been changed and
other security protocols met.
“If, however, you fail to provide necessary assur-
1. MESA COUNTY FRAUD – It appears Mesa ances that our elections are secure, we are prepared to
County, that same county that assures us Dominion Vo- encourage county officials throughout the state to fulfill
ting machines are fine, and you can vote with con- their duty to decertify any election machines with a
fidence your vote will be counted as you marked it, has
a fraudulent ballot problem. Colorado Secretary of password on the released list,” Williams wrote.
State Jenna Griswold had to admit they intercepted 12 FINAL ANALYSIS
fraudulent ballots (mailed-in ballots) that were detec-
ted through a signature verification process. Is Tina Peters a Patriot or a Traitor? Before this
writer offers you my opinion, pause and ask yourself,
The problematic ballots were set aside and the vot- based on what you’ve seen in this report, do you
ers attached to the ballots were contacted. Two of those consider her to be a Patriot or a Traitor? After the
voters told election officials they hadn’t sent in any bal- pause for reflection, please continue.
lots. The KJCT news coverage of the story includes this
choice quote from a resident in Mesa County who said, Tina Peters is a symbol of her times, and her case is
“Well, the fact they caught them, it sounds like they are a crystallization of our current political reality. The
doing a good job.” case itself has a significant amount of ambiguous evi-
dence, missing evidence, and technical mumbo jumbo
Because of these “catches,” thousands of mailed-in that creates a veil between the seeker of truth and the
ballots are now in question, all of which will have to be truth.
re-evaluated. Colorado is now primarily a mail-in-
ballot state, so they appear to have transitioned from “Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil
Dominion Voting schemes to mail-in ballot schemes makes himself a prey. The Lord saw it, and it displeased
to attempt to ensure the outcome the party desires. him that there was no justice.” –Isaiah 59:15
“Colorado’s elections are safe and secure, and this When a land is under judgment, truth is hard to
attempt at fraud was found and investigated quickly be- find, for even those who seek it will find impedi-
cause of groundbreaking tools that we have here,” ments in their way they don’t even know exist.
Griswold said. In times such as these, it is as valuable to go by the
2. COLORADO FRAUD – After this report was spirit of the people involved in the claims, and the na-
initially completed, late-breaking news added an extra ture of the actions they are defending, as it is to rely on
twist to this story. The Colorado Secretary of State the specifics of the “facts” they claim.
cheering on the de facto currently attempted murder Peters appears to be a woman who either discovered
of Tina Peters, has now just published passwords to or already learned that Dominion Voting Machines have
the state’s voting systems. From the Denver Post: a serious security vulnerability. At this point, the evi-
dence supporting this claim is widespread and hard (but
not impossible) to dispute.
She appears to have decided to use Mesa County, a She is the warning sign to anyone who would dare
county that voted for Trump by over 60 percent in 2020, question the nature of digital and mass mailer elec-
to expose what is not only a Mesa County voter issue, it tions as being anything but completely safe and trust-
is a national one. If voting machines can be hacked easi- worthy. If she’s not safe, well, you’re not safe either.
ly, this should be a national crisis (which it is, because
they CAN easily be hacked). After all, they convicted a woman who sacrificed
her son in service of this country, a 69-year-old woman
Even as this article is being prepped, news broke of in poor health, not because she violated laws but be-
a “Nationwide Issue” with Dominion Voting Machines. cause she exposed the insurrectionists occupying
This was announced by Michigan Secretary of State American offices, intent on destroying what spirit of
Jocelyn Benson. She stated. “…this is a nationwide is- America might still exist in the land of the unfree, the
sue with Dominion voter access terminals in the coun- home of the afraid.
ties that use them in the voter access terminals.”
She was exposing a critical security issue, but how
she approached it appears to be questionable to this
writer, not in terms of ethics so much as tactics. Rely-
ing on sources that are known, even on the “right,” as
being quick to the story and short on confirmation,
was a bad move from the start. Her flamboyant appear-
ance, her boisterous language only feed into the cliched
“Trumpian” image the “left” constantly pushes.
Still, she should be viewed as a whistleblower,
someone who may have violated laws, but who did it to
expose an existential threat to our republic’s rule of
law and voter confidence. Giving this woman a 9-year
sentence for exposing the security vulnerability
(which she did) of Dominion voting machines is far
more serious of a crime than what they’ve accused her
of doing. It’s practically attempted murder, and let’s
hope it stays that way.
Matt Crane, head of the Colorado County Clerks
Association, might have captured the real motivation
for what amounts to a lawfare assault on a woman who
sacrificed her son in service to this country. They
wanted her dead before they filed the first charges.
They wanted her corpse swinging from a yard arm
across all the social media platforms (metaphorically, of
course) as a chilling warning to anyone who dares
question the integrity of their rigged elections.
He said of the 9-year sentence that he hoped it
reestablishes voters’ confidence in the system, telling
them, “Vote with confidence in so far as your ballot
will be cast and counted exactly as how you marked it.”
The people who consider Peters a traitor who de-
serves her death in prison use the language of anti-
Americanists, starting with their cries of “defend the
democracy.” They live in a world in which the integrity
you are expected to live by depends entirely on the
“class” of people you are talking to. Anyone outside
the DNC-CCP party orthodoxy is considered someone
you can treat deceptively, coercively, and so Tina Peters
was a Trumpian, an untouchable, barely human, if
even she was.
2. IS MUSK THE NEXT LAWFARE TARGET? Senate Armed Service Committee Chair Jack Reed
AN EXAMPLE TO CHILL BILLIONAIRE RE- (D-RI) is pushing the change in language that would
SISTANCE? – A recent call by eleven alleged Republi- effectively make women eligible for the draft. He de-
can former prosecutors to investigate Elon Musk for fended the move, saying, “If we were in a situation re-
election violations has drawn attention to a man whose quiring a draft, I think we would need all able-bodied
Empire is under numerous assaults from numerous gov- citizens 18 and above.”
ernments, including the Federal government of the 3. KAMALA SAYS YOUR GOD DOESN’T AL-
United States of America. A new edition is a Democrat LOW YOU TO NOT MURDER UNBORN CHIL-
“social justice” Philadelphia DA, Larry Krasner, who is DREN – Kamala Harris told a reporter that any hope
suing Musk over his million dollars a day sweepstakes any American would have to get a religious exemption
for newly registered voters. from having to perform an abortion if their work
The 11 Republicans, which include former New Jer- “required it” should be tossed into the dustbin of histo-
sey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, want nothing ry.
more than prison for Musk, claiming, “Federal law, 52 Harris told an MSM reporter, in response to their
U.S.C. § 10307(c), imposes up to five years in prison on question about religious exemptions, “I don’t think we
anyone who ‘knowingly or willfully . . . pays or offers to should be making concessions when we’re talking about
pay or accepts payment . . . for registration to vote.’” a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your
More on Elon Musk Lawfare & Lawfare own body.”
VIEW? – CBS News’ 60 Minutes was caught decep- MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS – Kamala Har-
tively editing an answer given by DNC-CCP Presiden- ris’ Biden Administration has been using a “clever”
tial candidate Kamala Harris that highly favored the legal loophole to essentially grant amnesty to millions
current Vice President. Donald Trump has called for of illegal aliens without having to go through the trou-
CBS to have its license revoked, and one group has ble of even writing a bill for Congress, let alone have it
filed a formal ethics complaint against the company. pass.
The use of an alleged news platform to create a de The accusation comes from the GOP-led House Ju-
facto campaign ad for the DNC-CCP is, on its face, ille- diciary Committee, which issued a report that says,
gal. Many, including this writer, have been calling on “Instead of adjudicating these cases, denying invalid
GOP attorneys general to investigate these “news out- asylum claims, and ordering aliens removed from the
lets” that are nothing more than DNC-CCP info terror United States, the Biden-Harris Administration has di-
machines. CBS’ blatant editing of a trainwreck inter- rected its immigration judges to simply not adjudicate
view to help Kamala Harris win the 2024 election is just them.”
the latest, but more obvious, criminal actions by these
DNC-CCP content marketers disguised as news outlets. 2. FLORIDA’S ILLEGALS LOOT DURING
HURRICANE RECOVERY – Police officers in Pinel-
CBS has refused to release the full transcript, in- las County, Florida, have made numerous arrests of ille-
stead choosing to throw Trump under the bus by gal aliens looting Americans’ properties during the hur-
“pointing out” that Trump “refused” to the interview ricane recovery times for both Hurricane Milton and
while Kamala accepted. It turns out 9 in 10 likely voters Helene. Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Guiltieri said,
believe CBS should release the full transcripts, if not “They’re going into people’s homes, they’re taking
the unedited video. stuff, they’re rummaging through things. This is the
More on CBS Kamala Harris Interview & Election epitome of people trying to exploit others when they’re
Law down and when they’re out, and they’re trying to re-
2. DEMS LOOK TO DRAFT WOMEN – The build and they’ve got nothing.”
Democrats are pushing a version of the National De-
fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 that
would essentially force women to join the potential war
draft pool in 28 states, the states that automatically reg-
ister their citizens for “Selective Service,” the mecha-
nism through which citizens get drafted and sent off to
Pray for these prisoners, remember and support Remember that America needs more than a Repub-
them, and speak in their defense. Do not forget why lican victory in November (as helpful as that would be).
they were targeted and by whom: the corrupt, law- America needs another Great Awakening, or she is ulti-
less Biden-Harris regime. For more, visit americangu- mately doomed. Will we ask God to begin revival in,, and our hearts? Will we pray for that?
C. VOTE AGAINST EVIL 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people, who are
called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray,
1. VOTE AGAINST EVIL – Every election is a
and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways;
choice between flawed candidates. In 2024, we must
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
ask, “Which candidate and party platform most aligns
and will heal their land.”
with scripture and America’s founding principles? In
what direction would each candidate seek to lead the
Dr. James Dobson has compiled a helpful voting
guide contrasting the policies of Trump-Vance and Har-
ris-Walz. You can view it here. As you vote, don’t for-
get critical measures to stop the expansion of baby mur-
der in 10 states and to secure elections in 17 states.
If you have not already voted, do everything you
can to make sure you vote on Election Day, prefera-
bly early in the day, to avoid disruption or DNC-led
voter suppression.
2. ORGANIZE OTHERS – Elon Musk urges,
“Please get everyone you know at work, your friends,
family, tech groups, text groups, your social media, eve-
rything. Get them to register to vote right now.” While
it’s already too late to register to vote, your friends and
family who are already registered (and support Ameri-
canism) should still be encouraged to vote. See here.
3. PROTECT THE VOTE – Join the election in-
tegrity warriors at and
For more, see the Election Integrity Community on X.
4. PRAY – In the October 2020 MIA election issue,
we noted, “Today’s battle is about more than politics.
It is a spiritual fight. Previous American Presidents
(including Washington and Lincoln) called at times for
national days of prayer and fasting. Pray for wisdom to
do your part in this election. Pray that Americans
would see through media propaganda and manipula-
tion. Pray for a fair vote. Pray that evil would be ex-
posed, and truth would triumph.”
VI. FINAL THOUGHT: A CALL TO Abortion is the heart of the decision Americans
must make: to choose ease in this world (at the sacri-
REPENTANCE OVER ELECTIONS fice of others) or choose to submit to the fear of the
By Paul Gordon Collier, Editor Lord. Neither party is offering the solution that would
save this country, which means neither party has a pro-
“… And do not listen to Hezekiah when he misleads
gram to actually save this country.
you by saying, ‘The Lord will deliver us.’ Has any of the
gods of the nations ever delivered his land out of the At the end of the fall of Israel and Judah, God deliv-
hand of the king of Assyria? Where are the gods of Ha- ered waves of destruction and granted spells of revival
math and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, before the final death blows were delivered, first to Is-
Hena, and Ivvah? Have they delivered Samaria out of rael, then to Judah. Manasseh was captured by the As-
my hand? Who among all the gods of the lands have syrians after living a debauched life and leading Judah
delivered their lands out of my hand, that the Lord to sin worse than even Sodom and Gomorrah had. Yet,
should deliver Jerusalem out of my hand?” –2 Kings Manasseh repented (2 Chronicles 33) and was restored
18:32-35 to the throne, leading Israel to another “revival.”
We are only days away from what can arguably be The final revival came from Josiah (2 Kings chap-
seen as the most important election in American histo- ters 22-23), who rediscovered the Book of the Law,
ry since perhaps the 1860 and 1864 elections. Both of restored the Temple, took down the high places, and led
those elections determined whether America would con- the people to a Passover Fellowship the likes of which
tinue to purge itself of its own anti-individual liberty had never been seen in Jerusalem. The people openly
laws or embrace the old ways, where humans are con- seemed to repent. They stopped sacrificing their chil-
signed to perpetual lack based on their born-into status. dren to idols. They observed God’s law.
We are, once again, set to take part in an election But God knew their hearts, which were not truly
that will determine if we are to embrace the old ways, repentant, and as soon as Josiah died (fighting a battle
where humans are consigned to perpetual lack based he was not called by God to fight), Judah reverted to her
on their born-into status. Only now, we are also voting old ways. The end would come a couple of decades lat-
on whether or not people can be consigned to perpetual er when Jerusalem was sacked, and the then-King of
lack for their beliefs alone. Judah, Zedekiah, watched his sons get murdered right
before his eyes were removed.
The party of insurrection, the party of hate, fear, and
fake hope, the DNC-CCP, is running essentially on the The nations of Israel and Judah failed to repent,
platform that their opponents are raging Nazi maniacs turn back to God, and seek after his ways through the
who want to enslave blacks, murder women, and wor- heart, not through legalism. Their problem is our prob-
ship Hitler. lem, we lack a repentant heart.
Every word out of their mouth is inciting violence When the Democrats rigged their primary to re-
against their opponents. What’s frightening is at least 40 move the elected nominee in favor of the corporate-
percent of this country probably believes this is true, selected nominee, Kamala Harris, they saw an immedi-
putting everyone at risk of being assaulted wherever ate boost in the numbers. The numbers were boosted,
they proclaim “America!” this writer believes, thanks to one key issue in this elec-
tion: abortion, which is the choice to sacrifice the in-
Yet the choice between America and Authoritari-
nocent so others can keep on sinning (Moloch wor-
anism isn’t the essential decision that this country
needs to make, a decision that won’t be made on elec-
tion day, regardless of the results, for this election has
mostly ignored what that decision really is, and one
party (the GOP) isn’t interested in bringing much atten-
tion to it.
Once a certain demographic in America, white sub- There were two times of note that a superior force
urban middle-aged women, believed they had a descended upon God’s land, but spoke with arrogance
“viable” candidate, they threw their support behind against God, challenging his sovereignty. In one in-
Kamala for only one reason: to maintain the “right” to stance, the deliverance benefited a wicked King, Ahab,
murder unborn children so women (and even girls in and in the other, it benefited a righteous but flawed
DNC-CCP land) can continue to have non- King, Hezekiah.
consequential casual sex as often as they want and In the first instance (1 Kings 20), Ahab’s opponent,
with whomever they want. Ben-hadad of Syria, dared declare, “The Lord is a god
Abortion is popular in America, with a super- of the hills but he is not a god of the valleys,” so be-
majority favoring some form of abortion beyond the cause of that, the Lord declared: “I will give all this
usual exemptions given (life of Mother, incest, rape). great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that
Abortion measures have been very successful in Ameri- I am the Lord.” (1 Kings 20:28). Ahab, however, failed
ca, with numerous red states now abortion-friendly to kill Ben-hadad as the Lord desired and was once
thanks to their successful passage. again found wanting.
Abortion is so popular that the GOP has decided to In the second instance (2 Kings 18-19), Hezekiah
double down on feigning abortion agnosticism, claim- faced the juggernaut Sennacherib, the Assyrian King
ing the conservative position is to “let the states de- who followed Shalmaneser, the King who conquered
cide.” Their selected (actually elected) nominee, Don- Israel, including sacking her capital, Samaria. Sennach-
ald J. Trump, wants the world to know there will be no erib had taken all the fortified cities of Judah but one,
national “anti-abortion” laws under his watch, and that Jerusalem, a land under judgment from God. He stood
even if Congress were to pass such a measure, he would on the verge of ending the kingdom altogether, but he
veto it. came in bragging of his invincibility against all his ene-
Strategically, the GOP is right to play this sophist’s mies’ gods, rhetorically asking “why should Judah’s
game, for surely, barring a true Christian revival, this god be any different?”
nation would choose the “right” to murder an unborn The Angel of the Lord (Christ, if you’ll believe it)
child over the right to bear arms, the right to free smote 185,000 Assyrians, sending Sennacherib pack-
speech, due process and, well, American rule of law. It ing, only to be murdered by his own sons once he re-
would be reasonable from a pragmatic conservative turned home. Hezekiah, a righteous but flawed King,
perspective to pursue this strategy. The cost of losing did not lead his people to repentance, though he did lead
our rights, our republic, would far exceed the cost of them to reform. He did not, however, remove the high
compromising nationally on abortion. places. Hezekiah’s son Manasseh succeeded him, and
Or so they think. he would lead Judah back to open rebellion before he
himself repented.
This writer is not so convinced that a compromise
on the sin of murdering God’s unborn children will This is relevant to today, for a few reasons, but per-
save this country from the true threat it faces, the right- haps this moment crystalizes this open taunting of God:
eous wrath of an angry God who will not be mocked. Kamala Harris was interrupted at her Wisconsin
The “Judge” in this version of deliverance, Trump, is rally recently by someone who shouted in response to
not leading a call for repentance; he’s leading one of her comments on abortion, “Jesus is Lord” and “Christ
revenge and fake hope, hope that the republic alone is King.” Kamala appeared to take offense at the men-
can save this land from what ails it, a rejection of tioning of the name of Christ, firing back, “Oh, I think
God’s instructions. you’re at the wrong rally.”
Yet there is hope. She added to her blasphemy by lying when she
claimed, “I think you meant to go to the smaller one
down the street.”
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