Bact 311 Final Review of Audited Financial Statements Sept 2022
Bact 311 Final Review of Audited Financial Statements Sept 2022
Bact 311 Final Review of Audited Financial Statements Sept 2022
1) Events after the balance sheet date
2) Comparatives
3) Related parties
4) The implications of published un audited information
5) Going Concern
6) Subsequent Events / Events after the balance sheet
Assigned Reading
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
International standards on auditing (ISA)
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i. Qualities of the auditor who performs this review: this auditor must have:
ii. The qualities required of the final accounts: the final accounts must possess certain qualities
and these are:
a) All is well or
b) Further audit evidence is required in some areas or
c) That it may be desirable to make amendments to the accounts and
d) That a qualified report may be required.
The review stage is very important in modern auditing as current auditing opinion is moving more
towards a consideration of the view given to users by financial statements. The detail is still
important but the view given must be true in detail and fair in totality.
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a) Fixed assets would need to be valued at realisable values and not depreciated
b) Fixed assets would have to be classified as current assets as they would have no
future benefits to the organization.
c) Stock would have to be regarded at lower of cost or forced sale net realisable
d) Prepayments and intangible assets may have no future benefits.
e) New liabilities may appear such as redundancy pay, leave pay and closure costs.
f) Long-term liabilities may crystallize and become immediately payable hence
they cannot be classified as long-term liabilities.
g) The departure from the assumption, the reasons for this departure and its effect
need to be explained in the accounts in accordance with IAS 1.
6.12 The auditor's duty
The auditor has a duty to express an opinion on the truth and fairness and compliance with
legislation, of the accounts. The valuation basis adopted in preparing the accounts assumes that
the company is a going concern in accordance with IAS 1. Therefore, for the auditor to form an
opinion he should consider whether he has reasonable grounds for accepting the applicability of
the going concern assumption. It follows therefore; he must carry out sufficient work to ensure
that this assumption is justified. He therefore looks for evidence that the company is likely to
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continue trading for at least the next 12 months from the balance sheet date or 6 months from the
date of the audit report or more practically, he looks for evidence that there is no indication to the
contrary. He must however take account of significant events which are likely to occur even
In the event that the auditor considers that the company is not a going concern, he should advise
the directors accordingly and ensure that the accounts are prepared on a market value or a break-up
basis. If the directors refuse to comply then the auditor will have to qualify the accounts as a
whole to the effect they are not true and fair. It is not possible for the auditor to rely on an
assessment of the going concern position at the balance sheet date alone because the accounts
usually only become public knowledge much later after the balance sheet date. It therefore
becomes necessary to take into account events taking place after the year end and before the AGM
which may affect the company as a going concern.
6.14 Counter-indications
That the auditor has found indications of going concern non-applicability does not of itself justify
immediate conclusion that the entity is not a going concern. He must also seek for counter-
indications or mitigating factors. This may include the following:
a) Ability to raise cash by selling assets
b) Ability to obtain new sources of finance for example leasing, factoring debts,
hiring plant.
c) Opportunities of rearranging debt repayments or conversion of long term debt
into equity.
d) The possibility of a rights issue.
e) Support from other group companies or from associated companies.
f) The possibility of making alternative trading arrangements.
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2. If the plans are contingent on the response of third parties then he should
seek third parties written confirmations;
3. Ascertain that the plans are specific rather than general;
4. Review the supporting evidence for the plans if available for
5. Seriously consider any professional advice obtained by the directors;
6. Consider any potential support from other group companies by looking at
any contractual obligations, directors intentions and the ability of the group
company to give the support.
d) Consider whether he has sufficient evidence to form an opinion on the
applicability of the going concern assumption.
a) Not refrain from expressing a qualified opinion even though this may lead to
receivership or liquidation;
b) The auditor should consider materiality, if the adjustments required on
abandoning the going concern assumption are not material, then no qualification
should be given;
c) If the auditor concludes that there is doubt then he should consider the
consequences for the figures in the accounts. For example, he should obtain an
estimate of the necessary provision against stock or the redundancy payments.
In practice because of the difficulties involved in making adjustments to the accounts and
producing them on a break up basis, accounts in most cases in Kenya are produced on the going
concern assumption and qualified by the auditor on the grounds that the going concern assumption
may not be appropriate.
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IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date prescribes the accounting for, and disclosure of,
events after the balance sheet date.
Events after the balance sheet date are those events that occur between the balance sheet date
and the date when the financial statements are authorized for issue.
Events After the Balance Sheet Date may be classified into two categories:
Adjusting events and
Non-adjusting events.
An entity adjusts the amounts recognised in the financial statements to reflect adjusting events
after the balance sheet date.
Adjusting events are those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the balance sheet
date (e.g. the settlement of a court case after the balance sheet date that confirms that the entity
had a present obligation at the balance sheet date; the bankruptcy of a customer that occurs after
the balance sheet date usually confirms that a loss existed at the balance sheet date on a
An entity does not adjust the amounts recognized in the financial statements to reflect non-
adjusting events after the balance sheet date.
Non-adjusting events are those that are indicative of conditions that arose after the balance
sheet date (e.g. a decline in the market value of investments between the balance sheet date and
the date when the financial statements are authorized for issue).
For each material category of non adjusting event after the balance sheet date, an entity discloses
the nature of the event and an estimate of its financial effect.
Dividends declared after the balance sheet dates are not recognized as a liability at the balance
sheet date.
Financial statements are not prepared on a going concern basis if management determines after
the balance sheet date either that it intends to liquidate the entity or to cease trading, or that it has
no realistic alternative but to do so.
The financial statements disclose the date when the financial statements were authorized for
issue, and who gave that authorization.
appropriate values of assets and liabilities. Examples abound such as the collectability of debts, the
net realisable value of old stocks, the outcome of litigation. Even the value of fixed assets is a
function of their expected future useful life.
Since the directors in preparing the accounts will invariably use post balance sheet events, the
auditor must obtain evidence that all post balance sheet events have been considered and where
appropriate used and balance sheet values correctly incorporate post balance sheet events.
The questions that arise are concerned with what subsequent events should be taken into account
and how should they be treated in the accounts
i. Financial statements should be prepared on the basis of conditions existing at the
balance sheet date.
ii. A material post balance sheet event requires changes in the amounts to be included in
the financial statements where:
a) It is an adjusting event or
b) It indicates that application of the going concern assumption to whole or a
material part of the company is not appropriate.
iii. A material post balance sheet event should be disclosed where:
a) It is a non-adjusting event of such materiality and its non disclosure would affect
the ability of the users of financial statements to reach a proper understanding of the
financial position or
b) It is the reversal or maturity after the year end of a transaction entered into before
the year end, the substance of which is primarily to alter the appearance of the
company's balance sheet.
iv. In respect of each post balance sheet event which is required to be disclosed under
paragraph (iii) above, the following information should be stated by way of note in the
financial statement:
a) The nature of the event and
b) An estimate of the financial effect or a statement that is not practicable to make
such as estimate.
v. The estimate of the financial effect should be disclosed before taking account of
taxation and the taxation implication should be explained where necessary for a proper
understanding of the financial position.
vi. The date on which the financial statement is approved by the board of directors should
be disclosed in the financial statements.
Post balance sheet events occupy a very important place in auditing and therefore there is usually a
program of work that is carried out in this area. This includes:
i. A routine examination of such events such as collection of debts, sale of stocks,
payment of creditors, resolution of pending litigation;
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ii. A comparison of significant ratios before and after the year end, seeking explanations
for any material differences as they may indicate the presence of adjusting or non-
adjusting events or have going concern implications.
iii. Examination of all material provisions and contingent liabilities at the latest feasible
date prior to signing of the accounts to determine whether any additional evidence
exists that may affect original estimates used.
iv. Review of director’s minutes looking for any major new contract or losses of
customers or losses of major contracts, capital expenditure commitments, and changes
in accounting policy, new borrowing or share issues, extra-ordinary or abnormal
transactions, changes in market conditions or products.
v. Discussions with the management, a review of management accounts, review of profit
forecasts and cash flow projections, review of non-risk areas and
vi. Review of relevant external information e.g. reports in newspapers. This review must
be as near as possible to the date of signing the audit report.
a) If the auditor becomes aware between the date of his report and the AGM when
the accounts will be presented, of information which would change his report
then he should:
1. Discuss the matter with the directors who may wish to amend the accounts
2. Consider taking legal advice
3. Consider making a statement at the AGM as he is allowed to by the
Companies Act.
b) If the directors wish to amend the accounts between the date of the report and the
posting to the members, the auditor should
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