Space Technology

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Space Technology

Space technology is that technology, which is related to entering space, maintaining ad using systems in space and returning people and things from space. The rocket can lift a satellite or space craft carrying humens and equipment into space. As long as be gases are emited by being burning fuel the rocket continues to accelerate forword space probs satellites and space lab are taken into the orbit by rockers. The space craft that in and orbit around the earth are called artificial satellites they take about ninety minutes to go around the earth one place at fev hundred kilo meters. INSET Series of satellite are geo stationery satellites recently IRS has been longed to study remote sensing of natural resources. India has recently achieve a milestole by longing ten satellites in a day it word records. The article is about artificial satellite for natural satellites, also non as moon see natural satellites. In the contact satellites, a satellite is an object which has been placed into orbit by human andeavour such object are same times called artificial satellite to distingwish dame from natural satellite such as the moon. The worled first artificial satellite are SPUTNIK 1, was longed by the souiet union in 1957 sence than thousand of satellites have been longed in to orbit around the earth,also same satellite notably space station have be longe in parts and assemble in orbit, Artificial satellite originet for more than fifty countries and have use the satellites londging capiblities of ten nations of you hundred satellites are corrently

operational were thousand of unused placed satellite and fragments orbit the earth as space debris.a few space probs have been moon,mercury,vinus,mars,Jupiter,satur and sun. Satelites are used for a large number of purpose the common types include millitry,sivillian earth observation satellite,communication satellites,navigation satellites,weather satellites and research satellites space spation in human space crafts in orbit are also satellites,satellites orbit varing gratly dipanding on purpose of the satellites they are classified in a number of ways well non classes include in the earth orbit,polar orbit and geo stationery orbit. Satellites are usally sami-independed computer control system satellite sub system attend many task search as power generaton,thermal control,taily matril,attitude control and orbit control.

The History of Indian space programme

Space technology has allowed the nation of Indian to move in to the word of high technology a place prevasaly occupied only by more develop nation. Indian space programme begien in to 1962 by the satting up Indian national comite of space research ( INCOSPAR ). The space programme consaltrated on uchiving salfe reliance and developing capacity to build and longe communication satrelites for television brod cast, tele communication and meterological application,remote sancing satellites for management of natural resources. In resent year india has constantrator much of its space deployement work on complex application satellites and more power full rockets.The nation are to main interst and satellites for remote censing and communication used for weather

pictcure,disaster warnings and fids to 552 telivision and 164 redio station on the around. Vikram ambalal sarabhai founded india space programme after envisioning Indian satellites that could provide communication,meterology,remote sencing and direct-to-home television brod casting. He founded be ficical research lobatry the space since research institute are the department of space and the Indian space research organigation. ( ISRO ).

Michael Waz,June 2008 ( Page No.286 )

In 1962 sarabhai organized space research as chairmen of Indian national commite for space research ( INCOSPAR ).he sate up of the thomba accunational rocket longing station and began manufacturing sounding rocket in india,he drew up plants to transmate education to remove villages across india with the satellite instrusional television experinant ( SITE ). After sarabhai died in 1971 the vikram sarabhai space centre ( VSSC ) in tiruvanthapuram is name for him.

Satish Dhawan

Another early developer of indias space programme satish dhawan he was the longest seving director of the Indian institute of since when the died in 2002. Prime minister indira Gandhi asked him to hit the nation programme when the space santist and former chairman of ISRO died ( Indian president K.R.Narayanan said indias space programme one of the great extend spacticular growth and high level of maturity to the stewarshit and wisionary leader ship of professional dhawan.

Development of space technology and certain goals

1. To determind the carrectorstiks and proparties of the atmosphere ionosphere,and magnestophere and there temporal and special verigation. 2. To determind the sun influence on near earth phenomenon 3. To determind the carrectorstiks and properties of the near planet search for life on this planet. 4. To identify the process that takes space on the sun and there inflund on the space invorment of the solar system. 5. Within the frame work of this four affords to study and to determind the intrection of intersteller space invorment with the solar system.

The Indian space research organition ( ISRO ),under the department of space ( DOS ),is respocible for research development and operation of space system in the areas of satellite communication,remote sencing for resources,invormental monitoring etc,. The space programme fendamantaly appeals to the human desire to explor and discover the unknow. Obervation were satep to study this interations the instrument were developing for measuring some of the intrection.the space flight programme was plant and debated at all levels.

Micheal Waz,June 2008 ( Page No.288 )

India being a developing economy is confronted with the many socio economy problems which generally receive the first preference in spite of the Indian space programme has involved to search a state that its second to none.the recent Chandrayaan one and before that by simulpaneously and preciscly londging the satellites Indian has prof is stranth in space research organition ( ISRO ). Is the primary body looking after space research in Indian its under the control of government of india isro was stated in 1969 from than onwards it got under many eminend scintist. It londge may satellites and now its londging commercial the satellites of other countries. The reliavilety of Indian satellites londge vehicals was be proofed at again and again. The histry of ISRO started with the experimate face in 1970 when expiramental satellites like Aryabhatt,Bhaskara,Rohin,Apple were londge.the success of the programmes left to the operational of advance programme like INSAT,( IRS ) were started in 1980 india has now the word largest network of remote sencing satellites. When india first detonated a nuclear device in 1974 it has to face many financial technology are the section by US and Eurpoeon contris this is to curtail indias micial building programme this and adverce inpact and india space programme this force to revent technology as the advance country closed there doors. This has health india alort in designing its own independed space programme its now highly self saficiant and its now planning to be completely independed of foreign support.from the times when it first rocket satellites londge vehicals which crashed in to the Bengal it now rech to stag of geosynchronous and polars satellites londge vehicals the journey is inspirational for not only third word conuntris but also to the advance contris.

The imaging satellites of ISRO are used to take infrated images are used to measure the reflectively of the plant covered surfaces.By this it can be distigvished whether it is a rice,wheat,erop etc.It can also be determind whether the cropes are well wanted It can also be predicated whether the crop will be fall or not,By this the yield can be forecasted one month before the harvest in this way the government can plan for food shortages. Ensuring a supply of clean drinking water is a problem in many parts of rural india villagers often resort to guessing the right spot to drill a well based on experience but it is hit-and-miss affair.Topographic and hydrological maps proclucedfrom satellites images help rural communications located was areas most likely to yield underground water.The success rate for drilling wells has gone up from 45 to 90 percent. The next step is to use the same information to work out where to build small dams to capture rainwater and recharge underground reservoir.This approach could help reclaim arid and semi-arid land for agricultural use. ISRO S Satelites are also having an impact at sea,oceansat,launched in 1999,monitors the chlorophyll content of oceans and the sea surface tempreture.ISRO scientists use the information to identify areas where cold nutrient-rich water wells up from the ocean floor which in turn attract first.The coordinates of these areas are then sent to more than 200 costal centre.The upwellings last for several days meaning the areas identified content high concentration of fish long enough for fishmen to arrive and gather a sizable catch, fish catches have been reported be doubled. Apart from remote sensing india operator eight communication satellites. They are now being used by around 35000 customers mostly from india. Hadn t been the satellites are launched by ISRO they could have gone to forien satellites thus losing a good amount of forien exchange ISRO also played a majorus role in disaster coming system in cyclones a perior information just few hours before can save lives of thousands.

In 1997a cyclone that hit costal andra reoulted in 10,ooo deaths in 1990 s with the advancedment of remote sensing and communication satellites,the death toll wall reduced to 900,thus mitigating the advers effect of deady cyclones In addition there manyn amditions plance in admit.The EDUSAT launched recently wasthe world s first satellite wich is compelety decieded for education purpose already some 70 old hospitals of remote and aman where inlced with the hospitals of main land india,so tht advance medical treatment can be given to the patient of the distant land.

Michael vaz,June 2008 (Page no. 301)


The Indian national satellite ( INSAT ) system was commissioned with the launch of INSAT.1B in August 1989 ( INSAT-1A,the first satellites was launched in april 1982 but coold not fulfill the mission ) INSAT system ushered in revolution in india s television and radeo broodcasting,telecommunications and meteorological sectors.It enabled the rapid expansion of TV and modern telecommunication facilities to even the remote areas and offshare islands,together,the system provides transponders in C,Extended C and kubards for a variety of communication service,some of a the INSAT s also carry instruments for meterological observation and data relay for providing metrological services. KALPANA-1 is an exclusive metrological satellite,The satellites are monitored and controlled by master control facilities that exists in hasan and Bhopal. A Satellite navigation or SATNAV system is a system of satellites that provide autonumus geo-spatial positioning with global coverage.It allows small electronic receivers to determine their location to within a few meters using time signals transmitted along a line-of-sight by radio from satellites.Receives calculate the precise time as well as position,which can be used as a reference for scientific experiments,A Satellite navigation system with global coverage may be termed a global navigation satellites system of GNSS. As of octomber 2011,only the united states NAVSTAR Global posiyioning system into the global system ( GPS ) and the Russian GUNASS are fully globally operational GNSS;s.The people s republic of china is in the process of expanding its regional beidou navigation system into the global compass nagivagtion system

by 2020. The European union s Galileo positioning system is a GNSS in intial development phase,scheduled to be fully operational by 2020 at the earlier several countries including france,japan and india are in the process of developing regional navigation system. Global coverage for each system is generally achieved by a satellite constellation of 20-30 medium earth orbit ( MEO ) Satellites spread between several orbital planes.The actual system very,but use orbit inclinations of >50* and orbit periods of roughly twelve hours ( hight 20,000 km / 12,500 miles.)


Space technologies are a key to the modern information and industrial society communication and TV reporting around the world,the satellites navigation system in cars or precise climate and weather analyses through to emergency mapping all depend on space technologigies.


According to the new space technology strategy of the german federal government,lead by the BMWI ( Federal mistory of Economics and Technology ). The overriding aim for space projects must,at all times,be to comtinue improving human living conditions,state-founded space activities must therefore be channeled towards Space for the benefit to the Earth .more information here.

Space projects will be judget according to the contribution they make to solving the challenges facing global society and whether the long-term application of high levels of punding can be expected to bring adequate benefits. The federal government focuses its space policy strictly on benefits and needs while at the same time targeting visionary goals.To that end space must in competition with other instruments and with terrestrial process and infrastrures,demonstrate that it offers and better solution from a cost-benefit standpoint,As tools of research,space projects most be guleded by the benchmarcing ( Scientific excellence ) principle. In large-scale projects they must show that they can prevail in competition with other methods and scientific disciplines.

Michael Vaz,June 2008 ( Page No. 303 )

Advantages of Space Programme

1. Practical Benefits :- system eleveloped in such fields as meterology,communication,navigation,traffic control and earth resources surveys have a massive impact on the solution of majour socio-economic problems. 2. Advancement of science :- The space programme complements earth based science by providing the ability to make observations in space and by providibg unique conditions for conductin experiments. This will revolution our graps of the universe and give us the key to its formation. 3. Economic progress :- The combination of the national technology and managerial expertise is widely identify as the key element in our economic progress. The attack on the complex technical problems of space activity develops our science and engineering talent. 4. Posture :- Marked success in space activities is a highly visible indicator of technogical strength of international significance. 5. National Security :- The development in the space technology provides tools for developing system for national security. Satellite image of the enemy installations and movements help in planning counter move.

Thus the development of space technology has developed the nation and the world to use these technology for medical

purpose,food,preseevation,development of better materials,computer and communication technology.

Space technology industry in Germany

The German aerospace industry spends an average of 20 percent of its turnover on research and development and is there for one of the most research-intersive and innovative industries.As a result of their innovative strength,german companies are sought. The German location of EADS and OHB, together with a unique,innovation landspace of small and mediumsized enterprise carry out important tasks in major aerospace projects. The turnover of the industry with us high % of small and medium sized enterprises was 2.1 million euros in 2010.In the year 20111,the federal government invested a total 1.2 million eoures in space programmes. This is the biggest single term in its high teach strategy about 1 billion euros are coming from the BMWI technology budget.

Michael Vaz,June 2008 ( Page No.304 )

Reference :Vaz Micheal Foundation Course, June 2008,

Manan Prakashan.

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