Control Co
Control Co
Control Co
Program Regular
Course title Introduction to Control System
Course code ECEg4151
Degree program B. Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Description
Introduction to control system; Comparison of open-loop and closed-loop configurations;
Linear analysis
and analog simulation of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical systems using block
diagrams and
signal-flow graphs; characteristics and stability analysis of time domain systems;
Feedback control system
design using Nyquist, Bode, and root-locus methods, stability analysis in frequency
domain and
controller design.
Woldia University Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer
Course Objectives
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
Understand the operation of control systems.
Understand the main components of control system.
Acquire basic skills of utilizing mathematical tools needed to analyze and design
linear dynamic systems.
Understand and apply time domain and frequency domain analysis techniques for
systems stability and performance.
Understand the basics of control system design and analysis usingMATLAB/SimulinkR.
Course content
6 &7 Systems
Reference 1 & 3
Introduction, First order system, Second
order system, Textbook
Transient response analysis, Steady state
error, Higher order system,
Routh’s stability criterion
Chapter 4: Frequency domain analysis
Polar plot, bode plot, magnitude versus phase
Reference 1 ,2,3& 5
plot, relation between plots, Stability of linear And
control systems Frequency response of
feedback control systems (Control specification
in frequency domain, Relative stability, Nichols
Chapter 5 Root-locus
Constructing root locus, Root loci and
Reference 1 & 3
frequency domain plots, root loci and
discrete data control systems.
8&9 Textbook
Teaching Lecture,
Assignments, and
Laboratory exercises.
Assessment (Assessment 60 %
Final 40 %)
10% test,
20% mid exam,
10% individual assignment
20%project work
1. Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering, John
Wiley & Sons; 4th Edition edition Aug 19,2003.
2. Katsuhiko Ogata: Modern Control Engineering (4th
Edition), Prentice Hall; 4 edition (November 13, 2001).
, McGraw-Hill.
Course policy
Woldia University Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students Senate Legislation of
our University throughout this course
Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be
Class activities will vary day to day, ranging from lectures to discussions. Students will
be active participants in the course.
You are required to submit and present the assignments provided according to the time
table indicated.
80 % of class attendance is mandatory! Please try to be on time for class. I will not
allow you enter if you are late more than five minutes.
Active participation in class is essential and it will have its own value in your grade
Cell phones MUST be turned off before entering the class
Approved By:
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Name (Course instructor) Signature
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Name (Department Head) Signature
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Name (school Dean) Signature