Case Study Marking Criteria
Case Study Marking Criteria
Case Study Marking Criteria
Select a case study from your clinical training based on a medical or surgical
________________________________________________:STUDENT NAME ●
___________________________________________________CLINICALSITE ●
________________________________________________________:DATE ●
: Neck (1) **
: Hair (1)**
:Eyes (1)**
University Graduates Union محافظة الخليل/ رابطة الجامعين
:Ears (1)**
:Nose and sinus (1)**
: Neck and nodes (1)**
:Respiratory system (2)**
University Graduates Union محافظة الخليل/ رابطة الجامعين
:Breast and axillary (1)**
:Abdomen (2)**
: General & Reproductive System***
:Male (1)**
:Bowel (1) **
:Urinary (1)**
:Diet and Nutrient (1)**
: Musculoskeletal (2)**
:Neurological (2)**
University Graduates Union محافظة الخليل/ رابطة الجامعين
:Laboratory Data(10pts)
.Note: from each type lab include the latest
Test Date/Time Indication Patient Normal Rational Treatment
name Value Value if for this
Abnormal abnormality
:Pt Problem-1
:Patient Assessment
:Nursing Dx
:Pt Problem-2
:Patient Assessment
:Nursing Dx
Pt. Problem– 3
:Patient Assessment
:Nursing Dx
:Pt. Problem– 4
:Patient Assessment
:Nursing Dx
: Reflection(5pts)
Write the positive and negative points in dealing with the case , points of your
strengths and weakness , what could have been done better , what did you learn