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Impact of Prosopis Cineraria On Soil Organic Carbon: Implication For Arid Agroforestry With A Case Study of Sardarshahar, Rajasthan

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Vol-9, Issue-6; Nov-Dec, 2024

Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Journal Home Page Available:https://ijeab.com/
Journal DOI:10.22161/ijeab

Impact of Prosopis cineraria on Soil organic carbon:

Implication for arid agroforestry with a case study of
Sardarshahar, Rajasthan
Laxmi Pareek1, Vinod Kumar Yadav2, Suman Lata Tripathi1 and Shilpa Yadav1*
1Departmentof Botany, Government Dungar College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
2ICAR-National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner Rajasthan, India
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received: 20 Sep 2024; Received in revised form: 18 Oct 2024; Accepted: 25 Oct 2024; Available online: 04 Nov 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— Prosopis cineraria (P. cineraria), commonly known as Khejri, plays a significant role in
enhancing soil health, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. This study investigates the impact of
Prosopis cineraria on soil organic carbon (SOC) levels in the context of agroforestry systems in
Sardarshahar, Rajasthan. The analysis reveals that the presence of this species positively influences SOC
concentrations, contributing to improved soil fertility and structure. The deep root system and high biomass
production of P. cineraria facilitate the accumulation of organic matter in the soil, leading to higher carbon
sequestration potential compared to non-forested areas. Additionally, the integration of this species into arid
agroforestry systems can support sustainable agricultural practices in these challenging environments. This
case study highlights the ecological benefits of P. cineraria in maintaining soil health in arid regions and
discusses about the dynamics of SOC along seasons and soil depth. The findings advocate the importance of
incorporating native tree species like Prosopis cineraria into agroforestry practices to enhance soil organic
carbon stocks and promote sustainable land management in Rajasthan and similar arid landscapes.
Keywords— Soil organic carbon; Prosopis cineraria; Arid; agroforestry; soil fertility

I. INTRODUCTION Prosopis cineraria, commonly known as Khejri, is a

Agroforestry, the practice of integrating trees and shrubs drought-resistant tree species native to the Indian
into agricultural landscapes, has gained considerable subcontinent, particularly prevalent in the arid and semi-
attention as a sustainable land-use strategy, particularly in arid regions of Rajasthan (Verma et al., 2010). It is widely
arid and semi-arid regions (Ntawuruhunga et al., 2023). The recognized for its ability to thrive in harsh environments,
incorporation of native tree species into these systems not where it provides a range of ecological and economic
only enhances biodiversity but also plays a crucial role in benefits in the form of ecosystem services (Yadav et al.,
improving soil quality, increasing productivity, and 2021). P. cineraria have deep root systems and a high
mitigating the adverse effects of climate change (Gomes et biomass production capacity, which makes it particularly
al., 2020). In this context, soil organic carbon (SOC) is a effective in stabilizing soils and improving their structure.
key indicator of soil health, directly influencing soil Additionally, the species is known to contribute
fertility, water retention, and nutrient cycling (Solanki et al., significantly to SOC levels by adding organic matter
2024). Enhancing SOC levels in arid regions is a significant through leaf litter, root turnover, and other biological
challenge due to low biomass production and the harsh processes (Verma et al., 2010). P. cineraria provide good
environmental conditions that limit organic matter fuelwood and charcoal. The wood is favoured for cooking
accumulation (Visconti et al., 2024). and domestic heating (Mahoney, 1990). Village people

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.96.4 23
Pareek et al. Impact of Prosopis cineraria on Soil organic carbon: Implication for arid agroforestry with
a case study of Sardarshahar, Rajasthan

remain dependent on local and nearby trees for fuelwood soil organic carbon levels. By comparing SOC
and fodder (Yadav et al., 2022). concentrations in soils under P. cineraria with those in non-
In arid ecosystems, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are vegetated areas, the research aims to elucidate the role of
essential components of the rhizosphere microflora. These this species in enhancing soil fertility and promoting
fungi play a vital role in breaking down soil organic matter, sustainable agroforestry practices. The findings of this
facilitating nutrient mineralization, and recycling nutrients study will help to inform strategies for integrating native
within the soil (Tarafdar and Rao, 1997; Pare et al., 2000). tree species into agroforestry systems to optimize soil health
The distribution and diversity of AMF populations are and carbon storage in arid landscapes.
highly variable and are influenced by several factors,
including soil properties, environmental conditions, host II. MATERIAL AND METHODS
plant species, and farming practices (Sanders, 1990;
Study area
McGongle and Miller, 1996).
The study was conducted in Sardarshahar, a town located in
Despite the acknowledged benefits of Prosopis cineraria in
the Churu district of Rajasthan, India (Figure: 1).
agroforestry, its specific impact on SOC dynamics in arid
Sardarshahar is situated in the northwestern part of the state
environments like those found in Rajasthan remains
and falls within the arid region of the Thar Desert
underexplored. Understanding how P. cineraria influence
(Wikipedia contributors, 2024). The geographical
SOC in these regions can provide valuable insights into
coordinates of the study area are approximately 28.44° N
sustainable land management practices and carbon
latitude and 74.49° E longitude, with an average elevation
sequestration strategies, which are critical in the face of
of about 312 meters above sea level. The region experiences
climate change (Gomes et al., 2020). By promoting P.
extreme climatic conditions characterized by high
cineraria, land managers can enhance soil fertility,
temperatures, low and erratic rainfall, and significant
biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience (Yadav and Yadav,
variations in day and night temperatures (Wikipedia
contributors, 2024).
This study focuses on Sardarshahar, an arid region in
Rajasthan, to evaluate the impact of Prosopis cineraria on

Fig.1: Map of SARDARSHAHAR (Not to scale)

The climate of Sardarshahar is typically arid, with an as 48°C during the summer and drop to as low as 2°C in the
average annual rainfall of around 250-300 mm, most of winter, reflecting the high thermal amplitude typical of
which is received during the monsoon months of July to desert climates (Ground water department, 2013). The soils
September. The temperatures in the region can soar as high in this area are predominantly sandy, with low organic

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.96.4 24
Pareek et al. Impact of Prosopis cineraria on Soil organic carbon: Implication for arid agroforestry with
a case study of Sardarshahar, Rajasthan

matter content, poor fertility, and limited water-holding resulting in a total of four samples per site (two
capacity, which pose significant challenges to agricultural depths per site).
productivity. Soil Preparation and Analysis
Despite these harsh conditions, the presence of native The collected soil samples were processed in the
species like Prosopis cineraria has enabled the laboratory following these steps:
development of traditional agroforestry systems that
support local livelihoods. Prosopis cineraria, also known as • Air-Drying: The samples were air-dried and
Khejri, is well adapted to the arid climate and sandy soils of sieved through a 2 mm mesh to remove debris and
Sardarshahar, making it a vital component of the region’s aggregate clumps.
agricultural and ecological landscape (Samadia et al., • Soil Organic Carbon Determination: SOC were
2021). This tree species plays a crucial role in sustaining assessed using core sampler technique (Blake and
local agroecosystems by providing shade, reducing soil Hartge, 1986) and modified Walkley and Black
erosion, enhancing soil fertility, and serving as a source of (1934) which involves oxidizing organic matter
fodder, fuelwood, and other non-timber products. with potassium dichromate in sulfuric acid. The
The choice of Sardarshahar as the study area is particularly SOC content was calculated based on the amount
relevant due to its representative conditions of Rajasthan’s of dichromate reduced during the reaction. Data
arid regions, where soil degradation and declining soil were subjected to statistical analysis to assess the
organic carbon levels are critical concerns. Understanding differences in SOC levels between the two sites.
the impact of P. cineraria on soil organic carbon in this Statistical Analysis: SPSS and MS Excel were used for
context is essential for developing sustainable agroforestry statistical analysis.
practices that can enhance soil health and agricultural
productivity in similar arid and semi-arid landscapes. The
study sites were selected to include areas under the
influence of P. cineraria as well as adjacent non-vegetated The average SOC at top soil (0-15cm depth) under the P.
plots for comparative analysis of soil organic carbon levels. cineraria canopy was observed 0.20% compared to 0.11%
at control area where as at sub soil depth 15-30cm depth
Site selection
under the P. cineraria was observed 0.18% with compared
Soil samples were collected from two distinct sites within to 0.11% at control area (Table-1 and Figure- 2).
Table:1- Annual average SOC under Agroforestry of P.
• Site A: Areas with established Prosopis cineraria cineraria with control area
plantations, representing agroforestry systems.
Condition Soil depth Average SOC± SE (in
• Site B: Adjacent non-vegetated or open percent)
agricultural lands without Prosopis cineraria P.cineraria 0-15cm 0.2 ± 0.03
presence, serving as control plots. (Site A) 15-30cm 0.18 ± 0.02
The selection criteria included similar soil types, land-use
practices, and environmental conditions to minimize Control (Site 0-15cm 0.11 ± 0.03
variability that could influence SOC measurements. B) 15-30cm 0.11 ± 0.02
Soil Sampling Abbreviation: SE- Standard error
Soil samples were collected from both study sites quarterly
during December (winter), march (spring), June (summer) The variations in soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations
and September (rainy) to capture baseline SOC levels. The for different depths and conditions are highlighting the
following procedures were followed: significant impact of Prosopis cineraria in enhancing SOC
• Sampling Depth: Soil samples were taken from levels compared to control plots across all seasons (Table-
two depth ranges: 0-15 cm (topsoil) and 15-30 cm 2). The presence of Prosopis cineraria substantially
(subsoil) to assess the vertical distribution of SOC. increases SOC concentrations in both topsoil and subsoil
• Sampling Technique: A systematic sampling compared to control plots, across all seasons.
approach was employed. Five soil cores were
collected randomly from each depth range at each
site, using a soil auger. The cores were mixed to
form a composite sample for each depth range,

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.96.4 25
Pareek et al. Impact of Prosopis cineraria on Soil organic carbon: Implication for arid agroforestry with
a case study of Sardarshahar, Rajasthan

Table:2: Soil organic carbon along soil depth and season in percent
Condition soil depth Spring Summer Rainy Winter
P. cineraria Top soil 0.2 0.18 0.17 0.24
Sub soil 0.17 0.2 0.19 0.17
Control Top soil 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.15
Sub soil 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.13

P. cineraria 0-15cm
SOC in %

P. cineraria 15-30cm
0.1 0.2 Control 0-15cm
0.05 0.11 0.11 Control 15-30cm
0-15cm 15-30cm 0-15cm 15-30cm
P. cineraria Control
Soil depth

Fig.2- Annual average SOC under P. cineraria agroforestry along soil depths

Seasonal fluctuations were more pronounced in soils under which may be due to biodegradations of biomass during this
Prosopis cineraria, with the highest SOC levels observed season’s favourable environmental condition at sub soil
during the winter season in the topsoil (0.24%) followed by depth. In summer and rainy season SOC was observed
during spring (0.20%), Summer (0.18%) and least was higher in subsoil than top soil whereas in Spring and winter
during rainy season (0.17%) in top soil, whereas in sub soil SOC was observed higher in top soil (Fig.-3).
maximum soc was observed during summer season (0.20%)

15-30cm 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.13

Soil depth

0-15cm 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.15

P. cineraria

15-30cm 0.17 0.2 0.19 0.17

0-15cm 0.2 0.18 0.17 0.24 Winter

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Soil organic carbon in percent

Fig.3- SOC (in %) along soil depth and season under the canopy of P. cineraria

The SOC concentration at lower depths declined with plots showed consistently lower SOC levels with minimal
increasing soil depth, and was unaffected by changes in land seasonal variations, underscoring the limited natural input
use from fields without plantations to fields with tree of organic carbon without the influence of vegetation like
plantations (Yuefeng et al., 2014). In contrast, the control Prosopis cineraria.

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.96.4 26
Pareek et al. Impact of Prosopis cineraria on Soil organic carbon: Implication for arid agroforestry with
a case study of Sardarshahar, Rajasthan

The trend line shows (figure 4) the dynamics of SOC reveals that when top soil has higher SOC than sub soil has
retention in top soil under the P. cineraria canopy with the lower SOC (Spring and winter seasons) whereas when top
R2 value of 0.91 and figure 5 shows the trend line of SOC soil has lower SOC than subsoil have higher SOC (summer
retention at sub soil with R2 value of 0.93. The trend line and rainy).

P. cineraria 0-15cm P. cineraria 15-30cm

0.3 0.21 y = -0.0125x2 + 0.0615x + 0.1225
0.25 y= 0.0225x2 - 0.1015x + 0.2825 0.2 R² = 0.9333
R² = 0.9148
0.2 0.19
0.15 0.18
0.1 0.17
0.05 0.16
0 0.15
Spring Summer Rainy Winter Spring Summer Rainy Winter
P. cineraria 0-15cm P. cineraria 15-30cm
Poly. (P. cineraria 0-15cm) Poly. (P. cineraria 15-30cm)

Fig :4- SOC trend in top soil Fig :5- SOC trend in subsoil

A two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed winter, P. cineraria shed more leaves, leading to increased
to assess the significance of the differences in SOC levels organic inputs into the soil. This additional leaf litter
between Prosopis cineraria and control plots across the provides a continuous supply of carbon, enhancing soil
different seasons. The ANOVA results yielded a p-value of organic matter levels during the colder months. Seasonal
7.98 × 10-6, indicating a highly significant difference in differences in root growth and microbial activity under P.
SOC levels between areas under Prosopis cineraria and cineraria may also play a role in SOC dynamics, with more
the control plots. The significantly lower p-value suggests root biomass and associated microbial interactions leading
that the presence of Prosopis cineraria has a statistically to enhanced carbon stabilization in the soil.
significant effect on increasing SOC levels compared to the The significantly higher SOC levels under P. cineraria
control plots across all seasons. Seasonal variations in SOC compared to the control plots underscore the tree's role in
levels are more pronounced in areas with Prosopis enhancing soil fertility. The tree's deep-rooting system,
cineraria, with winter showing the highest levels of SOC in extensive leaf litter production, and ability to fix
the topsoil. This analysis highlights the substantial atmospheric nitrogen are likely key factors contributing to
influence of Prosopis cineraria in enhancing soil organic the higher SOC concentrations observed. The leaf litter
carbon levels, contributing to improved soil health in arid from P. cineraria decomposes, enriching the soil with
regions like Sardarshahar, Rajasthan. organic matter, which not only increases carbon content but
Seasonal variations in land management, along with also improves the soil's structure and nutrient-holding
biological and climatic conditions, primarily influence the capacity (Alrajhi et al., 2024).
structure of the soil at the surface of agricultural soils In contrast, the consistently low SOC levels in control plots
(Parvin et al., 2021). The present findings are partial in line suggest a lack of organic matter inputs, highlighting the
with the findings of Raina (2003), Singh et al. (2007), and importance of P. cineraria in promoting carbon
Singh and Gill (2014). Changes in soil organic carbon sequestration in soils where natural vegetation is sparse.
(SOC) are primarily influenced by inputs of organic matter, This supports the idea that integrating P. cineraria into arid
favorable temperature and moisture conditions, the amount agroforestry systems can significantly enhance soil quality
of litter fall, and the chemical composition of tree roots and and productivity.
litter fall under varying climate and soil conditions (Saha et
The results of this study have important implications for
al., 2007; Yuefeng et al., 2014),). Lower temperatures in
land management and agroforestry practices in arid regions.
winter can slow down the decomposition of organic matter,
Incorporating P. cineraria into farming systems could serve
allowing more carbon to accumulate in the soil. P. cineraria
as a practical approach to improving soil health and
might also reduce soil temperatures by providing shade,
combating soil degradation in such environments. The
further contributing to higher SOC retention. During the

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.96.4 27
Pareek et al. Impact of Prosopis cineraria on Soil organic carbon: Implication for arid agroforestry with
a case study of Sardarshahar, Rajasthan

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