Smart Waste Segregation System Using IoT
Smart Waste Segregation System Using IoT
Pankaj Dhiman
Department of Computer Science and
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab, India
Abstract—Nowadays waste segregation is one of the solutions individually identified each item whether it is
difficult tasks to perform. Everyone is looking for an IoT biodegradable or non-biodegradable [14,29]. None of the
(Internet of Things) based smart solution to achieve this. In existing solutions collectively identify and segregate them
this paper, a waste segregation multiple chamber apparatus is automatically on the basis of type of waste [15-20].
proposed with the inclusion of IoT technology. A smart dustbin
is proposed in which there are different chambers, the first In this paper the main aim is to propose such equipment
chamber is designed for the cutter which will cut the waste into through which the segregation of automatic waste is
smaller pieces after that segregation of the waste or left-over is achieved. The segregation is needed because usually the
executed on the basis of bio-degradable or non-biodegradable house hold garbage consists of bio-degradable and non-
by making use of the sensors. The bio-degradable waste is then biodegradable waste. With the help of cutter placed inside
forwarded towards the compost formulation process, whereas the different chambers the waste is further cut into small
non-biodegradable waste is cut into more smaller pieces if pieces and ultimately, they are carried forward into their
required and then shredded into a container. If the container is respective chambers. The biodegradable waste is put in a
full, an alarm is generated to take the necessary actions. The dump area under earth and useful in the preparation of
proposed system is cost effective and really easy to implement. compost, whereas non-biodegradable waste is cut into small
pieces and accommodated in a small chamber inside the
Keywords-component; IoT; Sensors; Smart Dustin, Energy
proposed equipment. It is also equipped with an alarm
system and whenever it is full it generates an alarm and the
designated people take the suitable action to empty it [31-
With rapid urbanization, the country is going through big The major contributions are as follows:
waste control challenge. Over 377 million city humans live
in 7,935 town areas and cities and generate 62 million tons of x The work presented in this paper provides a multiple
municipal solid left-over or waste per annum [1-2]. Most of chamber waste segregator that assists in waste
the cities, towns and villages in India are not well designed management and recycling.
to facilitate the suitable garbage collection methods [3].
Common Public dustbins are filling over with the garbage x It provides a multiple chamber waste segregator for
and no one is concerned to clear them up as and when they continuously monitoring status of filled garbage and
get completely packed with overflowing garbage [4,30]. inform local authority when the waste chamber is
In India about 60 million tons of waste or left over is
being generated every year [5,28]. Ten million tons of x A multiple chamber waste segregator that helps to
garbage is generated in metropolitan cities. The landfills of segregate biodegradable waste which is used for
most of these cities are overflowing with no space for fresh generating energy and easy to use along with the
garbage waste [6,21]. According to a sanitation survey called compact size.
“Swachh Survekshan-2016” [7, 24-27] conducted by the x The multiple chamber waste segregators are cost-
ministry of urban development under the swachh bharat effective and easy to implement.
mission, it was found that about 50% people in India face the
problem of improper waste collection and management [8, The remainder part of the paper can be divided into
22]. According to center of science and environment, various sub sections. Section 2 constitutes the related
innovative disposal and recycling methods must be literature survey. In Section 3 implementation of the
introduced instead of landfill sites [9-10]. framework is depicted. Section 4 is illustrated with the
advantages of the method proposed innovation and in the last
The approach to effective waste management is to ensure Section 5 conclusion of the work is given.
adequate waste segregation at the source and that waste
passes into separate recycling sources and resource recovery
[11-12]. One of the biggest problems today is the waste II. FLOW CHART
produced annually by the use of plastics and the long-lasting In Figure 1, the flow chart is illustrated. This flow chart
effects it has on the environment [13, 23]. The existing depicts the functionality of the overall system.
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