Let's Learn English by Nouman Tariq

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In the name of Allah,

the Gracious, the Merciful.

Let's Learn English

A self-study book for learners of English

written by Nouman Tariq


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rep rod u ce d in a ny f orm o r by any mea ns,

electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,

recording, or by any information storage and

retrieval system, without the written permission

of the Publisher.

Book: Let's Learn English

Author: Muhammad Nouman Tariq

Published by: Anwer Sons Publishers,

Sahiwal Printing Press


I am extremely grateful to my intimate friends for admiring

my work and showing great interest in my book:

Muhammad Sajid Shabir

Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Javed (BSCS)

Muhammad Usman Tariq (My elder brother)

Rai Zeeshan Mehmood Kharal from America

Waheed Ahmad (Chartered Accountant from England)

Muhammad Abdullah (A Level, Bloomfield Hall Sahiwal)

Nouman Tariq


I dedicate this book to my

maternal grandfather,
Muhammad Shafi.

(Nouman Tariq

My Life Story
''All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.''

I could not have written this book without Allah's help so, first of

all, I would like to thank Allah Almighty for helping me achieve my


Now, I would like you to read my story.

A few years ago, I went to Kallar Kahar to attend a wedding. I had a

wonderful time there and I happily spent four days, but on my

return, I was not feeling well. After a couple of hours, my condition

began to deteriorate. I spent 3-4 hours with great difficulty. When I

arrived home, I was taken to a nearby clinic. After a complete

medical examination, the doctor said, "Take him to Lahore, his

kidneys are damaged."

There may be a question in your mind about how this happened so

quickly. There's an inexplicable reason for this that I think I should

not talk about.

Anyway, I was admitted to Shaikh Zayed Hospital Lahore, where I

remained under treatment for 15 days. In the course of being

treated, I met a caring and sympathetic medical staff. The senior

doctors and nurses expressed their sympathy and love for me in

different ways. They were surprised because among the other

patients, I was the only 13-year-old child lying in bed in a poor

state on account of the kidney disease.

After 15-day treatment, Allah Almighty restored my health and I

was discharged from the hospital.

Tears of joy were streaming down my face when I got home. My

parents, my brother and my sisters were ecstatic because I, the

youngest child of my parents, was now fine.

But unfortunately, after the illness, I lost interest in my studies. I

didn't take as much interest as I used to. I left school. I was

actually tortured by the memories of the painful days spent in the


Two years passed; nothing changed. I was leading a meaningless

life. I used to spend most of my time in complete solitude.

Two years later, something astonishing and life-changing

happened. Now, you're going to read how my life took a different


One day, I was watching a cricket match. I listened to Ramiz Raja,

former Pakistani cricketer, commentating on the match. The

moment I heard him speaking, I became his fan and wished to

become an English commentator. To fulfill my wish, I started

learning English. I didn't join any institute to learn and paid

nothing for it. I didn't meet any English teacher during my journey

of learning this language. I learned English from YouTube,

different websites and books.

My story doesn't end here. Carry on reading because something

interesting remains to be read: At the age of 19, I resumed my

studies and joined an academy.

Sir Nadeem who used to teach me mathematics was a very nice

man. I soon developed a close relationship with him.

One day, since I had a lot of interest in English, I said to him,

''Respected sir, I want to teach the English language to the other

students of our academy so please give me only 15 minutes daily.''

Responding to my request, he said, ''Only 15 minutes? Dear

Nouman, you can teach as long as you want to." On hearing this, I

was over the moon. This was the first time I had been given a

chance by a benevolent and upright teacher who I still have the

utmost respect for.

Subsequently, another teacher, considering me an intelligent boy

and hiding my educational qualifications from his students, gave

me the opportunity to teach at his academy merely because I could

teach the English language.

Afterwards, I left the academy and started working as a home

tutor. Thereafter, in 2019, I started writ ing this book for

English-language learners.

So that's how I changed my life and entered the teaching


Just because I left school, it doesn't mean that I lacked intelligence.

I was intelligent; I just lost interest in my studies.

I have undying love for education, knowledge and teachers. I hold

all teachers in high esteem. Teachers are the real heroes and nation

builders who play a significant role in strengthening a nation by

devoting themselves to teaching.

When I look back, I get disconsolate at times, but then the

remarkable change in my life makes me feel lucky and happy.

What others say is a matter of absolute indifference to me. When I

was working on this book, someone said to me, "Nouman, boys

like you should play cricket/football instead of writing books.

That's not what you should be doing at a young age."

I burst into spontaneous laughter. Could such low-minded people

and critical messages stop me from doing what I wanted to (do)?

No! I wrote the book and got it published. I am currently writing

another book the title of which is "Improve Your Vocabulary".

As to my studies, I am now doing F.A. After this, I intend to do BS


If you, the reader of my autobiography, also have the ability to do

something special, make the most of it. Use your talent, work hard

and set an example for others.

Don't lose heart if your financial circumstances aren't good or if

you've got any other problems. Just pursue your dreams and never

forget that success lies in hard work. Don't let anyone shatter your

dreams and never ever form a friendship with negative-minded,

self-centered and hypocrite people.

Don't worry if you're being discouraged/criticized or your

attention is being distracted from your objectives. The most

important thing is your intentions should be good and you must

have persistence.

Things don't always turn out the way we want or expect them to, so

have patience and keep trying until you get to where you aspire to.

May God bless you. Thanks for reading.

(Search CM Nouman Tariq on Facebook.)

The Author

  
         
 
     5    
      
   
 
  
  
  
 
  
      
  family members      
  
    
    
  

 15        13   7th
 15  
   
      
  
  
specially   
    
 
          
  
          
    15
   
  Commentary   Pakistani Commentator  
 YouTube          
 
     
          
       
 
    
 
      
 
    
 

 
       
     
   
 
      
   
         
        
 BSc I.C.S    
       9th   
      
   Sir       
   teaching  learning
        
        
       
 
  home tutor    
    BS EnglishFA 
            
  
  
    life      
        
     
  
   
  
   
  discourage    tension      discourage
        
  
 achieve     
critical             
     
  
 remarks
           
      
      

 
      
      
  
  
   
 
 

The Noun 22

Common Noun 22

Proper Noun 22

Singular Noun 23

Plural Noun 23

Formation of Plural Nouns 23

Is, Are, Am 26

Was and Were 27

Will be 29

Pronouns 31

I or i? 32

Possessive Adjectives 33

Possessive Pronouns 34

Use of own 39

Its or It's? 39

Question Words 40

Use of It 41

Use of There 41

Has and Have 45

Had 47

Will have 48

Has/Have got 50

UNIT No. 8
Imperative Sentences 52

Subject 55

Object 55

Verb 56

Forms of Verb 59

Present Indefinite Tense 95

Past Indefinite Tense 101

Future Indefinite Tense 103

Present Continuous Tense 105

Past Continuous Tense 107

Future Continuous Tense 109

Present Perfect Tense 111

Past Perfect Tense 113

Future Perfect Tense 115

Present Perfect Continuous Tense 117

Since or For? 118

Past Perfect Continuous Tense 126

Future Perfect Continuous Tense 128

Who or Whom? 130

Active and Passive Voice 132

Direct and Indirect Object 136

Present Indefinite Tense (Passive Voice) 139

Past Indefinite Tense (Passive Voice) 141

Future Indefinite Tense (Passive Voice) 143

Present Continuous Tense (Passive Voice) 145

Past Continuous Tense (Passive Voice) 147

Present Perfect Tense (Passive Voice) 149

Past Perfect Tense (Passive Voice) 151

Future Perfect Tense (Passive Voice) 153

Has/have to, Had to and Will have to + V1 155

Let 157

Let's 158

Used to + V1 159

Used to be 159

Used to have 160

Be used to doing something 160

Get used to doing something 160

Reflexive Pronouns 161

Intensive Pronouns 162

Relative Pronouns 164

What, Where and When 166

May and Might 167

May/might be + V4 and Might have + V3 168

Might have + been + V3 169


Can 170

Can be + V3 171

Could + V1 and Could not + V1 172

Could not be + V3 173

Could have + V3 173

Could have been + V3 174

Should 175

Should be + V3 176

Should have + V3 176

Should have been + V3 177

Must 178

Must be + V4 179

Must have + V3 180

Must have been + V3 180

Can't/couldn't have + V3 181

Must or Might? 181

Must have had to... 182

Turn over the page.


Conditional Sentences 183

The Second Conditional 183

The First Conditional 187

The Third Conditional 189

Zero Conditional 191

First Conditional or Zero Conditional? 192

Mixed Conditional 193

Passive Conditional 194

I wish... 197

I wish I had... 197

I wish I had had... 197

I wish I was/were... 197

I wish I had been... 198

I wish + Subject + V2... 198

I wish I had + V3… 199

I wish I had not + V3... 199

I wish I could... 200

I wish I could have + V3... 200

I wish I didn't have to... 200


I wish + subject was/were + V4... 200

I wish there was/were... 201

I wish you wouldn't... 201

A, An and The 202

a or an? 205


Use of Apostrophe ' 209

Use of whose 211

Prepositions 212

At, In and On 216

Misuse of Prepositions 216

Use of Preposition at the end of Interrogative Sentences 219

Neither....nor 221

Nor 222

Either....or 222

Not only.....but also 223

Whether.....or 223

Until and Unless 224

Improve Your Vocabulary 225

Make somebody do something 228

Get something done 228


Make and Do 230

Contractions 233

The Infinitive 237

The Gerund 240

To be + V3 and being + V3 242

Will be able to + V1 246

It takes... 246

I want you to... 247

Heard /Saw/caught somebody doing something 248

No longer 248

While + Gerund (V4) 249

Is/are/am about to + V1 249

Ask someone to do something 249

By + V4 250

Is/are/am going to + V1 250

How long has it been...? 251

How much and How many 252

Needn't have + V3 252

As.....as 253

So that 253

Short Answers 254

The Noun
  noun  
Ali, car, boy, book, city, country, sadness.

  Noun
common noun    
  :Common Noun
 
  
   
 

Boy, teacher, man, woman, poet, book, chair.

  proper noun 
 :Proper Noun
Ali, The Holy Quran, Sahiwal, Pakistan, Virtual University.

 :
common  boy     proper nouncommon noun
 proper noun Ahmad  noun
 boy 
 proper noun Allama Iqbal common noun poet
 proper noun Karachi common noun City
 proper noun Pakistan common noun Country
proper noun Virtual University common noun University

 proper noun Farid Town common noun Town
Divisional Public School Sahiwal common noun School

 proper noun
 proper noun The Holy Quran common noun Book
 
   book 
 book 
 proper noun English common nounLanguage
 
 
 proper noun 
Muhammad Ahmad Safdar

I live in Sahiwal.

I am from Pakistan.

I am learning English.

  
 singular noun   noun  :Singular Noun
Book, Boy, Teacher, House, School.

 
plural noun     
 
 noun  :Plural Noun
 

Books, Boys, Teachers, Houses, Schools.

Formation of Plural Nouns

plural nounsingular noun 
 
plural noun ssingular noun (1)
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Boy Boys Girl Girls

Teacher Teachers Poet Poets

Pencil Pencils School Schools

plural   s, ss, ch, sh, x, z singular noun

 (2)
  es
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Brush Brushes Bus Buses


Bench Benches Box Boxes

Class Classes Match Matches

 ch
  s  k noun  (3)
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Monarch  Monarchs Stomach     Stomachs

  
   

i   y consonant letter      (4)
 y noun
 es 
 consonant letters
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Enemy Enemies Baby Babies

Responsibility Responsibilities City Cities

Lady Ladies Story Stories

Copy Copies Country Countries

 a,e,i,o,u vowel letter   (5)

 y singular noun
  s yy
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Boy Boys Monkey Monkeys

Key Keys Day Days

Holiday Holidays Toy Toys

Valley   Valleys Donkey Donkeys

  fe  fe
f   (6)
f singular noun

  ves
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Leaf Leaves Shelf Shelves

Knife Knives Thief  Thieves

Life Lives Wolf 

 Wolves

Half Halves Wife Wives

  s  ff,eef,ief,oof
nouns  (7)
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Belief  Beliefs Chief Chiefs

Proof Proofs Roof Roofs

Safe Safes Chef Chefs

Staff staffs Cliff  Cliffs

 s  nouns (8)

  
  irregular nouns nouns  
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Child Children Woman Women

Man Men Foot Feet

Tooth Teeth Ox  Oxen

Mouse  Mice Person People


Is, Are, Am, Was, Were and Will be
Is  are  am 

 
  is,are,am   (1)
 
''''amI (2)
 
'' ''isSingular Subject It,She,He (3)
   ''''are Plural SubjectThey,We,You (4)
   are 
    is
 
 (5)

I am a lawyer.  
She is happy.  
He is an intelligent student. 
  
It is your fault.   
We are safe.  
You are busy. 
They are brave.   
  notis/are/am(6)
I am not a lawyer.  
She is not happy.  
He is not an intelligent student. 
   
It is not your fault.   
We are not safe.  
You are not busy. 
They are not mad.  
     Is/Are/Am (7)
Is she happy  
Is he intelligent?   
Is it your fault?   
Are we safe?  
Are you busy? 
Are they mad? 
   Is/are/am   
subject   ''''    
 (8)
     notsubject   
   
Is she not happy?  
Why is she not happy?   
Is it not your fault?   
How is it not your fault?   
Why are you absent today?   

Was and Were

 
 ''''wasI (1)
   ''''wasSingular Subject  It,She,He (2)
  ''''werePlural SubjectThey,We,You (3)
 
   were 
     was
  
 (4)

I was free.   
She was happy.  
He was an intelligent student. 
   
It was your fault.   
We were hopeful. 
You were busy.  
They were in the garden.  
  notwas/were (5)
I was not free.   
She was not happy.  
They were not tired. 
Ali was not absent.  
You were not busy. 
It was not your fault.   
       was/were    (6)
''''  

   was/were 
subject  subject   
  not
Was she happy? 
Were they tired? 
Were you busy? 
Was it your fault?  
Was Ali absent yesterday? 
Were you not busy? 
Was she not happy? 
How was it not your fault?  
Were they not tired? 
Why were you absent yesterday? 
    
    
  '' '' 
 ''  ''               
 
 '' ''       
 '' ''  '' ''  
     
   
 '' ''
 '' ''     '' ''   
     
     object
             
   
   What What '' '' 
What are you reading?  
What is he eating?   

Will be   

 
    will be '' ''
 
  (1)
 
They will be impatient. 
 
I will be grateful to you. 
  
She will be angry with me.   
I will be busy tomorrow.  
   will not be (2)
They will not be happy. 
I will not be at home tomorrow.  
She will not be angry with me.   
  will (3)
  besubject 
  notsubject'''' 
Will she be in Pakistan next week?   
  
Will they be ready?  
Will you be at home tomorrow? 
Will the shops not be closed tomorrow? 
Why will they not be satisfied with our performance?

    

  
  
The shops are closed today.    
The shops were closed yesterday.  
The shops will be closed tomorrow.  


 
 pronoun    
 noun 
  
     
 
   
  
   
  
    Pronouns
Ali is my friend. He lives in Lahore. He is a teacher by profession.

  
   He Ali
Ali is my friend. Ali lives in Lahore. Ali is a teacher by profession.

 
   
 
    ''Ali''  
 
 
  
     

Pronouns Meaning Sentences

I  I am a doctor. 
 
Me  Give me a chance. 
  
We  We are busy.  
Us  Don't play with us.   
You  / You are my brother.  
You   I will give you a book. 
 
They  
    
      
  
   They
They are dancing.    

Them  
    
      
  
    them
Teach them.   
He  
   
  
   him  He
He is my friend.   
 
Him   Tell him.    
She   
  herShe
She is a politician.  
    
Her   I like her.  
 
It  It is my pen, not yours.    
Give it to me.  

I or i?
   
   
I '''' I  
   

How can I help you?  

How can i help you? 

May I come in? 
 
I will contact you if I have time.   
 

Possessive Adjectives

and Possessive Pronouns

 
Noun  Possessive Adjective
Possessive Meaning Sentences


My  This is my responsibility.    

Our    This is our house.   
 
Their   
 
  
 Which is their car?   
Your    Where is your brother?   
  
His     
 
 His brother is a lawyer.  
Her    
 Her car is more expensive than ours.
  
   
Its    
 I don't know its price.  

Possessive Pronouns
  
      
 repetition  noun   Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronoun Possessive Adjective + Noun  
 Possessive Pronouns 
 
Possessive Pronouns: Mine, Hers, Yours, Theirs, His, Ours.

This book is mine, your book is on the table and her book is in the


    
    
  book   
   
  
Possessive Pronouns
   book
   
This book is mine, yours is on the table and hers is in the drawer.

      

    
 Possessive Pronouns   book 
    hers her bookyours  your book 
  
  
book  
 
1. Mine 
Your daughter is more intelligent than my daughter.

  possessive pronoun   
    daughter  
 possessive pronoun     
   noun   
 
Your daughter is more intelligent than mine.

   
  
daughter 
   mine   my daughter   
   
2. Theirs   
This is your responsibility, not their responsibility.

       

 
 responsibility 
This is your responsibility, not theirs.      
Possessive                
   
        Pronoun
their          

  
 theirs  responsibility
3. Ours   
Your books are on the table. Where are our books?

     

 books 
 ours  our books  
Your books are on the table. Where are ours?

    
  ''                
     
    ''  ''   ''
  
 
4. Yours        

My name is Abdullah. What's your name?   

 
My name is Abdullah. What's yours?    
5. Hers   
 
It is not your pencil. It's hers.     
 hers  her pencil
 
Ali: Whose car is this?   
Usman: It's mine.   
 Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun  His -1
His 
I don't have my own mobile phone. Can I use his mobile phone?

  

  
 
 Possessive Pronoun  mobile phone  
I don't have my own mobile phone. Can I use his?

   

 
   
     
  his   his mobile phone
  ''         Possessive Adjective   
 ''
I am waiting for his brother.     
  s   Possessive Pronoun

Yours sincerely 

Your's sincerely 

Yours, hers, theirs 


Your's, her's their's 

 
  -2
This is my book.   
    
   
  this  book 
   Possessive Pronoun        mine
This is my book.   
This book is mine.   
This is her doll.  

This doll is hers.  

Is this your shirt?   
Is this shirt yours?   
   my, your, their, her Possessive Adjective -3
 
 Noun 

This is my. 

This is my choice. 
NounPossessive Pronoun -4

This is mine book. 

This is my book. 

This book is mine. 

    Pronoun 
 
   -5
   
 
 
 
 
Muhammad Amir was unfit. He didn't play today's match.

    unfit 

 
  Amir    He Amir  
 
    
   Possessive Pronoun   -6
  
    
        
       
        
  Possessive Pronoun   
 
This is mine.  
 
         
Possessive       
         
  Pronoun
Is this yours?   

Is this your? 
Subject   his,her,my,our,your,their,its ''  '' -7
  
I am waiting for my brother.     
They are waiting for their brother.    
You are waiting for your brother.     
We are waiting for our brother.    
He is waiting for his brother.    
She is waiting for her brother.      
Ali is waiting for his brother.     
Ayesha is waiting for her brother.     
 subject        '' ''       
   Possessive Adjectives

   
     
  own ''''      own   
 my,his,her,your
It's your own fault.    
This is my own mobile.  
This is their own decision.   
   very own '''' 
It was her very own fault.   
I was playing with my very own toys.   
Its or It's?
it's 
   It has It is
1) It is raining.
It's raining. (It's=It is)
2) It has been raining since morning.
It's been raining since morning. (It's=It has)
   
 Noun           
   its
 
 
Do you have any idea of its price?  
   
It likes its horns.   

Question Words
 
   Question Word
Question Meaning Sentences


Who  Who are these people? 

Where  Where are you going?  
What  What are you eating?   
Which  Which is your bag?
   
 
Whose  Whose mobile is this?  
When  When will you come back?  
 
How  How are you? 
How far   How far is your school from here?
 
How many  How many books do you have?
   
How much   How much milk do you have?
   
How long 
 How long will you stay there?

 

It and There
 
  it
   
   (1)
It is Tuesday today.    
It is 7th of May today.   
 
It is half past seven.     
It is raining.   
It is night here.  
It is a toy.  
It is very cold today.   
It is very hot today.  
 
 It is/was   
    it   
 (2)
  
It was Ali who helped me.  
It was my brothers who saved my life.  
    
 
  
 
   is/wasIt   
 
  It wasbrothers 

      
   There   Noun  (1)
               
There   

 
   There (2)
   is/are present 
 (3)

   will be future
 was/were past
  (4)

 
     is/was   
 
 (5)
    are/were 
There is a boy in the car.  
There was a boy in the car.  
There are four boys in the car.   
There were four boys in the car.   
There are five pens in my pocket.  
 
There were five pens in my pocket.  
 
There are three books in her bag.  
There were three books in her bag.  
There is a little water in the glass.  
 
There was a little water in the glass.  
 
There are twenty houses in this street.  
There is a problem. 
There was a problem. 
 
There are a lot of problems.   
There were a lot of problems.  
There is complete silence in the room.   
There was complete silence in the room.   
There are thousands of educational institutions in Punjab.
     
  
There are five thousand spectators in the stadium.

  
  
  
There were five thousand spectators in the stadium.

   
   
There will be five thousand spectators in the stadium.

  
  
 
There will be two security guards outside the school.

     
 
  notis/are/was/were/will
  (6)
There is not a mirror in the room.   
There are not forty students in the classroom.

 
 
There were not three books in her bag.  
There will not be five thousand spectators in the stadium.

  
  
 
There will not be two security guards outside the school.

      
 
     Is/Are/Was/Were/Will (7)
Is there a mirror in the room?  
Are there forty students in the classroom?  
Was there anybody in the room?  
Were there four children in the mosque?  
Will there be five thousand spectators in the stadium?
  
  
 
 
''    
    no 
  (8)
 
 ''
There is no solution to this problem.  
There is no hospital in this village.    
There is no doubt that he is cruel.    
There are no interesting stories in this book.

  
There is no danger here.  
Are there no educational institutions in your city?

   
Is there no solution to this problem?  
Is there no possibility of rain today?    
There was no shortage of water there.   
 
There will be no difficulty.  
There will be no time to argue.  
 
 ''     There (9)
 ''
The children were playing there.       

Has, Have, Had and Will have
 
 
  Has, Have, Had, Will Have (1)
 
 // 
 
// 
  (2)

hassubject     (3)
         
   have

Has or Have?
   
  has  
  (4)
   has 
Ali has a mobile.  
  hassingular subjectHe, She, It (5)
She has a camera.  
It has four legs.  
 
He has more than five hundred books. 
  
 
 Have 
 
    (6)
have  
 
    
      
 
My friends have a mobile.

  HaveI,We,They,You (7)
You have five minutes.  
 
We have a bag. 
    
They have four chairs.    
I have a bike.   
 
 
 
  ''  
''   
   (8)
     has/have
I have a fever.  
She has a headache.  
I have two brothers.  
I have a meeting with Mr Haris.   
She has four children.   
        does not do not    (9)
  
  

  do notplural subjectI,We,You,They (10)
  does notsingular subject He, She, It (11)
 has havedoes notdo not (12)
 He, She,It

She does not have a pen. 

She does not has a pen. 

Ali does not have a mobile.  
I do not have the key to that door.       
We do not have your phone number.    
 
It does not have four legs.  
 
He does not have five hundred rupees.  
You do not have the courage.  
She does not have a ticket.  
They do not have flour.  
    Does
  Subject Do       (13)

  has 
   Have    
Do you have today's newspaper?      
Does he have my phone number? 
Does she have a degree? 
  
Do they have new books? 
Does he have a ticket?  
Do we have four rooms?   
 
    Do/Does
  '''' 
 (14)
  not subject subject
Does she not have my phone number?  
Why do they not have new books? 
Do you not have a cigarette? 
  

  
  (1)
     
 
    had 
Muhammad Ali had five sons.  
  
I had a fever.   
He had a laptop. 
  
The children had a balloon. 
   
They had an axe. 
   
   did not have (2)
I did not have a fever.   
Ali did not have a car.   
He did not have a laptop.    
Usman and Ahmad did not have a football.    
The children did not have a balloon.   
have subject    Did  (3)

 ''''    
     
   
  not subject Did
Did you have two buffaloes?  
 
Did she have a doll? 
 
Did the children have a balloon?  
Did you not have your own mobile? 
  
 
Did she have my phone number? 
Did Muhammad Ali have five sons?  
 
Why did they not have new books? 

Will have
   Will have
 (1)

 
    (2)

I will have my own house.    
He will have one thousand rupees. 
   
You will have a chance. 
   
You will have only five minutes.  
 
   will not have(3)
I will not have my own house.    
He will not have one thousand rupees. 
   
You will not have a chance.  
 
Hamza will not have a licence.  
 
havesubject      Will   (4)

  ''''  

 Will   
  notsubject
Will he have one thousand rupees? 
  
Will Hamza have a licence? 
 
Will he have the answer to my question?    
Will he not have anything to eat? 
Has/Have  
 
Had 
  
Will have 
 
Hamza has a licence.  
 
Hamza had a licence. 
 
Hamza will have a licence.   
Hamza does not have a licence. 
 
Hamza did not have a licence. 
 
Hamza will not have a licence.  
 
 
 no / / 
  (5)
  
I have no problem.  
They have no objection.   
She will have no evidence against us.    
He has no interest in politics.   
  
I have no grievance against him.   
Do you have no control over your children?

   
  
  
Saima does not have three children.  
I do not have five thousand rupees.   
   
  noun  no  
   
   (6)
 
Who + has/had + Object?
 
Who has my pencil?  
 
Who had the books? 

Have or have got?

   Has/have got 
   
 (1)
I have got a pen. 
  
I have got a brother. 
 
She has got a headache.  
 got  not has/have  (2)
I have not got a pen.  
I have not got three sisters.  
She has not got a headache.   
 Subject Has/have (3)
 got
Have you got a headache? 
Has she got five children?   
Have they got a new car?  
has/have got      (4)
   no has/have got  
 / no 
She has got no children.

  has/have got        

        
   had   
            
  
   will have   

I had a friend. 

I had got a friend. 


Imperative Sentences
    Imperative sentences
Positive Sentence 
 
(.)full stop
 
  
Ali is coming.   
I learn English.  
Negative Sentence 
 
(.)full stop 
  
Ali is not coming.   
I don't learn English.  
Interrogative Sentence 
Question mark  
 ?      
 

Is Ali coming?   
Are they happy? 

  interrogative
 
 

Imperative Sentences
     
    
    sentences (1)
  imperative sentences
   form verb  (2)
 
      
 ''
 
''   (3)
Read. 
Learn. 
Call me.   
Write an application.  
 
Talk to me.   
Wait for me.    
Help the poor.  
Have another cake. 
Listen to me. 
Do your homework.  
Love one another. 
 
Try again.   
  Do not  
Don't            (4)
 
Do not + V1 + Object.

Don't + V1 + Object.

  Don't
      Do not 
Do not run.   

Do not call me.   
 
Don't wait for me.    
Don't tease my brothers.  
 
Don't play here.  
Don't buy this mobile. 
  
 
 
Don't ask me these types of questions.  
Don't be angry.   
Don't hide anything from me.   
Don't quarrel with your sister.  
 
 Never    ''  (5)
 ''  '' ''   
 
Never expect anything from others.      
Never lie to your parents.   
Never argue with your friends over politics.

  
  


Subject, Object and Verb
 
        subject    

     
 subject     
 
 
  
    subject
 
 
  
 subject 
             
 
 
  subject

    
   
       

  
   
 
 
subject   
    object   
      object   
   
    
   
 
    
         
    
   object 
   object  
 object
  object        
  
    subject 
     subject    
  object  
 
    
  
  object 
   
  
 
 

 
 verb     
 verb  Subject
 subject  
verb  
 
  
 
  
 
         
          
 
    '' '' verb verbs 
 
  
  
 verb
 
 '' 
''     verbs   
 
 verb   
 
 ''
 '' 
   verbs    

   ''
'' 
  verbs   
   
 
 ''
'' 
    verbs   
  
  
  
 
  ''
'' 

   ing  form

     forms  verb  
   
 
 
  form   verb  
accept      ed 
 form    verbs   
   (ed) form    verb
  played  play accepted
  forms verb
  form   verb   
 
speak      form      verbs   

 spoken spoke  form

 form       verbs 
  shut    
 shutform shutform
form verb  (going, eating, playing) form  ing    

  tensesform  

   
   
 
 form    verb 
 
  
 form  verb
English to English dictionary playstore   
 
  verb 
  form  verb
  forms
 
  ing  e  e
form 
  (1)


  ing  e  ee
  (2)



  ing y   ie  ie

  (3)



  d     e
verb  
 form  (4)




 d form     

(e) verb   

   form    verb       

  write  
  written form  wrote form
     consonant letter       (5)
y 

 ed i  yform

 consonant letters
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.

V1 V2 and V3 V1 V2 and V3

Try Tried Marry Married

Bury Buried Reply Replied


Apply Applied Cry Cried

Deny Denied Beautify Beautified

Study Studied Copy Copied

  form     consonant letter + y  

  
  flown form  flew form  fly  
  y a,e,i,o,uvowel letter   y  
 (6)
  edy
V1 V2 and V3 V1 V2 and V3

Play Played Stay Stayed

Enjoy Enjoyed Betray Betrayed

Pray Prayed Delay Delayed

 V2form   verb       V1       

 
   V4 form  verb    V3 form   verb  
 form ing verb

Forms of Verb
 ied 
   ed form      verb  

 ed form  verb

V1 Meaning V2 and V3

1 Accept  
 Accepted
2 Accompany 
 Accompanied
3 Accomplish 
   Accomplished
4 Acknowledge  
   Acknowledged
5 Add 
  Added
6 Admire 
  Admired
7 Admit 
    
 Admitted
 
8 Advise    
 Advised
9 Affect  
  
 Affected
10 Afford   Afforded
11 Agitate 
 
 Agitated
12 Agree 
 
   Agreed
13 Alert 
  Alerted
14 Allow   Allowed
15 Amuse 
 Amused
16 Analyse 
 Analysed
17 Announce 
 Announced
18 Annoy 
 
 Annoyed
19 Answer   Answered
20 Apologise 
  Apologised
21 Appeal  
 
  Appealed
22 Appear 
  Appeared
23 Applaud   Applauded
24 Apply   Applied
25 Appreciate  Appreciated
26 Approach 
    Approached
27 Approve 
  Approved
28 Argue 
 Argued
29 Arrange  
   
 Arranged
30 Arrest   Arrested
 
31 Arrive    Arrived
32 Ask   Asked
33 Assault  
  Assaulted
 
34 Assign  
  Assigned
35 Assist 
 Assisted
36 Associate  
/  
 
 Associated
37 Assume    Assumed
38 Attach 
 Attached
 
39 Attack 
 Attacked
40 Accuse 
  Accused
41 Attend 
 
  Attended

42 Attract 
  Attracted
43 Attest   /  
  Attested
44 Avoid 
  
   Avoided
 
 
  
45 Bake 
 Baked
46 Balance 
  Balanced
47 Ban 
 
48 Battle 
 
  
  Battled
49 Beg   Begged
50 Behave 
 Behaved
51 Believe  
 Believed
52 Belong 
 
 Belonged
53 Benefit  
 
  Benefitted
54 Blame  
  Blamed
55 Boast  
   
  
   Boasted
  

56 Boil 
 Boiled
57 Borrow    Borrowed

58 Bother 
59 Bow  Bowed
60 Breathe  Breathed

61 Bruise  Bruised
62 Brush 
  
  Brushed
63 Bury   
 
 Buried
64 Calculate 
  Calculated
65 Call 
  
 Called
66 Care 
 
 
 Cared
67 Carry   Carried
68 Cause  / Caused
69 Challenge 
 
 Challenged
70 Change 
 
 
  Changed
71 Chase   
   Chased
72 Cheat   Cheated
73 Check 
 
 
 Checked
74 Cheer 
 Cheered
75 Chew 
 Chewed
76 Cite  Cited
77 Claim 
 Claimed
78 Clap 
 Clapped
79 Clean 
  Cleaned
80 Close 
 Closed
81 Collapse 
 
 Collapsed

82 Collect 
   
  Collected
83 Colour  Coloured
84 Comb 
 Combed
85 Command 
  Commanded
86 Comment 
 Commented
87 Commit   
    
 Committed
88 Communicate   
    
 
 Communicated

89 Compare 
  Compared
90 Compete 
  Competed
91 Complain 
 Complained
92 Complete 
 
 
 Completed
93 Concentrate 
 Concentrated
94 Concern  
  Concerned
95 Conclude   
 
  Concluded

96 Condemn     
     Condemned
97 Clear  
 Cleared
98 Confess    
   
   Confessed
99 Confuse 
/ 
  Confused
  
100 Connect 
 Connected
101 Consider 
 Considered
102 Consist 
 Consisted
103 Contain   
    Contained
104 Continue  
     Continued
105 Contribute    
 Contributed
106 Control 
 
 Controlled
107 Copy 
 
 
 Copied
108 Correct 
 
     Corrected

109 Cough  Coughed

110 Count 
  Counted
111 Cover   Covered

112 Crash 
 Crashed
113 Crawl  Crawled
114 Create 
 
  Created
115 Criticise 
 
 Criticised
116 Cross 
 Crossed
117 Crush  Crushed
118 Cry 
 cried
119 Damage 
 Damaged
120 Dance 
 Danced
121 Dare   Dared
122 Deceive  Deceived
123 Decide 
 Decided
124 Decline   Declined
125 Decorate 
 Decorated
126 Decrease 
 
  Decreased
 
127 Defend 
  
  
  Defended
128 Delay 
 
129 Delight 
  Delighted
130 Deliver 
  Delivered
131 Demand 
 Demanded
132 Describe 
   Described
133 Desert 
    
 Deserted
134 Deserve 
  
 
 Deserved
135 Depose 
 
 
 Deposed
136 Destroy 
  Destroyed
137 Detect 
   Detected
138 Determine 
 
 
 Determined
139 Detest   
  Detested
140 Die 
  
 
  Died
141 Disagree   
  Disagreed
142 Disappear 
   Disappeared
143 Disapprove 
144 Discuss  
  
  
 Discussed
 
145 Dislike 
146 Dispatch  
 
   Dispatched
147 Distinguish   
  
  Distinguished
148 Dismiss         Dismissed
  
149 Disturb 
  
    
 Disturbed
  
150 Divide 
  
 Divided
151 Doubt 
 
 Doubted
152 Drag  Dragged
153 Drip  Dripped
154 Drop 
  
  Dropped
155 Dry 
 Dried
156 Dust  
     Dusted
157 Earn 
 Earned
158 Educate 
    Educated
 
159 Elect 
  
 Elected
160 Eliminate 
  
    
   Eliminated

161 Email 
  Emailed
162 Embarrass 
 Embarrassed
163 Employ 
  
  Employed
164 Empty 
  Emptied
165 Encourage 
 
    Encouraged
 
166 End 
 
  Ended
167 Enjoy   Enjoyed
168 Enhance 
 Enhanced
169 Ensure 
 Ensured
170 Enter 
 Entered
171 Entertain 
 
 Entertained
172 Escape    
    Escaped

173 Establish  
 Established
174 Estimate 
  Estimated
 
175 Examine       
 
 Examined
  
  

 
  
176 Exchange 
 
  Exchanged
177 Excuse   
  Excused
178 Excite 
 
 
   
 
  Excited
  
    
 
 
   
 
179 Exercise 
 Excercised
180 Exist 
 Existed
181 Expand 
 
 
182 Expect 
   Expected
183 Expel           Expelled
  

184 Explain 
   Explained
185 Explode  Exploded
  
188 Express 
  Expressed
187 Extend 
  
   Extended
188 Face 
  Faced
189 Fade  
  
   
  Faded
190 Fail 
  Failed
191 Fasten  
  Fastened
192 Fear 
 
  Feared
193 Fill 
 Filled
194 Fire         Fired
   

195 Fit   
 
 
  Fitted
 

196 Fix  
  
  
  
 Fixed
 
197 Float 
 
 Floated
198 Flow  Flowed
199 Focus 
 Focused
200 Fold 
 Folded
201 Follow 
 
  Followed
202 Force 
 Forced
203 Form  
 Formed
204 Found   Founded
 
205 Frighten 
  Frightened
206 Frustrate         Frustrated
 
207 Gargle   
  Gargled
208 Gather 
  
  Gathered
209 Gaze 
     Gazed
210 Glow 
   Glowed
211 Greet 
  
  Greeted
 
   
212 Grip 
  
  Gripped
213 Guarantee 
   Guaranteed
214 Guard   
 
    
 Guarded

215 Guess   Guessed
  
216 Guide 
  
 
 Guided
217 Happen 
 Happened
218 Harass   
   Harassed
219 Harm 
 Harmed
220 Hate 
 Hated
221 Head 
 
 Headed
222 Heal    
 
 
 Healed
 

223 Heat   Heated
224 Help 
 Helped
225 Hire 
  
 Hired
 
  
226 Hope   
 
 Hoped
227 Hunt 
  Hunted
228 Hug    Hugged
 

229 Identify  
   Identified
230 Ignore   Ignored
 
231 Imagine  
  Imagined
   
232 Impress 
 Impressed
233 Improve 
  
 
 
 Improved
234 Include   Included
235 Increase 
 
236 Indicate    
  
   Indicated
237 Influence  
  
   Influenced
238 Inform 
     
   
 Informed
239 Inject 
 Injected
240 Injure  
   Injured
   
 

241 Inquire 
  Inquired
242 Insist 
  
  Insisted
243 Instruct 
   Instructed
244 Intend  
      Intended
245 Interfere 
  Interfered

246 Interrupt   

 
  Interrupted
247 Introduce 
 
  
 Introduced
248 Invent 
  Invented
249 Invest 
  Invested
250 Invite 
 
 Invited
251 Involve  
      Involved
  
 

252 Irritate 
 
 
 Irritated
253 Jail   Jailed
254 Join 
 
  
  Joined
  

255 Joke 
 
 Joked
256 Judge    Judged
 

257 Jump 
  Jumped
258 Kick 
    
  Kicked
  
259 Kill  
   
 Killed
260 Kiss  Kissed

261 Knit 
 Knitted
262 Knock 
   Knocked
263 Kidnap 
 Kidnapped
264 Label 
 Labelled
265 Land 
  
 /
 
   Landed
266 Laugh  Laughed
267 Level  
 
  Levelled
268 Lick 
  Licked
269 Launch      Launched
  
 
   
 
    
270 Lie  Lied
271 Lighten 
 
 
 Lightened
272 Like 
 Liked
273 Limit  
 
  Limited
 
 
274 Link 
    
 
 Linked
 
 
275 Listen  Listened


276 Live  
 
   Lived
277 Load 
  Loaded
278 Lock 
279 Long 
   Longed
 
280 Look  
   Looked

281 Love 
  Loved
282 Lower     
 Lowered
283 Manage  
 
  Managed

284 Mark   Marked
285 Marry 
 
 Married
286 Match 
  
  Matched

 
287 Measure 
288 Memorise  
   
 Memorised
289 Mend  
      Mended
290 Miss 
 
  Missed
 
 
291 Mix 
 Mixed
292 Moan 
   
  
 Moaned
293 Monitor 
  
  Monitored

294 Move 

  Moved

295 Mourn 
 
 Mourned
 
 
 
296 Multiply  Multiplied
297 Murder  
 
 Murdered
298 Migrate 
 Migrated
299 Need 
 Needed
300 Nod 
 Nodded
301 Note 
 Noted
 
302 Notice   
 Noticed
303 Name  
 Named
304 Obey     Obeyed
305 Object 
  Objected
306 Observe    
 
 
    Observed
 

307 Obtain 
 
308 Occur 
 
 Occured
309 Offer  
  Offered
310 Open   Opened

311 Offend  

   
  Offended
  

312 Operate 
 Operated
313 Oppose 
 Opposed
314 Order 
 Ordered
315 Organise  
  
  Organised
316 Owe 
   
    Owed
317 Own 
  Owned
318 Pass  
 /    Passed
 
319 Paste 
 Pasted
320 Pause 
 Paused
321 Pee   Peed
 
322 Peel 
 
 Peeled
323 Peep  Peeped
324 Perform  
  
 Performed
   
 
325 Permit   Permitted
326 Phone 
  Phoned
327 Pick 
 Picked
328 Pinch  Pinched


329 Place  Placed

330 Plant   
 Planted
331 Plan 
  
  
 Planned
332 Play  Played
333 Please 
 Pleased
334 Point     Pointed
335 Polish  
 
 Polished
336 Possess 
  Possessed
337 Post    Posted
338 Pour 
 Poured
339 Practise 
 Practised
340 Pray 
  Prayed
341 Preach 
  Preached
342 Precede 
 Preceded
343 Prefer   Prefered
344 Prepare 
  
  Prepared
345 Preserve  Preserved
346 Press 
 Pressed
347 Pretend   
  
  Pretended

348 Prevent  
  Prevented

349 Prick 
 Pricked
350 Print  Printed
351 Produce 
 
  Produced
352 Promise 
 Promised
353 Protest 
   Protested
354 Pressurize   
 Pressurized
355 Prove Proved
356 Provide 
 Provided
357 Publish   Published
 
358 Pull  Pulled
359 Punch 
   Punched
360 Puncture 
 Punctured
361 Punish   Punished
362 Purchase 
  Purchased
363 Push  Pushed
364 Question 
 Questioned
365 Rain 
 Rained
366 Raise  
  
 
 
 Raised
367 Reach    Reached
368 Recall 
 
  
 
 
 Recalled
369 Receive 
 
  
 Received

370 Realise  

   Realised
  

 
 
 
371 Recognize 
  
    Recognized
 
372 Recommend 
    
  Recommended
373 Rectify 
  
    Rectified
374 Reduce 
 
 Reduced
375 Record   
  Recorded
  
   
 
376 Refer 
 
 
  Referred
   
377 Reflect  
 
 Reflected
378 Refuse  
  Refused
379 Register 
   Registered
  
380 Regret 
 Regretted
381 Reign   
    Reigned
382 Reject   
  
 Rejected
383 Relax   Relaxed
  
384 Release 
 
   Released

385 Rely 
 
  Relied
386 Remain  Remained
387 Remember   
   
 Remembered
388 Remind 
  
 Reminded
389 Remove 
 Removed
390 Render   
  
 Rendered
391 Repeat 
 
  Repeated
392 Replace  
 
 Replaced
 
393 Reply   Replied
394 Report    
  Reported
395 Request   Requested
396 Require 
 Required
397 Research 
 Researched
398 Rescue 
 Rescued
399 Respond   Responded
400 Retire    
  
 Retired
401 Return 
 
 Returned
402 Review   
   Reviewed
403 Rinse 
 
  Rinsed
404 Rob     Robbed

405 Rouse   

  
 Roused
 
 

406 Rub 

 Rubbed
407 Ruin 
  Ruined
408 Rule  
   Ruled
409 Sacrifice 
  
  Sacrificed

410 Satisfy 
 Satisfied
411 Save 
 Saved
412 Scare 
  Scared
413 Scold   Scolded

414 Scratch  Scratched
415 Scream    Screamed
416 Scrub  
  
 Scrubbed
417 Search 
 Searched
418 Seem 
 Seemed
419 Sentence  
   Sentenced
  
420 Separate 
 
  Separated
421 Serve   
     Served
   
  
422 Settle  
  Settled
 
 


423 Shade 
  
 Shaded
424 Share 
 
   
  Shared
  
 
 
425 Shave 
 

 Shaved
426 Shelter    Sheltered

427 Shiver 
  Shivered
428 Shock 
 Shocked
  
429 Sigh   
   Sighed
430 Sign  
 Signed
431 Signal  
     Signaled
 
432 Sin  
   Sinned
433 Sip    
 Sipped

434 Skip  
   Skipped
  
  
435 Slap 
  Slapped
436 Slip   Slipped
437 Smell  Smelled
438 Smile 
 Smiled
439 Smoke 
  Smoked

440 Snatch  Snatched

441 Sneeze  Sneezed
442 Sniff  Sniffed
443 Snore  
  Snored
444 Snow 
  
 
445 Soak 
 
 Soaked
446 Sparkle 
  Sparkled
447 Spoil 
 
  
   Spoiled
   
  
448 Sponsor 
  Sponsored
449 Spray  Sprayed
450 Squeeze 
   Squeezed

451 Stamp 
  Stamped
452 Stare   
   Stared
 
453 Start 
 
  Started
454 Stay  
 
  Stayed
455 Step 
 Stepped
456 Stir 
 Stirred
457 Stitch  Stictched
458 Stop  Stopped
459 Store 
 
 Stored

460 Strengthen 
 
   Strengthened
 
 
461 Stress 
 
 Stressed
462 Study 
 
463 Stumble 
 Stumbled
464 Submit 
  Submitted
465 Subtract 
  Subtracted
466 Succeed 
 Succeeded
467 Suck  Sucked
468 Suffer 
 
 Suffered
  
469 Suggest  
    Suggested
470 Suit 
 
 
 Suited
  
 
471 Supply 
  
 Supplied
472 Support  
   Supported
 
 
473 Suppose   Supposed
474 Surprise    Surprised
475 Surround  
   Surrounded
 
476 Suspend 
 Suspended

477 Suspect 
 
 Suspected
478 Switch 
 
 Switched
 
 
479 Talk 
480 Target 
  Targeted
 
481 Taste 
 Tasted
482 Tease 
 
  Teased
 
483 Tend  
 
 Tended
 
 
484 Terrify 
 
 
 
  Terrified
485 Test  Tested

486 Thank 
  Thanked
487 Threaten  
 Threatened
488 Tickle 
 Tickled
489 Tie Tied
490 Tire 
   Tired
 
491 Touch 
 Touched
492 Trace 
 
  Traced
493 Trade 
  
 
  Traded
494 Train   Trained

495 Trap 
 Trapped
496 Travel 
 Travelled
497 Treat 
  
 Treated
489 Tremble 
 
 Trembled

499 Trick 
  Tricked
500 Trouble  
 
     
501 Trust 
 
  Trusted
502 Try 
 Tried
503 Turn 
  
 Turned
 
 

504 Twist 
 Twisted
505 Type 
 Typed
506 Undress 
 
  
 Undressed
507 Unfasten 
 
 Unfastened
508 Unite  
 
  United
509 Unlock Unlocked
510 Unpack   
 Unpacked
511 Use 
  Used
512 Visit 
  
 Visited
513 Vomit 
 
 Vomited

514 Wait 
  Waited
515 Walk 
  Walked
516 Wander   
    Wandered
517 Want  Wanted
518 Warn 
  Warned
519 Wash 
 Washed
520 Waste 
 
  Wasted
521 Wave   
  
 Waved
522 Watch   Watched
523 Water    
 Watered
524 Weaken 
 Weakened
525 Weigh 
 Weighed
526 Welcome 
   Welcomed
 
527 Whip 
    Whipped
528 Whisper 
 Whispered
529 Whistle 
 Whistled
530 Wilt 
 Wilted
531 Wink 
   Winked
532 Wipe 
  Wiped
533 Wish 
 
 
 Wished
534 Wonder  
 
 Wondered
 /

535 Worry 
536 Wound 
 
 Wounded
537 Wrap  Wrapped
538 Wrestle 
 Wrestled

539 Yawn  Yawned

540 Yell    Yelled
541 Yield  
  Yielded
  ed form    verbs 
  
 spoke form  speaked form  speak
verbs  
 irregular verbs verbs   spoken form
    ed form 
 regular verbs 
542 Bear   Bore
 Borne

543 Beat  

    
    Beat Beaten

    
544 Become  
 
 Became Become

545 Begin 

 
 
  Began Begun

   
546 Bend 
 
 
 
 Bent
 Bent

547 Bet 
   
 Bet Bet

548 Bind 
 Bound
  Bound

549 Bite  Bit

    Bitten

  

550 Bleed  Bled Bled

551 Blow      Blew

 Blown

 
552 Break 
  
  
  Broke Broken

553 Bring 
 Brought Brought

554 Build 
 Built Built

555 Burn 
 Burnt Burnt

556 Burst   

    Burst Burst

557 Buy 
  Bought Bought

558 Catch 

  
 Caught Caught

559 Choose 
  
 Chose Chosen

560 Come 
 Came Come

561 Cost  

 
 Cost Cost
 
It cost me 50 rupees.

562 Creep  Crept Crept

563 Cut   Cut Cut

564 Deal 
   Dealt Dealt

565 Dig 
 Dug Dug

566 Do   

 Did Done

567 Draw  Drew Drawn

568 Dream   Dreamt Dreamt

569 Drink  Drank

 Drunk

570 Drive 
  Drove Driven

571 Eat 
 Ate Eaten

572 Fall 

  Fell
 Fallen

573 Feed  

  Fed Fed

574 Feel 
 Felt Felt

575 Fight 
 Fought Fought

576 Find 
 
   
 Found Found
 
 
577 Fly 
 
 
  Flew Flown

578 Forbid 
 Forbade Forbidden

579 Forget 
 Forgot Forgotten

580 Forgive   Forgave Forgiven

581 Freeze  Froze

    Frozen

582 Get 

 Got/Gotten Got/Gotten
583 Give  Gave Given

584 Go 
 Went Gone

585 Grow 
 
 
Grew Grown

586 Hang 
 Hung
 Hung

587 Have 
Had Had

588 Hear  Heard

 Heard
  Hid
589 Hide  Hidden

590 Hit 
  Hit Hit

591 Hold 

  
 Held Held

592 Hurt 

 Hurt Hurt

593 Know 
 Knew Known
 
594 Lay 
 Laid Laid

595 Lead 
 
 Led Led

596 Leap 
 Leapt Leapt

597 Learn   

 Learnt or Learnt or
 Learned Learned

598 Leave 
 
  Left Left

599 Lend    Lent Lent

600 Let      Let Let

601 Light  
 
 Lit Lit
 
602 Lose 
    Lost Lost
603 Make 
 Made Made

604 Mean 
  
 Meant Meant
605 Meet 
  Met Met
 
606 Pay 
 
  Paid Paid

607 Put   Put Put

608 Read  

Read Read

609 Rid 
 
 Rid Rid
 
 
610 Ring 
  Rang Rung

611 Rise   Rose

 Risen

612 Run   Ran

 Run

613 Say  Said Said

614 See   Saw Seen

615 Sell   

  Sold Sold

616 Send  Sent Sent

617 Set 
 Set Set

618 Sew  Sewed Sewn

619 Shake 
 Shook Shaken

620 Shine  Shone Shone

621 Shoot 
   Shot Shot

622 Show  

  Showed Shown

623 Shrink 
 
 
 Shrank Shrunk

624 Shut 
 Shut Shut

625 Sing 
 Sang Sung
626 Sink  Sank Sunk

627 Sit  Sat Sat

628 Sleep 
 Slept Slept

629 Speak  Spoke Spoken

630 Spend   Spent

  Spent

631 Spit  Spat Spat

632 Split 
 
  Split Split
 
633 Spread   Spread
 Spread

634 Stand 
 Stood Stood

635 Steal 

  Stole Stolen

636 Stick  

  Stuck Stuck

637 Sting    Stung
  Stung

638 Strike 
 
 Struck Struck

639 Swear 
 Swore Sworn

640 Sweep   Swept Swept

641 Swell   Swelled Swollen

642 Swim 
 Swam Swum

643 Take   Took

  Taken

644 Teach 
 
 Taught Taught

645 Tear  

   Tore Torn

646 Tell 
 Told Told
647 Throw  Threw Thrown

648 Wake   Woke

  Woken

649 Underst-  Understood Understood


650 Wear  Wore Worn

651 Weep 
 Wept Wept

652 Win   Won

 Won

653 Withdraw 

   
  Withdrew Withdrawn
654 Wring 
 Wrung Wrung

655 Write 
 
 Wrote Written

Present Indefinite Tense (1)
 
   
Tense  
 
verb    verbs     verb 

  Present Continuous Tense  

Go, play, teach, come, read

I am going.   
We are playing.  
She is teaching.    
I am coming.   
He is reading a book.    
 
   Tempus
Tense Tenses   (1)
   
time 

  
     Present Indefinite Tense (2)
   
 
  
  
  
      

 
     
 Tense               
       
  
 
   
'' 
     
''     (3)
  
  
''    '' 
 
V1   V1Tense  
 (4)
  
 (  
  
 s/es
  shelp  
   
    

My friend helps me. 

My friend help me. 

wrong  sV1correct
   
 
  
 sV1      
s/es  V1        Present Indefinite Tense
  
    (5)
s/esV1 He,She,It
  s/es V1   
 ''   
''   
 ''  ''  
  
Everyone loves him.

 
Subject + V1 +s/es + Object.

He speaks English fluently. 

  
Ali knows me.  
She makes false promises to you.    
She remains silent.  
It rains here.  
Abdullah dreams of getting rich overnight.

  

s or es?
 es 
      s  (6)
 
es 
z  (a)

Wash  washes, watch  watches, fix  fixes, mix  mixes,

Wish  wishes, bless  blesses, teach  teaches, catch 
catches, brush  brushes, miss  misses, relax  relaxes.
She washes her clothes. He teaches English. She misses you.

 
 y consonant letter  y  
 (b)
 
 
es 
 i
fly  flies, cry  cries, study  studies, apply  applies, carry
 carries, copy  copies, dry  dries, try  tries.
She tries. The baby cries.

  consonant letters

B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.

 does do goesgo  

 (c)
He goes to school. He does nothing.

s (vowel letter+y)vowel lettery
 (d)
''a,e,i,o,u''  vowel letters

Play  plays, buy  buys, enjoy  enjoys, pay  pays.

He plays cricket. He pays tax.

 
s e
 (e)
Like  likes, love  loves, lose  loses, drive  drives, move
 moves.
He loves you. Ali likes you.
 s     consonant letter 
  z 
ch,sh,s,x (f)
 

Run  runs, speak  speaks, get  gets, break  breaks, learn
 learns, work  works, cut  cuts, put  puts, open 
opens, kill  kills.
He runs fast. He speaks Punjabi.
 es 
     s   
 verb     
   does not     (7)
  e/es form
Subject + does not + V1 + Object.
  
He does not speak English fluently. 
He does not speaks English fluently. 
She does not fight with anyone.  
Ali does not know me.   
He does not play cricket. 
 
It does not rain here.  
V1     Does  (8)
 
Does + Subject + V1 + Object?
  
Does he speak English fluently? 
Does he speaks English fluently? 
Does she threaten you?   
Does Ali know me?  
Does he play cricket? 
 
   (9)
   
Why does she threaten you?    
Where does he play cricket? 
 
  ''not''   
  ''''    (10)
 
subject  not
Does + Subject + not + V1 + Object?
Does your brother not help you? 
  
Why does your brother not help you? 
   
Present Indefinite Tense (2)
V1 He,she,it  
   part (1)
     s/es 
I,   Present Indefinite Tense
   
     
   
We, You, They
 
 
   
My friends help me. 
My friends helps me. 
Naeem and Nasir work in this factory.   
I live in Sahiwal.  
We play here.  
 
You waste your time.   
  
They argue with others over politics.   
  
My teachers praise me. 
  
 
  
     (2)
I, We, You, They
 
  do not
Subject + do not + V1 + Object.
My friends do not help me.  
 
I do not live in Sahiwal.  
We do not play here.  
You do not help the poor.  
My teachers do not praise me.  
  
Naeem and Nasir do not work in this factory.
  
They do not argue with others over politics.
  
  
  (3)
Do + subject + V1 + Object?
  Subjectnot '''' 
Do + subject + not + V1 + Object?
Do you know me?  
Do you not know me?  
Do your teachers praise you?   
  
Do they learn English?  
Where do they play cricket? 
Why do you tease your friends?   
Do Naeem and Nasir work in this factory?
 
Do Naeem and Nasir not work in this factory?
  
Why do they not respect you? 

Past Indefinite Tense
   Past Indefinite Tense   (1)
   
 
 
''     ''  
 
 ''    
''    
  
  
V2 V2Tense  V1 Present Indefinite Tense (2)

  V1  

Ali waits for me.    (Present Indefinite Tense)
    V1   
Past Indefinite       V2  V1 

    Tense
Ali waited for me.    
  V2      
  Past Indefinite Tense  
 

He objected to my work.    
He sought help from his brothers.   
He asked me a question. 
 
I wrote this book last year.    
She deceived me.  
   doesdo     Present Indefinite Tense (3)
  
Past Indefinite     didTense 
 
  V1 
  did not 
 Tense

Ali does not wait for me.     (Present Indefinite Tense)
Ali did not wait for me.     (Past Indefinite Tense)

He did not object to my work.  

 
He did not seek help from his brothers.    
She did not deceive me.  
I did not write this book last year.   
 (4)
     never  '' '' 
never    never  did not    did not  
  V2
He never talked about his sisters.   
He never broke my heart.    
Her mother-in-law never accepted her.    
  (5)
Did + subject + V1 + Object?

  '''' 
Did + subject + not + V1 + Object?

Did she answer your question? 

  
Did he object to my work?   
Did he seek help from his brothers?  
Why did he deceive you? 
Did Ali not wait for me?   
Why did you not write this book last year?   

Future Indefinite Tense
      
          Tense  (1)
 
   
 '' ''
    (2)
  (3)
Subject + will + V1 + Object.

I will help you.   

I will tell you everything.  
   
I will teach you.   
I will console him.   
They will laugh. 
  notwill (4)
I will not help you.   
They will not refuse.   
Ali will not sell his car.   
I will not teach you.   
I will not scold the children.   
I will not admit defeat.    
    will (5)
'''' 
  Subjectnot
Will you wait for me?  
Will you not wait for me?  
Will you oppose them?  
Will he come here again?  
 
Will you console him?   
Will Usman make a speech? 
Will you teach me?   
Will you play with me this evening?  
 
How will you contact him?   
When will you give me the books? 

Present Continuous Tense
        
   
 Tense (1)
   

 
''    '' 
     (2)
 
Subject + is/are/am + V4 + Object.

They are praising you.   

She is decorating her room.     
Shahid is arguing with Zahid. 
 
We are looking for something.  
They are congratulating you.   
 
I am also participating in the competition.   
  notis/are/am (3)
They are not praising you.  
She is not decorating her room.     
Shahid is not arguing with Zahid. 
 
They are not congratulating you.   
 
It's not raining here.  
I am not participating in the competition.    
 Subject      is/are/am (4)
  
Are they praising you? 
Is she decorating her room?     
Is Shahid arguing with Zahid? 
 
Is it raining?   
Are they congratulating you?  
 
Are you participating in the competition?  
 '''' 
subject Is/Are/Am  (5)
     not
Are they not praising you? 
Why is Shahid arguing with Zahid? 
 
Why are you not telling me your address? 
Is it not raining?  
Are you not participating in the competition?

  

Past Continuous Tense
Tense     is,are,am  Present Continuous Tense (1)

  V4Tense  was,were  

 
 
'' ''
  (2)

I am waiting for you.     
I was waiting for you.     
You were wasting your time.  
  
Ali was talking to me.   
She was teaching.    
It was raining here.  
We were playing. 
  notwas/were  (3)
You were not wasting your time.  
  
Ali was not talking to me.   
She was not teaching.    
It was not raining here.  
We were not playing. 
    was/were  (4)
 '''' 
subject  was/were 
  not
Was Ali talking to you? 
 
Was it raining here? 
Were you playing? 
Were you making preparations? 
Were they not giving you permission?  
Why was he insulting you?     
Why were you making preparations? 
  
Where were you playing?  

Future Continuous Tense
       
      
   Tense  (1)
 
 
'' ''
    (2)
 V4 Tense     
  
Subject + will be + V4 + Object.

She will be learning something new.   

Saima will be making arrangements.   
They will be laughing. 
She will be reading a novel.   
They will be trying. 
The doctors will be protesting.    
   will not be (3)
She will not be learning something new.   
Saima will not be making arrangements.   
She will not be reading a novel.    
They will not be trying. 
The doctors will not be protesting.   
  (4)
Will + subject + be + V4 + Object?
  '''' 
Will + subject + not + be + V4 + Object?

Will she be learning something new?  

Will Saima be making arrangements?  
Will Saima not be making arrangements?  
Will they be laughing? 
Will they be trying? 
Will she be reading a novel?  
Will the doctors be protesting?    
Why will the doctors be protesting?    
    when    '' 
 ''   When (5)

 
When we get home, Haris will be sleeping.

   
  
   Present Indefinite Tense   when
 '' ''

Present Perfect Tense
   
 Tense         Tense (1)
  Tense  
     
  
 
        
   '' 
    (2)
   
   
Subject + has/have + V3 + Object.

I have finished my work.     

He has already read this novel.   
 
Zunaira has done her homework.  
He has become famous.  
I have asked him about his family.

   
 
  red
 form   read form   Read
 

  nothas/have (3)
I have not finished my work.    
He has not read this novel.   
 
Zunaira has not done her homework.  
I have not asked him about his family.

  
 
We have not demanded anything.  
     Has/have (4)
Have you sold your car?   
  
Has he already read this novel?   
 
Has Zunaira done her homework?  
Has he become famous?  
Have you asked him about his family?

   
 
 '''' 
subject Has/have   (5)
  not
Have you not sold your car yet?  
  
Why have you not learnt English?  

Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect      
              (1)
   Past Indefinite TenseTense
 
'' ''
    (2)
 
Subject + had + V3 + Object.

The match had started before I arrived at the stadium.

   

The patient had died before he was taken to hospital.

   
She had refused to help us before I introduced myself.

 
    
They had made a complaint against me before I apologized.

  

She had had breakfast before I went to school.

 
 
  nothad  (3)
The patient had not died before he was taken to hospital.

   
She had not refused to help us before I introduced myself.

     

They had not made a complaint against me before I apologized.

  

 
She had not had breakfast before I went to school.

 
 
 subject    Had  (4)
 V3
Had the match started before I arrived at the stadium?

  

Had the patient died before he was taken to hospital?

  
Had she refused to help before I introduced myself?

    
Had they made a complaint against me before I apologized?

  

Had she had breakfast before I went to school?

 

Future Perfect Tense
 (1)
              
   future perfect tense
 
''  ''
    (2)

 
Subject + will have + V3 + Object.
  Future Perfect Tense         
I will have done my homework.
Present Indefinite Tense  
   ''
  '' ''         
Future 
Present Indefinte    "  '' Perfect Tense
  Tense
I will have done my homework before you come.
    
I will have memorized this poem before sir Aslam enters the
  
 
  by                (3)
  
 2022 ''
   ''
I will have become the manager of this company by 2022.
They will have made all the arrangements by this evening.
 
    
The police will have investigated by tomorrow morning.
 
 
Pakistan will have played by four o'clock.  
 
I will have bought a new house by the first week of July.
    
  
   will not have (4)
Pakistan will not have played by four o'clock.
  
 
The police will not have investigated by tomorrow morning.
 
 
I will not have done my homework before you come.
   
We will not have reached home before the sun sets.
   
 subject   will (5)
  have
Will you have finished your work by evening?
 
     
Will he have fulfilled his dream by August?
 
  
Will we have reached home before the sun sets?
  
Will Pakistan have played by four o'clock?   

Present Perfect Continuous Tense
 
      Present Perfect Continuous Tense (1)
   
   Tense         
 
  

   
       
    (2)
 
       
  
  
  Present Continuous Tense       
 
 
    
   
     
  
        Present Perfect Continuous Tense
         
        Tense
    
  
 
  for  since  
         (3)
 
        
  
    
 
 
 
Subject + has/have + been + V4 + Object + since/for +


It is raining.

It has been raining since morning.

  
  
Present Perfect     
 
  Continuous Tense
   forsince 

since or for?
  
 since        
    since (4)
 
 
       
       
 for  (5)
    
   
    
   
     
            
  for  
 
  2019       2010    
  9    
            
 2019 2010
     for 9 years     9
 

    since 2010  2010  
    
        
           
  since morning      
        
since Sunday     
       since evening  
 since 4 o'clock   
   2015      since May
   start  
   since 2015
 S  startsince
              -1
    
         
 since Friday  since 
 
     
   
  for    
I have been making preparations since Friday.

 
 
I have been making preparations for two days.

 
  
      
   -2
  
  
        
Ali has been working in this factory for three months.

     since   since   

      
    

  
   
           
     
  
      
 
       
    
Ali has been working in this factory since May.

  
       
        
     -3
   
       
     
  since 
I have been decorating my room since nine o'clock.

    

        
            
   
 for    
I have been decorating my room for two hours.
   
      
 since     
  -4
since last          
       
     
 night
It has been raining since last night.   
 
           for 
     
      
          
   
 
It has been raining for ten hours.    
 
     
     
     -5
 since
The police have been investigating since the day before


       
     
   22  -6
 
     
  
 
Ali has been teaching English since he was 22.

  years oldyears old  22  

   How old are you?   
   years old 
  years old
Ali: How old are you, Hamza?

Hamza: I am 18.

  42    
  22   
 for twenty years      20  
 
   
    
   
Ali has been teaching English for twenty years.

    
      
   forsince 

     

     
     
  since
 
         
        
     
  
 
  for   
 
   Tense  
  
      
           
   
  
   
     
   
since    
   
   for 
  
   
 
  
 
   
He has been calling you since two hours. (correct or wrong?).........

He has been calling you for two hours. (correct or wrong?).............

 
  
 ''   
   ''      
  
   
     
     

  
    since  
     
  for 
He has been calling you for two hours.
   ''''   
/ / /     (6)
     for the last 
    /
     
      
    

   
  since
I have been doing my own business for the last four days/
    since   
  
 
      
 
 
        
    
 
 
 
I have been doing my own business since last Tuesday/June.
  
  /
 
  Start  Since start  
  
  / 
For Since

For two/three/four seconds/ Since 4:30 am/pm

minutes/hours Since 4 o'clock

For two years Since 2017, since May 12, 2015

For four/five/six months Since June

For four/many days Since Friday

For a long time  Since morning/noon/evening

For two weeks Since childhood/birth

For years   Since the day before yesterday

For half an hour   Since last night    
For weeks  
been not has/have       (7)
  
I have not been waiting for you since morning.
    
She has not been learning English since May.   
They have not been playing cricket for two hours.
 
  
He has not been teaching English for twenty years.
    
The police have not been investigating since the day before
  
   (8)
Has/have + subject + been + V4 + Object?
  Subjectnot '''' 
Has/have + subject + not + been + V4 + Object?
Has she been learning English since May?   
Have they been playing cricket for two hours?
 
  
Has he been teaching English for twenty years?
   
 
Have the police been investigating since the day before yesterday?
  
Has she not been waiting for you since morning?
    
Has she not been learning English since May?
 
Why have you been reading this novel since morning?
 
Why have you not been doing your homework for two days?
  
 
  How long     (9)
 
How long have you been waiting for me? 
 
How long have they been playing? 
 
How long have you been living in Sahiwal?
 
  
 
     (I have a car.) (10)
     
  
    
  
   
    
    

   has/have + had  
I have had this car for five years.     
I have had a headache since morning.   
 
      
    
     
  
How long + has/have + Subject + had + Object?
How long has he had this mobile?  
   
How long have you had this car?  
  
        
         (11)
  
Present Perfect Continuous Tense + since + Past Indefinite Tense
He has been crying since you scared him.
 
    
   
I have been waiting for you since you called me.
  
      
              Tense  (12)
 
''         
''       
    
 
It has been raining, so the grass is wet.     
Your hands are dirty. What have you been doing?
    
    is,are,am    
 
    (13)
    has/have been
Mudassar is my friend.   
  
Mudassar has been my friend since childhood.    
  
He is ill.     
He has been ill for two days.   
   
How long + has/have + Subject + been...
Ali: How long have you been ill?

Raza: I have been ill for two days.

Ali: How long has he been in the army?

Raza: for 20 years.


Past Perfect Continuous Tense
 
''   ''
   Tense (1)
       Tense   
   
 
 
''  ''
 
  had been has/have been (2)
She had been living in this city for 20 years.

   

They had been insulting me for half an hour.

     

I had been teaching for three hours.     
 
It had been raining here since morning.   
 
They had been struggling for many years.   
I had been shivering for ten minutes.  
   
  not beenhad (3)
I had not been teaching for three hours.    
She had not been living in this city for 20 years.

   

It had not been raining here since morning.   
 
They had not been struggling for many years.

  
I had not been shivering for ten minutes.
 
   
had  has/have  
Tense (4)
  
Had she been living in this city for 20 years?

  
Had Ali been crying for half an hour?  
Had he been waiting for her for two days?     
Had it been raining here since morning?  
 
Had they been struggling for many years?

  
   
 not  subject  Had    (5)
  been
Had she not been living in this city for 20 years?

  

Had I not been teaching for three hours?   
  
   How long
How long had she been living in this city?   

Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  '' 
   
   V4Will have been Tense (1)
    Tenses  Tense  
   ''   
The children will have been running for ten minutes.

  
The doctors will have been protesting for ten days.

     

They will have been painting this room for an hour.

 
  
We will have been hunting for two days.   
He will have been repeating the same question for 20 minutes.

   
  
   will not have been (2)
The children will not have been running for ten minutes.

  
The doctors will not have been protesting for ten days.

    

They will not have been painting this room for an hour.

 
  
We will not have been hunting for two days.
  
He will not have been repeating the same question for 20 minutes.

    
  
 subject     will    (3)
 have been
Will the children have been running for ten minutes?

  
Why will the doctors have been protesting for ten days?

     

Why will she have been asking these types of questions for half an


    


Who or whom?
 
 subject
  who (1)
Who told you? 
Who likes her?  
 
Who will win today's match?   
  
     whom 
  
   whom (2)
 
 object
Whom do you want meet?    
Whom do you want to marry?  
 
  
Whom do you love?  

who  object Modern English    whom (3)
   who        
  
  
   who  object   
Who do you want meet?    
Who do you want to marry?  
 
  
Who are you talking to?  
 
Who do you love?   
Who will you vote for?  
Who are you waiting for?   
I am waiting for my friends.     
Who helped you?  
    
Ali helped me.   
 subjectAli
Who did you help? 
    object 
I helped Ali.   
 object Ali

UNIT NO . 23
Active and Passive Voice
passive voice
  active voice       subject      
 
 passive voice   object 
by 
  subject
passive voice
 
  
    
  
  subject 
  passive voice 
 
     
         
 
 object          
  passive voice  subject 
   subject  
   object   subject   subject 
      
 
    
   passive voice
 
   
    
  subject 
 object       
      
   object 
   
  passive Voice     
  
  V3
The thief has been arrested.  
  
 subject by   
  subject 
The thief has been arrested by the police.

  I/we/he/she/they  
  me/them/her/him/us by

This book was written by me/them/us/her/him. 

This book was written by I/they/we/she/he. 

   
     
 
 translate      
      passive voice 
  active voice     
  
object subject  objectsubject 
  passive voice

 object    ''  
 ''   subject
  ''
  ''

   subject  P.V 
  A..V  
  
 
                 
  object  
 subject
       '' 
   ''  
      Object

   object 
 
    
  passive voice subject
  
    
 
  subject  decoration
  subject 
  subject  active voice     active voice  
 
 subject   
  subject   
      object 
  

   object    

  
 
   
  passive voice  
   subject
 object 
 
    

   subject
   
   

   object 
 
  
   
   subject  object 
    
  P.V
 passive voice   P.Vactive voice   A.V 
 
   
  
  
  
 
  
    verb 
 
   
  
 
     
            
  passive voice    
  Passive voice
  Active voice  
 
  
    
  
    
  
  subject 
                              
  object 
                              
 passive voice
  active voice 
                              
 
  
   passive voice
  passive voice
                                            
 
     
"   
    
   '' 
 
      
  passive voice object subject
We were kicked out of the house and we were deprived of our

fundamental rights.

    
   active voice   object  subject 
 

   object  subject  
 
   

   Subject
 object  
  
   
       passive voice ''   
  '' 
 
   
          subject object
 '' '' 
This room will be decorated tomorrow.

Direct and Indirect object

 
 indirect objectdirect object   object 
 
 Indirect object 
 direct object
         objects          
 object 
  
 
      objects

   object 
  
  
  
 object
 
   
   
  
 object 
   objects
  
  
   
  
 Direct object
 Indirect object
   
       object        
 
  
    subject   
subject subject
    
 
 
   
  indirect object    direct object    
 
 
Ali gave his book to me.

 toindirect object
Ali gave me his book.

  
Show his picture to me.

Show me his picture.

  
      objects  passive voice 
 
 direct object   object 
  
 
to indirect object
 
 objects
A booklet was given to Ali.

 
 to   direct object      indirect object 
 
Ali was given a booklet.

Present Indefinite Tense

(Passive Voice)
present indefinite tense    (1)
 present     
   (P.V)
 
''     
  '' 
       (2)
 
Object + is/are/am + V3.

We are ignored.  
 
 
New books are sold here.   
I am helped.   
You are forced.  
They are bribed.   
  notis/are/am (3)
We are not ignored.   
 
New books are not sold here.  
you are not forced.  
I am not helped.  
They are not bribed.  
object     is/are/am  (4)

 V3 
Are they ignored?   
  
Are new books sold here? 
Are you forced?  
Are they bribed?   
Is this room cleaned daily?    
 
 '''' 
 object  Is/are/am  (5)
  not
Are you not helped?  
Are new books not sold here? 
Why is this room not cleaned daily?   
 

Past Indefinite Tense

(Passive Voice)
 past    
  past indefinite tense (P.V)  (1)
 
  is,are,am  Present Indefinite Tense (Passive voice) (2)
  were wasTense 
  
   
 
Object + was/were + V3.

False promises were made to the nation.    

She was deceived. 
  
They were forgiven. 
  
Qasim was arrested.  
 
We were forced. 
They were bribed.  
  notwas/were  (3)
She was not deceived. 
  
They were not forgiven.  
Qasim was not arrested.  
 
We were not forced. 
They were not bribed.  
object     was/were  (4)

 V3 
Were false promises made to the nation?   
Was Qasim arrested?  
 
Were they bribed? 
Were you asked about your elder brother?

 
    
 '''' 
object  was/were  (5)
  not
Were they not forgiven?  
Were false promises not made to the nation?

  
Why was Qasim not arrested?  
 

Future Indefinite Tense

(Passive Voice)
 (1)
 future indefinite tense (P.V)   future 
  
 
''      '' 
     (2)
 
Object+ will be + V3.

You will be invited to the party.   

 
The new books will be sent to him tomorrow.     
The correct answer to this question will be given later.

  
 
The final match will be played in Lahore.  
False accusations of corruption will be made against you.

    

  notbewill (3)
You will not be invited to the party.   
 
The new books will not be sent to him tomorrow.

    
The final match will not be played in Lahore.   

False accusations of corruption will not be made against you.

    

The correct answer to this question will not be given later.

 
 
  (4)
Will + object + be + V3?

  '''' 
Will + object + not + be + V3?

Will you be invited to the party?   

Will the new books be sent to him tomorrow?

  
Will the final match not be played in Lahore?

Will false accusations of corruption not be made against you?

    

Will the correct answer to this question be given later?

 
 
Why will the final match not be played in Lahore?

 

Present Continuous Tense

(Passive Voice)
 (1)
present continuous       present 

   tense (P.V)

 
''      ''
    (2)

   is/are/am present indefinite tense P.V (3)
 being is/are/am    being Tense  
  present continuous tense P.V
 
Object + is/are/am + being + V3.

He is punished.    

  Present Indefinite Tense P.V
  Present Continuous Tense P.V
He is being punished.     
 
 being am
am  
 Present Continuous Tense (P.V)  
   
He is being insulted.     
Difficult questions are being asked.   
We are being introduced.   
  
False rumors are being spread.    
These children are being sent to private schools.
   
  notbeing  is/are/am(4)
Object + is/are/am + not + being + V3.

He is not being insulted.   

We are not being intimidated.   
 
We are not being encouraged.   
   
False rumors are not being spread.     
 (5)
  being objectis/are/am
Is/are/am + object + being + V3.

Is he being insulted?     

Are we being intimidated?    
 
Are false rumors being spread?   
Are difficult questions being asked?  
 (6)
(object)  not'''' 
  being 
Are you not being helped?    
Why is he not being punished?    
Why are we not being allowed?   

Past Continuous Tense

(Passive Voice)
 (1)
 past continuous tense (P.V)  past      
  
 
''   ''
    (2)
 is/are/am+being   Present Continuous Tense Passive voice
   Past Continuous Tense Passive voice     
   was/were+being
The eggs are being boiled.     
 
The eggs were being boiled.    
 
He was being insulted.     
We were being introduced.   
  
False rumors were being spread.    
Difficult questions were being asked.  
  notbeingwas/were  (3)
He was not being insulted.     
We were not being intimidated.   
 
False rumors were not being spread.   
We were not being encouraged.    
  
  (4)
Was/were + object + being + V3?
Were we being intimidated?   
 
Were false rumors being spread?    
Was he being insulted?    
Why was he being punished?    
Why were we not being allowed?   

Present Perfect Tense

(Passive Voice)
 
Present Perfect    (1)
            
   Tense (P.V)
 
 
        
      (2)
  
Object + has/have been +V3.

The fine has been paid. 

    
He has been expelled from the college. 
    
He has been released on bail. 
    
 
Two new schools have been built in our village.

     

  been nothas/have (3)
The fine has not been paid.   
  
He has not been expelled from the college.   
 
He has not been released on bail.  
   
Two new schools have not been built in our village.

     

  (4)
Has/ have + object + been + V3?

Has the fine been paid? 

    
Has he been expelled from the college? 
     
Has he been released on bail?     
 
Have two new schools been built in our village?

    

 (5)
  '''' 
Has/ have + object + not + been + V3?

Has the fine not been paid?   

  
Why has he not been expelled from the college?

  
 

Past Perfect Tense

(Passive Voice)
 had beentense   has/have beentense(1)
 
         
''         (2)
The rent had been paid before he threatened.

     

He had been released on bail before you called.

  
   

Two new schools had been built in this village before I retired.

     

He had been expelled from the college before we talked to the


    

  been nothad  (3)
The rent had not been paid before he threatened.

   

 
He had not been released on bail before you called.

     

Two new schools had not been built in this village before I retired.
    
He had not been expelled from the college before we talked to the


   

  
  (4)
Had + object + been + V3?

Had the rent been paid before he threatened?

    

Had he been released on bail before you called?

   
   

Had two new schools been built in this village before I retired?

    

Had he been expelled from the college before we talked to the


    


Future Perfect Tense

(Passive Voice)
 will have been+V3      had been  tense  (1)
 

  ''     ''
    (2)
The fine will have been paid by the end of this month.

    
 
He will have been released on bail by Thursday.

  
  
Two new schools will have been built in our village by next year.

  
     
This book will have been written by August. 
   
  have been notwill (3)
The fine will not have been paid by the end of this month.

     
 
Two new schools will not have been built in our village by next


   

  
He will not have been released on bail by Thursday.

  
  
This book will not have been written by August.
 
   
  (4)
Will + object + have been + V3?

Will the fine have been paid by the end of this month?

    
  
Will he have been released on bail by Thursday?

 
  
Will two new schools have been built in our village by next year?

  
    
Will this book have been written by August?

 
  
 (5)
  '''' 
Will + object + not + have been + V3?

Will this book not have been written by August?

 

Has/have to, Had to and Will have to + V1
 
   
 
 
 
 
  (1)
      
 
      
''         Has/Have to + V1 
 
 '' 
 
,    
I have to go home.  
 
I have to wait for the bus.  
 
I have to wash my clothes by hand.     
 had to + V1    
 
    (2)
        
 ''
 
 ''  
''    
I had to sell my house.   
I had to remain hungry.   
 will have to + V1   
 
   (3)
      
 
 ''
  
''    
You will have to admit defeat.   
   
You will have to pay tax.  
 
 
  
   (4)
     
did not have      don't have to+ V1 
 past
   will not have to + V1  to + V1
 future
I don't have to wait for the bus.

I don't have to wash my clothes by hand.

I didn't have to work on this project.

You will not have to pay tax.

  is/are/am having to + V1     (5)

       
   may have to + V1 
 
    
I may have to go to Lahore tonight.  
   
I am having to go to Lahore.   

Let and Let's

 (1)
   Let      
    
 '' ''
  (2)

Let + me/him/her/them/us + V1.

Let me go.   

Let me play.  
Let me talk to him.    
 
Let me speak.  
Let him come in.  
  
Let us investigate.   
Let me sleep.   
Live and let live.  
  Don'tLet (3)
Don't let him come in.  
  
Don't let your kids play outside.  
  

form   Let             Let (4)
 let
I won't let you go.   
My wife didn't let me buy a new car. 
   
 
My brother doesn't let me go out at night.

 
    

  
  let  to   V1let  (5)
 to   V1  V1let me/us/him/you  
 
I won't let this happen.   
I won't let you flee.   

I won't let you to flee. 

     (1)
    /
  V1 Let's 
Let's go.   
Let's play cricket.   
 
Let's tease them.     
Let's have breakfast.  
Let's go home.    
Let's chase after him.    
   Let's not (2)
Let's not criticise the government.

Let's not talk about those who left us.


Used to + V1
   used to + V1
 
 
     
 
 
  
      
      
    
 
    
  ''
  
 
   
      
He used to ask me about you.  
  
 
We used to play here. 
They used to live in Lahore but they now live in Karachi.

 
   didn't use to + V1
He didn't use to ask me about you.  
  
 
   never 
My parents never used to hit me.

Used to be

 /

There used to be a cinema here.   
 
He used to be my intimate friend.  
 
There used to be thousands of books in that library.

 
    

Used to have 
I used to have long hair. 
He used to have an old car.    
 
Ali used to have a computer.  

Be used to doing something

 
   form ingis/are/am used to  
I am used to living alone.    
We are used to hearing false stories.  
  
I am used to washing my clothes by hand.

    

Get used to doing something

  /
 
   formingget/got used to
Ayesha got used to waiting for him.      
You will soon get used to living alone.      
You will get used to walking to school.

    

Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
 reflexive pronouns (1)
Myself, ourselves, himself, herself, themselves, yourself, yourselves


 objectsubject 
      reflexive pronoun (2)
 
              
   object
 me myselfI
 
 '' 
 ''    (3)
I asked myself.    
  me object  subject
He asked me.  
 
verbsubject  reflexive pronoun (4)
they herselfshe  ourselves we   myselfI (5)
  yourself youhimselfhethemselves
We introduced ourselves.  
 
She loves herself.  
They held themselves responsible for the accident.

 
   
He talks to himself when he is alone.

 
 
   
You are intentionally tantalizing yourself.  
 
   itself
  (6)
The cat hides itself under the table.  

Yourself or Yourselves?
   
  
   
  yourself (7)
   yourself     
     
  yourselves   
   
Tell me something about yourself.

Tell me something about yourselves.

 
   herself
 himself   (8)
   themselves
Asif considers himself lucky to have a close relationship with the


Ayesha considers herself lucky to have a close relationship with the


These people consider themse lves lucky to have a close

relationship with the manager.

Intensive Pronouns
 
         (1)
  
          

intensive pronouns   
   
emphatic pronouns
 reflexive pronouns  intensive pronouns (2)
Myself, himself, herself, themselves, yourself, yourselves, itself,


   
 '' ''   (3)
   subject subject     intensive pronoun (4)

   
I myself saw him.   
I myself have more than two hundred books.

  
I will ask him myself.   
He himself told me his name.  
 
She herself doesn't know.   
They themselves caught him stealing the mobile.

 
 
You will admit defeat yourself.  
We ourselves are not satisfied with your performance.

    

The cat opened the door itself.   
  
 by + myself/himself/herself (5)
I live in this house by myself.    
He made all the arrangements by himself.

     


Relative Pronouns
   relative pronouns who,that,which,whose (1)
   
 
 
 
 
  
 
The boy who you were arguing with is my friend.
   
 (The boy is my friend.)   
    
    
    '' '' 
    
 
  who you were arguing with
  
 
 relative clause  
 (2)
The boy who you were arguing with is my friend.
 ''   ''    thatwho (3)
 
  
The boy who you were arguing with is my friend.
  
 
The girl who/that    met me yesterday lives nearby.
   
I am grateful to all those who   helped me.

     
The man who   
 was murdered two days ago was a doctor
by profession.
 
    
The boy who has been appointed as English teacher at this school
is highly educated.
  
 
The girl who/that I love is very beautiful.
 
   
The people who Usman lives with are very generous.
  
The boy who/that wants to marry Ayesha works in a factory.
 
  
 
   
The boys who/that threw stones at the police have been arrested.
 
    
Have you contacted the boy that Ali was telling you about?
  
 
The girl who was accused of stealing the mobile is very innocent.
   
  ''   
  ''   whichthat (4)
 
Where are the eggs that were in the fridge?   
  
The story which you wrote is so interesting.
  
Was that your neighbor's dog which bit you?
    
I forgot to bring the book that you gave me yesterday.
 
       
I'm watching the video which you sent me last night.
    
    ''   ''    whose (5)
The girl whose car was stolen yesterday is the daughter of
Hameed Khan.
  
The house whose windows are broken is mine.
  
I don't know the girl whose sister you were playing with.
   
Can you help the woman whose son was abducted last week?
 
  
   
What, Where and When
''  ''   What  
 '' ''   Where
   ''  When 
'' 
This is the place where we used to meet. 
We then moved to America, where we lived for six years.
  
When I have five hundred rupees, I will buy new shoes.
    
 
When he comes here, I will tell you.    
Pay attention to what I am saying.  
I know what you are telling me is not true.
   

May and Might
   
         might may (1)
  V1 

  
''  
 ''     ''
''    (2)

It may/might rain today.  
  
He may/might go to Lahore tonight.      
There may be 50 boys in the room.    
He might be in his room.     
She might have a fever. 
  
I may be a little late. 
   
   may/might not (3)
I may not be here next week.      
There may not be 50 boys in the room.    
It might not be Ali's car.   
It might not be the final decision. 
 
   may/might be + V3  (4)
Passive Voice
You may be asked about your family.

  
   
This car may/might be sold next month.     
  
She may be disinherited.   
   
He may be suspended.  
  
     
   
  might may 
  
   
    May    
       (5)

  May
May I come in? 
 
May we go home?   
You may go now.  
 
 
  May  (6)
May God bless you.   
May Allah protect you from the evil eye.  
 

May/might be + V4
 
       
   
       
          
 
 may/might be + V4
He may be waiting for us.    
     
He may be sleeping.  
The children might be playing. 
She may be talking on the phone. 
 

Might have + V3
      (1)
    
   may/might have+V3  
He may have forgotten.  
  
It might have rained yesterday.  
 
It might not have rained yesterday.   
 
They might have sold their car.  
  
 (2)
    may/might have been + V3 Passive Voice
He may/might have been intimidated. 
    
He might have been compelled.  
 
He may have been discharged from the hospital last week.

      

Can and Could
    
      
    can (1)

 
  V1can   
 
I can speak English fluently. 
 
He can run fast.   
We can win. 
  
I can help you.   
I can give you the correct answer to this question.

   
   
        cannot 
   can't  (2)
   
  

I can't speak English fluently. 
 
He can't run fast.  
We can't win. 
 
He cannot lie to me.  
I can't help you.   
  subject    can (3)
Can you speak English fluently? 
 
Can he run fast?   
Can we win? 
 
Can you help me?  
Can you hold your breath for two minutes?

  
     Question Word      
  (4)
 Subjectnot'''' 
Can you not speak English fluently? 
 
How can we defeat them?  
Why can we not win? 
  

Can be + V3
   can be + V3Passive Voice (5)
      can    can't be + V3
      '' 
''      be+V3   object 
 

They can speak English. (Active Voice)

English can be spoken by them. (Passive Voice)

This problem can be solved.  

This problem can't be solved. (Negative)  
Can this problem be solved? (Interrogative)   
This poem can be memorized within ten minutes.

  
  
 
This poem can't be memorized within ten minutes.

   
 
 
Can this poem be memorized within ten minutes?

  
  
 
 
           can   (6)
 can
Can I ask you a question?  
  
Can we go out? 
  

Can I play with my friends?  
 could 
      (7)
Could I use your phone?  
Yes, you can   
  No, you can't 
 
Usman: Could I use your phone?

Ali: Yes, you can/No, you can't.

Could + V1 and Could not + V1

  
     
  (1)
   
    could +V1 

My grandfather could speak five languages.

   
  
When I was in America, I could earn 500 dollars every week.

   
 
When I was seven years old, I could run faster than you.

    
 
He was not deaf. He could hear everything.

 /
 / 
  
 
   
      
  (2)
'' 
      could not + V1
 
I couldn't remain silent.  
He chased after the thief but couldn't catch him.

   

I was so ill that I couldn't even stand up.     
I could not recognise him.    
Before I came to England, I couldn't speak English fluently.

   
He couldn't see anything because he was blind.

     

Could not be + V3
      could not be +V3  Passive Voice  (3)
 

A new house couldn't be bought for want of money.

    
  
This road could not be repaired last year.  
These books could not be printed.   
  could+V1    (4)
 
You could ask your teacher about this.   
If you are free, you could learn English. 
  

Could have + V3
 Could have + V3 
 
    

  
You could have helped me. 
 
 
I could have deceived you.  
 
He could have been famous.  
 
You could at least have informed me.   
 
You could have cooperated with us.  
 
 

Could have been + V3

   could have been Passive Voice
You could have been given another chance.   
 
 

You could have been helped.  
  
The government could have been overthrown last year.

  
  

  
    
   should (1)
   
    should     
      
  
 
not should        V1 should (2)
 
  should
 
 ''''
  (3)

You should learn English.  
You should admit your mistakes.   
You should be at home. 
We should not expect anything from others.

 
There should be a security guard outside the bank.

 
     
You should not break off the engagement.  
Should we meet them again?  
 
Should we participate in the competition?  
Should I respond to his letter?   
          
      (4)
 
    should
Where should I go now?  
What should I do now?  
Should I open the window? 

Should be + V3
   should be + V3 passive voice (1)
   should not be + V3 (2)
  Should + Object + be + V3 (3)
They should be given a chance. 
 
 
They should be forgiven.  
This book should be translated into Urdu. 
 
   
They should not be forgiven. 
 
This building should not be pulled down.  
Should this building be pulled down? 
  
Should this book be translated into Urdu?

    
What else should be taught in our educational institutes?

    

Should have + V3
 
should have + V3   (1)
  
 
should not have + V3  (2)
   
     should  
 
 '' ''
  (3)

You should have apologized to your brother.

  
 
You should have been there.  
You should not have quit your job.  
You should have contacted me.  
You should not have made this type of mistake.

 
What should I have done?  
 
Should I not have gone there?  

Should have been + V3

  should have been + V3  Passive voice
This car should have been sold.  
  
They should have been given another chance.

 
 
 
This book should have been translated into Urdu.

  
 
This building shouldn't have been pulled down.

  
The dog should have been tied to that tree.

     
These players should not have been included in the team.

     



        
 (1)

    
   
    birthday 
      
  

     
      
    

   mustsure
 future 
 
  (2)

must        present 
  ''''
  

He must be rich.  
       
 
He must be busy.  
     
He must be at home.  
He must have a fever.   
There must be around 30,000 people in the stadium.

  
  

   can't  (3)

    
  
He can't be at home.  
    
He can't have a large house. He's very poor.

  
  
  
  
 / 
  
      (4)
 
   must
  must + V1 
  must not + V1   (5)
 
You must contact her once. 
 
 

You must read Qasim Ali Shah's books.

   
  
You must go to school. 
 
You must not go there alone.  
     

You must not talk to your mother like that.

 
 

Must be + V4
  
    present         (1)
  
Subject + must be + V4 + Object.

 
  (2)
    
         
 
He must be doing his homework.  
She must be dyeing her hair.     
He must be joking.    
  
They must be quarrelling with one another.

 
     can't be + V4 Negative  (3)
     
  
     
   
 
  
  
Waseem can't be playing football.

Must have + V3
must have + V3      
            
      
 
   
 
  sure
  
He must have been busy.  
It must have rained last night.   
 
He must have bought a new mobile. 
  
You must have heard my name?  
There must have been around 30,000 people in the stadium.
  
  

  
     
 
 
   
 
He must have stolen this mobile.  
 

Must have been + V3

  must have been +V3 Passive Voice
He must have been murdered.  
 
The books must have been hidden under the table.

 
This book must have been published in December.

  
   

Can't/couldn't have + V3
  
    
       
  
Subject + can't/couldn't + have + V3 + Object.

           

   
         
     
 
My brother couldn't have met you.

 
     
  
You can't have bought these books this morning because the shops

were closed.

Must or Might?
   must sure 
    
       might 
may   

  
  
 
   
  
      might     
    
   
He might have forgotten.  
  
      must  
  
       
   
      
      
 
 

   must       
  
    95%
  
It must have been my brother because nobody else has my number

and he said, ''I would call.''

    

 

Must have had to + V1

 must have had to + V1      
      
  
You must have had to wait for them.  
    
You must have had to go alone.   
  

Conditional Sentences 
  
 (1)
 
      ''
 '''' ''  (2)
 (3)
   comma    If  If   
 
 main clause If-clause If (4)
If-clause main clause

If I have time, I will contact you.   

 
 (5)
comma   main clauseIf-clause

 
I will contact you if I have time.  
    
    (6)
1. Zero Conditional

2. The First Conditional

3. The Second Conditional

4. The Third Conditional

5. Mixed Conditional

The Second Conditional

  Second Conditional   (7)
     
    Second Conditional 
 
    
   .1
  
   .2
   
   
 
  .3
 imagine   
 
  
  
    
 
    
 
     
   
    
    chances   
   
  
    2nd conditional   
    
    '' 
''      (8)
  
 '' '' 
    
   
  V2
,were+V4,were,had If-clause (9)

 
were not,did not have,did not+V1    If (10)
 
would+V1, would be + V4, Would be main clause (11)
   would have
If I were the prime minister of Pakistan, I would take strict action

against corrupt people.

   
   
  
   
  
   Second Conditional
 
If I had his number, I would call him.

 
  
 
  
     
           
 
       
 
If I did not have a fever, I would play with you.

   
 
    did not have to
If I did not have to do my homework, I would play with you.

  
 
 
If my brother were here, he would help us.

 
   
 
If I were rich, I would also have a lot of friends.

 
  
    
    
   
  
 
 
If I knew, I would tell you.  
  
 
If I were not busy, I would go with you.  
  
 
 
If my friends were here, I wouldn't be sitting alone.

   
   
 
 
If I were your father, I would not let you go out at night.

 
    
 
 
What would you do if you had to live in England illegally?

     

   
    past tense   
  (12)
 
    didn't had,V2,were  2nd conditional  
   present  
 2nd conditional   
  
 
were, had   2nd conditional 
 
     present
 didn't

If I were rich, I would help the poor.

    

       
 
If I had his number, I would call him.

     
    
   
  
  
   
  3rd conditional
 past
 
 he,she,it,I     was   2nd conditional (13)
 were 
If he were here, he would help us.

If she were rich, she would buy a new car.

If it were not raining, we would be playing.

he, she, itinformal writing conversation

  was 
If he was here, he would help us.

If she was rich, she would buy a new car.

If it was not raining, we would be playing.

If I were you       (14)
 
  
If I were you, I would forgive them.    
 
What would you do if you were me? 
   
   could 
 might main clause 2nd conditional  (15)

If Usman were here, he might help us.   
    
If Usman were here, he could help us.    
  

The First Conditional

   
    (1)
  
   2nd conditional  
  

  
 
 
  
   
 
  
   first conditional 
 chances
 
 
first conditional (2)
  
   
  
2nd conditional
 
 
       
 
    
   2nd conditional (3)
 2nd conditional       
 
   
 
   
      
 
  
   
   
    first conditional   
  
 chances 
 
  
''  
   (4)
 

  
       
 
Present Indefinite Tenseif-clause  (5)

 
  will + v1main clause 
 
If he calls today, I'll talk about you.

 
  
   
If I have time, I will contact you.   
 
If I am not busy, I will go with you. 
     
If he does not work hard, he will not succeed.

  
If you respect me, I will respect you.

   
If it rains, we will stay at home. 
  

If you go to school, I will give you thirty rupees.

  
If he comes, I will tell him.     
If I go to the market, I'll bring some toys for you.

 
    
 
  ''  '' 
       (6)
    ''
 ''             
  
   ''
 ''
     Present Indefinite Tense
   Present Indefinite Tense  
  30 
    

If you work hard, you will succeed. 

If you will work hard, you will succeed. 

If you go to school, I will give you 30 rupees. 

If you will go to school, I will give you 30 rupees. 

The Third Conditional

       
  
  3rd Conditional (1)
 
  
         
 
    
  
 
  
      
   late  
inform 
 
    
   
   late
 
   
  '' 
''     (2)
 
 
   had + V3If-clause 3rd Conditional (3)
  would have + V3main clause (4)
   had not + V3If-clause (5)
  would not have + V3main clause (6)
If you had informed me on time, I would not have been late.

  
   
  late  /  
 
If you had not informed me on time, I would have been late.

  
 
   
 late  /  
 
If I had known you were coming, I would have made some


  

     
 
If you had contacted him, he would have helped you.

      
   
If it had not rained yesterday, we would have completed our work.

  
        
   
If my grandfather had been rich, he would have had a large house.

   
  
 
    been form ''
been  ''  
   be
 
If I had had your number, I would have called you.

  
  
  
 
    had form  ''
  
''     Have
  had
If I hadn't had a fever, I would have taken part in the competition.

      
 
If Ali and Usman had not been absent yesterday, there would have

been 40 boys in the room.

   40  
If I hadn't had to do my homework, I would have played with you.

  
   
 
 
If you had tried, you would have succeeded.

    
    might 
  might   could  would  (7)

 could
If you had tried, you might have succeeded.

     
 
If you had tried, you could have succeeded.

  
  
 

Zero Conditional
       
    
  Zero Conditional (1)
    
       
      
   
    
 
 
 '' / / 
''    (2)
 
     
 
 '' 
 
 
Present Indefinite Tenseif-clause  (3)
 
    has,have,am
 
  Present Indefinite Tensemain clause (4)
If we scold him, he begins crying.    
  
If I am busy, I don't reply to anyone.

  
If he is free, he plays with his friends.

   
If his friends praise him, he gets happy.
   
 
If my children lie to me, I beat them up.

  
My friends laugh if I speak English.  
   
 '' ''
   when  '' '' 
 (5)
When I come back, I will tell you.    
When I am busy, I don't reply to anyone.

   
  imperative sentence
  If-clause (6)
  
Stand up if you don't know the answer.   

If Ali comes here, give him my old books.

     

   
    
     Zero Conditional (7)
 
 
     
      
      
  

First Conditional or Zero Conditional?

  
  
     First Conditional
      
         
 
    
  
  Zero Conditional   
 
       
   
future zero conditional    
   
 
  
  
  
Zero Conditional       
 
  
    
    
     
 First Conditional
     

Mixed Conditional
   
         Mixed Conditional (1)
   
 
      
 
  
  
 
          
 
   had + V3if-clause (2)
would+V1, would be + V4, Would be main clause (3)

   would have

If you had not quit the job, you would not be jobless now.

       
If you had married that rich woman, you would be living in

England now.

 
     
    
If you had married that rich woman, you would also be rich today.

 
   
    
If my father hadn't started his own business, we wouldn't have

these expensive cars today.

   
     
  

Will have to, would have to, would have had to...
 will have to + V1   1st conditional    ''    (1)
''  

  
If it rains, we will have to cancel the match.

  
   

 would have to + V1    ''
 
''   2nd conditional
 (2)
  
If I were not handicapped, I would not have to beg.

  
 would have had to + V1  ''
 3rd conditional
 (3)
  
If it had rained, we would have had to cancel the match.

 
   

Passive Conditional
 Passive Voice  P.V    Zero Conditional (1)
  is/are/am+V3  P.Vif
 P.V 
   is/are/am+V3
If he is scolded, he begins crying.   
   
If he teases others, he is punished. 
    
  1st Conditional   (2)
  is/are/am+V3  P.Vif
 P.V 
   will be + V3
If I'm invited to the party, I will go.  
   
If it rains, the match will be cancelled.   
  

   2nd Conditional  
 P.V  2nd Conditional   (3)
would be + V3     were + V3   if
 
What would you do if you were fired?

   

  
If I had a private school, you would be appointed as English


 
  
 
  3rd Conditional 
 (4)
     had been + V3   P.V if
  P.V    
    would/could/might have been + V3
If he had been insulted, he would not have come here again.

 
   
   
If you had contacted him, you would have been helped.

    
If you had contacted him, you could have been helped.

  
    
If you had contacted him, you might have been helped.

   
   

  
 

if-clause present 
  ''  (1)
 '' 
  would be+V4main clause were+V4
 (2)
  would not be+V4 were not+V4
If it were raining, we would not be playing.

   

If it were not raining, we would be playing.

    

  
If-clause ''
 ''
   (3)
  had been + V4
  would have been + V4main clause (4)
If Muhammad Amir had been playing, Pakistan would have won

the match.

      

  
If Muhammad Amir had not been playing, Pakistan could not have


   
   
If we had lost something, we would have been crying.

 
 
 

I wish...
I wish I had...
 
      present  
  did not have    I wish I had
I wish I had my own car.    
I wish I had five sons.  
  
I wish I had new books.  
I wish I had a large house.  
I wish I didn't have a fever.  
 
I wish I didn't have interest in politics.  
  

I wish I had had...

     
        
   
   had had
I wish I had had new books.  
 
I wish I had had another chance.   
 
I wish I had had a camera.  
I wish I had had five minutes.  

I wish I were...
  
  were subject  
        
 I, it, he, she  
I wish I were rich.  
I wish I were the president of Pakistan.  
 
I wish you were here.  
I wish I were a doctor.  
I wish it were Sunday today.  
    
  was singular subject   wish 
  
rule 
   
  follow rule    
I wish my father was alive. 
 

I wish I had been...

   had been 

I wish my grandfather had been rich.   
 
I wish you had been here.  
I wish I hadn't been ill last month.  
 
I wish I had been at home last night.  

I wish + Subject + V2...

I wish I knew her number.  
  
I wish I lived in England.  
 
I wish I gave you everything.  
 
     past tense   
     
  had    
    present
had    present 
    
    have   
   V2were

I wish I have a car. 

I wish I had a car. 

I wish know her number. 

I wish I knew her number. 

I wish I am taller. 

I wish I was/were taller. 

I wish I had + V3...

I wish I had not + V3...

           
  had + V3  
 
   
         
   had not + V3 
I wish I had not left her.  
 
I wish I had not bought this expensive car. 
  
 
I wish I had not allowed the kids to play out.

 
    
I wish I had taken advantage of this opportunity.

   
I wish I had helped my friend.   
 

I wish I could...
 
   present   
 /     
   could 
I wish I could hear.  
I wish I could help the poor.  
I wish I could meet her again.   
 
 

I wish I could have + V3

 
            
     
   could have + V3
I wish I could have met her again.   
 
I wish I could have fulfilled your desire.  
I wish I could have given the correct answers to his questions.

 
  

I wish I didn't have to...

 didn't have to + V1    ''
 
  
''    
 present 
  
I wish I didn't have to work today.  
   
I wish I didn't have to beg.  

   
 Present
I wish it were not raining.    
I wish I was wearing new clothes.    
 If only  I wish
 
If only I had something to eat.  
 
If only my children had new clothes to wear.

   


I wish there was/were...

   
 Present
I wish there were five thousand rupees in my pocket.

  
    
I wish there was a hospital in this village.    

I wish you wouldn't...

   would     
I wish you wouldn't drive so fast.

I wish you wouldn't say things like that.

I wish my parents would stop criticizing me.


A, An and The
     Articles TheA, An (1)
1) Indefinite article (a, an)

2) Definite article (the)

   
           Indefinite (2)
   indefinite articlea/an
  
    
       (3)
       
   
 
 
    a/an
     
         
  
 
  a book  
I want to buy a book.

   
 
  (4)
  
    definite article (the)

   
   
  

  
     
    
    
     the book   
    
  
I want to buy the book.

the  
    a/an 
    (5)
She likes a boy. The boy is very beautiful.
 
  
I read a story yesterday. The story was very interesting.

   
  a/an    (6)
profession 
He is a doctor.  
 
I am an English teacher.  
   a/an  
  (7)
 
Hand me a pencil.    

 
  
  
uncountable noun countable 
 (8)
 
  
  noun   countable noun
  
   pencils pencilbooks  book 
 
   
    noun  uncountable noun
 
  
 
 
 
  
    
     
 
 
  
    

 uncountable noun gold 
     
  the  
   singular countable noun    a/an
 a boy  
     plural countable noun  singular
a boys
  the boys
 the boy
a milk 
a water  uncountable noun   A/An (9)
 the    uncountable noun    a/an     (10)
 
 uncountable noun 
The milk is in the fridge.  
   
  the  plural noun 
  (11)
The children who Ali was playing with were very naughty.

 
  
        
      
  
 
the children
 
 
the first, second, third...(12)

Who was the first prime minister of Pakistan?  
   a/an/the     
language    (13)
 
  the  

I want to learn English. 

I want to learn the English language. 

I want to learn an/the English. 

 (14)
     a/an nounadjective 

He is an intelligent. 

He is intelligent. 
 (15)
   a/an  noun adjective 
He is an intelligent boy.

   '' a/an (16)

He asked me a question. 
 
I have a sister. 
 
 poor  
 plural noun    the adjective  (17)
the poor the 
   
 
the famous famous  the richrich
  the injured injured 
The rich should help the poor. 
The injured were taken to a nearby hospital.

  
  

a or an?
    an 
    a   (18)
 
  an           pronunciation
  amazing  
 ''  
  an      ''
Amazing 

This is an amazing movie.

Honest 
  an     
He is an honest boy.

Interesting 
  an     
I am going to tell you an interesting story.

Idea 
  an     
I have an idea.

Example  
 
  an    
Work hard and set an example for others.

American 
  an     
He is an American guy.

Intelligent 

  an    
Ahmad is an intelligent boy.

Extra 
 
  an     
Do you have an extra pen?

Important 
  an     
There's an important message for you.

An MP3 file   SMS  

You will soon receive an SMS.

  anSMSMP3   
   
FIR  
  an      
An FIR has been registered.

 
first information report  FIR
 (19)
  a            
a  mobile           
  
 mobile
 an
      
  a
Mobile 

He has a mobile.

Boring 

  a      

We watched a boring movie.

New 
  a  an      
He bought a new house last year.

Car 
  a  an         
I have a car.

House  
  an      
I have a house.

Speech 
  an     
Ali will make a speech.

    
   an       a,e,i,o,u    (20)
  
   University   U University     

 an  a    

  ''''

Is there a university in this city? 

Is there an university in this city? 

  words    silent   words (21)

  
    silent h honest   a,an
  an  
 
He is an honest man.

 (22)
 adjective       adjective  countable noun
    a/an indefinite article 
He bought an expensive car.

      car   indefinite article  


    
     
       expensive
 
 noun adjective   a/an  
An informative book A boiled egg

 
  articles proper noun (23)

I live in Pakistan. 

I live in a/the Pakistan. 

article your, my, his, her, their, our, its, this, that (24)

I love my sons. 

I love the my sons. 


Apostrophe '  
 
   
  
 
    sApostrophe (1)
 
  
 
 '' ''    (2)
I am Usman's brother.  
This is Ali's car.  
Hamza's wife is very beautiful.  
I'm playing with Naeem's toys.   
I have met Ayesha's sister's husband.   
 
  apostrophe  plural s/es plural noun (3)
 s
 

The boys' books are on the table. 

The boys's books are on the table. 

  

It's your sons' fault. 

It's your sons's fault. 

 

The judges' decision is final. 

The judges's decision is final. 

 s/es plural form   nouns  (4)
 
women  woman     childs  children  child   
irregular nouns  nouns   feet  foot teeth  toothmen  man
   apostrophe      
 irregular plural noun 
 s
Other people's mistakes 
The children's books are in the drawer.   
Women's rights   
Men's health issues 
's   
     
       (5)
 's
  
Nouman and Usman's house   
    
   's    
  (6)
Muhammad Nouman Tariq's house  
today, yesterday, tomorrow, week, month, year, hour, day (7)
 
   's
Today's match   
Yesterday's newspaper    
Tomorrow's fight 
Last week's negotiations 
Twenty days' pay  
Five months' experience  
Three months' rent   
Next year's arrangements    
Eight hours' sleep  
Last Friday's speech 
Who will win today's match?   
Do you have yesterday's newspaper?   
 
 
   'splural form  a,b,c,d letter (8)
There are two m's, two t's and two e's in committee.

       's   (9)

   's 
 '' ''   of  
 
She is the daughter of Zahid.   

 
'' ''  Whose
Whose pen is this?  
It's Ali's.  
Whose car is this?  
It's ours.   

 pronoun 
noun    pronoun 
  
   noun   
 
 preposition  
The book is on the table. 
  booktable   preposition on 
 
 
 pronoun
noun   preposition
About  
  He was talking about his brothers.
 
 
 
  My picture is above yours. 
Above 
 
 
Below   My picture is below yours.

 
 
At  I am at home.  
We first saw each other at a party   
  
Behind   She hid the children behind a tree.
   
   
Besides     What else do you do besides teaching
    
I want to learn two more languages besides English and French.
 
 
 
For  He brought these flowers for me.  
From  Don't hide anything from me.   
In  He is in his room.     
I live in Sahiwal.   
Regarding      
 He never talked to me regarding
his business.
 
  
 
  He went into the room.
Into    
He threw the letters into the fire.   
Near   
    My school is near the bank.
   
Of    The President of Sri Lanka 
 
The responsibility of parents   
Your books are on the table.
On   
 
He was standing on one foot.  
  
 

He gave me nothing on my birthday.  
 
Till/until  We waited for you till/until 12 o'clock.

 
     
 
Outside   I am standing outside your school.
 
   
Inside  What’s inside the box?
  
 
 His hand was over your head.
Over    
They have no control over their children.   
To  Give it to Nouman.   
Under  Put my bag under the table.   
With   He lives with his younger brother.
   
Within   I will return this book to you within two days.
   
Without  Why did you go out without my permission?
 
    
I can't live without you.   
According to  According to his sister, he was abducted on
Monday night.
  
Because of  She left me because of you.
 
  
In front of   Don't quarrel with me in front of the children.
  
 
Instead of   Instead of playing football, you should
concentrate on your studies.
  
 
Out of   Take your hand out of the pocket.  
 
 
Including     You will have to pay seventy thousand
rupees including tax.
  
 70 
Everyone was happy, including me.  
Excluding   We paid seventy thousand rupees
excluding tax.
  
 70  
Between  
    
Write an essay on the recent negotiations between India and
  
  

Among  
 
     
Aslam's property was divided among his heirs.
  
  
After    After my father's death, I worked in a factory for
four years.
   
Before   All the arrangements had been made before the
President's arrival.
   
We will come back before seven o'clock.
  
Before    All are equal before the law.
 
   
Against   We will take stern action against those who violat-
ed the sanctity of the mosque.
    
A conspiracy against the government  
   
Except   We haven't told anyone except Ali's
 
  On behalf of the department, he
On behalf of    
thanked all the senior officers.
 
    
  
Despite 
 Despite all the conspiracies, our traditional rivals
could not defeat us.
  
  
 
Due to    Ali has been absent from school for four days
due to illness.
  
  
From....to    We work from morning to night.

   
We will stay there from Monday to Saturday.
 
Beside  
  
   Don't sit beside the fire.
 
  
At, In and On
 
 
   on
I will meet you on Sunday.    
My brother, Ali, was born on December 15th, 1997.
   1997 15
   at   
   
      ''   ''     
  in
  
 
I get up at five o'clock.   

I started working on this project in 2016.
    
 2016
He was admitted to hospital in July.   
 preposition
     preposition  
  
 of  
What is the answer of this question? 
     noun 
  preposition   answer 
  to of  to
What is the answer to this question? 
  
   
Are you satisfied from my work? 
Are you satisfied with my work? 
 
He is jealous from me. 
He is jealous of me. 
 
What is the solution of this problem? 
What is the solution to this problem? 

What's the reason of this? 
What's the reason for this? 
 
Get out from here. 
Get out of here. 
   
Who is responsible of this accident? 
Who is responsible for this accident? 
 
 
He objects on my work. 
He objects to my work. 
    
Are you afraid from dogs? 
Are you afraid of dogs? 
   /  
He remained loyal with his friends. 
He remained loyal to his friends. 
  
I apologised from her. 
I apologised to her. 
     
Where is the key of this door? 
Where is the key to this door? 
     
 
I bought this car in $2,000. 
I bought this car for $2,000. 
  toengaged married
She is married with Hamza. 
She is married to Hamza. 
I am engaged with Kiran. 
I am engaged to Kiran. 
   preposition   
  
  preposition  
He succeeded in winning the election.   
   
You should concentrate on yor work. 
   
   preposition
angry 
   preposition 
   with
  with 
I am angry with him.   
Who are you angry with?  
 
  
   
  
I am talking to Nouman.   
Who are you talking to? 
 
I am going with Ali.   
Who are you going with?   
I am playing with my friends.   
Who are you playing with? 
He is arguing with his brother.     
Who is he arguing with?  
I learn English from my brother.  
Who do you learn English from?  
I am interested in politics.  
 
What are you interested in?   
I am talking about my teachers.   
   
 
Who are you talking about?  
 
 
I am waiting for my friend.   
   
Who are you waiting for?    
She lives with her sister.   
Who does she live with?  
His brother is in hospital.   
Which hospital is he in?   
I will vote for Malik Arshad.   
Who will you vote for?   
I bought these books from Urdu Bazar. 
  
  
 
Where did you buy these books from? 
 
 
I put my bag under that table.   
Which table did you put your bag under?  
I am afraid of dogs.    
What are you afraid of?    
I sent your picture to my friends. 
   
Who did you send my picture to? 
 
He works for a man named Usman.  
   
 
Who does he work for?  
 
         preposition
 
 
Under which table did you put your bag?

From where did you buy these books?



           

I am neither a doctor nor a lawyer.   
Neither Ayesha nor Saima passed the test.

 
 
He neither met me nor told me anything.  
 
Neither my brother nor I am lying to you.

    

Neither Ali, nor Usman nor Nasir helped me.

 
 
Neither answer is correct.     
 
Ali: I have two mobiles. Which one do you want to buy?

 
 
 
 
Usman: Neither.    
Me neither.    
Ali: I don't like Pakistani movies.  
 
Usman: Me neither.  
   me too  
Ali: I am happy.  
Usman: Me too.  
 either   ''    '' 
''    ''   neither 
 
 
 ''
 ''  ''  ''

Nor 
 
'' ''   nor
He was not at home yesterday, nor the day before yesterday.

 
It was not my fault, nor his.   

Either.....or    
    
Either sit silently or go out.  
   
   
Either you or your brother is lying to us.

    

Either you or I am mad.  
He will sell his bike either to his friend or his brother.

 
    
 

Not only.....but also     
She is not only beautiful but also intelligent.

   
They not only hit me but also snatched my wallet.

    

Her maternal grandfather was not only a writer but also a good


    
 


       
      
Whether you support me or not, I will contest the election.

    
Whether she is rich or poor, she should apologize to us.

    
I don't know whether the guests have arrived or not.

 
 
Ask him whether he wants to learn English or not.

 
  
  
  if.....or     whether.....or   
   
     if whether 
I don't know if the guests have arrived or not.
 
 
Ask him if he wants to learn English or not.

 
  
I don't know if he's coming or not.  
   

Until and Unless

  
''/ ''  UnlessUntil
Wait for me until I come back.    
You can't go out until you have finished your work.

     
 

You can't succeed unless you work hard.

  
 

I'll keep trying until I succeed.   
 
Unless she apologises, I won't forgive her.

   

 
  positive sentenceUntil Unless

You can't succeed unless you work hard. 

You can't succeed unless you don't work hard. 


Improve Your Vocabulary
So      There was nothing to eat, so I had to remain

   

While/Whereas  I am a doctor whereas my brother is a

 
Otherwise  Give my watch back to me, otherwise I will tell my

   

Else 
   I have given you everything. What else do you

     

I am using someone else's computer.  
 
As  As you know that her husband died ten years ago.

 
    
 As far as I know, he is an honest man.
As far as 

      
 
Although  I went to school although it was raining.
   
 
 
 He hasn't started his own business yet.
Yet 
     
  
Still  I still love you.  
   
Also  I am also happy.  
Since  Since I was ill, I didn't go to school.

 
Before  
 Think before you speak.  
After  We go to play cricket after the sun rises.

  
As   I work in this company as a manager.
 
 
Because  I didn't go to school because I was ill.

  
That  He said that he would be busy.   
And  I bought a mobile and a laptop 
  
But  I contacted him but he refused to help me.
 
     
Such   I don't like such women. 
So...that      I was so ill that I couldn't even stand up.
    
Provided that  I will give you one thousand rupees
provided that you tell me where he lives.

    
That's why 

He deceived me that's why I hate him.

 
 
That's what  That's what I am saying.  
That's where  That's where I used to meet her.
 
 
On condition that  I will forgive you on condition that
you don't make this mistake again.

   
   
As soon as    As soon as she saw the snake, she ran away.

 
  
As long as 
 As long as I am with you, you needn't worry.
   

No one can even touch you as long as I am here.

 
As well as    
He as well as I took part in the competition.

  
He is selling his car as well as his house.

   

  
  
    
 
'''' tooas well
Is Nouman coming as well?   
May I come too?  

Make Somebody Do Something
  
 
    
       
   
 
     
   
       
   
   
  +make+  +V1+object.
I will make them cry.   
He made me laugh.  
 
He made me wash his clothes.    
He made me write an application.  
  
Don't make me laugh.   
 Passive voice
Be made to do something

I was made to wait for five hours. 

   

We were made to write an application.  
  
He was made to clean the room. 
  

Get Something Done

        
    
   
  +get+  +V3.
   
     
 
 
I got my hair cut yesterday.  
I got my clothes washed.   
I can't get your problem solved.    
Get my room cleaned.     
Someone else got your brother kidnapped.

 
  
 
      
   
Clean my room.

   get     
Get my room cleaned.

Make and Do
 ''  Make
  do   
 
 Do
What are you doing?

  make       

    do   
 ''     ''   
 ''   
 
  

  make
   
  

Don't make this type of mistake again. 

Don't do this type of mistake again. 

 
 

I am making preparations. 

I am doing preparations. 

 
  adjectivesnouns make 
Make arrangements 
  Make preparations 
Make an 
 Make a complaint 

Make a mistake 
 Make an 

Make somebody 
 Make somebody  
happy angry 
 
Make a change 
 Make somebody 
jealous 

Make a comparison 
   Make a gesture   
 
Make a deal 
 Make a prediction 
 

Make a movement  Make payment

 
 
Make somebody 
 Make somebody rich 

Make progress 
 Make a correction 
Make a promise 
 Make an offer 
Make a hole 
   Make a contract 
Make somebody 
 Make a phone call 
aware of something 
 
Make a compromise 
 Make a speech 
Make a request   Make an
 
 

Make a decision 
 Make a sacrifice  

I want to make a phone call.    
 
They made a complaint against me.  
 
The police made an unsuccessful attempt to catch the thief.

   
 
  make
He made a cake for me.  
He made some new friends in Sahiwal.  
 
Who made you the manager of this company? 
Everything, nothing, anything, something, homework, surgery,

  business, research
  do 
He is doing his homework.

I have been doing my own business for thirty years.

Do something.

He can't do anything.

I did nothing.


subject     apostrophe(')     contraction
not  helping/modal verb 
modal verb
helping verb

 won't will not

   I'll I will
I will help you.

I'll help you.

I will not help you.

I won't help you.

   list 

helping verb subject

 
 
 not helping/modal verb
modal verb
   
  
   isn't 
     is not

Are not   
  Aren't  Cannot 
Can't 

 
Could not Couldn't 
 Could have Could've  
  
Did not  
    Didn't  Does not  
    Doesn't 
Do not    Don't 
 Had not    Hadn't   
Has not 
   Hasn't  
 Have not    Haven't  
He had   He'd 
 He will   
He'll 

How did    How'd   How would How'd   

   
He is   He's 
 He has  He's 

How is    How's   I had   I'd 
I would    I'd  I will   I'll 
I am    I'm  I have   I've 
Is not   Isn't  
 It is    It's 
It has   It's  Let us    Let's 
Might not Mightn't 
  
 Must not Mustn't 
     
She had   She'd 
  She would    She'd 
She will   She'll  
 She is    She's 

She has   She's 
 Should have Should've  

 

Should not  
Shouldn't 

 That is   
 That's 
 

That has   That's 
 There is    There's  
There has There's   They had They'd 

   
They would They'd 
 They will They'll 
    
They are They're They have They've 
   
They had They'd 
 They would They'd 

    
We had   
We'd  We would 
   We'd 
We are   We're  We have   We've  

Were not 

Weren't  What has What's 
  
What is   
Where is    Where's   Where has Where's  
 
Who had   Who'd   Who would Who'd  
  
 Who're 
Who are    Who is    Who's  

Who has   Who's   When is    When's  

Would not Wouldn't   You had  

  You'd 
 
   
You would 
   You'd   You will   You'll 
 
You are    You're 
 You have   You've  
 
Need not Needn't 
 Somebody is Somebody's
      
Somebody has Somebody's Someone is Someone's

   
 
I am busy. I'm busy.

I have finished my work. I've finished my work.

They are happy. They're happy.

I cannot run fast. I can't run fast.

Where is my brother? Where's my brother?

Who is shouting? Who's shouting?

What is your name? What's your name?

Everyone is tired. Everyone's tired.

How is your sister? How's your sister?

They are not your friends. They aren't your friends.

It is raining. It's raining.

It has been raining since morning. It's been raining since


Ali has gone. Ali's gone.

Abdullah is engaged to Mubeen. Abdullah's engaged to


Usman is not here. Usman's not here.

My father is a doctor. My father's a doctor.

 nothelping verb 

 Helping verbsubject 
1) He is not working honestly.

He's not working honestly.

2) He is not working honestly.

He isn't working honestly.


The Infinitive and The Gerund
   '''' 
     (1)
He tried.
  ''
 ''
   (infinitive)to +V1  
He tried to steal our camera.
   
          
      
     
        
 
''    
      '' ''   ''
 ''
''   
 '' '' 
He tried to steal our camera.
 
 
 gowant
   
I want to go.
 
 
 
   refuse  
 
   
 help
He refused to help.
      To+V1 (2)
  
''''   
 ''''    
  ''
  ''
He came here to ask something.  
 
 
I went to the market to buy new books.   
I watch English movies to learn English.
   
She opened her mouth to say something.   
Ali: Why did you turn on the TV? 
Usman: To watch a film.  
   (3)
   to+V1
I went to the market to buy new books. 
I went to the market for buying new books. 
   
           (4)
    
  ''''  To + V1  to+V1
  
To buy this book, contact us.   
 
To fulfill your desires, you will have to work hard.
 
To live with us, you will have to pay the rent.
  
  
To know more about us, visit our website.
     
  
 
   to+V1 
You will have to pay the rent to live with us.
You will have to work hard to fulfill your desires.
Contact us to buy this book.
             (5)
        ''
 
'' 
 
   
   '' 
  '' 

 
  
 to+V1  
   to+V1    
  
To write a book is not easy.    
To keep this room clean is not my responsibility.
     
To Learn English is not difficult.  
To get there before seven o'clock is not possible.
   
Our aim is to spread knowledge.   
 
 to+V1
   It  
It's not easy to write a book.   
It's not my responsibility to keep this room clean.
     
It's not difficult to learn English.  
It's not possible to get there before seven o'clock.
    

 
 
She was the first woman to run this organization.
  
You are lucky to have a new car.  
  
  to+V1Object (6)
My brothers don't allow me to play out at night.
 
     
They forced me to sell this house.  
   to+V1 has, have, hadThere (7)
She had the courage to fight. 
 
I don't have anything to eat.  
She has the ability to sing songs. 
   
There is no need to worry.  
There is nothing to eat.  

The Gerund
 
 
 
  ing formGerund (1)
 
       It   
 to+V1 
    Gerund   
Keeping this room clean is not my responsibility.

     

Writing a book is not easy.     
Learning English is not difficult.  
Stealing is a crime. 
  
 part infinitive
Our aim is to spread knowledge.  
 
 spreading  to spread
  gerund  infinitive   
 
Our aim is spreading knowledge.  
 
     ''
 ''
It's not my responsibility to keep this room clean.
To keep this room clean is not my responsibility.
Keeping this room clean is not my responsibility.
       
       
    part  infinitive (2)
  to+V1   
He tried to steal our camera.
  verbs      
    to+V1 verb  
   
  
   gerund form  ing 
inggerund      
to V1 infinitive  verb  
  gerund verbs   
 search  form
Avoid, forgive, practise, consider, give up, put off, delay, dislike,
imagine, keep, deny, admit, hate, recommend, love.
I can't even imagine living without you.   
I dislike asking personal questions.  
   
Keep learning.  
You should avoid arguing over politics.
 
 
  
 
  gerundpreposition (3)
He is interested in learning English.  
 
He was asking about going to Lahore.   
He was accused of stealing a mobile. 
   
He quit the job without telling me.   
He succeeded in winning the election. 
   
He looked to the left and then to the right before crossing the road.
    
  
 preposition  
infinitive marker  To (4)
I want to go.
 infinitive marker  to
 
  
 to       gerund  preposition   
   
  gerund  preposition
I am used to living alone.
I am looking forward to seeing you again.

(5) Negative Infinitive and Gerund

I decided not to participate.
I tried not to laugh.
Thank you for not insulting me in front of others.
 
  Gerundhis, her, my, your, their (6)
Her winning the election is surprising for us.
    
 
His going out at night is the main reason for the quarrel.
  
   

To be + V3 and being + V3
passive gerund to be + V3 passive infinitive  
 
  being + V3
 
 
 
      
 
ing 
to + V1     
     
 
  
   object   
 
   gerund form
   being + V3 passive gerund
 to be + V3 passive infinitve
 
      
     
  (1)
 
   
   
 
     
  
    
       
   
  to be + V3passive infinitive
I want you to be elected.
  
 (I want you to elect.)
  
  
  
 
  (2)
The patient had to be admitted to the hospital.
''''     
    
   object        passive infinitive   
         subject

  to be admitted
  
 (3)
His brothers will have to be called.
    (4)
She was the first woman to be appointed as an English teacher at
this school.
 appoint    
   appoint     
  to be appointed
   (5)
    
      
    
   
      
         
  
 
 
 
  to be + V3  
I want this book to be published in December.
  being + V3passive gerund
      select
   
    
 (1)
select  select
      being selected
   
  
Congratulations on being selected.
     (2)
 
Despite being given another chance, he couldn't succeed.
  
         
  being given
 
     (3)
The children don't go out for fear of being abducted.
    
     (4)
After being fired, he started his own business.
      
   
    passive gerund 
     (5)
Before being discharged from the hospital, he was very happy.
 
 discharge      
 discharge 
  being discharged
form ing
 gerund   form ing verb  
 ing  
 tenses   ing form verb
 
  adjective  form
confusing, astonishing, boring, interesting.
 
   adjective  adjective 
  information 
     
Ahmed is reading an interesting story.   
        interesting   
story   adjective 
   story
We watched a boring movie. 
     
      boring
movie  adjective
 
 ''   adjectives form ing
B oi li n g w a t e r 
  D r o w n i n g ma n     R i s i n g
unemployment   Deteriorating situation 
Spreading fire  
We tried to put out the rapidly spreading fire.
    
He wrote an article on rising unemployment in Pakistan.
    
  
adjectives   
 adjective   form  verb 
 
 ''   ''
 
 
 
Boiled egg   Burnt man   Stolen mobiles 
 
Broken finger 
  Painted wall    
He ate a boiled egg.    
Her finger is broken.  
Show me the painted wall. 
     

Will be able to + V1
  
will be    ''     
  '' 
   
 (1)
   able to+V1
  notwill (2)
I will not be able to come.  
You will be able to speak English after this course.

   

 
Your son will be able to hear after the operation.

 
   
He will not be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

    

   will + subject + be able to + V1  (3)
Will you be able to sing in front of thousands of people?

 
  
Will you be able to do it?  

It takes...
    take   
          
  
 
It takes/took/will take me/us/you/them/her/him + time + to V1.

It takes me forty minutes to prepare a lecture.

  
It took me three years to write this book.   
It will take only one hour to get to the airport.

  
   how long
How long does it take...  
 
How long did it take...  
How long will it take...  
 
How long does it take you to prepare a lecture?

  
 
How long did it take you to write this book?  
How long will it take us to get to the airport?

 
 

I want you to...

   
I want you/him/her + to V1.

I want you to stay loyal to me.   

I don't want you to marry Ayesha.   
   
I want you to come back.   
Do you want me to lie in front of others?

   
Saw/caught somebody doing something
  
     
  
Saw somebody doing something........ 
Heard somebody saying something........
Caught somebody doing something..... 
I saw him talking to a boy.     
We saw him playing here this morning.      
I heard him talking to Ayesha on the phone.
 
   
I heard him crying.    
We caught him red-handed stealing from a shop.
  
He was caught red-handed stealing from a shop. (passive voice)
 
  
 
No longer
   no longer
 
   
She no longer lives here.   
I am no longer interested in politics.  
 
I no longer play cricket. 
 
I no longer have time for you.    
  
  anymore
  
any longer  no longer 
She doesn't live here any longer.   
She doesn't live here anymore.
I don't want to waste my time any longer.
  
 
   
I don't want to waste my time anymore.
I can't wait for you anymore. 
      

  
While + Gerund (V4)   
  
   while+gerund  '' 
 '' 
Don't talk while working.    
  

I don't pick up the phone while driving.  
  
He fell asleep while reading. 
She was crying while talking about her son.
    
 
Is/are/am about to + V1
   is/are/am+about to + V1    
The match is about to start.   
The guests are about to arrive.    
Ask someone to do something
Who asked you to tell them everything?   
 
My brother asked me to bring a glass of water.
  
  
Ask him to come here.   
Nobody asked you to marry her.   
   

By + V4
 
  
  
   
  By + V4
  
   

  
 

    
 
   
  
 '' 
 ''    
Ali surprised everyone by getting first position.

  
  
I earn twenty thousand rupees by teaching English.

     
  
He is trying to defame us by making false accusations against us.

  
    
 

Is/are/am going to + V1
   
  
  
   is/are/am going to +V1
I am going to sleep.  
We are going to play.  
I am going to have breakfast.  

He is going to take a bath.  
Is he going to sell his house?    
  going to be + V3 Passive voice
We are going to play the final match.

The final match is going to be played.

We are going to discuss something important.

Something important is going to be discussed.

gonna  going to

 V1  togonna 
I am gonna play football.

I am gonna have breakfast.

How long has it been...

  
   
 
          
  
How long has it been + since + Past Indefinite Tense?
How long has it been since you last met him?

    
How long has it been since you last took a bath?

  
    
It has been + time + since + Past Indefinite Tense
It has been two years since I last met him.
   
How long is it How long has it been
 
It is It has been
 
How long is it since you last met him?

It is two years since I last met him.


How much and How many  
  How many countable noun
   
 
 
How many books do you have? 
 
How many pages of this book have you read?

 
  
How many computers are there in your office?

 
How many players are there in a football team?
   

  How much  
 uncountable noun
How much gold do you have?  
 
 
How much milk do you have?  
 
How much money is there in my account?   

Needn't have + V3
   
needn't have + V3 
  
You needn't have talked to him.  
 
You needn't have bought this expensive car.

  
 
You needn't have told them everything.
 
 

As.........as       
Ali is as intelligent as Nouman.      
Our car is as expensive as yours.     
We are not as rich as you (are).   
  so.....as
.  

We are not so rich as you (are).

As many + plural noun + as      

I have as many books as Ali.  
I don't have as many books as Ali.

 
Ali has as many toys as Usman.

 
 
   much uncountable noun 
I have as much milk as you.  
    
Maryam has as much jewellery as Saima.

 
 

So that  
 can present
   could  past 

Send me two thousand rupees so that I can buy new books.

  
   
 
I gave him my phone number so that he could contact me.

 
 

Short Answers
 short answers lesson
  
Ali: Are you waiting for your mother?

Usman: Yes, I am.

 (Yes, I am waiting for my mother.)     

 
 short answer   (Yes, I am.)
A: Are you OK? B: Yes, I am.

A: Is she Canadian? B: Yes, she is.

A: Are you happy? B: Yes, I am.

A: Is he dancing. B: Yes, he is.

A: Is this your car? B: Yes, it is.

A: Were you tired? B: Yes, I was.

A: Were they excited? B: Yes, they were.

A: Was he absent yesterday? B: Yes, he was.

A: Have you shut the door? B: Yes, I have.

A: Has she finished her work? B: Yes, she has.

A: Can you play this game? B: Yes, I can.

A: Will you play with us tonight? B: Yes, I will.

    contracted formshort answer

A: Are you waiting for your brother?

B: Yes, I am. 

Yes, I'm. 
    contracted form  negative short answer
  
A: Have you finished your work?

B: No, I haven't/No, I've not.

A: Are they from America?

B: No, they aren't/No, they're not.

A: Is he dancing?

B: No, he is not/No, he isn't/No, he's not.

A: Have you taken a bath.

B: No, I have not/No, I've not/No, I haven't.

A: Has she finished her work?

B: No, she has not/No, she hasn't/No, she's not.

A: Are you happy?

B: No, I am not/No, I'm not.

A: Were they excited?

B: No, they weren't/No, they were not.

A: Was he absent yesterday?

B: No, he was not/No, he wasn't.

A: Can you play this game?

B: No, I cannot/No, I can't.

A: Will you play with us tonight?

B: No, I won't.

    do/does   Present Indefinite Tense
A: Do you like her?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Does she love you?

B: Yes, she does.

A: Do you like her?

B: No, I don't.

   did   Past Indefinite Tense
A: Did you call him last night?

B: Yes, I did.

A: Did he try to meet you?

B: Yes, he did.

A: Did he try to meet you?

B: No, he didn't.

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