7 e18
Received January 5, 1999; Revised November 8, 1999; Accepted December 16, 1999
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 205 934 2233; Fax: +1 205 934 3894; Email: [email protected]
e18 Nucleic Acids Research, 2000, Vol. 28, No. 7
equation 5 can be solved uniquely for X at the output equimolar imply the relationship between the outputs at skew-symmetrical
point Y = 1. At this apparent equimolar point, where X = XEP points:
and Y = 1, the input amounts of the target and the mimic are in Yi = P(1/Xi) = P(Xj) = 1/Yj 12
a ratio that just compensates for the difference in their
amplification efficiencies, yielding equal output amounts. In or on a log–log scale
practice, since the detected output signal is proportional to the logXi = –logXj 13a
length of the molecules, a correction for the difference in and
length between target and mimic is taken into account. Let C logYi = –logYj 13b
be the ratio between the lengths of the target and the mimic
amplified fragments (in our case C = 1.2). Then, graphically, Equations 13a and 13b mean that logY is a skew-symmetrical
the apparent equimolar point corresponds to the point of inter- function of logX. In the exponential phase, the graph logY
section of the line Y = Tn/Mn = C and the curve of equation 5, versus logX is a straight line with slope –1 and passes through
where M0 = MEP, XEP = MEP/T0. the origin. In the saturated phase, the graph is no longer a line.
However, the deviations of the function logY(X) from the ideal
The linear model and special cases. Although the linear model line caused by the saturation effect are skew-symmetrical with
has been the only mathematical model used for data evaluation respect to the equimolar point. As a consequence of this, the
in competitive PCR so far, its nature has not been studied regression line rotates around the equimolar point. One can
thoroughly. For the saturated phase of PCR, the model shows view the rotation as being caused by two ‘forces’ acting in
special behavior: its error is random (low reproducibility) and opposite directions on the ends of the line segment. If these
seems not to exceed a certain limit (~25%). The reason for this ‘forces’ are equal, then the line would rotate around the
may be explored by the following analysis. equimolar point. The rotation does not displace the equimolar
According to the linear model, the graph of equation 5 on a point and, hence, does not affect the result. The same result can
log–log scale be obtained even from an asymmetrical dilution series whose
total deviations on both sides of the equimolar point are
logY(X) = logG(X) 9 balanced (the balanced model). The skew-symmetrical model
should be a straight line. Let us analyze two typical but special is actually a special case of the balanced model. Therefore, if
cases when the model can give correct results. the dilution series were fortuitously balanced around the
equimolar point, the linear model would give a correct answer.
The exponential phase. During this phase of the reaction, the If P ≠ Q, then the regression line is also shifted as mentioned
amplification efficiency is supposed to be constant over the above. The center of rotation then would be the apparent
whole range of X. Then, equation 5 has the simplified form: equimolar point. In practice, for unbalanced dilution series, the
center of rotation shifts away from the apparent equimolar
Y = Yn = k·Y0 = k/X 10 point, causing an error of unpredictable nature. The fact that
where k is a constant. On a log–log scale equation 10 becomes: the non-linearity of the function logY(X) results partly in
rotation instead of mere translation of the regression line
logY(X) = logk – logX 11a explains why the error of the model is partly compromised.
or Figure 3 shows the translation and the rotation of the
logY(M0) = logk + logT0 – logM0 11b regression line in a real example.
The corresponding graph, logY versus logM0, is a line with Applications of the mathematical model for QC (RT)–PCR
slope –1. The constant logk shifts the graph along the vertical
axis. For relative quantification, this translation does not Relative quantification of nucleic acids. As implied from the
matter. The essential simplification here is the assumption of rational model, under identical reaction conditions the
independence of the amplification efficiency from the relative apparent equimolar point XEP is a constant, typically not 1. For
abundance of the co-amplified sequences. In the saturated two samples with input target amounts (T0)1 and (T0)2 it holds
phase, when some of the reagents become limiting factors, that:
co-amplification of the target and the mimic is of a competitive XEP = (MEP)1/(T0)1 = (MEP)2/(T0)2 14
nature, this assumption is no longer valid. or
R = (T0)1/(T0)2 = (MEP)1/(MEP)2 15
The balanced model. Suppose that the target and the mimic
have identical amplification efficiency, i.e. P = Q, then their Equation 15 tells us that the ratio R between the input target
co-amplification is described by equations 7 and 8. Let us also amounts in two samples can be determined from the mimic
consider a special model: a dilution series ideally ‘skew- amounts at the apparent equimolar points. This also explains
symmetrical’ around the equimolar point X = 1. This means why relative QC (RT)–PCR is theoretically always correct,
that for each PCR tube with any input relative molar fraction X regardless of the difference between the amplification efficien-
there is a corresponding PCR tube with input relative molar cies of the target and mimic. If the theoretical ratio Rth is
fraction 1/X. For example, tubes i and j, with Xi = 2 and Xj = 0.5, known in advance then the relative error of the assay can be
are skew-symmetrical points in the series. Since the relative estimated:
abundance of the target and the mimic in one tube are reciprocal, ERR% = [(R – Rth)/Rth]·100 definition 3
the target has the same amplification efficiency as that of the
mimic in the corresponding skew-symmetrical tube, rather Absolute quantification of nucleic acids. The strategy for
than in the same tube, as previously thought. Equations 7 and 8 absolute quantification arises directly from the relative
Nucleic Acids Research, 2000, Vol. 28, No. 7 e18
Figure 3. Fitting QC (RT)–PCR data (the same data as in Fig. 2b) by linear
regression according to the linear model. Line 1, log10Yideal = –log10M0 – 0.355,
r = 1.000, the ideal (hypothetical) regression line with a slope of –1, valid only
for the exponential phase; line 2, log10Yreal = –1.325 log10M0 – 0.414, r = 0.993,
the real regression line, translated and rotated due to the saturation effect; line 3,
log10Y = logC = log101.2 = 0.079. The apparent equimolar points, EP1 and EP2,
are the points of intersection of line 3 and the corresponding line (1 and 2,
respectively). The estimation error is given by the distance between EP1 and EP2.
Table 1. Estimation of the 2-fold difference in the levels of target RNA (human interleukin 1β mRNA in U937
total RNA and the reference target) by the two mathematical models
again). If the χ2 value does not drop under the critical value reactions in a dilution series was six. Since accurate estimation
and the graph still looks unsatisfactory after elimination of by the rational model requires at least five good data points, a
the suspected outliers, then the experimentally biased data dilution ratio of 1.5 was chosen for experiments E#4–E#7 and
points are dominant. In this case, since the entire data set is nine PCR reactions in the dilution series were performed
inconsistent, checking for experimental errors is highly (allowing for PCR failure or outliers).
(iv) The numerical result is the value M0 = MEP corresponding Mathematical models for data analysis of QC (RT)–PCR
to the output equimolar point. Two alternative mathematical models, the linear model (linear
regression) and the rational model (by means of the computer
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION program PCRFIT), were used for analysis of the obtained data.
QC (RT)–PCR assays were performed for the natural and the Data fitting was performed both with and without outliers
reference targets as shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. A (Table 1). Data consistency was evaluated by the χ2 criterion.
2-fold difference in target RNA levels was estimated and the The experimental ratio, R, was determined from equation 15,
results are summarized in Table 1. In experiments E#1 and E#2, where the mimic amounts at the apparent equimolar points,
the dilution ratio for the mimic was chosen to be 2, as usually MEP, were estimated by the corresponding mathematical
recommended, and the corresponding number of PCR model. The relative error, ERR%, shown as an absolute value,
Nucleic Acids Research, 2000, Vol. 28, No. 7 e18
The authors wish to thank Drs Robert Kralovics and Roman
Tuma for their helpful discussions regarding molecular biology
methods and computer software development, respectively. This
work was supported by NIH Training Grants T32 HL07553 for
H.L.V. and T32 AI07150 for H.H.N. and research grants
AI 28147 and DE 09691.
Figure 7. Dependence of the estimation error, ERR%, on variable Y, the ratio
of target to mimic output signals. The absolute value of ERR% is minimal at NOTICE
the output equimolar point EP (Y = C = 1.2) and at another point EO. Only EP,
not EO, is reproducible [compare (a) and (b)]. A negative value of ERR% The computer software has been developed by personal efforts,
means underestimation and vice versa. and should be referred as PCRFIT 1.0 copyright © 1999 by
Huong Lan Vu and Vu Quoc Nguyen. PCRFIT is available for
users from: Maria Crenshaw, Department of Microbiology,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, BBRB #757, 845 19th
labeled primers, would be necessary to increase the sensitivity, Street South, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA. Tel: +1 205 934
but not the accuracy, of the method. 2225; Fax: +1 205 934 3894; Email: [email protected]. The
cost for PCRFIT is $475.00 plus shipping costs. A demonstration
Generation of RNA mimics version is available upon request, free of charge plus shipping
The fact that the accuracy of the new method is comparable costs.
with that of the RTDN PCR method, where heteroduplex
formation between the target and the mimic sequences (20) REFERENCES
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