Right To Privacy
Right To Privacy
Right To Privacy
It seems to be saddening that although India got its freedom back in 1947, it took 70 more years to
grant its citizens, the freedom of being alone. The Right to Privacy unlike in the U.S was not deemed
to be an absolute right and hence, there followed several cases in the Indian Courts until the year
2018, when the Hon’ble Supreme Court, in the Puttaswamy Judgment held privacy as an inviolable or
unassailable and non-negotiable right or secure from destruction.
Keywords: Privacy, Comparison of Privacy Laws, Preservation, Human Rights, Article 12.
In the modern era, where people are conscious about their rights, the right to privacy is the ultimate
need of citizens which has been recently upheld by the Hon’ble Supreme Court after the series of
Judgments since the year 1954, in the case of M.P Sharma and ors. v. Satish Chandra, where the issue
of the constitutional validity of searches as a part of the right to privacy was discussed for the first
time. It was followed after the rejection of privacy as a fundamental right by the constitution-makers
to avoid privacy right as an obstruction in law enforcement and criminal prosecution [1]. Privacy right
basically refers to right against the intervention of secret surveillance and protection of an individual’s
information. It has also been defined by many philosophers as an inalienable right. India is also a
signatory of many international conventions that insists upon the importance of the right to privacy.
Still the concept of privacy is a bit complex as every country has its notion for privacy. In some
countries, the concept of privacy relates to data protection whereas, in some other countries, the idea
of privacy is associated with how much society can intrude into one’s personal affairs.
Initially, the idea of privacy as a right was taken from the United States, where this right has been
guaranteed to the citizens. But subsequently this idea was rejected to preserve societal peace, law, and
order. With time, increasing the sensitivity of people towards infringement of their rights and judicial
decisions has severally contributed to the
development of privacy as a fundamental right in
India [2].
external force from the state [4]. Later in the year 1890, Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis
wrote on the concept of privacy as ‘Right to be let alone’, which was the need for individual freedom
in the modern world given upholding one’s right to personality concerning modern business practices
and invasive inventions. The doctrine of Privacy was first time laid down in the year 1965 in the case
of Griswold v. Connecticut in which, the court invalidated the statute that prohibited the usage of
contraceptive devices and hence upheld privacy of married couples. The unusual thing about privacy
cases that were brought initially before the courts were their orientation towards social institutions
surrounding sexual relationships as well as procreation. Hence, after that period, this inalienable right
was recognized as a fundamental right. In the late 1990s, the right to privacy evolved as a
fundamental right in the United States. In India, privacy rights were in debate since the formation of
the constitution. This right was discussed severally in many landmark judgments but was rejected.
Hence, it took almost 70 years for privacy to be evolved as a fundamental right in India.
to privacy was held as an integral part of the right to life. Though the right to privacy has not been
explicitly mentioned in our Constitution, the roots can be traced under the ambit of Article 21 and
telephonic conversation includes under the right to privacy and tapping of such confidential
information amounts to a breach of the right to privacy, which could only be taken away by the
procedure established by the law.
The evolution of the Right to privacy in India took a long time to shape its identity whereas it was
developed in the U.S much earlier. After the first case of the right to privacy in the U.S, another case
that was put before the U.S Supreme Court was regarding the constitutionality of Texas abortion law
in the case of Roe v. Wade in which the Court held right of privacy emerging from fourteenth U.S
constitutional amendment which deals with the right to personal liberty and restriction against state
action. Whereas it took almost 60 years in India after two landmark judgments, to interpret the
concept of privacy as a part of the right to personal liberty of a person under Art. 21.
These International conventions along with other regional conventions as well consider privacy
right as of supreme importance and a basic natural right that every human deserve. And hence, these
conventions to which India is a party laid down the importance of the right to privacy in India.
Later deciding upon the validity of Aadhar for Privacy, the Supreme Court laid down a
proportionality test to determine whether a law is reasonable or not. For this, four aspects namely,
Legitimate goal, Rational Connection, Necessity, and balancing were laid down and applied them to
check the validity of Aadhar Case. Observing and analysing all the four aspects for reasonability of
Aadhar scheme, the Hon’ble Court only held validity of linking Aadhar with Pan Card but denied
proportionality of linking Aadhar with bank accounts and mobile numbers. Further, the Right to
privacy as it does not only indicate data privacy but also includes privacy from social intrusion; the
recent Judgement of decriminalization of section 377 has led to holding the law of the right to privacy
of LGBT groups in full spirit. This was also a result of the right to privacy Judgment.
The role of the legislature in recognition of privacy as a fundamental right has not been much
appreciating. Unlike the U.S, the Parliament of India before the privacy Judgement has not passed any
such bill or amendment to support the privacy rights of the people. It was only Judiciary, who used its
power of judicial review to uphold the right to privacy as a fundamental right.
In the current scenario, after the Supreme Court judgment of privacy as a fundamental right, it has
changed the purview of privacy rights in India. Earlier when despite having several international
conferences on the importance of privacy rights, privacy right was rejected explicitly through
landmark judgments, it diminished hope of citizens for getting their basic inalienable right. Though
this right was required much before the present time, when it was introduced in the year 2017, it did
make huge changes. Aadhar which turned out to be a Problematic scheme through its sensitive data
leakages, right to privacy has made a linkage of Aadhar to phone numbers and bank accounts as
unconstitutional and hence preserving the privacy of millions of people. Moreover, the legalization of
gay rights as an aspect of privacy has shown the strength of the Judiciary in India. The only criticism
is that Judiciary has taken almost 60 years to uphold the right to privacy which was much more than
that of the U.S. This right could have been introduced earlier if a much serious approach was taken by
the Judiciary.
1. V. Nayak, "Understanding the Right to Privacy," 2012. [Online]. Available:
2. M. Prajapati, 2020. [Online]. Available: www.manupatra.com.
3. W. G. Merkel, "The Second Amendmend and the Constitutional Right to Self-Defence," 2013.
4. A. Sahu, "The Evolution of Right to Privacy in India," 15 January 2018. [Online]. Available:
5. T. E. o. Britannica, "Right to Privacy," [Online]. Available: https://www.britannica.com/
6. N. Vishwanath, "The Supreme Court's Aadhar Judgement and the Right to Privacy," 11 October
2018. [Online]. Available: http://www.mondaq.com/india/x/744522/Data+Protection+Privacy/
The+Supreme+Courts+Aadhaar+Judgement+And+The+Right+To +Privacy.
7. D. Committee, "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," 1948.
8. J. Pandey, "India's Supreme Court Upholds Right to Privacy as a Fundamental Right- And it's
about time," 28 August 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/08/indias-
9. T. N. Staff, "Aadhar Security Breaches," [Online].
10. C. f. I. a. Society, "Aadhar Act and its compliance with data protection law in India," 14 April
2016. [Online]. Available: https://cis-india.org/internet-governance/blog/aadhar-act-and-its-non-
11. P. K. Dutta, "Right to Privacy: 5 Bill yet no law, how parliament has dealt with personal data
protection," 24 August 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/right-to-