Sanchaypatra Auto Coupon Encashment Form
Sanchaypatra Auto Coupon Encashment Form
Sanchaypatra Auto Coupon Encashment Form
Bank Copy
Sanchaypatra/Bond Details:
SP Type Date of Issue Reg. No. SP Script No. Face Value No. of Coupons Sequence of
I/we am/are also agree that I/we have read and understood the Terms & Conditions of this service printed overleaf.
Dear Sir,
As mentioned in the Auto-Coupon Encashment Service Enrolment Form I/We have purchased Sanchaypatras as a customer through your bank.
I/We understand that encashment of coupon of the said Sanchaypatra from time to time at its maturity by me/us is burdensome and involves risk.
I/We have deposited the said Sanchaypatra along with the said coupon to your bank for availing Auto-Coupon Encashment Service on the following
terms and conditions:
1. In the Auto-Coupon Encashment Service Enrolment Form, the Instructions given by me/us to you shall remain applicable until you receive any instruction from
me/us to the contrary.
2. I/We understand that on maturity date the coupon value/interest of the said Sanchaypatra will be credited to my/our account mentioned in the Auto-Coupon
Encashment Service Enrolment Form of each coupon, subject to signature verification. The coupon value/interest of the said Sanchaypatra will be credited on
the next banking day, if the date of maturity is a holiday.
3. On maturity of the each coupon and/or principal amount of the said Sanchaypatra, I/We authorize you to deduct tax from the amount received from the
Bangladesh Bank in accordance with the laws of Bangladesh.
4. I/We understand that interest and principal of the said Sanchaypatra will be paid by the Government of Bangladesh through Bangladesh Bank and as such on
maturity of the said Sanchaypatra you will credit interest and/or principal amount in my/our account upon receipt of fund from the Bangladesh Bank. As such
I/we shall not hold you liable for any delay for payment of the said interest and/or principal amount by the Bangladesh Bank.
5. I/We understand and acknowledge that I/We should give separate instruction to you if we wish to encash the said Sanchaypatra before its maturity and you will
take steps for premature encashment of the said Sanchaypatra subject to the rules set out by the Government of Bangladesh from time to time.
6. As mentioned in Auto Encashment Service Enrolment Form I/we hereby authorize you to deduct annual fee along with TAX and VAT in accordance with the laws
of Bangladesh from my/our account for the service rendered to me/us by you. I/We agree that the fees will be charged upfront non-refundable.
7. By giving 7 (seven) banking days notice to you, I/We can unsubscribe Auto Encashment of Sanchaypatra service.
8. You will take necessary steps, in case of lost or misplacements of any coupon or Sanchaypatra by you. However, I/we hereby agree to execute necessary
document required by you for replacement of the said lost or misplaced coupon or Sanchaypatra or credit the amount equivalent to the amount mentioned in
the said coupon or Sanchaypatra in my/our account.
9. To avail this service I/We shall keep the account (where the proceeds of the said Sanchaypatra or the coupon will be credited) open till maturity of the
10. If the Sanchaypatra holder is a minor, regarding enrolment of this service the guardian of the minor should provide declaration on behalf of the minor. After
attaining maturity a minor can give further instructions. If the minor becomes a major/adult by the time the Sanchaypatra matures, an additional declaration will
be required from the adult before the principal of the Sanchaypatra can be encashed. Through appropriate documents Bank will verify the identity of the adult.
11. In the event of any alteration in my/our account number and address and contact information, I/We shall inform/notify you immediately.
12. Relating to my/our investment you shall maintain strict confidentiality in all matters and should not disclose it without my/our prior written consent. However,
I/we hereby authorize you (and/or any of your officers/employees) to disclose any information concerning me/us, my/our investment to any of the following:
a) any office or branch of another Group Member of the BRAC Bank Limited,
b) any regulatory, supervisory, governmental or quasi-governmental authority with jurisdiction over you or another Group Member of the BRAC Bank Limited
c) any agent, contractor or third party service provider or any professional advisor of yours
d) any person to whom you are required or authorised by law or court to make such disclosure
e) any person who is under a duty of confidentiality to you
f) any bank or financial institution with which I have or proposes to have dealings; regardless of whether the recipient in each case is located in Bangladesh or
in another country.
13. I/We agree that if any of my/our instruction is ambiguous or not clear in your reasonable opinion you may refrain from taking any action on the basis of the said
instruction and I/we shall not make you liable for any loss, damage, costs and expenses suffered by me/us for your inaction. All instructions and other
notifications shall be in writing.
14. I/we hereby agree to reimburse you on full indemnity basis all loss, damage, costs and expenses (including legal fees) arising out of and in relation to the said
service whether such loss or damage is caused by us or any representative of us.