Detailed Lesson Plan Jonas

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Detailed Lesson Plan:
 THE AUTOMOTIVE ALTERNATORPrepared by: Jonas R. Manlunas
I.Learning Objectives:
at the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:a.Identify and discuss the purpose of Automotive Alternatorb.Appreciate the significance of Automotive Alternatorc.Apply the basic parts of Automotive Alternator
II.Learning Content
Topic: The
Automotive Alternator
References: Internet References, booksMaterials: instructional materials, loptap
Learning Procedure
TEACHERS ACTIVITYSTUDENTS ACTIVITYI.Preliminaries a.PrayerPlease stand, and let us pray. Iam requesting (student 1) tolead the prayer.b.Greetings Good morning students.c.Checking of attendance Anyone from the class is absent?
d.Review of the past lessonWhat was our previous lesson?Yes________ (call a student)Very good! 
(The students will pray the heavenly father)(Good morning po Sir)(None Sir) Our last lesson was focused on coolingengine.
e.Motivation ( the teacher will initiate the drill)
Let us have a game, this gamecalled the “Flip Pics”. I will showyou a series of pictures. All youhave to do is to identify theautomotive parts.II.AnalysisWhat do you think the purpose ofautomotive alternator?Yes, Juan Carlos?Yes, it is a part of the automotive car,and part of the charging system of ourcar.The alternator voltage regulatorThe alternator statorAlternator rectifierAlternator rotor shaftSir, the purpose of automotive alternator in our car is to charge the battery while the car isrunning.
Now, how automotive alternatorworks?Yes, Lucio? The alternator parts are the pulley, alternatorcasing front, detachable fan, rotor shaft withbearing, stator, rectifier, voltage regulator andalternator rear casing. But the basic parts of the automotive alternator arethe pulley, rotor shaft, stator, rectifier and voltageregulator. As Lucio said the works by turningmechanical energy into electrical energy. Whenyour engine is on, it powers a drive belt that restson a pulley attached to the alternator. The pulleyturns the alternator’s rotor shaft, which spins a setof magnets inside a coil. This spinning magnets generate alternating current(AC) in the stator, which is then channeled to thealternator’s rectifier. The rectifier converts that ACenergy into DC energy which activates your car’selectrical systems.III.Abstraction Any question or clarification? Now we’ll have an activity. Let’s find out if youreally understand the lesson.I have here a “concept map worksheet” with atopic as the keyword. What are you going to do isto think and write the words on the map that relateto the focal word.I will call two students to write on every cluster thethings that they have learn from the topic.Any question?Sir, by turning the mechanical energy to electrical energy. No, Sir.None, Sir.
IV.Application This time we’ll have an activity I havehere picture about the basic parts ofautomotive alternator, what are yougoing to do is to put the names that fiton the pictures and explain itsoperation.
What is automotive alternator?
What are the basic parts of automotive alternator and explain each? VI.ASSIGNMENTS For your assignment have a research more about the purposed of alternator.

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