English RB Class 7
English RB Class 7
English RB Class 7
Class VII
(Experimental Version)
Rubaiyat Jahan
Md. Samyul Haque
Bijoy Lal Basu
Md. Abdul Karim
Md. Nasir Uddin
Abu Nasar Mohammed Tofail Hossain
Shakina Akter
Mohammad Delower Hossain
Md. Saiful Malak
Art direction
Monjur Ahmed
Welcome to your new English book. With this book, you will have the opportunity
to learn English with fun. From now on you will draw pictures, participate in
games, read interesting stories, recite poems, talk to your friends, write whatever
you like, and by doing these you will learn English.
Oh, forgot to tell you another interesting thing about this book. From now on not
only you and your friends help each other in studying English but you will also
monitor your learning at the same time.
If 21 - 28
A Good Reader 51 - 66
Heroes of Bengal 76 - 83
1 A Dream School
1.1 Look at this picture of a school. And then, write 5 sentences on what you
love about this school in pairs/groups.
বিদ্যালয়ের ছবিটির দিকে তাকাও এবং দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে ছবির বিদ্যালয়টি সম্পর্কে ত�োমাদের যা যা
ভাল�ো লাগে তা ৫ টি বাক্যে লেখ�ো।
A Dream School
1.2 Work in pairs. Identify which of these facilities you have in your school.
Tick under yes if you have the facilities and tick under no if you don’t have
the facilities in your school. One is done for you.
জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় কাজ কর�ো। নিচের ক�োন ক�োন সুবিধা ত�োমাদের বিদ্যালয়ে আছে, তা শণাক্ত কর�ো।
যদি ত�োমাদের বিদ্যালয়ে সুবিধাগুল�ো থাকে, তবে ‘Yes’ এর নিচে ‘টিক’ চিহ্ন দাও আর যদি না থাকে
তবে ‘No’ এর নিচে ‘টিক’ চিহ্ন দাও। ত�োমাদের ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে প্রথম প্রশ্নটির উত্তর দেওয়া হল�ো।
Questions Yes No
1. Do you have a playground in your school? ✓
2. Do you have a garden in your school?
3. Do you have a library in your school?
4. Do you have a canteen in your school?
5. Do you have clean classrooms?
6. Do you have enough light and air in the class-
7. Do you have comfortable benches/desks?
8. Do you have a white/blackboard in the class-
9. Do you have a computer lab in your school?
10. Do you have multimedia/ projectors in the class-
11. Do you have a freely available Wifi network in
the school?
12. Do you have pure drinking water in your school?
13. Do you have clean toilets in your school?
14. Do you have bins in your school?
15. Do you have a first aid box in the school?
16. Do you have trees and birds in your school?
17. Do you have a notice board in your school?
18. Do you have pictures/charts on the wall of your
Faria and Raihan are cousins. Faria lives in a village and Raihan lives in a city.
During summer vacation, Raihan visits his grandparent’s house. Faria is showing
Raihan around. Their conversation goes like that -
1.4 Read the conversation again and match the words/phrases with their
meanings. One is done for you. কথ�োপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং শব্দ/বাক্যাংশগুল�ো পাশের
অর্থের সাথে দাগ টেনে মেলাও। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে প্রথম শব্দটি দাগ টেনে মিলিয়ে দেখান�ো হয়েছে।
Words/Phrases Meanings
1. Calmness My own
2. In front of Soiled
5. Muddy Close
6. Multi-storied Peacefulness
8. Nest Before
9. Nearby Holiday
1.5 Read the conversation again, and in pairs/groups write the similarities
and dissimilarities (differences) between Faria’s and Raihan’s schools.
কথ�োপকথনটি আরেকবার পড়�ো। তারপর দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে ফারিয়া আর রায়হানের বিদ্যালয়ের
মধ্যে সাদৃশ্য এবং বৈসাদৃশ্যগুল�ো লেখ�ো।
Similarities: The things both the schools have. For example, both schools have
Dissimilarities: The things that one school has but the other school doesn’t
have. For example, there is a big playground in Faria’s school but there is not a
big playground in Raihan’s school.
A Dream School
Similarities Dissimilarities
1.6 Now, in pairs/groups discuss and then make a list of similarities and
dissimilarities of your school with Faria’s and Raihan’s schools.
এখন, দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে ফারিয়া ও রায়হানের বিদ্যালয়ের সাথে ত�োমার বিদ্যালয়ের সাদৃশ্য এবং
বৈসাদৃশ্যগুল�োর একটি তালিকা তৈরি কর�ো এবং আল�োচনা কর�ো।
1.8 Read Orin’s speeches in the bubbles about her dream school. Now,
draw/ design a poster of your dream school and present it to your class/
নিচের বাবলগুল�োতে অরিনের স্বপ্নের বিদ্যালয় সম্পর্কে পড়�ো। এখন, ত�োমার স্বপ্নের বিদ্যালয়টির উপর
একটি প�োস্টার অঙ্কন বা নকশা করে ত�োমার শ্রেণি বা বিদ্যালয়ে উপস্থাপন কর�ো।
You can follow the word web given below to describe your dream school.
ত�োমার স্বপ্নের বিদ্যালয়ের বর্ণনা করতে তুমি নিচের শব্দমালাগুল�ো ব্যবহার করতে পার�ো।
4.Peers/class friends
of your dream school 3.Teachers of
your dream school
2 Playing With the Words
New vocabulary: Scold, Supportive, Create, Remove, Permit, Unlike, Instead,
Seem, Likewise.
2.1 Look at the following illustration and in pairs/groups ask and answer the
following questions. You can choose any option but tell the class why you
choose it.
ছবিটির দিকে তাকাও / ছবিটি ভাল�োভাবে লক্ষ্য কর�ো এবং দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো
একে-অপরকে জিজ্ঞাসা কর�ো এবং উত্তর দাও। তুমি যেক�োন উত্তর বেছে নিতে পার�ো, কিন্তু কেন তুমি
সেই উত্তর বেছে নিয়েছ�ো তা সকলকে বল�ো।
ইংরেজিতে নতুন শব্দ তৈরির সবচেয়ে সাধারণ উপায় হল Affixation। এটি এমন একটি প্রক্রিয়া যার
মাধ্যমে মূল শব্দের সাথে এক বা একাধিক অক্ষর যুক্ত করে মূল শব্দের একটি ভিন্ন রূপ অথবা একটি ভিন্ন
অর্থবহ নতুন শব্দ তৈরি করা যায়।
Affixation দুই প্রকারের। যথা- Prefixation (prefix বা উপসর্গের য�োগ) এবং Suffixation
(suffix বা প্রত্যয়ের য�োগ) । Prefix এবং Suffix গুল�ো Affix হিসাবে পরিচিত। মূল শব্দের সাথে
উপসর্গ এবং প্রত্যয় য�োগ করা হয়।
তাহলে, চল এবার জেনে নেই মূল শব্দ (root words), উপসর্গ (prefixes) এবং প্রত্যয় (suffixes)
Root word: Here are two terms, root word and root of a word.
A root word is the most basic meaningful part of a word. It can stand on its
own as a complete word. If you remove all the prefixes and suffixes, you will
get the root word. For example- Friendly and unfriendly. Here, the friend is the
root word and it is, by itself a meaningful word.
A root, on the other hand, does not usually have a complete word of its own.
For example- Permit. Here, per is the prefix and mit is the root word. Mit is
not a complete word as it does not have any meaning.
মূল শব্দ: এখানে দুটি পদ বা ধারণা রয়েছে। যথা- মূল শব্দ এবং শব্দের মূল।
মূল শব্দ একটি শব্দের সবচেয়ে ম�ৌলিক ও অর্থপূর্ণ অংশ। এটি একটি সম্পূর্ণ শব্দ হিসাবে ব্যবহার পারে।
উপসর্গ এবং প্রত্যয় সরিয়ে মূল শব্দটি পাওয়া যায়। যেমন- Friendly এবং Unfriendly। এখানে
friend হল মূল শব্দ এবং friend নিজে একটি অর্থপূর্ণ শব্দও।
অন্যদিকে, একটি শব্দমূল নিজে নিজে একটি সম্পূর্ণ ও অর্থবহ শব্দ নাও হতে পারে। যেমন- Permit।
এখানে, per হল উপসর্গ (prefixes) এবং mit হল মূল শব্দ (root words)। mit একটি সম্পূর্ণ শব্দ
নয় কারণ এর নিজস্ব ক�োন�ো অর্থ নেই।
Playing With the Words
Prefix is a letter or a group of letters that we add to the beginning of a root or
a root word to make a new word. For example, notice the word prefix. Here
pre is the prefix and fix is the root word. A prefix often changes the meaning
of a word. For example: when you add the prefix un with the root word happy,
it changes its meaning and becomes unhappy which is the opposite of happy.
উপসর্গ (Prefix) : উপসর্গ হল এমন বর্ণ বা বর্ণসমষ্টি যা একটি শব্দমূল বা মূল শব্দের শুরুতে যুক্ত হয়ে
নতুন অর্থবহ শব্দ তৈরি করে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, Prefix শব্দটি লক্ষ্য করি। এখানে Pre উপসর্গ এবং fix হল
মূল শব্দ। উপসর্গ (prefixes) প্রায়ই শব্দের অর্থ পরিবর্তন করে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ: Happy মূল শব্দের সাথে
‘un’ উপসর্গ য�োগ করলে Happy শব্দের অর্থ পরিবর্তিত হয় এবং নতুন শব্দ Unhappy এর অর্থ হয়
অসুখী, যা খুশির বিপরীত।
Suffix is also a letter or a group of letters that we add after a root or a root word
to make a new word. But unlike a prefix, a suffix usually does not significantly
change the meaning of the word. Instead, a suffix adds more specification. For
instance, if you say someone is wise, you will think someone is knowledgeable.
However, when we add suffixes like r, it will be wiser. Still, l the word means
the knowledge of a person.
Sometimes, we use a suffix to make a word plural, which just means that there
is more than one of something. The most popular suffixes are s and es. We use
them to make a word plural. For instance, if you say suffix it means only one
but if you add the suffixes then it means more than one suffix.
প্রত্যয় (Suffix) : Suffix বা প্রত্যয় হল এমন বর্ণ বা বর্ণসমষ্টি যা একটি শব্দমূল বা মূল শব্দের পরে
বসে নতুন অর্থবহ শব্দ তৈরি করে। কিন্তু prefix এর মত�ো suffix সবসময় উল্লেখয�োগ্যভাবে শব্দের
অর্থ পরিবর্তন করে না। এর পরিবর্তে suffix বা প্রত্যয় শব্দের অর্থগত সুনির্দিষ্টতা , সংয�োজন বা
সংক�োচন ঘটায়। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, যদি কাউকে ‘wise’ বলা হয়, তাহলে তাকে ‘knowledgeable’ বলে
ধরে নেওয়া যায়। ‘wise’ শব্দটির সাথে ‘r’ প্রত্যয় য�োগ করলে ‘wiser’ হবে। এই নতুন শব্দের অর্থও
কিন্তু একজন ‘knowledgeable’ ব্যক্তি, যিনি অন্য একজনের তুলনায় অপেক্ষাকৃত অধিক জ্ঞানী বা
কখনও কখনও, শব্দ বহুবচন করতে suffix বা প্রত্যয় ব্যবহার করা হয়। সবচেয়ে ব্যবহৃত suffix হল ‘s’
এবং ‘es’। আমরা একটি শব্দ বহুবচন করতে এদের ব্যবহার করি। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, suffix বললে এর অর্থ
শুধুমাত্র একটি suffix বা প্রত্যয় ব�োঝায়। কিন্তু ‘suffix’ শব্দটির সাথে ‘es’ suffix বা প্রত্যয় য�োগ করলে
তার অর্থ ব�োঝায় একাধিক suffix বা প্রত্যয়। আবার, কিছু শব্দে একটি উপসর্গ, একটি শব্দমূল বা একটি
মূল শব্দ এবং একটি প্রত্যয় থাকে অর্থাৎ ALL-IN-ONE। যেমন- ‘Unacceptable’। এখানে, ‘un’
হল উপসর্গ, ‘accept’ হল মূল শব্দ এবং ‘able’ হল প্রত্যয়। সুতরাং, prefix এবং suffix য�োগ করে,
মূল শব্দ বা root word এর ভিন্ন অর্থসহ একটি ভিন্ন রূপ পাওয়া যায়। পরিশেষে, অনেক সময় অনেক
শব্দ আমাদের কাছে দীর্ঘ এবং কঠিন বলে মনে হতে পারে। কিন্তু ‘root words’ এবং ‘affixes’ বুঝতে
পারলে সেই নতুন শব্দগুল�োর অর্থও সহজেই বুঝতে পারবে।
Again, some words have a prefix, a root or a root word and a suffix that means
ALL-IN-ONE. For example- Unacceptable. Here, un is the prefix, accept is the
root word and able is the suffix. So, by adding prefixes and suffixes, you get a
different form of the word accept with a different meaning.
Finally, it seems that words can be long and difficult at times. But if you
understand root words and affixes, it will help you to get the meaning of
those words easily.
Activity: Divide the words into prefixes, root or root words and suffixes.
(শব্দগুল�োকে prefix, root অথবা root words এবং suffixes এ ভাগ কর।)
2.3 In pairs/groups, read the passage given below and discuss what prefixes
and suffixes you will add to the underlined root words to make the sentences
meaningful. Note that you may need to add only prefixes or suffixes, and for
some words you may need to add the both.
জ�োড়ায় বা দলে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়�ো এবং নিচে দাগ দেওয়া root words এর সাথে ক�োন ক�োন
suffix এবং prefix যুক্ত করে বাক্যগুল�োকে অর্থপূর্ণ করা যায় তা আল�োচনা কর�ো। প্রয়�োজনে শুধু suffix
বা prefix অথবা উভয়েই যুক্ত করতে হতে পারে।
Playing With the Words
A. Prefixes
Write at least two words with each prefix:
(প্রত্যেকটি prefix দিয়ে কমপক্ষে দুইটি শব্দ তৈরি কর�ো।)
Example Your
Prefix Meaning Your sentences
word words
Re doing again restart recharge, 1. Mom needs
rehearse to recharge her
mobile phone.
2. I will definitely
rehearse my role
as many times as
Pre before/earlier preorder
En in/ within enlist
Un, Dis, The opposite of dishonour
Non, Ir, something or
Il, In/ Im someone
Anti against/the antibody
opposite of
someone or
Mis incorrect/wrong misspell
Non not/no/none nonstop
Uni One uniform
Co together/with cooperate
Sub Under subject
Playing With the Words
B. Suffixes
Write at least two words with each suffix:
(প্রত্যেকটি suffix দিয়ে কমপক্ষে দুইটি শব্দ তৈরি কর�ো।)
Suffix Meaning Your words Your sentences
Able The adjective achievable comfortable The seat is very
form of the word comfortable.
I am capable of
leading my class.
2.5 In pairs/groups, read the following text and fill in the gaps with words
from the box. Then, share your answers with the whole class. One is done
for you.
জ�োড়ায় বা দলে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়�ো এবং নিচের শব্দগুল�ো নিয়ে শূন্যস্থানগুল�ো পূরণ কর�ো।
তারপর, ত�োমার উত্তর শ্রেণিতে উপস্থাপন কর�ো। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে প্রথম শূন্যস্থানটি পূরণ করে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
There are many ways of making (a) new words. One important way is using
prefixes and suffixes. Prefix and suffix are (b) …….. of letters added to a root
or root word. A Group of letters (c) ……… at the beginning of the root words
are known as prefixes. For example, ‘ir’ in ‘irregular’ (ir+regular) is a prefix that
makes the root word’s meaning negative. Un (unfortunate), anti (anti-climax),
em (empower), dis (disqualified) etc. are some examples of (d)………. On
the other hand, a group of letters added to the (e) ………… of the rood words
are called suffixes. For example, ‘less’ in ‘Helpless’ (Help + less) is a suffix.
Other commonly used (f) ……….. are ly (commonly), ion (promotion), ness
(kindness), ful (hopeful). Both prefixes and suffixes change the (g) ………….
of the root words differently including changing parts of speech (e.g. ‘rich’ is an
adjective, ‘enrich’ is a verb), making (h) ………… (e.g. real ~ unreal) meaning
etc. Affixation is a fun way of increasing our vocabulary, isn’t it?
Playing With the Words
So, we have similarities and dissimilarities among us. Likewise, in the English
language, there are some words which have similar meanings and some are
with opposite meanings. Let’s know about them.
Playing With the Words
A synonym is a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning
as another word or phrase in the same language. For example - small is a
synonym for little.
An antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another word. For example -
big is the antonym of small.
2.8 Now, in pairs/groups find the antonyms of words given in column A
from column B and draw a line to match them. Then, check the answers
with the whole class.
এখন জ�োড়া বা দলে ভাগ হয়ে A সারিতে দেওয়া শব্দগুল�োর antonym গুল�ো B সারি থেকে খজে ুঁ বের কর�ো
এবং দাগ দিয়ে মিল কর�ো। তারপর, ত�োমার উত্তরগুল�ো ক্লাসে বলে বাকিদের সাথে যাচাই করে নাও।
2.9 In pairs/groups, read the following text and write the antonyms of the
underlined words using appropriate prefixes in the given table. Then, share
your answers with the whole class. One is done for you.
দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়�ো এবং নিচে দাগ দেওয়া শব্দগুল�োর সাথে উপযু্ক্ত prefix
যুক্ত করে antonyms তৈরি করে নিচের টেবিলে লেখ�ো। তারপর ত�োমার উত্তরগুল�ো ক্লাসে উপস্থাপন কর�ো।
ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে প্রথম শব্দটির সাথে prefix যু্ক্ত করে antonym তৈরি করে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
Be Respectful to Others
It was a 1) happy day for Anik. What made him 2) pleased as his mother had
been charging her mobile phone. After 30 minutes, she noticed the charger was
3) connected. The phone had not even been charged. “Who has disconnected the
Playing With the Words
charger?” asked his mother. “This is me” Anik answered sadly, “I 4) plucked
your mobile phone and added my Tab for charging. If the Tab is not charged
timely, the games 5) appear!” “This is 6) fair, Anik” his mother added, “My son,
don’t7) obey the rules! I told you several times that you must ask me before
doing it. Besides, an electric charger should be handled carefully.” “Sorry, mom
for my 8) responsible behaviour. I’ll never 9) regard you.” “That’s okay Anik”
his mother replied. Though it made him unhappy, he understood he should think
about others.
3 If
3.1 Read the following story written by a student in their annual school
magazine. Then, ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups.
নিচে বিদ্যালয়ের বার্ষিক ক্রোড়পত্রে একজন শিক্ষার্থীর লেখা গল্পটি পড়�ো। তারপর, দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে
নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো একে-অপরকে জিজ্ঞাসা কর�ো এবং উত্তর দাও।
a) What happened to Azmayn?
b) How did he feel when he couldn’t walk?
c) How was the situation overcome?
d) Did you ever experience a difficult situation like Azmayn?
e) What was that?
f) How did you feel then?
g) How was that solved?
Feelings of friends:
3.3 Listen to the recitation of the poem ‘If’ given below and practice it in
pairs/groups. Later, recite it for the whole class.
নিচের ‘If’ কবিতাটির আবৃত্তি শ�োন�ো এবং দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে কবিতাটি অনুশীলন কর�ো। পরবর্তীতে,
কবিতাটি আবৃত্তি করে ক্লাসে শ�োনাও।
Rudyard Kipling
3.4 Read the poem again and match the following words with their meanings
in the next column. Then, use the words in your sentences. One is done for
কবিতাটি আবার পড়�ো এবং নিচের শব্দগুল�োর সাথে পরের কলামের শব্দগুল�ো অর্থানুসারে মেলাও। তারপর,
শব্দগুল�ো ব্যবহার করে বাক্য তৈরি কর�ো। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে একটি বাক্য তৈরি করে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
3.5 Read the poem again in pairs and complete the sentences with words or
phrases from the box to make it a meaningful sentence. One is done for you.
জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে কবিতাটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং নিচের বক্স থেকে শব্দ বা শব্দগুচ্ছ ব্যবহার করে বাক্যগুল�ো
অর্থপূর্ণ কর�ো। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে একটি বাক্য তৈরি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
start again a new be- hold on to the will to do something If poet one
ginning good
The central theme of a poem is the message/ big idea/ moral that the poet
wants to tell the readers through his/her poem. It is a universal lesson which
isn’t just specific to the poem, but a general message. For example, the
central theme of the poem “Little Things” (which you read in class six) is-
We can make the world heaven by our little good things. On the other hand,
our errors though little now, eventually make the world hell. So, we should
not be part of any bad deeds.
একটি কবিতার Central Theme বা কেন্দ্রীয় বিষয়বস্তু হল�ো এমন message/ big idea/
moral যা কবি তার কবিতার মাধ্যমে পাঠকদের জানাতে চেষ্টা করেন।
In a poem, there may be multiple themes, but if you read carefully you will
get an idea repeatedly in the poem. That is the central theme of the poem.
Now, read the following steps to write about the central theme of a poem:
1. Read the poem slowly and attentively. If possible, read aloud.
2. Identify the characters, plots, images etc. in the poem.
3. Once you have understood the poem, put it into your own words.
4. To get the central theme of the poem, ask yourself the following
• What are the repeated words, phrases or actions in the poem?
• What is the poet’s big idea about life or the world?
• What have you learned from the poem?
• What does it mean to you?
5. Now, try to identify the central theme of the poem. Remember
that the theme will be universal and you can write it in one/ two/
three sentences.
It’s time to write about the theme of the poem “If”: (এখন ‘If’ কবিতাটির Theme
সম্পর্কে লেখ�ো।)
i. Firstly, read the poem carefully.
ii. Secondly, discuss who tells what to whom in the poem.
You can start in this way:
In the poem, the poet tells ______________________________________
iii. Find out the important words and ideas of the poem. Like-
Some of the important words of the poem are loss, lose _________
iv. Now, write the poem in your own words. For example, you can start-
In the poem, the poet tells the readers that____________________
v. Finally, write what you have learned from the poem. You can begin with-
I have learned that _________________________________________
vi. Before sharing it with the whole class, check that the central theme of the
poem is the general truth of our lives.
Now, share it with the whole class. And, answer other groups’ questions if they
have any.
3.7 Now, in groups read any of the two poems given below. Then, write the
central theme of the poem. Follow all the steps of writing the central theme
of a poem. Later, present it to the whole class.
এখন, দলে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের দুইটি কবিতার যেক�োন একটি পড়�ো। এরপর, কবিতাটির Central Theme
সম্পর্কে লেখ�ো। কবিতার Central Theme লেখার সবগুল�ো ধাপ অনুসরণ কর�ো। তারপর, পুর�ো ক্লাসে
লেখাটি উপস্থাপন কর�ো।
My Books
I love my books
They are the homes
of queens and fairies,
Knights and gnomes.
Each time I read I make a call
On some quaint person large or small,
Who welcomes me with hearty hand
And lead me through his wonderland.
Each book is like
A city street
Along whose winding way I meet
New friends and old who laugh and sing
And take me off adventuring!
Noun/Pronoun Describe/Qualify
The Frog and the Ox
4.2 Now, read the text below and ask and answer the following questions
in pairs/groups. (If needed have a look at the class 6 English book, unit “A
Day in the Life of Mina)”.
এখন, নিচের লেখাটি পড়�ো এবং দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�োর একে-অপরকে জিজ্ঞাসা কর�ো
এবং উত্তর দাও। (প্রয়�োজনে ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বইয়ের ‘A Day in the Life of Mina’ অধ্যায়টি
দেখতে পার�ো।
My father is the kindest person I have ever seen. He is tall and handsome. He is
from a small village named “Fultali”. He is the eldest of four siblings. He is very
passionate about his work. He is also very encouraging and always supports us
to follow our dreams. I love his smiling face the most. My father is my hero!
a) Which parts of speech are the underlined words?
b) What are the positions of these words in a sentence?
c) What are the functions of these words? What do they do in the sentences?
4.3 Read the story and match the words in column A with their meanings
in column B in pairs/groups.
গল্পটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে A কলামের শব্দগুল�োর সাথে B কলামে দেওয়া শব্দের
অর্থগুল�োর মিল কর�ো।
The Frog and the Ox
The frog took a deep breath and blew himself up to twice his usual size. But still,
the ox paid no attention to him.
“So, that’s not big enough for you?” croaked the frog. Very well, I’ll make myself
bigger still.” He blew himself up even larger.
Again the ox said nothing. He simply turned away and headed for the other side
of the pond. He had had enough to drink. This made the frog furious. Taking an
enormous breath, he blew…and blew…and blew himself up until he burst. And
that was the end of the big frog in the small pond. So, nobody should try to be
what you can’t be.
Column A
Column B (meaning)
Creature The air that goes into and out of our lungs
4.4 Ask and answer the following questions in pairs. Then share your
answers with the whole class.
জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে একে-অপরকে নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো জিজ্ঞেস কর�ো এবং উত্তর দাও। তারপর ত�োমার
উত্তরগুল�ো ক্লাসে তুলে ধর�ো।
a) Who is the biggest creature in the pond?
b) What did the frog do to be as big as the ox?
c) How do you describe the frog?
d) Whom do you think is bigger, the frog or the ox?
e) What have you learnt from the story?
4.5 In pairs/groups identify the adjectives from the story and write who/
what the adjectives describe. One is done for you.
দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে গল্পটি থেকে adjective গুল�ো শনাক্ত কর�ো এবং adjective গুল�ো কী বা কাকে
বর্ণনা করছে, তা লেখ�ো। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে একটি adjective সম্পর্কে লিখে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
The Frog and the Ox
4.6 In pairs/groups read the note given in the box on the degrees of
দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে degrees of adjectives এর উপর বক্সে লেখা টীকাটি পড়�ো।
a) Positive degree: এটি একটি বিশেষণের মূল রূপ। এটি শুধু একটি বস্তুর সম্পর্কে কথা বলে
এবং এটি ক�োন�ো তুলনা দেখায় না। উদাহরণ: Rajshahi is a big city. (রাজশাহী একটি বড়
b) Comparative degree: বিশেষণের এই রূপটি দুটি জিনিসের তুলনা করতে ব্যবহৃত হ়য়।
উদাহরণ: Chattogram is bigger than Rajshahi. (চট্টগ্রাম রাজশাহীর চেয়ে বড়।)
c) Superlative degree: একটি বিশেষণের এই রূপটি তিনটি বা তত�োধিক জিনিসের তুলনা
করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়। উদাহরণ: Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. (ঢাকা
বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে বড় শহর।)
4.7 Read the following sentences in pairs/groups. Then, identify the forms
of the underlined adjectives and their purposes. One is done for you.
দল বা জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে নিচের বাক্যগুল�ো পড়�ো। এরপর, নিচে দাগ দেওয়া adjective গুল�োর রূপ এবং
উদ্দেশ্য শনাক্ত কর�ো। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে একটি বাক্যের adjective শনাক্ত করে কাজটি করে দেখান�ো হল�ো।
a. A big frog once lived in a small pond.
b. No one anywhere is bigger than I am.
c. The frog decided he must also be the biggest thing in the world.
d. One day a huge ox came to drink at the pond.
e. I can make myself just as big as you.
f. The frog took a deep breath.
The Frog and the Ox
4.8 Let’s know/learn some rules for forming comparative and superlative
এখন, চল�ো comparative আর superlative degree তৈরি করার কিছু নিয়ম জেনে নেওয়া যাক।
Adjectives ending in -‘y’ Change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and Change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and
Example: Dirty add-er to the positive add-est to the positive
degree degree
Example: Dirtier Example: Dirtiest
Add more/less to the Add most/least to the
Multi-syllable adjectives positive degree positive degree
Example: Afraid(2 Example: More/less Example: Most/least
syllable, af + raid) afraid afraid
One-syllable adjectives Double the consonant Double the consonant
ending with one vowel and add- er and add- est
before a consonant Maddest
Example: Mad Madder
4.9 Read the rules again.And, write the comparative and superlative degrees of
the given adjectives in your exercise book. Then compare your answers in pairs.
নিয়মগুল�ো পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং ত�োমার পাঠ্যবইতে দেওয়া সকল adjective এর comparative আর
ুঁ বের করে লেখ�ো। তারপর, জ�োড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে ত�োমাদের উত্তরগুল�ো
superlative degree গুল�ো খজে
Slow, Beautiful, Happy, Dangerous, Ugly, Thin, Famous, Far, Cold, Handy,
Talented, Fat
The Frog and the Ox
Abir’s Family
Hello friends! This is my family. We live in a 1) _____ (beautiful) village. I
think no other place is as 2) ____ (scenic) and 3) _____ (clean) as my village.
My parents, two of my siblings and my grandparents, we all live together in our
house. My grandfather is the 4)_____ ( old) and my little brother, Anik is the
5)____ ( young) member of my family. My mother takes care of all of us. My
father is also as 6) ____ (caring) as my mother. No other member of my family
is as 7)___ (quiet) as my mother. My grandmother is my closest friend. To me no
one is 8) _____ (friendly) than my grandmother. My grandfather talks very little.
Nobody talks as 9)____ (little) as my grandfather in my house. My elder sister,
Sarah is 10) _____ (active) and 11)____ (smart). I think, she is the 12)____ (
smart) one in my family. Our dining room is the 13)_____ ( noisy) place in my
house. This is our meeting place and we discuss almost everything here. The old
mango tree in front of my house is 14)____ (quiet) than any other place. I spend
most of my leisure time there. I love my family and my living place15)____ (
much) than anything else in the world.
4.11 Now, draw a picture of your family members and describe them in
a short paragraph. Use all three degrees of adjectives in your description.
Later, paste it on the wall and invite your friends to read it.
এখন, ত�োমার পরিবারের সদস্যদের একটি ছবি আঁক�ো এবং তাদের সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ দিয়ে একটি অনুচ্ছেদ
লেখ�ো। বর্ণনায় তিন ধরণের ‘Degree of Adjectives’ এর সবগুল�োই ব্যবহার কর�ো। তারপর, বিদ্যালয়ের
দেওয়ালে লেখাটি ঝুলিয়ে দাও এবং ত�োমার বন্ধুদের সেটি পড়তে আমন্ত্রণ জানাও।
You can write the paragraph answering the following questions or you can write
on your own:
1. How many members are there in your family?
2. Who are they?
3. Who is the youngest and who is the eldest?
4. Who is the most caring and helpful?
5. Who is your best friend? And who is not as friendly as he/she?
6. Who is the most hardworking person? Who else is compared with her/
7. What do you love most about your family?
5 Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
New vocabulary: Take part, Heavy heart, Tear, Hug, Wicked, Surprise, Narrator,
Explicitly, Hatred, Display.
My Birthday Surprise!
Last Friday was my birthday. From midnight, I was waiting for the wishes of my
best friends Pushpo, Subha, Tanha and Mritika. But nobody called or wished me.
With a heavy heart, I went to bed. I felt so bad that my eyes filled with tears. The
next morning, I got a message from Pushpo, “Please stop at my house on the way
to school. I will go with you.” This message made it clear that everyone forgot
my birthday. However, after getting ready, I left for school. When I entered
Pushpo’s house, I saw all my friends. They hugged and wished me by saying
“Happy Birthday!!”. I cut my birthday cake and had a lot of fun. I was really
touched. This great moment turned my birthday into a special day.
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
5.4 Now, ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. If needed
read the units “A Fresh Pair of Eyes” and “Four Friends” from the English
Book, Class Six.
এখন, দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে একে-অপরকে নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো জিজ্ঞাসা কর�ো এবং উত্তর দাও। প্রয়�োজনে
ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বইয়ের ‘Four Friends’ এবং ‘A Fresh Pair of Eyes’ অধ্যায়টি পড়তে পার�ো।
a. What are the characteristics of a story?
b. Write 2/3 differences between a story and a poem.
c. What is the “Theme” of a story?
d. How do you write the theme of a story?
e. Write one of the themes of the story “A Fresh Pair of Eyes” or “Four
5.5 Read the note to know more about the characteristics of a story in pairs/
একটি গল্পের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুল�ো সম্পর্কে আরও জানতে দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের টীকাটি পড়�ো।
The three important characteristics of a story are characters, point of narration
and central theme.
A. Characters of a story:
A character can be a person, animal or object/thing that plays a role in a
story. A story must have at least one character. But most stories have several
characters. In a story, there are different types of characters.
The main character of a story is called the “Protagonist”. Usually, a protagonist
is shown to be polite, friendly, kind, brave etc. For example, Alifa is the
protagonist or main character of the story ‘My Birthday Surprise!’.
The main opponent of the protagonist is called the “Antagonist”. He/she
works against the protagonist. For example, Cinderella’s wicked stepmother
is the antagonist of the story of ‘Cinderella’.
একটি গল্পের চরিত্র ক�োন�ো ব্যক্তি, প্রাণী বা বস্তু হতে পারে। একটি গল্পে অন্তত একটি চরিত্র থাকতে হবে।
কিন্তু বেশিরভাগ গল্পেই একাধিক চরিত্রের উপস্থিতি থাকে। একটি গল্পে বিভিন্ন ধরনের চরিত্র থাকতে
একটি গল্পের প্রধান চরিত্রকে বলা হয় “Protagonist”। সাধারণত, একজন Protagonist-কে নম্র,
বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ, সদয়, সাহসী রূপে দেখান�ো হয়। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, Alifa হল�ো ‘My Birthday Surprise!’
গল্পের protagonist বা প্রধান চরিত্র (main character) ।
Protagonist এর প্রধান প্রতিপক্ষকে “Antagonist” বলা হয়। সে Protagonist এর বিরুদ্ধে কাজ
করে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, ‘Cinderella’ গল্পে সিন্ডারেলার দুষ্ট সৎমা antagonist।
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
5.6 Read the story “My Birthday Surprise” again and identify the following
three characteristics of the story in pairs/groups. Write the answers in the
given table. One is done for you.
গল্পটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে গল্পের বৈশিষ্ট্য বৈশিষ্ট্য তিনটি শনাক্ত কর�ো এবং নিচের
টেবিলে লেখ�ো। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে একটি বৈশিষ্ট্য লিখে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
Central theme
5.7 Read the story “Have You Filled A Bucket Today?”.
And in pairs/groups, do the activity it follows.
‘Have You Filled A Bucket Today’ গল্পটি পড়�ো এবং দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে
পরের কাজগুল�ো কর�ো।
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
A bully is a bucket dipper. A bucket dipper says or does mean things that make
others feel bad.
Many bucket dippers have an empty bucket. They think that they can fill their
own bucket by dipping into someone else’s. But that will never work. You never
fill your own bucket when you dip into someone else’s.
But guess what, when you fill someone’s bucket, you fill your own bucket too!
You feel good when you help others feel good.
You feel sad and lonely when your bucket is empty. All-day long, we are either
filling up or dipping into each other’s buckets by what we say and what we do.
Try to fill a bucket and see what happens.
You love your mom and dad. Why not tell them you love them? You can even
tell them why. Your caring words will fill their buckets right up.
Watch for smiles to light up their faces. You will feel like smiling too. A smile is
a good clue that you have filled a bucket.
If you practice, you’ll become a great bucket filler. Just remember that everyone
carries an invisible bucket, and think of what you can say or do to fill it.
Here are some ideas for you. You could smile and say “Hi!” to the bus driver.
He has a bucket too.
You could invite the new kid at school to play with you.
You could write a thank-you note to your teacher.
You could tell your grandpa that you like to spend time with him. There are
many ways to fill a bucket.
Bucket filling is fun and easy to do. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are.
It doesn’t cost any money. It doesn’t take much time. And remember, when you
fill someone else’s bucket, you fill your own bucket too.
When you’re a bucket filler, you make your home, your school, and your
neighbourhood better places to be. Bucket filling makes everyone feel good.
So, why not decide to be a bucket filler today and every day? Just start each
day by saying to yourself, “I’m going to do something to fill someone’s bucket
And, at the end of each day, ask yourself, “Did I fill a bucket today?”
“Yes, I did!” That’s the life of a bucket filler.
And that’s YOU!
5.8 Discuss the word meanings in pairs/groups. Then, write your sentence
using the word next to it. One is done for you.
দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে শব্দগুল�োর অর্থ নিয়ে আল�োচনা কর�ো। এরপর, পাশের ফাঁকা কলামে শব্দগুল�ো
ব্যবহার করে নিজের মত�ো করে বাক্য তৈরি কর�ো। ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে একটি বাক্য তৈরি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
5.9 Read the story again and write “T” for true sentences and “F” for false
sentences. One is done for you.
গল্পটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং নিচের বাক্যগুল�ো সঠিক হলে বাক্যের পাশে ‘T’ আর মিথ্যা হলে ‘F’ লেখ�ো।
ব�োঝার জন্য প্রথম বাক্যটির পাশে লিখে দেওয়া হল�ো।
a. We all have buckets with us. T
b. We need our family, friends and neighbours to fill our buckets. ____
c. A bucket filler makes fun of others. _____
d. A bucket dipper always does good things to others. ______
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
e. When you fill your friend’s bucket, you fill your own bucket too. ____
f. Only old people can fill their buckets. ____
g. We need a bucket filler, not a bucket dipper to make a peaceful country.
5.10 Read the following note on ‘Antonym’. Now use the appropriate
antonyms (opposite words) for the underlined words to make the passage
meaningful. Work in groups/pairs.
‘Antonym’ এর বিষয়ে নিচের টিকাটি পড়�ো। এখন, নিচে দাগ দেওয়া শব্দগুল�োর জন্য উপযুক্ত antonyms
(বিপরীত শব্দ) ব্যবহার করে অনুচ্ছেদটি অর্থপূর্ণ কর�ো। দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে কাজটি কর�ো।
An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of the same word. For
example: In my village home, we have a big field but in Dhaka, we have a small
playground in front of our apartment. Here ‘small’ is the antonym of the word
Can you guess the antonym of the underlined word?
বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ হল এমন একটি শব্দ যা অপর একটি শব্দের বিপরীত অর্থ প্রকাশ করে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ:
আমার গ্রামের বাড়িতে একটি বড় মাঠ আছে। কিন্তু, ঢাকায় আমাদের অ্যাপার্টমেন্টের সামনে একটি ছ�োট
খেলার মাঠ আছে। এখানে ‘ছ�োট’ শব্দটি ‘বড়’ শব্দের বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ।
আন্ডারলাইন করা শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ অনুমান কর�ো? এখানে খুব গরম! কিন্তু, এখানে খুব ____!
You are carrying an i) visible bucket to hold your all ii) bad thoughts and good
feelings. A bucket filler is a loving, iii) unfriendly person who says or does bad
things that make others feel iv) unspecial. On the other hand, a bucket dipper
says or does v) good things, and he vi) welcomes others. You will be very happy
when your buckets are vii) empty and you will be sad when your buckets are viii)
full. To fill your bucket, you need to show ix) hatred to someone or do something
x) unkind. It is a very bad idea to fill your own bucket by dipping into someone
else’s bucket. Because you can xi) always fill your own bucket by dipping into
someone else’s. Be a bucket xii) dipper and make the world a xiii) worse place
for all. Besides, bucket filling is fun and xiv) difficult to do.
5.11 One group work is given below. Discuss and list the ten things you do
to fill your own and others’ buckets. Later, share your copies with others.
One is done for.
নিচে একটি দলীয় কাজ প্রদান করা হল�ো। এমন ১০ টি কাজের তালিকা তৈরি কর�ো যা করার মাধ্যমে তুমি
নিজের এবং অন্যের বালতি ভর্তি করে থাক�ো। তারপর, ত�োমাদের লেখা বাকিদের কাছে তুলে ধর�ো। ত�োমার
ব�োঝার সুবিধার্থে একটি কাজের উল্লেখ করে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
5.12 Now, let’s read the story “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” once
again in groups and find out the characteristics it has. Then, write your
এখন, দলে ভাগ হয়ে পুনরায় ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today’ গল্পটি পড়�ো এবং গল্পটির বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলি
ুঁ বের কর�ো এবং নিচে উত্তর লেখ�ো।
5.13 Now, discuss and write a story in groups. Remember that your story
has all three characteristics- characters, point of view and central theme.
Then, read it to the whole class and display it on a wall for everyone to read
in school.
এখন, দলে ভাগ হয়ে একটি গল্প লেখ�ো এবং আল�োচনা কর�ো। মনে রেখ�ো যে ত�োমাদের গল্পের তিনটি বৈশিষ্ট্য
থাকতে হবে- characters, point of view এবং central theme. তারপর পুর�ো ক্লাসের সবাইকে গল্পটি
পড়ে শ�োনাও এবং বিদ্যালয়ের একটি দেওয়ালে উপস্থাপন কর�ো যেন সকলেই গল্পটি পড়তে পারে।
For example:
• Theme- Your kindness/politeness/selflessness etc. to fill your bucket and
others’ buckets
• You can start the story in the following way-
“One day when I was entering my school, I saw a wounded puppy sitting on
the steps of the school building. I was so sorry to see the puppy. So,...................
Or, like the example given above, you can start your own story.
Now, it’s your turn to complete the story.
6 A Good Reader
New vocabulary: Strategy, Reason, Swift, Chew, Endanger, Mention, Guess,
Consist of, Camouflage, Escape, Recognize.
6.1 Ask and answer the following questions with your partner. Then, share
your answers with the whole class.
নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় পড়�ো ও উত্তর দাও, এবং শ্রেণির সবার সাথে ত�োমাদের উত্তর শেয়ার কর�ো।
a) What are the texts you usually read?
b) Do you face difficulties understanding them?
c) Can you remember a text you didn’t understand?
d) What was the text about? Was it a poem, essay, newspaper article, story or
something else?
e) Why didn’t you understand the text? List your reasons in the given space.
A Good Reader
Your answer:
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6.2 Time to know some new words! (এস�ো, নতুন কিছু শব্দ শিখি।)
Read the words in column A and their meanings in column B in pairs/
groups. Then, ask another group/pair the meaning of each word to check if
you understood.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় নিচের কলাম দুইটি পড়�ো। এরপর সবাই শব্দের অর্থ বুঝেছে কিনা জানার
জন্য একে অন্যকে শব্দার্থ জিজ্ঞাসা কর�ো।
Words Meaning
Ruminant An animal that brings back food from its stomach and chews
it again like a cow
A Good Reader
Herd A large group of animals of one kind live and move together
Tree shoots The part of a plant that comes up above the ground when
it is just beginning to grow, or a new part that grows on an
existing plant
Column A Column B
Subspecies Eager to learn or know
Endangered An animal that lives mostly by killing and eating other
Exotic The process of having babies
Guess To form an opinion without knowing
Predators Someone/something is in danger
Curious To decide something
Determine One of the types of a particular species
A Good Reader
6.3 Now, read the article on ‘Antelope’ and the conversation between
Rodoshi and Kanko that follows.
এবারে অ্যান্টিল�োপের ওপর একটি লেখা এবং র�োদসী ও কংক�োর মাঝের কথ�োপকথনটি পড়�ো।
The term ‘antelope’ is used to refer to many species of even-toed ruminants that
are local to many countries in Africa and Eurasia. Talking about the antelope, its
horns are the most interesting parts.
The size and shape of antelopes’ horns vary greatly. If escape is not an option,
antelopes are capable of fighting back. Baby antelope which is called a calf
is an easy target. That is why the mother keeps it in a secret location until it
becomes stronger. It uses its horns to fight against the lion, which lived in a
herd. It is difficult to determine how long antelopes live in the wild. Antelopes
eat tree shoots, leaves, plants, grasses and flowers. A number of subspecies are
endangered. Many species of antelope are imported to other parts of the world,
especially the United States, for exotic game hunting.
A Good Reader
mentioned but the last one, is the United States imports antelopes, so it is not its
living space. The last two are likely to be.
Kanko: But why is this paragraph written?
Rodoshi: If there was a picture of it or a headline of this paragraph, we could
easily understand. But now, to find out this we have to read it carefully.
Kanko: One thing I noticed in the last part, nowadays it is endangered, I think it
would be an awareness-increasing report about antelope.
Rodoshi: Most probably but this article also does not explain properly. But now
I am quite curious about it.
Kanko: We can ask our teacher about it tomorrow.
Rodoshi: Okay. See you tomorrow then. Bye.
Kanko: Bye.
6.4 Read the conversation again and complete the following sentences with
meaningful words/phrases.
কথ�োপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং অর্থপূর্ণ শব্দ দিয়ে বাক্যগুল�ো সম্পূর্ণ কর�ো।
a) Rodoshi and Kanko are talking about _____________________.
b) Antelope is a kind of animal that ____________________.
c) After reading the article Rodoshi and Kanko couldn’t understand
d) Rodoshi and Kanko guessed Antelope is an animal because
e) To find out where Antelopes live __________________________.
f) To find out the meaning of any written text___________________.
g) Pictures and headlines__________________________________.
6.5 Let’s learn some ways/strategies that can help us understand a reading
text better.
এস�ো, কীভাবে আর�ো সহজেই একটি লেখা পড়ে অর্থ ব�োঝা যায় সে নিয়ে কিছু টেকনিক শিখি।
1. Read and reread carefully:
The first thing that you can do is to read and reread a written text, again and
again, to understand it better.
A Good Reader
6.6 Now, read the conversation between Rodoshi and Kanko again. Then,
find out the steps of the contextual clues technique they used to understand
the text about Antelope. Later, in pairs/groups, fill in the following blanks
with meaningful words. One is done for you.
র�োদসী এবং কংক�োর কথ�োপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়�ো। এবার, তারা লেখা থেকে কীভাবে অ্যান্টিল�োপ সম্পর্কে
জেনেছে সেই টেকনিক খজে ুঁ বের কর�ো। তারপর, জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে অর্থপূর্ণ শব্দ দিয়ে
বাক্যগুল�ো সম্পূর্ণ কর�ো। একটি ত�োমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
a) The steps of the contextual clues technique that Rodoshi and Kanko used
to understand “What is an Antelope?”
Steps: Rodoshi and Kanko found out-
1 about their _______. (food habit)
2. that they have _____ which is called_____.
3. ______ and _____ hunt it.
Finally, they understood that Antelope is ________.
b) The steps of the contextual clues technique that Rodoshi and Kanko used
to understand “Where does Antelope live?”
Steps: Rodoshi and Kanko found out-
1. the word _____.
2. the _____ and _____ line.
3. the United States _____ Antelopes.
Finally, they decided that it lives in ____ and ____.
c) The steps of the contextual clues technique that Rodoshi and Kanko used to
understand “Why is this paragraph written?”
Steps: Rodoshi and Kanko found out-
1.pictures or ______.
2. the antelopes are in ______.
Finally, they understood that the paragraph is written to ________ about
6.7 Now in pairs/groups read the following situations and identify whether
you will use skimming or scanning.
এবারে, দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় নিচের ঘটনাগুল�ো পড়�ো এবং তুমি স্কিমিং অথবা স্ক্যানিংয়ের
মাঝে ক�োনটি ব্যবহার করবে তা নির্বাচন কর�ো।
Types of
Types of situations
You are searching for the meaning of the word ‘Delight’ in 1.
the dictionary.
You were searching for the meaning of a word in a 1.
dictionary. You got the word and read the meaning.
You need to call your class teacher. So, you are reading the 1.
school diary to find out his/her number.
You are going to order a gift for your mother on her 1.
birthday. So, you are checking the products of an online
You are in your school library. You are checking the 1.
catalogue for a specific book.
6.8 Read the list of reasons you have written in activity 6.1. Now, in pairs/
groups discuss the reasons again and make the necessary changes to the
reasons. Use the following table to do this activity.
অ্যাকটিভিটি ৬.১ এ থাকা তালিকাটি পড়�ো। এবারে দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় নিজেদের মাঝে
আল�োচনা কর�ো এবং প্রয়�োজনীয় পরিবর্তন আনতে পার�ো। এজন্য নিচের টেবিলটি ব্যবহার করতে পার�ো।
For example- In your list, one of the reasons is “new words”. But now you came
to know that you didn’t use contextual clues.
A Good Reader
6.9 Now, in a group of 6-8 and read the text you have got. Then, discuss
the meaning of the text following the strategies you have learnt in this unit.
Later, explain the strategies you applied to understand the meaning of the
texts to the whole class.
ছয় থেকে আট জন করে দল গঠন কর�ো এবং নিচের লেখাটি পড়�ো। এবার, এই পাঠে পড়া ক�োন�ো একটি
পদ্ধতি অনুসরণ করে লেখাটির অর্থ বের কর�ো। তারপর, শ্রেণিকক্ষে সবার সাথে ত�োমার ব্যবহৃত পদ্ধতি নিয়ে
আল�োচনা কর�ো।
Earlier chocolate was so precious that it was used as money! Now we use
chocolate every day and on special occasions, such as birthdays, Mother’s Day,
and Friendship Day. Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which grows near the
Equator. After four years, the trees start to produce pods. Farmers open the pods
and take out the seeds. Vanilla, sugar, cinnamon, and other spices are added to
the ground-up seeds.
The origin of chocolate is interesting. As early as 2,000 years ago, people of the
Americas were mixing cacao beans, water, and spices to make a drink. In 1502,
Christopher Columbus brought cacao beans back to Spain. People later learned
how to change chocolate from liquid to solid. And by 1847, they were enjoying
chocolate candy bars!
A World of Water
Nearly 75% of the earth is covered by water. There is water above ground called
surface water such as lakes, swamps, rivers, and water that’s under the ground
called groundwater. Water even exists in the sky! That is called vapour. So,
water is everywhere.
We have a lot of water but unfortunately, we can’t drink most of it. Ninety-seven
and a half percent of the earth’s water is salt water, which we can’t drink. The
rest is fresh water, which we can drink. 70% of our drinking water is frozen-
like the Hubbard Glacier. Also, we can reach 30% of our groundwater. And
most of that is polluted. In fact, we can only drink about 1% of the world’s fresh
A Good Reader
My Robot
My personal robot ‘Pinku’ will teach you a new language. It has speech
recognition and facial recognition. So, it recognizes your face or your voice
when you talk to it. This robot can recognize pictures and objects. So, if you
show it your cell phone, it will tell you how to say “cell phone” in English or any
other language. It has voice recognition, so it can correct your pronunciation
too. The best thing is that it tells jokes and sings songs! It’s a girl, but there are
more designs, including animal robots!
Don’t Panic!
Suppose you are using your mother’s cellular phone and you drop it in the water
accidentally. Now, what should we do? Cell phones are extremely durable. They
can survive rain, but they are not all waterproof yet. Therefore, if you want to
save it, you need to be quick and follow these steps:
1. Take your phone out of the water quickly. Don’t turn on the phone.
2. Take out the battery and remove the SIM card, if your phone has one.
3. Dry your phone carefully for ten minutes. (Note: If the phone was dropped in
salt water, clean it first with fresh water.)
4. Dry each part of the phone for twenty minutes. Don’t switch your phone on
5. Put the phone in a bowl of dry rice. Leave it overnight. Moisture will soak into
the uncooked rice during the night.
6. Wait 24 hours. Then test your cell phone: insert the battery and switch it on. If
nothing happens, find some dry rice and put the phone in again.
After a phone goes for a swim, most people buy a new one. But it’s possible to
save a wet phone. Just be patient and don’t panic!
A Good Reader
Person Activity
The young man talking
The two women
The little girl
The shopkeeper
The shop assistant
The fruit seller
The cleaner
The tailor
Using Verbs Easily
Let’s know Principal and Auxiliary verbs.
7.3 Look at the picture again and make sentences using the following clues.
Then write whether the verbs express an action or a state. One on each is
done as an example.
ছবিটি আবার দেখ�ো এবং তা থেকে বাক্য রচনা কর�ো। এরপর ক্রিয়াপদটি ক�োন কাজ অথবা অবস্থা ব�োঝাচ্ছে
তা লেখ�ো। উদাহরণস্বরূপ একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Expressing actions/
Clues Sentences
The man in the cloth The man is buying a action (because the verb
store, buy dress. tells what the person is
The two women in the
jewelley shop, choose
The little girl, eat a
The open space in the The market is spacious. state (because the verb
market, spacious indicates how the market
The cleaner, clean
The security guard,
The washroom, clean
7.4 In pairs/groups, see the examples first in the box below. Then, discuss
and write how auxiliary verbs are helping the principal verbs in the sentences
that follow.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় প্রথম বক্সের উদাহরণগুল�ো পড়�ো। এবার কীভাবে সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়াপদ
মূল ক্রিয়াপদকে বাক্যে সাহায্য করছে তা নিয়ে আল�োচনা কর�ো ও লেখ�ো।
Using Verbs Easily
1. Do you watch a cricket match on television? _____________.
2. I do not like to wait for a long time. ___________
3. My friend is helping me to clean the classroom. ________.
4. I did not call you last night. _______.
5. Didn’t (did not) you attend the last class? __________.
7.5 Read the text. Then, write in pairs/groups how different underlined
actions (verbs) are done. One is done for you.
অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়�ো। এরপর কীভাবে দাগ দেওয়া শব্দগুল�ো আলাদা অর্থ প্রকাশ করছে তা লেখ�ো। একটি ত�োমাদের
জন্য করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Hi, friends!
I’m Rumela. Sometimes I visit the nearby market with my parents. Last Friday,
I went to the market to buy some books and food items. There, I saw different
people doing different activities. A young man was talking to the shopkeeper
gently. And the shopkeeper was helping the young man to choose a shirt. I saw
that the two middle-aged women were talking seriously to each other. The shop
assistant was very busy and she was showing the customers different ornaments
patiently. A little girl, standing beside her mother was eating a banana gladly.
A cleaner was sweeping the road hastily/neatly. One of the security guards
was checking seriously whether everyone wore the masks or not. And when
I went to the girl’s washroom, I saw the cleaner asking everyone gently to use
the washroom properly. All of this helps me to learn how to talk with different
people and also inspires me to be gentle and patient.
An adverb is a part of speech. It describes a verb (e.g., love dearly), an
adjective (e.g., Very intelligent), or another adverb (e.g., greets very
cordially). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some adverbs look exactly the same
as their adjective forms (e.g., work hard).
Adverb বা ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ part of speech বা পদের একটি অংশ। এটি ক্রিয়াকে ব্যাখ্যা বা বর্ণনা
করে (যেমন, love dearly), বিশেষণকে ব্যাখ্যা বা বর্ণনা করে (যেমন, Very intelligent), বা
অন্য ক্রিয়া বিশেষণকে ব্যাখ্যা বা বর্ণনা করে (যেমন, greets very cordially)। adverb প্রায়শই
-ly তে শেষ হয়। কিন্তু কিছু কিছু adverbs দেখতে শব্দটির adjective ফর্মের মত�ো হুবহু হয়(যেমন,
work hard)।
Using Verbs Easily
7.6 Read the following situations and write appropriate adverbs in the
নিচের ঘটনাগুল�ো পড়�ো এবং যথ�োপযুক্ত adverbs ব্যবহার করে বাক্যগুল�ো সম্পূর্ণ কর�ো।
Stop, look and cross the road
In cities especially in big cities, it’s very risky to cross a road. While crossing the
roads, don’t run. Never use a mobile phone when you are crossing a road. Only
cross a road on the zebra crossing or through a flyover.
Using Verbs Easily
Save our best friends
Trees are useful for us in many ways. Also, trees are homes for several birds and
animals. They provide shelter to them. In other words, trees fulfil the role of a
best friend in every human being’s life.
Technological challenges
Nowadays we all use so many devices like smartphones and tablets, desktops,
laptops, and different gaming devices. They help us in many ways but if you
overuse these devices, it will create problems and risks for you. Overuse of
technology is very harmful to health. Besides, it will keep you not only away
from your friends and family but also your study.
8 Heroes of Bengal
New vocabulary: Placement, Monitor, Unmindful, Watch station, Console,
Deadly, Task, Accordingly, Martyr, Lemonade.
8.1 Look at the pictures below and in pairs identify the position/placement
of the living and non-living things. Then, in pairs ask and answer questions
to know their placements. One is done for you.
নিচের ছবিটি দেখ�ো এবং ছবিতে বিদ্যমান জীব ও জড়পদার্থের অবস্থান চিহ্নিত কর�ো। এবারে একে অন্যকে
প্রশ্ন কর�ো। একটি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর নিচে দেওয়া হল�ো।
You can use the following words to describe the location of the things:
on, in, next to, beside, between, in front of, over, below, under.
These words are called prepositions and are used before nouns or pronouns.
They make a connection of the noun or pronoun with other parts (words)
of the sentence.
এই শব্দগুল�োকে preposition বলা হয় এবং এরা noun বা বিশেষ্য অথবা pronoun বা
সর্বনামের আগে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Preposition বাক্যের বিশেষ্য বা সর্বনামের সাথে বাক্যের অন্যান্য
অংশের (শব্দ) সংয�োগ তৈরি করে।
8.3 Work in a group of 3. Take a book, a pen, a school bag, and a notebook
(khata) in your group. One member in your group will give instructions
from the box below and another member will do the task accordingly and
the third one will monitor whether he/she is doing the task correctly or not.
By turns, every member will do the task.
তিনজন করে দল তৈরি কর�ো। প্রতিটি দলে একটি করে বই, খাতা, কলম ও স্কুলব্যাগ নাও। দলের একজন
সদস্য নিচের বক্স দেখে নির্দেশনা দেবে, একজন সেইমত�ো কাজ করবে এবং তৃতীয়জন তার কাজ সঠিক হচ্ছে
কিনা তা পর্যবেক্ষণ করবে। এভাবে একে একে সবাই নিচের কাজ সম্পন্ন কর�ো।
1. Close your eyes for five seconds.
2. Now open your eyes and look at me.
3. Keep the pen in your hand.
4. Put the book on the bench/desk.
5. Put the notebook beside the book.
6. Keep the pen behind the bag.
7. Now put the pen between the book and notebook.
8. Hold the book over your head.
9. Put the notebook under the book now.
10. Keep the pen in front of the notebook.
Heroes of Bengal
8.4 Let’s play the game “Who remembers the most?” (এস�ো, “স্মৃতির খেলা” খেলি।)
Look at the picture for 1 minute and identify the location of the things.
একমিনিট ধরে সবাই ছবির দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকবে এবং ছবিতে থাকা বিভিন্ন জিনিষের অবস্থান ভাল�োভাবে
লক্ষ্য করবে।
The words like ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ are connecting words, groups of
words, or short sentences. They are called conjunctions.
‘and’, ‘but’ এবং ‘or’ শব্দগুলি একাধিক শব্দ বা শব্দগুচ্ছ বা বাক্যাংশের সংয�োগকারী হিসেবে
ব্যবহৃত হয় । এদের বলা হয় য�োজক (Conjunction)।
We use ‘and’ to add something similar. e.g.-The father and his son are
playing badminton.
অনুরূপ বা সমজাতীয় কিছু য�োগ করতে ‘এবং’ (And) ব্যবহার করা হয়। যেমন- বাবা এবং তার
ছেলে ব্যাডমিন্টন খেলছে। (The father and his son are playing badminton.)
We use ‘but’ when we want to say something opposite to what has already
been mentioned. e.g.- I like cricket but I don’t like tennis.
‘কিন্তু’(But) ব্যবহার করা হয় যখন ইতিমধ্যে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে এমন শব্দের বিপরীত কিছু বলতে
চাওয়া হয়। যেমন- আমি ক্রিকেট পছন্দ করি কিন্তু টেনিস পছন্দ করি না। (I like cricket but I
don’t like tennis.)
We use ‘or’ when only one option is possible. e.g.- We will go to Cox’s
Bazar next Friday or Saturday.
যখন বিকল্প চিন্তা বা বিকল্প সম্ভাবনা বুঝান�ো হয় তখন ‘বা’(Or) ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন- আমরা আগামী
শুক্রবার বা শনিবার কক্সবাজার যাব। (We will go to Cox’s Bazar next Friday or
8.6 Now, read the following text and write the functions/purposes of the
highlighted conjunctions in the sentences. One is done for you.
এবারে, নিচের লেখাটি পড়�ো এবং তাতে হাইলাইট করা কনজাংশন বাক্যে কী কাজ করছে তা লেখ�ো। একটি
করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
One day Badal and his elder brother were going to school. His brother was
talking, but suddenly he became silent. He was looking unmindful. Badal asked
the reason but his brother didn’t answer. At school, they saw many people in the
playground. There were local people, many students, and some teachers also.
They heard the Headteacher say, “We will bring independence, or will die.”
Heroes of Bengal
8.7 Read the story below. Now, in groups make a list of prepositions and
conjunctions you find in the text in the given table.
ুঁ বের করে তা
নিচের গল্পটি পড়�ো। এবার, দলগতভাবে বাক্য থেকে Prepositions ও Conjunctions খঝে
Heroes of Bengal
Badal could still remember the day. It was on Sunday, in September of 1971.
How old was he at that time? Probably, 14 or 15 years old. Badal with twelve
freedom fighters marched to enter Dhaka city. He was young but he dared to
fight against the Pakistani army.
It was very early in the morning when the city was sleeping in fear and worry,
but the freedom fighters did not have sleep and attacked an army watch station
at Jatrabari. They first destroyed a truck in front of the station. Seeing this, the
army came with a deadly response. But due to the sudden attack, the Pakistani
army could not continue fighting. They had only two options left for them - one
was to surrender before the freedom fighters or die. They eventually got shot and
died, and the freedom fighters destroyed the station at the price of four freedom
fighters. Among the freedom fighters, there was also Badal’s elder brother. When
he thought of the incident, his eyes filled with tears. But he consoled himself that
because of his brother’s sacrifice as well as other martyred freedom fighters, we
got our independence. They are the real heroes of Bengal!
8.8 In pairs/groups read the following text and fill the gaps with the
appropriate preposition from the box.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় নিচের লেখাটি পড়�ো এবং বক্স থেকে উপযুক্ত শব্দ নিয়ে লেখাটি সম্পূর্ণ
Badal’s family lives …….. a village. It’s a green village ……. an open blue sky.
The village is ……… a big river. There is a bridge ……… the river. A village hat
(market) sits …….. one end ………. the village on Thursday. In fact, people can
buy and sell fish and vegetables …….. the afternoon every day. Badal’s school
was one kilometre away …….. his home. He used to go to school ……. foot
with his brother. Often he went to school …….. rickshaw.
Heroes of Bengal
8.10 In pairs or groups read the sentences. And then, connect them using
‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় বাক্যগুল�ো পড়�ো এবং and, but, or সঠিকভাবে ব্যবহার করে বাক্যগুল�ো
অর্থব�োধক করে ত�োল�ো।
a) I like cooking. I like eating.
b) I drank lemonade. I drank a glass of cold water.
c) He reached school on time. His friend was late.
d) I want to go to play. I’m sick.
e) Is it Thursday? Is it Friday today?
f) My mother wants me to be a teacher. My father wants me to be a football
g) One day his father went to the market. He bought a football for him.
h) Our Headteacher is honest. Our Headteacher is very friendly.
i) I’m hungry. I have nothing to eat.
9 Knowing Our Parents
New vocabulary: Biography, Chronologically, Remarkable, Anatomy, Various,
Genocide, Contribution, Shed, Advice, Identity.
9.2 Read the note on “The Narrative Text”. Then in pairs/groups, do the
“True or False” activity.
বর্ণনামূলক লেখা নিয়ে নিচের ন�োটটি পড়�ো। এরপর দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় সত্য-মিথ্যাটি
সমাধান কর�ো।
A narrative text is a form of writing. The writer uses a narrative form of
writing to express emotion, experience, incident, event etc. The narrative
form of writing can be essays, biographies, news stories, etc. We also
use narrative text to tell our stories. For example, when you tell a story
to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you
are using a narrative text.
একটি বর্ণনামূলক বা narrative text মূলত writing- এর একটি form । লেখক তার আবেগ,
অভিজ্ঞতা, ঘটনা ইত্যাদি প্রকাশ করার জন্য লেখার এই বর্ণনামূলক রূপটি (narrative form)
ব্যবহার করেন। লেখার বর্ণনামূলক রূপ হতে পারে প্রবন্ধ (essays), জীবনী (biographies),
সংবাদ (news) ইত্যাদি। গল্প বলার জন্য narrative form ব্যবহার করা হয়। উদাহরণস্বরূপ,
দিনের একটি ঘটনা বা অভিজ্ঞতা সম্পর্কে বন্ধু বা পরিবারের সদস্যদেরকে গল্প বলতে, বর্ণনামূলক
লেখনি বা narrative text ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Knowing Our Parents
9.3 True or false activity:
Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False
sentences. If false write the correct information.
নিচের বাক্যগুল�ো পড়�ো এবং খাতায় লেখ�ো। বাক্য সত্য হলে তার পাশে সত্য ও মিথ্যা হলে মিথ্যা লেখে সঠিক
উত্তরটিও সাথে লেখ�ো।
a) We use narrative texts to tell only our own stories.
b) In a narrative text, we express our feelings, emotions and experiences.
c) Every day we use narrative texts.
d) We use different tenses when we tell our past events.
e) In a narrative text, we tell events chronologically.
9.4 Now, read your text on “My Life story” once again and ask and answer
the following questions in pairs/groups. Then, check your answers with
other pairs/groups:
“আমার জীবনের গল্প” লেখাটি আবার পড়�ো এবং নিচের প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও। এরপর নিজেদের মাঝে খাতা
অদলবদল কর�ো।
9.5 It’s time to read the life story of the three remarkable women in the
world. Another way we can say we will read the story of the three remarkable
women’s life written by somebody else.
এবারে বিখ্যাত তিনজন মহীয়সী নারীর জীবনের গল্প পড়ার পালা। আমরা অন্যভাবে বলতে পারি, আমরা
এবারে তিনজন নারীর জীবনী অন্য একজনের লেখনিতে পড়ব�ো।
Read the three biographies given below. Then, in pairs/groups match the
words and phrases in column A with their meanings in column B. Then,
discuss their meanings in the text. One is done for you.
নিচের অনুচ্ছেদ থেকে তিনজনের জীবনী পড়�ো। এরপর দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় কলামদুট�ো মিল
করে বাক্য রচনা কর�ো। এরপর শব্দের অর্থ আল�োচনা কর�ো। একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Marie Curie
Family, research, and love were going hand in hand in Marie and Pierre’s life.
Known as the mother of modern physics, Mary Curie and her husband Pierre
jointly began research on radioactive material. Marie and Pierre won the Nobel
Prize in 1903 for this invention. Not only did the two do research together, but
they also shared household chores.
They used to go out on their bicycles during work. This is how their happy
life was passing. In the meantime, they had two children, Irene Currie and Eve
Currie. During this happy time, the year 1906 came with bad news, Pierre Curie
died in a road accident.
However, Mary Curie did not stop there. She took up incomplete research and
in 1911, she became the first scientist to receive the second Nobel Prize, but this
time in chemistry. Then, she tried to find out how radioactivity could be used
in medicine. She was successful in this work and used it in the First World War.
Knowing Our Parents
After rapid studies in radiology, anatomy, and auto-mechanics, she developed
X-ray machines and mobile radiography, later known as ‘Petites curies’ (little
curies). She managed radiological units in 20 mobile hospitals with the help of
her daughter Irene.
This noble woman died in 1934 due to the effects of radium radiation which she
Jahanara Imam
On the day when Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib was released
from house arrest, another woman was sitting in another part of Dhaka city
writing a diary. The lady’s name is Jahanara Imam, a teacher by profession.
Another identity of her is that she is the mother of Shafi Imam Rumi. She
lost her husband four days ago, and her eldest son Rumi has been missing
since August of 1971. No one can tell where he is. If wanted, her son could
Knowing Our Parents
have become a big engineer, he could have been sent to the Illinois Institute
of Technology. But Rumi gave up the chance of admission to one of the best
universities in the world; instead, he joined the liberation war for our country.
That mother is sitting with her little son, Jami. The country has become
Mother keeps writing in the diary-
“In the afternoon, the news of Rayerbazar’s slaughterhouse also reached my
ears. I feel very restless. What should I do? Where should I go, I can’t understand
anything. Rumi! Is Rumi alive? How can I get news? From whom can I get news?
Sharif left at that time. Both of us were suffering for Rumi, waiting for Rumi.
Now I have to do everything alone, bear all the pain alone.
Phone and electric lines are still not fixed. Who will decide? All over Dhaka
people laugh and cry at the same time. Smile for freedom. But so much blood
had to be shed that laughter of joy drowned in tears.
Later, in the 1990s, Jahanara Imama formed Ekattorer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul
Committee along with 101 Bangladeshi activists to seek justice for the genocide
carried out during the Bangladesh liberation war. Until her death, she was vocal
about the punishment of the war humanitarian criminal of 1971, Pakistani allied
Razakar, Al-Badr.
Column A Column B
Meaning in the text
(word/phrase) (meaning)
Marie Curie
Hand in hand Experiment that is not finished Marie and Pierre Curie
are closely connected by
family. They did research
together and loved each
Radioactive Intensive/ huge research
Incomplete The energy comes from radium (a
research chemical)
Rapid studies Something that releases radiation
Radium radiation Closely connected
Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib
Work selflessly To make others known//carry
Masterfully A democratic political movement
handled in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)
(ঊনসত্তরের গণঅভ্যুত্থান)
Conveyed Surrounded with armed forces to
capture it
Mass uprising Expert to do work with great
Strong-willed Someone who works for other people,
not for himself/herself
A real guerrilla Determined to do something
Besieged Dhaka Someone who fights as part of an
city unofficial army, usually against an
official army.
Jahanara Imam
Knowing Our Parents
9.6 Read the biographies again in pairs/groups. And complete the following
chart with the necessary information from the text. Then compare your
answers in pairs/groups. One is done for you.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় পুনরায় জীবনীগুল�ো পড়�ো। এবারে নিচের চার্টটি সঠিক তথ্য দিয়ে পূরণ
কর�ো। এরপর নিজেরা নিজেদের মাঝে খাতা বিনিময় করে উত্তর মূল্যায়ন কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে
দেওয়া হল�ো।
Marie Begum
Jahanara Imam
Curie Fazilatunnessa
1. What were their A scientist A housewife A teacher and the
professions? founder of “Ekattorer
Ghatak Dalal Nirmul
5. Why do people
remember them?
9.7 Read the three biographies again and in pairs/groups, identify which
elements of a narrative text you have found in the texts. Then write them in
the given table with an example. One is done for you.
জীবনীগুল�ো পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় বর্ণনামূলক লেখার ক�োন ক�োন উপাদান
এখানে উপস্থিত রয়েছে তা শনাক্ত কর�ো। এরপর উদাহরণসহ টেবিলটি সম্পূর্ণ কর�ো। একটি ত�োমাদের জন্য
করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Text on Text on
Elements of a
Text on Marie Curie Bangamata Begum Jahanara
narrative text
Fazilatunnessa Mujib Imam
1) Has three parts Yes, it has divided
(a beginning, a into three parts. The
middle and an beginning introduces
end) her, the middle gives
more information about
her and the ending
talks about her death.
2) Written in the
past tense
3) Used third or
first person
4) Has characters
and dialogues
5) The events
are described
মেরি কুরী, বঙ্গমাতা শেখ ফজিলাতুন্নেসা মুজিব এবং জাহানারা ইমাম এমন তিনজন মহীয়সী নারী যারা
দেশ ও পৃথিবীর জন্য নিঃস্বার্থভাবে কাজ করে গেছেন। আমাদের জীবনেও এমন কিছু মানুষ রয়েছেন যারা
নিঃস্বার্থভাবে আমাদের জন্য অবিরাম কাজ করে যাচ্ছেন।
Can you guess who they are?
Your answer: ____________________________________________________
Knowing Our Parents
9.9 Work in pairs/groups. Discuss your parents’ contribution to your family.
Then write a short biography of your father or mother.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় ত�োমার পরিবারে পিতামাতার ভূমিকা নিয়ে আল�োচনা কর�ো। এরপর,
ত�োমার মা অথবা বাবার ওপর একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবন বৃত্তান্ত লেখ�ো।
To write a good narrative text (biography) you have to keep in mind the following
• Talk to them first to know all the information about them and write your
texts in a way that everybody can understand clearly
• Do not describe every incident of their lives
• Tell the events as they happened (chronologically)
• To make your biography interesting connect the dates and events in their
lives. You can use words like after that, before, since then, the next year,
then, at the time, suddenly, and afterwards etc.
• Use the third person narrative (for example, my mother, my father, he,
she, they) when you describe the story
• Use simple past tense to describe the events
• Your story must have a beginning, middle and end. In the beginning, you
can introduce him/her, in the middle write more about them and finally
conclude with their contribution to your life.
• You can draw them or add their pictures
• Finally, revise and check grammar and sentence structure
When you are finished hang your text in a suitable place for your teachers and
friends. Don’t forget to share it with the great persons for whom we are in this
world and who are always working and praying for all our success.
10 Freedom of Choice
New vocabulary: Science Fiction, Barrier, Unique, Diversity, Tolerant, Mock,
Preference, Annoyed, Ashamed, Opinion.
10.1 The following conversation is among the three friends. In pairs/groups
read the conversation and identify the given sentences as true or false. If
false, discuss the correct answer.
তিন বন্ধুর মাঝে হওয়া নিচের কথ�োপকথনটি দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় পড়�ো এবং নিচে থাকা
বাক্যগুল�োর সত্য অথবা মিথ্যা কিনা তা শনাক্ত কর�ো। যদি মিথ্যা হয় তবে সঠিক উত্তরটি নিয়ে নিজেদের
মাঝে আল�োচনা কর�ো।
10.2 Now, in groups of 6-8 identify how you are similar and different from
each other. Use the given table to organise/showcase your responses: One is
done for you.
ছয় থেকে আটজন করে একেকটি দল গঠন কর�ো এবং ত�োমরা কীভাবে একজন অপর জনের মত�ো বা
একজন অপর জন থেকে আলাদা তা নিজেদের মাঝে আল�োচনা করে শনাক্ত কর�ো। নিচের টেবিলে ত�োমাদের
প্রত্যেকের কথা লিপিবদ্ধ কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
You can ask the following questions to know your friend.
10.3 Let’s play a game ‘This or That? -You Are Loved’ এস�ো একটি খেলা খেলি।
10.4 Now in pairs discuss how your friend is unique/different from others.
Then, share it with the whole class.
জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় ত�োমার বন্ধু কীভাবে অনন্য বা অন্যদের থেকে আলাদা তা নিয়ে আল�োচনা কর�ো। এরপর
তা ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার কর�ো।
You can use the following template to know your friend’s uniqueness.
Student A: Do you have any special thing/quality which nobody has?
Student B: I think, yes. I have a ______(unique name).
Student A: How do you know it’s unique?
Student B: Because I don’t know anyone who has _____(this name).
Student A: That’s true.
Student B: What about you? What’s your uniqueness?
Student A: I believe, I have a ______ (unique quality of making friends).
Student B: Well said. Thanks a lot.
Freedom of Choice
10.5 Now, in pairs/groups read the text given below. And match the words
in column A with their meanings in column B.
নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়�ো এবং কলাম দুইটির শব্দার্থ মিল কর�ো।
Today, Nabiha and Tasfia are very excited. The reason for their excitement is
that they have a picnic today at their school. Nabiha and Tasfia are cousins.
They both are in class seven. They live in the same house with their parents and
grandparents in a joint family. Today they want their grandmother to dress them
beautifully. Nabiha wants to go wearing a Sari. On the other hand, Tasfiya likes
Salwar Kamiz. She wants to wear a blue Salwar kameez. Nabiha wants to wear
a red Sari. After dressing them up their grandmother tells them, they are looking
like red and blue angels.
When they arrived at the picnic, they saw everybody wearing their dresses of
choice. Some students wear Sari, some of them wear Salwar Kameez and some
of them wear jeans and tops. All the students worked together to prepare a variety
of dishes. Although Nabiha does not like fish curry, she helped others to prepare
it. Tasfia gave the chicken curry to her cousin when the feast began.
After the feast, they sat together and started to talk about everything. They talked
about their hobbies, and what they wanted to be in future. Nabiha wants to be
a writer while Tasfia wants to be a teacher. Someone wants to be a doctor and
someone wants to be a singer, they came to know as the discussion progressed.
Nabiha understood one thing today. Everybody is unique and their tastes are
unique too. It is this uniqueness and diversity that makes the world beautiful. If
everything was more of the same, the world would be a rather dull place.
10.6 Read the passage again. In pairs/groups, discuss the answers to the
following questions. Then, share the answers with the whole class.
অনুচ্ছেদটি পুনরায় পড়�ো। এবারে জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো নিয়ে আল�োচনা কর�ো
এবং ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার কর�ো।
1) Who are Nabiha and Tasfia?
2) How are they similar or different from each other?
3) “Uniqueness and diversity make the world beautiful”- what does the
sentence mean to you?
Freedom of Choice
4) Do you accept or reject differences among people? / Are you tolerant of others?
5) Do you think with these differences we all can live happily?
10.7 Now, design a poster in groups of 6-8 to make people accept differences.
The heading of your poster can be “Uniqueness and diversity make the
world a safer place” or you can choose your heading.
এবারে, ছয় থেকে আটজন করে দল গঠন করে মানুষের মাঝে বিদ্যমান বৈচিত্রতার গ্রহণয�োগ্যতা নিয়ে
সচেতনতামূলক প�োস্টার তৈরী কর�ো। প�োস্টারের শির�োনাম হতে পারে ‘অনন্যতা ও বৈচিত্রতাই পৃথিবীকে
আর�ো সুন্দর ও নিরাপদ করে ত�োলে’, চাইলে নিজেরাও ইচ্ছেমত�ো শির�োনাম ব্যবহার করতে পার�ো।
When all the groups are finished with their posters, arrange a presentation
of all the posters. Each group will describe their posters to the students.
সবার প�োস্টার তৈরী হলে সেসব প্রদর্শনীর ব্যবস্থা কর�ো। প্রতিটি দল নিজেদের প�োস্টার বর্ণনা ও এই বিষয়
নিয়ে সবার সাথে আল�োচনা করবে।
The conversation is taking place between Nurul Abedin Sir, a Physical education
teacher and Runu, one of his favourite students.
Runu: Assalamualikum sir. How are you?
Abedin Sir: Great to see you, Runu! I’m doing good.
Runu: Sir, with your blessings I’ve got a GPA of 5 in HSC.
Abedin Sir: Wow! That’s brilliant. So far as I can remember, you also got a GPA
of 5 in SSC, right?
Runu: Right.
Abedin Sir: So what are you planning to study in future?
Runu: I would like to be a scientist, so I want to study Physics at university.
Abedin Sir: That sounds like a good plan!
Runu: Please take care of your health, sir.
Abedin Sir: Good luck, Runu.
Runu: Thank you, sir.
Let’s Explore the Sentences
11.2 Read the conversation again. In pairs/groups, find out the 5 different
types of sentences. Then, list them in the given table and write their
structures. Also, write their features/characteristics. One is done for you.
কথ�োপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়�ো। এবার জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে পাঁচধরণের বাক্য শনাক্ত কর�ো।
তারপর, নিচের টেবিলে বাক্যগুল�ো এবং তাদের গঠন লেখ�ো। বাক্যের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুল�োও ঝটপট লেখে ফেল�ো।
একটি ত�োমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
11.3 Ask and answer the following questions in pairs. Then share your
answers with the whole class. (If needed have a look at the class 6 English
Book, unit “Ask and Answer”)
(জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় একে অন্যকে নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো কর�ো। এরপর ত�োমাদের উত্তরগুল�ো ক্লাসের সবার সাথে
শেয়ার কর�ো। প্রয়�োজনে ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বইয়ের সাহায্য নিতে পার�ো।)
a) What type of sentence will you use to know the date of your next class test?
b) What type of sentences will you use to describe your school?
c) If you want to argue against your friend’s opinion about friendship, what type
of sentence will you use?
d) What are the two types of questions? Give one example of each.
e) What are the two important differences between a question and a statement?
11.4 Now, read the following note in pairs/groups to learn more about
এখন জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে নিচের ন�োটটি পড়�ো।
In English grammar, sentences are of 5 types. In class six you have
already learned about Assertive and Interrogative sentences. Now, let’s
read the remaining 3 types of sentences.
Let’s Explore the Sentences
11.5 Now, read the note again and do the ‘Fill in the Gaps’ activity using
the words from the box in pairs/groups. You may use one word more than
once. Then, check your answers with your peer.
ন�োটটি আবার পড়�ো এবং বক্স থেকে শব্দ নিয়ে শূণ্যস্থান পূরণ কর�ো। একটি শব্দ একাধিকবার ব্যবহার করা
যাবে। এরপর সহপাঠীর সাথে খাতা বিনিময় করে উত্তর মূল্যায়ন কর�ো।
11.6 Read the story ‘Bellerophon of Greece’ and then match the words/
phrases with their meanings.
গল্পটি পড়�ো এবং শব্দের অর্থ মিল কর�ো।
Bellerophon of Greece
Once a young shepherd Bellerophon lived in Greece. He lived in a hut on the
bank of a river by the mountainside. He used to work from dawn to dusk. He
passed his days by cooking food, cutting wood, getting water, washing clothes,
looking after the animals, and doing hundreds of other things. A huge dog named
Philo was his constant companion.
One day Prince Proitos of Lycia came with a great fleet of boats on the river. The
prince had a terrible reputation. So, Bellerophon said to himself “You don’t want
to get mixed up with him”. A few days passed without any incident.
One day a few soldiers came to Bellerophon and said, “Hey, farm boy. We are
running out of meat. Our prince ordered us to buy your livestock.” “Sorry, sir.
Let’s Explore the Sentences
They are not for sale”, he replied. “How dare you!”, said one soldier. The second
soldier started to approach with a naked sword. Seeing this, Philo jumped and bit
the second soldier on the arm. Seeing the dog’s size and ferocity, all the soldiers
fled. Bellerophon immediately set free all his animals and started to run toward
the mountain with his dog.A few minutes after that the angry prince came with
his men shouting, “Disrespectful shepherd! I will have your head”. The soldiers
searched the whole house but could not find him.
“Look, he is running to the mountain”, one soldier said. “Go after him”, shouted
the prince. The prince’s host came to halt before a lake, huge and deep. “Why
are you stopping here? Don’t you see he is on the other side?”, said the angry
prince. “My prince, there is no way to cross the lake”, said his men. “How did he
get across then? Come with me. I will swim across if I have to”, said the prince.
“Don’t do it, I say. You will regret it”, shouted Bellerophon. “Regret you will
surely, farm boy”, said the prince before getting into the water with his men. Not
more than a minute or two had passed and a great serpent appeared before them
with a huge splashing of water. “I am the serpent of this lake. How dare you to
get into it without my permission. You shall be punished”, said the giant serpent.
Before they could even move, the terrible and swift strike of the serpent came.
The host drowned and so disappeared the serpent after thunderous laughter.
After everything settled down, Bellerophon crossed the lake by a secret path
and went to his hut. When the news of his son’s death reached, King Lobates
in Lycia sent for the man responsible for his son’s death. Bellerophon stated his
case in front of the king. The king appeared to be more reasonable than his son.
“Do you have any witnesses to prove your case?”, said the king. “God is my
witness”, said Bellerophon.
“God will not testify on your behalf, will He?”, said the queen. “But we can
know the will of God by giving him a task to complete. If he completes the task,
then he is innocent and if not, he is guilty”, said the priest. “What do you say,
shepherd?”, said the king. “I agree”, said Bellerophon. “Very well then”, said
the queen, “Bring the head of the Chimera to prove yourself innocent”. They
said,“ Wish you good luck.” Chimera was a horrible fire-breathing monster with
the head of a lion and a snake for a tail and the body of a goat.
Bellerophon sets out to complete his task. On his way to find the Chimera, he
came across a huge dark forest. While he was crossing the forest, he heard a
struggling sound. He looked for the source of the sound. He found that a horse
was caught in a metal net. He came near to the horse carefully. “Help me human”,
said the horse when he saw Bellerophon. Bellerophon set the horse free. “I am
Pegasus. I am grateful for your help but what are you doing in this dark forest?”,
said the horse. Bellerophon told his reason for being here. “Dangerous your task
is! I shall help you as a token of our friendship”, said Pegasus. “How will we
find the Chimera?”, said Bellerophon. “It will be easy as we will be flying”, said
Pegasus opening his big wings.
After a while of flying, they came across the Chimera. It started to breathe fire
as soon as it spotted them. Bellerophon shot arrow after arrow but could not kill
the beast.At last, he took his spear and threw it toward the opened mouth of the
With that strike, he killed the beast and took its head as proof of his success. He
got a hero’s welcome when he got back to Lycia. All charges against him were
dropped. “May you live long my son”, King Lycia said to Bellerophon. From
then on, the young man was known as Bellerophon, the hero of Lycia.
Let’s Explore the Sentences
Words Meanings
Companion Work to be done
Fire- breathing A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time
Serpent Attack
Prince Proitos
King Lobates
B. Now, find out any five questions from the story. List them in the given
table. Then, write the name of the sentence and why it is a question. One is
done for you.
এবার, গল্প থেকে যে ক�োন�ো পাঁচটি প্রশ্ন/প্রশ্নমূলক বাক্য নির্বাচন কর�ো এবং টেবিলে সাজাও। এরপর, বাক্যগুল�ো
ক�োন বৈশিষ্ট্যের জন্য প্রশ্নমূলক বাক্য তা আল�োচনা কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Name of the
Question Why it is a question
1)Why are Because-
you stopping Interrogative • The sentence starts with a wh question word
here? (why)
• The auxiliary verb (are) sits before the
subject (you)
• The sentence ends with a question mark(?)
Let’s Explore the Sentences
C. Finally, find out 2 sentences of each type (orders/ requests, prayers, and
sentences of strong feelings) from the story. List them in the given table and
write their names. Also, tell why it is an imperative/optative or exclamatory
sentence. One is done for you.
আবার, গল্পটি থেকে আদেশ/নির্দেশ, প্রার্থনা এবং অনুভূতি প্রকাশক দুইটি করে বাক্য শনাক্ত কর�ো। টেবিলে
বাক্যগুল�ো লেখ�ো এবং ক�োনটি ক�োন ধরণের বাক্য তা ব্যাখ্যাসহ লেখ�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া
2. Prayers 1.
3. Strong 1.
11.8 Now, let’s write our own story using different kinds of sentences. In
groups, read the given part of the story and write your sentences in the
blank spaces to make it a meaningful story. To do so, think about what you
will write and what type of sentences you need to write.
এখন, এস�ো নিজেরা বিভিন্ন বাক্য ব্যবহার করে আমরা নিজেদের মত�ো করে গল্প লেখি। দলগতভাবে, নিচে
দেওয়া গল্পের অংশগুল�ো পড়�ো এবং অর্থব�োধক গল্পে রূপ দেওয়ার জন্য খালি জায়গায় ত�োমার বাক্যগুল�ো
লেখ�ো। সেটা করতে তুমি কী লেখবে এবং ক�োন ক�োন ধরণের বাক্য ব্যবহার করবে তা নিয়ে ভাব�ো এবং
খাতায় লেখ�ো।
A Visit to the Sundarbans
I am Safir. I’m a student in class seven. I’m passionate to visit new places and
talk to new people. I live with my parents and my younger sister, Bushra in
Khulna. My sister and I watched a travel show about the Sundarbans on TV six
months ago. Both of us were eager to visit the Sundarbans and shared our desire
with our parents. They agreed to take us on a trip to the Sundarbans during the
upcoming winter vacation.
It was December last year. Our final exams had just been over. We started our
journey from Khulna River port at 9 pm on a ship. After some time, the sun rose
from the east of the deep sea. This moment was simply incredible. Bushra and
I were fascinated by the beauty around us. When we landed at Kotka sea beach,
we fond________________________________________________________
A few travellers joined us. We were roaming around and met a forest officer. I
got the chance to know about the trees, honey and animals of the Sundarbans,
especially the Royal Bengal tiger.
So, I asked him___________________________________________________
It was a great experience to talk to the forest officer. He offered us tea. He requests
us saying, _______________________________________________________
He also gave us some instructions for our safety like “Don’t ________________
Our next destination was Dublar Chor. When the ship was moving along the river,
suddenly I saw a glimpse of a Royal Bengal Tiger drinking water from the river.
My sister was initially frightened at the sight of the animal. But she overcame her
fear and started taking pictures of the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger. Soon the ship
reached Dublar Chor. This island is located in the Bay of Bengal. It is surrounded
by a deep blue sea. Once again, we were astonished by the beauty of the island. Out
of surprise my sister shouted_______________________________________
____________________________________________My parents also became
so charmed with the beauty of the island. They said happily________________
Our time was limited so it was time to return home. I was sad to leave so soon. We
told goodbye to each other saying______________________________________
But I will cherish the memories of the visit all my life.
When you have finished writing your story, exchange your story with the
group next to you for checking. Check and write your feedback.
লেখা শেষ হলে একজনের সাথে অন্যজন খাতা বিনিময় কর�ো এবং ত�োমার সহপাঠীর খাতায় প্রয়�োজনীয়
মতামত ও মন্তব্য প্রদান কর�ো।
12 Subha’s Promise
New vocabulary: Laugh, Shine, Belief, Fragrance, Chore, Memorial, Complex,
Altar, Resist, Wounded.
12.1 Read why Alifa is sad in the bubble. And in pairs identify the simple
present, past and future tenses from her speech. If needed have a look at the
class 6 English book, unit “Medha’s Dream”.
আলিফার মনখারাপ কেন তা জানার জন্য নিচের বাবলটি পড়�ো। এবং জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় আলিফার কথা
থেকে সাধারণ বর্তমান, অতীত ও ভবিষ্যৎ কাল শনাক্ত কর�ো। প্রয়�োজনে ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বই থেকে মেধার স্বপ্ন
লেখাটি দেখতে পার�ো।
12.2 Now, look inside and outside of the classroom. Then ask and answer
the following questions in pairs. Afterwards, share your sentences with the
whole class.
এখন, ক্লাসের ভেতরে আর বাইরের চারপাশের পরিবেশ ভাল�োভাবে খেয়াল কর�ো। এরপর জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায়
নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো কর�ো এবং তার উত্তর দাও।
a. Who/what can you see inside and outside of the classroom?
b. What are they doing?
(For example, you may see your friends, your teacher, a bird and so on. And
maybe one of your friends is laughing, talking or moving.)
Subha’s Promise
12.3 Read the note on the Present Continuous Tense in the box and discuss
in pairs/groups.
ঘটমান বর্তমান কালের ওপর ন�োটটি পড়�ো এবং তা নিয়ে নিজেরা আল�োচনা কর�ো।
Present Continuous or Present Progressive tense talks about–
• an action taking place at the moment of speaking. For example-Now,
you are reading a note on Present Continuous Tense.
• an action that may not be exactly happening when speaking. For
example- My friend, Rima is taking swimming lessons. (Actually,
Rima is not taking swimming lessons when she is talking about it.)
• an arranged or planned action. For example- Next week we are going
to visit a new place.
The structure of the present continuous tense verb:
am/is/are +main verb+ing, Example sentence- It is raining now.
The negative verb form of the present continuous tense:
am/is/are +not+main verb+ing, Example sentence - The sun is not
shining now.
The interrogative verb form of the present continuous tense:
am/is/are+ subject + main verb + ing, Example sentence - Is it raining
The verbs which are not normally used in the continuous form include -
see, hear, smell, notice, feel, like, hate, think, belief, agree, remember, know,
look, love etc.
For example, when you smell something, you don’t say -I’m smelling a
sweet fragrance. You say- I smell a sweet fragrance.
12.4 Look at the picture below. In pairs/groups, match the sentence parts
in column A with column B to make each a meaningful sentence. Use the
right forms of verbs given in the brackets. Then, underline all the verbs and
identify their forms.
নিচের ছবিটি দেখ�ো। এবার নিজেরা মিলে কলাম দুইটি মিলিয়ে অর্থপূর্ণ বাক্য তৈরী কর�ো। বন্ধনীতে থাকা
ক্রিয়াপদের সঠিক রূপ ব্যবহার করে বাক্য সম্পন্ন করবে। এরপর ক্রিয়াপদ ও ক্রিয়ার কাল চিহ্নিত করবে।
Column A Column B
1. The girl under a tree___ ____ a. in the lake.
2. Two elderly men ____ ____ (do) b. to sell different colours of balloons
3. Some boys and girls ____ _____ c. physical exercise
4. A young boy ____ ____ (sell) d. a boat
5. A girl of 10 or 12 ____ ____(try) e. after their pet dog
Subha’s Promise
7. A little boy and girl ___ ____ (run) g. the small trees
12.5 Now, read the note on the Past Continuous Tense in the box and do the
activity following it.
এবার, ঘটমান অতীত কাল নিয়ে নিচের ন�োটটি পড়�ো এবং সেই অনুসারে কাজ কর�ো।
Past Continuous or Past Progressive tense talks about
• an action that was going on(happening) at some time in the past. For
example-Last Monday when I was leaving the birthday party, my
friends said goodbye.
• a past habit. For example- My father’s school was close to his home.
So, he was always walking to school.
The structure of the past continuous tense verb:
was/were + main verb+ing. Example sentence - It was raining yesterday.
The negative verb form of the past continuous tense:
was/were +not+main verb+ing, Example sentence- The sun was not
shining then.
The interrogative verb form of the past continuous tense:
was/were+ subject + main verb + ing, Example sentence - Was it raining
12.6 Now, look at the following time in the table. Write what you are doing
today at this particular time and what you did yesterday at that time. Then
in pairs/groups compare the verb forms of the sentences. One is done for
নিচের বক্সে থাকা সময়গুল�ো দেখ�ো। এবার আজকে এবং গতকাল ওই সময়ে তুমি কী কী করেছ�ো এবং
করছ�ো তা নিয়ে বাক্যগঠন কর�ো। তারপর এতে থাকা ক্রিয়ার অবস্থা নিয়ে নিজেদের মাঝে আল�োচনা কর�ো।
ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
7.00 AM, 8.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 9.00 AM, 9.30 AM, 10 AM, 12.30 PM, 1.00 PM,
Today Yesterday
Subha’s Promise
12.7 Read the sentences given below. Then use the given verbs in the
brackets to express the actions you are doing now and you were doing at a
certain time in the past. One is done for you.
নিচের বাক্যগুল�ো পড়�ো। এবার বন্ধনীর মাঝে থাকা ক্রিয়াপদ ব্যবহার করে বাক্য সম্পন্ন কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য
একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
12.9 Now, read the following note on Present Perfect and Past Perfect
Tense in the box. And, in pairs/groups identify the differences in the forms
of verbs.
এবারে পুরাঘটিত বর্তমান এবং পুরাঘটিত অতীতকাল নিয়ে নিচের ন�োটটি পড়�ো এবং পরবর্তী কাজ সম্পন্ন
Present Perfect Tense talks about:
• an action or situation which began in the past and is still continuing to
the present. Example sentence: I have lived in this small town all my life.
It means that I started living in this small town many years ago and still
I am living here.
• an action which happened before now but the time of that action is not
stated or specific. Example sentence: I have visited the capital city Dhaka
recently. Here, the time of the visit is not mentioned.
• an action that was completed in the very recent past. ‘Just’ is used to
express this kind of action. Example sentence: I have just finished my
Remember that the present perfect has always a connection with now. The
action in the past has a result now. For example- I have lost my new pen. It
means that I don’t know where it is now. ‘Just’, ‘already’ and ‘yet’ are the 3
words we very often use with present perfect tense.
‘Just’ means a short time ago.
‘Already’ means before the present time or earlier than the expected time
‘Yet’ means until now.
The structure of the present perfect tense verb:
have/has+ past participle of the main verb. Example sentence - I have
already visited Cox’s Bazar.
The negative verb form of the present perfect tense:
have/has +not+past participle of the main verb. Example sentence- I have
not yet visited the Sundarbans.
The interrogative verb form of the present perfect tense:
have/has + subject +past participle of the main verb, Example sentence -
Have you read any new book recently?
Subha’s Promise
Past Perfect Tense talks about:
• an action which took place before another action in the past. We can
say the action of the past perfect takes place in the past of the past.
For example
“Last Friday in the morning Ayan worked in his garden and in the evening
he went to the nearby field to play cricket”. Ayan did these two activities in
the past. He first worked in the garden, then he played cricket. So, the first
activity Ayan did will be in past perfect and the second activity will be in past
simple. The sentence will be-
“Ayan had worked in his garden before he went to the nearby field to play
The structure of the past perfect tense verb:
had+ past participle of the main verb. Example sentence - When I reached
the school, the assembly had already started.
The negative verb form of the past perfect tense:
had +not+past participle of the main verb. Example sentence- I had not
experienced a train journey before.
The interrogative verb form of the past perfect tense:
had + subject +past participle of the main verb, Example sentence - Had
you won any prize in the last annual sports competition?
12.10 Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the appropriate
form of verbs (present perfect/past perfect) in the bracket.
নিচের বাক্যগুল�ো পড়�ো এবং ক্রিয়াপদের সঠিক ব্যবহার করে শূণ্যস্থান পূরণ কর�ো।
12.11 Read the conversation below. And in pairs/groups discuss the answers
to the following questions.
নিচের কথ�োপকথনটি পড়�ো এবং জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও।
Subha’s Promise
a) How many tenses are used in the conversation? Name them.
b) “Salima returned from school a while ago.”- what is the tense of this
c) ‘I am study.”- Is the sentence correct? if not, write the correct form of the
d) “I have completed half of the assignment last night.”- what is the tense
form of the verb of this sentence? Why has Salina used this tense form of
the verb?
e) “I will help you with your chores.”- why did Salima use the Future
Indefinite tense in this sentence?
f) “The mother calls her daughter.”- Identify the verb of the sentence. And
what is the tense form of the verb of the sentence?
12.12 Read the text below and identify the tense of the underlined sentences.
Then, discuss why the tense forms are used.
নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়�ো এবং চিহ্নিত বাক্যগুল�োতে ক্রিয়ার কালসমূহ শনাক্ত কর�ো।
Subha’s Promise
12.13 In pairs/groups read the following situations and write them within
5-10 sentences using appropriate tenses.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় নিচের সিচুয়েশনগুল�ো পড়�ো এবং ৫-১০ বাক্যে যথাযথভাবে ক্রিয়ার কাল
ব্যবহার করে অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা কর�ো।
a) Suppose you are visiting a book fair. Describe your experience (of what
have you done there).
b) Suppose you attended a picnic at your school. Describe the most interesting
activities your friends did at the picnic.
c) Describe some of the interesting things you have done until now.
d) Suppose, on the last vacation you made a train journey from Dhaka to
Rajshahi with your family. Write about that vacation.
13 Be the Best of Whatever You Are
New vocabulary: Suitable, Appreciate, Later, Previous, Continue, Infer, Prompt,
Bet, Astronaut.
13.1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions that follow.
কথ�োপকথনটি শ�োন�ো এবং নিচের প্রশ্নের জবাব দাও।
Anita: Hi, Golpo!
Mithun: What are you doing?
Golpo: Hi! I am doing my science homework.
Anita: There goes Aumi. She is probably on her way to practice swimming.
Mithun: Yes, she practices very hard. She will become a great swimmer one
Golpo: It’s good to see her working hard on her dream.
Anita: That’s right.
Mithun: Anita! What do you want to be when you will grow up?
Anita: I want to be a singer in the future.
Mithun: Oh really? I bet you can do it! You are a better singer than all of us.
Anita: Thanks. But do you think I can do it?
Mithun: You dance and sing every day! I am pretty sure you can make it.
Anita: Thanks again. What do you want to be in the future?
Mithun: I love animals. I like to work in a zoo.
Golpo: Do you want to be an animal doctor?
Mithun: Not really. I want to feed animals and take care of them.
Anita: Golpo, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Golpo: I don’t know. It changes every day.
Mithun: Wow, that’s interesting. So, what are you thinking today?
13.3 Read the poem and infer the meaning to match the given words with
their pictures in pairs/groups.
কবিতাটি পড়�ো এবং দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় শব্দগুল�োর অর্থ বুঝতে চেষ্টা কর�ো।
Be The Best of Whatever You Are
Douglas Malloch
If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill
Be a scrub in the valley--but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.
13.4 Write down the names in the blank spaces which one is what:
ফাঁকা জায়গায় সঠিক নাম দিয়ে পূরণ কর�ো।
iii) ________
Be the Best of Whatever You Are
C. Muskie and Bass
13.5 In pairs, recite the poem maintaining proper stress and intonation.
Then recite it for the whole class.
জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় ছন্দ ও সঠিক উচ্চারণ সহকারে কবিতাটি আবৃত্তি কর�ো। এরপর ক্লাসের সবার সামনে আবৃত্তি
13.6 Read the poem again. Make questions and choose suitable answers
from the given table. Write them in full sentences. Then ask and answer in
pairs. One is done for you.
কবিতাটি পুনরায় পড়�ো। এবার নিচের টেবিল থেকে প্রশ্ন বানাও এবং তার উত্তর বের কর�ো এবং খাতায় লেখ�ো।
এবার জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় একে অন্যকে প্রশ্ন কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Question: If you can’t be a pine, what you will be?
Answer: I will be a scrub because I want to be the best little scrub.
Be the Best of Whatever You Are
13.7 Look at the pictures below. In groups, write their names in the given
place and discuss what made them famous. If needed take help from other
groups/teachers. One is done for you.
নিচের ছবিগুল�ো দেখ�ো। দলগতভাবে তাদের নাম লেখ�ো এবং তাদের সম্পর্কে আল�োচনা কর�ো। প্রয়�োজনে
অন্যদল বা শিক্ষকের সাহায্য নাও। একটি ত�োমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
1) ___________ 2) ________________
3) ___________ 4) ________________
13.8 Now in groups, list your everyday activities and in the given table
write 2/ 3 ways you can do these activities to be your best. The following list
of activities is for your help. One is done for you.
এখন, দলীয়ভাবে ত�োমাদের দৈনিক কাজের তালিকা নিচের টেবিলে লিপিবদ্ধ কর�ো এবং কীভাবে আর�ো
ভাল�োভাবে কাজগুল�ো সম্পন্ন করতে পার�ো তা বর্ণনা কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
The table:
Be the Best of Whatever You Are
13.9 Now, write a short text describing your ideas on how you can be the best
in what you want to be. You can start writing following the given prompt.
এবার, একটি ছ�োট অনুচ্ছেদে- তুমি বড় হয়ে কী হতে চাও এবং ত�োমার ইপ্সিত ক্ষেত্রে কীভাবে তুমি আর�ো
ভাল�ো হতে পার�ো তা বর্ণনা কর�ো। এক্ষেত্রে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদ অনুসরণ করে তুমি লেখতে পার�ো।
Best of Me
Hello friends!
14.1 Read the following page from Shaoli’s diary and list the underlined
sentences in the appropriate column in pairs/groups. Also, describe your
reason. One is done for you.
শাওলীর ডায়েরী থেকে নিচের পাতাটি পড়�ো ও চিহ্নিত বাক্যগুল�ো যথাযথভাবে তালিকাবদ্ধ কর�ো এবং ত�োমার
কাজের য�ৌক্তিকতা বর্ণনা কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি সমাধান করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Shaoli’s school remained closed for almost 2
years and she was out of her dear school campus. She returned to school on 20th
January 2022. It was a special memory for her. She wrote her memory of that
day in her diary. The following write-up is from her diary.
20 January 2022
Sunday, 9 pm
Our Language Movement
Today was a happy day for me. I was so excited to meet my teachers and friends.
In the early morning, 1) I got ready for school. After long days I was in my
school again. The school looked new to me. 2) The school building was painted
white and pink, with my favourite colours. The classrooms were arranged and
decorated with colourful pictures
and posters. Everything looked so neat! I noticed that 3) many posters were
hung on different walls. Different wise saying were written on different posters.
Among them, I like this one most- “Don’t worry anymore. You are now at our
door”. It gave me a kind of courage to face the situation. 4) We were asked to
wear musk and wash our hands frequently.5) Our headteacher welcomed us at
the entrance. After entering school,6) I met my friends. At first, they looked un-
known to me. But, within a few minutes, we got our old selves and shared all the
stories kept inside us. During the tiffin break, 7) special tiffin was served and 8) I
spent a really good time with my teachers and friends. I feel that everything will
be normal very soon!
14.2 Read the given note in the box. নিচের ন�োটটি পড়�ো।
The term ‘voice’ describes the relationship between the verb, the subject and
the object of a sentence.
We use active or passive voice to emphasize the different parts of a sentence.
In an active voice, the emphasis is given to the subject (doer) of a sentence.
For example, Shaoli wrote her memory. Here the focus is on ‘who wrote her
memory’. And that’s why it is an active voice. F
The sentence has the following structure:
This (S+V+O) is the most common structure in English that we all are
Subject Object
familiar with.
On the other hand, in a passive voice, the focus is on the result of an action
rather than the person or thing doing it. For example, the passive sentence of
“Shaoli wrote her memory.” will be - “Her memory was written by Shaoli.”
The sentence has the following structure:
Our Language Movement
Here, the focus is on ‘her memory was written’ more than who wrote the
memory. And that’s why it’s a passive voice.
14.3 Now, identify the sentences in the following table as active or passive.
And write why you think the sentences are active or passive voice. One is
done for you.
এবার নিচের বাক্যগুল�োকে বাচ্যভেদে আলাদা কর�ো এবং উত্তরের স্বপক্ষে কারণ প্রদর্শন কর�ো। ত�োমাদের
সুবিধার্থে একটি সমাধান করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Active or
Sentence Why active/passive voice?
1) I got ready for school. Active Because the subject (I) is active
in the sentence. She did the
action - got ready for school.
2) The school building was
painted white and pink.
3) Many posters were hung
on different walls.
4) We were asked to wear
musk and wash our hands
5) Our headteacher welcomed
us at the entrance.
6) I met my friends.
7) Special tiffin was served.
8) I spent a really good time
with my teachers and friends.
14.4 Time to learn more about Voice! এবার বাচ্য সম্পর্কে নতুন কিছু শেখার পালা।
Rules to change active to passive:
1. A passive sentence is formed by changing the order of the active sentence. So,
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
And in a passive sentence, the subject of the active sentence becomes an agent
who/which receives the action.
Here, the verb ‘wrote’ has now been changed to ‘was written’. Both ‘wrote’ and
‘was written’ are the past tense because when we write the passive sentence we
don’t change the tense of the sentence. We use the ‘be verb’ in the same tense as
the original sentence and add the past participle of the main verb. The rules of
using ‘be verb’( helping verb) in passive voice are different for each tense. Have
a look at the following chart with the verb ‘cook’-
Our Language Movement
3. Also notice that the form of the ‘be verb’ must maintain the subject-verb
agreement with the new subject. As in the following sentences-
‘a dress was received’ but when it is two dresses it will be - ‘two dresses were
If you ask the verb- who draws? you will get the subject.
And if you ask the verb - draws what? you will get the object.
Now, tell what are the subject and object of the sentence.
Your answer:___________________________________ .
Sometimes, a sentence has more than one object, one is direct and the other
is indirect. For example-
In this sentence, ‘her father’ is the ‘Indirect object’ and ‘one of her drawings’
is the ‘Direct Object’. You can choose any object of the two to be the subject
in the passive voice depending on what you want to emphasize.
In the meantime, you all know that the subject of an active voice becomes
the object of a passive voice. If the subject is a noun(name), it remains the
same in the object form. But, if the subject is a pronoun, it changes its form.
For example-
Active voice- I help my mother.
Passive voice- My mother is helped by me.
So, the subject ‘I’ will be ‘me’ in the passive voice. Likewise-
We will be us, he will be him, she will be her, they will be them, it and you
will remain the same.
14.6 Now, read the notes on Voice again and circle the correct answers in
ন�োটগুল�ো আবার পড়�ো এবং সঠিক উত্তর শনাক্ত কর�ো।
Our Language Movement
g. In a past continuous tense passive voice, the auxiliary verb ‘was’ will be
changed into-
i) was been ii) was being iii) was being been
h. To find the object of a verb, you will ask the verb to_______.
i) who and whom ii) what and who iii) what and whom
14.7 Now, read the text given below and match the words with their
meanings in the following table in pairs/groups.
এখন, নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়�ো এবং দলগত বা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় টেবিলের শব্দার্থগুল�ো মিল কর�ো।
1) 21 February is observed with pride in Bangladesh. This day is memorable for
the language movement that took place in 1952. Then, 2) Bangladesh was known
as East Pakistan. After the British rule was over/ after the partition of 1947, 3)the
Pakistani rulers declared Urdu as the only state language. Majority of the people
of East Pakistan who spoke Bangla as their Mother language could not accept
this declaration and started protesting. Soon after, the protest eventually turned
into a movement with the participation of people from every stage of life.
In 1952, the movement reached its peak. On 21 February of that year, a group led
by the students took out a procession on the roads of Dhaka breaking the curfew
imposed by the ruler and demanding Bangla to be declared one of the state
languages of Pakistan. When the procession reached Dhaka medical college,4)
police fired bullets at the peaceful group of protesters. Many had been wounded
and many had died including Salam, Zabbar, Rafiq, Shafiq, Barqat. 5) This made
the whole nation outraged and the movement became stronger. Finally, 6) the
ruler was compelled to declare Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan.
After then, 21 February became the National Martyrs’ Day to commemorate the
language movement and those who laid down their lives for the right of their
mother language.
The movement was so significant that 7) the whole world acknowledged it. This
was the first incident in world history that 8) people sacrificed their lives for
their mother language rights. This movement led the nation toward the liberation
war that took place in 1971. 9) Eventually, the sacrifice of the language warriors
was recognized all over the world. In 1999, UNESCO has declared this day to
be observed worldwide as the International Mother Language Day to pay respect
to all the mother languages and to preserve those. The essence of this day is tied
closely to the identities of every nation and the mother languages.
Word Meaning
1) Protest a) A group of people move forward in line
2) Eventually b) A fighter who shows great courage
3) Peak c) Forced to do something
4) Procession d) To show or express strong disagreement
Our Language Movement
5) Wounded e) In the end
6) Outraged f) Injured
7) Compelled g) The highest point
8) Commemorate h) Known or accepted by many people
9) Acknowledged i) A feeling of anger and shock
10) Warrior j) To show honour to the memory of an
important event in a special way
14.8 Now, read the passage again and ask and answer the following
questions in pairs/groups. Later, share your answers with the whole class.
অনুচ্ছেদটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে প্রশ্নোত্তর করতে থাক�ো। এরপর ত�োমাদের
উত্তর ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার কর�ো।
a) In which language did the majority of the people of East Pakistan speak?
b) Against which declaration did the people of East Pakistan start protesting?
c) What happened on 21st February 1952?
d) Did any other country sacrifice lives for their mother tongue?
e) When was 21st February declared as ‘International Mother Language
f) Do you observe ‘International Mother Language Day’ at school? If yes,
why do you observe?
14.9 Now in pairs/groups, read the passage again and list the underlined
sentences in the right column and change them into the opposite voice
(active-passive or passive to active). Then, exchange your copies with other
pairs/groups to check. One is done for you.
অনুচ্ছেদে চিহ্নিত বাক্যগুল�োকে সঠিক কলামে লেখে তাদের বাচ্য পরিবর্তন কর�ো। (অ্যাকটিভ থেকে প্যাসিভ
বা প্যাসিভ থেকে অ্যাকটিভে রূপান্তর কর�ো)। এরপর খাতা নিজেদের মাঝে পরিবর্তন কর�ো এবং উত্তর মূল্যায়ন
কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
2) 2)
3) 3)
4) 4)
5) 5)
6) 6)
7) 7)
8) 8)
9) 9)
Our Language Movement
(What do you think is important here? - To tell who is doing or what is done?)
Situation 2:
(What do you think is important here? - To tell who is making the poster or what
is needed to make the poster?)
Situation 3:
In today’s school assembly, your headteacher gave some instructions about
cleaning the school campus. One of your friends was late for class. Now tell
him/her 2 instructions you can remember now.
(What do you think is important here? - To tell who gave the instructions or what
are the instructions?)
Situation 4:
(What do you think is important here? - To tell who gave you tiffin or what
you have for tiffin?)
Our Language Movement
Situation 5:
(What do you think is important here? - To tell who worked for the bridge or
what was done?)
15.1 Look at the pictures given below. Then, ask and answer the following
questions in pairs:
নিচের ছবিগুল�ো দেখ�ো। এরপর নিজেরা একে অন্যকে নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো কর�ো।
Write to Make Aware
15.2 In groups discuss and then fill in the following table with appropriate
information. One example is given for you.
দলগতভাবে আল�োচনা কর�ো এবং নিচের টেবিল পূর্ণ কর�ো। ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি সমাধান করে দেওয়া
To whom do Headteacher
we write?
What do we
Write to Make Aware
Formal/Official letter:
Formal letters are mainly written for official communication. Formal
letters are written to request and/or ask for something or to know/collect
information. We write formal letters to authorities, seniors, colleagues,
etc. There are 7 parts of a formal letter. These are-
1. Date: write the date (e.g., March 28, 2022)
2. Address of the receivers: Write a complete address (e.g., The
Head Teacher)
3. Subject: Write the reason for writing the letter
4. Salutation: Address the receiver formally. (e.g., Dear Sir/
5. Body: Write the message clearly using formal language
6. Closing: End the letter formally (e.g., Best regards)
7. Signature: Write your name and address
News article:
A news article is a piece of writing that is written to be published in a
newspaper or magazine.
If we want to write an article for a newspaper/magazine, we have to
keep in mind the following things:
1. Write a short heading (e.g., Stand for humanity)
2. Write in the first person
3. Express your point of view
4. Use paragraphs to make the text clear and easy to understand.
5. Use other people’s thoughts and opinions about the subject
6. Include facts about what has happened using the 5 Ws: what,
where, when, who, why, and how.
15.4 In groups, identify the features of the personal, formal letters and
newspaper articles and share them with the class.
ুঁ বের কর�ো
দলগতভাবে আবেদনপত্র, চিঠি ও প্রতিবেদনের কী কী বৈশিষ্ট্য নিয়ে আল�োচনা করা হয়েছে তা খজে
ও ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার কর�ো।
15.5 Look at the following table. The left column shows some problems/
issues of your everyday life. And the words in the box refer to the authorities
to whom you will write for help. Now, in pairs /groups write in the next
column whom you will write to for each problem.
নিচের টেবিলটি লক্ষ্য কর�ো। বামপাশের কলামে বেশ কিছু সমস্যার কথা উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে। দলগতভাবে বা
জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় ডানপাশের ফাঁকা কলামে উপরের বক্স থেকে উপযুক্ত প্রাপক নির্বাচন করে টেবিল পূর্ণ কর�ো।)
News Office (The Editor), Head teacher, Mayor, Chairman, UNO (Upazila
Nirbahi Officer), Teacher
Write to Make Aware
iv. A playground
15.6 In groups let’s find our problems and decide whom to write to. To do
the task, follow the steps given below.
ুঁ বের কর�ো এবং সেটা সমাধানের জন্য কার কাছে পত্র লেখতে হবে
দলগতভাবে আমাদের কিছু সমস্যা খজে
তা শনাক্ত কর�ো।
a) Go to the texts (My dream school, Save our home, etc.)
b) Make a list of the problems/issues that have been discussed in these
c) Now decide in groups whom you will write to solve these problems/
d) Finally, decide which format of a letter you will use. (e.g., personal,
formal letter, or newspaper articles)
Now, present your letter/ newspaper articles to the class.
15.7 In groups, find a problem from your surroundings and then, write an
application/letter/ news article to solve it.
ুঁ বের কর�ো এবং তা নিরসনের জন্য আবেদনপত্র/চিঠি/
দলীয়ভাবে আমাদের চারপাশের কিছু সমস্যা খজে
প্রতিবেদন রচনা কর�ো।
As You Like It
William Shakespeare
New Vocabulary:
Can you remember reading a scene adapted from William Shakespeare’s “King
Lear” in class six? “King Lear” is one of the best creations of Shakespeare.
16.1 Now in pairs/groups, ask and answer the following questions. Then,
share your answers with the whole class. (If needed have a look at the class
6 English book, unit “King Lear”)
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুল�ো কর�ো। এরপর ত�োমাদের উত্তর ক্লাসের সবার সাথে
শেয়ার কর�ো। প্রয়�োজনে ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বই থেকে “কিং লিয়ার” পুনরায় পড়তে পার�ো।
As You Like It
a. What type of literary writing is ‘King Lear?
b. How many characters are there in the scene? Who are they?
c. What do you like about ‘King Lear?
d. What are the characteristics of a play, you have found in “King Lear”?
In this unit, you are going to read a few dialogues from Shakespeare’s famous
play titled “As You Like It”. To help you understand better, the texts have been
adapted and simplified. In groups, act out the dialogues in class. It will help you
understand it better. Performing the dialogues in class will also help you become
a confident speaker of English.
16.2 In pairs/groups, read the dialogue and act it out. To help you
understand the dialogues a glossary is given below.
দলগতভাবে অথবা জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় নিচের কথ�োপকথনটি পড়�ো এবং অভিনয় কর�ো। ত�োমাদের ব�োঝার
সুবিধার্থে কথ�োপকথনের নিচে শব্দার্থ প্রদান করা হল�ো।
Dialogue 1
[Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys, is mistreated by his elder
brother, Oliver. In Scene I of Act I, Orlando shares his unhappiness with Adam,
a former loyal servant.]
Orlando: Before my father died, he had told my brother to raise me well. But he
doesn’t care about me. Even his horses are treated better than I am.
Orlando: Go apart, Adam, and you will hear how he behaves with me.
Oliver: How dare you say that to me? Do you want to fight with me? [Raises his
hand to strike]
Orlando: I will not, till I please: you must hear me. Our father told you to educate
me well. Do so, or give me what is mine by his will.
Oliver: OK, I will give you part of the estate. Now let me go, and get out of here!
Adam: Is ‘old dog’ my reward? Most true, I have lost my teeth in your service.
God be with my old master! He would not have spoken such a word.
As You Like It
Glossary (শব্দক�োষ):
• Raise: To look after until he is grown up
• Worthwhile: Valuable
• How dare you!: It’s an expression people use when someone is very
angry and shocked about what someone has done or said
• Be in accord: Behave properly
• Estate: Property
• Will: A written document which leaves the estate of a person to named
persons or entities
• Get lost: Go away
• Reward: Something given in recognition of service or effort
16.3 Now, discuss in pairs/groups whether the following sentences are true
or false. If false, write the correct information. Later, check your answers
with other pairs/groups.
এবার, নিজদের মাঝে আল�োচনা কর�ো, নিচের বাক্যগুল�ো সত্য নাকি মিথ্যা। যদি মিথ্যা হয়, তবে সঠিক
উত্তরটি লেখ�ো। এরপর, অন্যদের সাথে ত�োমার উত্তর মিলিয়ে নাও।
As You Like It
[CELIA and ROSALIND enter the lawn before the Duke’s palace]
CELIA: Please, Rosalind, sweet cousin, cheer up!
ROSALIND: Dear Celia, how can I cheer up? How can I forget my banished
CELIA: I am my father’s only child. Someday I will own everything that he
has. I will
give you back everything he has taken away.
[Monsieur Le Beau, one of the Duke’s servants, comes up to the young ladies.]
LE BEAU: Are you staying for the wrestling match? Charles, the Duke’s
wrestler, has
already won against three young men. Charles threw one of them and broke
three of his ribs.
LE BEAU: You must stay. Here is the place appointed for the wrestling. They
ready to perform it.
CELIA: Sure, they are coming. Let us now stay and see it.
[Duke Frederick and his men arrive to see the match between Orlando and
DUKE FREDERICK: Hello, girls. Are you here to see the wrestling match?
ROSALIND: Yes, if we may.
DUKE FREDERICK: You will not like it. Charles will hurt this young man.
Speak to him,
ladies; see if you can dissuade him.
CELIA: Call him here, Monsieur Le Beau.
ROSALIND: [Speaks to Orlando] Young man, have you challenged Charles the
ORLANDO: No, fair princess; he is the general challenger. I
Have come to try with him the strength of my youth.
CELIA: Young gentleman. We request you, for your own sake, to
embrace your own safety and give over this attempt.
ROSALIND: Let us ask the duke to call off this match.
ORLANDO: I confess I feel much guilt to deny so fair and excellent ladies
But I hope your good wishes go with me to my trial.
ROSALIND: I wish I could make you stronger! But good luck anyway.
[The match begins. Rosalind and Celia cheer on Orlando. To everyone’s surprise,
Orlando wins.]
DUKE FREDERICK. [To Orlando]. What is your name, young man?
ORLANDO: Orlando. I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys.
DUKE FREDERICK: Your father was my enemy. I wish you were a son to some
man! But I appreciate your courage and strength.
[DUKE FREDERICK leaves with his companions]
As You Like It
16.5 Now, read dialogue 2 again and in pairs/groups match the words/
phrases in column A with their meanings in column B.
দ্বিতীয় কথ�োপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং দুই কলামের শব্দার্থগুল�ো মিল কর�ো।
Column A Column B
Cheer up! To tell someone not to do something
Dissuade To send someone away, especially from their country, and not
allow them to come back
Embrace To admit that you have done something wrong
16.6 In pairs/groups, read dialogue 2 again and ask and answer the
following questions. Then, share your answers with the whole class.
দ্বিতীয় কথ�োপকথনটি নিজেরা পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও। এরপর সবার সাথে উত্তর শেয়ার কর�ো।
a. What is the setting of this scene?
b. How many characters are there in the scene? Who are they?
c. Why is Rosalind sad?
d. Who are the wrestlers?
e. Who won the match?
[Celia and Rosalind were speaking in a room in the palace when Duke Frederick
DUKE FREDERICK: [To Rosalind] You must leave this place at once! You will
die if you
ROSALIND: Why, uncle? I never, not in my thought, did anything to offend
DUKE FREDERICK: All traitors speak as if they were innocent. I do not trust
Leave at once.
CELIA: You cannot do this, father. Rosalind and I are like sisters. I cannot live
her company.
DUKE FREDERICK: You are a fool. You, niece, leave as soon as possible. If
you stay,
you die!
[The Duke leaves]
As You Like It
CELIA: O my poor Rosalind, where will you go? I will go with you. We will
seek my
uncle in the forest of Arden.
[ROSALIND and Celia get ready to leave. Rosalind dresses up as a man so that
she and Celia can travel safely.]
CELIA: What shall I call you?
ROSALIND: You can call me Ganymede.
But what will you be called?
CELIA: No longer Celia, but Aliena.
16.8 Read dialogue 3 again in pairs/groups and match column A’s sentence
parts with column B’s sentence parts to make them meaningful sentences.
One is done for you.
তৃতীয় কথ�োপকথনটি পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং দুই কলামের বাক্যাংশ মিল করে অর্থপূর্ণ বাক্য গঠন কর�ো।
ত�োমাদের সুবিধার্থে একটি সমাধান করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
As You Like It
16.10 Read dialogue 4 again in pairs/groups. Then match the words with
their meanings in the following table. One is done for you.
চতুর্থ কথ�োপকথনটি জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায়/দলে পুনরায় পড়�ো এবং দুই কলামের মাঝে শব্দার্থ মিল কর�ো।
ত�োমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হল�ো।
Word Meaning
Characteristics Description
1. Plot The play has a plot (beginning, climax and end). As there
are four scenes here, we have only the beginning of the
play. And, the play begins with a conversation between
Orlando and Oliver.
16.13 In pairs/groups, discuss the whole story and rearrange the following
sentences to retell the story. Later, share it with the whole class.
জ�োড়ায় জ�োড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে নাটকের গল্পটি নিয়ে আল�োচনা কর�ো এবং নিচের বাক্যগুল�ো পুনঃবিন্যাস
কর�ো। এরপর ক্লাসে গল্পটি শেয়ার কর�ো।
Rearrange the following sentences:
a. Orlando defeats Charles.
b. At the match, Orlando meets Rosalind and Celia who wish him success.
c. Orlando challenges Charles the Wrestler to a match.
d. Duke Frederick finds out that Orlando is the son of his enemy.
As You Like It
e. Rosalind and Celia decide to find Duke Senior in the Forest of Arden
f. Rosalind disguises herself as a man so they can safely travel.
g. He cannot trust Rosalind and asks her to leave.
h. Orlando heads off to the Forest of Arden.
i. At the same time, Orlando realizes his brother Oliver wants him dead.
17 Glossary
A Dream School
New vocabulary: Available, Tiny, Bin, Facility, Unfortunate, Improve,
Remove, Vacation, Muddy road.
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
New vocabulary: Take part, Heavy heart, Tear, Hug, Wicked, Surprise,
Narrator, Explicitly, Hatred, Display.
Take part Join or to be involved in We are here to join a
an activity (অংশগ্রহণ করা) drawing competition.
A Good Reader
New vocabulary: Strategy, Reason, Swift, Chew, Endanger, Mention, Guess,
Consist of, Camouflage, Escape, Recognize.
Strategy A plan to achieve a ‘To read the question
goal (ক�ৌশল) paper attentively’ is a
strategy to do well in
the examination.
Reason To tell why something Tell me the reason for
happens (কারণ) your sadness.
Swift Quick or without How swift he works!
delay (দ্রুত)
Chew To bite and grind with Don’t bite off more
the teeth (চিবান�ো) than you can chew.
Endanger To expose someone You will endanger
to danger (বিপন্ন/ বিপদ্গ্রস্ত your health if you stay
করা) awake late at night.
Mention To say something Our group leader
during a conversation, mentioned our names
but not discuss it before presenting our
much or give many group work.
details. (উল্লেখ করা)
Guess Give an opinion If you don’t know,
without knowing guess the meaning of
whether it is correct or the words from the
not (অনুমান করা) text.
Consist of To be made up of The mug consists of
(গঠিত হওয়া) ceramic.
Camouflage The hiding of The rabbit’s white fur
something by acts as a camouflage in
covering it up or the snow.
changing the way it
looks (ছদ্মবেশ)
Escape Run away (পালিয়ে I was extremely lucky
যাওয়া/পরিত্রাণ) to escape from a fatal
Recognize To acknowledge I must recognise my
formally/Identify strength in order to
(চিনতে পারা) choose the right career.
Using Verbs Easily
New vocabulary: Refer, contaminated, Nearby, Seller, Customer, Spacious,
Shelter, Inspire, Happen, Ornament.
Refer To mention someone My parents always
or something when you referred to my uncle
are speaking or writing as ‘an honest man.
(উল্লেখ করা)
Heroes of Bengal
New vocabulary: Placement, Monitor, Unmindful, Watch station, Console,
Deadly, Task, Accordingly, Martyr, Lemonade.
Placement Put something in a We are talking about the
place or position (রাখা) placement of my reading
table in my room.
Monitor To check or observe A teacher always monitors
the development of the progress of the students
someone or something and offers help accordingly.
(উপদেশক/ শিক্ষক)
Unmindful Not being careful about Nobody should be
something (আনমনা/ unmindful of health.
Watch A place from where In September 1971, Badal
station something is observed with a group of freedom
(ঘাঁটি) fighters attacked an army
watch station at Jatrabari.
Console To give comfort My friends tried to console
and sympathy to me by telling me that things
someone who is sad could be much worse.
or disappointed (সান্তনা
Deadly Dangerous (মারাত্মক/ The headteacher spoke with
সাংঘাতিক) deadly seriousness against
copying in the examination.
Task A piece of work to be It is not an easy task to
done (করণীয় কাজ) learn.
Accordingly In a way that is suitable We have to follow our
or right for the situation teacher’s instructions and
(অনুসারে) do accordingly.
Martyr A person who sacrifices We should show proper
something of great respect to the martyrs who
value like his life for sacrificed their lives for
the freedom of his the independence of our
country (শহীদ) country.
Let’s Explore the Sentences
New vocabulary: Explore, Blessing, Characteristic, Deny, Express, Knock,
Overwhelmed, Cherish, Glimpse.
Explore To search and discover After reaching
(about something) Cox’s Bazar, I
(অনুসন্ধান করা) decided to explore
the city.
Blessing Protection and help Rivers are blessings
offered by God (আশীর্বাদ) for our country.
Our Language Movement
New vocabulary: Memory, Frequently, Entrance, Agreement, Memorable,
Declaration, Preserve, Outraged, Significant.
Memory Something that you I have vivid memories
remember from the past of my first day at
(স্মৃতি) school.