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Answers to Assignment Answers

book (Aristo Science for

to Assignment the New Century)

Unit 1 Introducing Science

(p.2) A 1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
(p.2) B 1. (a) observation
(b) experimentation
(c) scientists
2. inventions
3. discoveries
(p.2) C 1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. B
(p.4) D 1. (a) Geology (1m))
(b) Chemistry (1m)
(c) Astronomy (1m)
(d) Physics (1m)
(e) Biology (1m)
(f) Medicine (1m)
2. (i) A (0.5m)
(ii) D (0.5m)
(iii) D (0.5m)
(iv) A (0.5m))
(v) A (0.5m)
(vi) D (0.5m)
(p.5) A 1. F
2. T
3. F
(p.5) B 1. (a) Observe
(b) hypothesis
(c) experiments
(d) conclusion
2. Classifying
3. models

Aristo Science for the New Century 1

© Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 2018
Answers to Assignment Book

(p.5) C 1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. C
(p.8) D 1.
(a) Independent variable: brands of smartphones (1m)
Dependent variable: level of damage of the screens (1m)
(b) height (1m)
angle/direction (1m)
(p.9) A 1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F
(p.9) B 1. C
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. A
(p.10) D 1. (a)

(b) (i) under slow running water. (1m)

(ii) tell her teacher immediately. (1m)
clean up the broken pieces of glass (1m)
‘broken glass’ container. (1m)
2. Correct order: (d) ->(b) ->(a) ->(c) (4m)
3. lowers the temperature (1m) (Check spelling: temperature)
oxygen (1m)

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© Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 2018
Answers to Assignment Book

(p.12) A 1. T
2. F
3. F
(p.12) B 1. A
2. D
3. D
(p.13) C 1. (a) A measuring cylinder (1m)
B filter funnel (1m)
C conical flask (1m)
D dropper (1m)
E glass rod (1m)
F reagent bottle (1m)
G beaker (1m)
H wire gauze (1m) (Check spelling: gauze)
I tripod (1m)
J Bunsen burner (1m) (bunsen – no mark)
K heat-proof mat (1m) (heat proof – no mark)
L test tube (1m)
M test tube rack (1m)
N tongs (1m) (tong – no mark)
O test tube holder (1m)
P watch glass (1m)
Q evaporating dish (1m)
R gas jar (1m)
S safety goggles (1m)
T first-aid box (1m)
U fire extinguisher (1m)

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Answers to Assignment Book


(p.14) A 1. (a) measuring cylinder
(b) meniscus (meniscu - no mark)
2. an electronic balance
3. (a) thermometer
(b) data-logger
(c) degree Celsius (Celcius, celsius, Celsiu - no mark)
(p.15) B 1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
(p.17) C 1. (a)


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Answers to Assignment Book

2. (a) 16 cm3 – 7 cm3 = 9 cm3 (1m)

(no step -1; no unit -1)
(b) (i) accurate (1m)
(ii) flat (1m)
(iii) meniscus (1m)
3. (a) Electronic balance (1m)
(b) (i) empty beaker (1m)
(ii) ‘re-zero’/tare button (1m)
(iii) the soft drink from the bottle (1m)
4. (a) Stopwatch (1m) (Stopwatch - one word; stop watch - no mark)
(b) Average time for 10 swings =
(25.5 + 25.0 + 24.5 + 23.0) / 4 = 24.5 s (1m)
(no step -1; no unit -1)

Average time for 1 swing =

24.5 / 10 = 2.45 s (1m)
(no step -1; no unit -1)
(c) The result can be more reliable by taking the average result. (2 m)
(The result can be more accurate  no mark)

(p.19) A 1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
(p.19) B 1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
(p.21) C 1. (a) chimney (1m)
(b) collar (1m)
(c) air hole (1m)
(d) rubber tubing (1m)
(e) base (1m)

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Answers to Assignment Book


Integrated Exercise
(p.22) A 1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. F
7. F
8. T
(p.22) B. 1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. B
(p.25) C 1. Write the symbol of the unit.
(a) km (1m)
(b) h (1m)
(c) mL (1m)
(d) °C (1m) (C° - no mark)
(e) g (1m)

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Answers to Assignment Book


3. Correct order: ii, iii, iv, i

(i) Draw a conclusion (1m) (Wrong spelling – conclution)
(ii) Observe (1m)
(iii) Form a hypothesis (1m)
(iv) Design and do experiments (1m)
4. (optional)

5. (a) volume of water (1m) masses of the desiccant (1m)

Independent variable Dependent variable TWO Controlled variables
Brand of the desiccant (1) The change in the volume - original volume of the
of water in the beaker (1) water
OR Final volume of water (“volume of the water”
(amount - no mark) could mean the final
volume of water)
- mass of desiccant

(c) Brand Q (1m)

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