Sixth - AI and Early Learning Systems
Sixth - AI and Early Learning Systems
Sixth - AI and Early Learning Systems
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2 authors, including:
Yahya Fikri
Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
All content following this page was uploaded by Yahya Fikri on 16 September 2024.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Early Childhood Education (ECE), Soft Skills, Fun and Creativity, effects and interactions,
technical progress and technologies.
Artificial intelligence (AI) was defined by John McCarthy in 1956 as "the science and engineering of creating
intelligent machines" (McCarthy, 2007; Su et al., 2023). The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) research is to
create intelligent machines that can perform a variety of tasks using methods including machine learning,
neural networks, and natural language processing (Mondal, 2020; Su et al., 2023). AI is revolutionizing a wide
range of sectors, including science, psychology, public policy, and health (Su et al., 2023; Xu et al., 2021).
Education can benefit from the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in a number of ways, including the
automation of assessments, prediction of students' performance and learning status, and recommendation of
learning resources (Crescenzi-Lanna, 2023; Mousavinasab et al., 2021; Su et al., 2023, 2022; Zawacki-Richter
et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2021). In order to support children's inquiry literacy, (Kewalramani et al., 2021)
investigate the usage of robotic toys with interactive artificial intelligence (AI) in early childhood (EC)
settings. The potential for integrating technology into children's play and education has generated a great deal
of interest in the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. AI robotic toys were actively employed by
teachers to maintain play engagement among 4- to 5-year-old students. The children's inventive peer
collaboration was demonstrated by the data gathered from observational studies, instructor interviews, and
student artifact analysis. Children's play with the AI robot cultivated inquiry literacy in cooperative, creative,
and emotional domains (Kewalramani et al., 2021). Artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic that is becoming more
and more popular in the field of education. The majority of research on the subject has been conducted on
primary, secondary, and university education; very little has been done on AI in early childhood education (Su
and Yang, 2023). According to Ng et al., 2023; Su et al., 2023, all students—even young ones—should read
AI literature in order to properly prepare them for the challenge of tomorrow. The authors advise educators
to teach children about the moral dilemmas raised by artificial intelligence (AI), the benefits and drawbacks of
1PHD student in economics and management at The National School of Business and Management of Tangier (ENCG-T), Research Laboratory in
Governance and Performance of Organizations (LRGPO), Research Team: Governance, Organization and Societies, ABDELMALEK ESSAADI
university, Tetouan, Morocco. E-mail: [email protected]
2 Professor at The National School of Business and Management (ENCG-T), Laboratory of Governance and Performance of Organizations
(LRGPO), Research Team: Governance, Organization and Societies, ABDELMALEK ESSAADI university, Tetouan, Morocco.
internet-of-things applications, and the process by which computers learn from data. Developing a
conceptual study framework to understand artificial intelligence's (AI) role in early childhood education
(ECE) is the main objective of this work. This study will help us with the following issues: What are the
possible advantages of artificial intelligence (AI) for kids receiving early childhood education (ECE)? We will
discuss the importance of artificial intelligence in early childhood education, the moral dilemmas associated
with its application in ECE, and how it might encourage children's creativity and soft skills by developing a
conceptual framework based on the finished literature research.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
John McCarthy first used the phrase artificial intelligence (AI) in 1955 to describe a computer that could carry
out a variety of cognitive tasks that are typically performed by humans, including speaking, thinking, learning,
and solving problems (Nilsson, 1998). Artificial intelligence has been used to mimic intricate cognitive
functions like sensing, learning, and prediction, claim Russell and Norvig (2010). Artificial intelligence, as
described by Barabas et al. (2018) and Berendt et al. (2020), is the capacity of a digital computer or computer-
controlled robot to carry out tasks that are frequently associated with intelligent individuals. The broad
definition of artificial intelligence encompasses a wide range of technologies and algorithms (Baker and Smith,
2019; Jantakun et al., 2021). It is the study of using contemporary technology, such machine learning and
neural networks, to solve problems (Wang, 2019; Yang, 2022). The advances in AI research across several
fields have led to an increasing amount of literature (Andriessen and Sandberg, 1999; Clancey et al., 1979;
Kaplan and Haenlein, 2019; Zdenek, 2003; Zhang and Aslan, 2021). Artificial intelligence (AI) finds use in
many domains these days, including computer programs, robotics, natural language processing, embedded
control systems in machinery, and identification by speech and vision (Jantakun et al., 2021). Certain robots
are capable of communicating with humans through the use of technologies for visual and aural monitoring
(Jantakun et al., 2021; Lathuilière et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020; Zhu, 2020). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
becoming the next big thing in technology because it can interact with humans and help them perform at
higher levels (Lawler and Rushby, 2013; Zhai et al., 2021). Artificial intelligence is a key component of the
fourth industrial revolution and has the potential to spark a fourth revolution in education, claim Zhao et al.
(2021). Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are collaborating to create inclusive, customized, adaptable, and
engaging learning experiences (Berendt et al., 2020).
Advances in computer science and computational technology have led to the widespread usage of
autonomous, adaptive, and efficient artificial intelligence (AI) systems across a range of academic disciplines.
The primary objective of artificial intelligence in education is to apply it to support modifications to
educational systems (Chen et al., 2020; Holmes et al., 2023; Hwang and Tu, 2021; Ouyang and Jiao, 2021; Xu
and Ouyang, 2022). Researchers and educators are interested in artificial intelligence (AI) in education
because of its potential to significantly improve education through the customization of learning experiences.
Artificial Intelligence facilitates testing, learning, and teaching. (Su and Yang, 2022).
Early Childhood Education (ECE) with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Future generations of children will interact with technology very differently from those of previous
generations due to artificial intelligence (AI). AI is transforming our daily lives, work, and leisure (Ali et al.,
2019). In early childhood education (ECE), artificial intelligence (AI) tools are being employed more and
more to improve the learning and development of young children (Su and Yang, 2022). The majority of
research demonstrated how AI has improved children's understanding of AI, robotics, computer science,
machine learning, and related fields dramatically. Additionally, it has improved children's abilities in reading,
creativity, emotional regulation, cooperative learning, and computational thinking (Su and Yang, 2022). In
early childhood education (ECE), artificial intelligence (AI) tools are being employed more and more to
improve young children's learning and development (Lin et al., 2020; Su and Yang, 2022; Vartiainen et al.,
2020). For example, two recent studies examined the use of AI robots to teach machine learning to
youngsters (Lin et al., 2020; Su and Yang, 2022; Vartiainen et al., 2020). Many previous studies have examined
the best ways to teach AI principles and competence to college students (Kumar and Meeden, 1998; 7538
expertise in these areas is essential because they influence how one utilizes their scientific knowledge and
abilities. According to Sailah (2008), soft abilities include the ability to build relationships with others and
with oneself. Among these talents are values, conduct, routines, motivation, character, and attitude. These
characteristics are influenced by an individual's patterns of thought, expression, and behavior. To put it
briefly, soft skills are the intrinsic abilities that every individual possesses, are constantly in demand as
supplements to hard skills, and are vital. When hard and soft skills run parallel to each other and share the
same trajectory, they are in perfect balance. As seen, there is a rising push to use artificial intelligence and
human intelligence techniques together to support learning. Baker (2016a). An artificial intelligence-powered
adaptive learning platform's pedagogical benefits were investigated in a study by Zheng et al. (2020). The
effectiveness of customizing language education to meet the unique needs of every student was demonstrated
by their findings. The research emphasized the value of personalized evaluations and comments in raising
students' engagement and progress. They examined the impact of AI-driven chatbots on language learning,
highlighting their ability to provide real-time, interactive language practice. These chatbots enabled students
to engage in natural language dialogues and receive personalized feedback, and they reported feeling more
engaged and motivated as a result. These findings highlight the potential pedagogical advantages of AI
technologies by allowing for tailored learning and encouraging student autonomy. As AI grows into a useful
teaching tool, kids can acquire the social and cognitive skills required for effective communication, problem-
solving, and critical thinking. People who get early childhood education that incorporates AI and soft skills
are resilient, confident, and well-rounded individuals who can successfully navigate the complexities of a
digital world that is changing quickly. Additionally, it prepares kids for a technologically evolved world.
Students can receive customized educational content based on their interests and chosen learning styles
thanks to AI-powered smart learning systems. Soft skill development is equally crucial, even though artificial
intelligence (AI) can offer intriguing insights and flexible learning opportunities. Soft talents encompass a
wide range of cognitive and interpersonal skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, teamwork,
communication, and emotional intelligence. These skills form the basis of a comprehensive education that
equips children for success in the classroom and in life beyond it.
Fun/creativity and AI
Numerous creative theories were used in the studies that we examined. It is advised that educational strategies
incorporate AI and computational thinking in order to promote critical thinking, creativity, and problem-
solving skills (Alam, 2022; Bocconi et al., 2022; Chassignol et al., 2018; Van Laar et al., 2020). Thanks to
technology, educators and students should have more opportunities to work together and enjoy
experimenting with novel teaching and learning approaches. 2020; Braun and associates. Furthermore, in a
world where employment markets are dynamic and complex and where technology is advancing at a rapid
pace, schools must provide a proper education. According to the creativity theory (Mednick, 1962), highly
creative persons are able to establish more word associations in response to a stimulus than are less creative
people (Vitrano et al., 2021). This method has been applied in previous studies on marketing creativity,
including advertising (Smith and Yang, 2004) and product innovation management (Im et al., 2013).
According to (Peters and Reveley, 2015), creativity arises from the development of a supra-individual
collective intelligence. According to Chang et al. (2010) and Lee and Chang (2010), collective intelligence was
viewed from a cultural perspective. According to Sawyer (2011), a team's combined efforts are more likely to
yield creative results than an individual's. Amabile (1983) offered a "interactionist" reading of the
componential theory of creativity, positing that it is a product of an individual's social surroundings and
personal traits. According to Amabile (1983), creativity is a process that involves both significant
breakthroughs in the arts and technology as well as slow creations. It has been suggested that applying
generative theory (Epstein, 1991) can increase personal understanding, stimulate creativity, and challenge
conventional behavioral and cognitive standards. Our surroundings have undergone significant
transformation as a result of the digital revolution. It has been observed that children should be encouraged
to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork abilities because these are
essential for the development of creativity. (Trilling and Fadel, 2009). In real terms, problem-solving,
collaboration, and communication skills will be required in the future. According to Ferrari et al. (2012), the
employment of cutting-edge technological instruments is crucial for the development of 21st-century talents. 7540
AI could be used in early childhood education to help kids become more inquiry-literate. To guarantee that
AI is utilized responsibly and ethically, regulations must be established and the ethical implications of AI must
be considered. However, careful planning, ongoing evaluation, and an appropriate strategy that strikes a
balance between children's overall development and technological innovation are required. Artificial
intelligence (AI) has great promise for enhancing soft skill development and better preparing youth for the
challenges of a world that is changing rapidly. Artificial intelligence has the potential to stimulate creativity in
children by giving them access to design, music, and art resources. Children can express themselves freely and
try out various ideas in a safe and encouraging learning atmosphere thanks to this. AI has a significant
positive impact on early childhood education since it cultivates a lifelong love of learning. It also improves the
learning experience. However, teachers continue to play a crucial role in directing and improving AI-enabled
learning activities, assisting students in growing as social workers, offering emotional support, and imparting
values that transcend technology.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to completely transform early childhood education because it
improves many aspects of learning. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to predict the learning status and
performance of students, recommend learning resources, and automate assessments (Crescenzi-Lanna, 2023;
Mousavinasab et al., 2021; Su et al., 2023, 2022; Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2021). The AI can
assist in the development of critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and other essential soft skills
through customized techniques. The development of specific skills required for children to properly navigate
a complicated world is aided by customized education. By creating a creative and engaging environment that
engages their younger senses, artificial intelligence (AI) integrated into educational systems can also assist
younger students succeed. Children are encouraged to experiment, explore their imaginations, and express
themselves freely through the use of AI-powered tools such as creative applications, interactive games, and
adaptive tutoring systems. This innovative fusion of technology and education makes learning more enjoyable
for pupils while also equipping them with the skills and mindset necessary for success in the future. In order
to achieve a balanced approach that emphasizes holistic growth and fully utilizes the potential of AI in early
childhood education, it is critical that educators get guidance on ethical issues and the application of AI in the
classroom. While AI technology can provide tailored and interesting learning experiences, it cannot replace
teachers in instilling moral principles, promoting social and emotional growth, and teaching vital life skills.
Teachers are able to recognize each student's unique needs and give them individualized attention. To that
end, we recommend conducting quantitative research that considers the role that teachers play in this process. 7542
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