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Lesson 8.


8.16 The twelve houses work is described here, as well as the nature of
potential illnesses or where the person could
The houses are the playground—or the place develop trouble.
of work—where the aspects will occur. When An example is that if the native had Pisces
you look at a specific house, its opposite should on the cusp and/or Neptune in the house
be considered as well. If an aspect is occurring badly aspected, the person could suffer foot
in the first house (the self) one should look at problems, as Pisces rules the feet.
the seventh house (the other).

Seventh house—Others
First house—I
This is the house of partnerships, consultants,
The sign on the first house cusp is referred to
spouses, and open enemies. This can be
as the rising sign and describes how a person
regarded as the house of cooperation and
appears and their public face. Often when
you get to know someone and they are much
different than first impressions it is because the
sign here is different from the sun (personality) Eighth house—Yours/ours
This would be the position of other people’s
finances (your partner, family, etc.). It is the
Second house—Mine
house of sex, death, and the occult.
This house describes material assets and
attitudes towards money, earning capacity,
Ninth house—Out there
and is the house of usable assets. It can also be
moral values. This represents our relationship to what is
remote, long journeys, distant places and
Third house—Neighbourhood people, relatives, in-laws, higher education,
philosophy, and our conscience.
This is the house of early childhood, early
education, close relatives, short trips, and
communication of all sorts. This can be Tenth house—Public/outer
described as our neighborhood.
This is the position of authority, profession,
honor, ambition, superiors, and that which has
Fourth house—Personal/inner
power over us. It also represents the more
This house describes the person’s security, influential parent.
shelter, family life, the last quarter of life, and
the inner self. This house was traditionally
Eleventh house—Friends
ascribed to the Mother, but can really be
representative of the less influential parent. The eleventh house is the place of higher
aspirations, group memberships and partici-
Fifth house—Love pation, friends, hopes, and shared goals.

This house represents lovers, children,

speculation, the creative self, gambling, and Twelfth house—Fear/institutions/mental
courtship. health
This house describes one’s relationship to one’s
Sixth house—Work/service/physical
self, the unconscious, and all forms of institu-
tionalization and seclusion—including impris-
This is the placement of necessity and onment. This is the position of hidden enemies
service—what must be done. The capacity for and all that is considered confidential.

Quareia—The Apprentice, Book One

8.17 The planets Conjunction: 0–5 degrees

These planets are within a few degrees of each
Mars Energy, drive, life force
other and put forward a united front. The
Venus Beauty, harmony, affection, arts, closer the aspect (1–3 degrees separating) the
attraction more intense the blending will be. A sun
conjunct the Ascendant would be a person
Mercury Communication, mental acuity, who is exactly what they seem, and that person
sense of humor will take things very personally.
Moon Emotions, sensitivity, empathy, tides,
cycles, the Mother Opposition: 180 degrees
This aspect points to a pair of planets that are
Sun The personality, ego, self, Father
opposite each other (in the first and seventh
Pluto Power, obsession, addiction, houses, for example). This is a mirror aspect
destruction, transformation and the other is reflecting what is going on.

Jupiter Luck, expansion, inspiration, Square: 90 degrees

The qualities of the planets involved either
Saturn Restriction, focus, structure, limitation square or oppose. So for example, any
planets in Leo (fixed) would square the
Uranus Genius, revolution, insight,
Scorpio/Taurus axis. Any planets in Sagit-
restlessness, freedom
tarius would square the Pisces/Virgo axis, and
Neptune Mysticism, illusion, delusion, imagi- so forth. This aspect indicates that the planets
nation are at odds with each other and tension occurs.
This tension can cause action or problems.

8.18 Putting it all together

Trine: 120 degrees
Here are a few examples of how to put this all All planets in the same element trine, for
together. example all water signs, Cancer, Scorpio,
A sun in Scorpio would be very quiet and Pisces would trine. This aspect indicates that
feel more comfortable in the background the planets are working in harmony: there is a
manipulating things: the behind-the-scenes flow of energy between them.
power broker. However, if that sun were
placed in the first house, it would take on an
Aries flare and would be more apt to be a 8.20 Analysing your natal chart
leader and far more up front.
A good exercise to understand how all of this
A person with Neptune in the seventh house
comes together is to get a copy of your natal
(or Pisces on the cusp) would tend to idealize
chart and begin to analyze it. Use the following
their partners, put them on pedestals, and be
steps to begin with:
devastated when reality intrudes.
A person with the Moon in the second house • Look at the chart and determine what
would see their finances go up and down like shape the chart is.
the cycle of the moon.
• Look at what quadrants the planets lie in.

8.19 The aspects • Look at empty and full houses

Aspects in astrology describe how the planets • Look at each planet, their sign and house.
behave together. The major aspects are: Tell yourself a story about what that

Lesson 8. Astrology

means. For example, “my Saturn is in Moon aspects to Mercury

Virgo in the tenth house so there would
Conjunction Chat more about emotions.
be restrictions to developing a career in
healthcare or service until later in life.” Opposition Hard to express self to others,
hard to communicate clearly.
As you get comfortable and begin to see how
the planetary energies work through the signs Square Misunderstandings, feeling lack of
in their home bases you can move on to an appreciation, difficulty focusing.
exercise to learn how aspects work.
Trine others nurturing, short trips taken
and/or planned, home changes
8.21 Lunar aspects: following (decorating?).

the moon through your

Moon aspects to Venus
natal chart
Conjunction very sensitive, empathetic to
You follow the moon through your natal chart others.
for twenty-eight days (one lunar cycle). To
accomplish this you will need an ephemeris. Opposition Conflict with obligations to self
The Llewellyn calendars and pocket planners and others moodiness.
can be purchased and have a daily ephemeris. Square Moody, oversensitive—good day to be
You can also find a monthly ephemeris at the alone.
following website:
www.cafeastrology.com/2013ephemeris.html Trine Get along with everyone, everything
Look for the symbol of the moon and see goes smoothly.
where it is in the sky. Then find that location
in your natal chart. Then try to determine Moon aspects to Mars
what aspects it is making—how it is relating to
Conjunction Lots of family activities, possible
the planets in your chart. Note the aspect (or
aspects) and possible meaning in the morning
and then in the evening see how the aspect(s) Opposition Hard work to keep things moving
actually worked out. smoothly, family/others demanding.
You’ll find a brief description of the various
aspects the moon can make to the planets Square Irritable, mood swings, trouble with
below but remember you need to blend these women.
meanings with the house and sign. A moon
Trine Loads of energy and focus to accom-
in Scorpio—secretive—is very different from a
plish things.
Moon in Aries, open and brash.

Moon aspects to Jupiter

Moon aspects to the Sun
Conjunction Difficulties easy to fix,
Conjunction Good for cleaning, getting house optimistic, extra money.
in order.
Opposition Financial extravagance with costs
Opposition Others can make emotional higher than expected.
Square Emotional strain, don’t over-spend,
Square Family and domestic matters need issues blown out of proportion.
flexibility. Irritability and frustration.
Trine Very peaceful, money and business very
Trine Indulge yourself—things go smoothly. satisfactory, travels planned.

Quareia—The Apprentice, Book One

Moon aspects to Saturn Square Others demanding, heavy emotional

pressures, unconscious needs/drives
Conjunction Need to organize, develop
routine, feel solitary, confined, not much
energy. Trine intense intuitive insights, stress eases,
let go of self-destructive patterns.
Opposition Other(s) a disappointment, lack
of support, delays, penny pinching.
8.22 References:
Square Depressed, everything seems tedious,
boring, money very tight. • Modern Transits—Lois M. Rodden

• Horoscope Symbols—Robert Hand

Trine Elders help, organized, efficient and
practical. • The Astrologer’s Handbook—Frances
Sakoian & Louis S. Acker
Moon aspects to Uranus
• www.astrodienst.com
Conjunction Fluctuation, change in daily
life—very erratic.

Opposition Unexpected visitors, sudden

changes in all areas, other feels unstable.

Square Feel the need for dramatic changes

and rebellion. Changes are not
permanent, instability.

Trine Sudden new people and new ideas.

Stimulating changes occur in daily life.

Moon aspects to Neptune

Conjunction Very sensitive, creativity
enhanced, tendency to day dreaming.

Opposition Others confusing, vague, feeling

paranoid, looking for escape – tendency to

Square Feeling anxious, disappointed with

vague reasons.

Trine relationships seem idyllic; dreams come

true, very content.

Moon aspects to Pluto

Conjunction Relationships intensified,
emotional upheaval, power plays, manip-

Opposition Problems saying no, conflicts

with people especially women.

Apprentice Module II

Patterns and Maps in Magic

Study Guide for Module II
A lot of the lessons in this module are about learning to execute certain ritual patterns (and
you have two easy lessons with not much action). It is important that you learn each ritual in
turn, learning the recitations by heart, and learning the coordinated movements.
Once you have learned a ritual and are able to do it properly, and have absorbed the lesson,
you will have been instructed to repeat that ritual for a certain period of time. As you practice,
you are also ready to continue on to the next lesson.
So your rhythm of study should be: read the lesson—practice the ritual movements and learn
the recitations—do the ritual ‘proper’—set up a timetable to repeat it—start the next lesson.
Each week you should be doing meditations, tarot reading practice, practicing rituals from
previous lessons, learning new ritual/lessons, doing research or writing.
If you have a heavy work schedule and cannot commit to that type of a time frame, work
at your own pace: the main thing is that there are things you do regularly, and that you are
practicing the previous lesson while learning the new one, so that they overlap a little.
Above all, make sure that you stay in the sequence of lessons and do not hop forward a few
Lesson 1


The second module of the apprentice training Throughout your magical training you will
is all about magical patterns. Patterns are revisit this pattern many times in very different
the skeletons and nervous systems of magic, ways, so that you slowly build up a strong
and without the use of patterns, magic falls understanding of the breadth and depth of this
apart. If the magician does not understand simple system. The four-directional pattern,
the patterns they are using, they will severely along with certain other patterns inherent
limit their work, learning, and power. This within magic, is a major key to working magic
is why it is very important to learn some of successfully. For this reason it is important
the key patterns in the early stages of your to learn all these patterns’ different levels,
training, so that all of your magical learning applications, methods of operation, and the
has a foundation to sit upon. magical interactions that flow through them.
Before we step into the practical work of
The first lesson of this module is about the
visionary ritual, we need to shine a light on
directional pattern. In the first module, you
some of the work you have already done to give
learned the very basics of how to acknowledge
you a deeper understanding of what you have
the powers of the four directions and the power
been working on. Let’s open out the deeper
in the centre. That is the base template for
mysteries of the magical directions a little bit,
rituals and visions that work around the direc-
and give you a peek of how the powers work,
tions. From that template, you now need to
what they are, and how you work with them as
learn how to operate with the directions in
a magician.
visionary ritual in order to prepare for making
inner contacts and working with them.
The four-directional pattern is probably the 1.1 Directional dynamics of
oldest pattern we are aware of in magic, and it power
is also the most versatile. It is used for making
inner contact, for moving power around,
for magical construction, for sending and
receiving magic, for tuning, for protection. . . When you work ritually around the directions
The applications of the four-directional pattern and in vision, the power of humanity flows
are wide-ranging because it is a template for through the east–west axis. The two root tools
the physical world. It is the map of the earth in flow from these directions, and out of these
terms of creation as viewed through the lens directions the full magical power of humanity
of Western magic. can be drawn. Whenever a magician does a

Lesson 1. Directions

magical action, it will flow out of one or both The sword as a magical object guards
of these directions. the Word, the magical utterance, and keeps
its action limited, restrained, and focussed.
So far in your basic ritual training, you have
visualized a sword held in your left hand. ThisRemember the sword’s powers when we later
means you are facing south in your ritual work discuss the subject of using ritual action to
connect with inner contacts, as the contacts
(facing south directs the magic into the future).
are filtered by its attributes.
The power of the east is the power of utterance,
learning, and the sacred breath of life; and it isThe west is the female direction in that it
embodied within the sword—which is held as receives in the creative act like a womb does:
a magical being, not as a magical weapon. the vessel. This is not about being watery
The key word of the east is I Give. This ritual
and feminine; rather it is about the capacity
positioning enables you to take action actively,
to contain power and form it. The vessel
to instigate a magical act that adds something receives the utterance or Word and incubates
to the universe. The key word I Give means you it, contains it, and forms it into something
are initiating an action: you are creating. tangible. So you see that either human-based
This puts the magic into the flow of creation,
direction cannot work in isolation: the giving
a flow that is constant, powerful, and Divine: power needs to be received, and the vessel can
“In the beginning was the Word.” The
only receive if something is actually placed
first act of creation is the breath of Divine within it.
Consciousness uttering from the void. Just as the east is dawn, the beginning, the
This is why all magic starts in the east, with a
west is sunset. By the time the vessel fully
word or a breath, and why the sword (Air) livestransforms the power it has received, it is
in the east. This is also why religions based already marching towards destruction. All
around the utterance turn east to pray. The east
creation is either rising to a peak or falling into
is male, not in a gender sense, but in the sense
destruction—there is never a plateau. Just as
that when it acts creatively its power outputs or
every human life grows, reaches a peak, and
‘gives’ like semen. The prayer that is physically
then immediately begins its slow decline to
uttered is powerful, and magic that is physi- death, so too does all magical power instigated
cally uttered is also the most powerful. Here is
by humanity.
an example from a religion. The key is to map out the future fate path
of the magic so that it achieves its purpose
“Adonai s’fatai tiftach, ufi yagid while cycling through its rhythm of creation
t’hilatecha.” and destruction. That is done by balancing
the creation (east) and destruction (west) with
(Transliterated Hebrew. Translated:)
time: past and future. The magician stands
in the present and draws power from the east
“Adonai open my lips, that my mouth
to create a magical cycle, but that magical
may declare your praise.”
cycle must connect into the flow of time and
That Hebrew prayer holds a great many substance in order to work. And this is where
magical keys of understanding hidden within the other two directions come in.
it. East is the beginning of a magical action
for us as humans. But it is not the actual North—South
first step. Before us, everything has to flow
from a Divine or Universal Power source. North is the past, the ancestral realm, the
The first step of a true magical action is the ancient Mother, the rock beneath you. North
impulse leaving the void and beginning its is both behind you and beneath you: the
journey to express itself in the human world. shield that has your back is also the rock upon
The magician taps into that expression and which you stand. You hold the sum total of
mediates it through them in an act of release. your ancestral wisdom in your blood, and that

Quareia—The Apprentice, Book One

blood wisdom is something a magician draws ground it, root it, contain it, and form it into a
upon heavily. solid pattern.
As a magician in a contacted line, you are Through the tension and polarity
also the sum total of every magician who has of the south/future/potential and the
gone before you: that line buffers you and north/past/substance—with the magician
strengthens you. in the centre to act as the fulcrum—a power
So when the magician stands with her arms builds up that is contained, formed, energised,
out, sword in her left hand (east) and cup and ready to burst into the future. And when
in her right hand (west), her back is to the I say future, remember that in magic “future”
north: the shield guards her back and the can mean in a hundred years’ time, in a year’s
rock/ancestors beneath her give her a huge time or in three seconds’ time.
reservoir of wisdom, stability, and strength to All magic must be created for the future,
draw from: beneath and behind work together otherwise it just will not work. If you make
and are essentially the same directional power. the mistake of creating magic for ‘now’ it will
South is the future. South is the angelic fail as there is no such thing as ‘now’—time is
threshold of the future; it is also the direction constantly flowing.
of potential as that potential is still being If you are confused at this point, go back
formed. This path of future potential is fuelled and reread this section and maybe draw out
by angelic beings that create an interface for the pattern described, or stand and imagine
the future to flow through. This interface it around you until you start to get a feel of
is perceived in magic as ‘above.’1 This is its multidimensional aspect. Take your time
why on your pentagram shield the hexagram understanding this: it can be a massive leap,
(Divinity in balance) is above you. The but it is a necessary and important one if you
hexagram pattern flows down into manifes- are to be successful in your magical actions.
tation and into the earth— which is why you Now it is time, if you have basically grasped
have the symbol for earth below the genitals this multidimensional pattern, to begin to
(generations) of the pentagram. Are you work it ritually and in vision. In the first
confused yet? module you learned how to use your mind
Hopefully by this stage you will begin to to move about a space. This next practical
realise that the four-directional pattern is exercise will build upon the directional ritual
not four-directional at all: that is a hugely pattern you learned in module one, and will
simplified reduction of a complex and step your visionary process forward an inch
beautiful pattern. And it should also be in preparation for you stepping into the inner
dawning on you that not only is the four- worlds.
directional pattern multidimensional, but You learned to move about your living space
it is roughly divided in two: creation and in your mind; now you need to learn how
destruction. to move about a magical space both physi-
So, place yourself in the centre of the direc- cally and in vision. At the same time you
tions. The east and above work together to need to begin to learn how to move power
create the utterance, which is then sent on around using your mind. This will prepare
its path into the future via the south: which you for working with inner contacts and also
is why magicians point wands (or fingers)— for working with magical tools.
wands/fire/south. The wand directs the
magic into the future, into action, by way of
the inspirational fire that brings formation. 1.2 Task: The visionary ritual of
The west, the north, and below all work
the directions
together to receive that magical action, to
Why this is so will become very apparent in your Working in your ritual space with the five
adept studies. altars, go around the directions lighting the


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