Application For Obtaining Permission To Enter Into Rupee / Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements With Exchange Houses (A)
Application For Obtaining Permission To Enter Into Rupee / Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements With Exchange Houses (A)
Application For Obtaining Permission To Enter Into Rupee / Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements With Exchange Houses (A)
(a) The application for obtaining permission to enter into Rupee / Foreign Currency Drawing
Arrangements with Exchange Houses should be completed and submitted in the prescribed
format (given below), to the concerned Regional Office of RBI, Foreign Exchange
Department. The application should be signed by the General Manager (or an officer of
equivalent rank), International Banking Division/ Foreign Department of the applicant AD
Category - I bank.
(b) Documentation :
AD Category - I banks should submit the following documents along with the application:
(i) Certified copy of the license (English version) issued by the Central Bank/ any other
Supervisory Authority of the country where the Exchange House is situated.
(ii) Certified copy/ ies of license(s) issued by Municipal Authorities and / or any other
Government regulatory/ controlling authority in the country of the Exchange House.
(applicable to the Exchange Houses in U.A.E.)
(iii) A Certificate from a Chartered Accountant, regarding compliance with anti money
laundering norms in the home country of the Exchange House.
(iv) Certified copies of confidential opinion/ report recorded by (a) Embassy of India in the
country concerned and (b) two bankers of the Exchange House.
(v) Audited Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Account Statements of the Exchange
House for the previous three years.
(vi) Copy of the Board Resolution of the AD Category - I bank for entering into the
(vii) Copy of letter from the Exchange House regarding the proposal to enter into the Rupee/
Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangement along-with the provision of collateral, whereever
Part A- Particulars of the applicant bank and its existing arrangement(s), if any
(i) Year
(ii) Name of the EH
(iii) Amount of loss
(iv) Particulars of loss
(v) Ref. Nos. and dates lodged with RBI and RBI’s
permission to write off
5. Financial disputes if any with EH(s) pending
(i) Name of EH
(ii) Expected amount of loss
(iii) Particulars of loss
(iv) Ref. No. & dated of report lodged with RBI
6. Furnish an EH-wise summary of the major irregularities
observed in the existing drawing arrangements during
inspections by Internal Auditors, RBI Inspectors as also
Overseas Auditors indicating the corrective measures
initiated by the bank
Part B - Particulars of the Exchange House for the proposed drawing
a) License no
b) Date of issue
c) Validity period
d) Special conditions, if any
6. Particulars of licenses issued by Municipal Authorities
and/or any other Government regulatory/ controlling
authority (Applicable to EHs in UAE)
a) Licence No
b) Date of issue
c) Validity period
d) Special conditions if any
7. Confidential opinion in brief recorded by
i) --------------------------------------
Name of the banker
ii) ------------------------------------
Name of the banker
8. Is the applicant bank fully satisfied about
( )
Place General Manager
Date Address