Control Co

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Woldia University Institute of Technology

Department of Electrical & Computer


Program Regular
Course title Introduction to Control System
Course code ECEg4151
Degree program B. Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Module Name Electrical Machines, Drives, & Control

Module code ---
Course Instructor Mekdes M.
Student Work Load Lecture Tutorial Lab practice Home Study Total
in hours/Week 2 2 3 5
Contact Days
Target Group IV Year electrical and computer engineering
Year/Semester IV/I
Pre-requisite(s) ECEg3081: Signal and Systems Analysis
Teaching & Learning Lectures, lab

Assessment/Evalua- Refer Article 9 of the

tion & “Academic Regulations for
Grading System Engineering Programs”

Attendance Require- A student must attend at

ments least 85 % of the classes

Status of the course Compulsory

Course Description
 Introduction to control system; Comparison of open-loop and closed-loop configurations;
Linear analysis
 and analog simulation of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical systems using block
diagrams and
 signal-flow graphs; characteristics and stability analysis of time domain systems;
Feedback control system
 design using Nyquist, Bode, and root-locus methods, stability analysis in frequency
domain and
 controller design.
Woldia University Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer

Course Objectives
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
 Understand the operation of control systems.
 Understand the main components of control system.
 Acquire basic skills of utilizing mathematical tools needed to analyze and design
linear dynamic systems.
 Understand and apply time domain and frequency domain analysis techniques for
systems stability and performance.
 Understand the basics of control system design and analysis usingMATLAB/SimulinkR.
Course content

Week Course content Assessments Reading materials

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control System
 History of control system
------ Reference 1 &3
 Control System Components
 Basic terminologies of control system
 Closed loop control system versus open loop
1 $2
 , Classification of control systems,
 Examples of control system
Chapter 2: Modeling and representation of Control
 Introduction,
3 ,4& Reference 1, 2 & 3
 Transfer Function,
5 &
 block diagrams, Textbook
 signal flow graphs.


Chapter 3: Time domain analysis of Control

Woldia University Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer

6 &7 Systems
Reference 1 & 3
 Introduction, First order system, Second
order system, Textbook
 Transient response analysis, Steady state
error, Higher order system,
 Routh’s stability criterion
Chapter 4: Frequency domain analysis
Polar plot, bode plot, magnitude versus phase
Reference 1 ,2,3& 5
plot, relation between plots, Stability of linear And
control systems Frequency response of
feedback control systems (Control specification
in frequency domain, Relative stability, Nichols

Chapter 5 Root-locus
 Constructing root locus, Root loci and
Reference 1 & 3
frequency domain plots, root loci and
discrete data control systems.
8&9 Textbook

10 &11 Chapter 6: Design of Controllers All reference and

 Root locus method: Phase-lead
compensation, phase-lag compensation,
lead-lag compensation. Frequency
response method: Phase-lead
compensation, phase-lag compensation,
lead-lag compensation
Woldia University Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer

Final Exam Date As Per the


Teaching  Lecture,
 Assignments, and
Laboratory exercises.
Assessment  (Assessment 60 %
 Final 40 %)
10% test,
20% mid exam,
10% individual assignment
20%project work
1. Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering, John
Wiley & Sons; 4th Edition edition Aug 19,2003.
2. Katsuhiko Ogata: Modern Control Engineering (4th
Edition), Prentice Hall; 4 edition (November 13, 2001).
, McGraw-Hill.

References 1Smarajit Ghosh: Control Systems Theory and

3. S. Chand: Principles of Control Systems
4. M Gopal: Control Systems Principles and design,
2nd edition, 2001
5. Dr. S. Panda, S. Padhy, S.R. Das: Control System
6. K.P. Ramachandran: Control Engineering, Wiley
Precise textbook
7. Norman S.Nise: Control System Engineering, 5th
8. A. Anand Kumar: Control systems

Course policy
Woldia University Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer

 All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students Senate Legislation of
our University throughout this course
 Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be
 Class activities will vary day to day, ranging from lectures to discussions. Students will
be active participants in the course.
 You are required to submit and present the assignments provided according to the time
table indicated.
 80 % of class attendance is mandatory! Please try to be on time for class. I will not
allow you enter if you are late more than five minutes.
 Active participation in class is essential and it will have its own value in your grade
 Cell phones MUST be turned off before entering the class

Approved By:

_________________ ________________
Name (Course instructor) Signature
_________________ ________________
Name (Department Head) Signature
_________________ ________________
Name (school Dean) Signature

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