1 Ha Peas 13 March 2014
1 Ha Peas 13 March 2014
1 Ha Peas 13 March 2014
47 acres )
Seed required: 80 - 90 kg per ha Spacing: 600 mm rows with 50 mm between plants in row
Planting dates: March to May to reap June to August. Desired pH: 5.3 - 6.0
Yield target: 6 ton/ha. This can be doubled with heavier fertilization and good control of pests and diseases
Fertilizer requirements Product Rate/ha Nitrogen Phosphate Potash Sulphur Comments Rate/ha Cost/tonne Cost / ha
Base dressing Compound C 5:15:12 11S 0.1B 500 25 75 60 55 Place 5 cm from seed. 0.5 $700
Top dressing Potassium nitrate 13:0:46 200 26 0 92 0 Apply at 1st pod set. 0.2 $3840
Total 51 75 152 55
Peas are very susceptable to fertilizer burn so place fertilizers carefully.
NOTES: 16-17 x 15 lt knapsack will deliver +/- 250 lt/ha spray mix.