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by P. Somasegaran and H. J. Hoben

University of Hawaii NifTAL* Project and MIRCEN* Department of Agronomy and Soil Science Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Hunan Resources College of Tropical Agriculture and Human. Resources

May, 1985

This document was prepared under United States Agency for International Development (USAID) contract No. DAN-0613-C-00-2064-00

* NifTAL and MIRCEN are acronyms for Nitrogen fixation in Tropical Agricultural Legumes and Microbiological Resources Center, respectively


There is no doubt that in the near future the emerging biotechnology based on genetic engineering and somatic cell fusion will contribute significantly to solving agricultural problems. Presently, however, so much of the

available technology, i.e., inoculum technology, is not being fully enough utilized in agriculture. It would be Serious

prudent to devote major efforts to their adoption.

obstacles to adoption of modern technologies, especially in developing countries, is the shortage of trained personnel. It is, therefore, essential for all development support projects to include a training component.

This book is the culmination of several years of experience in training of scientists and technicians from developing countries. The six-week Training Course, for which this

book is intended, was developed at NifTAL and, in the early years, taught there. Subsequently, the course was taken to

the field and offered at host institutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Somasegaran and Hoben have done a

commendable job of drawing from their experience with these courses. They have compiled an All You Ever Wanted To

Know About style book that is not only valuable to developing country scientists, but also useful for technicians and graduate students starting work with the legume/Rhizobium symbiosis.

B. Ben Bohlool Professor, University of Hawaii Director, NifTAL project May, 1985


The symbiosis between the root-nodule bacteria of the genus Rhizobium and legumes results in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in root-nodules. This symbiotic

relationship is of special significance to legume husbandry as seed inoculation with effective strains of Rhizobium can meet the nitrogen requirements of the legume to achieve increased yields. Obviously, such a phenomenon is of

world-wide interest because it implies lesser dependence on expensive petroleum based nitrogen fertilizers for legumes.

In all regions of the world where food consumption exceeds production or where nitrogenous fertilizer has to be imported, leguminous crops have a special relevance. Self-

sufficiency for nitrogen supply and the high protein and calorific values of food, forage and feed legumes make them increasingly attractive. Greater use of legumes can have a

significant beneficial impact in tropical countries where population increase and food production are most out of balance, and where the purchasing power for imported fertilizers is least adequate.

The University of Hawaii NifTAL Project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development to promote greater use of symbiotic nitrogen fixation through Legume-Rhizobium Technology. An essential component in

NifTALs overall objective was specialized training in Legume-Rhizobium Technology. This strategy would provide

the means of transferring the techniques in LegumeRhizobium Technology for the implementation of viable research and development programs in nitrogen fixation in tropical countries.

Training was initiated in 1976 when Professor J.M. Vincent prepared the first course outline for NifTAL. Since then,

the authors have conducted similar training courses in Hawaii, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand and India. The

valuable experiences gained in these intensive six-week training courses led the authors to identify and develop the key research and development activities essential for Legume-Rhizobium Technology.


It was in 1970 that Professor J.M. Vincent published his excellent book entitled A Manual for Practical Study of Root-Nodule Bacteria. Unfortunately this book is out of

print at the present time.

The motivation for this book of methods grew out of the ever-increasing role of the Legume-Rhizobium symbiosis in agricultural production in tropical countries where the benefits of this unique symbiosis can only be realized through correct practices in Legume-Rhizobium Technology.

This book is designed for the practicing technologist to provide competent technical support to research and development activities relevant to Legume-Rhizobium Technology. Teachers and students will also find this

volume useful in addressing the applied aspects of the Legume-Rhizobium symbiosis especially when exercises are supported by well prepared lectures.

There are four sections to this book and they related the sequence of activities which should be followed in Rhizobium research. Each exercise is structured to include

all the steps required to accomplish the particular experiment. Certain activities in the exercise require a

knowledge or a source of information and this is given in

the Appendix.

At the end of each section are recommended

journal articles and textbooks for more background on principles or greater detail on methods. In putting

together this book, we have indicated to the user by crossreference that the various sections support each other. For example, the serological techniques in Section C are not meant only for strain identification in nodules but also for checking strain contamination in inoculant production and quality control.

It is hoped that this volume will serve as an instrument of self-instruction since the skills can be acquired by careful practice of techniques. Satisfactory completion of

the exercises should impart to the user a good working knowledge and competence in Legume-Rhizobium Technology. The exercises in this volume were tested successfully in all the NifTAL training courses and intern training programs and we hope that this volume will be useful in organizing similar courses by other institutions.

The authors would appreciate comments and suggestions for effecting further revisions to improve this volume.

Padmanabhan Somasegaran Heinz J. Hoben May 1985


The authors are indebted to several colleagues who are specialists and who contributed constructively in the review of preliminary versions of this volume.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of professor J.M. Vincent who reviewed and supplied us with detailed notes and comments for each exercise. We are indebted to him as

the outline of this volume is based on a course outline originally conceived by him while he was a consultant to the NifTAL Project. The authors express their sincere

thanks to Dr. J.C. Burton for his encouragement and support. His review, comments, and suggestions especially We wish to express our

in Section D were invaluable.

gratitude to Dr. J. Halliday for his continued interest, encouragement and support in the preparations of this volume.

The authors are indebted to the invaluable review support given by Drs. P.H. Graham, D.H. Hubbell, B.B. Bohlool, P.W. Singleton, J.W. King, R.W. Weaver, J.A. Thompson and L.A. Materon. The authors wish to express their sincere

gratitude to Dr. Velitin Gurgun of the University of Ankara (Turkey) who did an excellent review on the final version of this volume. We appreciate all participants of the

NifTAL Training courses, intern trainees, and visiting

scientists whose comments and suggestions were invaluable in making this work more comprehensive.

In the final analysis, the production of this volume was the result of teamwork and support given to us by several NifTAL Project staff members. We express our sincere They are Ms.

appreciation to all these helpful people.

Princess Ferguson who handled all logistics pertaining to publication besides editing; Ms. Judith Dozier for the painstaking checking, proofreading and editing of the typed manuscripts; Mr. Keith Avery who patiently handled much of the graphics and artwork; and Ms. Karean Zukeran and Ms. Mary Rohner for the administrative and secretarial support.

CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Exercise 1. TO COLLECT NODULES AND ISOLATE RHIZOBIUM. . 7 a. Recognizing legumes and identifying them in the field b. Recovering nodules in the field c. Preserving nodules d. Examining nodules and bacteroids e. Isolating Rhizobium from nodule f. Performing the presumptive test g. Authenticating the isolates as Rhizobium h. Preserving Rhizobium cultures Requirements Exercise 2. TO OBSERVE THE INFECTION PROCESS. . . . . . 30 a. b. c. d. e. f. Culturing strains of rhizobia in YM broth Germinating seeds Preparing a Fahraeus-slide Inoculating the seedlings Observing the root-hairs under the microscope Comparing root hair deformations Requirements

Exercise 3. TO STUDY CULTURAL PROPERTIES, CELL MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND SOME NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF RHIZOBIUM. . . . 40 a. Preliminary subculturing of different bacterial cultures b. Comparing cell morphology and gram stain reactions of Rhizobium with those of other microorganisms c. Determining gram stain reactions of various bacteria d. Characterizing growth of rhizobia using a range of media e. Observing growth reactions on modified media Requirements Exercise 4. TO QUANTIFY THE GROWTH OF RHIZOBIUM. . . . . 53 a. Preliminary culturing of fast and slowgrowing rhizobia b. Determining the total count with a Petroff-

c. d. e. f.

Hausser chamber Using the Petroff-Hausser counting chamber Estimating cell concentration by optical density Determining the number of viable cells in a culture by plating methods Determining the mean-generation (doubling) time of rhizobia Requirements

Exercise 5. TO COUNT RHIZOBIA BY A PLANT INFECTION METHOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 a. Preparing inoculants b. Setting up the plant dilution count in plastic growth pouches c. Planting seeds in growth pouches d. Inoculating for MPN count e. Determining the most probable number Requirements References and Recommended Reading. . . . . . . . . . . 84 SECTION B. STRAIN IDENTIFICATION Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Exercise 6. TO DEVELOP ANTISERA. . . . . . . . . . . . a. Culturing Rhizobium for antigen b. Preparing antigens for immunodiffusion c. Preparing somatic antigens for agglutination and fluorescent antibody techniques d. Immunizing the rabbit e. Trial bleeding for titer determination f. Collecting blood and giving booster injections Requirements Exercise 7. TO PERFORM AGGLUTINATION REACTIONS WITH PURE CULTURES OF RHIZOBIUM. . . . . . . . . . . 111 a. b. c. d. e. Preparation of somatic antigens from cultured cells Dilution of stock antiserum Performing agglutinations in microtiter trays Performing agglutinations in tubes Performing agglutinations on microscope slides Requirements 101

Exercise 8. TO AGGLUTINATE ANTIGENS FROM ROOT NODULES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


a. Developing antisera b. Culturing soybean plants nodulated with a serologically marked strain of Rhizobium c. Separating bacteroid-antigens from nodules for agglutination d. Agglutinating the antigens with homologous antiserum Requirements Exercise 9. RHIZOBIAL ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS IN GEL BY IMMUNODIFFUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 a. Preparing gel for diffusion b. Preparing antigens c. Setting up immunodiffusion reactions Requirements Exercise 10. TO IDENTIFY NODULES BY GEL IMMUNODIFFUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 a. Preparing the mixed broth-inoculum b. Culturing of soybean plants inoculated with a single strain and a mixture of strains of Rhizobium c. Preparing nodule bacteroid-antigens d. Preparing soluble antigen from cultured cells e. Setting up the immunodiffusion system Requirements Exercise 11. TO DEVELOP AND USE FLUORESCENT ANTIBODIES (FA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Fractionating serum globulins Purifying the serum globulins Determining the protein content of the dialyzate Conjugating the globulins with fluorescent dye Purifying the fluorescent antibodies Testing the quality of fluorescent antibody Typing nodules using the fluorescent antibody technique Requirements TO DEVELOP ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT RHIZOBIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Exercise 12.

a. Culturing selected strains b. Preparing YMA plates containing antibiotics c. Selecting spontaneous mutants with resistance to one antibiotic d. Selecting strains of Rhizobium having resistance to two antibodies Requirements Exercise 13. TO IDENTIFY ANTIBIOTIC-RESISTANT MARKED STRAINS OF RHIZOBIA IN NODULES. . . . . . a. Culturing plants inoculated with antibiotic resistant marked strain(s) of Rhizobium b. Preparing YMA containing antibiotics for nodule typing c. Typing nodules using antibiotic resistant strains of Rhizobium d. Interpreting the growth patterns Requirements Exercise 14. TO IDENTIFY RHIZOBIUM USING PHAGES. . . . 175


a. Isolating bacteriophages b. Assaying for phage by the overlay method c. Typing rhizobia using phages Requirements References and Recommended Reading. . . . . . . . . . . 182 SECTION C. RHIZOBIUM STRAIN SELECTION Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Exercise 15. TO TEST FOR GENETIC COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN RHIZOBIA AND LEGUMES. . . . . . . . . . . 191 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Culturing strains of Rhizobium Preparing seedling-agar tubes and Leonard jars Preparing germination plates Surface sterilizing seeds Planting and inoculating Observing periodically and harvesting Evaluating the experiment Requirements

Exercise 16. TO SCREEN RHIZOBIA FOR NITROGEN FIXATION POTENTIAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Experimental design and treatments Preparing Leonard jars Culturing the rhizobia for testing Surface sterilizing the seeds Planting and inoculating of seeds Harvesting the plants Requirements

Exercise 17. SELECTING EFFECTIVE STRAINS OF RHIZOBIA IN POTTED FIELD SOIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Designing the experiment and treatments Preparing the inoculum Choosing the site for collecting soil Collecting, preparing, and potting field soil Adjusting moist field soil to field capacity Applying fertilizer Planting and inoculating the seeds Inspecting non-inoculatd control plants for nodulation by native rhizobia i. Watering the pots and making periodic observation j. Harvesting the experiment Requirements Exercise 18. TO VERIFY THE NITROGEN-FIXING POTENTIAL OF GLASSHOUSE SELECTED STRAINS OF SOYBEAN RHIZOBIA IN THE FIELD ENVIRONMENT. . . . . 221 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Setting up the experiment Selecting strains for the experiment Preparing inoculants Preparing seeds for inoculation and planting Preparing the field Controlling cross-contamination by modifying irrigation methods Applying fertilizer Planting the experiment Monitoring the trial and harvest Analyzing the data Requirements

Exercise 19. TO INVESTIGATE THE IMPORTANCE OF OPTIMAL FERTILITY IN THE RESPONSE OF A LEGUME TO INOCULATION WITH RHIZOBIUM. . . . . . . . a. Setting up the experiment b. Preparing the mixed inoculant and inoculating the


c. d. e. f. g. h.

seeds Choosing a site and preparing the field Applying fertilizers Planting the experiment Monitoring the trial and harvest Harvesting nodules for strain identification Analyzing the yield data Requirements

References and Recommended Reading. . . . . . . . . . . 251 SECTION D. INOCULATION TECHNOLOGY Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Exercise 20. TO PRODUCE BROTH CULTURES IN SIMPLE GLASS FERMENTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 a. b. c. d. Inoculating starter cultures Assembling simple fermenters Operating the glass fermenters Producing broth inoculum Requirements

Exercise 21. TO PREPARE A RANGE OF CARRIER MATERIALS AND PRODUCE INOCULANTS. . . . . . . . . . a. Milling carrier materials b. Characterizing and preparing carriers c. Preparing inoculants by impregnating dry carriers with broth culture d. Testing the quality of inoculants e. Collecting, recording and analyzing the data Exercise 22. TO PREPPARE INOCULANTS USING DILUTED CULTURES OF RHIZOBIUM AND PRESTERILIZED PEAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. b. c. d. Culturing rhizobia in YM broth Making a culture dilution flask and its operation Preparing the diluents Preparing packaged presterilized peat and checking for sterility e. Preparing presterilized peat in polypropylene trays



f. Preparing diluted cultures of Rhizobium g. Preparing inoculants with diluted cultures and presterilized peat in packages h. Preparing inoculants with presterilized peat in polypropylene trays i. Determining multiplication of the rhizobia in peat inoculants prepared aseptically j. Determining the multiplication of the rhizobia in the peat inoculants prepared by hand-mixing in trays k. Collecting, recording and analyzing data Requirements Exercise 23. TO TEST THE SURVIVAL OF RHIZOBIA ON INOCULATED SEEDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . a. b. c. d. Preparing inoculants for seed inoculation Preparing adhesives Inoculating and pelleting seeds Determining the number of viable rhizobia on seeds Requirements


References and Recommended Reading. . . . . . . . . . . 323 Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328

TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR FIGURES FIGURE 1.1 1.2 TITLE Streaking the plate Isolation procedures as used by Date and Halliday (1979b) Ceramic bead method for storing Rhizobium Petri dish with components of Fahraeus slide Placement of seedling on Fahraeus slide Roothair deformation showing shepherds crook Selective proliferation and colonization of Rhizobium trifolii on a roothair Rhizobium trifolii inside infection thread of clover roothair Shapes of bacteria The Petroff Hausser counting chamber Procedure for serial dilutions Growth of colonies of Rhizobium sp. From drops plated by the dropplate method Soybean plants growing in growth pouches Lattice formulation in an antigenantibody reaction Precipitin reactions PAGE 15 17













3.1 4.1

44 56

4.2 4.3

62 65







B.3 B.4 7.1

Direct immunofluorescence Indirect immunofluorescence Scheme for antiserum titer determination in agglutination tray Agglutination reactions in wells of agglutination tray Agglutination reactions in agglutination tubes Identification of nodule bacteroids by agglutination in an agglutination tray Hexagonal pattern template for Petri dishes Well pattern for immunodiffusion Immunodiffusion reactions showing precipitin bands Scheme for identifying nodules inoculated with a mixture of two strains Scheme of nodule smears for strain identification by FA

98 99 117









9.2 9.3

137 139






Plate with grid pattern for nodule 170 identification by antibiotic resistance Interpreting growth patterns on antibiotic plates An example of randomized complete block design experiment Field layout and dimensions Diagram of field plot Field layout and dimensions 172




18.1 18.2 19.1

222 223 239

20.1 20.2 20.3 22.1

Scheme of simple fermenter unit Simple fermenter in operation Modified fermenter Apparatus for diluting liquid cultures of Rhizobium

265 266 267 296


Appendix Number Title

Page Number

Figure Number

Characteristics of the subfamilies of legumes Subfamily Papilionoideae Subfamily Caesalpinoideae Subfamily Mimoosoideae Legume pods Leaves of legumes and associated structures Some representative shapes of leguminous nodules


A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5


Some examples of nodule distribution on roots 2 Nodule preservation vial Nodule preservation vial 3 4 5 6 Media and staining solutions Reagents Buffers McFarland nephelometer barium sulfate standards 7 Preparation of seedling-agar slants for cultivating small seeded legumes Simple set up for dispensing seedlingAgar into tubes and forming slants 8 Building a rack for growth pouches Rack for growth pouches 363 360 340 351 355 358 338





Recommendations of hosts and growth systems for authentication


10 11

Surface sterilization of seeds Preparation of Leonard Jars The Leonard Jar

369 375 A.11 378 A.12 A.13 A.14


Injecting and bleeding rabbits Bleeding rack Bellco bleeding apparatus Collecting blood from a rabbit by cardiac puncture

13 14

The indirect FA technique Additional explanations to the calculations of the most probable number (MPN)

386 391


The acetylene reduction method for measuring nitrogenase activity Simple apparatus for generating small amounts of acetylene in the laboratory Trace pattern from an injection of a gas mixture containing CH4, C2H2, and C2H4 showing the sequence




of emergence of the different peaks 16 Methods for determining lime requirements of acid soils 17 Analysis of variance for a Rhizobium strain selection experiment Effect of various strains of R. japonicum on the dry weight of shoots of soybean 18 Computing the coefficient of 421 A.17 414 410

correlation r to show the relationship between shoot weight and nodule weight in a Rhizobium strain selection experiment Relationship between dry weights of plant tops and nodules in cowpea 19 A brief description of inoculant carrier preparation 20 21 Seed inoculating procedure Determining field capacity of field soil Determining field capacity of Field soil 22 Simple transfer chamber Cross section of chamber Illustrating working principle Simple transfer chamber 23 Freeze drying cultures of Rhizobium Sealing ampoules Sealing ampoules (close up) 24 Source of Rhizobium strains 454 A.23 A.24 441 A.21 436 A.20 A.19 430 432 427 A.18



The bacteria of the genus Rhizobium (family Rhizobiaceae) are a genetically diverse and physiologically heterogeneous group of microorganisms that are nevertheless classified together by virtue of their ability to nodulate groups of plants of the family Leguminosae. This classification

scheme is usually referred to as cross-inoculatin grouping. A cross-inoculation group is a group of legumes

in which one species of Rhizobium nodulates all the legumes within that group. In the old system, species of Rhizobium

fall into two groups based on their growth characteristics.

Group I

Rhizobium leguminosarum nodulates peas (pisum spp.), vetch (Vicia spp.), lentils, (Lens culinaris).

Rhizobium phaseoli

- nodulates beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris and the scarlet runner bean) (Phaseolus coccineus).

Rhizobium trifolii

- nodulates the clovers, e.g.,

Trifolium subterraneum, T. Semipilosum, T. repens, and Other Trifolium spp.

Rhizobium meliloti

- nodulates alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and other Medicago spp., Melilotus spp., fenugreek (Trigonella).

Group II

Rhizobium lupini

- nodulates lupins (Lupinus Spp.) and serradella (Ornithopus spp.).

Rhizobium japonicum

- nodulates soybean (Glycine max).

Rhizobium spp.

nodulates members of the cowpea miscellany group of legumes, e.g., Vigna spp., peanut, Desmodium spp., Macroptilium spp., Lablab sp., Lima bean, Stylosanthes spp., etc.

In Group I are the fast-growing acid producers which develop pronounced turbidity in liquid media within 2-3 days and have a mean doubling time of 2-4 hours. The cells

are rod-shaped to pleomorphic, 0.5 to 0.9 microns in diameter and 1.2 to 3.0 microns long, and are motile by 2-6 peritrichous flagella. They can grow on a wide range of

carbohydrates, but usually grow best on glucose, mannitol, or sucrose. Rhizobia of this group are generally infective

on temperate legumes.

In group II are the slow-growing, alkali producing rhizobia. They require 3-5 days to produce moderate

turbidity in liquid media and have a mean doubling time of 6-7 hours. Most strains in this group grow best with The cells are

pentoses as their carbon source.

predominantly rod-shaped, and motile by a single polar or subpolar flagellum. species. This group nodulates tropical legume

Rhizobia are characteristically Gram-negative and do not form endospores. Uneven Gram-staining is frequently

encountered with rhizobia depending on the age of the culture. Cells from a young culture and nodule bacteroids

usually show even Gram-staining while older cells and longer cells show unstained areas along the cell giving a banded appearance. These unstained areas have been

identified to be large granules of polymeric-hydroxybutyric

acid (PHBA).

These granules are refractile under phase

contrast microscopy.

Though the host-dependent cross-inoculation group system of classifying rhizobia has been subjected to much criticism, because it is not a taxonomic one, it is the best practical system currently available. Classification of rhizobia is

becoming increasingly complex because of new findings, e.g. some soybeans are now known to be nodulated by a distinct group of fast-growing acid-producing rhizobia. Thus, a new This new In

system has been formulated to classify rhizobia.

system recognizes three genera for the Rhizobiaceae.

this new system Genus I and Genus II include the rhizobia while Genus III is for the agrobacteria. All fast-growing

acid-producing rhizobia now fall under the new genus Rhizobium (Genus I) and all slow-growing alkali-producing rhizobia under the new genus Bradyrhizobium (Genus II). Also, under this system, R. trifolii, R. phaseoli, and R. leguminosarum are combined as one species, designated as Rhizobium leguminosarum, comprising three biovars (trifolii, phaseoli, and viceae). R. meliloti remains as

before and R. loti has been assigned to the fast-growing Lotus rhizobia. Genetically related to R. loti are

rhizobia from Lotus corniculatus, Lotus tenuis, Cicer arietinum, Leucaena leucocephala, Sophora microphylla etc. The soybean rhizobia are now in two genera, i.e. R. japonicum (fast-growing and acid-producing) and

Bradyrhizobium japonicum (slow-growing and alkaliproducing). Rhizobia from Vigna, Arachis, Desmodium,

Macroptilium, Stylosanthes etc. are still unclassified, but grouped as Bradyrhizobia spp. The non-legume Parasponia

(called Trema previously) is also nodulated by Bradyrhizobium sp. Besides Leucaena, whose rhizobia are

now R. loti, there are other legumes (Sesbania, Neptunia, Calliandra, Acacia) which are nodulated by fast-growing acid-producing rhizobia and the taxonomic status of these organisms may be resolved in the future.

As predominantly aerobic chemoorganotrophs, rhizobia are relatively easy to culture. They grow well in the presence

of oxygen and utilize relatively simple carbohydrates and amino compounds. With the exception of a few strains, they

have not been found to fix nitrogen away from their host legume. growth. Some strains of Rhizobium require vitamins for Optimal growth for most strains occurs in a Despite

temperature range of 25-30oC, and at a pH of 6-7.

their usual aerobic metabolism, many strains are able to grow well at oxygen tensions less than 0.01 atmosphere (microaerophilic).

Rhizobia are somewhat unique among soil microorganisms I their ability to form nitrogen-fixing symbioses with legumes. To enjoy the benefits of this partnership,

however, the rhizobia must not only exhibit saprophytic

competence among other soil microorganisms, but also outcompete other rhizobia for infection sites on legume roots. Potential for physiological versatility is therefore an important trait contributing to their adaptation to the competitive and complex soil environment.



The purpose of this exercise is to become familiar with legumes in the field, examine their nodules, isolate rhizobia from nodules and preserve the isolates.

The subfamilies in the Leguminosae will be discussed and identifications will be made with the help of a botanical key. Nodules will be sectioned and examined. Simple stains of Rhizobia

nodule smears will be examined under the microscope.

will be isolated from nodules and grown on presumptive test media. The isolates will be authenticated on their original

host plants and then preserved on ceramic beads.

Key steps/objectives


Identify legumes in the field, collect nodulated specimens and preserve nodules

2) 3)

Examine nodules and bacteroids under the microscope Surface sterilize nodules and isolate rhizobia on differential media

4) 5) 6)

Perform Gram stain and reisolate on differential media Store isolates on agar slants Surface sterilize and pregerminate seeds for authentication

7) 8) 9) 10)

Plant and inoculate seedlings for authentication Examine plants periodically for nodulation Terminate experiment, examine nodules and reisolate Prepare broth culture of authenticated isolate for desiccation on beads

11) 12)

Prepare bead storage vials Impregnate sterilized beads with broth culture of rhizobia


Regrow rhizobia stored on beads


Recognizing legumes and identifying them in the field

(Key step 1)

Become familiar with the general taxonomic characters of the Leguminosae. Study the different flower types of the three

subfamilies: Caesalpinoideae, Mimosoideae and Papilionoideae (Appendix 1).

Note the main similarities among all legumes in their compound leaves and the seed placentation in pods as shown in Appendix 1, Figure A.4 and A.5. However, in many Acacia species (e.g.,

Acacia auriculaeformis, Acacia mangium, Acacia koa) the compound leaves are only formed and seen in seedlings. The

compound leaves are replaced by phyllodes as the plants mature (Figure A.5). Compound leaves are also characteristic of

numerous non-leguminous families such as: Bignoniaceae (e.g.,

Jacaranda, Spathodea); Caprifoliaceae (e.g., Sambucas mexicana var. bipinnata); Solanaceae (e.g., Lycopersicon, Solanum tuberosum), Passifloraceae (e.g. Passiflora spp.). Familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics of each subfamily as outlined in Appendix 1. Learn to identify

legumes in the field and become familiar with the appearance of the most common agricultural legumes in your area.

It is not essential to identify the less common legumes. aspects of classification within the Leguminosae are in dispute even amongst plant taxonomists.


The course followed

by many collectors is to recover a good plant specimen (including flowers and fruits), dry and press it, and forward it to a reliable herbarium (Royal Botanical Garden, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW 3 AE, England) for precise identification.


Recovering nodules in the field

(Key Step 1)

Identify plants of several legume species in the field and select one representative of each for sampling. With a spade,

describe a circle with a radius of approximately 15 cm around the plant and cut out this section to a depth of at least 20 cm. Still using the spade, slowly lift out the clump.

Carefully remove the soil from the root material with your hands. Avoid detaching secondary roots from the plant as

nodules may be found on the lateral roots as well as the tap root. Carefully place the whole plant into a plastic bag. If

the legume has seed, collect the seeds and store them in the refrigerator for the authentication test.

In the laboratory, place a sieve of an appropriate size and mesh under each root sample to catch nodules that may become detached from the root. Carefully wash the roots under a

gentle stream of water from a tap or a hose.

The distribution of the nodules on the root system is dependent on the legume species and rhizobial strain as well as soil structure and composition. Examples of nodule types

and distribution on some species are illustrated in Appendix 1.


Preserving nodules

(Key step 1)

Fresh nodules may be stored in the refrigerator overnight. not freeze nodules as ice crystals may rupture and kill the bacteroids. Frozen nodules may, however, be used for


serological typing.

For long term storage, desiccation in glass vials is recommended. A preservation vial is shown in Appendix 2,

Figure A.8.


Examining nodules and bacteroids

(Key step 2)

Note the shape and size of the nodules recovered from the collected plants. Nodule size and shape vary with the Large round nodules may be Leucaena and Acacia are See Appendix

rhizobia and host plant species.

found on cowpea and soybean plants.

among legumes which do not have round nodules. 1, Figure A.6 for description of nodule shape.

Cut thin sections of nodules with a razor blade and float them on a drop of water on a microscope slide; use a cover glass and examine under low power (10x) and high power (40x) objectives.

An active N-fixing nodule contains a protein called leghaemoglobin. Its presence in the nodule can be noted by Active

the characteristic pink, red, or brown coloration. nodules may also be black. common.

Black nodules are not very

They have been reported on Lablab purpureus, Dolichos

biflorus, and Vigna unguiculata when inoculated with some strains of rhizobia.

Senescent nodules are usually grayish green.

When nodules on

the soil surface are exposed to sunlight, they may develop a green exterior. This green color is due to chlorophyll Most

development on the cortical region of the nodule.

ineffective rhizobia cause nodules with white interiors that lack leghaemoglobin.

Gently rub the cut surface of a nodule on a clean microscope slide to make a smear. Allow the smear to air dry and then pass the slide through a flame. Cool the slide and stain the Wash in

smear with dilute carbol fuchsin for 10-20 seconds. water, blot off excess moisture, and air dry. the oil immersion objective.

Examine under

Note the difference in

morphology between the "bacteroids" in this smear and bacteria of the same rhizobial species grown in pure culture. Note the

size and shape of the bacteroids compared to the rod forms found in pure culture (Figure 3.1).


Isolating rhizobia from a nodule

(Key step 3)

Wash roots thoroughly to remove soil. nodules from each plant.

Collect about 10

Sever the nodule from the root by

cutting the root about 0.5 cm on each side of the nodule. When moving the nodule, use forceps on the root appendages to reduce the risk of damaging the nodule.

Immerse intact, undamaged nodules for 5-10 seconds in 95% ethanol or isopropanol (to break the surface tension and to remove air bubbles from the tissue); transfer to a 2.5-3% (v/v) solution of sodium hypochlorite, and soak for 2-4 min. Rinse in five changes of sterile water using sterile forceps for transferring. Forceps may be sterilized quickly by dipping in alcohol and flaming. Utilize sterile glass or plastic

petri dishes as containers for the alcohol, sodium hypochlorite and water.

Alternatively, nodules may be placed into an Erlenmeyer flask (125 ml). The sterilizing and rinsing fluids may be changed

as required, leaving the nodule in the flask each time.

An acidified mercuric chloride solution (0.1% w/v) or a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3% v/v) may be used for sterilizing nodules. However, mercuric chloride is highly

toxic and hydrogen peroxide is expensive, making sodium hypochlorite (available as commercial bleach) the preferred choice. When hydrogen peroxide is used, the 5-6 rinses with

sterile water may be omitted.

Desiccated nodules must be rehydrated before sterilizing. Place nodules into a small beaker with clean cool water and leave in the refrigerator to imbibe overnight. An one hour

soaking at room temperature is sufficient for nodules which have been desiccated for only a short time.

Crush the surface sterilized nodule with a pair of blunttipped forceps in a large drop of sterile water in a petri dish. Alternatively, the nodule may be crushed in a sterile Streak one loopful of the

test tube with a sterile glass rod.

nodule suspension on a yeast-mannitol agar (YMA) plate containing Congo Red (CR). Similarly treat one loopful of the

nodule suspension on a yeast-mannitol agar (YMA) plate containing bromthymol blue (BTB) (Appendix 3).

The primary isolate may be streaked in one continuous motion as shown in method 1 of Figure 1.1.

Well isolated colonies may be obtained with method 2 which is most commonly used with isolations from primary plates. performed as follows: It is

Deposit culture on agar with inoculation loop then streak out to 1. Resterilize loop, and cool by touching the agar surface

near the side of the Petri dish, then streak from 1 to 2. Repeat the procedure until 4 is reached.

The isolation procedure lends itself well to improvisation and many variations exist. Here are some variations try them and

compare your success at isolation by at least two methods.

The needle method of isolation is especially useful with

freshly harvested nodules 2 mm or larger in diameter.


the nodule first in water, then alcohol, then hold it with forceps and briefly pass it through a flame. Place this

surface sterilized nodule on a small piece of sterile filter paper (2 cm x 2 cm) in a sterile Petri dish. filter paper should be used for each nodule. dish can be used for several nodules. A new piece of The same Petri

Dip the blunt tipped While holding

forceps into 95% alcohol and flame momentarily. the nodule with the forceps and

Figure 1.1

Streaking the plate.

resting the nodule on sterile filter paper, quickly slice off a small section with a flamed, hot scalpel. Still holding the

nodule with the forceps on the filter paper, insert the tip of a sterile inoculation needle (with a 1 mm loop) into the cut surface. Load the loop with inoculum. Streak directly onto a

YMA plate containing CR and a YMA plate containing BTB.

When using the needle method, the nodule can also be held in the fingers of one hand while inserting the needle with the other hand. them. Brace the heels of the hands together to steady

Another method consists of serially diluting the nodule bacterial suspension and then pour-plating it. This is done

as follows: lay out four sterile plastic Petri dishes marked A, B, C, and D. With a sterile Pasteur pipette, place two

separated drops of water into each dish. Crush the sterilized nodule in a sterile Petri dish or test tube.

Flame the transfer loop and cool it in drop-1 of dish-A, then transfer the bacteroid suspension from the crushed nodule to drop-2 of dish-A and mix.

Next, flame the loop, cool it in drop-1 of dish-B, and transfer one loopful from drop-2 of dish-A to drop-2 of dish-B and mix. Continue until drop-2 of each dish has been

inoculated and mixed with the diluted nodule suspension of the previous one.

Pour 15-20 ml liquid YMA (48 C) to the inoculum in each dish. Ensure mixing by gently moving the covered dish first clockwise and then counter-clockwise on the table top. three full circles for each movement. Allow

Continue mixing by

moving the dish from the left to the right and from the right to the left three times. Then, without pausing, move the

Petri-dish forward and backward and backward and forward, also three times. Allow the agar to set before incubating. Invert

the plates during incubation.

Additional procedures are illustrated in Figure l.2.

Figure 1.2. Isolation procedures as used by Date and Halliday (1979b)


Performing the presumptive test

(Key steps 4 and 5)

The plates prepared from the three methods described above are referred to as primary isolation plates. 25-30 C in the dark. Incubate these at

(Some slow-growing tropical rhizobia

absorb Congo Red when incubated in light.)

After 4-10 days, look for well isolated colonies.

Pick off a

single colony typical of rhizobia (Exercise 3) and perform a Gram stain (Exercise 3), then reisolate by streaking on:

a) b) c)

YMA containing BTB YMA containing CR Peptone glucose agar

Select isolated typical colonies.

It is possible that more

than one type colony (e.g. small and large colonies; mucoid and dry, etc.) may appear on a plate streaked from a single nodule. Each of these should be streaked on the three media More than

listed above and considered an individual culture.

one type of colony in a pure culture of rhizobia may be indicative of variants of the same strain or the occupancy of two different strains in the same nodule.

If no isolated colonies develop, restreak a little of the confluent growth again onto each one of the three media.

Incubate and make daily observations for the appearance of colonies typical of rhizobia. Colonies should show little or There

no Congo Red absorption when incubated in the dark.

are, however, exceptions (eg. some strains of R. meliloti absorb Congo red strongly). A blue color indicative of an

alkaline reaction on BTB should be obtained with slow-growing Bradyrhizobium spp. A yellow color (acid) reaction is usually No growth or poor Plates

produced by the fast-growing Rhizobium spp.

growth should be obtained on peptone glucose agar.

should be read for reactions after 3-5 days (fast-growers) and 5-7 (slow-growers). (Unless one is definitely working with

fast-growers, an incubation of 7-10 days should be routine.) Check Exercise 3 for details. Check secondary isolates for

colony morphology typical of rhizobia, then perform a Gram stain (Exercise 3) to check for purity of culture. Transfer

three separate colonies to culture tubes to be added to stock cultures. Stock cultures obtained at this time are considered The authenticity of these isolates as

presumptive rhizobia.

pure cultures of rhizobia is confirmed later by the nodulation test (authentication) under bacteriologically controlled conditions. Select two representative colonies of the Prepare 20-50 ml

presumptive rhizobia from the isolation.

broth cultures in duplicates from each of the two colonies. Incubate on a shaker for use in the authentication tests.


Authenticating the isolates as rhizobia

(Key steps 6, 7, 8, and 9)

The importance of determining that the isolate is a pure culture which can form nodules on legume roots cannot be over stressed. rhizobia. It proves the authenticity of a pure culture of

For large seeded legumes like beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max), Leonard jars and growth-pouches are recommended as growth units for authentication. Smaller

seeded legumes, like clovers (Trifolium spp.) and Siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum), may be grown in growth-tubes. Recommended hosts and growth systems to authenticate isolates are given in Appendix 9. Ideally, a rhizobial strain is

tested for its ability to produce nodules on the legume species from which it was originally isolated. However, it

may be more convenient to substitute another legume from the same cross-inoculation group particularly when a small-seeded legume can be substituted for a large-seeded one. Chickpea,

although a large seeded legume, can be successfully grown in tubes by excising the cotyledons. dwarfed chickpea plants. This process produces

Siratro is used in authenticating

most bradyrhizobia from tropical legumes because it nodulates with more than 90% of all bradyrhizobia. Rhizobia from

specific hosts (e.g.. soybean, Lotononis, chickpea, etc.) are not authenticated on Siratro.

Set up two suitable growth units for each of the isolates plus at least two extra units that will serve as uninoculated controls. jars. 8. Consult Appendix 11 for the preparation of Leonard

Growth pouches are described in Exercise 5 and Appendix

Surface sterilize and pregerminate seeds as detailed in Appendix 10.

Inoculate 1 ml of broth culture for each isolate onto each of the pregerminated seeds in two growth units. The extra growth Plant

units are not inoculated and will serve as controls. and inoculate in a clean area.

Take precautions against wind

drafts and insects which may cause cross-contamination between treatments.

Examine plants for differences in vigor and color between the inoculated and uninoculated at 15-30 days of growth. Remove

the plants from the rooting medium and note the presence or absence of nodules. The presence of nodules in the Sparse

non-inoculated treatment invalidates the test.

nodulation or nodulation restricted to distal parts of the roots of control plants indicates external contamination and points to a need to improve general hygiene. The

authentication test must be repeated with adequate bacteriological control.

If the presumptive tests are satisfactory, the isolates are regarded as fully authenticated cultures. The cultures of

presumptive isolates are now confirmed as rhizobia and may be given collection numbers. When added to a culture collection,

other relevant information should be added for each strain e.g. parent host, site of collection, soil pH, etc.


Preserving culture of rhizobia

(Key steps 10, 11, 12, and 13)

There are a number of satisfactory methods for preserving rhizobial cultures including yeast mannitol agar (YMA) slant in screw-cap tubes, desiccated on porcelain beads, lyophilized (freeze-dried), and as frozen liquid suspension under liquid nitrogen. The choice of method will depend on facilities, experience, and finances (Table 1.1). The porcelain bead

method is recommended for laboratories with limited resources.

To prepare for storage on beads, inoculate a loopful of culture from a YMA slant into 3 ml of sterile YM-broth and incubate to maximum turbidity on a rotary shaker.

Place 20-30 ceramic beads (washed and oven dried) in a

screw-cap test tube, cover the mouth of the tube with foil, and sterilize in the oven for 1-2 h at 160-170 C. Prepare

storage tubes as depicted in Figure 1.4, using 6-7 g silica gel and sufficient cotton or glass-wool to keep the silica gel in place. The rubber lined caps for the tubes must be

autoclaved separately in a rubber beaker, then dried in an oven at 80-90 C.

The glass-wool may be oven sterilized in the storage tube with the silica gel. When cotton is used, it should be autoclaved These cotton balls

in small balls in a foil covered beaker.

should be of a suitable size to facilitate easy aseptic transfer to the storage tube with forceps. Residual moisture

is removed in the oven at 70-80 C before transferring it aseptically to the sterile storage tubes. are then added to the tubes. The autoclaved caps

Transfer the sterilized beads aseptically to the broth culture in the tubes and replug. Soak the beads for 1-2 h, then

invert the tube and allow the excess broth culture to soak into the cotton plug.

Transfer the beads impregnated with rhizobia into the storage tube aseptically, replace and tighten the screw caps securely.

Examine the tubes after a day or so to ensure that the silica gel is still blue. If it turns pink or colorless, then too

much moisture was transferred with the beads or an improper seal is permitting entry of moisture.

To regenerate a culture, inoculate YM-broth with one or two beads. These are easily speared from the storage tube using a A week or more may be Once the broth

sterile needle with a slight hook.

needed to obtain visual signs of growth.

becomes turbid, loopfuls should be streaked on presumptive test media to check for purity. onto YMA slants as desired. Subculture from the broth

Figure 1.3. Ceramic bead method for storing Rhizobium

Method Expertise and facilities required Length of useful storage period Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Agar slopes in screw cap tubes or agar covered with paraffin oil (Vincent 1970 p. 10)

Basic microbiological knowledge and facilities for pure culture (autoclave, clean transfer area, tubes, media, etc.)

1-2 years without transfer at 2530 but can be longer, if held at 5 C

Simplicity, low cost minimum facilities and expertise

Short storage time, increased chance of contamination and variants because of more frequent subculturing

Least desirabl e for long term storage

Porcelain beads

As above, plus availability of beads, suitable airtight containers and dry sterilizing facilities for silica gel desiccant

3-4 years, with some rhizobia significantly shorter with others

Low cost and longer storage time and therefore more time before re-beading. Facility for number of sub cultures (i.e., one bead) from original

Not as long term as lyophilization and risk of contamination and variants when re-beading. Time required for re-beading

Good for 6-12 month storage*

Lyophilized or freeze dried

Basic microbiological facilities lyophilizing equipment (vacuum pump, freezing facility under vacuum) ampoules, glass blowing burner, etc.

Minimum 15-20 years experience suggests much longer

Once ampouled, minimal risk of variants or contamination. virtually permanent storage. Can be at room temperature

Expensive for equipment and materials

Preferre d

Liquid N storage

Expertise as above, plus cryostat and liquid N source

Years, but not much information available

Rapid operation

Very expensive; special precautions during freezing and thawing


Table 1.1

Methods for preservation of strains of Rhizobium

*Poor survival with some fast-growing rhizobia (e.g. R. phaseoli and Leucaena and Sesbania rhizobia) fused CaCl2 can be used as a substitute for silica gel



Recognizing legumes and identifying them in the field.

A suitable botanical key describing the identification of legumes.


Recovering nodules in the field.

Refrigerator Spade Sieve Running water Plastic bags for plants, smaller bags for seeds


Preserving nodules

Refrigerator Collection vial (Appendix 2) Nodules from (b)


Examining nodules and bacteroids

Microscope Bunsen burner Microscope slides, cover slips, mounting fluid Razor blade, inoculation loop

Distilled water Carbol fuchsin stain (Appendix 3) Rhizobial cultures Nodulated plants from (b)


Isolating rhizobia from a nodule

Refrigerator Scissors, forceps, inoculation loop, isolation needle Scalpel Sterile Petri dishes Sterile test tubes, glass rods Erlenmeyer flask 125 ml (optional), small beaker Bunsen burner Sterile Pasteur pipettes Sterile filter paper (cut into small pieces) Running water, sterile water, ethanol or isopropanol Sodium hypochlorite solution, 3% (may be made from commercial bleach) Plates of plain YMA, plates of YMA + Congo Red and YMA + BTB Liquid YMA (50 C) Nodulated plants from (b) Desiccated nodules


Performing the presumptive test

Transfer chamber Incubator Bunsen burner Inoculation loop YMA slants Flasks (125 ml) with 50 ml YM broth Plates of YMA + BTB, YMA + Congo red, and YMA and peptone glucose agar Gram stain solutions


Authenticating the isolates as rhizobia

Transfer Chamber Greenhouse, growth-room or shelf Drying oven Kjeldahl N determination equipment (optional) Racks for growth pouches and growth tubes 10 ml pipettes (sterile) Alcohol burners Scissors, paper bags for plant tops Growth pouches, growth tubes (Exercise 5, Appendix 8) Leonard jars (Appendix 11) Materials and glassware for seed sterilization (Appendix 10) Broth cultures from (f)


Preserving rhizobial cultures

Transfer chamber Rotary shaker Sterilizing oven, drying oven Forceps, inoculation loop, flame, hooked needle Test tube racks, screw capped test tubes Ceramic beads (washed and dried) Silica gel (with indicator), absorbent cotton, aluminum foil Beaker (400 ml) Capped tubes with 3 ml YM broth, culture tubes with YMA slants Cultures of rhizobia



Clover rhizobia enter their host's roots through the root hairs. Infection is preceded by a deformation of root hairs

and the forming of an infection thread which can be observed directly under the microscope. Root hair deformations may Non-

also be caused by non-nodulating strains of Rhizobium.

nodulating strains used in this chapter cause no infection threads to form.

Key steps/objectives

l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Culture strains of Rhizobium in YM broth Sterilize and germinate clover seeds Mount seedling on microscope slide Incubate the seedlings in inoculated mineral medium Observe root hair deformation and infection threads Compare root hair deformations caused by different kinds of rhizobia strains


Culturing strains of rhizobia in YM broth

(Key step 1)

Inoculate 50 ml flasks or test tubes containing 20 ml of YM

broth in duplicate with the strains listed below:


Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii (TAL 382) isolated from nodules of Trifolium semipilosum


R.l. bv. trifolii non-infective isolated from nodules of Trifolium sp.


R.l. bv. trifolii (TAL 1185) isolated from nodules of Trifolium repens


R.l. bv. phaseoli (TAL 182) isolated from nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris


R. meliloti (TAL 380) isolated from nodules of Medicago sativa


Bradyrhizobium sp. (TAL 764) isolated from nodules of Lupinus angustifolius

Other strains of the same species of rhizobia may be substituted. Incubate at 25-30 C for 5-7 days on a rotary shaker.


Germinating seeds

(Key step 2)

Choose a small-seeded legume.

Clover, especially Trifolium

repens or T. glomeratum, is most suitable for this exercise. Surface sterilize seeds according to the procedure outlined in Appendix 10. Some clover species may need scarification with

sulfuric acid.

Others, like Nolan's white clover and

strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum) germinate easily without scarification. Wash seeds with at least eight changes Aseptically place the seeds onto Incubate the plates

of sterile distilled water.

water-agar plates for germination.

inverted for 48 h or more until roots are 6-8 mm long.


Preparing a Fahraeus slide

(Key step 3)

Prepare 10 ml of Fahraeus carbon and nitrogen free medium (Appendix 3) containing 0.6% agar in a 15 ml tube. liquid agar medium to 48 C in a water bath. Cool the

For each strain of Rhizobium used, prepare two sterile 50 ml boiling-tubes containing 25 ml Fahraeus carbon and nitrogenfree medium without agar. uninoculated controls. Set up two additional tubes for

Cover with 50 ml beakers.

Transfer approximately 0.2 ml of agar medium to a sterile microscope slide using a Pasteur pipette fitted with a rubber bulb. Leave one-half of the slide empty. This is best done

by lining up the slide and a long coverslip side by side in a sterile Petri dish (Figure 2.1). Place the agar in five or Immediately,

six drops onto the bottom half of the slide.

transfer a well formed seedling to the slide with a sterile

inoculation loop.

Place the seedling onto the slide in such a

way that the root tip is immersed in the agar and the cotyledons are in the empty half of the slide. With sterile

forceps, carefully place the long coverglass over the agar and the root tips. If the seed coat adheres to the cotyledons on

the seedling, carefully remove it with sterile fine tipped forceps.

Figure 2.1. Petri dish with Components of Fahraeus slide

Figure 2.2.

Placement of

seedlings on Fahraeus slide

Transfer the slide mounted seedlings to the tubes containing the Fahraeus mineral medium.


Inoculating the seedlings

(Key step 4)

Using the broth cultures which have been set up for this

experiment in (a), inoculate two seedlings with each of the six strains of Rhizobium by adding five drops of the cell suspensions to individual tubes containing the mineral medium and the Fahraeus slides.

Alternatively, the seedlings may be inoculated by incorporating a cell suspension into the Fahraeus agar medium before the seedling is placed onto the slide. the infection process. to the controls. This speeds up

Add five drops of sterile broth medium

Incubate at 25-30 C in a well-lighted environment.


Observing the root hairs under the microscope

(Key step 5)

After 24 h remove Fahraeus slide from the nutrient tube and examine it under the microscope. with absorbent filter paper. Remove the excess solution

Observe with phase contrastor

ordinary bright field microscope under low and high power magnifications. Search for root hair deformations and/or Mark the position of your

curling and infection threads.

slide on the microscope stage so that the same spot may be found in later observations of the same root hair infections. Make observations in intervals of 12-24 h. Periodic

observation may be made at shorter intervals if inoculation

was done by including the cell suspension into the agar medium. Return the slide to its tube between observations.

Take precautions against undue contamination when returning the slide to the mineral medium. Aseptic conditions cannot be However,

maintained beyond the first observation.

contamination usually does not interfere provided the root hairs chosen for observations are not located at the edges of the microscope slide.


Comparing root hair deformations

(Key step 6)

Photograph or draw the root hair deformations or curling caused by each strain. Distinguish full curling from slight Note the effects of Compare the

curling and root hair branching.

noninvasive strains on the root hairs.

deformations caused by the various strains used.

Typical root hair deformations, like the shepherd's crook, are shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3. Deformed white clover root hair infected with R. trifolii 0403. infection thread. Note the sheperds crook and the (Photo courtesy of F. Dazzo)

Figure 2.4. Selective proliferation and colonization of Rhizobium trifolii on a root hair of its host legume clover in a Fahraeus slide system. (Photo contributed by B.B. Bohlool)

Figure 2.5. Rhizobium trifolii inside infection thread in the root hair of its host clover (Trifolium repens).

(Photo contributed by B.B. Bohlool)



Culturing R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strains in YM broth

Rotary shaker Twelve 50 ml flasks (or tubes) containing 20 ml culture broth each Inoculation loop, flame Slant cultures of clover rhizobia strains TAL 382, TAL 1185, TAL 182, TAL 380, TAL 386, noninfective strain of clover rhizobia


Germinating seeds

Incubator Materials and tools for sterilizing seeds (Appendix 10) Plates of water agar (7.5 g agar per liter distilled water) Seeds of clover (Trifolium repens, T. glomoratum or other)


Preparing a Fahraeus slide

Water bath Sterile microscope slides (1 mm x 24 mm x 40 mm) Coverslips (kept in sterile Petri dishes) Pasteur pipettes (sterile); rubber bulbs Inoculation loop, forceps, flame Fahraeus C and N free medium Fahraeus medium plus 0.6% agar in 15 ml tube Seedlings of clover Fahraeus medium (25 ml) in tubes (39 mm x 150 mm) with covering 50 mm beakers


Inoculating the seedlings

Growth chamber (or well lighted environment) at 25-30 C Pasteur pipettes (sterile); rubber nipples Tubes with seedlings from (c)


Observing the root-hairs under the microscope

Microscope with phase or bright field condenser Forceps Filter paper (sterile and absorbent) Seedlings in inoculated Fahraeus solution from (d)


Comparing root hair deformations

Microscope as in (e) with camera attachment



The aims of this exercise are to learn to distinguish rhizobia from other microorganisms by cell morphology, staining reactions, growth responses on various media, and to show how media for rhizobia can be modified.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2)

Subculture rhizobia and other bacteria Observe cell morphology of rhizobia and other bacteria under phase contrast microscopy


Examine rhizobia and other bacteria for cell morphology using a simple stain (carbol fuchsin) and the Gram stain

4) 5)

Culture rhizobia and other bacteria on indicator media Observe colony morphology and growth reaction on the indicator media


Prepare agar media with different carbon and nitrogen sources

7) 8)

Inoculate media with rhizobia Observe growth reactions on each medium


Preliminary subculturing of different bacterial cultures

(Key step 1)

Make subcultures on agar slants from the stock cultures of the following microorganisms using YMA slants for the rhizobia, and nutrient agar slants for the other bacteria: Rhizobium meliloti; R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli; Rhizobium sp. (chickpea); Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lotononis); B. japonicum; Bacillus subtilis; Escherichia coli; Staphylococcus aureus; and Pseudomonas sp.

Also needed are:

1) 2)

surface sterilized nodules (saved from Exercise 1) a homogenate of non-surface-sterilized nodules of slow-growing and fast-growing rhizobia, and


a broth culture of rhizobia mixed with other species of bacteria.


Comparing cell morphology and Gram stain reactions of rhizobia with those of other microorganisms

(Key steps 2 and 3)

Make wet mounts of the cultures provided and examine under the phase contrast microscope. Note the motility, size and shape

of the rhizobia compared to other bacteria.

Place a loopful of sterile distilled water onto a clean, preflamed and cooled microscope slide. Flame the loop and

transfer a small sample of the bacterial growth from the slant culture to the water on the slide. Mix thoroughly and make a

thin smear approximately 1 cm2 in diameter.

For broth cultures, transfer a loopful and make smear directly on the dry slide. Air dry, heat fix, and allow to cool.

Flood the smear with diluted carbol fuchsin for 60 seconds. Rinse carefully in a gentle stream of water and blot dry.

Locate smears under low power (10x, 25x, or 40x) objective. Apply a drop of oil to the smear and observe with the 100x oil immersion objective using bright field illumination.

The carbol fuchsin stain makes the bacteria easily visible (cells appear pink). Note the characteristic rod shape of the

cultured cells of rhizobia and compare the size and shape of these to that of bacteroids seen in the nodule preparation. Also compare rhizobia with the other bacteria and note the difference in size and form. Refer to Figure 3.1 for the

morphology of the microorganisms.


Determining Gram stain reactions of various bacteria

(Key step 3)


Make thin smears of the various bacteria provided and heat fix.


Stain the smears with solution 1 (crystal violet) for 1 min.


Wash lightly with water and flood with solution II (iodine).


Drain immediately and flood again with solution II for 1 min.


Drain solution II and decolorize with solution III (95% alcohol) for 15-30 seconds in the case of a thin smear and 60 seconds if the smear is thick.

6) 7) 8)

Wash with water and blot dry carefully. Counter stain with solution IV (safranin) for 1 min. Wash with water and air dry.

Observe the preparation under oil immersion.

The Gram stain procedure separates bacteria into two groups: Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.

Gram-positive organisms retain the crystal violet stain after treating with iodine and washing with alcohol, and appear dark violet after staining (e.g., Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus).

Gram-negative organisms lose the violet stain after treating

with iodine and washing with alcohol but retain the red coloration of the counter-stain, safranin (e.g., Rhizobium, Pseudomonas, Escherichia coli).

Figure 3.1. l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Shapes of bacteria

coccus Staphylococcus Rod (e.g., Escherichia coli) Spirillum Cultured cells of rhizobia bacteroids of rhizobia (e.g., Lens sp.)


Characterizing growth of rhizobia using a range of media

(Key steps 4 and 5)

Rhizobia can be described according to their growth in solid and in liquid media. The size, shape, color, and texture of

colonies and the ability to alter the pH of the medium are generally stable characteristics useful in defining strains or isolates. Typical colony characteristics, when grown on

standard yeast-mannitol medium, are described below.

Shape: Usually discrete, round colonies varying from flat ( ) to domed ( ) and even conical ( Colonies usually have a smooth )

shape on agar surface. margin.

When growing subsurface in the agar, colonies are

typically lens-shaped.

Color and texture: Colonies may be white-opaque or they may be milky- to watery-translucent. The opaque colony growth is

usually firm with little gum, whereas the less dense colonies are often gummy and soft. Colonies may be glistening or dull,

evenly opaque or translucent, but many colonies develop darker centers of rib-like markings with age. Red or pink (e.g.,

from Lotononis) and yellowish (e.g., from Stylosanthes) occur, but are not common.

Growth rate: Generally 3-5 days for fast-growers (e.g., from Leucaena, Psoralea, Sesbania), 5-7 days for slow-growers (e.g., from Macroptilium, Desmodium, Galactia), to 7-12 days (e.g., some Stylosanthes, Lupinus) to achieve maximum colony

size on agar or growth in liquid medium. Growth rate varies according to the temperature of incubation (optima 25-30 C), origin (culture or nodule), aeration (in liquid cultures), and composition of medium.

Size: When well separated on agar plates, colony size may vary from 1 mm for many slow-growing strains (e.g., from Stylosanthes, Zornia, Aeschynomene, Lupinus) to 4-5 mm for faster-growing strains (e.g., from Leucaena, Psoralea, Sesbania). In crowded plates colonies remain smaller and

discrete but coalesce to confluent growth when colonies join.

Select two preparations from the pure cultures, the nodule homogenates or the mixed cultures of rhizobia and other bacteria. Streak out on plates containing each of the

following media: YMA, YMA + bromthymol blue, YMA + Congo Red, and peptone glucose agar + bromcresol purple.

These indicators and selective media are used as presumptive tests for purity of cultures. follows: Their interpretation is as

Rhizobia generally do not absorb Congo Red when plates are incubated in the dark. occasionally pink. red dye. Colonies remain white, opaque or

Contaminating organisms usually absorb the

However, reactions depend on the concentration of Rhizobia will absorb the

Congo Red and age of the culture.

red dye if plates are exposed to light during the incubation or exposed to light for an hour or more after growth has occurred.

Freshly prepared YMA plates containing bromthymol blue have a pH of 6.8 and are green. Slow-growing rhizobia show an

alkaline reaction in this medium, turning the dye blue. Fast-growing rhizobia show an acid reaction, turning the medium yellow.

Rhizobia grow poorly, if at all, on peptone glucose agar and cause little change in pH, when incubated at 25-30 C. growth is indicative of contamination. Heavy

Rhizobia will change the pH and appearance of litmus milk only slowly, if at all, and may produce a clear serum zone at the surface. Common contaminants of Rhizobium cultures metabolize

the medium; they may turn it brown or they may acidify and curdle it. R. meliloti produce a pink acidic reaction to litmus milk. Curdling, digestion, or reduction (white color)

of litmus milk indicates contamination.


Observing growth reactions on modified media

(Key steps 6, 7 and 8)

If mannitol and yeast extract are not available, the basic

growth medium may be modified, since rhizobia can utilize carbon and nitrogen from various sources.

Make up media as shown:


Prepare 1500 ml of a mineral salts solution containing the inorganic constituents of YMA (Appendix 3). Add 28 grams of agar and heat in the autoclave or water bath. Dispense the melted mineral salts agar solution in 12 ml portions into test tubes. Sterilize in the autoclave and keep melted in the water bath at 48 C.


Prepare carbon source stock solutions (10 g/100 ml) of mannitol (M), sucrose (Su), arabinose (A), and glycerol (G). Sterilize by autoclaving, except for A which should

be filter sterilized. 3) Prepare stock solutions of the nitrogen sources (Appendix 3), yeast-water from baker's yeast (B), yeast extract (Y) 0.5 g/100 ml, soybean extract (S), and ammonium chloride NH4Cl (N) 0.4 g/100 ml. Sterilize by autoclaving.

Pipette into separate, sterile Petri-dishes 1.5 ml of (2) and 1.5 ml of (3). Pour one test tube (12 ml) of the melted

(48 C) mineral salts agar preparation (1) to each plate, so as to provide the combinations in duplicate.

Nitrogen Source

B Carbon Source M (mannitol) Su (sucrose) A (arabinose) G (glycerol)

------------------Media--------------MB SuB AB GB MY SuY AY GY MS SuS AS GS MN SuN AN GN

Mix immediately after adding the agar by rotating each dish gently three times clockwise and counterclockwise, and three times to the right and to the left, as well as forward and backwards.

Allow the plates to cool overnight for the agar to solidify. Remove any contaminated plates.

After the agar media have solidified, streak one of each of the four provided strains onto one separate plate as you would streak for isolation (Exercise 1) Alternatively, broth

cultures of the strains may be surface spread using 0.1 ml portions on separate plates.

The streaking of two or more cultures onto one plate may be necessary if there is a shortage of plates. However, this

practice should be avoided if possible because of an aerosol effect during the process of streaking.

Incubate and compare growth on the various media at 3, 7, and 10 days after plating.



Preliminary subculturing

Transfer chamber Incubator Inoculation loop; flame Microorganisms on slants, surface sterilized nodules, homogenate of non-surface sterilized nodules, and a mixed broth culture as indicated in step (a) of the chapter.


Comparing cell morphology and Gram stain reactions of rhizobia with those of other microorganisms

Microscope Inoculation loop; flame Microscope slides Immersion oil, lens paper Running water or wash bottle with water Carbol fuchsin solution (Appendix 3) Tissue paper or paper towels Microorganisms from (a)


Determining Gram stain reaction of various bacteria

All requirements of (b) not including phase contrast equipment

Gram stain solutions (Appendix 3)


Characterizing growth of rhizobia using a range of media

Transfer chamber Incubator Inoculation loop, flame Plates of yeast mannitol agar (YMA) Plates of YMA + bromthymol blue Plates of YMA + Congo Red Plates of peptone glucose agar and bromcresol purple Tubes of litmus milk Consult Appendix 3 for growth media preparation


Observing growth reactions on modified media

Incubator, autoclave, water bath, pH meter, suction pump, balance Bacteriological filter unit (0.2 micron pore size) Volumetric flasks (8 of 100 ml) Pipettes (sterile, 5 and 10 ml) Spatula, weighing paper Large flask or beaker (2-3 liter) Test-tubes, test tube rack Petri dishes (sterile) Inoculation loop, flame Mineral salts: K2HPO4, MgSO47H2O

Distilled water Agar Mannitol, sucrose, arabinose, glycerol Brewers yeast, yeast extract (Difco), soybean extract, ammonium chloride Rhizobia from (a)



This exercise deals with routine enumeration techniques for pure cultures of rhizobia. The total or direct count is Optical density measurements

performed using the microscope.

are used to estimate the number of cells in broth culture. The viable count is accomplished through plating methods. The

mean generation times of a Rhizobium sp. and a Bradyrhizobium sp. in broth culture are computed.

Key steps/objectives

l) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Inoculate yeast-mannitol broth with rhizobia Calibrate Pasteur pipettes Determine the total count Measure the optical density of the broth-cultures Make a serial dilution and plate by the pour-plate, spread-plate, and drop-plate methods


Read and calculate the viable counts obtained by the three methods

7) 8)

Compare results of the counting methods Inoculate flasks with diluted culture(s) for the generation time experiment

9) 10)

Determine viable counts periodically Plot growth curve and determine the mean generation time.


Preliminary culturing of fast- and slow-growing rhizobia

(Key step 1)

Inoculate two flasks each containing 50 ml of YM-broth with fast-growing Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strain TAL 182, and two other flasks with a slow-growing Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain TAL 379. Other strains of Rhizobium and Incubate the flasks at TAL 182 should be

Bradyrhizobium may be used instead. 25-30 C on a rotary shaker at 20 rpm.

started 4-5 days in advance of the exercise; TAL 379, 7-9 days in advance. Take the culture flask of TAL 182 from the shaker

after 4-5 days and remove a 20 ml sub-sample for procedures (b) and (c).


Becoming familiar with the Petroff-Hausser and Helber counting chambers

(Key step 3)

The Petroff-Hausser counting chamber (Figure 4.1) is a precision-machined glass plate that has a sunken platform at its center. The depth of this sunken platform is exactly

0.002 cm. Two sides of the platform are bordered by a channel. The surface of the platform is etched with a grid system which consists of 25 large squares, each of which is divided into 16 smaller squares. Because of the precisely machined

gap between the grid surface and the overlying glass coverslip, it is possible to relate the number of cells observed in a field to the volume of fluid in which they are suspended. Knowing the volume above each square, the

concentration of rhizobia (total cells ml-1) can be calculated.

The data in Table 4.1 apply to the Petroff-Hausser counting chamber and also to the Helber counter which has a grid system of an identical design. Table 4.1. chamber Area (cm2) Brief details of the Petroff-Hausser counting

Corresponding Volume (ml)


Total grid Large square Small square

1x10-2 4x10-4 2.5x10-5

2x10-5 8x10-7 5x10-8

5x104 1.25x106 2x107

The large squares are most suitable for counting rhizobia. The countable range is 8-80 cells per large square.


Using the Petroff-Hausser and Helber counting chambers.

(Key step 3)

Chamber and coverslip should be soaked in a mild liquid

detergent and thoroughly rinsed with distilled water and then air dried.

Figure 4.1. (a) (b)

Petroff-Hausser counting chamber

Cross section Top view of entire grid


Magnified view of grid

This will assure an even flow of the liquid into the chamber and prevent the formation of air bubbles.

A fully grown broth-culture contains approximately 109 cells per ml. Make a 1:10 dilution with sterile water to bring the From this dilution, make

suspension within a countable range.

another dilution series in sterile water of 10, 20, 40, and 80%. Choose the dilution which you consider is within the Trial runs with the various dilutions This

best counting range.

may be needed to select the best dilution for the count.

may require washing and drying the counting chamber several times, until the best dilution has been determined.

Slide the clean Petroff-Hausser chamber into its frame and place the coverslip into position and press it down lightly to assure a firm seating on the supporting surface of the chamber.

The frame of the Petroff-Hausser chamber has a small indentation on the inside of one of its long edges. To this

area, deliver a small drop of the diluted culture suspension using a fine tipped Pasteur pipette.

The Rhizobium suspension will quickly spread over the grid. Excess culture (if a large drop was added) will overflow into

the two channels at the edges of the etched platform.


these channels flood completely, the coverslip may not rest flush on the surface of the glass plate. If this happens,

clean the counting chamber and start again.

Place the chamber under the 40x objective of a phase-contrast microscope. Count cells in individual large squares. To

avoid counting the same cells twice, omit bacteria on the upper and left borderlines of each square. Count at least ten

fields (eight-80 cells per large square) to obtain coefficients of variability of 10%.

Use the following formula to calculate the number of cells: Bacteria in 1 ml of original cell suspension = dilution x cells per square x factor for square.

If 20 cells (mean of ten squares) were counted in a large square and the original broth culture was diluted by a factor of ten, and if a 20% suspension of the dilution was counted, the total number of rhizobia per ml of undiluted broth would be:

20 X 10 X (100/20) X (1.25 X 106) = 1.25 X 109 cells ml-1

Note that this direct count included dead as well as viable rhizobia and also the cells of contaminants, if present. Most

direct total counts are of variable reliability in that they

may overestimate the viable-count by a factor of more than two, as 50% or more of the cells counted may not be viable. This method is suitable only for counting log phase broth cultures in liquid media, and not in peat, soil, or other particulate materials. d) Estimating cell concentration by optical density

(Key step 4)

The optical density of a bacterial suspension is generally correlated with the number of cells it contains. Optical

density measurements are a simple and convenient estimate of cell numbers as they require but little manipulation, and aseptic conditions need not be observed.

Dilute 5-10 ml of the TAL 182 broth culture to 10, 20, 40, and 80% of its original concentration. Measure the light absorbed

by each concentration with a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 540 nm. Use yeast mannitol broth to calibrate the Relate the different concentrations to

instrument at zero.

the actual cell count obtained with the Petroff-Hausser chamber by plotting the Optical Density (OD) against the total cell number.

This method also has its limitations. initially clear media.

It is best suited for

Dead cells and contaminants contribute

to the O.D. of the culture, as well as gum produced by the

rhizobia, undissolved salt or precipitate in the medium.


Determining the number of viable cells in a culture by plating methods

(Key steps 2, 5, 6, and 7)

Make serial dilutions of the TAL 182 broth culture. the total count, the number of viable cells will be approximately 1.0 x 109 ml-1. counts is 30-300 cells ml-1.

Based on

A countable range for plate To achieve this concentration,

set out eight tubes, each containing 9 ml of sterile diluent (1/4 strength YM broth, pH 6.8). One ml of the broth culture

is diluted in steps, tenfold each time (10-1 through 10-8). Refer to Figure 4.2 for the serial dilution procedures.

Use a fresh pipette for each strain and for each dilution in the series. Begin with the highest dilution in the series.

With the aid of the suction bulb, fill and empty the pipette by sucking in and out 5 times with the diluted culture, then transfer 1 ml aseptically to a sterile Petri dish. Open the

Petri dish only sufficiently to allow the pipette to enter and deliver the sample. Flame the pipette briefly (but do not

overheat) by passing it through the Bunsen burner flame each time prior to successive removal of aliquots for replication (2 per dilution) from the same tube. Similarly with the same

pipette remove 1 ml aliquots in duplicated from the 10-7 and 10-6 dilutions into more Petri dishes.

Pour 15-20 ml YMA (kept melted at 50 C in a water-bath) aseptically onto each of the cell suspensions in the Petri dishes. To disperse the cells evenly, gently move each Petri

dish clockwise and counterclockwise allowing an equal number of swirls in each direction. To further ensure uniform

dispersion of the cells, move the Petri dish three times forward and backward, then to the left and right. Allow the Read

agar to set, invert the dishes and incubate at 26-28 C. the plates after 3-5 days. plate method.

You have now completed the pour-

Prepare serial dilutions of TAL 379.

Make pour-plates with Incubate the

dilutions 10-8, 10-7, and 10-6 in duplicates.

plates for 7-9 days, checking daily during the incubation. Lens shaped colonies develop in the YMA and normal colonies develop on the surface.

Multiply the average number of colonies by the dilution-factor. If the average number of colonies at 10-7

dilution is 50, then the original broth culture had a concentration of:

(number of colonies) X (dilution factor) X (vol. of inoculum) (50 colonies) X (107) X (1.0ml)

= 50 X 107 cells per ml = 5.0 X 108 cells per ml

A similar technique called the spread-plate method is also commonly used. Use the same serially diluted samples of TAL Begin with the

379 prepared for the pour-plate method above.

10-7 dilution and deliver 0.1 ml of the sample into each of four plates of YMA previously dried at 37 C for about 2 h. Using the same pipette, dispense 0.1 ml samples from the 10-6 and 10-5 dilutions, in that order. bending a Prepare a glass spreader by

Figure 4.2.

Procedure for serial dilution

20 cm glass rod of 4 mm diameter to the shape of a hockey stick, dip it in alcohol, and flame; then cool the spreader by touching it to the surface of a separate YMA-plate. Lift the

cover of each Petri-dish just enough to introduce the spreader and place it in position on the agar surface. Spread the

sample evenly over the agar surface, sterilizing and cooling the spreader between samples. Incubate as before. Calculate

the number of viable cells as outlined for the pour-plate method, adjusting for the smaller volume that was plated (0.1 ml instead of 1.0 ml).

Both of the above methods are lengthy and require a large number of Petri dishes. A variation known as the Miles and

Misra drop-plate method is more rapid and consumes less materials. Use agar plates which are at least 3 days old or Radially mark off eight Label

have been dried at 37 C for 2 hours.

equal sectors on the outside bottom of the Petri dish.

four sectors for replications of one dilution and four for another, allowing two dilutions per plate.

For this technique calibrated pipettes are required. Calibrate at least 10 pipettes by the following method:

Determine the weight of 100 drops of water on a sensitive balance or the volume of 100 drops of water in a small measuring cylinder.

Calculate the weight or the volume of a single drop by dividing the total weight or volume by 100.

Pipettes with the same tip diameter (e.g., external diameter of 1 mm) deliver drops of virtually the same volume. After

the drop size of a calibrated pipette has been established, more pipettes of the same tip diameter may be selected using a wire-gauge. Alternatively, any Pasteur pipette may be cut to

the same tip diameter with a fine file after matching its tip with a wire gauge.

Use the dilution series of TAL 379 which had been prepared earlier. Plate dilutions of 10-7, 10-6, and 10-5. Using a

calibrated Pasteur pipette fitted with a rubber bulb, begin with the highest dilution and deliver 1 drop to each of the appropriate four sectors of the plate. shared by one plate. Two dilutions can be

To do this, hold the pipette vertically, about 2 cm above the agar surface, exert just enough pressure on the bulb to deliver one drop. Use the remaining four sectors of the plate Allow the drops to dry by absorption

for the next dilution.

into the agar; then invert and incubate at 26-28 C.

The drop-plate method requires more practice than the other methods. Results may not match those of the pour-plate and It is advisable

spread-plate methods at the first attempts.

to practice drop-plating with water before using this method for the first time. Fewer colonies per drop require more

drops to be counted to provide the same statistical precision.

Figure 4.3.

Growth of colonies of Rhizobium sp. from drops plated by the drop-plate method.

After 3-5 days of incubation, with daily observations, count the colonies formed by TAL 182. Open the Petri dish, invert With a

it, and place on the illuminator of a colony counter. fine tipped felt pen, mark each colony counted while simultaneously operating a tally counter. counts. per drop. Record your

The preferred counting range should be 10-30 colonies

If a pipette with a 14 gauge tip is used, one drop will be 0.03 ml. Divide 1 ml by 0.03 and multiply by the dilution Example,

factor and the average number of colonies per drop.

if the average number of colonies per drop is 30 at 10-5 dilution, the number of viable cells are:

(1/0.03) X 30 X 105 = 1000 X 105 = 1 X 108/ml

Compare the viable count of TAL 182 with its total count and calculate the percentage viability in the original culture.

At the end of a 7-10 day incubation period, count the colonies of TAL 379 on plates prepared by the three methods. Calculate

the number of viable cells per ml and compare the results obtained by the different methods. Discuss the advantages and

disadvantages of the three plating methods.

Bear in mind that plate counts, of whatever variety, are of value only for counting the viable rhizobia in pure culture. There is no selective medium that permits growth of Rhizobium alone. Therefore, quantifying Rhizobium in soil is Also, the plating methods do not distinguish


between strains or species of Rhizobium having similar visual colony characteristics on YMA. When it is necessary to

quantify the occurrence of viable cells of a particular Rhizobium in non-sterile materials, a plant infection method must be employed (Exercise 5).


Determining the mean-generation (doubling) time of rhizobia

(Key steps 8, 9, and 10)

The time required for a doubling of a given cell population is referred to as the generation time.

The growth of Rhizobium in broth culture is followed for a period of 7 days. Viable counts are made each day throughout A growth curve is obtained by From the curve, the

the duration of the experiment.

plotting the viable count versus time.

mean-generation (doubling) time is computed.

Two strains of Rhizobium, the fast growing TAL 182 (R. phaseoli) and the slow-growing TAL 379 (R. japonicum) are used in this experiment.

A total of sixteen 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, each containing 100 ml of full strength YM broth will be needed for each strain.

Prepare 32 flasks for the two strains.

Measure accurately 100

ml of YM-broth into each flask and sterilize.

Obtain 1 ml each of the fully grown cultures of TAL 182 and TAL 379 from broth cultures prepared previously in this exercise. By the serial dilution procedure, dilute each (It is approximated that

culture to give 1 x 106 cell ml-1.

when fully grown, each strain will have at least 1 x 109 cells ml-1).

Inoculate each flask with 1 drop (0.03 ml drop-1) of the diluted broth culture. the inoculation. 16 with TAL 379. strain. Use a calibrated Pasteur pipette for

Inoculate 16 flasks with TAL 182 and another Two flasks will be sampled each day for each

Incubate flasks on a rotary shaker (100 rpm) at room

temperature (26-28 C).

Based on the presence of at least 1 x 106 cells ml-1 in the diluted broth, and by inoculating 0.03 ml or 3.0 x 104 cells of this sample into 100 ml of the broth, the starting number of cells at zero-time should be 3.0 x 102 cells ml-1.

Perform a zero-time viable count for both strains.

Remove 1

ml and dilute in 9 ml of quarter strength YM broth to give a 10-1 dilution and plate this dilution in duplicate by the spread-plate method.

Perform viable counts for each culture every day for 7 days, taking care to allow the full 24 hours between counts.

The extent of dilution of a culture, the choice of dilutions to be plated, and the volume (0.1 ml by spread-plate or 0.03 by drop-plate) to be plated will depend on the rate at which turbidity develops during growth.

Obtain the mean viable count for each day and transform the

values to log10. (X-axis).

Plot viable count (Y-axis) versus time

Draw a smooth curve through the points.

The mean generation time is computed using values from the exponential phase. From the exponential phase, choose a

straight line portion of the curve and note the values for viable count and time. Obtain the number of generations by

transforming the value for viable count from log10 to log2 using the relationship:

loga x = logb x/logb a when a = 2 and b = 10 then log2 x = log10 x/log10 2 since Therefore, log10 2 = 0.3010 log2 x = log10 x/0.3010

Divide the time (hours) by the number of generations to obtain the mean generation time.

Compare the mean generation time of TAL 182 with that of TAL 379.



Preliminary culturing of fast- and slow-growing rhizobia

Transfer Chamber Rotary shaker Flasks (four) containing 50 ml YM broth each Pipettes (10 ml sterile) Slant cultures of TAL 182 and TAL 379


Becoming familiar with the Petroff-Hausser and Helber counting chambers

No requirements


Using the Petroff-Hausser and Helber counting chambers

Phase contrast microscope Petroff-Hausser counting chamber and covers Pasteur pipettes, rubber bulb Pipettes, 10 ml Wash bottle with distilled water Small beaker with diluted liquid soap Test tubes and rack Tally counter Broth cultures of TAL 182 and TAL 379


Estimating cell concentration by optical density

Spectrophotometer, cuvettes Pipettes, 10 ml Test tubes, rack Broth-cultures of TAL 182 and TAL 379 from (b)


Determining the number of viable cells in a culture by plating methods

Incubator, balance, water bath, colony counter, tally counter Wire gauge (obtainable through Scientific Products, USA) Dilution tubes with 9 ml sterile strength YM broth Test tube rack Pipettes 1 ml, sterile Suction bulb Liquid YMA in flask Pasteur pipettes Glass rod or spreader; beaker with alcohol, flame Small beaker with water; small beaker (empty) Sterile Petri dishes YMA-plates Broth-cultures of TAL 182 and TAL 379 from (b)


Determining the mean generation (doubling) time of rhizobia

Rotary shaker, colony counter, autoclave Spreader, small beaker of alcohol, flame Pipettes (1 ml, sterile) Erlenmeyer flasks (32) with 100 ml YM broth each Dilution tubes with 9 ml sterile strength broth each Plates of YMA



The plant infection count (also called the most-probablenumber (MPN) count) is used to determine the number of viable rhizobia in the presence of other microorganisms. This

indirect method is commonly used to determine the quality of inoculants produced from non-sterile carrier materials. In

this exercise, the quality of inoculants prepared separately from presterilized and nonsterilized peat is determined by the plate count and MPN count methods. The results are compared

for agreement between the two methods.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4)

Prepare peat inoculants Prepare growth pouches Surface sterilize and pregerminate seeds Transfer pregerminated seeds from seedling agar to growth pouches


Prepare serial dilutions of peat sample(s); initiate MPN and plate counts

6) 7) 8) 9)

Make periodic observations of plants and water if needed Count colonies on plates Harvest and record nodulation Determine the MPN


Compare results of plant infection and plate counts


Preparing inoculants

(Key step 1)

Start in duplicate, 100 ml cultures of a strain of slow-growing Rhizobium e.g., Rhizobium japonicum (TAL 102) in 250 ml flasks. Aerate on a rotary shaker for 7 days.

Test the purity of the fully grown broth culture by Gram-stain (Exercise 3), pH measurement and agglutination with its specific antiserum as described in Exercise 20.

Prepare or obtain two sealed polyethylene bags of 50 g neutralized peat sterilized by gamma irradiation or neutralized peat packaged and sealed in autoclavable bags sterilized by autoclaving (Exercise 21).

Also needed are two sealed polyethylene bags, each of which contain 50 grams of non-sterile peat.

Following the methods described in Exercise 21, inject 40 ml per bag of the fully grown broth cultures (1 x 109 cells ml-1). Prepare two bags of TAL 102 in sterile peat and two bags of TAL 102 in non-sterile peat to produce the peat based inoculants. (Remember to inject the bags of sterile peat


Allow the inoculants to mature at 25-30 C for at

least two weeks.


Setting up the plant dilution count in plastic growth pouches

(Key step 2)

The pouches used in this exercise are made of polypropylene (16 x 18 cm) with paper wick liners obtainable from Scientific Products, Evanston, Illinois, USA. Growth pouches serve well

as inexpensive space saving substitutes for Leonard jars. They are susceptible to contamination introduced by air and insects. Also, they are not shielded against radiated heat.

Their use is, therefore, restricted to growth chambers or growth rooms. As in growth tubes, plants cannot be grown to

maturity in such a system.

Leonard jars and growth tubes are also frequently used for MPN counts. Leonard jars (Appendix 11) are convenient growth

units for large seeded legumes and are primarily used in the greenhouse. Growth tubes are used on growth shelves or in As in authentication

growth chambers where space is limited.

(Exercise 1), a large-seeded legume of the same cross-inoculation group may be substituted by a small-seeded one for the MPN count. Growth tubes (seedling-agar slants)

may then be used to save space and labor (Appendix 7).

Place 30 ml of plant nutrient solution (Appendix 3, Table A.1) into each growth pouches. sterile. (The growth pouches purchased are

However, if contamination is suspected, the pouches

may be sterilized by autoclaving after inclusion of the plant nutrient solution.) 5.1). Arrange the pouches in a rack (Figure

Set up one rack of 60 pouches for each bag of inoculant Suggestions for building a growth pouch rack

to be tested.

are given in Appendix 8.


Planting seeds in growth pouches

(Key steps 3 and 4)

Surface sterilize and pregerminate 100 soybean seeds as explained in Appendix 10. high viability (95-100%). rate is lower. Select seeds of uniform size and Use more seeds if the viability

Select 60 well germinated seeds of similar size and radical length (1-1.5 cm). Transfer one seed to each pouch

aseptically. Place each seed in the trough of the paperwick.

To prevent the growing radical from pushing the seed out of the pouch, a hole is made in the trough of the wick and the radical is inserted into the hole during planting. Holes are

easily made in the trough with fine tipped, sterile forceps when the wick is wet. Two forceps are needed: one for holding

the wick the other for making the hole.

Figure 5.1.

Soybean plants growing in growth pouches.

When the plants are 5-7 days old, reorganize the growth pouches on the rack. 50 healthy plants. Discard plants of poor growth and select You will need forty pouches to count

dilutions for 10-1 - 10-10 in quadruplicate plus one control pouch following each group of four. This brings the number of pouches needed to 50. Repeat this set-up in separate racks

for each inoculant to be tested.


Inoculating for the MPN count

(Key steps 5, 6, 7, and 8)

Make a tenfold dilution of each inoculant bags by transferring the content of each bag (100 g) into separate 2.0 liter flasks

containing 900 ml of sterile water. cut at one corner of each bag.

Remove the peat through a

Close each flask with a

sterile rubber stopper and shake vigorously for 5 minutes by hand. Make a dilution series for each of the 4 samples from

10-1 to 10-10.

Plate the 10-5, 10-6, and 10-7 dilutions of each inoculant.

The drop-plate method (Exercise 4) may be used for inoculants prepared from sterile peat. Plate in quadruplicate on

YMA-agar containing Congo Red.

Inoculants prepared from non-sterile carriers should be plated by the spread-plate method on YM-agar containing a fungicide such as Brilliant Green (1.25 p.p.m.) or Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) (0.5 g in 100 ml acetone plus 1 drop of Tween 80 added to 400 ml of medium). Plate in

duplicates and, if possible, include an additional YMA plate containing Congo Red for each dilution. for 5-8 days. Incubate at 25-30 C

Similarly inoculate the plants which have been set up for the MPN count. Pipette 1 ml of each dilution (from 10-1 - 10-10) to Begin by taking

each one of the four replicates in each set.

aliquots from the highest dilution and proceed down the series with the same pipette.

Observe the plants periodically and replenish the nutrient solution if necessary. weeks. Nodulation may be evident after 2

Make the final observation after 3 weeks and record

presence (+) or absence (-) of nodules.

Count rhizobia on plates (Ex. 4)


Determining the MPN

(Key steps 9 and 10)

For each set, write down the dilutions used and record the nodulation.

The actual number of nodules on each plant and the number of plants in each replication have no bearing on the MPN count. If replications are in quadruplicate, the reading may be 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 nodulated units. The highest dilution used should

show no nodulation in each replication, indicating the absence of rhizobia.

Refer to tables, (Appendix 14) indicating tenfold dilutions (Table A.10) for the estimation of the number of rhizobia by the plant infection method.

If twofold or fourfold dilutions are used, refer to Tables A.8 and A.9, respectively.

The number of replications is indicated by "n", and "s" signifies the number of dilution steps. Dilutions may be made in duplicate or quadruplicate. Each

series should end with a dilution at which no nodules are formed.

The MPN is calculated from the most likely number (m) found in the MPN tables. To find this number, use the procedure shown

in the example below:

l) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Record nodulation (+ or -) as shown in Table 5.1 Take note of the number of replications used (n=4) Count the number of dilution steps used (s=10) Add up the total number of (+) units (+=18) Find this number 22 in Table A.10 (calculated for tenfold dilutions)


Locate the most likely number (m) in column s=10, on the same line as 18, which is 5.8 x 103

The MPN may now be calculated from "m" by using the following formula: m = likely number from the MPN table for the lowest dilution of the series d = lowest dilution (first unit or any unit in which all replicates are nodulated) v = volume of aliquot applied to plant

The MPN per gram of inoculant is:

X = m X d = (5.8 X 103) X 102 = 5.8 X 105 rhizobia g-1 inoculant v 1

Table 5.1.

Example for recording nodulation for the MPN count

NODULATION -----------Replications----------NUMBER OF NODULATED UNITS

DILUTION 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
-2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9

I + + + + + -

II + + + + -

III + + + + + -

IV + + + + Total 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 0 18

For additional information refer to Appendix 14, essential to this exercise for the evaluation and understanding of the plant infection count.

Compare results obtained by the plant infection (MPN) and plate count methods.



Preparing inoculants

Platform shaker, incubator, waterbath Agglutination tubes and rack; test tubes; rack Pipettes 1 ml; pipettes 10 ml Saline; flame; alcohol in spray bottle; adhesive tape Sterile 50 ml syringe; 18 gauge needles Requirements for Gram stain (Appendix 3) Solution of BTB (0.5% in alcohol) Erlenmeyer flasks (four) of 250 ml containing 100 ml broth Sterile peat, 50 g polyethylene bag-1 (two) Nonsterile peat, 50 g polyethylene bag-1 (two) Culture of TAL 102; antiserum to TAL 102


Setting up plastic growth pouches

Growth chamber; autoclave Forceps, flame Measuring cylinder (50 ml) or adjustable filling unit Growth pouches 16 x 18 cm with paper wick liners (obtainable from Scientific Products, Evanston, IL, USA.)

Plant nutrient solution (Appendix 3)


Planting seeds in growth pouches

Requirements for seed sterilization (Appendix 10) Water agar plates Soybean seeds


Inoculating for the MPN count

Incubator Pipettes, 10 ml sterile; pipettes, 1 ml sterile Pasteur pipettes, calibrated, sterile; rubber bulbs for Pasteur pipettes Flame; spray bottle with alcohol Erlenmeyer flasks of 2 liter capacity (four) containing 900 ml sterile water each Rubber stoppers, sterile, to fit 2 liter flasks Dilution tubes with 9 ml sterile water; racks Plant nutrient solution YMA containing Congo Red (YMA-CR) YMA containing Brilliant Green (YMA-BG) Plants in growth pouches from (b) Peat inoculant from (a)


Determining the most probable number in peat

Records of observations MPN tables (Appendix 14)



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Rhizobia that have dramatic differences in such important traits as host specificity, infectiveness (invasiveness) and effectiveness are indistinguishable from each other under the microscope. However, there are many circumstances in which

recognition of a particular rhizobial strain and monitoring its occurrence following introduction to a soil environment is important in ecological studies. available for this purpose. Indirect procedures are

Serological markers

Any substance which provokes an immune response when introduced into the tissue of an animal or human is referred to as an antigen. In work with rhizobia, rabbits are commonly

used for immunization and the antigens are rhizobial cell preparations. As a result of antigen injections, complex

immunological reactions result in the rabbit producing special proteins called globular antibodies (immunoglobulins). These

antibodies are found in the serum portion of the blood, and the study of the reactions of the immune serum with the antigens outside the animal is known as serology. Antigen-antibody reactions are highly specific in that the antibody reacts only with the antigen that elicited its

formation. As in other bacteria, antigens of rhizobia can be categorized into somatic, flagellar, and capsular, depending on their derivation. Somatic antigens are closely related to the

rhizobial cell-wall and usually designated by the letter "O". Some somatic antigens may be tightly bound to the cell wall, in which case they are not removed by washing of the cells; therefore, these antigens are only detected when whole cells of rhizobia react with the antibody as in agglutination or immunofluorescence. The somatic antigens that are soluble and

easily removed by washing are detected by precipitation in gel, as in the Ouchterlony double-diffusion process. antigens are also heat stable. the three groups of antigens. Somatic

They are the most specific of

The tiny whip-like appendages (flagella) of the rhizobia are also antigenic and appropriately called flagellar or H-antigens. They are heat labile and are commonly detected by

agglutination or immunofluorescence.

The capsular (extracellular) antigens are surface antigens and are found outside the cell itself. designated by the letter "K." They are usually

In rhizobial serology, both cultured cells and nodule antigens (bacteroids) are used for strain identification. Basic

concepts on some serological methods for identification of

rhizobia are described below. Agglutination. The process in which the antigens are linked

together by their corresponding antibodies is called agglutination. The linked antigens may be microscopically or

macroscopically visible as clumps, agglutinates or aggregates. The agglutination reaction depends on a firm structural relationship between an exposed bacterial antigen and the antibody. Linus Pauling's lattice hypothesis (Figure B.1) is

the widely accepted concept for explaining the agglutination reaction. Pauling postulated that the antibody is bivalent

and the antigen is multivalent, and that the antigen-antibody complexes are molded into a lattice or framework of alternating antigen-antibody particles.

Figure B.1.

Lattice formation in an antigen-antibody reaction

Precipitin reaction.

In recent years the precipitation

reactions of somatic antigens have been used extensively for work with rhizobia. The precipitation reaction occurs when

certain soluble antigens are brought into contact with the corresponding antibody. Precipitation differs from agglutination in that the precipitating antigens are not whole bacterial cells (cellular) but are proteins or polysaccharide molecules in solution. In the double-diffusion technique,

gels, usually clarified agar, are used as matrices for combining diffusion with precipitation. The reactants simply

diffuse through the gel towards each other and precipitation results when the equivalence points have been reached. Antigen preparation of a rhizobial strain will give rise to one or more lines of precipitation in the presence of the homologous antibody. When two antigens are present in a The

system, they behave independently of one another.

different types of precipitation reactions are illustrated in Figure B.2.

Rhizobial strains that share some of or all their antigens will cross-react with respective antisera. These

cross-reactions may be encountered in both agglutinations and precipitations.


Certain chemical dyes (fluorescein

isothiocynate and lissamine rhodamine) have the property of fluorescing when excited by near ultraviolet light. Rhizobial

antibodies developed in rabbits can be conjugated to these

fluorescing chemical dyes or fluorochromes.

In work with

rhizobia, the chemical dye commonly used for labeling the specific antibody is fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) which has an apple-green fluorescence upon irradiation with blue light. In practice, a smear of rhizobial cells (cultured, or

from a nodule) is made on a microscope slide, and this smear is allowed to react or "stain" with the specific antibody labeled with FITC. After appropriate washing to remove

uncombined and excess labeled antibody, the smear may be viewed through a UV-microscope fitted with appropriately complementary filters, and an apple-green fluorescence of the bacterial (rhizobial) cells would mean that the antigen smear has reacted with the FITC-labeled antibody.

There are two types of fluorescent antibody techniques, namely the direct- and indirect-immunofluorescence. In the direct

method the specific antiserum is conjugated and is used as a "stain" in the procedure. This is different from the indirect

method where the unconjugated (unlabeled) specific or primary antibody is first reacted with the antigen smear, and after sufficient time is allowed for antigen-antibody reaction, the smear is then washed free of excess antiserum. This step is

followed by "staining" with the FITC-labeled secondary antibody.

In serological work with rhizobia, the specific or primary antibody against the rhizobial strain is most often developed

in rabbits.

The secondary antibody is developed by

immunization of goats or sheep with purified rabbit immunoglobulins from a previously unimmunized rabbit. the rabbit immunoglobulin serves as an antigen for immunization of the goat or sheep. Therefore, the antibody Thus,

produced in the goat or sheep will not only react with the rabbit antiserum, but also with rhizobial

Figure B.2.

Precipitation reactions

antigen with specific unlabeled rabbit antibody attached when

the indirect procedure is employed.

Though the results are

the same, the indirect method is considered more sensitive. The indirect method requires the labeling of only the immune serum from the goat or sheep, and involves two reaction steps; but the indirect method is also known to give more nonspecific staining reactions. In the direct method, each rabbit

antiserum developed against each rhizobial strain must be conjugated. The two methods are illustrated diagrammatically

in Figures B.3 and B.4.

Antibiotic resistance markers

When high density inocula of a rhizobial strain are inoculated into media containing an antibiotic, a few cells may exhibit resistance as a result of spontaneous genetic changes or mutations. The resistance of a rhizobial strain to a If the mutant

particular antibiotic is a useful marker.

strain is used to inoculate a legume then nodules occupied by that strain may be identified by plating nodule isolates on media containing the respective antibiotic. The mutant

rhizobial strain will grow on the antibiotic media and other bacteria will be suppressed. It is important that

antibiotic-resistant mutants that are selected for inoculation experiments have not lost their infectiveness (ability to form nodules) nor their effectiveness (ability to fix nitrogen) in the symbiosis with the host plant. The symbiotic capacity of

the mutant should be compared with its parent culture from

time to time.

The mutant should be stable throughout the

steps of infection, nodulation, nitrogen-fixation and subsequent re-isolation.

Streptomycin resistance is frequently used as a marker for rhizobia. Mutants resistant to this aminoglycoside are

stable, have a low incidence of cross-resistance, and infrequently lose their symbiotic capacity. Besides

streptomycin, spectinomycin and rifampicin have also been used. Highly resistant mutants with single or double markers

(streptomycin-spectinomycin or streptomycin-rifampicin) can be obtained with one exposure of the rhizobia to low concentrations of these antibiotics or by successive selection for resistance.

Figure B.3.

Direct immunofluorescence

Cross-resistance is a phenomenon whereby a bacterium develops resistance to a second antibiotic as a result of resistance to the first. related. This may happen if the antibiotics are closely

The parallel use of antibiotic and serological markers, both relatively stable in themselves, provides a means of confirming the stability of each marker independently in ecological research with rhizobia. Compared to the

serological marker techniques (fluorescent antibody, enzyme immunoassays, gel-diffusion and agglutination) the development and use of antibiotic resistant

Figure B.4.

Indirect immunofluorescence

markers is relatively inexpensive and does not require sophisticated equipment.

Bacteriophage markers: phage typing

Viruses that infect bacteria (bacteriophage) were independently discovered by Twort and by d'Herelle in 1917 and 1919, respectively. Since then, the processes of infection The first step

and multiplication have been well defined.

involves the adsorption of the virus to specific receptors on the bacterial cell (somatic), flagella or pilli. This is

followed by the injection of the viral nucleic acid into the bacteria. The nucleic acids utilize the machinery of the host

cell to replicate, leading to the accumulation of several copies of the viral nucleic acid. These nucleic acids are

packaged newly-synthesized viral coat protein and are then released by lysis of the host cell, liberating many infective viruses.

Susceptibility of a certain bacterial strain to a particular bacteriophage forms the basis for phage-typing. One approach

in a phage-typing scheme is the use of a group of phages with different host-specificities. The bacteria can then be placed

into groups (lysotypes) if they are susceptible to some of the phages and not others. Through this means, bacteriophage-

marked rhizobia can be indirectly traced in soil, in isolates from nodules and in laboratory experimentation.



Rabbit antiserum developed against Rhizobium is the basic reagent for strain identification utilizing serological techniques. In this exercise, Rhizobium antigens are prepared

and then used for the development of antiserum in rabbits.

Key steps/objectives

l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Culture rhizobia on YMA bottle flats Check for culture purity by Gram stain Harvest and prepare antigens for immunization Begin immunization; inject antigen intramuscularly Inject antigen intravenously Give intraperitoneal injections Trial bleed Determine the antiserum titers Harvest blood through cardiac puncture Give subcutaneous booster injections


Culturing rhizobia for antigen

(Key steps 1 and 2)

Inoculate selected strains of rhizobia on two 500 ml YMA flats and incubate at 26oC. Broth culture in 50 ml Erlenmeyer

flasks may also be used but the medium must be fully defined to avoid complications with antigenic components from the yeast in YM broth (see Appendix 3).

Check for purity (by Gram stain) at the end of the specified time for growth, e.g., 3-5 days for fast-growers and 7-10 days for slow-growers. Strains that produce a lot of "gum" should

be harvested earlier.


Preparing antigens for immunodiffusion

(Key step 3)

When the cultures are ready for harvest, aseptically add about 10 ml of sterile, filtered saline and 20 sterile glass beads to the YMA-slants. Close the culture vessel and hold it level Tilt back

so that the saline irrigates the entire surface.

and forth so that the glass beads dislodge the rhizobial cells into suspension. Transfer the suspension (but not the glass

beads) to sterile centrifuge tubes and spin down the cells at approximately 5,000 X g for 15-20 min. Discard the

supernatant and resuspend the precipitate again in sterile saline. The gummy substance in the supernatant consists of It

polysaccharides and is found especially in older cultures. should be discarded at this point. Do not repeat the

centrifugation as excessive washing would remove the soluble antigens essential to the immunodiffusion reaction. Resuspend

the precipitate by dropwise addition of sterile saline and with frequent agitation to obtain a thick suspension of 1 x 1010 cells ml-1.

Store about one-half of the thick suspension in the refrigerator, for reference. Dilute the remainder to 1 x 109

cells ml-1 using the McFarland standards (Appendix 6). Dispense the diluted suspension into small (5 ml) sterile serum vials in 2 ml portions to be used for injections. Add a

preservative (1% merthiolate) to each 2 ml sample and also to the thick suspension. Merthiolate is used extensively in When used in liquids at a final

serology as a preservative.

concentration of 1:10000, it does not interfere with serological reactions. The vials may be stored at 4 C for

several weeks or kept frozen for several months.


Preparing somatic antigens for the agglutination and fluorescent antibody techniques

(Key step 3)

The insoluble somatic antigens found on the surface of the cells are required. Soluble and most of the flagellar

antigens are eliminated by frequent washing.

Harvest a fully grown culture from YMA-flats as before. should be centrifuged, the supernatant discarded, and the


pellet resuspended in filter sterilized saline, using a vortex


This sequence of centrifugation and resuspension is

repeated three times and the cell concentration is adjusted to approximately 1 x 109 cells ml-1. Transfer the suspension to a Insert a

sterile serum bottle and close with a rubber septum.

small gauge (about 23 gauge) needle through the septum to act as an air and steam vent. Heat the antigen for 1 h at 100 C This is

to inactivate any remaining flagellar antigens.

accomplished by partly immersing the serum bottle in boiling water or by subjecting it to heat in a steam bath. Add

merthiolate solution to the antigen suspension after heating.


Immunizing the rabbit

(Key steps 4, 5, and 6)

A variety of injection schedules have been used to produce antisera of sufficiently high titers. given in Appendix 12. Three examples are

The schedule used in this chapter

employs three different routes of injection.

Pipette 2 ml of antigen and 2 ml of Freund's complete adjuvant into a 50 ml beaker and emulsify by repeatedly drawing the mixture into a glass or plastic syringe (no needle attached) and expelling it through the orifice. The right consistency

is reached when a drop of this emulsion does not disperse immediately in water. Freund's complete adjuvant is made from

mineral oil and killed cells of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. butyricum. It is used to enhance the effect of the


Inject 1 ml of the antigen-adjuvant emulsion into the thigh muscle on each hind leg of the rabbit.

After 2 weeks, give an intravenous injection of 1 ml of antigen without adjuvant.

After 4 weeks give an intraperitoneal injection of 1 ml antigen without adjuvant.


Trial bleeding for titer determination

(Key steps 7 and 8)

Seven days after the last injection, conduct a test-bleed through the marginal ear vein. (Appendix 12).

Transfer the blood into a sterile screw-cap test tube.


the blood to clot at room temperature for approximately 2 h. Detach the blood clot from the test tube wall by moving a wooden applicator stick around the clot. Refrigerate

overnight to separate the serum from the clot.

Decant clear serum into a test tube, minimizing carry over of red blood cells. Since only a very small amount of blood is

obtained in the trial bleeding, centrifugation may not be practical. Determine the agglutination titer (Exercise 7).


Collecting blood and giving booster injections

(Key steps 9 and 10)

If the titer is satisfactory (not less than 1:1600), bleed the rabbit from the heart by cardiac puncture using a bleeding rack as shown in Figure A.14 of Appendix 12. of blood. Obtain 30-50 ml

Transfer the blood into a sterile, screw-cap test

tube of 50 ml capacity.

After the blood has been clotted and refrigerated, decant the serum and centrifuge at 5,000 x g for 15 min (under refrigeration, if possible) to clear the serum of red blood cells.

Transfer the clear serum supernatant into an appropriate container for storage by freezing. Serum should be stored in This may not be

1-2 ml portions in suitable sized vials.

necessary if the blood is to be processed for conjugation with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). Sera from different

rabbits receiving the same antigen may be pooled.

If the titer was too low in the trial bleeding (less than 1:1600), give a booster injection of 1 ml antigen subcutaneously immediately after the titer determination. Bleed 1 week later by cardiac puncture.

If more antiserum is desired, the level of immunoglobulins in the rabbit can be maintained by booster injections 7-14 days after each bleeding. However, in such a case, it would be

advisable to make intraperitoneal injections of sterile saline each time after the blood has been taken to replenish the liquid level in the animal. The volume of saline injected

should be equal to the volume of blood taken from the rabbit.

Note: Storage vials should also be adequately labelled to indicate rhizobial strain, serum batch-number and date. Records of injection schedules and agglutination titers determinations should be noted. Weight, age, sex and other

relevant information on the animals are also usually recorded.



Culturing rhizobia for antigens

Microscope, incubator Microscope slides, immersion oil Inoculation loop, flame Gram stain solutions (Appendix 3) Wash bottle with distilled water YMA flats in 500 ml medicine bottles or Erlenmeyer flasks (250 ml) containing 100 ml of a defined medium (Appendix 3) Cultures of rhizobia


Preparing antigens for immunodiffusion

Centrifuge, balance, vortex mixer (optional) Sterile glass beads (4 mm diameter, sterilized and stored in test tubes at 20 beads per tube) Pipettes (10 ml) Centrifuge tubes (30-50 ml capacity) with caps, rack Saline, sterile, (membrane filtered 0.85% NaCl w/v)


Preparing antigens for the agglutination and the FA technique

Centrifuge, balance, vortex mixer (optional) Stove or bunsen burner with tripod and gauze screen, or steam bath Centrifuge tubes 30-50 ml with caps, rack Pipette (1 ml) Glass beads as in (b) Saline, sterile Serum bottle with rubber septum, syringe needle (small gauge) 1% membrane filtered merthiolate (also called Thimerosal) solution (B.D.H., Gallard-Schlesinger Chem. Mfg. Corp., Carle Place, N.Y., or Sigma ChemicalCorp.) Inoculated YMA flats from (b)


Immunizing the rabbit

Large towel (approximately 100 cm x 75 cm) Small sterile beaker (50 ml capacity) Glass syringes (10 ml capacity) Plastic syringes (1-5 ml capacity) Syringe needles 20 gauge, 22 gauge and 26 gauge (sterile) Freund's complete adjuvant (DIFCO Laboratories, Detroit, Michigan, USA) Rhizobial antigens from (c)


Trial-bleeding for titer determination

Refrigerator Large towel, scalpel, vaseline, razor blade Cotton wool or tissue paper, alcohol (70%) Test tubes with caps, rack Wooden applicator sticks or thin glass rods Requirements for titer determination (Exercise 7)


Bleeding for collection and injecting boosters

Centrifuge, balance, freezer Bleeding rack (Appendix 12) Syringes (with 18 gauge needles) Screw-cap test tubes (50 ml), rack Centrifuge tubes (50 ml with caps), rack Vials 5 ml (for storage of serum) Merthiolate solution (Appendix 4) Alcohol 70%, cotton wipes or soft tissue paper Glass vials (20 ml) for bulk storage



The somatic agglutination reactions of whole cells with homologous antiserum are studied. The titer of the antiserum

is determined using the tray, tube, and microscope-slide methods.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3)

Culture rhizobia Harvest culture for antigen preparation Prepare serial dilutions of antiserum and perform titration in trays, tubes, and on microscope slides


Read and record titers


Preparation of somatic antigens from cultured cells

(Key steps 1 and 2)

Obtain a young broth- or agar-slant culture of a strain from Exercise 6. Inoculate in duplicate, two YMA slopes in 500 ml

flat culture bottles with inoculum from the broth or slant culture. If a broth culture is used, 1-2 ml of the broth can

be squirted onto the agar surface and spread with a loop.

Under aseptic conditions, harvest the culture in saline after 3-5 days for fast-growing and 7-10 days for slow-growing rhizobia. Wash the cells three times in filter-sterilized

saline by repeated resuspension and centrifugation (5000-8000 rpm). To inactivate the flagellar antigens, heat treat the

antigen preparation as in Exercise 6. Finally, visually adjust the concentration of cells to approximately 1 x 109 cells ml-1 with sterile saline, and use the McFarland barium-sulfate standards (Appendix 6). If a photoelectric nephelometer or

spectrophotometer is available, the turbidity may be adjusted more precisely.


Dilution of stock antiserum

(Key step 3)

Prepare the two-fold dilutions of the antiserum as follows:

Arrange 10 test tubes (16 x 125 mm) in a row on a test tube rack. Tube 1. Label them 1 through 10. Pipette 9.6 ml of saline into

Pipette 2.5 ml of saline into tubes 2-10.

Accurately pipette 0.4 ml of the stock antiserum into Tube 1. Mix the saline and serum thoroughly by sucking the serum-saline mixture into the pipette and then expelling the contents. Repeat this process five times. Expelling should

be done gently to avoid frothing. antiserum of a 1/25 dilution.

This tube now contains

Using a fresh pipette, remove 2.5 ml of diluted serum from Tube 1 and transfer to Tube 2. Mix well. (The dilution of

the serum in Tube 2 will be l/25 x l/2 = 1/50.)

Using a fresh pipette each time, repeat the dilution down the series by transferring 2.5 ml of the diluted serum successively from the previous tube to the next until Tube 10. (Tube 10 should have a serum dilution of 1/12800).

Familiarize yourself with the identification system used for wells in the plastic agglutination tray.


Performing agglutinations in microtiter trays

(Key step 3 and 4)

Start with the highest dilution (Tube 10) and a clean Pasteur pipette (calibrated to deliver 0.03 ml per drop). Place 2

drops of the diluted antiserum into well A-10 of the plastic agglutination tray. Next, using the same Pasteur pipette

(after blotting the tip dry), place 2 drops of the antiserum of the next highest dilution (Tube 9) into well A-9 of the agglutination tray. Repeat until all the dilutions of the

antiserum have been dispensed into the respective wells of Row-A of the agglutination tray.

Next, with a clean, calibrated Pasteur pipette, dispense 2

drops of the homologous antigen (approximately 1 x 109 cells ml-1) into each of the wells from well A-1 through A-10. Avoid

touching the antiserum in the well or the walls of the well with the tip of the antigen pipette. pipette after use. Discard the antigen

Work from the well containing the most to the least dilute antiserum. Using a clean glass applicator (a fine capillary tube sealed at both ends or a fine solid glass rod rounded and smooth at both ends), carefully stir the antigen-antiserum mixture in each well. Avoid spillage into neighboring wells.

Rinse the stirring rod in a beaker of water and wipe dry with tissue paper between each well. frequently. well. Change the rinsing water

The same stirring rod may be used for each new

Place 2 drops of serum of l/25 dilution into well A-11. drops of saline with another calibrated Pasture pipette. serves as the serum-saline control.

Add 2 This

Place 2 drops of saline into well A-12. antigen.

Add 2 drops of

This serves as the antigen-saline control.

Seal all wells (A-1 through A-12) with a strip of cellophane tape. Float the agglutination tray in a water bath at 52 C

for 4 h and then hold overnight in the refrigerator. Alternatively, the reaction mixture may be incubated in an

incubator at 37 C for 2 h and then transferred to a refrigerator before reading the reactions. Figure 7.1 shows

the steps for the antiserum titer determination in wells. Read and record positive agglutinations at the highest dilution of the serum (Figure 7.2). Positive agglutination

will appear as granular clumps with clear supernatant. Negative agglutinations are indicated by settling of the cells on the bottom of the well and turbid supernatant.

To calculate the titer, (serum titer is the reciprocal of the highest serum dilution at which positive agglutination occurs) multiply by two the highest dilution of the serum at which positive agglutination occurs. This is because equal volumes

of the diluted serum and antigen were titrated in the well. (Example: if positive agglutination was detected at l/3200

dilution of the serum the true titer will be 3200 x 2 = 6400).

Further confirmation of a positive reaction can be made by gently stirring the reactants in the well with a sterile inoculating needle with a 2 mm loop. Stirring will cause the Observe with a

granular clumps to float in suspension.

stereo-microscope or magnifying glass and note the granular clumps suspended in a clear suspending solution. Stir the

antigen-saline control and observe the turbid appearance showing no separation into granular clumps and no clear suspending solution. Flame the inoculating needle for reuse

in other wells.

Flaming will remove contaminating reactants The antigen-saline control will

and thus prevent carry over.

help in distinguishing between positive and negative agglutinations. experiment. Record titer of antiserum and date of


Performing agglutinations in tubes

(Key steps 3 and 4)

Prepare a two-fold dilution series of the antiserum as described for tray agglutinations l/25 through l/12800). (10 dilutions ranging from

Remaining diluted serum prepared

previously for the tray method may be used, provided both methods are done on the same day.

Arrange 24 tubes in agglutination tube racks.

Tubes with an

internal diameter of 5 mm and length of 60 mm are suitable. Special tubes called Dreyer tubes, if available, are preferred. Label them adequately to facilitate reading the Alternatively, arrange the

antiserum dilution in each tube.

tubes systematically in a tube-rack to avoid labeling.

Dispense 10 drops (0.03 ml drop-1) of each dilution into the series of agglutination tubes set up for the titration. up duplicate tubes for each antiserum dilution. Set

Add 10 drops of each antigen (approximately 1 x 109 cells ml-1)

to each of the agglutination tubes with a clean Pasteur pipette. Avoid contact of the antigen pipette with the mouth Do not attempt to

or walls of the tubes containing the serum.

stir or mix the reaction mixture in the tubes. Also set up antigen-saline and antiserum-saline tubes as controls.

Figure 7.1.

Scheme for antiserum titer determination in wells

Incubate the reaction mixtures in the tubes in a water bath at 52 C for 4 h. Alternatively, the tubes may be incubated in a Read the tubes after the initial

water-bath at 37 C for 24 h. incubation.

Read the tubes again after keeping them overnight Place glass beads of suitable size "PARAFILM" Covering

in the refrigerator (4 C).

in the mouth of the tubes to prevent evaporation.

can be substituted if glass beads are not available.

mouths of tubes is not necessary if the water bath is equipped with a lid/cover. The filled portion of the tubes should be

immersed half-way in the water bath thereby facilitating mixing of the antigen and antiserum through convection.

Record positive agglutinations. clumps in a clear supernatant.

These appear as granular When spun gently, negative

tubes will produce a "wisp of smoke" effect arising from the bottom of the tube, indicating the sediment is not granular. Calculate the titer as outlined for tray agglutination.


Performing agglutinations on microscope slides

(Key steps 3 and 4)

This method has the advantages of using only small amounts of

serum and giving results within minutes.

There is, however,

some loss of accuracy and a degree of subjectivity in interpretations. The method should not be depended on without some objective evidence (e.g. tube agglutination) to support interpretation.

Partition a microscope slide into two sections with melted vaseline or petroleum jelly. in a row on black paper. Prepare 10 slides and lay them

One section is used for one dilution

of the test serum and the other section for the antigen control. Label one section "T" for test-serum and "C" for


Using the remaining diluted serum prepared for the tray methods, place a drop (0.03 ml) of the serum with a calibrated Pasteur pipette (starting from the highest dilution) in the test-serum section of each slide.

To each drop of serum add a drop (0.03 ml) of the antigen. Also place a drop of antigen on each control section.

Add a drop (0.03 ml) of saline to the antigen in the control section of the slides.

Stir the antigen-antiserum mixtures with the loop of an inoculation needle.

Flame and cool the needle after each mixing to avoid "carry over" between tests.

Immediately after mixing, slowly rock the slide back and forth for 1-2 min. With a high-titer antiserum, the agglutination

should occur quickly and should be detectable with the naked eye or a dissecting microscope. Record positive agglutinations and calculate the titer. Compare the results of this method with those from the tray and tube agglutination methods.

Figure 7.2. Agglutination reactions in wells of agglutination tray.

Figure 7.3. Agglutination reactions in agglutination tubes



Preparation of somatic antigens from cultured cells.

Centrifuge McFarland barium sulfate standards (or photoelectric nephelometer) Boiling water or steam bath Centrifuge tubes Test tubes Serum vials with rubber stoppers Sterile pipettes (1 ml) and Pasteur pipettes Sterile glass beads Sterile saline (100 ml)

YMA slopes in 500 ml flat culture bottles Broth or agar slant culture of rhizobia


Dilution of stock antiserum

Antiserum (1 ml) from Exercise 6 Sterile saline (200 ml) 1 ml sterile pipettes (two) 5 ml sterile pipettes (10) Test tubes (10) and rack


Performing agglutinations in microtiter trays

Plastic agglutination tray (rigid polystyrene "U" plate, Cooke Laboratory Products, Alexandria, VA, USA) Calibrated Pasteur pipettes (0.03 ml/drop) Glass applicator Rubber bulb (1-2 ml capacity) Cellophane tape Tissue paper Diluted antiserum from (b) Antigen suspension (1 x 109 rhizobia ml-1) Binocular dissecting microscope Magnifying glass (hand lens) Water bath(52 C), incubator (37 C), refrigerator(4 C)


Performing agglutinations in tubes

Calibrated Pasteur pipettes Agglutination tubes or other small tubes Tube rack "Parafilm" Diluted antiserum from (b) Antigen suspension from (c) Water bath (52 C), incubator (37 C), refrigerator (4 C)


Performing agglutinations on microscope slides

Clean microscope slides Calibrated Pasteur pipettes Rubber bulb Vaseline or petroleum jelly Diluted antiserum from (b) Antigen suspension from (c)



Identification of a particular Rhizobium strain, by direct use of the bacteroids in the nodules, is described. This direct

method eliminates the time consuming steps of isolating the strain in pure culture prior to its use as an antigen in an agglutination reaction.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Develop antiserum of B. japonicum) Prepare Leonard jars Prepare broth inoculum Pregerminate soybean seeds Plant and inoculate pregerminated soybean seeds Harvest plants for nodules Perform agglutinations with bacteroid antigens Read and record agglutinations


Developing antisera

(Key step 1)

Inoculate B. japonicum strain TAL 379 onto YMA-flats.


culture and make antigen preparation for the development of antibodies for agglutination as described in Exercise 6.

Other strains of B. japonicum, for which antisera are available, may be substituted in place of TAL 379.


Culturing soybean plants nodulated with a serologically marked strain of B. japonicum

(Key steps 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)

Prepare Leonard jars. experiment.

This should be done well ahead of

Inoculate 100 ml of YM-broth in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask with a loopful of TAL 379 from an agar slant. This should be

initiated at least 7 days before planting the Leonard jars to give sufficient time for the growth of the culture.

Surface sterilize soybean seeds as described in Appendix 10. Plate seeds on water-agar plates for germination. Do not

invert plates for soybean and other large seeded legumes. Pregerminate seeds 1-2 days before planting and inoculation in Leonard jars.

Plant three germinated soybean seeds in each Leonard jar. Inoculate each seed with 1 ml of TAL 379 broth culture. four jars. Plant

Harvest and wash the soybean nodules after 30-35 days of plant growth. Separate the nodules from the roots. Pack and seal

the washed nodules in small polyethylene bags (size 100 mm x 100 mm and 0.04 mm thickness). label. Use one bag per plant and

Bags of the specified size or slightly smaller can be

purchased commercially or can be made in the laboratory if the polyethylene material and a bag sealer are available.


Separating bacteroid-antigens from nodules for agglutination

(Key step 7)

Fill a 1 liter beaker with approximately 500 ml of water and bring it to a boil; then control the heating source to produce gentle boiling. Immerse one bag of nodules in the boiling Save the

water for 3-5 min, then remove the bag and cool. remaining bags of nodules for Exercise 9.

Cut open the plastic bag with scissors.

Using forceps,

transfer the nodules to the agglutination tray, one nodule per well. Have one nodule in each well, beginning at well A-1

through A-10 (refer to the well identification system on the agglutination tray). Leave wells B-1 through B-10 empty;

these wells will be used for agglutinations with antigens separated in the series of wells in row A.

With a Pasteur pipette, place 6 drops (0.03 ml drop-1) of saline into each well containing a nodule. (Excess

heat-treated nodules can be stored frozen and thawed later for

use in agglutination without losing the ability of the bacteroid-antigens to agglutinate). Gently press out (do not homogenize) the nodule contents into the saline in the wells with fine forceps or a round-ended glass rod (4 mm diameter). Gently stir the exuding nodular

contents into the saline and push the resulting nodule tissue against the wall of the well. each nodule. Rinse the rod and wipe dry for

Suitable flat toothpicks can be substituted for Toothpicks are used once and

forceps or glass rods. discarded.

With a fresh Pasteur pipette, transfer 3 drops of the antigen from well A-1 to B-1. Rinse the pipette thoroughly with hot

water by sucking the hot water into the pipette and emptying the pipette contents in another beaker. Next, transfer (with With

the same pipette) 3 drops from well A-2 to B-2.

alternate rinsing of the pipettes between transfers, transfer the antigen A-3 to B-3, A-4 to B-4, and so on until A-10 to B-10. (In these transfers, the same pipette is used each time If the

as the nodules were formed by one strain, TAL 379.

nodules were formed by strains from a mixed inoculum, each antigen transfer must be done with a fresh Pasteur pipette). Variable Finn pipettes with disposable tips are excellent substitutes for Pasteur pipettes, especially when large numbers of nodules need to be identified, since a fresh tip can be used for each nodule.


Agglutinating the bacteroid-antigens with homologous antiserum

(Key steps 7 and 8)

Prepare a 1/25 dilution of antiserum TAL 379 by diluting 0.4 ml of the stock antiserum in 9.6 ml of saline.

Dispense the diluted antiserum by placing 3 drops in each of the wells B-1 through B-10. Place 3 drops of the 1/25 diluted

antiserum and 3 drops of saline in well B-11 (serum control). Set up the antigen-saline control in well B-12 by placing 3 drops of antigen from well A-1 followed by the addition of 3 drops of saline. Mix the reactants in the wells with a

round-ended glass applicator, starting at well B-10 and proceeding towards well B-1. Use the same applicator for Rinse and wipe dry the The contents in the wells may

mixing the contents in the wells. applicator between each mixing.

also be mixed by holding the plate loosely in a level position with both hands and tapping the side of the plate with a free forefinger. Avoid spilling during this operation.

Cover the tops of the wells containing the reactants with a strip of cellophane tape. during incubation. This will prevent evaporation

Leave a tab of tape to assist removal.

Place the trays at 37 C for 2 h in an incubator.

At the end

of this time transfer the trays to 4 C in a refrigerator and

leave overnight.

Record the appearance of the positive agglutinations by comparison with the antigen-saline control. (The titer of the

antiserum at which the agglutinations occurred would be 1/25 x 3/6 = 1/50.)

This method has been used on nodules of Glycine max, Centrosema pubescens, Vigna unguiculata, and Phaseolus lunatus with good size. results. These legumes have nodules of similar

With other species of legumes, the volume of saline to

be used in squashing the nodule to extract the bacteroid antigen has to be determined by trial and error. The volumes

of the bacteroid-antigen and the serum in the wells also have to be determined before large numbers of nodules are identified by agglutination. The use of thick suspensions of

the bacteroid antigen should be avoided because unreacted antigen produces turbidity resulting in ambiguity in the recognition of positive agglutinations. The ultimate purpose

of manipulating the volumes of saline and serum to be used during the agglutination is to regulate the density of the antigen close to 1 x 109 bacteroids ml-1.

Figure 8.1.

Identification of nodule bacteroids by

agglutination in an agglutination tray.



Developing antisera

See Exercise 6


Culturing soybean plants nodulated with serologically marked strains of B. japonicum

Sterilizing solutions (See Appendix 10) Sterile water (500 ml) Sterile 250 ml wide-mouthed flask Soybean seeds Water-agar plates (three) 100 ml broth culture of B. japonicum (TAL 379) Sterile 5 ml pipettes Sterilized gravel (mulch for Leonard jars) Leonard jars (four) Isopropyl alcohol in spray bottle Spirit lamp, matches Forceps Scissors, polyethylene bags


Separating bacteroid-antigen from nodules

Beaker (1 l) Scissors, fine forceps

Sterile Pasteur pipettes (or variable Finn pipettes with disposable tips if available) Bunsen burner Round-ended glass rod Sterile saline (250 ml) Tissue paper Agglutination tray (rigid polystyrene "U" plate) Nodules containing bacteroids of B. japonicum TAL 379 Nodules containing bacteroids of B. japonicum TAL 378


Agglutinating the antigens with homologous antiserum

Antiserum (TAL 379) Calibrated Pasteur pipettes Antigen from (c) Glass applicator Cellophane tape Incubator (37 C), refrigerator (4 C)



Immunodiffusion in gel allows for the recognition of antigenically identical strains and for differentiating between closely related nonidentical strains. Soluble and

diffusible heat-stable antigens of varying molecular size are studied in this technique.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Inoculate YMA flats for antigen preparation Prepare gel in plastic Petri dishes Harvest cultures for antigen preparation Perform immunodiffusion Observe and record diffusion patterns


Preparing gel for diffusion

(Key step 2)

Place 100 ml of saline into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.


0.75 g of Difco Noble agar or Oxoid Ion agar No. 2 to the flask and melt by steaming, autoclaving or heating in a microwave oven. If direct heat is applied to melt the agar,

prevent charring of the agar on the bottom of the flask by constant stirring and controlling the heat. To the melted

agar, add 1 ml of a 2.5 % (w/v) solution of sodium azide (a preservative), and swirl the flask to ensure proper distribution of the sodium azide. Pipette 25 ml of the hot Allow the agar

gel into Petri dishes kept on a level surface. to solidify.

A total of four plates with a gel layer 4 mm in

thickness should result.

Trace the outline of the bottom of a Petri dish on a sheet of white paper. Draw a hexagonal pattern of six circles (4 mm

diameters) equidistant (5 mm from edge to edge) from one another in the center of the plate outline on this paper. Draw a seventh well in the center of the hexagonal pattern and shade in the circles (Figure 9.1). This pattern on the paper

serves as a template for cutting out wells from the gel.

Place a Petri dish (containing gel) on the template. pattern of circles should be visible through the gel. wells into the gel using a 4 mm cork-borer.

The Cut

The cork-borer

should be held vertically when cutting the wells, otherwise wells with oblique walls will result. Carefully remove the

gel plugs with pins or other suitable implement or remove the plugs by suction using a Pasteur pipette (with a slightly bent tip) attached to a suction apparatus. (A Pasteur pipette

attached to an aspirator or vacuum pump, with a "trap" in between for the gel plugs, is a suitable suction apparatus.)

It will take some practice to produce plates with seven intact


A drop of molten agar may be necessary to seal off the

Figure 9.1.

Hexagonal pattern template for Petri dishes.

bottom of the well.

Sealing the well is usually not necessary

with the plastic Petri dishes but is essential for glass Petri dishes. The gel plates may be refrigerated if not required Make four sets (one set per Petri dish) of Three or seven sets of wells

for immediate use.

the hexagonal pattern of wells.

can be made per Petri dish with sufficient experience and care.


Preparing antigens

(Key steps 1 and 3)

Culture the following strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. on YMA flats:

TAL 651 (from Calopogonium mucunoides) TAL 653, 655, and 855 (from Centrosema pubescens)

TAL 642 (from Lablab purpureus)

Harvest the cultures after 7 days of growth (Exercise 6) and prepare antigen suspensions for immunodiffusion. A final

volume of 1.0-1.5 ml of a dense antigen suspension containing approximately 1 x 1010 cells ml-1 is desirable.

Divide the antigen suspension of each strain into two small screw-capped tubes. Small McCartney bottles are better Heat treat one sample for Leave

substitutes if these are available.

1 h at 100 C by immersing the tube in boiling water. the other sample unheated (untreated).


Setting up immunodiffusion reactions

(Key steps 4 and 5)

Place 2 drops (0.04 ml drop-1) of each heat-treated antigen in their respective wells. The position of the different

antigens for the diffusion is as shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2.

Well pattern for immunodiffusion.

Place the undiluted antiserum of TAL 655 in Well-7.

Similarly, set up another set of wells for immunodiffusion with untreated (unheated) antigen.

Labelling on the bottom of the Petri dishes is essential to facilitate the identification of the antigens in the wells. Orientation of the dish can be established with a single line at the 12 o'clock position and a diagrammatic record of the location of each well.

Incubate the Petri dishes at room temperature in a water-saturated atmosphere. A saturated atmosphere is Air-tight

necessary to prevent moisture loss from the gel.

plastic boxes can be improvised to provide this environment by placement of wet paper towels on the inside prior to closing of the boxes.

Make observations at 24 and 48 h. the form of drawings.

Record your observations in

Compare the diffusion patterns of the Interpret the diffusion

heated and unheated antigens.

patterns for reactions of identity, partial identity, and nonidentity. Heating can significantly alter the reactivity,

concentration and diffusibility of the somatic antigens leading to stronger and well separated precipitin bands.

Figure 9.3. bands.

Immunodiffusion reactions showing preciption



Preparing gel for diffusion

Autoclave, stove or microwave oven Saline (100 ml) Erlenmeyer flask (250 ml) Sodium azide Noble agar (purified agar) from Difco, Detroit, Michigan or Oxoid Ion agar No. 2 Plastic Petri dishes (four) Hexagonal pattern template Cork-borer (4 mm)


Preparing antigens

Agar slant cultures of bradyrhizobia (TAL 642, 651, 653, 655, and 855) or other rhizobia YMA slopes (five) in 500 ml flat medicine bottles Screw-capped tubes (or small McCartneys) Steam- or water-bath


Setting up immunodiffusion reaction

Pasteur pipettes Rubber bulbs (1-2 ml capacity) Air tight plastic boxes (or substitute of similar




In this exercise, a precise technique is described to differentiate and identify the occupant strain(s) of nodules from plants inoculated with a mixture of two serologically distinct strains. as antigens. Bacteroids from nodules are used directly

Key steps/objectives

1) 2)

Prepare Leonard jars Culture strains for stock broth cultures and for antigen preparation

3) 4)

Pregerminate soybean seeds Sample stock broth cultures for viable counts and prepare mixed inoculum

5) 6) 7)

Plant and inoculate pregerminated seeds Harvest nodules Set up the Gelman immunodiffusion apparatus. in Petri dishes Prepare gel


Prepare antigen from nodules and cultured cells of inoculum strains


Perform gel diffusion in microscope slides and Petri dishes


Record precipitin bands by drawing; analyze

immunodiffusion patterns


Preparing mixed-strain inocula of B. japonicum

(Key steps 2 and 4)

Prepare two flasks each containing 150 ml of YM-broth. Inoculate one flask with B. japonicum strain TAL 379 str and the other flask with B. japonicum strain TAL 378 spc. two flasks will provide stock cultures of each strain. 7 days for maximum growth of the strains. These Allow

(The two strains TAL 379 is

used in this experiment are antibiotic resistant.

resistant to streptomycin (str) and TAL 378 is resistant to spectinomycin (spc)). The nodules formed by these two strains

will be identified by gel immunodiffusion in this exercise and by their ability to grow in YMA plates containing antibiotics in Exercise 12.

After 7 days of growth of the stock cultures, aseptically and accurately transfer 50 ml of TAL 379 str to a 250 ml sterile flask. Do the same flask transfer 50 ml of TAL 378 spc. (Use

a fresh 10 ml pipette for the transfers and pipette 5 times to remove each 50 ml. different strains). Use a fresh pipette when transferring Swirl the flask to ensure a good mixture

of the two strains and label this flask M.

Use the drop- or spread-plate methods (Exercise 4) to obtain viable counts of TAL 378 spc and TAL 379 str. When the viable

counts become available later, the actual ratios of the competing strains in the mixed inocula can be more accurately computed. Set aside the remaining portions of the two stock cultures and use these as inocula for single strain inoculation.


Culturing of soybean plants inoculated with a single strain and a mixture of strains of B. japonicum

(Key steps 1, 3, 5, and 6)

Prepare 15 Leonard jars (Appendix 11).

Surface sterilize and pregerminate 60 soybean seeds of good viability as described in Appendix 10. pregermination of the seeds. Allow two days for the

Select well-germinated seeds and plant three per jar. Inoculate each seed at sowing with 1 ml of the broth inoculum of the appropriate treatment. treatment and label adequately. Plant four jars for each

Proceed to plant another 4 jars and inoculate the seeds with 1 ml per seed of the stock culture of TAL 379 str and label. Similarly set up 4 more jars but inoculate with TAL 378 spc.

Finally, plant the remaining three jars and leave them uninoculated. These three jars serve as uninoculated


Seven days after planting, thin down to two uniform plants per jar. Harvest all treatment after 30-35 days. Carefully Count and

remove and wash the root-system of each plant.

record the number of nodules on the roots of each plant. Detach the nodules and pack them in small plastic bags as described in Exercise 8. Label the bags adequately for later (The remaining plants in

identification of the treatments.

the jars will be harvested at a later date for use in Exercise 13).


Preparing nodule bacteroid-antigens

(Key step 8)

Proceed as explained in Exercise 8.

Prepare nodule

bacteroid-antigens from nodules of the treatments which received the mixed broth inoculum.


Preparing soluble antigen from cultured cells

(Key step 8)

Inoculate one YMA flat each with TAL 379 str and TAL 378 spc. Harvest these strains after 7 days and prepare soluble antigen for immunodiffusion as described in Exercise 9.


Setting up the immunodiffusion system

(Key step 7, 9, and 10)

The gel (see Exercise 9) for immunodiffusion is prepared on microscope slides. Thin (1 mm) microscope slides are

especially suitable for this method using the Gelman immunodiffusion apparatus (Gelman Instrument Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan U.S.A.) described in this exercise. The

various components of the apparatus include the immunoframes, immunoframe holders, rinsing tanks, and the immunodiffusion punch set. use(s). Familiarize yourself with their construction and

The Gelman product numbers for the various components

are given in the list of requirements.

Study the immunoframe which has been especially constructed to hold microscope slides. Each immunoframe holds six standard

microscope slides, three in each of its two compartments. Each compartment is divided into three windows and one slide is centered over each window. All three slides must be placed Complete the arrangement

in close contact with one another.

of slides in each immunoframe and place the immunoframes on a clean and level surface. (A level surface is important to

obtain gel of uniform thickness.)

With a Pasteur pipette, dispense minimal amounts of the molten gel around the edges of each slide to seal off the fine gaps at all points of contact between slides and between slides and compartment walls. (Sealing is necessary to prevent leakage

of the gel to the bottom when the melted gel is poured.)

Allow the gel to cool to obtain proper seal.

Pipette 10 ml of the molten gel into each compartment of the immunoframe. Empty the pipette beginning at one end of the

compartment and proceed to the other end moving the pipette in a zig-zag motion, to evenly spread the gel over the slides. Complete layering the gel over all the slides in the immunoframes.

Allow 1 h for the gel to cool and set, in a dust-free environment. The gel should be protected from dust particles

settling on its surface during the cooling process by improvising suitable covers.

On cooling and setting of the gel, mount the immunoframes onto the immunoframe-holder. immunoframes. It can accommodate a maximum of three

Place the whole assembly into a rinsing tank

containing approximately 80 ml of water and replace the lid. Store the rinsing tank and its contents overnight at 4 C (refrigerator) or at room temperature (26-28 C) to improve the setting of the gel.

Examine the immunodiffusion gel-punch set.

The gel-punch The

consists of a die and an attached system of cutters.

arrangement of cutters on the die allows the production of two

sets of the hexagonal pattern of wells (used in this technique) on one slide at any one time. The gel punch is

designed to fit the sides of the immunoframe and when the punch supports are properly mounted, the punch can be slid back and forth to desired positions.

Mount the gel punch onto the immunoframe and position it over a slide. Gently press the punch down on the gel and hold for 3-4 seconds to cut out the hexagonal patterns.

The 3 mm wells on the slides can hold 8-10 microliters of antiserum or antigen. These small volumes can be conveniently

delivered with a variable volume (5-50 microliters) Finn pipette with disposable tips.

Perform the immunodiffusion with the nodule bacteroid-antigens with reference to Figure 10.1. Identify all the nodules being

analyzed for strain occupancy using the scheme given in Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1. with

Scheme for identifying nodules from inoculated a mixture of two strains.

Set the Finn pipette to deliver 8 microliters of the antigen or antiserum. Deliver the antigens and antisera to their

respective wells in the hexagonal system according to scheme (Figure 10.1) given. (Note that each nodule formed by the

mixed inoculum is identified against the antisera of the two component B. japonicum strains in the mixture.)

Assemble the immunoframes (housing the microscope slides) on the immunoframe-holders and incubate the assembly in a saturated atmosphere (provided by approximately 80 ml of water in the rinsing tank). Incubation at room temperature

(26-28 C) allows precipitin band development between 24 to 48 hours.

In Table 10.1 record the number of nodules giving positive precipitation bands against each antiserum. Nodules giving

reactions of identity with both the antisera indicate mixed infections, i.e., the nodule contains both the strains from the mixed broth inoculum.

Use the nodule analysis data to examine whether the proportion of nodules formed by each strain was according to its representation in the mixture using Chi-square analysis.

If sufficient nodules and antisera are available, perform a parallel immunodiffusion exercise with gel prepared in Petri dishes (Chapter 11). Follow a similar scheme of nodule

identification as detailed for the microscope slide method in this chapter.

Table 10.1. Identification of nodules for the mixed inoculum treatment

Ratio of TAL 378:379

No. of nodules examined

Nodule occupancy (%) TAL378 TAL379 TAL378+TAL379

Chi-square deviation (1 df)



Preparing the mixed broth inoculum

Transfer chamber Agar slant cultures of B. japonicum strains TAL 379 str and TAL 378 spc YM-broth, 150 ml (two flasks) Sterile 125 ml Erlenmeyer flasks (two) Sterile 10 ml pipettes (five) Sterile 1 ml pipettes (15) Sterile calibrated Pasteur pipettes 90 ml sterile water in each of milk dilution bottles Quarter-strength YM-broth or sterile water (9 ml in 30 ml capacity screw-cap tubes) YMA plates


Culturing of soybean plants inoculated with a single and mixture of strains B. japonicum

Leonard jars Soybean seeds Sterilizing solutions (see Appendix 10) Sterile water Water agar plates Pipettes, 10 ml (three-five) Spirit lamp, alcohol in spray bottle, matches

Forceps Inoculant broth of TAL 379 str and TAL 378 spc


Preparing nodule bacteroid antigen

See Exercise 8


Preparing soluble antigens from cultured cells

Slant cultures of TAL 378 spc and TAL 379 str YMA flats (two) Other requirements as in Exercise 9


Setting up immunodiffusion systems

Immunoframes (Gelman Product No. 51447) Immunoframe holders (Gelman Product No. 51448) Rinsing tanks (Gelman Product No. 51457) Immunodiffusion punch-set (Gelman Product No. 51450) Microscope slides without frosted ends (Approx. 1 mm thick) from Curtin Matheson Scientific Inc. Finn pipettes (Variable Volumetrics Inc., Woburn, MA, USA) Pasteur pipettes



The immunoglobulins are separated from antiserum, purified, and conjugated with fluorescent dye. The conjugate is then

used to identify Rhizobium in nodules by the direct FA technique. A modification of this method, commonly referred

to as the indirect FA technique, is described in Appendix 13. Both methods are very useful for the identification of Rhizobium strains in ecological research.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2)

Precipitate the serum globulins Precipitate the serum globulins for a second and third time

3) 4) 5)

Dialyze the serum globulins Determine the protein content of the dialysate Conjugate the immunoglobulins, with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)

6) 7) 8)

Purify the FA by column chromatography Test the quality of the FA Type nodules with the FA technique


Fractionating serum globulins

(Key steps 1 and 2)

Place a 250 ml beaker filled with crushed ice onto a magnetic stirring plate. Immerse a 50 ml centrifuge tube containing 15

ml antiserum into the ice and clamp the tube to a ring stand. Drop a 12 mm (0.5 in) stirring bar into the tube. To the same

ring stand, attach a 30 ml burette filled with cold 3.9 M ammonium sulfate solution. The tip of the burette should be Add 15 ml ammonium

close to the surface of the antiserum.

sulfate solution to the antiserum at the approximate rate of one drop per second while stirring continuously.

Allow the resulting cloudy mixture to stand overnight (or for at least 2 h) at 4 C.

Separate the globulins by centrifugation in a refrigerated centrifuge at 5,000-10,000 rpm for 30 min. Discard the

supernatant and dissolve the precipitated globulins in enough saline to bring the solution back to the original serum volume (15 ml).

Repeat the precipitation and centrifugation steps twice as above, but without the intermediate step of overnight refrigeration. Instead, allow the precipitates to settle for Three precipitations are

5 min at 4 C before centrifugation.

usually sufficient to render the globulins completely white and free of hemoglobin.


Purifying the serum globulins

(Key step 3) Dissolve the final precipitate in approximately 7.5 ml of saline (half of original volume) and dialyze against 2 liters of saline (adjusted to pH 8 with 0.1N sodium hydroxide) in a coldroom with frequent changes of saline until the ammonium sulfate is no longer detectable in the dialysate. Three

changes of dialyzing fluid at intervals of 4, 10 (overnight) and 4 hours again, with another 4-hour run before completion is usually sufficient. Merthiolate may be added to the

dialyzing fluid as a preservative at a concentration of 0.01% (w/v).

To determine the presence of sulfate, mix a few drops of the dialyzing fluid with an equal volume of a saturated barium chloride solution. If the mixture does not become cloudy, the

dialysis can be considered complete.

If phosphate has been used as buffer for the dialyzing fluid, use Nessler's reagent to detect ammonium (Appendix 4) because phosphate will interfere with the sulfate precipitation.

In a small test tube, mix a few drops of the dialyzing fluid with an equal amount of Nessler's reagent. A very fine brown

precipitate will form in the presence of ammonium.


Determining the protein content of the dialyzate

(Key step 4)

After the globulin has been rendered free of ammonium sulfate, protein concentration is determined by the biuret test which utilizes the following reaction:

Protein + CuSO4 + NaOH

Purple color

The amount of purple color formed is proportional to the amount of protein present (if alkaline CuS04 is in excess). By using several levels of protein and reading the purple color at the appropriate wavelength, a standard curve can be prepared showing protein concentration versus absorption.

Make a protein standard solution using BSA (bovine serum albumin) at a concentration of 20 mg ml-1. 200 mg BSA

dissolved in 10 ml distilled water should be sufficient for the protein determination.

Prepare fresh biuret reagent (Appendix 4).

In 15 ml test tubes set up standard and sample dilutions according to Table 11.1.

Allow the tubes to stand for 30 min at room temperature.

Use tube no. 6 to zero the spectrophotometer at 540 nm.


and record the absorbance of the standards (tubes 1-5) and the unknowns (tubes 7-8).

Use the values obtained from tubes 1-6 (Table 11.1) to construct a standard curve plotting absorbance (y-axis) against mg ml-1 protein per tube (x-axis).

Use this curve to read off amount of protein in (mg ml-1) the globulin test samples (tubes 7 and 8).

Make a new curve for each protein determination.

Usually at least one of the two unknowns will fall within the range of the curve. Table 11.l. Schedule for total serum protein determination Biuret Tube reagent Water BSA stock % BSA Absorbance no.* (ml) (ml) (ml) (mg ml-1) (at 540nm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.2 1.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8 0.2 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0

Tubes 1-6 contain BSA standards; tubes 7 and 8 contain globulin test-samples

After determining the protein concentration adjust the

dialyzed immunoglobulin solution to 10 mg-1 ml by adding saline.


Conjugating the globulins with fluorescent dye

(Key step 5)

Place 10 ml of the 1% globulin solution (a total of 100 mg protein) in a 50 ml beaker. phosphate buffer (pH 9). Add 4 ml of 0.15 M sodium

(Appendix 5).

In a separate 50 ml beaker dissolve 3.0 mg of FITC in 4 ml of a 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer pH 8 (Appendix 5) continuously stirring with a magnetic stirrer.

Add this mixture to the buffered globulin solution.

For the

conjugation, the ratio of FITC to globulin is 0.03 mg of FITC per mg of protein.

Adjust the pH of the FITC-immunoglobulin mixture to 9.2-9.5 with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide and increase the volume to a total of 20 ml with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.1 (Appendix 5).

Add merthiolate solution.

The merthiolate should be present

at a concentration of 1:10,000 to act as a preservative. Conjugate at room temperature for 8 h or overnight with continuous mixing provided by a magnetic stirrer. Set the

stirrer at the lowest possible speed to avoid frothing.


ensure that the sample is well insulated from heat generated by the stirrer, place a thin piece of a good insulation material such as styrofoam on the stirrer and clamp the sample-container to a ring stand to elevate it slightly above the stirrer.


Purifying the Fluorescent antibodies

(Key step 6)

Separate the conjugated fluorescent antibodies (FA) from unreacted FITC by column chromatography or dialysis.

For the column chromatography method, prepare a slurry of Sephadex G 25-150 or G 25-300 in PBS in a 1 liter Erlenmeyer flask. stage. Use approximately 10 ml PBS g-1 dry Sephadex at this The bed volume of G 25-150 Sephadex is 5 ml g-1 dry gel Allow to settle and remove fine Repeat until the supernatant liquid

when swollen in PBS.

particles by decanting. is clear.

Add merthiolate (1:10,000) and leave at room temperature for 3 h to allow the Sephadex particles to swell. Alternatively,

the slurry may be heat-treated at 90 C for 1 h.

Plug a glass column approximately 2.5 x 30 cm with a small amount of glass wool and close the outflow. Add 2-3 ml of


Premeasure the slurry to fill approximately 20 cm of the Pour the slurry into the column in one

column when settled. continuous flow.

The volume of a packed Sephadex column

should be approximately three to five times the volume of the conjugate to be purified.

Sephadex consists of tiny porous beads of cross-linked dextran (biopolymer) which swell on imbibing water. When contained in

a chromatography column, the beads form a molecular sieve which will separate compounds according to molecular size. Large molecules of the conjugated immunoglobulins will meet little obstruction as they pass through the interstitial spaces between the beads and emerge with shorter elution times. The much smaller molecules of the free FITC will

penetrate the lattice structure of the Sephadex, which increases the elution time.

Equilibrate the column by passing at least three column volumes of PBS through it. Control the outflow carefully so The column

that the column bed remains covered with liquid. must be replaced should it run dry. outflowing eluent.

Measure the pH of the

Repeated rinsing with buffer or distilled

water is necessary if the pH is higher than neutral.

Allow buffer to settle almost to the top of the bed without drying the bed then add the conjugate with a Pasteur pipette. Permit the conjugate to penetrate the Sephadex until the

conjugate level is slightly above column bed.

Gently wash the

conjugate into the column with several 2 ml increments of PBS, added with a Pasteur pipette. After all the conjugate has

penetrated the Sephadex to at least 3 cm into the Sephadex, a reservoir filled with PBS containing Merthiolate (0.01%) may be connected to the top of the column to maintain a PBS filled column until the purified fluorescent antibodies have been collected.

Collect the first yellow banded fraction (FA) in a small (50 ml) beaker taking care to stop the collection when no color is seen in the eluted buffer. The unconjugated FITC fraction is

seen as a slow moving diffused yellow band.

If the collected material is dilute, it may be concentrated using carbowax (polyethylene glycol). in a beaker. The conjugate is placed

Then a dialysis bag containing approximately 5 g

of carbowax is immersed into the conjugate and left in the cold for 4 to 8 h or until the FA solution has reached a volume of 15 to 20 ml.

An alternate way to purify FA is through dialysis. against PBS pH 7.1 until no color is detected in the dialysate. This may take more than 36 h.


Distribute the purified FA in 1 ml volumes in labeled 2 ml screw cap vials and store in the freezer. Lyophilization is

also possible at this point if facilities are available.

Often, some particulate matter accumulates at the bottom of the containers. This should be eliminated by centrifugation

or by filtration through a 0.45 micron membrane filter prior to use.

The Sephadex may be used repeatedly after thorough washing. The unconjugated FITC should be washed off the column by passing distilled water through it until no yellow color can be detected. The Sephadex may then be washed again batchwise

and stored in a refrigerator.


Testing the quality of the fluorescent antibody

(Key step 7)

Prepare twofold dilutions of the FA in saline (or PBS) for the titer determination. Dilute the FA in the range of 1:1, 1:2, Using a small transfer loop,

1:4, and so forth, up to 1:32.

make thin smears on clean microscope slides from: (a) a young liquid culture of the homologous rhizobial strain for which the FA was prepared (b) a young liquid non-homologous rhizobial culture. FA. Use a separate slide for each dilution of

Air dry and heat fix the smears by passing them rapidly over the flame of a Bunsen burner.

Cover each smear completely with 1 drop of each dilution of the FA. More FA material may be needed if the smears are too Incubate in a A

large to be covered by 1 drop.

moisture-saturated chamber for 20 min at room temperature.

moisture-saturated chamber may be made from a large Petri dish into which a wet piece of filter paper is placed. Two glass

rods are placed on the filter paper and spaced to provide a rail to support the slides. Larger incubation chambers can

easily be improvised, but care has to be taken that the slides are resting level and that they are well separated from each other.

Wash off the excess FA with a gentle stream of PBS from a wash bottle or Pasteur pipette, taking care to avoid dislodging the cells in the smears. Then wash the smears by submerging the Similarly, wash the Add a drop of

slides in saline or PBS for 20 min.

smears in water for 15 min and air dry.

mounting fluid (Appendix 5) and mount with a cover slip. Observe the smear under a UV-microscope equipped with a HBO mercury vapor light source and a suitable filter pack for FITC excitation. To ensure the validity of the results, compare

the reactions with homologous and non-homologous strains of rhizobia.

The intensity of the fluorescence decreases with the higher dilutions of the applied FA. Grade each smear for the

intensity of the fluorescence using the following scale:



4+ 3+ 2+ 1+ 0

Brilliant yellow-green Bright yellow-green Yellow-green Dull-green No fluorescence

Ideally, FAs should show a 4+ reaction even after they have been diluted by several twofold steps. conjugations yield only FA of 3+ rating. before use. Occasionally, FITC The FA are diluted

The highest dilution which still results in an

intensity of fluorescence comparable to the undiluted FA is used for strain identification. The non-homologous reaction Strains

should show no more than background fluorescence.

which cross react may show from 4+ down to 1+ reactions.


Typing nodules using the FA technique

(Key step 8)

The soybean plants (inoculated with pure TAL 379 str, pure TAL 378 spc, and a mixture of TAL 379 str + TAL 378 spc) which had been harvested in Exercise 10 and stored in the refrigerator will be used in this exercise.

Select the nodules that resulted from the mixed inoculum treatment. (TAL 379 str and TAL 378 spc). Each nodule has to

be reacted with the FA of the two component strains of the mixed inoculum. blotted dry. The nodules should be cleaned with water and

Prepare two templates on microscope slides showing twelve dots evenly spaced representing the location of 12 smears from individual nodules plus two dots for controls of pure Rhizobium cultures. The size of the dots and their spacing

should be as shown in Figure 11.1.

Lay out two clean microscope slides, and using a pencil, code one with TAL 379 str and the other with TAL 378 spc.

Place each slide over one template and apply the nodule smears: Grip a nodule with a blunt tipped forceps, section it

with a scalpel and make a thin smear of the cut surface on the slide marked TAL 379 over the location of the first dot on the template.

Make a duplicate smear with the same nodule at the corresponding location of the other slide marked TAL 378 spc.

Flame the forceps and scalpel.

Take a second nodule and make

similar smears on corresponding positions (n2) on the other


Continue until all twelve positions have been covered Remember to completely burn off adhering

on each slide.

particles from scalpel and forceps before each new nodule. Smears of more nodules can be made on additional slides in the manner described. for controls. Make two smears of the homologous culture

Air dry and heat fix the smears.

With a Pasteur pipette, place a drop of RhITC (rhodamine gel) (Appendix 4) on the smears. This eliminates much of the

background fluorescence normally caused by nodule debris.

Figure 11.1. identification

Scheme of nodule smears for strain by FA.

Before the rhodamine gel dries, add 1 drop of FA solution and allow to react in a moisture-saturated chamber at room


Incubate, rinse, wash, and dry the slides

following the same procedures as described for the determination of the FA titer. After the smears have dried,

circle the smears with a fine permanent marker or diamond pen on the reverse side of the slide. locating them under the microscope. This will be helpful in

Add sufficient mounting fluid, approximately 2 drops per slide for 12 or more smears. Place a long (4 cm) coverslip over the Observe the

smears, taking care to exclude air bubbles.

preparations with a UV-microscope under a 40x or 60x objective. Also, observe under a 90x or 100x objective with

oil immersion.

If the microscope is equipped with a phase contrast condenser, first focus on the smear using incandescent light before observing under UV light. This will greatly reduce the fading

of the smear through prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light.

A strong positive reaction is indicated by brilliant yellow green fluorescence of the smear on a dark purple background. No cells will be visible (i.e., no fluorescence) if the specific strain is not present on the smear. A mixed

infection (a nodule containing both TAL 379 str and TAL 378 spc) is obvious when smears from a single nodule fluoresce with the FA-stains of both strains. Compare results from this method with those of the other

method used.



Fractionating serum globulin

Ringstand with three clamps Magnetic stirplate with a 12 mm (0.5 in) stirring bar Centrifuge Refrigerator Balance (for centrifuge tubes) Burette Graduated pipette 10 ml Two 5 ml centrifuge tubes with caps Beaker 250 ml with crushed ice Cold 3.9 M ammonium sulfate solution Saline (0.85% NaCl filtered through 20 m filter) Rabbit antiserum (15 ml)


Purifying serum globulins

Cold-room or large refrigerator Magnetic stirplate, 5-8 cm (2-3 in) stirring bar Three 3 liter flasks or beakers Two 1 ml pipettes; one 10 ml pipette Test tube Dialyzing tubing (20 cm) Surgical gloves Six liters of saline adjusted to pH 8 with NaOH

Filtered saline Merthiolate solution (filtered, 1%) Saturated barium chloride solution Nessler's reagent (optional) Gamma globulins (final precipitate from [a])


Determining the protein content of the dialysate

Spectrophotometer; two cuvettes Eight 15 ml test tubes Test tube rack Pipette (5 ml) two 1 ml pipettes Distilled water Filtered saline Vial for dialysate Bovine serum albumin solution (20 mg ml-1) Dialyzed globulin solution from (b) Biuret reagents


Conjugating the globulins with fluorescent dye

Analytical balance, spatula, weighing paper Magnetic stirplate; 12 mm (0.5 in) stirring bar Ring stand with two clamps pH meter Two 50 ml beakers; parafilm or foil for covering Two 10 ml pipettes, 1 ml pipettes

Merthiolate solution (1% and filtered) Sodium phosphate buffer 0.15 M pH 9 (Appendix 4) Sodium phosphate buffer 0.1 M pH 8 (Appendix 4) Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) (Sigma Chemical Company, P.O. Box 14508, St. Louis, MO. 63178, USA) Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Appendix 4) Sodium hydroxide solution, 0.1 N Rabbit gamma globulin from (c)


Purifying the FA

Suction pump or Aspirator Refrigerator, freezer Centrifuge Balance for centrifuge tubes Two centrifuge tubes with caps Chromatography column (approximately 2.5 cm x 20 cm) Glass wool Pasteur pipette with rubber bulb Erlenmeyer flask, 1 liter with screw cap (or large glass bottle) Glass beaker (50-100 ml) Two liter reservoir for PBS with connecting tubing and plug for column Phosphate buffered saline, 2 liters containing 0.01% Merthiolate Sephadex G 25-150 (or G 25-300) (Sigma Chemical Company)

Distilled Water Carbowax (polyethylene glycol) Dialyzing tubing Membrane filter unit with filter of 0.45 m pore size Screw cap vials for storage of FA FITC conjugate from (d)


Testing the quality of the FA

UV Microscope (instrument with epifluorescence condensor preferable) Transfer loop, flame Microscope slides, cover slips, mounting fluid Incubation chambers Rinsing tank containing PBS; rinsing tank containing distilled water Wash bottle containing PBS, wash bottle containing distilled water Supply of PBS (2 liters) Test tubes, rack Pasteur pipettes, rubber ball Young cultures of B. japonicum strains TAL 378 and TAL 379 FA from (e)


Typing nodules using the FA technique

UV microscope (instrument with epifluorescence condenser preferable) Microscope slides, cover slips (long), mounting fluid, immersion oil Inoculation loop, flame, forceps, scalpel Incubation chambers, rinsing tanks as in (f) Nodules containing TAL 378 spc and TAL 379 str (Chapter 12) Pure cultures of TAL 378 and TAL 379 FA of TAL 379 and TAL 378 (diluted for use) Rhodamine gel (optional)



Rhizobia bearing genetic markers are obtained through a mass selection technique. Bacterial strains contain small numbers

of naturally occurring mutants which are resistant to high concentrations of certain antibiotics. This resistance may be

used for the recognition of rhizobial strains.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3)

Culture rhizobia in YM broth Prepare YMA plates containing antibiotics Spread selected culture(s) onto appropriate antibiotic and non-antibiotic plates

4) 5) 6) 7)

Check for natural resistance Transfer resistant colonies to YMA slants Culture resistant isolates in YM broth Spread broth culture(s) resistant to streptomycin onto plates containing spectinomycin (and vice versa)


Transfer double resistant mutants to YMA slants.


resistance to streptomycin and spectinomycin; streak onto plates containing both antibiotics 9) Confirm retention of symbiotic effectiveness of resistant strain


Culturing selected strains

(Key step 1)

Select strains for the development of antibiotic resistant mutants. Culture the strains in duplicate flasks containing Place on a shaker for 3-7 days according to

50 ml YM broth.

the growth rates of the strains chosen.


Preparing YMA plates containing antibiotics

(Key step 2)

Prepare a stock solution of streptomycin (str) with a concentration of 4 mg ml-1 (Appendix 3). of the stock Filter sterilize 5 ml

through a sterile millipore filter of 0.20 Add the filtrate to 500 ml of YMA (in a 1

micron pore size.

liter Erlenmeyer flask) kept molten in a water bath at 50 C. Mix well, but avoid vigorous shaking to minimize the formation of air bubbles. Return the flasks to the water bath for 10

min to re-equilibrate the temperature and to allow the air bubbles to dissipate from the agar. Pour the plates. These

plates will have streptomycin 40 g ml-1 agar.

Similarly prepare plates containing 250 g ml-1 of spectinomycin (spc) from a stock solution containing 25 mg ml-1 (Appendix 3).

Also prepare YMA plates containing a mixture of both the

antibiotics in the above concentrations for use in the selection of rhizobia with resistance to two antibiotics.

Prepare an equal number of YMA plates without antibiotics. All the plates may be stored under refrigeration.


Selecting spontaneous mutants with resistance to one antibiotic

(Key step 3,4,and 5)

Spread 0.1 ml of each broth culture on plates containing (a) no additives; (b) streptomycin (40 g ml-1); and (c) spectinomycin (250 g ml-1).

The growth rates of rhizobial strains may be retarded in the presence of antibiotics. Prepare to incubate up to 12 days

but check for emerging colonies everyday after day 5.

The plates of treatment (a) which contain no antibiotics should have abundant rhizobial growth.

The plates of treatment (b) and (c) should have very little growth compared with treatment (a). Not more than 30

resistant colonies are expected since the rate of mutation is 1 in 105 to 1 in 107 with most strains of rhizobia.

Pick four colonies each from treatments (b) and (c) and

transfer to separate YMA slants (containing no antibiotics) in culture tubes. at 4 C. Incubate at 25-30 C for 5-9 days, then store

These four isolates must be kept separate till the

end of the selection process.

Confirm the antibiotic resistance of str and spc isolates. Streak the mutants on YMA containing antibiotics and on a control plate containing plain YMA. 5-9 days. Incubate at 25-30 C for


Selecting strains of rhizobia with resistance to two antibiotics

(Key steps 6, 7, and 8)

To develop strains resistant to both streptomycin and spectinomycin, spread a 0.1 ml broth culture of a spc mutant on a plate containing streptomycin (in a similar manner, a str mutant should be spread on YMA containing spectinomycin). Incubate at 25-30 C for 5-9 days.

Check for growth of colonies on the plates containing antibiotics. Again, because of a similar mutation rate as

with resistance to one antibiotic, no more than 30 colonies of spontaneous mutants with double resistance (str spc) are expected.

Transfer four of these colonies to YMA slants (containing no

antibiotics) in culture tubes, incubate, and store. Confirm resistance to both antibiotics by streaking on plates containing both streptomycin (40 g ml-1) and spectinomycin (250 g ml-1) and on control plates of plain YMA. Incubate at

25-30 C and compare growth on antibiotic and control plates.

Streptomycin, spectinomycin and streptomycin-spectinomycin resistant strains usually retain their N2-fixing capability. Mutant strains should be compared with their parent strain in a symbiotic effectiveness test as described in Chapter 20 prior to use in ecological experiments. To be useful, mutant

strains should not show significant differences in N2-fixation from the parent strain.



Culturing selected strains

Transfer hood, incubator and shaker Bunsen burner Inoculation loop Two flasks, 150 ml, containing 30 ml YM broth each Culture of rhizobia


Preparing YMA plates containing antibiotics

Filled water bath adjusted to 50 C Suction pump or aspirator with moisture trap Two sterile filter sterilizing units with sterile millipore filter (0.20 micron) Three 10 ml pipettes Wash bottle with distilled water Stock solution of streptomycin (4 mg ml-1) Stock solution of spectinomycin (250 mg ml-1) Sterile molten YMA, 3 l, in three 2 l or six 10 l Erlenmeyer flasks Petri dishes, sterile


Selecting spontaneous mutants with resistance to one antibiotic

Incubator, bunsen burner, transfer loop, small beaker of alcohol YMA plates containing streptomycin (40 g ml-1) YMA plates containing spectinomycin (250 g ml-1) YMA plates Spreading stick Broth culture Six YMA slants in culture tubes Graduated pipette, 1 ml


Selecting strains of rhizobia with multiple antibiotic resistance

Transfer or laminar flow hood, tools and incubator as in (c) Antibiotic stock solutions and YMA plates as in (c) Six YMA slants Mutant broth inoculum resistant to streptomycin Mutant broth inoculum resistant to spectinomycin Alcohol, spreading stick



Antibiotic resistant marked strains of rhizobia may be identified by their ability to grow on media containing antibiotics. The antibiotic marker technique is applied in

ecological studies where strain identification is not possible by serology due to cross reactions of the strains, or because of unavailability of antisera. Antibiotic markers also

provide useful confirmatory data.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3)

Set aside inoculated soybean plants (from Exercise 8) Prepare antibiotic plates for nodule typing Harvest soybean plants; clean, trim, and sterilize roots; type nodules

4) 5)

Read results Compare results to those obtained by the serological methods (Exercise 9 and 10)


Culturing plants inoculated with antibiotic resistant marked strain(s) of Rhizobium

(Key step 1)

Soybean plants which have been set up for Exercise 8 will also be used in this exercise. They have been inoculated

separately with TAL 379 str, TAL 378 spc, and a mixture of TAL 379 str and TAL 378 spc.

Obtain the viable cell counts of the inocula as determined in Exercise 4.


Preparing YMA containing antibiotics for nodule typing

(Key step 2)

Prepare plates containing: a) streptomycin (40 g ml-1 YMA); b) spectinomycin (250 g ml-1 YMA); and c) plain YMA as in Exercise 12.

Draw a grid pattern on the bottom of each plate.


approximately 20 squares, each of which can be individually identified by letter and number (Figure 13.1). Squares with

identical number and letter combinations on each of the three plates are meant to correspond to the same nodule.


Typing nodules using antibiotic resistant markers.

(Key step 3)

Harvest one of each inoculation treatment from Leonard jars, saved from Exercise 8.

Figure 13.1. identification

Plate with grid pattern for nodule by antibiotic resistance.

Detach and surface sterilize nodules as in Exercise 1.

Pick up one nodule with a pair of sterile, blunt-tipped forceps. While holding the nodule between the tips of the

forceps, apply just enough pressure until the milky nodule content emerges. Spread this nodule material within its

allotted square of the grid pattern on each plate.

Inoculate the plain YMA plate last to check for sufficiency of nodule inoculum. Process at least 20 nodules from each Flame forceps thoroughly between

replication in this way. fresh nodules.

Alternatively, sterile toothpicks or pins may be used to

transfer bacteroids from the nodules to the plates. method is especially useful for smaller nodules.


In another method, all non-nodulated excess root material is trimmed off with a pair of scissors and discarded. The

trimmed nodulated part of the root is then sterilized and placed onto sterile filter paper in a sterile Petri dish. A

sketch is made of the nodulated root system on a record sheet and the nodules assigned reference numbers. The nodules are

then detached with sterile forceps, one at a time, and processed as described above, starting with the first nodule on the upper part of the root. In this way it is possible to

identify not only which nodules on the plants were formed by the introduced, marked strain but also the specific location and distribution of those nodules in the root system.

Incubate the plates at 25-30 C and make daily observations. Some contaminants (bacteria & fungi) may be resistant to the levels of spc and str used. Therefore, if the nodules have

not been properly surface sterilized, these contaminants may appear on the plates earlier than the rhizobia.


Interpreting the growth patterns

(Key steps 4 and 5)

Five to 8 days after inoculation, inspect the plates for signs of growth. Since corresponding squares on the three different

plates have been inoculated with bacteroids from the same nodule, it should now be possible to determine which strain or strains occupied the nodule by the presence and absence of growth (Figure 13.2).

Compare the results from this exercise with those obtained in the identification by the agglutination method (Exercise 8) and the gel immunodiffusion method (Exercise 9).

Figure 13.2.

Interpreting growth patterns on antibiotic Plates.



Culturing plants with antibiotic resistant marked strains of B. japonicum.

Leonard jar with 2 soybean plants inoculated with TAL 379 str Leonard jar with 2 soybean plants inoculated with TAL 378 spc Leonard jar with 2 soybean plants inoculated with a mixture of TAL 379 str and TAL 378 spc


Preparing YMA containing antibiotics for nodule typing (Exercise 12)

Plates containing YMA + streptomycin (40 g ml-1) Plates containing YMA + spectinomycin (250 g ml-1) YMA plates Felt pen with permanent ink, ruler


Typing nodules through the use of antibiotic resistant strains of B. japonicum

Incubator (25-30 C) Requirements for sterilizing nodules (Appendix 10) Soybean plants listed in (a) Running water

Scissors, forceps (2) Plates prepared in (b) Optional: sterile toothpicks or pins


Interpreting the growth patterns

Inoculated plates from (c)



Bacteriophages of rhizobia (rhizobiophages) are isolated from the soil and used for identifying rhizobia. Strains of The

rhizobia vary in their resistance to rhizobiophages. different patterns of susceptibility which result from exposure to a range of phages are used for strain identification.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3)

Collect soil samples from various soybean fields Inoculate YM broth with TAL 379 Inoculate broth cultures of TAL 379 with soil from soybean fields

4) 5) 6) 7)

Filter broth cultures Enrich phage suspensions by filtration Assay filtrates for phage concentrations Inoculate YM broth with rhizobial strains (A to F) to be typed

8) 9)

Spread-plate rhizobial suspensions and spot phages Inspect plates for phage forming units (PFUs) and tabulate results

(a) Isolating bacteriophages

(Key steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) Collect soil samples from sites where soybeans are growing or have been grown. individual plants. possible, nodules. Obtain the soil from the rhizosphere of Include some root material and, if Collect samples from eight locations. Mix

each soil thoroughly and store the samples at 4 C until use.

Sixteen 250 ml flasks, each containing 100 ml sterile YM broth, are required for each soil sample. Inoculate the

flasks with B. japonicum strain of choice (eg. TAL 379) in batches of four, with a lag period of 1 day between each batch. This will provide cultures in the exponential growth Incubate

phase when needed for subsequent phage inoculation. cultures on a rotary shaker at 25o-30oC.

When the first batch of cultures has reached its exponential phase of growth (2-4 days after inoculation), add 1 gram of soil to each flask of batch one. Make sure that each flask is Incubate for

inoculated with soil from a different location. 18-20 h at 25-30 C.

Remove cells and soil by centrifugation (10,000 x g for 15 min) and filter the supernatant through a sterilized membrane filter (0.20 m). This filtrate contains the rhizobiophages Add 10 ml

which are small enough to pass through the filter.

of each filtrate to a fresh culture (second batch) of the same strain of rhizobia, incubate on a shaker for 18-20 h and again

centrifuge and filter.

Repeat this procedure two more times,

making certain that the filtrate is matched to the corresponding culture.

The turbidity in the bacterial cultures should diminish noticeably 8-10 h after the addition of the phage filtrate. The last filtrate is the phage suspension and should contain 106-109 phage particles. Dispense the filtrate into 20 ml

tubes, add four drops of chloroform and store in the refrigerator at 4 C.


Assaying for phage by the overlay method

(Key step 6)

Make tenfold serial dilutions of the phage filtrates in phosphate buffered saline (PBS at pH 7.1, Appendix 5). Add

0.1 ml of each dilution to tubes containing 2.5 ml melted YMA kept at 50 C in a water bath. Stir in 0.5 ml of a fresh

culture of TAL 379 and immediately pour the YMA mixture over plates of MNA and distribute evenly. Prepare controls with

only PBS and TAL 379 (no phage) added to agar and poured over YMA plates. Allow plates to stand for 10-15 min. Incubate

inverted plates for 24-72 h and look for plaques (small clear zones). Count the plaques per plate. To calculate the number

of Plaque Forming Units (PFU) in 1 ml of the original filtrate, multiply the number of plaques per plate by 10 and by the dilution factor. If 20 plaques were counted on a plate

containing a 10-5 dilution, the number of PFUs is 20 x 10 x 105 = 2 x 107 PFU/ml.


Characterizing rhizobia using phages

(Key steps 7, 8, and 9)

Because of the specificity of bacteriophages for their bacterial hosts, each strain of bacterium exhibits a unique pattern of susceptibility against a large number of different bacteriophages. This unique pattern can be used to identify

(phage-type) the organisms of interest.

Select several strains of B. japonicum and distinguish between them by their susceptibility to a range of phages. Incubate

each strain in duplicate flasks of 50 ml MN broth at 25-30 C. Include strains of B. japonicum TAL 379 and TAL 378.

After 5-9 days incubation, spread 0.1 ml of each of the cultures to be typed over a separate MNA plate with a sterile glass spreader. Spot the surface of the bacterial lawn with a The

small loopful of each of the collected phage suspensions. location of the spots should be marked on the back of the plates.

Allow the plates to stand for 10-15 min, invert and

incubate for 24-48 h.

Inspect the plates for a clear zone where each of the phages was spotted. Record presence (+) or absence (-) of plaques in

a table similar to the example in Table 14.1.

The susceptibility of a rhizobial strain to a range of phages can be regarded as its "fingerprint," enabling it to be recognized in ecological investigations.

Table 14.1. by

An example of results of Rhizobium identification phage typing. Strains of Rhizobium

Phage Isolate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A +

D +

E +

TAL379 + + +

+ + + + +

+ + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + +

+ + + +

*A, B, C, D, E and F are B. japonicum isolates from nodules of soybean



Isolating bacteriophages

Refrigerator, rotary shaker, centrifuge balance Desiccator, centrifuge tubes (50 ml), rack, pipettes (10 ml) Membrane filter units, sterile with Millipore filters of 0.20 m pore size Soil samples (from four locations where inoculated soybeans are/were grown) Digging tools, plastic bags Erlenmeyer flasks, 150 ml, containing 50 ml MN broth each Transfer loop, flame Chloroform solution (1%) Slant culture of B. japonicum (TAL 379)


Assaying for phage by the overlay method

Incubator, water bath, rotary shaker PBS (pH 7.1) Pipettes, 1 ml Tubes containing 2.5 ml liquid YMA (50 C) Plates of MNA Phage filtrates from (a) Broth cultures of TAL 379


Characterizing rhizobia using phages

Inoculation loop, flame Pipettes (1 ml) Spreaders Erlenmeyer flasks of 125 ml containing 50 ml MNA MNA plates Slant cultures of a range of B. japonicum strains including strain B. japonicum strain TAL 379) Phage isolates from (a) as well as others if available.


Berger, J.A., S.N. May, L.R. Berger, and B.B. Bohlool. 1979. Colorimetric enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the identification of strains of Rhizobium in culture and in the nodules of lentils. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 37:742-746.

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Brockwell, J., E.A. Schwinghamer, and R.A. Gault. 1977. Ecological studies of root-nodule bacteria introduced into field environments. V. A critical examination of antigenic and streptomycin-resistance markers for identification of strains of Rhizobium trifolii. Soil. Biol. Biochem. 9:19-24.

Bushby, H.V.A. 1982. Direct quantitative recovery of Rhizobium from soil and rhizospheres. In J.M. Vincent (ed.). Nitrogen Fixation in Legumes. Academic Press, Sydney. p 59-67.

Franco, A.A. and J.M. Vincent. 1976. Competition amongst rhizobial strains for the colonization and nodulation of two tropical legumes. Plant Soil. 45:27-48.

Geogala, D.L. and Margery Boothroyd. 1968. Immunofluorescence--A useful technique for microbial identification. In B.M. Gibbs and D.A. Shapton (eds.). Identification Methods for Microbiologists. The Soc. for Appl. Bacteriol., Technical Series No. 2. p 187-195.

Goldman, M. 1968. Fluorescent antibody methods. Academic Press (New York and London).

Gollobin, Glenn S. and Richard A. Levin. 1974. Streptomycin resistance in Rhizobium japonicum. Arch. Microbiol. 101:83-90.

Gornall, A.G., D.J. Bardawell, and H.M. David. 1949. Determination of serum protein by means of the biuret reaction. J. Biol. Chem. 177:751-766.

Graham, P.H. 1963. Antigenic affinities of the root nodule bacteria of legumes. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek J. Microbiol. Serol. 29:281-291.

Hagedorn, C. 1979. Relationship of antibiotic resistance to effectiveness in Rhizobium trifolii populations. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 43:921-925.

Hubbell, D.H. 1970. Studies on the root hair 'curling factor' of Rhizobium. Botan. Gaz. 113:337-343.

Johnston, A.W.B. and J.E. Beringer. 1976. Mixed inoculations with effective and ineffective strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum. J. Appl. Bact. 40:375-380.

Jones, D.G. and P.E. Russell. 1972. The application of immunofluorescence techniques to host plant/nodule bacteria selectivity experiments using Trifolium repens. Soil Biol. Biochem. 4:277-282.

Josey, D.P., J.L. Beynon, A.W.B. Johnston, and J.E. Beringer. 1979. Strain identification in Rhizobium using intrinsic antibiotic resistance. J. Appl. Bact. 46:343-350.

Kawamura, A. 1969. Fluorescent antibody techniques and their applications. Univ. of Tokyo Press, Tokyo; Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, Maryland.

Lennette, E.H., E.H. Spaulding, and J.P. Truant. 1974. Manual of clinical microbiology. Am. Soc. for Microbiol., Washington.

Materon, L.A. and C. Hagedorn. 1982. Nodulation of crimson clover by introduced rhizobia in Mississippi Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46:553-556.

Obaton, M. 1973. The use of spontaneous antibiotic resistant mutants for the ecological study of Rhizobium. Bull. Ecol.

Res. Comm. (Stockholm). 17:170-171.

Parker, C.A. and P.L. Grove. 1970. The rapid serological identification of rhizobia in small nodules. J. Appl. Bactiol. 33:248-252.

Russell, P.E. and D. Gareth-Jones. 1975. Immunofluorescence studies of selection of strains of R. trifolii by S184 White clover (T. repens L.) Plant and Soil. 42:119-129.

Sadowsky, M.J., B.B. Bohlool, and H.H. Keyser. 1987. Serological relatedness of Rhizobium fredii to other rhizobia and the bradyrhizobia. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 5:1785-1789.

Schwinghamer, E.A. 1964. Association between antibiotic resistance and ineffectiveness in mutant strains of Rhizobium spp. Can. J. Microbiol. 10:221-233.

Schwinghamer, E.A. 1967. Effectiveness of Rhizobium as modified by mutation for resistance to antibiotics. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. J. Microbiol. Serol. 33:121-136.

Skrdleta, V. 1969. Serological analysis of eleven strains of Rhizobium japonicum. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 35:77-83.

Trinick, M.J. 1969. Identification of legume nodule bacteroids by the fluorescent antibody reaction. J. Appl. Bact.


Vincent, J.M. 1982. The basic serology of rhizobia. In J.M. Vincent (ed.). Nitrogen Fixation in Legumes. Academic Press (Sydney). p 13-26.

Wilson, M.H.M., B.A. Humphrey, and J.M. Vincent. 1975. Loss of agglutinating specificity in stock cultures of Rhizobium meliloti. Arch. Microbiol. 103:151-154.

Yao, P.Y. and J.M. Vincent. 1969. Host specificity in the root hair `curling factor' of Rhizobium spp. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 22:413-423.

Yao, P.Y. and J.M. Vincent. 1976. Factors responsible for the curling and branching of clover root hairs by Rhizobium. Plant and Soil. 45:1-16.



After rhizobial strains have been isolated from nodules, they must be evaluated for their ability to form nodules and fix nitrogen with targeted legumes. The source of rhizobial

strains for a strain selection program can range from local isolates, to strains already tested in other parts of the region or country, to cultures from various overseas collections. Preliminary screening is performed in the

greenhouse, where numerous strains can be tested on several host varieties. If the inoculated plants form nodules and

produce healthy green leaves when grown in nitrogen-free media, it can be assumed that an effective symbiosis has been established. Rhizobia selected in greenhouse trials, where

conditions are usually optimal, must then be evaluated in the field. Rhizobia which adapt to the agronomic conditions under

which the host legumes will be cultivated and which enhance crop production through nitrogen fixation can then be selected for inoculant production.

The legume-rhizobial symbiosis exhibits widely differing degrees of specificity. In some instances, the symbiosis is

highly specific in that a particular species or strain of Rhizobium or Bradyrhizobium can form an effective symbiotic association with only one particular legume species or


The temperate legumes Trifolium, Cicer, Phaseolus,

Medicago and tropical species like Glycine max, Leucaena, and Lotononis are in this category. There are also intermediate

cases which exhibit varying degrees of cross-inoculation capability as in Centrosema, Phaseolus acutifolius, P. lunatus, some Desmodium spp. and Acacia spp. At the opposite

extreme are the promiscuous associations, in which diverse legumes may be infected by one or more of several rhizobia. This condition is more prevalent in the tropical legumes than in the temperate species. Because the earlier studies of

symbiotic nitrogen fixation were initiated in temperate regions, the taxonomy of the genera Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium were based on a host-dependent classification system which emphasizes temperate associations (see Section A). A large number of tropical rhizobia which form symbiotic

associations with Vigna, Macroptilium, Arachis, Cajanus, Lablab, and other genera of legumes are simply labelled as the "cowpea miscellany" or Bradyrhizobium spp.

In some cases it is desirable to select a strain for a wide range of hosts. An example would be the Bradyrhizobium sp.

(CB756; TAL 309) isolated from the nodule of Macrotyloma africanum. This strain effectively nodulates approximately 40 This `broad-spectrum

of the promiscuous tropical legumes.

strain' characteristic would be advantageous if this superior strain of Bradyrhizobium sp. were to be introduced to locations where those diverse legumes are to be grown. In a

different situation, it might be advisable to work with a very specific symbiosis to ensure infection by a particular inoculant strain that competes with native soil rhizobia. to these and other considerations, characterizing rhizobial associations is of utmost importance when a legume cultivar is being developed through breeding or when a legume is being introduced into a new environment. Due

Field evaluation of effective rhizobia is critical because the symbiosis may be affected by a number of environmental factors discussed earlier. The ability of an inoculant strain to

persist in a particular environment, while in some cases competing against a resident soil population of rhizobia, is of critical importance. A combination of the above factors

should be anticipated in the selection process to ensure good performance at different geographical locations. The task of

introducing superior strains into soils that are already inhabited by effective rhizobia is difficult, and evaluation methods are an important key to success.

Final evaluation of the symbiosis will be based on several measurable parameters. Short term trials with Leonard jars or

sterile sand culture pots can provide an adequate basis for gross comparison of strains. The shoot dry weight of plants

harvested at floral initiation or after significant plant biomass accumulation is the generally accepted criterion for nitrogen-fixing effectiveness, but nodule dry weight may also

be employed.

Nodule number is a less reliable indicator of The measurement of activity in the

strain effectiveness.

nodules by the nitrogen-fixing enzyme, nitrogenase, may also be done. This is accomplished by means of the acetylene

reduction assay, which is a measure of ethylene production and indicates nitrogenase activity. However, the results of this

assay should not be used to conclude on the actual amounts of nitrogen fixed. This assay requires the availability of a gas

chromatograph and other rather sophisticated equipment and materials. Total nitrogen accumulation in the shoot can be Since total nitrogen content

measured by the Kjeldahl method.

and nodule dry weight frequently correlate well with shoot dry weight, the latter parameter provides an acceptable basis for strain comparison. The final proof of inoculation response

must come from the field when the seed and nitrogen yields at harvest are determined for grain legumes or from the dry matter production for forage legumes.



Specificity and promiscuity in the symbioses are studied in cross-inoculation experiments. The specific requirements of

certain legumes for particular rhizobia are demonstrated.

Key steps/objectives:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Culture strains of rhizobia Prepare seedling-agar tubes and Leonard jars Prepare water-agar plates Select, surface sterilize, and germinate seeds Plant pregerminated seeds in seedling-agar tubes and Leonard jars

6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Thin seedlings in Leonard jars Inoculate seedlings in Leonard jars and tubes Make periodic observations of nodulation Harvest after 5 weeks Evaluate results


Culturing strains of rhizobia

(Key step 1)

Culture each of the Rhizobium spp. and Bradyrhizobium spp. listed in Table 15.1 in 100 ml of YM broth in 250 ml

Erlenmeyer flasks. (b) Preparing seedling-agar tubes and Leonard jars

(Key step 2)

Prepare 54 seedling-agar slants in 22 x 250 mm tubes.


composition of the seedling-agar is detailed in Appendix 3 and its preparation in Appendix 7. A simple set-up for dispensing

the melted agar into the tubes is illustrated in Appendix 7 (Figure A.9).

Set up 108 Leonard jars as explained in Appendix 11. Nitrogen-free nutrient solution for use in Leonard jars is of similar composition as that used for making seedling-agar.

Table 15.1.

Strains of Rhizobium and hosts according to

cross-inoculation groups TAL No. 169 169 182 379 380 382 1145 620 634 Rhizobial species Bradyrhizobium sp. B. sp. R.l. bv. phaseoli B. japonicum R. meliloti R.l. bv. trifolii R. sp. (Leucaena) R. sp. (Cicer arietinum) R.l. bv. viceae Host legume Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro) Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) Phaseolus vulgaris (bean) Glycine max (soybean) Medicago spp. (alfalfa, sweet clover) Trifolium spp. (clover) Leucaena sp. C. arietinum (chickpea) Lens culinaris (lentil)

Each treatment (rhizobial species-legume host combination and controls) in this exercise will be done in duplicate. Refer

to Table 15.2 for the treatments and the various combinations to test genetic compatibility between rhizobia and legumes.


Preparing germination plates

(Key step 3)

Make 300 ml of 0.75% (w/v) water-agar in a 500 ml flask and sterilize. Pour 25 ml of melted water-agar into 12 or more Surface sterilized seeds will

Petri dishes and allow to cool. be pregerminated in these plates.


Surface sterilizing seeds

(Key step 4)

Check percentage germination of each legume species in advance of experiment. Batches of seeds with more than 70% viability Select undamaged seeds for uniformity in Surface sterilize enough seeds (at least 200

will be suitable. size and color.

of each species) to give at least 100 germinated seeds.

Surface sterilize the seeds (Appendix 10) by immersion in a 3% sodium hypochlorite solution for 3-5 min. (To prepare 3% sodium hypochlorite solution, add 10 parts of commercial

bleach [5.25% sodium hypochlorite] to 7.5 parts of water.)

Hard seed-coated species (e.g., leucaena, siratro) are scarified and sterilized simultaneously by immersion for 10 min in concentrated sulfuric acid. prior to rinsing with sterile water. Drain off all excess acid (If acid is used, the

first rinse should be done quickly to prevent loss of viability of the seeds caused by the heat generated when water is added to the acid.)

Rinse seeds with six to eight changes of sterile water after surface sterilization. Allow the seeds to imbibe water by Transfer the seeds

soaking for 1 h and then rinse twice.

aseptically to agar plates with a spoon-shaped spatula.

Each batch of 100 seeds should be dispensed evenly in two or more (depending on seed size) water-agar plates and incubated at 25-30 C. (The large-seeded species, e.g., Phaseolus and Invert the plates

Cicer may need more water-agar plates.)

containing the small-seeded species to provide straight radicles that are much easier to handle in later steps of the exercise.


Planting and inoculating

(Key steps 5, 6, and 7)

Soybean, cowpea, bean, chickpea, lentil, and leucaena seeds

will be planted in Leonard jars.

Make three well-spaced holes

in the rooting medium to a depth that will accommodate the pregerminated seeds 1 cm below the surface. Pick up well

germinated seeds with sterile forceps and place one seed in each hole with the radicle entering first. (Proper

orientation of the radicle during planting is important to ensure proper emergence of the shoot and establishment of the seedling.) After placement of the seed, inoculate (1 ml per

seed) with the rhizobial culture and cover the hole with the rooting medium. If vermiculite is used as the rooting medium,

autoclaving will cause swelling and loosening of the vermiculite. This leads to poor anchorage of the root.

Therefore, gentle compacting of the vermiculite will be required before planting/sowing of the seeds. Firmness of the

rooting medium can be restored by pressing it down with the bottom (sterilized by flaming) of a 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask.

After planting and inoculation are completed, add sterile gravel over the surface of the rooting medium. for each species. Set up 18 jars

Siratro, clover, and alfalfa will be cultured on agar slants in tubes. Select and plant one seedling on the agar surface.

Observe the usual aseptic precautions, taking care to sterilize the hands with 70% alcohol, flame sterilizing the inoculating loop and mouth of the tube etc. when transferring the seedling. Using an inoculating loop, pick up the

pregerminated seedlings and transfer them into the tubes. seedling radicles should be 0.5-1.0 cm long and straight.


After planting, tubes should be kept in a slant position for the radicles to adhere to the agar surface for at least 2 h. Dispense 1 ml of culture over the roots of the seedlings in the agar slants. species or strain. Use a fresh pipette for each new rhizobial Aluminum foil wrapped around the lower

part of the tubes will shield the roots from light and heat. Seedling-agar tubes need to be placed in suitable wooden racks and kept in a growth chamber (environmental growth chamber or in a temperature controlled greenhouse) for proper seedling development.

Thin plants in the Leonard jars to two uniform plants per jar after 5 days. Excise the shoot of the unwanted plant Avoid disturbing the rooting

aseptically using scissors. medium during thinning.

To facilitate proper inoculation,

carefully clear (with a sterile glass rod) the rooting medium around the root of the plant, to a depth of 1 cm. Dispense

drops of rhizobial culture (totaling 1 ml) into the cleared area around the root. Dispense 1 ml of rhizobia culture over Use a fresh

the roots of the seedlings in the agar slants. pipette for each strain of rhizobia.

Place the inoculated

jars on the benches in the green house.


Observing periodically and harvesting

(Key steps 8 and 9)

Examine the plants over a period of 5 weeks. growth.

Note color and

Replenish tubes and Leonard jars with sterile water At the end of the fifth week, excise the tops Remove

as required.

and determine their dry weight (dry for 48 h at 70 C).

roots from the jars and tubes and wash them free of rooting medium. Where nodules are present, describe nodule shape,

size, pigmentation, and distribution.


Evaluating the experiment

(Key step 10)

Note cross-inoculation groups as recorded in Table 15.2 and the ineffectiveness and effectiveness of each rhizobial species-legume combination. Effectiveness will be apparent

from the green coloration of the plant and abundant nodules that are red/pink when sliced open.

Table 15.2.

For recording presence (+) or absence (-) of

nodules in each rhizobia/legume combination.








B. japonicum TAL 379 Bradyrhizobium sp. TAL 169 R. l. bv. phaseoli TAL 182 R.l. bv. viceae TAL 634 Rhizobium sp. (leucaena) TAL 1145 Rhizobium sp. (chickpea) TAL 620 R. meliloti TAL 380 R.l. bv. trifolii TAL 382 Uninoculated







Culturing strains of rhizobia

Slant cultures of rhizobia YM broth in flasks


Preparing seedling-agar tubes and Leonard jars

Seedling-agar slants Leonard jars


Preparing media for germination

Agar-powder, Petri dishes, 500 ml flasks Balance


Surface-sterilizing seeds

Seeds of cowpea, bean, soybean, alfalfa, clover, leucaena, siratro, chickpea, and lentils 3% sodium hypochlorite solution or other sterilants (Appendix 10) Concentrated sulfuric acid Sterile water Sterile flasks or beakers Incubator


Planting and inoculating

Pregerminated seeds of the various species Leonard jars Seedling-agar slants, wooden racks, growth chamber Aluminum foil Alcohol, forceps Sterile pipettes (1 ml), cultures of rhizobia


Observing periodically and harvesting

Sterile water Scissors, paper bags or envelopes Drying oven (70 C) Scalpels or razor blades



The nitrogen fixation potential of a number of strains of pure cultures of Bradyrhizobium japonicum in symbiotic association with soybean is compared. The most effective strains in this

exercise will be compared later in potted field soil.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Prepare Leonard jars Culture rhizobia Prepare water-agar plates Sterilize and plate seeds for germination Plant and inoculate seedlings in Leonard jars Observe progress of experiment Harvest experiment Analyze data


Experimental design and treatments

The experiment is set up as a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three blocks or replications (Figure 16.1). There

are 14 inoculation treatments, a plus-nitrogen control with no inoculation, and a non-inoculated control with no nitrogen. The plus-nitrogen control will contain 70 ppm N applied as a

0.05% KNO3 (w/v) solution.

The nitrogen is added to the

nutrient solution in the reservoir of the Leonard jar assembly.


Preparing Leonard jars

(Key step 1)

A total of 48 Leonard jar assemblies will be required. Prepare the jars as explained in Appendix 11.


Culturing the rhizobia

(Key step 2)

Each of the 14 strains of B. japonicum to be evaluated is cultured for 5-7 days prior to planting. Grow the rhizobia in

100 ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 ml of yeast-mannitol broth. rotary shaker for 5-7 days. Incubate these at room temperature (25-30 C) on a


Surface-sterilizing the seeds

(Key step 3 and 4)

Check the germination (percentage viability) of the soybean seeds and surface sterilize a sufficient number of uniform, undamaged seeds to give about 200 germinated seeds. Sterilize

by immersing seeds in 3% sodium hypochlorite solution for 3-5

minutes as described in Appendix 10.

Germinate the seeds by

plating on sterile water- agar (0.75% [w/v]) and incubate at room

Figure 16.1.

An example of a randomized complete block design experiment.

temperature (25-30 C) until the radicles are 0.5 - 1.0 cm long. Avoid overcrowding agar plates with the seeds.

(Contact between seeds in an overcrowded plate increases the risk of cross-contamination from a partially sterilized seed to neighboring seeds. Uncrowded plates [approximately 25-30

seeds] produce more uniform and better germination due to better availability of moisture.)


Planting and inoculating of seeds

(Key step 5 and 6)

Follow the method for planting and inoculating the seeds described in Exercise 15. in each jar. Plant three, well-germinated seeds Label the jars

Plant three jars per treatment.

and indicate block (replicate) assignment.

Group the

treatments according to block assignment and keep them separated.

Remove all Leonard jars of Block I to the growth room (or glasshouse) bench. Block I. Randomize the placement of the jars within

Similarly randomize the placement of the Leonard jars of Block II and Block III.

Make daily observation of the experiment.

Five to ten days Begin by

after planting, thin to two uniform plants per jar. thinning down the controls first.

Excise the shoot of the Bear in mind that

unwanted plant with sterilized scissors.

growing conditions such as temperature and light intensity during this experiment must be in the range to which the species are adapted. Excessive temperatures are particularly

damaging and can severely impair the infection process, nodule development, and nodule function.

Plants may "green-up" gradually at the time that nodules begin to function, delivering fixed nitrogen for plant metabolism. Plants inoculated with ineffective strains of rhizobia, and also the uninoculated controls, will remain yellow (chlorotic) and stunted.


Harvesting the plants

(Key step 7 and 8)

Harvest the plants after 30 days.

To minimize errors during

harvest, the stem should be cut at the point of cotyledon attachment. This point is marked by a scar on the stem. The stem should Place the

These scars are not visible in some species. then be cut at the level of the growth medium. plant shoots in labeled paper bags. 70 C for 2 days.

Dry to constant weight at

Each bag should contain the plant shoots (Paper envelopes may be substituted for

from only one jar.

smaller plants, e.g., Centrosema, Trifolium, Desmodium, etc.)

Roots and adhering rooting medium are dislodged into a coarse sieve. Wash the rooting medium from the roots using a gentle Describe the nodule distribution mentioned

stream of water.

in Appendix 1 (e.g., prolific tap-root nodulation; occasional nodules on lateral roots and distant from the tap-root; large numbers of small nodules; small number of large nodules). Detach the nodules, count them, determine their total fresh weight, and place them in vials or aluminum foil weighing-boats for drying. at 70 C for 2 days. Dry the nodules to constant weight

(Nodule harvest from each Leonard jar

must be treated individually as in the case of the shoots.) Do not pool nodules of the three replicates of any one treatment into a single vial.

Determine dry weight of shoots and of nodules for all treatments.

Perform an analysis of variance on the dry weight data (shoots and nodules) using the method as described in Appendix 17.

Plot the mean shoot weight (Y-axis) against the mean nodule dry weight (X-axis). Determine the correlation coefficient

(r) of the plot and test the significance of r at the 5% and 1% levels of confidence.

Draw the "best" regression line on your plot after determining the regression equation for the regression line.

Shoot weight and nodule weight are usually highly correlated, thus shoot weight is used routinely as an indicator of relative strain effectiveness. Other parameters that are highly correlated with shoot weight are total nitrogen of shoot and nodule dry weight. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) may not easily correlate unless done under very controlled conditions.



Experimental design and treatments

No special requirements


Preparing Leonard jars

48 Leonard jars


Culturing the rhizobia for testing

Agar-slant cultures of B. japonicum Yeast-mannitol broth Shaker


Surface-sterilizing the seeds

Soybean seeds Sodium hypochlorite solution (3%) or commercial bleach (Chlorox) Water agar plates Incubator


Planting and inoculating of seeds

Broth cultures of B. japonicum from (c)

Pregerminated seeds Sterile pipettes (1 ml) or Pasteur pipettes Alcohol lamp and matches Forceps, glass rods, and alcohol spray bottle 0.05% KNO3 (w/v) solution Bench space in greenhouse


Harvesting the plants

Scissors, paper envelopes or bags Coarse sieve, vials or aluminum foil weighing boats Drying oven (70 C) Weighing balance



Strains of rhizobia previously screened in Leonard jars are evaluated further in potted field soil. The effectiveness of Infective

mixed and single strain inocula are compared.

native rhizobial populations in field soil are determined.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Culture rhizobia Collect soil from test field Prepare soil, determine pH and total N content Pot the soil Determine water holding ability (field capacity) of soil Apply fertilizer Plant and inoculate surface sterilized seeds Thin seedlings to desired number Inspect for nodulation and perform MPN counts Water and observe plants Harvest plants, examine nodulation Analyze data


Designing the experiment and treatments

The experimental design is a randomized complete block with

three blocks as in Exercise 16.

There are 18 treatments: 15

inoculated (14 single strain inoculations and one treatment receiving a mixed broth inoculum comprising the three best strains selected in Leonard jars from Exercise 16); a plus-N control without inoculation; and two sets of non-inoculated controls. At 2 weeks the extra set of the non-inoculated

controls is removed for inspection for nodulation by native rhizobia. If nodulation is observed in the non-inoculated

controls, initiate MPN counts of the native population using the soil set aside for this purpose. Pots are sown with eight seeds and four plants are maintained for the experiment upon thinning.


Preparing the inoculum

(Key step 1)

All of the 14 cultures of B. japonicum used in Exercise 16 are evaluated in soil. Inoculate each strain into 70 ml of

yeast-mannitol broth contained in 125 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Allow strains to grow for 5-7 days to reach maximum turbidity (approximately 1 x 109 cells ml-1). To prepare the mixed

inoculum, pipette 10 ml of the fully grown broth culture of each of the three best strains into a clean 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Use a fresh pipette for each strain. Mix the contents

thoroughly by swirling.


Choosing the site for collecting soil

The ideal site for soil collection is the one where the field experiment (which follows the pot experiment) is to be conducted. The site soil should be low in nitrogen. The

native rhizobial population should be less than 103 rhizobia per g soil; no previous history of inoculation and cultivation with the intended legume; no water-logging or salinity problems.

In practice, these prerequisites may not be met in the chosen site. This, however, should not deter experimentation with a

particular soil.


Collecting, preparing, and potting field soil

(Key steps 2, 3, and 4)

With a steel spade or other suitable implement, obtain field soil from a depth of 10-15 cm. randomly within a soil type. Soil samples should be taken Collect and transport the soil

(approximately 150 kg) in strong plastic bags to a clean room. Spread large pieces of clean cardboard on the floor and Empty

cover with thick, clean, plastic sheets or tarpaulins.

the bags of soil onto the plastic to pool all the collected soil. Spread the soil and allow it to air dry. Mix the soil

thoroughly and remove debris (e.g., stones, roots, leaves, etc.) Break lumps with a wooden mallet. Sift the soil using

a 5 mm mesh screen.

Take a sample to determine the soil pH

using a pH-meter. pH to 6.0-6.5.

If the soil is acid, add lime to bring the

Mix the soil and lime thoroughly and allow to During the equilibration Use one of the

equilibrate for at least 7 days.

period, cover the soil with a plastic sheet.

methods shown in Appendix 16 to calculate the amount of lime needed to adjust the pH level of the soil.

Obtain strong PVC (polyvinylchloride) pots.

Pots of 15-16 cm

diameter, and 18 cm height with a capacity of just over 3 l and with at least one hole on the bottom, are suitable for potting. Pots should be clean. Plastic bags of suitable size

and thickness will be used as inner liners for the pots. Punch holes (1 cm diameter) in the bottom of the bags to allow for drainage. Position the bags in the pots and fold the open

end of the bag over the rim of the pot.

Pots of the recommended size will hold approximately 2.4-2.7 kg of a soil high in organic matter. Tropical soils with less

organic matter but occupying a similar volume will be heavier. Weigh 2.4 kg of soil in each plastic bag and place (Any coarse balance is suitable for weighing the Gently tamp the

in the pot.

soil, as high precision is not required.) pots on the floor to compact the soil.

Soil in all pots must

be tamped down to occupy nearly the same volume to achieve similar bulk density.

Set aside 250 g of soil in a refrigerator (4 C) for MPN count

of the native rhizobial population following the method described in Exercise 5.


Adjusting moist field soil to field capacity

(Key step 5)

A soil moisture content at field capacity is suitable for most plants. Since the field capacity varies with different soils,

determine the field capacity for the soil under investigation. At sowing and during initial phase of seed germination and seedling establishment, the soil moisture should be maintained at field capacity for better plant performance. Determine the

field capacity of the moist field soil using the simple method described in Appendix 21.


Applying fertilizer

(Key step 6)

The fertility of the soil must be adjusted to optimal levels to obtain good growth of the plants. treatments are recommended. The following fertilizer

Rates per pot have been

calculated on the basis of 2.4 kg-soil per pot.

Phosphorus, P 100 kg P ha-1; applied as 500 kg ha-1 triple super-phosphate (TSP*); 529 mg pot-1 (or 468 mg KH2PO4 pot-1).

Potassium, K 200 kg K ha-1; applied as 382 kg ha-1 KCl; 404.2 mg pot-1 (K2SO4 may also be used) Magnesium, Mg 5 kg Mg ha-1; applied as 50 kg ha-1 MgS04.7H2O; 53.3 mg pot-1 Zinc, Zn 10 kg Zn ha-1; applied as 46.8 kg ha-1 ZnSO4.7H20; 49.5 mg pot-1 Molybdenum, Mo 1.0 kg Mo ha-1; applied as 1.76 kg (NH4)6 Mo7024.H20 ha-1; 1.95 mg pot-1 Nitrogen, N (for N-control pots) 100 kg N ha-1; applied as 222 kg ha-1 urea, CO(NH2)2; 219 mg pot-1 25% of N is applied at planting and the remaining 75% at 3 weeks.

Prepare the fertilizers (except the insoluble triple superphosphate) in the form of solutions and pipette them on to the soil surface and allow to dry. superphosphate. Add the triple

Mix the soil in each pot thoroughly to ensure

uniform distribution of the nutrients (mixing is easily achieved by removing the bag of soil from the pot and massaging).


Planting and inoculating the seeds

(Key steps 7 and 8)

At the planting rate of eight seeds per pot, a total of 24 seeds are needed for each treatment in triplicate. A grand From

total of 408 seeds are needed for all the 17 treatments.

a batch of seeds with good germination, select 500 seeds and surface sterilize as in Appendix 10. seeds to imbibe water for 1 h. Allow the sterilized

Give the seeds a final rinse Inoculate each seed

and plant the seeds at a depth of 2 cm.

with 1 ml of the culture, following the method described in Chapter 19. Label the treatments and assign block numbers.

Water the soil in the pots to field capacity using the data from Step 2. contamination. Add sterilized coarse sand mulch to control

Randomize the pots on the greenhouse bench.

When plants are 5 days old, thin to four uniform plants per pot as described in Exercise 15.


Inspecting non-inoculated control plants for nodulation by native rhizobia

(Key step 9)

When plants are 3 weeks old, remove the extra set of non-inoculated controls to inspect for nodulation by native rhizobia. Carefully remove the plastic bag containing the

plants from the pot and place it in a shallow basin. bag open.

Slit the

With a gentle stream of water wash the roots. Similarly observe the remaining two

Examine for nodulation.

pots set up for inspection.

If nodules are present, make preparations for performing the MPN count of rhizobia in the soil set aside for this purpose in (d). The count may be done in growth-pouches or Leonard

jars following the method described in Exercise 5.

Weigh 100 g of the soil, dilute it in 900 ml of sterile water and prepare a fourfold dilution series ranging from 41 - 410 dilution. Inoculate each dilution in quadruplicate. A

fourfold series gives more precision than a tenfold series, especially for soils when populations are less than 1 x 103 rhizobia per g soil. diluted 1:10. Note that the starting sample has been

More details on the method and calculations are

given in Exercise 5.


Watering the pots and making periodic observation

(Key step 10)

During active growth and fixation, legumes will use a considerable amount of water each day. the pots need to be watered regularly. than once each day if needed. During this period, Water the pots more

Weigh sample pots showing vigorously growing plants to determine the volume of water needed to replace the water lost. If there are large differences in plant growth, pots Measure

should be watered to weight on a pot by pot basis.

out the required volume of water in a measuring cylinder and pour into the pot without excessively disturbing the soil. Keep plants well watered and make growth observations periodically as in Exercise 15. (j) Harvesting the experiment (Key steps 11 and 12)

Harvest the plants at 35 days. and nodules for all treatments. Exercise 15.

Determine dry weight of shoots Analyze yield data as in



Designing the experiment and treatments

No special requirements


Preparing the inoculum

Transfer chamber Agar slant cultures of rhizobia Yeast-mannitol broth Shaker Erlenmeyer flasks Pipettes


Choosing the site for collecting soil

Soil analysis data


Collecting, preparing, and potting field soil

Steel spade Strong plastic bags, plastic sheets, cardboard Wooden mallet 1 cm mesh screen pH meter Lime (CaCO3)

PVC pots and plastic bags (inner liners for pots) Balance for weighing potted soil


Adjusting moist field soil to field capacity

Determine field capacity (Appendix 21)


Applying fertilizer

Weighing balance Triple superphosphate, potassium chloride, zinc sulfate, ammonium molybdate, urea, lime, magnesium sulfate, potassium phosphate Pipettes (1 ml and 10 ml)


Planting and inoculating seeds

Seeds, sodium hypochlorite solution (3%), sterile water Sterile empty beakers Sterile pipettes, forceps, marker pens Balance, water Scissors, alcohol lamp, matches


Inspecting non-inoculated control plants for nodulation by native rhizobia

Tap water, scissors, shallow basin



Strains of rhizobia, previously selected in potted field soil, are evaluated in the field environment so as to further identify the most effective strains for inoculant production. The effectiveness of a multi-strain inoculant is compared with single-strain inoculants.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Select rhizobial strains and prepare the inoculants Prepare the field and apply fertilizers Inoculate the seeds and plant Determine the number of rhizobia on the inoculated seeds Inspect the field and weed as necessary Harvest at 50% flowering (early harvest) Harvest for grain yield (final harvest) Analyze the data


Setting up the experiment

Set up the experiment as a randomized complete block with four replications (Fig. 18.1). Set up eight treatments; six

inoculated (five single-strain and one multi-strain); a

plus-nitrogen; and non-inoculated control without nitrogen.

Field Dimensions: A field area of 360 m2 (24 m x 15 m) is required. Make rows 7.5 m in length and 0.5 m apart. Each

treatment plot is flanked by an uninoculated guard (border) row along each side, with two center harvest rows (see Figure 18.2). The area of each plot is 11.25 m2 (0.001125 ha). The

area harvested for grain yield is 3.75 m2.

Figure 18.1.

Field layout and dimensions.

Choice of rhizobial strains: Use five of the best strains, according to their order of ranking in Exercise 17. From this

group select three serologically distinct strains for the preparation of the multi-strain inoculant for use in this exercise and later in Exercise 19.

Figure 18.2.

Field layout and dimensions.


Selecting rhizobia for the experiment

(Key step 1)

Serologically distinct and/or antibiotic resistant labeled rhizobia may be selected using methods described in Section B.

If selection of serologically distinct strains is not possible (because of cross-reactions amongst the strains chosen), a multi-strain inoculant can still be prepared but may not be

suitable for studying aspects of strain ecology (competition, persistence, etc.) in the soil by serological methods. Antibiotic labeling offers an alternative to the use of serologically distinct strains. However, the antibiotic

labeling method is suggested as more reliable only when each of the component strains in the multi-strain inoculant has double antibiotic resistance labels. also be used but with caution. Single-label strains may

Since three strains are used in the multi-strain inoculant, the process of labeling (multilabeling) and identification of the strains may become too involved, especially when more antibiotics are needed in the development of the resistant strains. Moreover, the labeled strains need to be confirmed

for retention of symbiotic effectiveness (Leonard jar screening, Exercise 16) when compared with the parent strains prior to their use in the inoculants.


Preparing inoculants

(Key step 1)

In this experiment, inoculate the seeds (except controls) with peat cultures.

Prepare the peat inoculants of the five strains following procedures described in Exercise 21 using gamma-irradiated or autoclaved peat. In preparing the multi-strain inoculant,

grow the 3 chosen strains of rhizobia separately.


mix equal volumes of each strain in a sterile Erlenmeyer flask. Use this mixture to inoculate the peat.

Prepare the inoculants in advance of the experiment and allow them to mature for at least 2 weeks at 25-30 C. Determine and

record the quality of each inoculant (number of viable rhizobia per g peat) by plate counts (Chapter 5 or 6). After

the 2 weeks of curing, the inoculants may be stored up to 4 weeks in a refrigerator (4 C).


Preparing seeds for inoculation and planting

(Key steps 3 and 4)

A planting distance of 3.7 cm between seeds is optimal for good soybean yields. Based on this planting distance, Since there

approximately 203 seeds are needed per 7.5 m row.

are two inoculated rows per plot and four replications, a total of 1624 seeds will be needed for each inoculated treatment. Count or weigh 2000 seeds for each treatment to

make allowances for losses and for samples to be taken for determining the number of rhizobia per seed at planting. seed numbers should be converted to weight measures for convenience. Weigh out the seeds for each treatment in clean The

plastic bags and label accordingly.

For soybean, 10 g of peat-based inoculant and 3.0 ml of gum

arabic for 100 g of seed are recommended for experiments. Inoculate the seeds as described in Exercise 23.

Inoculate the seeds just before planting.

Keep the seeds in

their plastic bags and in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

Set aside 20 seeds of each inoculated treatment and with minimum delay determine the number of rhizobia per seed (inoculation rate) as described in Exercise 23.


Preparing the field

(Key step 2)

Conduct the experiment in the field site from where soil was previously collected for Exercise 17. Drive posts into the

soil at the four corners of the field to indicate the boundary of the experimental site. Clear and remove all surface Plow the field

vegetation and treat the field with herbicide.

after sufficient time has been given for the herbicide to take effect in killing the weeds. and other forms of debris. Remove large rocks, plant roots, Till the soil to break up lumps Alternatively, the This will minimize

and prepare a smooth, firm seed bed. sowing may be done without plowing.

disturbance to the soil and release of soil nitrogen.

Mark the plots and designate treatments for the different

plots (Treatment should be randomized in advance of planting and recorded.)


Controlling cross-contamination by modifying irrigation methods

(Key step 2)

Rhizobia are soil bacteria and are easily spread when soil borne or in soil suspension. Surface overflow resulting from

heavy rains and the flood-irrigation method may cause serious cross-contamination. In this particular exercise, where

several different strains of rhizobia are tested, the methods of irrigating the field may be modified to control heavy cross-contamination.

Surface overflow resulting from heavy rains and the floodirrigation method may cause serious cross-contamination.

Cross-contamination from rainwash may be controlled by the preparation of elevated seed beds (bunds). This method will

result in the creation of shallow ditches between the seed beds (rows). Alternately, an elevated plot with a surrounding Elevated

ditch would be suitable for areas of heavy rains.

plots may be preferred over elevated rows, as the latter are more susceptible to erosion. Rain water can be efficiently

drained away during heavy rains if the rows are prepared so as to follow the general inclination of the slope if the slope is

not too great.

In locations of very low rainfall where irrigation water is obtained from canals or rivers, flood irrigation is frequently practiced (Egypt, Sudan, etc.). In this situation, ditches

between rows are preferred as they deliver water more efficiently to the roots of plants growing on elevated rows than to rows of plants on an elevated plot. However, if plots

are not elevated, irrigation by flooding the entire surface of the plot may be done. This would require the construction of

an elevated bund around each treatment plot to prevent water flow from one plot to neighboring plots. Water must be

controlled to flow only from the main stream into the plot. Backflow into the mainstream must be prevented. Successive

irrigation by channeling water from one plot to neighboring plots must be prevented.

Sprinkler and drip-irrigation methods may be used if these are available.


Applying fertilizer

(Key step 2)

Fertilize the field soil to optimize conditions for growth. Follow levels of fertility as recommended for the potted soils (Exercise 17).

Lime the soil to pH 6.0-6.5.

The quantity of lime may vary

from 500-10,000 kg ha-1 (depending on the soil and its initial pH) to bring about appreciable changes in the soil pH. the lime 2 weeks prior to the application of the other fertilizers. Use the lime requirement data from Appendix 16. Apply

To facilitate the application of the fertilizers, each of the four blocks is fertilized individually by broadcasting. The

rates per block (90 m2) are as follows: triple superphosphate, 4.5 kg; potassium chloride, 3.44 kg; zinc sulphate, 0.42 kg; ammonium molybdate, 0.016 kg; magnesium sulfate 0.45 kg.

Weigh out the fertilizer quantities in containers (plastic bags or buckets) of adequate size and apply by broadcasting. The smaller quantities, for example, zinc sulphate, ammonium molybdate and magnesium sulfate, may be mixed with an inert carrier (e.g., sand) and broadcasted or sprayed on. Do not

apply the urea with the other fertilizers as this is applied at planting only to the plus-N controls. fertilizers soon after application. Till in the

The field is ready for planting one day after the application of the fertilizers.


Planting the experiment

(Key step 3)

Make furrows 7.5 m long, 0.5 m apart, and four per plot and 3-3.5 cm in depth. Make furrows for only a few plots at a

time so that open furrows are not subjected to drying out from prolonged exposure in the sun.

Irrigate the experimental site just enough to moisten the soil the evening prior to the day of sowing, if the soil is dry. Irrigate again immediately after sowing the trial.

A straight 2 m long wooden stick with 3.7 cm graduations, placed alongside the furrow, is a useful guide for even placement of seeds.

Plant the controls and guard rows first and cover the seeds on completion of each row.

Prevent contamination of the seeds by sterilizing your hands when handling each batch of seeds inoculated with a different strain. Hands are easily sterilized by thorough washing with

soap and water followed by swabbing with alcohol after the hands are dry.

Apply urea, only to the plus-nitrogen controls, at the rate of 0.23 kg urea per plot with 25% (58 g per plot) at planting and the remaining 75% (174 g per plot) at 4 weeks. Weigh out 58 g

each of urea in four bags, one for each of the four replicates.

Make a furrow 4-5 cm deep, parallel to and 4-5 cm away from the planted row. Evenly distribute the urea with your hands. Exposure of

Cover the furrows immediately after application.

the urea will result in hydrolysis and loss of N (as ammonia) to the atmosphere.


Monitoring the trial and harvest

(Key steps 5, 6, and 7)

Inspect the field frequently for plant damage by disease and insect pests. pests. Take appropriate measures to control these

Weed the plots whenever necessary.

Make frequent observations of plant growth and color. treatments with early signs of N fixation.


Record the time taken for 50% of plant population to initiate flowering. Make an early harvest at this time.

The area of the plots for early harvest and harvest for grain yield are indicated in Figure 18.2. matter yield. the root. Harvest plants for dry

Observe nodule size, color, and distribution on

Obtain the fresh and dry weight of nodules.

If facilities are available, perform the acetylene reduction assay to determine nitrogenase activity as described in

Appendix 15.

Record time for the plants to reach maturity.

Process the

plants for determining grain yield (dried to 5-6% storage moisture). Express grain yield on a kg ha-1 basis.


Analyzing the data

(Key step 8)

Analyze the data from the early harvest for correlation (Appendix 18) tops vs. nodule weight; tops vs. nodule numbers; tops vs. nitrogenase activity (if available); nodule weight vs. nitrogenase activity. In addition, perform a correlation

analysis to correlate total nitrogen with all the parameters measured.

Rank the strains according to nitrogen fixing potential, and compare your data with that from the Leonard jars and potted-soil experiments.

Compare the performance of the multi-strain inoculant with single-strain inoculants. multi-strain inoculant? yield. What could be the advantage of a Rank the data obtained for grain

Does ranking of strains according to dry matter

production at early harvest and at grain yield agree?



Setting up the experiment

Measuring tape (50 m) Field site (24 m x 15 m) Five best rhizobial strains from Exercise 17


Selecting strains for the experiment

Serologically distinct or antibiotic labeled strains of rhizobia


Preparing inoculants

Agar slant cultures from (a) Five Erlenmeyer flasks (250 ml) each containing 100 ml YM broth Six sterile plastic syringes (50 ml); six sterile needles (3/4 in, 18 gauge) Six bags of peat (50 g per bag) autoclaved or irradiated Sterile 10 ml pipettes Incubator Quality check of inoculants (materials as in Exercise 21)


Inoculating the seeds

Soybean seeds, balance, plastic bags Peat inoculants, gum arabic solution, 10 ml pipette with wide-bore tip (for pipetting gum arabic solution) Samples of inoculated seed


Preparing the field

Field area Four wooden posts for marking field perimeter Herbicide(s) and spraying equipment Plowing and tilling machinery Other field preparation accessories


Controlling cross-contamination by modifying irrigation methods

Suitable field design to control cross-contamination


Applying fertilizer

Magnesium sulfate 0.45 kg x 4 blocks = 1.8 kg Triple superphosphate 4.5 kg x 4 blocks = 18 kg Potassium chloride 3.44 kg x 4 blocks = 13.76 kg Zinc sulfate 0.42 kg x 4 blocks = 1.68 kg Ammonium molybdate 0.016 kg x 4 blocks = 0.064 kg Balance, plastic bags or plastic buckets Tiller or hoes


Planting the experiment

Inoculated and non-inoculated soybean seeds from (d) Irrigation water Metric tape, hoes or suitable equipment for making furrows Planting guide for even placement of seeds Soap, water, clean rags, alcohol in spray bottle Urea for N-controls Covered container to keep seeds


Monitoring the trial and harvest

Insecticides and spraying equipment Weeding tools, hoes Scissors/snips, paper bags, aluminum weighing boats Coarse sieve Drying oven (70 C) Balance


Analyzing the data

Calculators and statistical tables Statistical assistance



This experiment is designed to compare inoculation response in unamended soil (except for liming) and in soil fertilized to optimal levels. Inoculation response is evaluated using the (l) inoculated; (2) plus nitrogen

three basic treatments:

without inoculation; and (3) no nitrogen without inoculation. Each of these three treatments is set up at two different fertility levels. A multi-strain peat-based inoculant is used

to study the effect of soil fertility on the competition of rhizobia for nodulation.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Prepare the mixed inoculant Prepare the field and apply fertilizers Inoculate the seeds and sow Determine the number of rhizobia on the inoculated seed Inspect the field and weed Harvest at 50% flowering Harvest for grain yield Analyze yield and nodule identification data

*The experiment described in this exercise is based on the

design used in the International Network of Legume Inoculation Trials (INLIT) promoted by the NifTAL Project, Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii.


Setting up the experiment

Experimental design and treatments:

The experiment is designed as a randomized complete block with four replicates. There are three basic treatments: (1)

inoculated; (2) plus nitrogen without inoculation; and (3) no nitrogen without inoculation. Each of these basic treatments

are set up at two fertility levels giving a total of six treatments. Peat inoculant containing a mixture of three The

strains of rhizobia are used to inoculate seeds.

randomized treatments and field layout are indicated in Figure 19.1.

Field dimensions:

Plants are raised in plots of 7.5 m x 2.4 m (0.0018 ha). rows are 60 cm apart with four rows per plot.


A total field

area of 0.0432 ha (28.8 m x 15 m) is needed for the experiment. Details of a plot showing areas reserved for

early sampling and grain yield determinations are presented in Figure 18.2.


Preparing the mixed inoculant and inoculating the seeds

(Key step 1)

The inoculants are prepared in advance of the experiment.


three antigenically distinct strains selected in Exercise 18 are used here.

Culture each of the three strains separately in 150 ml of yeast-mannitol broth in Erlenmeyer flasks. Inoculate fully

grown broth cultures into 50 g of gamma-irradiated or autoclaved peat as described in Exercise 21. Each package of

the peat should be inoculated with only one strain.

Incubate the bags for 2 weeks at 25-30 C.

At the end of the

maturity period, determine the quality of the peat inoculants of the different strains. Aseptically remove 1 g samples in

duplicate from each bag and plate serially diluted samples as described in Exercise 21.

Refrigerate the inoculant bags immediately after sampling. Immediate refrigeration for 2-3 weeks or longer will maintain the original population at sampling without significant changes.

From the quality check (plate-counts) of inoculants, determine the number of rhizobia per g inoculant for the three strains.

From this information, determine the weights of the inoculants to be mixed to give a 1:1:1 ratio as shown in the following example.

Figure 19.1.

Field layout and dimension.

The various treatments are randomized.

Farm fertility and

maximal fertility plots are indicated by F and M respectively. Treatment details for each plot are given in Table 19.1.

In a quality check of three strains, the number of viable rhizobia per g of each inoculant were as follows:

Strain A 1.8 x 109 Strain B 2.6 x 109 Strain C 3.4 x 109

To establish a

1:1:1 ratio of A, B, and C in a mixture,

determine factors that will convert strains A and B to 3.4 x 109 rhizobia per g peat. Start with the strain that has the

highest count of rhizobia/g. For strain A, conversion factor = (3.4/1.8) = 1.9 This means that 1.9 g of peat inoculant of strain A will contain 3.4 x 109 rhizobia.

For strain B, conversion factor = (3.4/2.6) = 1.3

This means that 1.3 g of peat inoculant of strain B will contain 3.4 x 109 rhizobia.

Therefore, a peat inoculant mixture containing 1.9 g of inoculant A, 1.3 g of inoculant B, and 1 g of inoculant C will result in a 1:1:1 ratio of the three component strains.

Alternatively, if equal weights of the inoculants of the three strains were mixed, a ratio of 1:1:1 will not be established. The ratio would then be 1.8:2.6:3.4, or approximately 2:3:3. Competition of the three strains may still be studied using this approximated ratio.

Calculate the weight of seed (as described in Exercise 18) for the four rows of each inoculated plot and for all the inoculated treatments in the experiment using a planting

distance of 3.7 cm between seeds.

With this information and

the recommended inoculation rate of 10 g of mixed peat inoculant per 100 g of soybean seed, calculate the total weight of inoculant needed for all the inoculated treatments. Alternatively, 1 g of mixed inoculant may be used to inoculate 100 g of seed to achieve a lower inoculation rate.

Mix the inoculants one day ahead of planting. of inoculants from the refrigerator. amounts into a sterile 1 liter beaker. thoroughly with a spatula. throughout the preparation.)

Remove the bags

Weigh out calculated Mix the inoculants

(Observe aseptic techniques After mixing, cover the beaker

with aluminum foil and refrigerate immediately.

Inoculate the seeds (Exercise 23) just before planting.


seed samples and determine the number of viable rhizobia on the seeds at sowing as described in Exercise 23.


Choosing a site and preparing the field

(Key step 2)

A field site having soil conforming to the description as outlined in Chapter 21 will be suitable. available, is preferred. A farmer's field, if

The fertility status of the site soil has to be determined. If facilities are available, analyze soil samples for: free

nitrate; extractable P; exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg; exchangeable Al and Mn, if soil pH is below 5.2 and 5.6 respectively; soil pH; organic matter.

Collect soil samples and determine the population of native soybean rhizobia using the MPN method (Exercise 5).

Prepare the field as outlined in Exercise 18. preparation may need modifications to control

The field

cross-contamination resulting from heavy rain-wash or from flood-irrigation method.


Applying fertilizers

(Key step 2)

Since two fertility levels are used, namely the farmer's fertility without amendments (F) and maximal fertility (M), each treatment plot has to be marked to facilitate recognition during fertilizer applications. This is especially important

as each plot is fertilized individually.

Mark boundaries by driving in short stakes at the four corners of each plot. About 6-9 inches of the stake should remain

exposed to allow for good visibility and for ready recognition of plot boundaries. Erect a sign-board of suitable size in

front of each treatment plot indicating its treatment according to the field layout presented in Figure 19.1.

Lime the soil in the F plots only if the pH is below 5.4. Lime all M plots to pH 6.0-6.5. Allow the soil to equilibrate Determine

for at least two weeks after the lime application.

the lime requirement of the soil using one of the methods described in Appendix 16. The fertilizer recommendations for maximal fertility are similar to rates used in Exercises 17 and 18. fertilizer applied per plot is as follows: The amount of


superphosphate, 0.9 kg; potassium chloride, 0.69 kg; zinc sulfate, 0.08 kg; ammonium molybdate, 0.0033 kg; magnesium sulfate, 0.09 kg; and urea, 0.373 kg.

Weigh out the quantities of the fertilizers in plastic bags and assign the treatment labels. Mix smaller quantities of

the fertilizers (zinc sulphate, magnesium sulfate and ammonium molybdate) with an inert carrier (e.g., sand) to facilitate application by broadcasting or by spraying.

Apply the fertilizers individually to all plots of the various treatments (Table 19.1). after broadcasting. Till the fertilizers into the soil

The nitrogen (urea) is applied as

side-dressing in furrows at sowing (0.09 kg plot-1) and after 4 weeks from emergence (0.28 kg plot-1).


Planting the experiment

(Key steps 3 and 4)

Inoculate the soybean seeds as described in Exercise 23. aside about 100 inoculated seeds for determining number of rhizobia per seed.


(Use only 20 randomly selected seeds from

this sample for the determination.) Table 19.1. Summary of treatments Fertilizers applieda Fertility Levels P M-1 M-2 M-3 F-1b F-2 F-3 + + + + + K + + + Zn + + + Mo + + + Ca + + + + + N Inoculation

a. + and respectively.






b. Ca is added as calcium carbonate if pH is below 5.3-5.4

Make furrows 7.5 m long, 0.6 m apart, and 3-3.5 cm deep. Plant the soybean seeds at approximately 35 seeds per M row doing the uninoculated treatments first. Thin rows evenly to Take

27 plants per M row at two weeks. Irrigate the field.

precautions against cross-contamination during sowing (see Exercise 18).

Note that in the experiment in Exercise 18, a single

uninoculated guard row was common to two adjacent plots.


this experiment, each plot does not share common guard rows with adjacent plots. Each plot in this experiment has four

rows (two guard and two harvest rows) and the guard rows are of the same treatment as the harvest rows.

After sowing, side-dress the recommended amount of urea in furrows of the plus-N controls and irrigate the field if necessary.


Monitoring the trial and harvest

(Key step 5)

Carry out regular field inspections, weeding and harvesting activities as described in Exercise 18.


Harvesting nodules for strain identification

(Key steps 6 and 7)

Since the seeds of the inoculated treatments were coated with a mixed peat inoculant containing equal proportions of three antigenically distinct strains, the nodules may be harvested and processed for establishing nodule identity. Data from

nodule identification can then be analyzed for strain competition for nodulation at the two fertility levels.

Nodules for strain identification are obtained by harvesting

at 50% flowering. 3 and M-3). plot.

Obtain plants from each inoculated plot (F-

Excavate plants only from the sample rows of each

Select the plants randomly.

Wash the roots to clean off soil and adhering debris. the nodules from the roots.


Count and pool all the nodules of

the two plants obtained from the same plot to obtain the plot sample. Similarly obtain plot samples of nodules from all the F-3 and M-3 plots.

Identify at least 30 nodules at random from each inoculated plot sample using one of the serological methods described in Section B. Store the rest of the nodules by: (1) desiccation

over silica gel; (2) by freezing; or (3) after oven drying at 70 C, storing in small plastic bags or vials. Large batches

of nodules require much time for identification. If nodulation is poor (less than ten nodules per plant) identify all nodules from each plot sample. Small nodules (diameter 1 mm or less)

may not contain sufficient antigen for identification against three antisera using the agglutination or gel-diffusion techniques. However, small nodules are better identified

using the fluorescent-antibody technique as this method requires only antigen smears from the nodule.

Apply the Chi-square (X2) method to determine from the data whether or not the frequencies observed in the nodule identification depart significantly from the expected

frequencies of 1:1:1 for the three strains at each fertility level.

If there is a significant departure from the expected ratio of 1:1:1, the data indicate competition. Is the competition

pattern the same at both fertility levels?


Analyzing the yield data

(Key step 8)

The harvest data at 50% flowering and from grain yield will reveal valuable information on the importance of fertility to ensure a good response to inoculation with effective strains of rhizobia.

Using the harvest data, carry out statistical analysis; determine the treatment giving the highest yield. The

Duncan's New Multiple Range Test is suggested for preliminary analysis of the data.

The data may be more rigorously treated by other statistical approaches to detect significant interactions in the treatments. assistance. Such analysis may require expert statistical



Setting up the experiment

Measuring tape (50 m) Field site (28.2 m x 15 m)


Preparing the mixed inoculant and inoculating the seeds

Transfer chamber Agar slant cultures of antigenically distinct strains used in Exercise 18 Three Erlenmeyer flasks (250 ml) each containing 150 ml YM broth Three sterile plastic syringes (50 ml), three sterile needles (3/4 in, 18 gauge) Three bags of peat (50 g per bag) autoclaved or irradiated Incubator, refrigerator Quality check of inoculants (materials as in Chapter 27) Sensitive balance (to weigh peat) Coarse balance (to weigh seeds) Beaker (1 liter), spatula, aluminum foil Gum arabic solution, pipettes (wide-bore tip), plastic bags


Choosing a site and preparing the field

Farmer's field or alternative site Soil analysis data Soil sample for MPN counts Wooden posts to mark field perimeter Herbicide(s) and spraying equipment Plowing and tilling machinery Suitable field drainage to control cross-contamination Other field preparation accessories Lime


Applying fertilizers

Wooden stakes (boundary markers) Sign-boards for all M and F plots Triple superphosphate 0.9 kg x 12 plots = 10.8 kg Potassium chloride 0.69 kg x 12 plots = 8.3 kg Zinc sulphate 0.96 kg x 12 plots = 11.5 kg Ammonium molybdate 0.0033 kg x 12 plots = 0.04 kg Magnesium sulfate 0.09 kg x 12 plots = 1.1 kg Urea 0.0373 kg x 8 plots =0.3 kg


Planting the experiment

Irrigation Inoculated and non-inoculated soybean seeds from (b) Metric tape, hoes or other suitable equipment for making

furrows Planting guide for even placement of seeds Urea for N-controls


Monitoring the trial and harvest

As in Exercise 18


Harvesting nodules for strain identification

Source of water Hoe for digging, coarse sieve Glass or plastic vials (for storage of nodules, Appendix 2), marker pens Plastic bags Freezer space (or silica gel in vials)


Analyzing the yield data

Calculator and statistical tables Statistical assistance


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The agricultural benefits possible from use of selected, high-nitrogen fixing strains of rhizobia can be realized only when farmers obtain and properly use high-quality inoculants on their legume seeds or soil before planting. Technology on

growing rhizobia, preparing inoculants with suitable carrier materials, and distributing viable inoculants to farmers is essential. This section is concerned with inoculant

production and use.

Culture of Rhizobia

Rhizobia are easy to grow in the laboratory. are aerobic and also microaerophilic.

These bacteria

They require aeration

which may be provided by using a mechanical shaker or by bubbling sterile air through the medium. at 25-30 C. Rhizobia grow best

The medium must supply energy, a source of Most

nitrogen, certain mineral salts, and growth-factors.

commonly used is a yeast extract mannitol mineral salts medium, but if cost or availability is a concern, sucrose or glycerol may be substituted.

Rhizobia grows best at 25o to 30oC.

Vessels or fermenters vary

in size from a few milliliters up to several thousand liters.

Incubation time required will vary with size of seed or starter inoculum. Large inocula decrease the incubation time

needed to attain the 5 X 108 to 1 X 109 rhizobial cells per milliliter considered necessary, particularly when using a non-sterile carrier material.

The broth culture should be checked frequently for purity and any abrupt change in pH which indicates contamination. Prior

to incorporation with the carrier material (peat, coal, etc.) the culture should be checked serologically (agglutination, FA etc.) with its homologous antiserum.

Incorporation into Carrier

The properties of a good carrier material are: No toxicity to rhizobia, good moisture absorption capacity (for example not more than 15% moisture in most peats prior to addition of culture), suitable pH (6.5-7.0), fine particle size for better adherence to seed (70 to 100% through 200 mesh screen), free of lump-forming materials, and in ample quantities at moderate cost.

Non-availability of peat in some countries has prompted trial of a wide range of substitutes, e.g., coal, charcoal, bagasse, filter-mud, ground plant residues, and combinations of these with soils. None has proven as consistent in its ability to

afford adequate survival of rhizobia as peat.

Extraction, drying, and milling of peat are the most capital intensive aspects of inoculant production. The dried peat is

milled to 100-200 mesh and neutralized to pH 6.5-7.0, preferably, with precipitated calcium carbonate. Both

sterilized and non-sterilized peats are used in commercial production systems. Sterile peat (gamma-irradiated at 2.5

5.0 megarads or autoclaved) is generally accredited with better rhizobia survival characteristics than non-sterile peat. Heat sterilization of some peats has been found to

produce undesirable changes and to release toxins. Sterilization by gamma radiation is preferred.

Under commercial conditions in the United States, qualitytested broth cultures are incorporated, one liter per kilogram of peat, and packaged in thin gauge (0.05 mm) polyethylene bags. Bags of this specification permit gas exchange while Inoculants are

minimizing moisture loss from the inoculant.

also produced by aseptic injection of quality tested broth cultures in packages of presterilized peat.

Inoculants are matured for about 2 weeks at 25-30 C to attain maximum numbers of around 109 - 1010 cells/g of inoculant. Thereafter, most inoculants are maintained under refrigeration (4oC). Some inoculants have better survival at 26o 28oC. The

final moisture content of the peat inoculant should be 40-60% on a wet weight basis for inoculants produced with

presterilized peat.

A lower moisture content (30-40%) is

preferred for better rhizobia survival in non-sterile peat. Batches of inoculants are usually sampled for a check on their quality at the time of leaving the production plant. This is

done by the direct plate count in the case of inoculants based on sterile carriers. When non-sterile carrier material is

used, inoculant quality can only be tested adequately by a plant infection test which lasts for about three weeks and which conflicts with a need to distribute the inoculant quickly. Inoculants must bear an expiration date and have an

absolute minimum of 106 viable rhizobia/g and 108 viable rhizobia/g for non-sterile and presterilized peat, respectively, at that time. In the United States credit for

returned inoculants that have passed their expiration date is an essential facet of inoculation technology acceptance by farmers and is the standard policy of the more reputable inoculant producers.

Soil and Seed Inoculation

The essence of legume inoculation is the placement of such a large population of a highly effective nitrogen-fixing rhizobia that is compatible with the host legume variety in close proximity to the emerging radicle that the majority of the nodules which form contain the introduced rhizobia.

It is important to assess the need to inoculate a particular

legume at a specific site.

Sometimes an adequate population

of effective native strains will ensure ample nodulation without inoculation. Alternatively, an inoculant strain may

not survive in adequate numbers or be sufficiently competitive against the native rhizobia, and yield benefits are unlikely from inoculation.

The most common means of introducing rhizobia to the soil is as seed-applied inoculant. In its simplest (and least

satisfactory) form, peat inoculant is mixed with water to form a slurry and mixed with the seeds. Better results are

obtained when the inoculant is coated on the seed with an adhesive. An adhesive increases the amount of inoculant that A good inoculant adhesive must be

will adhere to the seed.

nontoxic to the rhizobia and provide protection during planting and in the soil. Gum Arabic has these properties,

but is expensive to farmers and not readily available at many locations. Other adhesives used successfully include methyl An

ethyl cellulose, sucrose solutions, and vegetable oils.

additional coating of calcium carbonate, rock phosphate or other pelleting material can enhance the success of inoculation. This is often done when adverse weather

conditions prevent immediate sowing of inoculated seeds, as protection against insects in the soil, when the soil is hot and dry or very acidic, or as protection against pesticides.



Glass fermenters are set up in a laboratory and used for the small scale production of broth cultures. The broth cultures

are monitored periodically for cell number and contamination during growth.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Initiate starter broth cultures Assemble small fermentor units Sterilize fermentors Become familiar with operation details Inoculate the fermentors Take broth samples periodically for cell count and check for contamination

7) 8) 9)

Test for contamination Perform total counts and optical density measurements Perform viable counts by the spread plate method on the presumptive test media


Perform agglutination tests with the homologous antisera


Inoculating starter cultures

(Key step 1)

Prepare four 50 ml flasks or tubes each containing 25 ml of YMB. Obtain slant, or lyophilized bead preserved cultures of

bradyrhizobia (e.g., B. japonicum TAL 102) and fast growing rhizobia (e.g., Rhizobium sp. TAL 1145 from Leucaena leucocephala). Inoculate two flasks with each rhizobial These will serve as "starter"

strain and aerate at 25-30 C.

cultures for inoculating the YMB in the fermentors.


Assembling simple fermentors

(Key steps 2 and 3)

Set up two fermentors (one for each strain) as shown in Figure 20.1. The main fermentation vessel is a slightly modified 4 l

Erlenmeyer flask with a sampling port (glass tubing 4 mm ID) fitted close to its base. YMB. Fill each fermentor with 2-3 l of

Connect the cotton packed filters to prevent the entry All rubber stoppers and

of contaminants via the air lines. tubings must be autoclavable.

Insert the large rubber stopper

which holds the air inlet and outlet tubes with their respective filters, firmly into the neck of the flask.

Connect the air inlet tube to an aquarium pump.

Activate the

pump and check the air inlet and outlet filters for air resistance. Air should flow freely through both filters while

bubbling through the broth and simultaneously aerating and agitating the medium. The cotton in the filters should be Overpacking the air inlet

packed uniformly but loosely.

filter can cause resistance to incoming air and lead to poor aeration. Overpacking of the outlet filter can lead to poor

air escape and pressure build-up in the fermentor.

Disconnect the fermentor from the pump and prepare it for autoclaving. Make sure that the stopper which holds the air The air supply system must be Wrap the top

tubes is still firmly seated.

well protected to prevent entry of contaminants.

of each flask with a wide band of non-absorbent cotton and secure it with a string. Then, add a protective wrapper of Close the air inlet tube with a

aluminum foil (Figure 20.2).

clamp at the spot indicated in Figure 20.1 to prevent the broth from leaving the flask due to pressure build up in the flask during autoclaving. Pressure relief during autoclaving

occurs through the air outlet tube which must be left open. The filters should remain connected to the fermentor during autoclaving. To provide a convenient place for them, make an

oversized wire ring to fit snugly around the neck of the fermentor vessel and twist it to obtain an eyelet or loop on each side. Each filter may then also be fitted with a piece Hook the filters onto the

of wire ending in a small hook. eyelet (Figure 20.2).

Sterilize the assembly for 40 min, if Adjust the

it contains approximately 2 l of broth.

sterilization time according to the volume of liquid; increase time by 10 min for each additional liter.

After the fermentor has cooled, remove the clamp from the air

inlet tubing.

Connect the air supply to check for proper

Figure 20.1.

Scheme of simple fermentor unit a - Aluminum

foil; b - Non absorbent cotton; c - Autoclavable stopper; d Filter unit; e - Glass tubing; f - Wire ring; g - Growth medium; h - Flask; i - Sampling tube; j - Plug; k - Latex tubing; l - Hose clamp; m - Aquarium pump; n - Wire hook

Figure 20.2.

Simple fermentor in operation.

aeration once again and for leaks in the system.

Various types of air systems have been used to aerate small fermentors including compressors, compressed air in tanks, aspirators, and aquarium pumps. The latter have been very

satisfactory for small units and are inexpensive, silent, and dependable.

Figure 20.3

Modified fermenter.

Although a pressure relief valve may be desirable, it is not really necessary. Most aquarium pumps generate only low

pressure, sufficient however, for several (four) fermentor units which may be connected to one aquarium pump using a manifold.


Operating the glass fermentors

(Key step 4)

General operation:

If, after autoclaving, the fermentor has

been inspected and found to function properly, it is ready for inoculation with the starter culture. If an aquarium pump is

used, and more than one fermentor is attached, adjust the air to achieve an equal flow to each fermentor. For other air

supply systems, adjust the air flow on the bypass which may be installed between the pump and the air inlet filter.

The glass fermentor is inoculated through the latex air inlet, just above the main stopper tubing, with a sterilized syringe fitted with an 18 G needle. contaminants are introduced. Care must be taken that no Twenty ml of the starter culture The air inlet tubing

are removed aseptically from its flask.

is swabbed with 70% alcohol (or 3% hydrogen peroxide) about one inch above its connection to the glass tube. The needle

is inserted downwards into the tubing and the culture is injected. The airstream will facilitate speedy entry and The

incorporation of the starter inoculum into the YMB.

culture is incubated at 25-30 C under continuous aeration.

Sampling procedures:

Aseptically, with a sterile syringe,

withdraw culture broth from the fermentor through the sampling

tubing attached to the sampling port. 70% alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Swab the tubing with Insert the needle into

the sterilized portion of the tubing and withdraw the desired amount of culture broth. For quality control purposes (such

as Gram stain, pH measurements, optical density measurements, the total count, and plate counts), 5-10 ml of culture are sufficient and may be withdrawn by using a 5 or 10 ml syringe fitted with a 22 gauge needle.

For injection of the broth culture into bags of sterile carrier (peat), 40 ml samples are usually withdrawn with a sterile 50 ml syringe fitted with a 18 gauge needle. Alternatively, an automatic motorized syringe equipped with a 16 gauge needle may also be used to withdraw broth culture if large numbers of bags are to be injected.

In a modified system, a 1 l collection flask is connected to the fermentor as shown in Figure 20.3. This collection flask It is

should be autoclaved together with the fermentor.

connected to the fermentor via a tubing attached to a sampling tube running through the stopper on top of the unit and into the broth culture. A sampling port at the bottom of the The broth culture is

fermentor is not needed in this case.

forced into the sampling flask by temporarily closing off the air outlet of the fermentor while the pump is running.


Producing broth inoculum

(Key steps 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)

When the starter cultures have reached the end of their log phase of growth (7 days for a slow-growing rhizobia and 5 days for a fast-growing rhizobia, respectively), they are ready to be used for inoculating the fermentor.

Inoculate one fermentor with B. japonicum TAL 102 and the other with the fast-growing Rhizobium sp. TAL 1145.

Take a 10 ml sample from each fermentor at the end of the growth period of each strain and conduct the following tests: 1) pH tests: A contamination problem is usually evident when the pH of the broth decreases toward acidity especially with slow-growing, alkali-producing rhizobia (e.g., B. japonicum). However, with fast-growing, acid producing rhizobia (e.g., Rhizobium sp. from L. leucocephala) the pH test is less helpful since most contaminants are usually acid producers. Test the broth pH of the slow-growing rhizobia by adding two drops of bromthymol blue (0.5% w/v in alcohol) in 1 ml broth. With most strains tested, the pH does not change during mass culturing. A yellow coloration

indicates acidity (presence of contaminants) and a green to blue coloration alkalinity (absence of contaminants).

2) 3) 4)

Gram stain (Exercise 3) Peptone glucose test (Exercise 3) Total count with Helber or Petroff-Hausser counter (Exercise 4)

5) 6)

Optical density measurement (Exercise 4) Spread plate count on YMA containing Congo Red and on YMA containing BTB (Exercise 4)


Agglutination with the homologous antiserum: should be done just before harvesting when the


culture has no less than 1 x 109 cells per ml. Dilute 2 ml of the cell suspension with 2 ml saline. Mix well and heat in boiling water for 30 min. After

cooling, pipette 0.5 ml into an agglutination tube and add 0.5 ml of a 1:50 dilution of the homologous antiserum which should have a titer of at least 800. Perform the agglutination test as described in Exercise 7.

The broth cultures may be incorporated into carrier material when the total count indicates a cell concentration of more than 1 x 109 cells per ml and purity of culture has been established.



Inoculating starter cultures

Transfer chamber Platform shaker Inoculation loop, flame Erlenmeyer flasks or screw capped tubes of 50 ml capacity containing 25 ml YMB each


Assembling simple fermentors

Large autoclave, aquarium pumps or compressor Cork borer, small glass file, bunsen burner For each fermentor: Erlenmeyer flask, 4 l, (This flask

is modified by the addition of an outflow tube (ID 4 mm) at its base. These modified flasks are not available

commercially, but any glass blower should be able to attach the short 3-5 ml glass tube.) #12 autoclavable stopper Glass tubing, inside diameter (ID 4 mm), approximately 120 cm Glass tubing, (ID 30 mm), two pieces of 10 cm length for making air filters. Barrels of 50 ml syringes may be cut

to size and used instead. Rubber stoppers #4, autoclavable, four pieces Hose clamps, two, air by-pass (T-piece with short latex

tube and clamp) Surgical rubber tubing (ID 4 mm), approximately 150 cm Glasswool, cotton wool, non-absorbent, aluminum foil Sampling tubes (ID 4 mm) YMB (2-3 l per fermentor)


Operating the glass fermentors

Syringes (30 ml), sterile with 18G needles 70% alcohol, cotton swabs or tissue paper Broth culture of B. japonicum TAL 102 Broth culture of Rhizobium sp. TAL 1145 Syringes, sterile (10 ml); 22G needles Test tubes, sterile (for samples)


Producing broth inoculum

Spectrophotometer; cuvettes, transfer chamber Antisera of TAL 102 and TAL 1145 Plates of peptone glucose agar Plates of YMA containing BTB Plates of YMA containing Congo Red Syringes (20-30 ml); 22G needles Test tubes, sterile (for samples) Pipettes, sterile (1 ml); pipettes, sterile (10 ml) Tubes containing 9 ml sterile diluent, rack Pasteur pipettes, sterile, calibrated

Solution of Bromthymol Blue (0.5% w/v in ethanol) Materials and supplies for Gram stain (Appendix 3)



Carriers for rhizobia are prepared from various materials such as peat, charcoal, and lignite. These carriers are used for The

the production of granular and powdered inoculants. quality of these inoculants is tested and compared.

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3)

Select and dry carrier materials Grind carrier materials Sift carrier materials and select suitable particle sizes for granular and powdered inoculants

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

Neutralize carrier materials Determine water holding capacity of carriers Package the carrier materials Sterilize the carriers Examine the carriers for sterility after sterilization Inoculate carriers with broth cultures from fermentors Plate peat cultures for quality control Inoculate plants for the plant infection count Test strain identity serologically Record and tabulate results. Apply quality standards Compare carrier treatments

(a) Milling inoculant carrier materials (Key steps 1, 2, and 3)

Carrier materials are chosen to fill criteria set forth in the introduction to this section. For this exercise select peat,

charcoal and lignite, or three other carrier materials if these are not available. individually. hammer mill. Work with each carrier

Weigh 5 kg of each carrier and grind it in a Thoroughly clean the hammer mill with a brush or

with a jet of air from a compressor before grinding the next carrier.

Stack up a set of sieves in series: 16 mesh (1 mm), 42 mesh (355 m), 100 mesh (150 m), and 200 mesh (75 m). Place this

series of sieves on a collecting pan, and clamp the stack and collecting pan to a sieve shaker. Add the milled carrier to

the uppermost sieve and activate the shaker for 60 min. Collect the fraction caught on the 42 mesh sieve and the fraction caught in the pan. to the mill and ground again. The remainder should be returned Particles of 16-42 mesh are

used for the preparation of granular carriers (soil implants); particles of 200 mesh and finer, make carriers suitable for seed coating.


Preparing and characterizing inoculant carriers

(Key steps 4, 5, and 6)

The pH of an inoculant carrier should be around 6.5-7.0. 400 ml glass beaker suspend 10 g of the carrier into 90 ml water. Stir the mixture on a magnetic stirrer while

In a

monitoring the pH with the electrode of a pH meter.

If the pH

is lower than 6.5, gradually add precipitated, powdered calcium carbonate (CaCO3) until a pH of 6.5 has been reached. Record the amount of (CaCO3) needed to neutralize 10 g of the carrier. Add a corresponding amount to the remaining carrier

e.g., if 0.25 g were needed to neutralize 10 g of carrier in the water suspension, add 2.5 g of CaCO3 to every 100 g of dry carrier. carriers. Mix well by hand. Repeat the same procedure for all

The water (moisture) holding capacity of a carrier determines the maximum amount of liquid inoculum that can be added to it. Carriers vary greatly in their water holding capacity.

Before the water-holding capacity can be measured, the inherent moisture level in the carrier must be determined. This may be done most conveniently on a moisture balance. a drying oven if a moisture balance is not available. Use


10 g accurately on a foil or glass weighing dish and place it into the oven at 70 C for 24 h. oven. Weigh and return to the

Another weighing at 48 h will confirm the endpoint of

moisture loss.

Use the formula below to calculate the inherent moisture

content on the dry weight basis.

Moisture content = (W1 W1 W2 = =

W2) X 100%

W2 Weight of carrier before drying Weight of carrier after drying at 70 C

Proceed to determine the moisture-holding capacity of the carrier. Weigh 100 g of oven dried carrier material into a Add water with continuous stirring, until the

500 ml beaker.

carrier appears to be saturated. Add additional water to produce a thin slurry. Transfer this slurry to a pre-weighed

measuring cylinder which has a drainhole on its bottom covered by a sieve. Allow the water to drain overnight, then weigh Give the moisture For

the measuring cylinder with the contents.

holding capacity on the dry weight basis of the carrier. example, if 100 g of predried carrier can hold 120 ml of water, its moisture holding capacity is 120%.

The amount of inoculum broth to be added to the carrier must be well below the carrier's moisture holding capacity as the resulting inoculum should be friable in texture. It is,

however, desirable to add the largest amount possible while still retaining the desirable texture. A high moisture level

is necessary because moisture is lost during storage, and the survival of rhizobia in a carrier is affected by low moisture levels.

Proceed to determine the desirable amount of moisture to be added to the carrier by a trial and error method. Prepare six

bags (polyethylene 127 x 178 x 0.076 mm) of each neutralized carrier (50 g per bag). To the first bag, add an amount of

water which is approximately 5 ml less than the carrier's moisture-holding capacity. If this moisture holding capacity To the next bag, add 5 ml less

is 60 ml (or 120%) add 55 ml. (50 ml).

Continue until each successive bag has received 5 ml Thus, bag #6 will receive 30 ml

less than the preceding one. of water.

Seal the bags with a bag sealer and incorporate the Knead or massage the bags

water into the carrier by kneading.

thoroughly until all moisture has been absorbed and the carrier/water mixture appears to be homogenous.

Examine the bags for total absorption of the water.

Check for

dry areas in the carrier which can usually be recognized, as unwetted carrier has a lighter color.

Allow the six treatments to equilibrate for two h, then cut the bags open and sample a few grams of each bag with your hand. A suitable carrier/water mixture should feel moist, but It should crumble in your hand (i.e., be friable) From each representative carrier

not soggy.

and it should not be sticky.

select that treatment which has absorbed a maximum amount of water while still retaining friability. Record the

carrier:water ratio and use this information to calculate the

recommended moisture level for each carrier.

The recommended

moisture level is usually given in percent calculated on the wet weight basis of the final preparation. The inherent

moisture level of the carrier must of course be taken into consideration. The total moisture content of the inoculant is

the sum of the weights of broth culture and inherent moisture of the carrier. Thus, a 90 g package of inoculum with a

moisture content of 50%, made from a carrier with an inherent moisture level of 10%, contains 45 g of dry carrier, 5 g of inherent moisture and 40 g of broth inoculum.

Determine the moisture holding capacity of all the carriers used (powdered and granular), then prepare them as outlined in Table 21.1. carriers. A similar table may be made for the granular Record the moisture holding capacities in the last

column of the table.

Gamma-irradiation (5 megarads) is preferred for peat sterilization over autoclaving. Gamma-irradiated peat is used

here in one treatment only since irradiated peat is often unavailable. It serves as a standard because its properties

as carrier material for various strains of rhizobia are well known. NifTAL. It is regularly used for inoculant production at It is packaged and sealed in 127 x 178 mm Weigh 50 g portions

polyethylene bags of 0.076 mm thickness.

of all other carriers into 127 x 178 mm x 0.076 mm autoclavable (polypropylene) bags. Add 1 ml of water per bag.

Make an incomplete heat seal leaving the bags slightly open. Autoclave the bags in a foil covered tray. After the bags

are cool, completely heat-seal in a sterile hood.








required for inoculant preparation and evaluation using finely milled carriers.

Carrier Peat Peat Peat Peat Charcoal Charcoal Charcoal Lignite Lignite Lignite

Sterilization Treatment gamma-irradiated autoclaved autoclaved not sterilized autoclaved autoclaved not sterilized autoclaved autoclaved not sterilized

Carrier Quantity 4 bags x 50 g 4 bags x 50 g 2 trays x 1 kg 2 trays x 1 kg 4 bags x 50 g 2 trays x 1 kg 2 trays x 1 kg 4 bags x 50 g 2 trays x 1 kg 2 trays x 1 kg

Recommended Moisture Level 50% * * * * * * * * *

* To be determined.

For the bulk preparations, place 1 kg of neutralized carrier into each of four autoclavable trays approximately 46 x 46 cm

wide and x 10 cm deep. with aluminum foil.

Spread into an even layer and cover

Set aside two of these trays as Autoclave the other two trays at Allow to cool in the autoclave over

non-sterilized treatments. 121 C and 15 psi for 1 h. night.

After sterilization, test a representative sample of each autoclaved carrier for sterility as described in Exercise 22.


Producing inoculants

(Key Steps 7, 8 and 9)

Prepare inoculants following the treatments and replications as outlined in Table 21.1.

Obtain the fermentor cultures of B. japonicum (TAL 102) and Rhizobium sp. (TAL 1145) which were produced in Exercise 20.

Use broth culture of TAL 102 to inoculate each 1 kg portion of the autoclaved carriers in trays. Add broth culture according

to recommended moisture levels determined in section (b) of this chapter. Use your gloved hands to mix the broth into the (Tools are not

carrier until its consistency becomes uniform.

needed for mixing, but the hands should be covered with sterile gloves to minimize contamination.) Replace the foil

cover and allow the inoculant to mature at 25-30 C for 2 weeks. Repeat this procedure with TAL 1145 using the second

autoclaved tray of each carrier.

Similarly, prepare inoculants by hand-mixing the untreated (nonsterile) bulk carriers with broth cultures of TAL 102 and TAL 1145.

The presterilized carrier materials in sealed bags are aseptically injected with the suitable amount of broth culture with a sterile 50 ml syringe fitted with a sterile 18 gauge needle as follows:

Withdraw the desired amount of broth culture from the outlet tubing of the glass fermentor as described in Exercise 20. Sterilize a small area in a corner of the carrier bag with 70% ethanol. Puncture the bag in the sterilized area and insert

the needle carefully to avoid piercing the opposite wall of the bag. Inject the desired amount of inoculum aiming the tip

of the needle toward the center of the bag.

Seal the puncture hole with plastic labeling tape and write on it the treatment number, the strain used, and the date of preparation. Work the broth into the peat by kneading the

bags until the liquid inoculum has been uniformly absorbed by the carrier. Incubate at 25-30 C for 2 weeks. Obtain

inoculants prepared earlier and stored for 6 months at room temperature. One bag of each will be used in (d).


Testing the quality of the inoculants

(Key steps 10, 11, and 12)

Rhizobia in the various treatments are expected to reach their maximal population 2 weeks after inoculation. number of viable rhizobia in all treatments. Determine the

Inoculants prepared in bagged gamma-irradiated and autoclaved carriers are not expected to contain many contaminants. The

usual recommended counting technique is the drop-plate method (Exercise 4). Make serial dilutions of duplicate samples of

the 2-week-old inoculants and those stored for 6 months. Plate dilutions ranging from 10-4 to 10-7 on YMA + Congo Red and on YMA + BTB. If proper aseptic procedures are not fully

observed, contaminants may be accidentally introduced during the injection of the broth culture and during serial dilution and plating. Such contaminants will usually be detectable on

these indicator media and their number should also be reported.

The hand-mixed inoculants, especially those based on nonsterilized carriers, can be expected to contain contaminants and the plant-infection count will be necessary for a reliable determination. Plate counts on indicator media

may be used to give a measure of the contaminants.

Set up the plant-infection (MPN) count in growth pouches using

Leucaena leucocephala as host for TAL 1145 and soybean for TAL 102 (Exercise 5). Plate dilutions of sterile and nonsterile Plate both the 2-week-old

based carriers from 10-4 - 10-7.

inoculants and those stored for 6 months from (c).


Collecting, recording and analyzing the data

(Key step 13 and 14)

Determine the number of viable rhizobial cells in the various carrier treatments as described in (d). Transform the data to Organize

log10 and calculate the mean for the replications. the data in the format as shown in Table 21.2.

The experiment with each rhizobial strain is a factorial involving three carriers (peat, charcoal, and lignite), two carrier forms (powdered and granular) and three carrier sterility conditions. Assistance may be needed for

statistical analysis of the data.










inoculants prepared from various carriers and under different sterility conditions.
Log10 no. rhizobia per g moist inoculant Peat Carrier Treatment Autoclaved in Charcoal Lignite







polypropylene bag Autoclaved in polypropylene trays Untreated in polypropylene trays Irradiated in polyethylene bags

not done

not done

not done

not done

not done


Compare the 2-week-old inoculants and note the decline in cell numbers. Compare the different treatments and decide whether

the number of cells in the 6-month-old inoculants is sufficiently high to comply with minimum standards of quality. Minimum standards are given for the date of expiration, usually 6 months after manufacture. vary in different countries. per g of peat are acceptable. The minimum standards

In Canada, 106 viable rhizobia In the USA, there is no federal Some of the

regulation for quality of legume inoculants.

states, however, have their own standards, as do the inoculant manufacturers. Australia, like NifTAL, requires a minimum of These inoculants

1x109 viable rhizobia per g at expiration. are produced with irradiated peat.

Examine the results critically and contemplate the following questions:

Are all treatments well above the NifTAL minimum standard for inoculants at expiration?

Which level of sterility contributes to the highest cell population?

How are the carriers affected by the sterilization measures with respect to their ability to support high cell populations?

Why are different counting methods suggested for different levels of sterility?

Compare bulk sterilization of carriers in trays with bag sterilization and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method.



Milling inoculant carrier materials

Hammer mill with collecting tray, bag, or bucket Screen shaker equipped with a 16 mesh, 42 mesh, 100 mesh and 200 mesh screens (60 x 60 cm or larger) Balance 1 - 5000 g capacity Unground dried peat 5 kg Unground charcoal 5 kg Unground lignite 5 kg Scoop or small shovel Brush or air jet from compressor for cleaning hammer mill Other locally available carrier material (e.g., filter mud, bagasse, coir dust to replace some or all the above mentioned carrier materials if these are not available (5 kg of each) Aluminum foil, large roll Trays to contain 1 - 5 kg of carrier material


Preparing and characterizing inoculant carriers Transfer chamber Balance, toploading 0.1 g - 100 g capacity Magnetic stirrer and 1 inch stirring bar pH meter Moisture balance or drying oven Bag sealer

Autoclave Glass beakers, 500 ml Bottle of pH 7 buffer solution Beakers (50 ml) for pH meter calibration Autoclavable trays approximately 46 x 46 x 10 cm Weighing dishes (metal or glass) Measuring cylinder (250 ml) with drainhole and sieve Packaged gamma-irradiated peat Pipettes, 1 ml, sterile, one canister Pipettes, 5 ml Measuring cylinders, 50 ml Aluminum foil, large roll Scissors Alcohol in spray bottle Dilution tubes each containing 9 ml water Rubber bulbs, 1 ml (for pipetting) Calibrated, sterile Pasteur pipettes Bottle of distilled water, 1 l Carrier materials from (a) YMA plates containing Congo Red YMA plates containing BTB Polypropylene and polyethylene bags (127 x 178 x 0.076 mm wall thickness) Precipitated calcium carbonate


Producing inoculants Incubator

Broth culture of B. japonicum TAL 102 and Rhizobium sp. TAL 1145 approximately 13 - 15 l Four bags each of autoclaved, powdered carriers prepared from three different materials e.g. peat, charcoal and lignite from (b) Four bags each of autoclaved granular carriers of the same materials also from (b) Four 50 g bags of neutralized powdered gamma irradiated peat packaged in polyethylene bags (127 x 178 x 0.076 mm thickness) Carrier material in trays as prepared in (b) Powdered and granular peat, two batches of 1 kg each, autoclaved Powdered and granular peat, two batches of 1 kg each nonsterile Powdered and granular charcoal, two batches of 1 kg each autoclaved Powdered and granular charcoal, two batches of 1 kg each nonsterile Powdered and granular lignite, two batches of 1 kg each autoclaved Powdered and granular lignite, two batches of 1 kg each nonsterile Three bags each of inoculants of Rhizobium (eg. TAL 1145) and Bradyrhizobium (eg. TAL 102) made from each of the carriers listed above and stored for 6 months at 26 C. One package of surgical gloves

Box of 50 ml plastic syringes, sterile Syringe needles, sterile 18 gauge Alcohol, 70% Tissue paper Labeling tape


Testing the quality of the inoculants

Plates of YMA + Congo Red Plates of YMA + BTB Plates of YMA + Brilliant Green Serological pipettes (1 ml) sterile, glass spreaders Calibrated Pasteur pipettes, sterile Dilution bottles with 99 ml sterile diluent Test tubes containing 9 ml sterile diluent Test tube racks Wrist action shaker (optional) Balance, spatula weighing paper Growth-pouch racks, growth-pouches Plant nutrient solution, sterile Seeds of Glycine max and Leucaena leucocephala Bottles of sterile water Chlorox or hydrogen peroxide for seed sterilization Concentrated sulfuric acid Erlenmeyer flasks, 500 ml capacity Microscope slides, cover slips, mounting fluid Box of flat toothpick


Collecting, recording and analyzing the data

Plants of G. max and L. leucocephala from (d) Plates with bacterial colonies from (d)



The production capacity of small-scale inoculant production plants using presterilized peat can be increased by using diluted liquid cultures of rhizobia. In this exercise, fully

grown cultures are diluted in water and other diluents of different formulations prior to incorporation into presterilized peat in packages or in polypropylene trays. multiplication of rhizobia in the inoculants is studied. The

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)

Culture Rhizobium sp. and Bradyrhizobium sp. Make culture dilution flasks Prepare diluents in dilution flasks Prepare and package peat Sterilize peat in packages and polypropylene trays Prepare YMB + peat blanks and check for sterility Examine YMA Congo Red plates plated with YMB-peat blanks Perform viable counts on late log phase cultures Prepare diluted cultures Inject diluted cultures into peat Mix diluted cultures with autoclaved peat in trays and package

12) 13) 14)

Perform viable counts on inoculants at two weeks Perform viable counts on inoculants at eight weeks Record and analyze the data


Culturing rhizobia in YMB

(Key step 1)

Prepare 500 ml YMB in each of two 1 liter Erlenmeyer flasks. Inoculate one flask with Bradyrhizobium sp. (e.g., B. japonicum TAL 102) and the other with Rhizobium sp. (e.g., TAL 1145 from Leucaena leucocephala). Both rhizobia should have

antisera available for strain recognition and confirming purity (by serology) to be done later in the exercise. Incubate the inoculated flasks at 25-30 C on a shaker. To obtain late log phase cultures, allow the fast- and slow-growing rhizobia to grow for 4 to 7 days, respectively. At the end of the specified growth period, check the purity of the culture by Gram stain and by serology (simple tube agglutination or by the FA technique as described in Section B).


Making a culture dilution flask and its operation

(Key step 2)

The culture dilution flask is basically a 2 l Erlenmeyer flask modified by a short glass-tubing outlet at the base of the flask as shown in Figure 22.1. Seek the assistance of a

skilled glass-blower for fitting the glass tubing to the base of the flask.

Five culture dilution flasks are required per rhizobial strain (four for diluents and one for the undiluted culture as control, see Table 22.1).

Attach a piece of surgical latex tubing of suitable size to the glass tubing outlet of each dilution vessel. Close the

open end of the latex tubing with a plug made from a short piece of glass rod. Add appropriate diluent, cover the flask,

and sterilize the entire unit by autoclaving.

To dilute the culture, aseptically introduce (with a pipette or a hypodermic plastic syringe fitted with a 3.5 cm and 14 gauge needle) the fully grown culture via the mouth of the culture dilution flask. Swirl the flask to ensure proper

mixing and dilution of the culture in the diluent.

Withdraw the diluted culture for inoculation with a sterile plastic syringe as described for the fermentor in Exercise 20.


Preparing the diluents

(Key step 3)

The late log phase cultures of each strain are diluted in 20% (v/v) solutions of yeast mannitol broth (YMB), yeast sucrose

broth (YSB), yeast-water (YW) and distilled (or deionized)

Figure 22.1.

Apparatus for diluting cultures of rhizobia.


YSB has the same ingredients as YMB (Appendix 3) YW

except that sucrose (10 g/l) is substituted for mannitol.

is prepared by dissolving 0.4 g of yeast extract (Difco Labs, Michigan, USA) in one liter of distilled or deionized water.

Accurately prepare 500 ml of 20% YMB, YSB, and YW by mixing 100 ml of full strength media with 400 ml of distilled (or deionized) water in the culture dilution flasks. Prepare each

diluent in duplicate since two strains will be used. Sterilize the diluents by autoclaving in the dilution flask.

Also, fill two 2 l Erlenmeyer flasks with 750 ml of distilled

(or deionized) water each, and sterilize by autoclaving. These will be used for the bulk inoculants.


Preparing packaged presterilized peat and checking for sterility

(Key steps 4, 5, 6, and 7)

Packages containing 40 g of neutralized peat (pH 6.5-6.8) in 3 mil thickness (0.003 in or 0.076 mm) polyethylene and in autoclavable polypropylene bags are needed.

Prepare 62 bags of peat in polyethylene bags and heat seal after exclusion of all air from the bags. Expose the peat in

polyethylene bags to gamma-irradiation (2.5-5.0 megarads). Alternatively, prepackaged irradiated peat is produced commercially and can be purchased from some commercial inoculant producers.

Similarly, package 40 g of neutralized peat in 62 autoclavable polypropylene bags (127 x 178 x 0.076 mm). water into each bag. Pipette 1 ml of

(Inclusion of water during autoclaving Follow the procedure

is necessary for proper sterilization.)

described in Appendix 19 on using polypropylene bags for autoclaving carriers.

Autoclave the peat in the polypropylene bags for 45-60 min at 121 C and 15 psi. Allow sufficient time for the autoclave to

cool before removing the autoclaved bags.

(Rapid release or

loss of pressure from the autoclave after sterilization should be avoided).

Check the sterility of the treated peat by setting up peat + YMB blanks. To set up these blanks, aseptically inject 30 ml

of sterile YMB into peat in two polyethylene and two polypropylene bags. Massage the bags to ensure proper Incubate the bags at

incorporation of the YMB into the peat. 25-30 C for one week.

At the end of the incubation period, aseptically remove a 10 g sample from each bag and transfer into 90 ml of sterile water in dilution bottles. 10-4. Prepare serial dilutions from 10-1 to

Plate 0.1 ml of each dilution in duplicate on plates of Check the plates

glucose peptone agar and YMA + Congo Red.

daily for 7 days for signs of growth and appearance of microorganisms which survived the sterilization.

If there is growth at any dilution, the sterilization was not complete. (It is not unusual to get growth of contaminants

e.g., Actinomycetes, from peat samples which were previously irradiated and stored for a long time.) If there is growth,

note the different types of colony morphology produced by the survivors. Make wet amounts of colonies picked from the

plates and observe under phase contrast microscopy to establish cell morphology of the survivors (e.g., bacteria,

filamentous fungi, yeasts, etc.).

Only sterile peat is recommended for inoculant production by the dilution procedure. However, inoculants have been

prepared from peat with surviving contaminants, as long as the contaminants were not detectable at dilutions higher than 10-2. Irradiation sometimes does not provide absolute sterility, but the dilution method still produces high-quality inoculants in irradiated peat carriers.


Preparing presterilized peat in polypropylene trays

(Key step 5)

Obtain two sturdy trays (46 x 46 x 10 cm) made of autoclavable polypropylene. Place 1 kg of neutralized peat in each tray Cover

and spread it out to give a layer of even thickness. the tray with aluminum foil.

Autoclave both batches of peat Allow the autoclave to cool Leave the peat

at 121 C and 15 psi for 60 min.

before removing the trays of sterilized peat. to cool in the trays overnight. foil cover.

Do not remove the aluminum


Preparing diluted cultures of rhizobia

(Key steps 8 and 9)

The various diluents prepared in step (c) are used for diluting the late log phase cultures of TAL 102 and TAL 1145.

Perform serial dilutions for viable counts (Exercise 4) of the late-log-phase cultures of TAL 102 and TAL 1145. + Congo Red. Plate on YMA (Late

Use the drop- or spread-plate methods.

log phase cultures may have 1-5 x 109 cells ml-1).

Immediately after performing viable counts with the undiluted culture, accurately pipette 1 ml of the broth culture of TAL 102 into 500 ml of the 20% YMB in the dilution-flask to obtain a diluted culture. (The diluted culture will contain

approximately 2-10 x 106 cells ml-1, based on the assumption that the original undiluted culture had at least 1-5 x 109 viable cells ml-1. The dilution factor is better estimated at

a later stage after actual viable counts of the undiluted culture are obtained.)

Complete the preparation of diluted cultures of TAL 102 with YSB, YW and water as diluents.

Similarly, prepare diluted cultures of TAL 1145 using the various diluents in the dilution flasks.


Preparing inoculants with presterilized peat

(Key step 10)

Aseptically, with a 50 ml plastic syringe, inject 30 ml of the diluted culture into each package of autoclaved peat and 40 ml

in the irradiated peat. Table 22.1.

Inoculate the bags as summarized in

Table 22.1.

Protocol for preparing inoculants of TAL 102 and

TAL 1145 with the various diluents and sterilized peat. Packages of sterilized peat needed per strain gammairradiated 6 6 6 6 6 Total ml of diluted culture needed strain-1 420 420 420 420 420

Treatment water YMB (20%) YSB (20%) YW (20%) control*

autoclaved 6 6 6 6 6

* consists of undiluted late log phase cultures

Massage or knead the inoculated bags to work the inoculum into the peat. Label the bags to indicate the appropriate Incubate the packages at 25-30 C.

treatment and the date.


Preparing inoculants with presterilized peat in polypropylene trays

(Key step 11)

Add 10 ml of the late log phase culture of TAL 102 to the 750

ml of sterile water (from step c). proper dilution.

Swirl the flask to ensure

(The diluted culture will contain

approximately 1.33-6.67 x 107 cells ml-1 based on the assumption that the original undiluted culture had 1-5 x 109 cells ml-1.) in the tray. Add this diluted culture to the autoclaved peat

Work the diluted culture into the peat by hand-mixing. Sanitized disposable polyethylene or latex gloves must be worn during the mixing. Hand-mixing without wearing gloves results Continue mixing until the Break up any lumps that may

in high levels of contaminants. culture is absorbed by the peat. result during the mixing.

Immediately after mixing, weigh out approximately 70 g quantities of the peat inoculant into polyethylene bags and heat seal. date. Label the packages to indicate treatments and

Incubate the bags at 25-30 C.

Repeat the procedure to prepare inoculants of TAL 1145.

Best results are obtained if the mixing and packaging of the inoculants are done in simple but clean rooms (e.g., 5 x 3 x 3 m). Rooms of this size can be kept clean and disinfected



Determining multiplication of the rhizobia in peat

inoculants prepared aseptically (Key steps 12 and 13)

The inoculants produced as described in step (g) are most unlikely to contain significant numbers of contaminants as they were prepared aseptically by injecting the diluted cultures into presterilized (irradiated and autoclaved) peat.

Determine the multiplication of the rhizobia in these inoculants at two and eight weeks of storage. Use three

replications of each treatment at each period of enumeration.

Enumerate the rhizobia in these inoculants by the drop- or spread-plate methods (see Exercise 4). ranging from 10-4 to 10-7. Plate dilutions


Determining the multiplication of the rhizobia in the peat inoculants prepared by hand-mixing in trays

(Key steps 12 and 13)

Enumerate the rhizobia in these inoculants at two and eight weeks, using three replications of each treatment.

The inoculants produced in step (h) will contain contaminants, since the mixing of the culture and peat was done without full aseptic precautions. Multiplication of the rhizobia in these

inoculants may be determined by plate counts, but more

reliably by the plant infection technique (see Exercise 5).

Establish ahead of time seedlings of L. leucocephala and soybean for TAL 1145 and TAL 102, respectively, in growth pouches. (Growth tubes with seedling agar or NifTAL-tubes may

also be used for Leucaena.) Following the recommendations given in Exercise 5, 50 seedlings will be needed for enumerating the rhizobia in each bag of inoculant. Since three replications of each strain

treatment are being enumerated, 150 seedlings of each host are needed. Pregerminate Leucaena seeds after acid

scarification/sterilization (see Appendix 10).

Prepare serial dilutions of the inoculant ranging from 10-2 to 10-10. Spread-plate dilutions 10-5 to 10-7 on YMA + Congo Red

and YMA + Brilliant Green for plate counts (Exercise 4). Record the contamination on the plates and quantify if possible. Inoculate 10-1 to 10-10 dilutions onto plants in

growth pouches or in tubes.


Collecting, recording and analyzing the data

(Key steps 14)

Determine the number of viable rhizobia in the inoculants prepared by the various diluent formulations, sterilization and method of preparation. Transform the data to log10 and Organize the

calculate the mean for the replications.

transformed data in the form of Tables 22.2 and 22.3.

Determine the number of rhizobia in the inoculants prepared in step (h) by the MPN method.



Multiplication with



japonicum and




inoculants peat.





Log10 no. of rhizobia g-1 moist inoculant gamma-irradiated peat Diluent water YMB (20%) YSB (20%) YW (20%) undiluted culture control 2w ______ ______ ______ ______ 8w ______ ______ ______ ______ autoclaved peat

2w ______ ______ ______ ______

8w ______ ______ ______ ______







Multiplication 1145) in





102) by



sp. (TAL




diluted cultures and autoclaved peat in trays Log10 no. of rhizobia g-1 moist inoculant

Enumeration method 2 w Plant infection (MPN) YMA = Congo Red YMA + Brilliant Green

TAL 102 8 w ______ ______ ______ 2 w

TAL 1145 8 w ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______

Analyze statistically for differences in the various diluent treatments for both strains and enumeration methods as indicated in Table 22.3.

Since many biological, chemical, and physical factors influence the multiplication and survival of rhizobia in carriers, examine the data and contemplate the following questions.

Did the inoculants produced with diluted cultures reach maximum populations compared to the undiluted culture control?

How did water perform as a diluent in comparison to other diluents?

Compare the practicality and inoculant quality of the aseptic method of inoculant preparation in pre-packaged carriers to that of mixing diluted cultures with autoclaved peat in trays.

Can you confidently recognize colonies formed by rhizobia on plates in the presence of colonies formed by other microorganisms during plate counts? How did these plate

counts agree with the values obtained by the plant infection technique?



Culturing rhizobia in YMB

YMA-slant cultures of B. japonicum (TAL 102) and Rhizobium sp. (TAL 1145).

Two 1 l flasks each containing 500 ml sterile YMB Shaker Gram stain reagents (Appendix 3) Antisera of TAL 102 and TAL 1145 for agglutination (Exercise 7) or for FA (Exercise 11)


Making culture dilution-flask and its operation.

Ten 2 l Erlenmeyer flasks Glass tubing Surgical latex tubing


Preparing the diluents

Distilled or deionized water (500 ml) 500 ml each of 20% YMB, 20% YSB and 20% YW Ten culture dilution flasks Two 2 l Erlenmeyer flasks


Preparing packaged presterilized peat and checking for sterility

Neutralized peat (approximately 8 kg) Autoclavable polypropylene bags, (approximately 65 pieces) Polyethylene bags, (approximately 150) Bag sealing machine Facilities for irradiating peat Sterile YMB; sterile 50 ml plastic syringes fitted with 3.5m and 14 gauge needles Incubator Pipettes and milk dilution bottles containing sterile water Plates of peptone glucose agar (PGA) Plates of YMA + Congo Red Phase contrast microscope


Preparing presterilized peat in polypropylene trays

Two autoclavable polypropylene trays Aluminum foil


Preparing diluted cultures of rhizobia

Plates of YMA + Congo Red Two culture dilution-flasks each containing 20% YMB Two culture dilution-flasks each containing 20% YSB Two culture dilution-flasks each containing 20% YW

Two culture dilution-flasks each containing sterile water Late log phase cultures of TAL 102 and TAL 1145 (g) Preparing inoculants with presterilized peat packages

Five sterile 50 ml plastic syringes fitted with 3.5 cm and 14 gauge needles Packages of gamma-irradiated and autoclaved peat Diluted cultures from step (f)


Preparing inoculants with presterilized peat in polypropylene trays

Two trays of autoclaved peat Two flasks each containing 750 ml of sterile water from step(c) Late log phase cultures of TAL 102 and TAL 1145 Two sterile 10 ml pipettes Sanitized disposable polyethylene or latex gloves Spatula and weighing balance Sealing machine


Determining the multiplication of the rhizobia in peat inoculants prepared aseptically.

Plates of YMA + Congo Red and YMA + Brilliant Green Serological pipettes (1 ml), calibrated Pasteur pipettes, milk dilution bottles with 90 and 99 ml diluents, test

tubes containing 9 ml of sterile diluent Balance, spatula, weighing paper Wrist-action shaker


Determining the multiplication of the rhizobia in peat inoculants prepared by hand-mixing in trays .

Requirements as in (i) Seedlings (7 days old) of soybean and Leucaena Growth pouches, N-free plant nutrient solution


Collecting, recording and analyzing the data.

Calculators, statistical tables Statistical assistance



Survival of rhizobia on seeds is related to the number of cells applied, seed coat toxicity, and the method of application. this exercise. Various seed inoculation methods are compared in

Key steps/objectives

1) 2) 3) 4)

Prepare inoculants Prepare adhesives Coat and pellet seeds and glass beads Plate count rhizobia for viable numbers on seeds and beads


Record and analyze results


Preparing inoculants for seed inoculation

(Key step 1)

Prepare sterile carrier based inoculants for a B. japonicum strain (e.g. TAL 102) as described in Exercise 21.

One week after inoculating the peat, inoculate two 50 ml batches of YM broth with TAL 102. shaker for 7 days. Incubate at 25-30 C on the

Set this broth culture aside in the

refrigerator after maximum turbidity has been reached.


broth culture is to be used as a liquid inoculum for seed coating. (b) Preparing adhesives

(Key step 2)

The adhesives (stickers) used in this exercise are water, a 40% solution of gum arabic, a 5% solution of methyl ethyl cellulose (Cellofas A), a 15% sucrose (household sugar) solution, and vegetable oil. special preparations. Water and oil do not require

To prepare the gum arabic solution, heat 100 ml of distilled water to near boiling. Regulate the heat to prevent boiling.

Add granular gum arabic in small (1-2 g) lots while continuously stirring the mixture. Each lot should be

completely dissolved between additions until a total of 40 g have been added. The recommended gum arabic has the Unlike the powdered

graininess of normal household sugar.

form which is also frequently used, it dissolves easily and without clumping. colored. The solution should be clear and straw

Add 2.5 g of precipitated calcium carbonate to the The pH of the Stir again

gum arabic solution if the pH is acid.

neutralized solution should not be lower than 6.0. until it has been evenly dispersed.

Refrigerate until needed.

Prepare the Cellofas A solution by dissolving 5 grams in 100

ml distilled water, adding it in small increments while stirring the solution. Heating may not be necessary.


Inoculating and pelleting seeds

(Key step 3)

Inoculate soybean seeds in batches of 100 g with inoculant preparations indicated in Table 23.1. Also inoculate a

control group of 400 glass beads, 4 or 5 mm in size, using the same inoculation techniques as in treatment 7 of the table. If seeds from other legume species are chosen for this exercise, refer to Appendix 20 for recommended amounts of adhesive and inoculant. The glass beads should be Containers, Glass beads

approximately the same size as the seeds. spatulas, and glass rods should be sterile.

should be well washed with detergent, rinsed with distilled water, and oven dried. this exercise. Seeds are not surface sterilized for

Four inoculant coating methods are shown in Table 23.1. Direct coating (Treatment 1), the slurry method (Treatments 2-6), the two-step method (Treatments 7-9), and seed pelleting (Treatments 4 and 8) are used in combination with the slurry method and the two-step method, respectively.

Direct coating is self explanatory.

Place seeds into a 1

liter flask; add 2 ml of inoculant broth and shake for

approximately 1 min until all seeds are uniformly wetted. Spread seeds on clean paper and allow to dry.

The slurry method is most commonly used by farmers. Table 23.1.

It is the

Amount of stickers, inoculant and lime used for

various inoculation and pelleting methods Treatment No. 1 Inoculation Method direct coating

Sticker ______

Inoculant broth (2.0 ml) peat (0.5 g) peat (0.5 g) peat (1.0 g)

Pellet ______

water (1.5 ml) gum Arabic (1.5 ml) gum Arabic (2.0 ml)




slurry (with adhesive) slurry (with adhesive + lime) slurry (with adhesive)

CaCO3 (20 g)

sucrose (1.5 ml)

peat (0.5 g)


Cellofas A (1.5 ml)

peat (0.5 g)


slurry (with adhesive)

gum Arabic (1.0 ml) gum Arabic (2.0 ml)

peat (1.0 g) peat (1.0 g)



CaCO3 (20 g)

2-step (with lime)

vegetable oil (1.0 ml)

peat (1.0 g)



most economic method, using less sticker and inoculant.

Immediately before use, mix sticker solution and the peat inoculant at a ratio of 1:3. Place seeds into a 500 ml beaker

and add approximately 2 ml of the slurry to the seeds using a small measuring spoon. uniformly coated. Stir continuously until the seeds are

Spread seeds on clean paper to dry.

The two-step method is especially useful when large numbers of rhizobia must be applied to the seed. Approximately ten times

as many rhizobia can be bound to the seed as compared to the slurry method. In this method, the sticker and the inoculant In the first step the In the second

are applied to the seed separately.

seeds are uniformly coated with the sticker.

step, the inoculant is added to the sticky seeds.

Place the pre-weighed seeds into a plastic bag. sticker and then inflate the bag.

Add the

Twist the bag shut to trap Swirl the bag for at Open

as much air as possible inside the bag.

least one min or until all the seeds are uniformly wet. the bag, add the inoculant, reinflate the bag and shake gently. Stop as soon as the seeds are uniformly black.


at this stage as prolonged shaking will break down the coating. Again, dry the seeds on clean paper.

Gauging the correct quantity of sticker solution is important in this method and is based more on experience than any specific recipe. Satisfactory coating will not occur if there

is too little or too much gum.

Seed pelleting is used to provide the inoculant with additional protection for survival.

Immediately after seed coating add calcium carbonate to the sticky seeds in the plastic bag. Inflate the bag and gently Dry

shake for 1 min or until all seeds are uniformly white. on clean paper.

The glass beads are included as a control since their surface is relatively inert. Comparison of the various seed

inoculation treatments with glass bead controls will help in the detection of significant effects of toxic seed coat diffusates.

Divide each treatment of inoculated seeds and glass beads into two batches of equal size. Store one batch at 4 C (batch A)

in the refrigerator and the other batch (batch B) at room temperature (25-30 C). storage containers. Petri dishes are recommended as


Determining the number of viable rhizobia on seeds

(Key steps 4 and 5)

The number of rhizobia on the seeds and glass beads of each treatment will be determined at 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 days after inoculation.

On each plating day, remove 20 seeds from batch A of each treatment (stored in the refrigerator) and 20 seeds from batch B of each treatment (stored at room temperature). subsamples of five seeds from each. Make four

If all treatments shown in Table 23.1 are chosen, (nine treatments-including the control-at two temperatures divided into four subsamples) the total number of samples to be plated on one day will be 9 x 2 x 4 = 72.

Transfer each subsample into a screw-capped test tube containing 5 ml of sterile diluent. Shake the test tubes One

vigorously for 5 min to wash the inoculum off the seeds. ml of the resultant suspension will contain the rhizobia derived from one seed.

Make a serial dilution from 10-1 to 10-5 4.

from each subsample as described in Exercise

Plate 0.1 ml of each dilution by the spread plate method on YMA plates containing Brilliant Green (1.25 /ml) and on YMA plates containing Congo Red (25 /ml). The Brilliant Green

will suppress fungal growth while Congo Red will aid in detecting contaminants.

Count the rhizobial colonies and express the results as number of viable rhizobia per seed basis. Also, convert viable Enter both

rhizobia per seed to per cent of 0 day viability. these data side by side. as in Table 23.2.

Organize the results of all counts

Calculate the standard deviation for replicated samples using the following formula:

Example: The counts of four replicates of a given dilution are:

Calculate the standard deviation for each treatment and tabulate the results.

Differences are significant if they exceed the standard deviation by a factor of two.

Plot two graphs using the mean counts of each treatment


Mean log of viable rhizobia per seed (Y-axis) against This graph will show which treatment permits

time (X-axis).

the largest number of cells to be applied to the seed and also which treatment allowed the longest survival of the applied inoculum.


% viable rhizobia per seed (Y-axis) against time


This graph will indicate the percent decline of the applied inoculum in relation to the initial number of viable cells.










affected by different methods of inoculation. Viable rhizobia per seed after (days) Treatment Number 0 1 1 2 3 6 9

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Glass beads (control)



Preparing inoculants

Transfer chamber Platform shaker; incubator; refrigerator

Inoculation loop; bunsen burner Requirements for Gram stain (Appendix 3) Syringe 50 ml, sterile; needle, 18G sterile Erlenmeyer flasks (20) 250 ml capacity YMB (2 liters) Plates of YMA and BTB; plates of YMA and Congo Red Solution of BTB (0.5% in alcohol) Spreader; beaker of alcohol (95%), spray bottle of alcohol (70%) Sterile peat, sealed bag of 50 g

Pipettes, 1 ml, sterile; test tube, sterile


Preparing adhesives

Refrigerator, balance, Hot plate (unit which includes a magnetic stirrer if possible); stirring bar Beakers, 100 ml capacity Weighing paper; spatula Calcium carbonate (precipitated powder) Methyl ethyl cellulose (Cellofas A); gum arabic; sugar Distilled water


Coating and pelleting seeds

Refrigerator, balance Spatula, bunsen burner, weighing paper Glass stirring rods; glass beads (400) Pipettes 5 ml, pipettes 10 ml (wide mouth) Beakers 100 ml Plastic bags (2 l capacity) Distilled water; alcohol in spray bottle Gum arabic solution from (b), Cellofas A solution from (b), sugar solution Calcium carbonate powder Paper towels (to place coated seeds on for drying) Petri dishes

Peat inoculant from (a), broth culture from (a) Soybean seeds (800 g)


Determining the number of viable rhizobia on seeds

Transfer chamber Incubator, bunsen burner, refrigerator Pipettes, sterile 1 ml Tubes (20 ml) screw-capped with 5 ml sterile diluent YMA plates containing Brilliant Green YMA plates containing Congo Red Coated seeds from (c)


Bezdicek, D.F., D.W. Evans, B. Abede, and R.E. Witters. 1978. Evaluation of peat and granular inoculum for soybean yield and N-fixation. Agron. J. 70:865-868.

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Graham, P.H., G. Ocampo, L.D. Ruiz, and A. Duque. 1980. Survival of Rhizobium phaseoli in contact with chemical seed protectants. Agron. J. 72:625-627.

Hiltbold, A.E., D.L. Thurlow, and H.D. Skipper. 1980. Evaluation of commercial soybean inoculants by various techniques. Agron. J. 72:675-681.

Hoben, H.J., and P. Somasegaran. 1982. Comparison of the pour-, spread-, and drop-plate methods for the enumeration of Rhizobium in peat inoculants. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44:1246-1247.

Kremer, R.J., H.L Peterson. 1983. Effects of carrier and temperature on survival of Rhizobium spp. in legume inocula: Development of an improved type of inoculant. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44:1790-1794.

Kremer, R.J., J. Polo, and H.L. Peterson. 1982. Effect of suspending agent and temperature on survival of Rhizobium in fertilizer. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46:539-542.

McLeod, R.W. and R.J. Roughley. 1961. Freeze dried cultures as commercial legume inoculants. Aust. J. Expt. Agric. Anim. Husb. 1:29-33.

Odeyemi, O., and M. Aelxander. 1977. Use of fungicide resistant rhizobia for legume inoculation. Soil Biol. Biochem. 9:247-251.

Paczkowski, M.W. and D.L. Berryhill. 1979. Survival of Rhizobium phaseoli in coal-based legume inoculants. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 38:612-615.

Philpotts, H. 1976. Filter mud as a carrier for Rhizobium inoculants. J. appl. Bacteriol. 41:277-281.

Roughley, R.J. 1970. The preparation and use of legume seed inoculants. Plant and Soil 32:675-701.

Roughley, R.J. and J.A. Thompson. 1978. The relationship between the numbers of rhizobia in broth and the quality of peat based legume inoculants. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 44:317-319.

Skipper, H.D., J.H. Palmer, J.E. Giddens, and J.M. Woodruff. 1980. Evaluation of commercial soybean inoculants from South Carolina and Georgia. Agron. J. 72:673-674.

Somasegaran, P., V.G. Reyes, and H. J. Hoben. 1984. The influence of high temperatures on the growth and survival of Rhizobium spp. in peat inoculants during preparation, storage, and distribution. Can. J. Micro. 30:23-30.

Sparrow, S.D. and G.E. Ham. 1983. Survial of Rhizobium phaseoli in six carrier materials. Agron. J. 75:181-184

Strijdom, B.W. and H.J. van Rensburg. 1981. Effect of steam sterilization and gamma irradiation of peat on quality of Rhizobium inoculants. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 41:1344-1347.

Toomsan, B., O.P. Rupela, S. Mittal, P.J. Dart and K.W. Clark. 1984. Counting Cicer-Rhizobium using a plant infection technique. Soil Biol. Biochem. 6:503-507.

van Rensburg, H, Jansen, and B.W. Strijdom. 1974. Quality control of Rhizobium inoculants produced from sterilized and

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Weaver, R.W. 1979. Adsorption of rhizobia to peat. Soil Biol. Biochem. 11:545-546.

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Wilson, D.O. and K.M. Trang. 1980. Effects of storage temperature and enumeration method on Rhizobium spp. numbers in peat inoculants. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 57:233-238.



Caesalpinioideae This subfamily has 152 genera and nearly 2,800 spp. of trees and shrubs, rarely herbs, mostly tropical and subtropical and most numerous in tropical America. Lvs. nearly always

alternate, pinnate or bipinnate; stipules paired, mostly deciduous; stipels mostly absent. Fls. zygomorphic, often

showy, usually hermaphrodite; sepals 5 or 4 by union of 2 upper sepals, mostly free, sometimes much reduced when 2 bracteoles which are large and calyx-like cover bud; petals 5 or fewer with upper petal innermost in bud; stamens 10 or fewer, free to variously connate, dehiscing lengthwise or by terminal pore; ovary superior, 1-locular, 1-many ovules, style simple. Fr. a legume or indehiscent and drupaceous. Seeds

sometimes arillate, rarely with endosperm.

Mimosoideae This subfamily has 56 genera and about 2,800 spp. of trees and shrubs, very rarely herbs, mainly confined to the tropics and subtropics and more numerous in the southern hemisphere. Lvs.

usually bipinnate, rarely once pinnate, sometimes reduced to phyllodes; stipules present, sometimes spinelike. actinomorphic, small, usually sessile and massed in Fls.

cylindrical spikes or globose heads; sepals usually 5, mostly valvate and united to form a toothed or lobed calyx; petals same number as sepals, valvate, free or connate; stamens often numerous, free or monadelphous; anthers small, versatile, often with apical gland, dehiscing longitudinally; ovary 1-locular superior, style usually filiform, stigma small and terminal. Fr. dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes a lomentum.

Papilionoideae According to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, it would appear that the correct name for this subfamily is either Faboideae or Lotoideae. designated Papilionatae. It is sometimes

This subfamily has about 480 genera and 12,000 spp. of trees, shrubs, herbs, and climbers, generally distributed throughout the world, with the more primitive woody genera mostly in the tropics and the more advanced herbaceous genera more common in the temperate regions. Due to the very distinctive structure

of the flower, members of this subfamily are very homogeneous and easy to recognize.

Lvs. usually alternate and mostly compound, pinnate, trifoliate or digitate; stipulate; stipules often present at base of individual leaflets. Fls. zygomorphic and typically

papilionaceous; mostly hermaphrodite; calyx tubular and usually 5-toothed; petals 5, imbricate with descending

aestivation; upper (adaxial) petal exterior, usually largest, forming standard (vexillum); 2 lateral petals more or less parallel with each other forming wings (alae); and lowest 2 petals interior, usually joined by lower margins, to form keel (carina), which enclosed stamens and ovary. Stamens usually

10, monadelphous (all united by filaments) or diadelphous with 9 united by filaments and with upper or vexillary stamen free; rarely all stamens free; mostly all perfect; anthers 2-locullar, usually dehiscing lengthwise by slits. Ovary

superior, of 1 carpel, usually 1-locular, sometimes with false septa; ovules 1-many on ventral suture. Fr. usually a legume

or pod, splitting along dorsal or ventral sutures or both; sometimes indehiscent; occasionally jointed and breaking into 1-seeded segments. Seeds usually without endosperm.

Figure A.1.

Subfamily Papilionoideae. 1. Front view of flower

of Pisum sativum (pea); 2. petals of P. sativum; 3. flower of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean) from below; 4. flower of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus in longitudinal section. a-posterior or standard petal; b-lateral petal; c-keel petals (carina); d-sepals; e-stigma; f-style; g-anther; h-filament; i-ovary wall; j-ovule.

Figure A.2.

Subfamily Caesalpinoideae.

1. bud of Cassia sp;

2. flower of Cassia sp; and 3. longitudinal section through flower of Delonix regia (Flame of the Forest of Poinciana). a-petal; b-sepal; c-stigma; d-style; e-filament; f-anther; g-anther of staminoid; h-posterior or standard petal; i-ovary wall; j-ovule.

Figure A.3.

Subfamily Mimosoideae.

1. Floret of Adenanthera

pavonina; 2. inflorescence (globose head) of Leucaena leucocephala in longitudinal section showing arrangement of florets on torus; 3. floret of L. leucocephala (side view); 4. floret of L. leucocephala (top view). a-petal; b-sepal; c-stigma; d-anther; e-filament; f-style; g-ovary.

Figure A.4.

Legume pods.

1. Strongylodon lucidus; 2.

Tamarindus indica; 3. Acacia farnesiana; 4 Parkinsonia aculeata; 5. Prosopis pallida; 6. Lablab purpureus; 7. Pisum sativum; 8. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus; 9. Arachis hypogaea; 10. cicer arietinum; 11. Leucaena leucocephala.

Figure A.5.

Leaves of legumes and associated structures.

Leaf shapes: 1. oblong; 2. cuneate; 3 cordate; 4. linear; 5. lanceolate; 6. ovate; 7. oval. Leaf arrangements: 8.

bi-pinnate; 9. pinnate; 10. palmate; 11. simple; 12. trifoliate; 13. branch of Pisum showing 5-branched tendril (a) and stipule (b); 14. bi-pinnate leaf showing position of

pulvinus (c); 15. Acacia seedling showing simple phytolodes (d), and true compound leaves (e).

Figure A.6.

Some representative shapes of leguminous nodules.

Spherical: a. globose and streaked, e.g., Glycine max, Calopogonium, and Vigna radiata; b. peanut (Arachis hopogaea); c. semi-globose with smooth surface, e.g., Vigna unguiculata and Psophocarpus. Finger-like forms: d. elongate and lobed, Fanshaped: e. coralloid, e.g.,

e.g., Leucaena and Mimosa. Crotalaria and Calliandra.

Figure A.7.

Some examples of nodule distribution on roots.

1. prolific tap-root nodulation; 2. occasional nodules on laternal roots and distant from the tap-root; 3. large number of small nodules; 4. small number of large nodules.



Figure A.8

Nodule preservation vial






convenient field








collected this way can last 6 -12 months, though recovery of the rhizobia during isolation may vary depending on the legume species.

Selection of plant(s) to sample nodules

Nodules should be collected from healthy, green plants.


plants (if nodulated) usually have large nodules with pink/red interiors which may indicate effective fixation.

Excavate plants carefully and remove adhering soil particles. Excise each nodule from the roots, leaving a small piece of root attached. and cap tightly. Place the nodules (at least five) in the vial

For tree legumes, seedlings are the best source of nodules.



Yeast Mannitol Broth (YMB)

Constituents: Mannitol K2HPO4 MgSO4.7H2O NaCl Yeast Extract Distilled Water 10.0 g* 0.5 g 0.2 g 0.1 g 0.5 g 1.0 liter

*This amount has been used traditionally, however more recent findings (H. Keyser, unpublished) show that 1 g l-1 is sufficient for most rhizobia.

Preparations: - Add mannitol and salts to 1 l distilled water - Dissolve under continuous stirring - Adjust pH to 6.8 with 0.1 N NaOH - Autoclave at 121 C for 15 min.

Yeast Mannitol Agar (YMA)


Yeast Mannitol Broth Agar

1 liter 15 g

Preparation: - Prepare YMB - Add agar, shake to suspend evenly, autoclave. - After autoclaving, shake flask to ensure even mixing of melted agar with medium.

Glucose Peptone Agar

Ingredients per liter: Glucose Peptone Agar Preparation: - Dissolve glucose and peptone in 1 liter distilled water - Add 10 ml BCP stock solution* to achieve a BCP concentration of 100g ml l-1 (Prepare BCP stock solution by dissolving 1 g BCP in 100 ml ethanol) 5 g 10 g 15 g

- Add agar and suspend evenly - Autoclave at 121 C for 15 minutes

Fermentor Broth (Burton, 1967)

Constituents per liter: Mannitol 2.0 g

Sucrose Tripotassium phosphate (K3PO4) Monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4) Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O) Sodium chloride (NaCl) Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) Calcium sulphate (CaSO4.H2O) Yeast Extract Ammonium phosphate [(NH4)2HPO4] Water


g 0.2 g

0.4 0.2

g g

0.06 g 0.2 0.04 g 0.5 g 0.1 1000 ml g g

Micronutrient Stock Solution (Burton)

Constituents: Boric Acid (H3BO3) Manganese sulphate (MnSO4.7H2O) Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4.7H2O) Sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4) Ferric chloride (FeCl3.6H2O) Cobalt sulphate (CoSO4.6H2O) Lactic acid (88%) Distilled water 2.78 g 1.54 g 0.21 g 4.36 g 5.00 g 0.004 g 580 420 ml ml

*Addition of 1.0 ml per liter of medium gives: boron 0.5 g; manganese 0.5 g; zinc 0.05 g; molybdenum 1.0 g; iron 100 g and cobalt 0.0005 g per liter (or parts per million).

- Dissolve mannitol, sucrose, yeast extract and salts in 1 liter distilled water

- Add 1 ml of micronutrient stock solution - Autoclave at 121 C for 15 min.

Bergersens defined medium for preparation of Rhizobium for antiserum production

Constituents: K2HPO4 KH2PO4 MgSO47H2O CaCl26H2O FeCl36H2O Sodium glutamate Mannitol Agar Water 1.0 g 1.0 g 0.25 g 0.1 g 0.01 g 1.10 g 10.00 g 15.00 g 1 liter

Dispense known volumes into bottles, autoclave and add 1 ml of Biotin-thiamine solution per liter.

a. Dissolve 0.1 g thiamine and 0.025 g biotin in 1 liter distilled water.

b. Dispense 2 ml quantities via sterile Seitz or Millipore filter into small bottles (dispense 50 and discard remainder

of solution).

c. Store in freezer and dispense aseptically into autoclaved medium at 1 ml/liter.


Bromthymol Blue (BTB)

Stock solution: 0.5 g/100 ml ethanol Add 5 ml stock/liter YMA Final concentration of BTB: 25 ppm.

Congo Red (CR)

Stock solution: 0.25 g/100 ml Add 10 ml stock/liter YMA Final concentration of CR: 25 ppm.

Bromcresol Purple (BCP)

Stock solution: 1 g/100 ml ethanol Add 10 ml stock per liter peptone glucose agar. Final concentration: 100 ppm.

Brilliant Green (BG)

Stock solution: 125 mg/100 ml ethanol Add 1 ml stock to 1 liter of YMA before autoclaving Final concentration of BG: 1.25 ppm.

YMA with antibiotics

Streptomycin (str)

Stock solution: 400 mg str/100 ml water (4 mg str/ml) Add 5 ml str stock/500 ml YMA to make plates containing 40 g str/ml. 10 ml str stock/500 ml YMA for plates containing 80 g str/ml.

Spectinomycin (spc)

Stock solution: 1.25 g spc/50 ml water (250 mg spc/ml) Add 5 ml spc stock to 500 ml YMA for plates with 250 g spc/ml.

Add 10 ml spc stock to 500 ml YMA for plates with 500 mg spc/ml.

Autoclave YMA together with magnetic stirring bar in an Erlenmeyer flask. Add filter sterilized antibiotics after the Mix well and pour after bubbles

agar has cooled below 80oC.

resulting from mixing have dispersed. Fahraeus C- and N-free Madium*

CaCl2 MgSO47H2O KH2PO4 Na2HPO42H2O Ferric citrate *Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo Distilled water

0.1 g 0.12 g 0.1 g 0.15 g 0.005 g traces 1000 ml

PH after autoclaving is 6.5 Sterilize at 121oC for 20 minutes.

Seedling Agar (Jensen, 1942)*

CaHPO4 K2HPO4 MgSO27H2O NaCl FeCl3 Water Agar Microelementsa

1.0 g 0.2 g 0.2 g 0.2 g 0.1 g 1.0 liter 15.0 g 1.0 ml (Gibson 1963)*

From stock containing: 0.5% B; 0.05% Mn; 0.005% Zn; 0.005%

Mo; and 0.002% Cu.

*Taken from Vincent 1970

Seedling Agar Slants

Autoclave seedling agar at 121oC for 15 minutes and dispense equal volumes into tubes (tube size depends on plant species). An appropriate amount of molten agar is dispensed so that after solidifying in inclined tubes, a 5-10 cm long agar face is presented for seedling growth.


Solution I:

Crystal violet solution 10 g 4 g 100 ml 400 ml

Crystal violet Ammonium oxalate Ethanol Water (distilled)

Solution II: Iodine

Iodine solution 1 g 2 g 25 ml 100 ml

Potassium iodide Ethanol Water (distilled)

Solution III:

95% Ethanol

Solution IV:

Counterstain 10 ml 100 ml

2.5% Safranin in ethanol Water (distilled)

Carbol Fuchsin Stain Basic fuchsin Ethanol 5% phenol solution 1 g 10 ml 100 ml

The fuchsin stain should be diluted 5-10 times with distilled water before use.

Preparation of Yeast Water

Fresh starch-free cakes of yeast are preferred in making yeast-water. Suspend 100 g of yeast in 1,000 ml of water and

boil slowly or steam for 3 to 4 hours, replacing the water lost regularly. Allow the cooled suspension to stand until

yeast cells have settled (usually 10 to 12 hours) to the bottom. Siphon off the clear, straw-colored liquid; adjust

the liquid to pH 6.6 to 6.8 with sodium hydroxide; bottle and autoclave for 30 to 40 minutes at 121 C. Following

sterilization, the yeast water may be stored at room temperature.

Dried yeast may also be used in making yeast-water. dry yeast is equivalent to about 2.5 kg of wet yeast. 40 g of dry yeast in one liter of water.

One kg of Suspend

Boil, decant,

bottle, and sterilize in the same way as described for fresh yeast. One hundred ml of yeast-water should contain about 75

mg of nitrogen.

Yeast extract powders prepared by spray-drying aqueous autolyzed yeast preparations are available in many countries. When these are available, about 0.5 g per liter of the dried preparation is used to replace yeast-water. are convenient and usually satisfactory. Dry preparations

The media containing yeast may foam excessively when aerated vigorously in fermentor vessels. Foaming can be controlled by

adding a small amount of sterile white mineral oil or silicone emulsion.

Preparation of Soybean Water

Grind 100 g soybean seeds to a course flour and place in 1000 ml of water. regularly. Boil slowly for 2 hours replacing the lost water Allow to cool and centrifuge at 5000 rpm. Remove

the supernatant, autoclave, and store. use 100 ml per liter.

For rhizobia media,

Nitrogen sources can also be prepared

from other grain legume seeds in the same way.

Table A.1. N-free Nutrient Solution (Broughton and Dillworth, 1970). Stock Solutions 1 Element Ca M 1000 Form CaCl22H2O MW 147.03 g/l 294.1 M 2.0

2 3

P Fe Mg K Mn

500 10 250 250 1 2 .5 .2 .1 .1

KH2PO4 Fe-citrate MgSo47H2O K2SO4 MnSO4H2O H3BO3 ZnSO47H2O CuSO45H2O CoSO47H2O Na2MoO22H2O

136.09 355.04 246.5 174.06 169.02 61.84 287.56 249.69 281.12 241.98

136.1 6.7 123.3 87.0 0.338 0.247 0.288 0.100 0.056 0.048

1.0 0.02 0.5 0.5 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002

B Zn Cu Co Mo

For each 10 liters of full strength culture solution, take 5.0 ml each of solutions 1 to 4, then add to 5.0 liters of water, then dilute to 10 liters. the pH to 6.6-6.8. Use 1 N NaOH to adjust

For plus N control treatments, KNO3 (0.05%) is added giving an N

concentration of 70 ppm.



Biuret Reagent

In 500 ml distilled or deionized water, dissolve:

Copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O) Sodium potassium tartrate (NaKC4H4O6.4H2O)

1.5 g 6.0 g

To this mixture, add 300 ml of CO2-free 10% NaOH slowly under continuous stirring.

Add CO2-free H2O to make this reagent up to 1 l and store in a tightly screw capped polyethylene or glass bottle in the cold.

Nessler's Reagent

In 15 ml of distilled water, dissolve:

Mercuric chloride Potassium bromide Sodium hydroxide

1.0 g 5.0 g 2.5 g

Dilute to 100 ml, refrigerate.

Allow to sit in the

refrigerator for 5 days. or filter.

Use the upper clear solution only,

Preparation of Gelatin-Rhodamine Isothiocyanate (RhITC) Conjugate

1. 2. 3. 4.

Prepare a 2% gelatin solution. Add 1N NaOH dropwise until pH reaches 10-11. Autoclave for 10 min at 15 psi and 121 C. After cooling add rhodamine isothiocyanate (RhITC) dissolved in a minimum volume of acetone to provide 8 g of dye per one mg of gelatin. Remove residues by filtration through a 45m membrane filter.


Allow conjugation to proceed overnight with gentle stirring.


The conjugate is separated from unreacted RhITC by gel filtration on Sephadex G-25, using PBS pH 7.1 (alternatively the preparation could be dialyzed against PBS pH 7.1 until no further color is detected in the dialysate).


Add merthiolate to the conjugate (1:10,000) and distribute the conjugate in small volumes into screw-cap tubes and store at -20 C. Alternatively, the bulk of the

conjugate could be freeze-dried and stored in a desiccator. When needed, the desired amount of the dry

sample should be reconstituted in distilled water.

Mounting Medium (taken from Kawamura, 1969)

Buffered glycerol or elvanol is commonly employed. Fluorescence fades in a short time (about 30% overnight and then more gradually) in glycerol but remains for a longer time in elvanol. The fluorochrome of the rhodamine series

dissolves in elvanol, however, and therefore it cannot be used except with FITC-labeled antiserum. glycerol is normally 7.0 to 7.5. a pH of 8.5 with good results. The pH of the buffered

However, we have used it at

Buffered glycerol solution

0.5 M carbonate buffer (pH 9.5) Glycerine (reagent grade, free of autofluorescence)

l vol. 9 vol.

The two reagents are mixed thoroughly (with a magnetic stirrer). The final pH should be 8.5.

Elvanol (Elvanol-buffered glycerine mixture)

Elvanol (polyvinyl alcohol, 51-05 grade) 0.5 M carbonate buffer (pH 9.0)

1 vol. 4 vol.

The two reagents are mixed with a magnetic stirrer for 16 h. One volume of reagent grade glycerine is mixed with two

volumes of the above mixture.

The final mixture is stirred

again with a magnetic stirrer for 16 h, centrifuged for 60 min at 12,000 rpm and the pH of the supernatant corrected to 8.5.

The final product should be kept in an air-tight container. It is best stored in tubes and kept in the dark. harden under the cover glass and fix it firmly. It will



0.1 M Phosphate Buffer


Prepare stock solutions.


0.2 M solution of monobasic sodium phosphate (NaH2PO4.H2O) water. Dissolve 27.8 g in 1000 ml of distilled


0.2 M solution of diabasic sodium phosphate Dissolve 52.65 g of Na2HPO4.7H2O or 71.7 g of Na2HPO4.12H2O in 1000 ml of distilled water.


Mix x ml of (a) with y ml of (b), according to the following table, and dilute to a total of 200 ml with distilled water.

Phosphate buffered saline (0.01 M pH 7.1) purification)

(Used in FA

Mix 330.0 ml of a with 670.0 ml of b, dilute with saline (8.5 g of NaCl per liter of distilled water) to 20 liters. Add Merthiolate at a concentration of 0.01% (200 ml of a 1% solution to 20 liters PBS).

Table A.2.

Schedule for preparation of phosphate buffers.

a 93.5 92.0 90.0 87.7 85.0 81.5 77.5 73.5 68.5 62.5 56.5 51.0

b 6.5 8.0 10.0 12.3 15.0 18.5 22.5 26.5 31.5 37.5 43.5 49.0

pH 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

a 45.0 39.0 33.0 28.0 23.0 19.0 16.0 13.0 10.5 8.5 7.0 5.3

b 55.0 61.0 67.0 72.0 77.0 81.0 84.0 87.0 87.0 91.5 93.0 94.7

pH 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0

0.15 M Phosphate Buffer


Preparation of stock solutions


0.15 M NaH2PO4 Dissolve 2.0702 g in 100 ml of distilled water


0.15 M Na2HPO4 Dissolve 2.1294 g in 100 ml of distilled water


0.15 M KH2PO4 Dissolve 2.0413 g in 100 ml of distilled water


Phosphate buffer, pH 5.6

Mix 13 ml of (b) with 187 ml of (a). necessary)

(Adjust pH if


Phosphate buffer, pH 6.4 Mix 32.2 ml of (b) with 67.8 ml of (c). if necessary) (Adjust pH


Phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 - 7.3 Mix 24 ml of (c) with 76 ml of (b). necessary) (Adjust pH if

0.15 M Phosphate Buffer, pH 8.0


Dissolve 10.6 g of anhydrous Na2HPO4 in about 450 ml of distilled water


Adjust the pH to 8.0 by the dropwise addition of 1 N hydrochloric acid; then dilute to 500 ml with distilled water


Check pH occasionally

0.15 M Phosphate Buffer, pH 9.0 (Used in the conjugation of FA)

Same as above without the addition of hydrochloric acid (Used for FA conjugation)





Prepare 1% aqueous barium chloride and 1% aqueous sulfuric acid solutions.


Add the amounts indicated in Table A6.1 to clean dry ampoules. Ampoules should have the same diameter as the

test tube to be used in the subsequent density determinations. 3. Seal the ampoules and label them. Preparation of McFarland nephelometer barium

Table A.3. sulfate

standards. Barium chloride Tube 1% (ml) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Sulfuric acid 1% (ml) 9.9 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0

Corresponding approx. density of bacteria (million/ml) 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,100 2,400 2,700 3,000



For bacterial agglutinations, the cell suspension is usually adjusted to approximately 1x109 cells/ml. In the McFarland

standards, tubes 3 and 4 will have approximately 9.0x108 (1x109) and 1.2x109 cells/ml respectively. The arbitrary

selection of these two densities will yield satisfactory results for many systems.

With dust-free saline in a tube (blank) similar in diameter to the standards, set the nephelometer to a low nephelometric unitage. Read the corresponding unitage on tubes 3 or 4.

With approximately 8 ml of saline in another clean tube, add the turbid washed suspension of rhizobial cells dropwise with a Pasteur pipette until a turbidity is reached which is slightly lower than the corresponding standard chosen. Place

the tube in the nephelometer and adjust the turbidity to the required unitage by further additions of the turbid rhizobial suspension.

If a nephelometer is not available, the turbidity is adjusted to fall between tubes 3 and 4 by visual comparison.



Small seeded legumes can be cultured enclosed in tubes if these plants are to be used for the authentication of rhizobia or for enumerating rhizobia by the plant-infection technique. One of the limitations of strain evaluation in enclosed tubes is that a tube environment restricts growth conditions and proper differentiation of the plant. A nitrogen-free nutrient

solution is solidified with agar for slant preparation or without agar for NifTAL-tubes.


Tubes 250 mm x 25 mm (Figure A.9) are required.


are stoppered with cotton plugs sufficiently loose to allow good air exchange and simultaneously filter off contaminants.


A total of 1.62 l of the N-free nutrient solution is needed for 54 tubes at the rate of 30 ml per tube. For

convenience, divide the nutrient solution into manageable volumes in beakers or Erlenmeyer flasks prior to the addition of the agar powder. (Example: It is convenient

to have 500 ml of the N-free nutrient solution in a 1 l container as this will greatly facilitate stirring when the agar is being melted or dispensed). Add 1.5% (w/v)

agar to the N-free nutrient solution (24.3 g of agar powder will be needed for 1.62 l of N-free nutrient solution). Melt the agar either by steaming in an If

autoclave or by direct heating over a bunsen-flame.

direct heating is used, the mixture must be constantly stirred over gentle heat to prevent charring of the agar on the bottom on the container.


Dispense the melted agar in 30 ml portions into the tubes and plug. To facilitate dispensing of the agar, a simple

set-up is illustrated in Figure A.9 which is adequate for approximate volumes. Arrange tubes in suitable metal To make

baskets and autoclave at 121 C for 30 min.

slants, support the tubes at an angle as illustrated.

Figure A.9.

Simple set up for dispensing seedling agar into

tubes and forming slants.



In an effort to keep growth pouches standing upright, researchers have improvised different types of racks. Gramophone record holders have frequently been used for this purpose.

Figure A.10.

Improvised rack for growth pouches

More suitable racks may be built from galvanized or stainless steel wire of at least 14 gauge and a wooden board as shown in Figure A.10. 1.5 cm. The spacing between the wire frames should be 1-

Tools needed are: a drill with a bit of a slightly smaller diameter than the wire, wire cutter, small vise, and a hammer.



Choice of the legume for the authentication (Table A.4) depends very much on the specificity of the host. Most

temperate and tropical legumes nodulated by fast-growing, acid-producing rhizobia are usually specific and would require the parent host. In most instances, the host dependent

classification for rhizobia may serve as a useful guide for selecting the legume for use in authentication. If the legume

from which the presumptive isolate is made is identified and its cross-inoculation group is known, but no seeds of the parent (homologous) host are available, the cross-inoculation group should be consulted to select an alternative (heterologous) host. However, this is sometimes difficult as

with the pink Bradyrhizobium sp. from Lotononis bainesii, which requires only the parent host as there seems to be no substitute. Most known tropical legumes are nodulated by the

slow-growing, alkali-producing rhizobia (Bradyrhizobium), in which case a "guinea-pig" legume like Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro) can be confidently used for authentication. siratro. Over 90% of bradyrhizobia will nodulate

The choice of the growth system (Table A.4) will depend on the seed size of the host selected for authentication, and the

size of the plant.

Some small seeded species e.g. Vigna

aconitifolia, Macrotyloma uniflorum, etc., produce plants of an unsuitable size for tubes, but manageable in growth-pouches. If the size of the plant is known, most

small-seeded species can be cultured in tubes or growth-pouches in growth (environmental) chambers. It is

important to bear in mind that there are legumes that will not nodulate easily in tubes or pouches, resulting in a false negative authentication. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and For these species, The environment

Leucaena retusa are notable examples.

authentication must be done in Leonard jars.

(growth chamber or greenhouse) where the authentication is done must be absolutely clean and adequately constructed to keep out insects and other sources of contamination.

Table A.4.

Recommended Hosts and Growth Systems for

Authentication of Presumptive Isolates.

Type of Rhizobia* f, ac Host for Authentication parent hosts

Parent Host Phaseolus vulgaris P. coccineus P. acutifolius Medicago spp. Melilotus spp. Trigonella sp.

Growth System growth-pouches or Leonard jars growth-pouches or Leonard jars tubes or growthpouches

s, al

parent host

f, ac

parent hosts or Medicago sativa parent hosts

Trifolium spp.

f, ac

tubes or growthpouches tubes, growthpouches or Leonard jars growth-pouch or Leonard jars growth-pouches or Leonard jars

Pisum spp. Vicia spp. Lens culinaris Glycine max Lupinus spp. Ornithopus sp.

f, ac

parent hosts or Vicia faba

f, ac & s, al s, al

parent host parent hosts

Sesbania spp. Leucaena leucocephala L. diversifolia

f, ac f, ac

parent hosts parent hosts or L. leucocephala

growth-pouches or Leonard jars tubes or growthpouches

L. retusa

f, ac

parent host or L. leucocephala parent host

Leonard jars

Lotononis bainesii

s, al

tubes or growthpouches

Parent Host Phaseolus vulgaris P. coccineus

Type of Rhizobia* f, ac

Host for Authentication parent hosts

Growth System growth-pouches or Leonard jars pouches

Cicer arietinum

f, ac or neutral

parent host

Leonard jars

Calliandra spp.

f, ac & s, al f, ac

parent host

tubes, growthpouches or Leonard jars growth-pouch or Leonard jar

Acacia senegal

parent host

Acacia auriculaeformis A. mearnsii A. albida Arachis hypogaea A. glabarata Alysicarpus vaginalis Cajanus cajan Calopogonium mucunoides Canavalia spp. Stylosanthes spp. Aeschenomene spp. Macrotyloma spp. Glycine wightii (syn. Neonotonia wightii) Voandzeia subterranea Desmodium spp. Centrosema spp. Crotalaria spp. Clitoria spp. Lablab purpureus Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Vigna spp. Phaseolus lunatus Zornia spp. Pacyrrhizus spp. Sphenostylis macrocarpa Macroptilium spp.

s, al

parent hosts or Siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum)

tubes, growthpouches or Leonard jars

*In the above list, f, ac and s, al indicate fast-growing, acid-producing and slow-growing, alkali-producing respectively.



Surface sterilization of legume seeds is dependent on the purpose and nature of the experiment. Authentication, strain

selection and the enumeration of rhizobia by the plantinfection technique require legumes to be raised from surface sterilized seeds to ensure strict microbiological control.

Sterilants frequently used for surface sterilizing seeds are solutions of sodium hypochlorite (2.5% commercial bleach), acidified mercuric chloride (0.2%), hydrogen peroxide (3%), or concentrated sulfuric acid. Only hard-coated seeds are

treated with concentrated sulfuric acid which scarifies (softens) the seed coat besides effecting surface sterilization.

Selected seeds must be of good viability (more than 70%), clean, and free of damage. Treated seeds (pesticides,

fungicides or insecticides) must be rinsed quickly in water then dried on paper towels.

Method (a): Sterilization with mercuric chloride, sodium hypochlorite, or hydrogen peroxide solutions. 1. Place seeds in Erlenmeyer flask (wide-mouthed and previously sterilized by autoclaving). Cover the

mouth of the flask with half of a sterile Petri dish. The space taken up by the seeds should be

about 25% of the volume of the flask as too many seeds will affect the efficiency of the sterilization. The Petri dish cover should be kept

in place throughout the operation. 2. Rinse the seeds in 95% alcohol for 10 seconds to remove waxy material and trapped air. alcohol. 3. Add mercuric chloride, sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide solutions in sufficient volumes to immerse the seeds completely. Swirl the contents Drain off the

gently to bring the seeds and sterilant into contact. 4. After 3-5 min, drain off the sterilant.

Rinse with at least six changes of sterile water. Observe aseptic procedures throughout the rinsing. After the sixth rinse, pour in sufficient water to submerge the seeds and leave in the refrigerator for 4 h for the seeds to imbibe. (Some seeds e.g. the

California black-eye variety of Vigna unguiculata should not be allowed to imbibe in water as the cotyledons fall apart.) 5. After 4 h, rinse the seeds with two or more changes of water and plate the seeds in 0.75% (w/v) water agar in Petri dishes. (Seeds can easily be scooped

out of the flask with long spoons to transfer the seeds onto the agar.) Evenly spread the seeds on

the agar and avoid over-crowding.

About 20-100

seeds are recommended per plate and this is dependent on the size. Large Petri dishes are

needed to plate species with large seeds (e.g. Canavalia spp., Vicia faba). Large seeded species

are more conveniently germinated in sterile (autoclaved) vermiculite. The vermiculite is Obtain

moistened and sterilized one day in advance.

a 5-10 cm layer of horticultural grade vermiculite in a shallow autoclavable polypropylene tray. Moisten the vermiculite by alternate additions of water and mix. Cover the tray with aluminum foil Allow the

and sterilize by autoclaving for 15 min. vermiculite to cool overnight.

Remove the foil in a Make

laminar flow hood or other clean environment.

furrows in the vermiculite with a sterile spatula. Sow the seeds in furrows and cover with vermiculite. Replace the aluminum foil cover. 6. Incubate at 25-30 C. Invert the plates for small

seeded-species (clovers, medics, siratro, etc.) with seed diameters 3 mm and less. Inverting the plates

allows the development of straight radicles from the seeds.

Method (b): Sterilization with concentrated sulfuric acid. 1. Place seeds in sterile Erlenmeyer flask and cover with half a sterile Petri dish as in method (a).


Add just enough acid to coat the seeds.


sterilization and scarification to proceed for 10 min. Drain off excess acid. 3. Add sterile water in sufficient volume to dissipate the heat generated by the exothermic reaction. Rinse and pour out the water. The first rinse

should be done quickly to avoid killing the seeds by the heat. Continue rinsing the seeds with another

five changes of water. 4. Leave the seeds (with some water) overnight in the refrigerator to imbibe. sterile water. 5. Plate the sterilized seeds on water agar and incubate at 25-30 C or germinate in sterile vermiculite as described in method (a). Rinse with two changes of

Methods of seed sterilization for the various leguminous species are shown in Table A.5.

Table A.5.

Methods of seed surface sterilization for various legume species.

Sterilization Legume Species (Common Name) Arachis hypogaea (peanut, groundnut) Method* (a or b) a Recommended Germination Medium** v.

Sterilant peroxide/ bleach

Sterilization Legume Species (Common Name) Glycine max (soybean) Cicer arietinum (chickpea) Lens culinaris (lentil) Lupinus spp. (lupines) Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) Canavalia sp. (jackbean) Phaseolus lunatus (lima bean) Phaseolus acutifolius (tepary bean) Voandzeia subterranea (bambara groundnut) Phaseolus vulgaris (bean) Phaseolus coccineus (scarlet runner bean) Vigna mungo (green gram) Vigna radiata (urd bean) Vigna angularis (adzuki bean) Vigna umbellata (rice bean) Vigna aconitifolia (mat or moth bean) Method* (a or b) a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Recommended Germination Medium** v. v. w.a. v./w.a. v. v. v. w.a./v. v. v. v. w.a. w.a. w.a. w.a. w.a.

Sterilant peroxide/ bleach peroxide/ bleach peroxide/ bleach bleach/ peroxide bleach/ peroxide bleach/ peroxide peroxide/ bleach peroxide bleach/ peroxide bleach/ peroxide bleach/ peroxide peroxide/ bleach peroxide/ bleach peroxide/ bleach peroxide/ bleachq peroxide/ bleach

Pisum spp. (pea) Centrosema pubescens (centro)

a b

peroxide/ bleach acid

v. w.a.

Sterilization Legume Species (Common Name) Clitoria ternatea (butterfly pea) Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea) Sesbania sp. Medicago spp. (medics) Trifolium spp. (clovers) Glycine wightii Pachyrrhizus spp. (yam bean) Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean) Lotononis bainesii (lotononis) Desmodium spp. Lotus spp. Stylosanthes spp. Leucaena spp. Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro) Calopogonium mucunoides (calopo) Pueraria phaseoloides (tropical kudzu) Acacia spp. Method* (a or b) b b b a a a b b a b a b b a b b b Recommended Germination Medium** w.a. (invert plates) v./w.a. w.a. w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates) v. v. w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates) w.a. w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates) w.a. (invert plates)

Sterilant acid acid acid peroxide peroxide acid acid acid peroxide acid peroxide acid acid acid acid acid acid

* Method "a" refers to seed surface sterilization using sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or hydrogen peroxide (peroxide); Method "b" refers to seed surface sterilization and scarification using con. H2SO4. The sterilants are

indicated in order of preference though both can be used in surface sterilization. ** Recommended medium "v" refers to vermiculite; "w.a." refers to water agar.



The modified Leonard jar assembly (Figure A.11) consists of a 700 ml capacity beer bottle with the lower portion cut off. This bottle is inverted into a heavy glass jar (reservoir), 1 l minimum capacity. The mouth of the bottle should be 2-3 cm The growth medium (sand or

above the base of the reservoir.

vermiculite) in the bottle is irrigated by a centrally positioned cotton wick running the length of the bottle and extending out of the mouth and into the reservoir containing the nutrient solution. Various types of wick material have

been used with Leonard jars, e.g. braided cotton lantern wicks, cotton rope, strands from cotton mop heads, coiled cotton wool, braided or twisted nylon rope. New wick

materials should be tested for their ability to conduct water and their compatibility with plants. Generally, a 12 mm

cotton rope is adequate and easy to obtain.

Place approximately 50 cm of wick material in the bottle with about 10 cm extending out of the mouth. A small amount of

absorbent cotton stuffed into the neck of the bottle will aid in securing the position of the wick, and prevent the growth medium from settling in the reservoir. Wick material of

cotton rope should be boiled in water and squeezed dry prior to use. This removes air trapped in the wick and improves

water conductivity. While holding the wick in a central position, fill the bottle with growth medium (well-washed river sand or horticultural grade vermiculite). Pack the medium to minimize air spaces. For vermiculite, it is more

Sand is easier to pack when dry. convenient to pack when wet.

The vermiculite should be soaked

overnight and the water drained off prior to packing into the bottles.

Position the bottle in the reservoir. firmly on the rim of reservoir.

The bottle should fit

Moisten the growth medium in

the bottle by adding 150-200 ml of the N-free nutrient solution. Allow the nutrient solution to saturate the medium Fill the Use 1600 ml

and the excess to drain into the reservoir.

reservoir with 800 ml of the nutrient solution. if the reservoir has a 2 l capacity.

Wrap the bottle and jar

assembly with white or brown moisture-proof paper and secure with rubber bands at critical points along the jar. also be used. Tape may

Aluminum foil wrapping may be used if it is Cap the open end of the bottle Hold the

inexpensive and available.

with either aluminum foil or wrapping paper. assembly by the reservoir when moving it.

Sterilize the complete assembly and nutrient solution by autoclaving for 1.5-2.0 hours at 121 C and 15 psi. For

convenience, cool the assembly in the autoclave overnight.

Figure A.11.

The Leonard jar



Rabbits used for antiserum production should be healthy and 612 months old. Label each animal with an ear tattoo or tag.

Maintain individual records for each rabbit of all treatments to which the rabbit is subjected.

During ear (intravenous) injections, intramuscular injections, and trial bleedings, the rabbit must be restrained (immobilized). The recommended method is to roll the rabbit The fore and rear limbs must be For intraperitoneal injections,

tightly into a large towel. well secured by the towel.

the animal may be strapped to a rack or held on its side by another person. During cardiac puncture, a bleeding rack is Another

used to hold the rabbit on its back (Figure A.12).

approach is to sedate the rabbit with an injected tranquilizer such as Rompun [(Xylazine), Haver-Lockhart Bayvet Division, Cutter Laboratories, Inc. Shawnee, Kansas, USA]. ether or chloroform should be avoided. The use of

The following schedules have been used successfully for antisera development in rabbits.

Schedule 1:

(Schmidt, Bankole, and Bohlool, 1968)

DAY 1 2 3 7 8 9

PROCEDURE Inject 0.5 ml intravenously (IV) Inject 1.0 ml IV Inject 1.5 ml IV Inject 1.5 ml IV Inject 2.0 ml IV Inject 2.0 ml IV and 2.0 ml subcutaneously (SC)

16 18 25 32 39 46

Test bleeding and titer determination Cardiac bleed (30-50 ml) Inject 2.0 ml SC Cardiac bleed (30-50 ml) Inject 2.0 ml SC Cardiac bleed (30-50 ml)

Schedule 2:

(Dudman, 1964)


PROCEDURE Inject 1 ml of mixture of equal parts culture suspension and Freund's complete adjuvant (IM)

28 30 32 34

1 ml IV (antigen alone) Bleed from ear 10-20 ml Bleed from ear 10-20 ml Bleed from ear 10-20 ml

Schedule 3:

(Somasegaran, unpublished)



Inject SC 1 ml of emulsion of equal parts of antigen suspension and Freund's complete adjuvant

14 28 30 37 44

1 ml IV (antigen suspension alone) Test bleeding and titer determination Cardiac bleed (30-50 ml) Inject 1.0 ml IV Cardiac bleed (30-50 ml)

An intramuscular injection (IM) is used to start the immunization schedule (Exercise 6). Immobilize the rabbit by Free one of the rear

rolling it tightly into a large towel.

legs, and use alcohol to swab a small area of the skin covering the thigh muscle. into the muscle and inject. Insert the needle about 1.5 cm A large gauge needle (20G) is

recommended to introduce the emulsion quickly and reduce the animal's discomfort.

Subcutaneous (SC) booster injections are usually given to maintain the antibody titer. skin in the shoulder area. 22 gauge needle. Inject the antigen under the Use a 3-5 ml syringe fitted with a

Intravenous injections are given into the marginal ear vein of one ear. Expose the vein by shaving a small section of the Swab the shaved area with alcohol

ear with a razor blade.

(70%) and inject the antigen with a 1-2 ml syringe fitted with a narrow gauge (25G) needle. If the schedule calls for

several consecutive injections, make the first injection at the distal end of the ear. Progress toward the base of the

ear with each successive injection.

For test bleeding, extract blood from the ear not used for injections. Shave a small area along the marginal ear vein, To prevent blood from

and swab the area with alcohol (70%).

spreading into the fur, apply vaseline around the area to be nicked. Use a scalpel with a small pointed blade (#11) and Collect 1-2 ml of blood in a

make a small nick in the vein. test tube.

Stop the bleeding by applying light pressure to If additional

the injury with the thumb and forefinger.

bleedings are found necessary, progressively nick the ear closer to its base.

Alternatively, blood may be drawn from the marginal ear vein with a 1-2 ml syringe equipped with a 26G needle.

There are various methods of extracting larger volumes of blood from rabbits. Among those frequently practiced are the

cutting of the jugular vein, ear bleeding with the help of a vacuum, and cardiac puncture. Cardiac puncture (Figure A.13)

is recommended here because it is fast and efficient. The rabbit is tied to the inclining bleeding rack. The area The

above the sternum is shaved and swabbed with 70% alcohol.

blood is extracted with a large syringe (50 ml) fitted with a 18G needle and emptied into a sterile screw capped tube. About 50 ml blood can be taken from a ten to twelve pound rabbit without endangering the animal's life.

A bleeding rack may be built by nailing two wooden rails to a board (Figure A.12) and elevating one side with a wooden support to provide an incline of approximately 12 . The

distance between the rails should be 4-6 cm, depending on the neck size of the rabbits used. The rabbit's head is held by

the rails at the upper end, while the legs are tied to a cleat at the lower end.

The Bellco rabbit bleeding apparatus (Figure A.13) is another convenient means of obtaining large quantities of blood from a rabbit. Bellco's instructions provide the following


Equipment required:

Vacuum pump (or line), a sharp razor

blade, receptacle (culture tube or flask with appropriate size rubber stopper), short piece of heavy rubber or plastic hose for attachment to vacuum line.

The ear of the animal is disinfected, a single slit is

made through the marginal ear vein, and the ear is inserted into the large opening of the apparatus. The

vacuum line is opened gradually until a vacuum lock is obtained on the head of the animal. Immediately the blood begins to flow in a steady stream. As much as 50 ml can

be obtained in one minute without any sign of trauma to the animal.

The entire rabbit bleeding apparatus is autoclaved, the ear of the rabbit is treated with a disinfectant, and only one tube is used for each animal.

Figure A.12.

A bleeding rack

Figure A.13.

The BELLCO #5640-1111 rabbit bleeding

apparatus as shown on the manufacturer's instruction


Figure A.14.

Collecting blood from a rabbit by

cardiac puncture:

a) b) c)

Rabbit secured to bleeding rack Drawing the blood Close-up of draw



The indirect FA technique uses antibodies (antisera) of rabbit and goat (or sheep). The specific antiserum for the rhizobial

strain is produced as described in Exercise 6, but the antiserum is not conjugated with FITC. Purified

gamma-globulins from a rabbit (not immunized previously with rhizobia) are injected into a goat as antigen to produce antibodies against the rabbit gamma-globulin. The antibodies

from the goat, commonly referred to as GARGG (Goat-Anti-Rabbit Gamma Globulin), are then conjugated with FITC.

In the identification procedure, rhizobial cells are smeared on a slide and heat fixed. This smear is reacted with the

unconjugated rabbit antiserum specific for the rhizobial strain. off. After reaction, unreacted rabbit antiserum is washed

This is followed by staining with the GARGG (or SARGG

from sheep).

While GARGG is available commercially (e.g., from Difco Laboratories) some investigators prefer to produce their own.

NifTAL has produced GARGG successfully using a 1% solution of purified rabbit gamma-globulin as antigen. The following

injection schedule has proven successful (Intramuscular - IM, Intravenous - IV, Intraperitoneal - IP, and Subcutaneous SC).

Injection Schedule (Hoben, unpublished)

Day 1

1:1 emulsion of antigen: Freund's complete adjuvant - 20 ml IM (10 ml into each thigh muscle)

Day 14

1:1 emulsion of antigen: Freund's incomplete adjuvant - 4 ml IM (2 ml into each thigh muscle) Antigen - 2 ml SC (1 ml above each shoulder) Antigen - 2 ml IP Antigen - 2 ml IV (optional)

Day 28

1:1 emulsion of antigen: Freund's incomplete adjuvant - 4 ml IM (2 ml into each thigh muscle) Antigen - 2 ml SC (shoulders) Antigen - 2 ml SC (1 ml into each hip region)

Day 33

Trial bleeding

Day 34

Blood collection

Day 40

Blood collection

Day 54

First booster injection (same as day 28). Booster injections can be made on 28 day cycles.

Injection and blood collections may be continued beyond day 34. The blood may be collected 6 days and 12 days after each The booster injections follow the Complete adjuvant should only be Incomplete

set of booster injections. same protocol as day 28.

used in the beginning of the immunization.

adjuvant should be given on subsequent injection days.

One person is required to hold the animal down, while another gives the injections. A tranquilizer, such as Rompun (made by

Bayer Leverkusen) is recommended to subdue the animal during blood collection. When the tranquilizer is injected

intramuscularly according to the manufacturers instructions, the animal will fall asleep within 5-15 minutes, and awaken after two hours.

The goat is bled from the jugular vein as follows:

shave the

appropriate area on the neck and locate the vein by touch. Press the thumb of your left hand onto the vein. This will

block the blood flow and enlarge the vein just above your thumb. Swab this area with 70% ethanol and insert a sterile

20 gauge needle (holder-needle assembly for use with Vacutainer glass tubes) into the jugular vein. Place the

Vacutainer glass tube into the holder and collect the blood. Keep exchanging Vacutainers glass tubes until the desired

amount is collected. ml in one bleeding.

A 50 pound goat can safely deliver 300

The blood is handled as described in Exercise 6 and the resulting antiserum is checked for quality by immunodiffusion (Exercise 9) as follows:

Dilute the goat (sheep) antiserum in twofold steps from 1:2 to 1:32. Using the hexagonal immunodiffusion pattern, place the

different dilutions into the outer wells and the antigen (1% rabbit globulin solution) into the center well. If sufficient

antibodies are present in the serum, strong precipitin bands will be produced at dilutions of 1:4 or higher. Antisera of

acceptable quality are then conjugated with FITC (Exercise 11).

The indirect FA technique eliminates the need for conjugating rabbit antisera. It is considered more sensitive than the The indirect method can be used with any

direct FA technique.

rhizobial antisera produced in a rabbit, even those with low titer which are not suitable for conjugation. It differs from

the direct method mainly by the inclusion of the additional reaction step, while most of the procedures detailed in Exercise 11 for the direct technique remain the same.

Since nonspecific fluorescence may occasionally occur with the indirect method, a control smear treated only with conjugated

GARGG should be included.

The staining is done as follows:


Make a thin smear and heat fix.


Cover the smear with 1:10 diluted rabbit antiserum and incubate for 20 minutes.


Briefly wash off the excess antiserum with PBS.


Cover the smear with diluted FITC conjugate of goat anti-rabbit globulin and incubate for 20 minutes. (A suitable dilution of the conjugated GARGG to be used is determined by its staining titer.)


Wash off excess FITC conjugate and place in PBS for 20 minutes.


Complete the washing process by placing the slide in distilled water for 10 minutes.


Air dry, mount, and observe under the UV microscope.




Determine the number of B. japonicum cells contained in 1 g of a 100 g bag of inoculant made from nonsterile peat.

1) 2) 3)

Dilute the 100 g of inoculant in 900 ml water. Make a tenfold dilution series (Table A14.3) Set up plants in quadruplicates as described in Chapter 6 and inoculate each plant with 1 ml of the dilutions.

4) 5)

Record nodulation (+ or -). Beside each dilution, write the number of nodulated (+) units.


Add the total of the nodulated units assuming the results shown in Table A.6.


Note that number of replications, n = 4; dilution steps, s = 10; number of nodulated units, (+) = 21; lowest dilution in the series, d = 10-1.


Use Table A.10 which is calculated for tenfold dilutions and locate 21 (for 21+ units) in column n = 4.


Find the most likely number (m) in column s = 10

corresponding to 21 in the n = 4 column. Table A.6.

The most

Evaluation of soybean inoculant prepared from nonsterile peat.


DILUTION 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10

I + + + + + + -

II + + + -

III + + + + + + + -

IV + + + + + Total 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 21

likely number is m = 3.1 X 104. 10) Multiply most likely number with the reciprocal of lowest dilution used in the series (d = 101). (3.1 X 104) X (101) = 3.1 X 105 The peat inoculant contained 3.1 X 105 rhizobia per gram. Since the original sample was diluted 1:10

(100 g peat in 900 ml sterile water) and aliquot (v) used for inoculation was 1 ml, the actual

calculation should be: X = m X d = 3.1 X 104 X 101 = 3.1 X 105 rhizobia g-1 inoculant V 1

Determing the most probable number in soil

The MPN count is often used to determine the number of rhizobia present in soil. Whereas a tenfold dilution series

with two or four replicates is sufficient for most peat inoculants, which usually have a relatively high number of rhizobia (>108 cells g-1), a fourfold or even twofold dilution series with replications in quadruplicate is usually chosen for soil. The smaller dilution steps provide a more precise

estimate when less than 10,000 cells of rhizobia per gram soil are expected. The first sample of the series, however, is

frequently diluted tenfold or a 100-fold.

Example: 100 grams of field soil were diluted in 900 ml of sterile water. A quadruplicate dilution series was prepared Aliquots of 2 ml were used for the

ranging from 4-1 to 4-9. inoculations.

Use Table A.9 for four fold dilutions in this appendix. column (n = 4), find 25 for 25 + units.


Table A.7. Determination of the population of native cowpearhizobia in field soil using sirato as the trap host.
NODULATION ---------Replications--------Number of Nodulated units

Dilution 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
-1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9

I + + + + +

II + + + + + +

III + + + + + +

IV + + + + + 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 0

+ +


0 25

n = 4; s = 10; d = 10-1; + units = 25

m = 1.6 X 103 d (lowest dilution) = 10-1 v = 2 ml X = 1.6 X 103 X 101 2 = 8000

The most probable number of rhizobia in the field soil was

8000 cells per gram.

Table A.8. Number (M) of rhizobia estimated by the plant infection count (After Vincent 1970): A. Two-fold dilutions: (A=2) Positive tubes n=4 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n=2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2000 500 120 _____ 30 s=10 >520 520 370 290 220 180 140 120 95 78 65 54 45 37 31 26 21 18 15 13 11 8.9 7.4 6.3 5.2 4.4 3.7 3.2 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.79 0.60 0.42 0.27 <0.2 Dilution steps (s)

s=8 >130 130 93 72 55 45 35 29 24 19 16 13 11 9.3 7.7 6.4 5.4 4.6 3.8 3.2 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.79 0.60 0.43 0.27 <0.2

s=6 >33 33 23 18 14 11 8.9 7.4 6.0 4.9 4.1 3.4 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.81 0.62 0.43 0.27 <0.2

s=4 >8.3 8.3 5.9 4.6 3.4 2.8 2.2 1.8 1.4 1.1 0.97 0.66 0.46 0.29 <0.2

Approx range Factor, 95%

fiducial limits (x,)

n=2 n=4

2.7 2.0

Calculated from Table VIII2 of Fisher and Yates (1963). Table A.9. Number (M) of rhizobia estimated by the plant infection count (After Vincent 1970): B. four-fold dilutions; (A=4) Positive tubes n=4 n=2 40 20 39 38 19 37 36 18 35 34 17 33 32 16 31 30 15 29 28 14 27 26 13 25 24 12 23 22 11 21 20 10 19 18 9 17 16 8 15 14 7 13 12 6 11 10 5 9 8 4 7 6 3 5 4 2 3 2 1 1 0 Dilution steps (s) s=10 >2.0x10 5 2.0x10 1.2 4 8.1x10 5.5 3.8 2.6 1.8 1.3 3 9.1x10 6.3 4.5 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 2 8.0x10 5.6 4.0 2.8 2.0 1.4 1.0 1 7.1x10 5.0 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.3 0 8.9x10 6.3 4.5 3.2 2.2 1.6 1.1 -1 7.2x10 4.4 <4.4x10
-1 5

s=8 4 >1.3x10 1.3x10 3 7.9x10 5.1 3.5 2.4 1.7 1.1 2 8.0x10 5.6 4.0 2.8 2.0 1.4 1.0 1 7.1x10 5.0 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.3 0 8.9x10 6.3 4.5 3.2 2.2 1.6 1.1 -1 7.2x10 4.4
-1 4

s=6 2 >7.9x10 7.9x10 5.0 3.2 2.2 1.5 1.0 1 7.2x10 5.1 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.3 0 8.9x10 6.3 4.5 3.2 2.2 1.6 1.1 -1 7.2x10 4.4
-1 2

s=4 1 >5.0x10 5.0x10 3.2 2.0 1.4 0 9.6x10 6.6 4.6 3.2 2.2 1.6 1.1 -1 7.2x10 4.4 0
-1 1




Approx. range Factor for 95% fiducial limits

5x10 n=2

3x10 4.0






Calculated from Table VIII2 of Fisher and Yates (1963). Table A.10. Number (M) of rhizobia estimated by the plant infection count (After Vincent 1970): C. Ten-fold dilutions; (A=10) Positive tubes Dilution steps (s) n=4 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n=2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

s=10 8 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 7 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 6 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 4 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 3 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 2 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 1 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

s=8 6 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 5 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 4 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 3 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 2 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 1 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

s=6 4 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 3 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 2 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 1 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

s=4 2 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 1 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

Approx. range 10 Factor, 95% fiducial limits*

10 n=2 6.6






Calculated from Table VIII2 of Fisher and Yates (1963). Table A.10. Number (M) of rhizobia estimated by the plant infection count (After Vincent 1970): C. Ten-fold dilutions; (A=10) Positive tubes Dilution steps (s) n=4 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n=2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

s=10 8 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 7 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 6 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 4 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 3 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 2 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 1 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

s=8 6 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 5 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 4 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 3 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 2 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 1 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

s=6 4 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 3 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 2 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 1 5.8x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

s=4 2 >7x10 6.9 3.4 1.8 1.0 1 5.9x10 3.1 1.7 1.0 5.8x1 3.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 <0.6

Approx. range 10 Factor, 95% fiducial limits*

10 n=2 6.6






Calculated from Table VIII2 of Fisher and Yates (1963). *Cochran; Biometrics, 1950, 6, 105.



The nitrogenase enzyme-complex is responsible for biological nitrogen fixation in the root nodules of legumes. Nitrogenase

is synthesized by bacteroids in the nodules and also the reduction of molecular nitrogen to NH3 takes place within the cytoplasm of the bacteroids. The enzyme-complex consists of

two distinct protein components with iron atoms common to both and molybdenum present in only one of the two components. Both the Fe-protein and Mo-Fe-protein are essential for nitrogenase activity. During the reduction process, molecular

nitrogen is converted to NH3 through a series of steps involving enzyme(s) and ATP. Though molecular nitrogen is the

natural substrate for nitrogenase, other triple bonded "nitrogen-analogues" like acetylene (HCCH), cyanide (H-CN), nitrous oxide (NN-O) and methyl isocyanide (CH3-NC) can also undergo reduction mediated by the nitrogenase complex. Because of its lack of toxicity and easy availability, acetylene is frequently used to assay for nitrogenase activity. In the assay procedure, root nodules of legumes are

exposed to 5-25% of acetylene-in-air mixture and incubated at 25 C-30 C. The ethylene (C2H4) produced by the reduction of Although

the acetylene is measured by gas chromatography.

acetylene reduction is a sensitive method for assaying

nitrogenase activity, the reduction information may not be translated into nitrogen fixed because of frequent theoretical disagreement in the stoichiometry of the two reduction processes.

The Gas Chromatograph A gas chromatograph with a hydrogen Flame-Ionization-Detector (FID) is usually used in the assay. A stainless steel column,

3 m long and 1 mm in diameter, is filled with molecular sieve material, usually Porapak media (produced by Waters Associates Inc., Farmingham, Mass., U.S.A.). Porapak is a porous polymer

composed of ethylvinylbenzene cross-linked with divinylbenzene to form a uniform structure of distinct pore size. available in bead form with different mesh sizes. It is Porapak N

of 100-200 mesh size allows good separation of C2H2 and C2H4 using N2 as carrier gas.

A column temperature of 50-70 C with a carrier gas flow rate


of 50 ml min

is used for routine work.

Air and hydrogen gas


are adjusted to flow at the rates of 300 ml min


Different gases have different retention times in the column, therefore the gas chromatograph-recorder will trace out the peaks in order of emergence. A gas mixture containing CH4,

C2H2 and C2H4 will have the trace pattern illustrated in Figure A15.1. It is important for the operator to become familiar

with the acetylene and ethylene peaks traced out on the gas

chromatograph recorder chart.

Source of Acetylene Acetylene is available commercially in cylinders. Very pure

acetylene (99%) is available in small cylinders for analytical work. Small amounts for laboratory work can be conveniently About 15 ml A simple

prepared by reacting calcium carbide with water. of water is used for each gram of calcium carbide.

apparatus for generating acetylene is shown in Figure A.15. Acetylene generated this way contains very minute quantities of phosphine, ethylene and methane.

Calibration of the gas chromatograph In the calibration process, exact amounts of ethylene have to be injected into the gas chromatograph and the peak heights measured. The concentration of ethylene giving a particular A calibration curve is obtained by

peak height is computed.

plotting peak height (Y-axis) against ethylene concentration (X-axis). The calibration curve should be linear and pass

through the origin. 1. Obtain a small volume of the 99% pure ethylene for the calibration. 2. Dilute the pure ethylene as follows: Determine the true volume of a 1000 ml volumetric flask. mouth. Fill the flask completely with water to the Without trapping any air, carefully place a

"Suba-seal" (W. Freeman & Co., Led., Barnsely,

Yorkshire) or a long, sleeved rubber stopper for serum bottles (Wheaton Scientific, Millville, New Jersey) to contain the water. Invert the flask to

detect air trapped during the placement of the seal or stopper. Repeat filling and sealing if too much Pour the water into a measuring

air is trapped.

cylinder and record the volume. 3. Flush out the flask with N2 and seal again. Remove 1

ml of the air from the sealed flask with a syringe. Then inject 1 ml of pure ethylene into the sealed flask and allow to stand for 10 min at room temperature to equilibrate. 4. With a 1 ml plastic syringe, pierce the rubber seal, remove 1 ml of the diluted ethylene from the flask, and inject it into the gas chromatograph. Measure

the height of the ethylene peak from the trace. Inject two more 1 ml samples to check for reproducibility of the peaks. Note column

temperature of the gas chromatograph.

Calculations of the calibration Suppose the diluted ethylene (now referred to as the standard) was equilibrated at 23 C and 756 mm Hg pressure. Convert

these values to NTP using the gas law relationship: P1V1 T1 P1 = 760 mm Hg:

P2V2 T2

V1 = unknown; T1 = 273 K

P2 = 756 mm Hg: V2 = 1 ml; T2 (273 + 23 )K therefore, volume of ethylene, V1 at NTP = 1 X (765/760) X (273/296) = V1 = 0.9174 ml According to molar volume, 1 mole of C2H4 at NTP will occupy 22.4 liter (22.4 x 103 ml). Therefore, 0.9174 ml C2H4 = 0.9174 mole 3 22.4 X 10 = 0.041 X 10-3 mole = (0.041 X 10-3) X 109 nmole = 4.1 X 104 nmole The accurate volume of the completely fixed volumetric flask (1 liter) was 1038 ml. Only 1 ml of the pure ethylene was diluted in the atmosphere of the flask. Therefore, 1 ml of the diluted ethylene = 4.1 X 104 nmole 1098 ml = 39.499 nmole When 1.0 ml of the diluted sample was injected into the gas Chromatograph, an ethylene peak height of 75 divisions (on the recorder chart paper) at x64 attenuation was produced.

Assume that 1 division on the recorder chart paper is equal to 1 Flame-Ionization-Detector (FID) unit. FID units = 39.499 nmole.Therefore, 1 FID unit at x1 attenuation = 39.499 = 0.0082 nmole 75 X 64 1 FID unit = 0.0082 nmole = 8.2 X 10-3 nmole Therefore, (75 x 64)

From the standard ethylene preparation, inject in duplicate 0.2,0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 ml of the gas. Measure the peak

heights corresponding to these volumes and n moles of the ethylene. Plot the calibration curve (i.e., peak height vs n

moles ethylene).

Assaying for nitrogenase activity with nodulated roots To bring acetylene and nitrogenase into contact, the nodules must be contained in a suitable air-tight vessel into which acetylene can be introduced. After a specified incubation

period, samples are withdrawn and analyzed for ethylene produced with a gas chromatograph.

Calibrate the gas chromatograph with the pure ethylene standard. This should be done very much in advance of

bringing in incubated nodule samples for gas analysis.

Prepare incubation vessels from 1 liter Nalgene PVC wide mouth bottles (or equivalent) for incubation of the nodulated roots. Carefully drill a 15 mm hole in the center of the cap

of each bottle and fit a rubber septum (serum bottle flange-type stopper) of appropriate size to give a leak-proof fit. If metal caps are used, caps should have rubber liners

to prevent leaks.

Carefully excavate whole plants from the field or from Leonard jars. Cut off the tops at the point of the scar left by the


Place the tops into labelled bags to be dried for Remove as much of the soil or

dry weight determination.

growth medium adhering to the roots as possible before placing it into the incubation vessel. Retrieve and include any

nodule(s) which becomes detached during the excavating or cleaning operations.

Do not wash the roots to clean them as wetting decreases the nitrogenase activity significantly. A wet nodule probably

traps the acetylene on the surface of the nodule by slight solution in water, thus making less acetylene available to the nitrogenase in the nodule. If the root system becomes wet,

the nodules should be dried by blotting prior to being placed in the bottle. Nodulated roots from solution culture

experiments should be treated similarly.

With a 50 ml plastic syringe (Beckton-Dickinson, Rutherford, New Jersey) fitted with an 18G needle and 1.5 inches long, remove 5 or 10% of the atmosphere in the incubation vessel. Replace this with a corresponding volume of acetylene. the time when incubation is initiated. Record

Allow the incubation

to proceed for 30-45 minutes with periodic shaking of the bottles in between to permit good contact between the nodules and the acetylene.

At the end of the incubation, shake the bottle, withdraw a 1 ml gas sample through the septum, and inject into the gas

chromatograph. attenuation.

Duplicate the injections and note the Other details can be indicated against each

trace on the recorder chart paper.

Remove the nodulated roots from the incubation vessels after gas samples have been removed for analysis. and pick the nodules. Wash the roots

Obtain the fresh weight of nodules

after blotting dry, and finally, oven dry the nodules at 70 C.

Calculate the nitrogenase activity from the information provided by the gas chromatograph as shown in the following example.


Nodulated roots of two soybean plants were placed in After

a 1000 ml incubation vessel (PVC wide-mouthed bottle).

the cap of the incubation vessel was secured tightly, 50 ml (5%) of the air was withdrawn from the incubation vessel (via the rubber septum in the cap) with a 50 ml plastic syringe and replaced with 50 ml of C2H2. After 30 min incubation, 1 ml of

the gas sample was withdrawn with a 1 ml syringe and injected into the gas chromatograph. x32 attenuation was produced. the nodules. A peak height of 40 divisions and Calculate the C2H4 produced by

(Use values of the standard calculated

previously from the calibration of the gas chromatograph.)


Peak height = 40 divisions; Attenuation = x32 Incubation time = 30 min; volume injected = 1 ml Total FID units = 40 x 32 = 1280 From the calibration 1 FID unit = 8.2 x 10-3 nmole C2H4 Therefore, 1280 FID units = (8.2 x 10-3) x (1280) nmole C2H4

Since the volume of the incubation vessel was 1000 ml, then the total volume of C H produced = (8.2 x 10-3) x (1280) x
2 4

(1000) n moles = 10496 nmoles = 10496 = 10.496 moles 1000

10.496 moles of C2H4 were produced by 2 soybean roots in 30 minutes. Therefore moles C2H4/plant/hour = 10.496 x 60 = 10.496 2 30

General formula for calculating nitrogenase activity: ethylene produced nitrogenase activity = time(h) x number of plants

Plot nitrogenase activity on the Y-axis and nodule (fresh or dry) weight on the X-axis. Plot a similar graph, but with dry Process both sets of

weight of plant tops on the X-axis.

plots statistically and obtain the coefficient of correlation (Appendix 18) for each of the two plots.

Figure A.15.

A simple apparatus for generating small

amounts of acetylene (C2H2) in the laboratory

Figure A.16.

Trace pattern from an injection of a gas

mixture containing CH4, C2H2 and C2H4 showing the sequence of emergence of the different peaks. Postgate 1971) (Adapted from



Lime requirement of acid soils

Many procedures have been developed for measuring the lime requirement of soils, defined as the amount of lime needed to bring the pH value from its present value to any given pH value. Two methods are described here. The first method is

the most reliable, but requires more time and equipment, and involves a direct titration with calcium hydroxide. The

second method, developed by Shoemaker (1959), depends on the depression in pH of a buffer solution when soil is added. It

is rapid and involves a greater error, but can be used in the lime requirement estimation of large numbers of samples in relatively little time.

Calcium Hydroxide Titration

Reagents - Calcium hydroxide solution.

Add 1 g of calcium

oxide or 1.5 g of calcium hydroxide per l of carbon dioxide-free water used. Mix and let stand protected from air Siphon off the solution. Store

until the excess has settled.

in a bottle protected from the carbon dioxide of the air.

Procedure - Place 10 g of acid soil in each of seven 100 ml beakers and add 0, 5, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50 ml of calcium hydroxide solution to beakers 1 through 7 respectively. Add

sufficient water to make each sample to a soil to water ratio of 1:5. Let stand for 3 days and determine the pH value of Plot the pH against the

the soil-water suspension.

milliequivalents (me) of calcium added per 100 g of soil and determine the amount of lime needed to bring the pH to the desired level. One me of calcium per 100 g is equal to 100

pounds of lime per acre, assuming the lime is mixed with 2,000,000 pounds of soil.

Remarks: - This method can be used if only a few samples are to be analyzed. If, however, there are large numbers, the

space and time limitations become too great and the faster method described in the next section can be used.

Three days are required for the reaction of calcium hydroxide with acid soil to come to an approximate equilibrium. Actually, about 97 percent of the reaction is complete in this time and the true equilibrium is attained after many days.

Buffer Method

Reagents: - Buffer solution.

Dissolve 1.8 g of p-nitrophenol,

2.5 ml of triethanolamine, 3.0 g of potassium chromate, 2.0 g of Ca(OAc)2 2H20, and 40.0 g of CaCl2.2H20 in approximately 800

ml of distilled water.

Adjust the pH to 7.50 using

hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide solutions, and dilute to 1 l. time. Best results are obtained if 10-20 l are prepared at one If protected from carbon dioxide, this reagent will When titrated with

remain stable for 6 months or more.

hydrochloric acid, 50 ml of buffer should require 2.6-2.7 me to bring the pH to 3.5 and the titration curve should be a straight line between pH 7.5 and 3.5.

Procedure: - Weigh 10.0 g of soil and transfer to a 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask. 10 min. Add 20 ml of buffer solution and shake for

Transfer to a 50 ml beaker and use a pH meter to The lime requirement is proportional The lime requirement

determine the pH value.

to the depression in pH of the buffer.

can be determined from the data in Table A.11, or the data in Table A.11 can be plotted and the lime requirement obtained by reading from the pH vs. lime requirement line.

If the pH of the soil-buffer suspension is greater than approximately 6.5, as is found with some highly acid, sandy soils, repeat the procedure using 50 g of soil and 20 ml of buffer, then divide the obtained lime requirement by 5. This

modification gives better accuracy for poorly buffered soils of low lime requirement.

The answer is obtained in terms of tons of pure calcium carbonate per 2,000,000 pounds of soil to bring the pH to


Appropriate corrections must be made for variations in A

depth of mixing of lime or in bulk density of soils. 6.5-inch depth of soil over an acre in area will have

2,000,000 pounds of dry soil if the bulk density is 1.35.

Table A.11. Soil Buffer pH

Lime requirement scale for buffer method. Lime Requirement tons CaCO3* Soil Buffer pH Lime Requirement tons CaCO3 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 7.6 8.2 8.9 9.5 10.1 11.0 11.7 12.4 13.2 14.0

6.7 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.0 5.9 5.8

1.6 2.2 2.8 3.4 4.0 4.5 5.2 5.8 6.4 7.0

*Tons of pure calcium carbonate per 2,000,000 pounds of soil or per acre if it is mixed with 6.5 inches of soil having a bulk density of 1.35.



The data in Table A.12 presents the dry weight (g) of plant tops from a strain selection experiment for soybean (G. max var. Jupiter). The experiment was a Randomized Complete Block

Design (RCBD), with 3 blocks and 16 treatments (14 inoculated + 2 controls). block. Each treatment was replicated once within each

Each treatment-plot was a Leonard jar unit with two The plant tops were harvested at 32 days and The strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum

soybean plants.

oven dried at 70 C.

have been ranked according to dry weight.

Summary of calculations for the analysis of variance for the strain selection experiment.

No. of treatments = k = 16 No. of blocks = b = 3 No. of replicates per treatment per block = n = 1

Calculate the Grand Total (GT) by adding up all the treatment totals: GT = T1 + T2 T3 ----- + Tk

= 31.09 + 28.85 + 28.04 ----- + 20.07 = 344.83

Table A.12. soybean.







Dry Weight of Plant Tops (g) BLOCKS TREATMENTS TAL 102 TAL 379 TAL 206 TAL 435 TAL 411 Allen 527 TAL 211 TAL 487 CB 1795 TAL 650 TAL 649 TAL 860 TAL 183 TAL 378 Control Control
* **

Treatment B3 10.83 10.49 10.19 8.22 8.46 8.62 9.14 8.35 5.70 6.83 8.10 6.54 5.51 5.07 1.80 5.83 119.68 Total (T) 31.09 28.85 28.04 26.06 25.85 25.55 24.29 23.29 20.66 19.61 19.47 17.37 15.08 14.92 4.63 20.07 344.83

Treatment Means (x) 10.36 9.62 9.35 8.69 8.62 8.52 8.10 7.76 6.89 6.54 6.49 5.79 5.03 4.97 1.54 6.36 116.36

B1 9.66 9.36 8.41 8.61 9.20 8.11 8.83 6.27 6.79 6.95 6.55 6.00 6.11 5.39 1.53 8.41 114.18

B2 10.60 9.00 9.44 9.23 8.19 8.82 6.32 8.67 8.17 5.83 4.82 4.83 3.46 4.46 1.30 7.83 110.97

* **

Uninoculated 70 ppm N

Calculate the Grand Mean (X) by adding up all the treatment means: X = x1 + x2 + x3 ----- xk

= 10.36 + 9.62 + 9.35 ----- + 6.36 = 116.13 Calculate the Correction Factor (CF)
CF =

(GT)2 bkn

(344.83)2 3 x 16 x 1


Calculate the total sum of Squares (SS) SS = = =

x2 - CF
9.662 + 10.602 + 10.832 ----- + 5.832 - 2477.244 247.8507

Calculate the Treatment Sum of Squares (SST) SST = T2 CF bn

= 31.092 + 28.852...+ 4.632 + 20.072 2477.2444 3 X 1 = 217.4785 Calculate the Block Sum of Squares (SSB) SSB = B2 CF kn

= 114.182 + 110.972 + 119.682 2477.2444 16 = 2.4253

Calculate the Error Sum of Squares (SSE)

SSE = SS - (SST + SSB) = 247.8507 - (217.4785 + 2.4253) = 27.9469

Prepare the Analysis of Variance according to Table A.13. Table A.13. Analysis of Variance F-Ratio SST SSE

Sources of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares Treatments (bkn-k-b+1) Blocks (bkn-k-b+1) Error SST k-1 SST (k-1) SSB b-1 SSB (b-1) SSE bkn-k-b+1 SSE

(k-1) SSB


SSE (bkn-k-b+1) bkn-1



Using the above formulations, substitute with actual figures from the calculations and prepare the Table A.14.: Table A.14. Analysis of Variance
F-Ratio (calculated) F-Ratio (tabular 5%)

Sources of Variation

Sum of Squares

Degrees of Freedom 16-1=15

Mean Squares



217.4785= 14.4986 15 2.4253= 1.2126

14.4986= 15.5 0.9316 1.2126= 1.30






2 Error 27.9469 48-163+1=30 48-1=47 27.9469= 0.9316 30




Use of the F-distribution

The statistic F is a ratio of two variances and these variances are the 'mean squares'. To identify the

F-distribution, the degrees of freedom (df) of each variance needs to be specified. The degrees of freedom of two

variances may be represented as df1 and df2, where df1 is the number of degrees of freedom in the numerator and df2 is the number of degrees of freedom in the denominator.

From the calculations in the table of analysis of variance for Treatments, F(df1, df2) = F(15,30). From a F - distribution

table, the critical value for F(15,30) with p = 0.05 is 2.01. Enter this tabular value into the table.

Similarly for Blocks, the critical value for F(2,30) with p = 0.05 is 3.32. Enter this tabular value into the table.

Since the calculated F-ratio for treatments is greater than the tabular value of F at the 5% level, the results indicate significant differences between the strains of B. japonicum in their nitrogen-fixing effectiveness.

The calculated F-ratio for blocks is less than the tabular value indicating the "blocking" of the experiment did not create any significant disuniformity in the aeration, light, or other environmental factors in the greenhouse. Calculate the Least Significant Different (LSD)

Where t0.05 = The tabular value of t for degrees of freedom for error at the 5% probability level s2 = n = Mean square for error Number of replications

= 2.042 x 0.79 = 1.60 g The LSD is used to compare values of two adjacent means. A

pair of means which differ by more than the LSD is considered significantly different at the probability level of t employed. If comparison between means not adjacent to each

other in a ranked array are made, the Duncan's Multiple Range test should be used. However, this test requires the

computation of the Bayes LSD whose value may differ from the LSD as calculated above. The calculation of the Bayes LSD is

not presented here but its use is illustrated in Figure A.17.

Means not joined by the same line differ at p = 0.05 as given by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test.

Figure A.17.

Effect of various strains of B. japonicum on the dry weight of shoots of soybean (G. max var.




The data in Table A.15 presents the dry weights (g) of the plant tops and nodules from a rhizobial strain selection experiment for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). The experiment was

a Randomized Complete Block Design with three blocks and 11 treatments (nine inoculated and two controls). was replicated once within each block. Each treatment

Each treatment-plot The plants were

was a Leonard jar with two cowpea plants.

harvested at 30 days and the tops and nodules oven-dried at 70 C for 2 days. The plus-N control will be omitted from the

correlation analysis. Construct a new table containing the following data sets of plant tops (x) and nodules (y), as in Table A.16.

The number of pairs (n) excluding the plus N control is 10. Calculations: Calculate the Mean of x = Mx Mx = x = 14.21 = 1.421 n 10

Calculate Mx2 = (1.421)2 = 2.019

Table A.15.

Dry weights of tops and nodules from a rhizobial

strain selection experiment. Dry weight(s) Host of Isolation Rhizobia TAL 173 TAL 651 TAL 209 TAL 309 TAL 1147 TAL 22 TAL 310 TAL 647 TAL 379 Control (uninoculated) Control (+ 70 ppm N) Vigna unguiculata Calopogonium mucunoides Vigna unguiculata Macrotyloma africanum Desmodium intortum Phaseolus lunatus Dolichos biflorus Pueraria phaseoloides Glycine max --plant tops 2.29 2.08 1.71 1.67 1.67 1.63 1.30 0.97 0.75 0.14 4.03 nodules 0.21 0.23 0.29 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.00 0.00

Compute the Standard Deviation (SD) for x:

Similarly compute the SDy after determining My and My2:

Table A.16. for r. x 2.29 2.08 1.71 1.67 1.67 1.63 1.30 0.97 0.75 0.14 x = 14.21

Data sets for use in the computational formula x2 5.244 4.326 2.924 2.788 2.788 2.657 1.690 0.941 0.563 0.019 x2 = 23.94 y2 0.044 0.053 0.084 0.068 0.048 0.032 0.036 0.023 0.017 0.000

y 0.21 0.23 0.29 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.19 0.15 0.14 0.00

xy 0.4809 0.4784 0.4959 0.4342 0.3674 0.2934 0.2470 0.1455 0.0975 0.0000 xy = 3.0402

y = 1.86 y2 = 0.4054

The correlation coefficient:

From the table:



Denotes significance of r at 1%.

To test the significance of r at the 5% (p = 0.05) and 1% (p = 0.01) significance levels consult a table giving the values of the correlation coefficient. The significant value of r

depends on the degrees of freedom (df) as with the F-test. Since the data used in the correlation is paired, the df = n-2.

Whenever r is equal to or greater then the appropriate significant value, regardless of whether r is positive or negative, we can conclude that r is significant at the level of probability being used.

From the table of correlation coefficients, for df n=8, r is 0.632 at p = 0.05 and 0.765 at p = 0.01. Since r calculated

from the data (r = 0.84) is greater than the tabulated value at both levels of significance, we conclude that r is highly


From the viewpoint of the top and nodule dry

weights, the highly significant value of r indicates that there is a linear relationship between the dry weight of the plant tops and the nodule dry weight under the growth conditions of the experiment.

Once a relationship between the dry weights of tops and nodules has been established, the data can be represented graphically. The best straight line (the regression line) can

then be drawn through the points after obtaining the regression equation describing the line. This line is easily

transferred to the graph by drawing a line through any pair of points on it, preferably chosen as far apart as possible.

The equation for the regression line for a predicted value of y is given by:

Since r = 0.84; = 0.186;

SDy = 0.077;

SDx = 0.616;

Mx = 1.421

and My

By substituting into the regression equation, when x = 2, then y = 0.246 and when x = 0.5 then y = 0.089. These two points

determine the regression line shown in Figure A.18.

Figure A.18.

Relationship between dry weights of nodules and plant tops in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)



Detailed operational procedures on the preparation of carriers is given by Roughley in The Preparation and Use of Legume Seed Inoculants, Plant and Soil, 1970, 32:675-701. principles are summarized below. The basic

Inoculum carriers may be prepared in the laboratory from peat, soils, or other materials high in organic matter. usually wet when harvested. Peat is

It is drained, strained, and

shredded then dried with forced air at a temperature not exceeding 100oC. Higher drying temperatures should be avoided

as it may cause development of toxic substances which may be harmful to rhizobia. The peat is then ground in a hammer mill Neutralization is

to a particle size of 10 40 microns.

achieved by adding calcium carbonate during mixing in a drum. The calcium carbonate may also be added later by injecting it together with the broth into the carrier sealed in a bag.

Any carrier may be produced similarly from organic matter. Its water holding capacity should be determined by adding a little water at a time until the desired consistency has been reached. The amount of calcium carbonate needed for

neutralization should also be experimentally determined by adding a little at a time until a neutral point is reached.

Carriers may be heat sealed into thin gauged (1.5 mil) polyethylene or polypropylene (3.0 ml) bags. If sterilization

is desired, the sealed polyethylene bags may be gammairradiated at 5 Mega rads. Autoclaving is possible with (Polypropylene

polypropylene bags which are heat resistant.

bags containing 50 g of peat are usually autoclaved for, 60 minutes at 15 lbs pressure, and 121oC). Polyethylene, if not

thicker than 1.5 mil, permits air exchange which is thought to be necessary to keep the rhizobia viable. not permeable to air. Polypropylene is

Inoculant bags made from this material

are usually perforated or sealed with a small cotton plug in the seam to allow for gas exchange.

High density polypropylene is autoclavable and can be used as a container for sterilizing the carrier. However, certain

precautions need to be taken when using this material for this purpose.

Complete sealing is avoided after the carrier has been placed in the bags. Instead, the open end of the bag is folded down

and held in place by a paper clip to allow steam to enter the bags during autoclaving. Also, bags are placed in wire Bags should be

baskets or in trays with perforated bottoms.

arranged upright with sufficient space between them to allow for steam circulation. After autoclaving, the bags are The bags are then sealed

allowed to cool in the autoclave.

with a bag sealer in a laminar flow hood or in a simple

transfer hood (Appendix 21). prior to sealing.

The paper clip is removed just

Alternatively, about three quarters of the open end of the bag is sealed off after placing the carrier in the bag. The

remaining unsealed portion is folded down and held by a paper clip. The sealing is completed after autoclaving.



This procedure allows the highest possible numbers of rhizobia to be applied to each seed. Recommendations for quantity of

sticker (gum Arabic) and inoculant for given weights of seeds are as follows:

Table A.17. Suitable quantities of peat inoculant and sticker for inoculating legume seeds.
Legume species Arachis hypogaea Centrosema pubescens Cicer arietinum Cajanus cajan Desmodium intortum Glycine max Lens culinaris Leucaena leucocephala Medicago sativa Phaseolus vulgaris Stylosanthes guianensis Vicia faba Vigna radiata Vigna unguiculata Seed Weight (g) 100 20 100 100 10 100 50 50 5 100 5 100 100 100 Peat Inoculant (g) 10 3 7 8 4 10 5 10 4 8 2 7 9 8 Gum Arabic Solution (ml) 4.0 0.75 3.5 3.5 1.5 3.0 2.0 3.0 0.4 2.5 0.2 3.5 3.5 3.5

The procedure is based on inoculation of batches of seed of the weights given in the table above. Place the weighed batch

of seed in a polyethylene bag (of approximately 30 X 50 cm size) and add the volume of gum indicated in Table A.17. Shape the neck of the bag so as to permit it to be inflated and then clasp it closed. Gently shake the bag for at least

60 seconds coating all the seeds thoroughly with the gum so that they appear wet.

Open the bag and add the quantity of peat-based inoculant specified in the table. Reinflate the bag and gently shake

the seeds with the peat until they are coated and appear uniformly black. Stop at this stage because prolonged shaking

will break down the coating.

Immediately empty the seeds from the bag onto clean paper, spread out the seeds, and allow to air dry. direct sunlight. Do not dry in

Repeat with additional batches, using a fresh bag each time, until the quantity of seed required for the experiment has been inoculated.

Mix the inoculated seed from the various batches. are now ready for planting.

The seeds


The proportions of gum and inoculant have been tested with sees varieties in the NifTAL seed collection and consistently give well-coated seeds. Varieties with different seed size will require slightly different quantities of gum and inoculant. There is no substitute for trial runs to perfect your inoculation technique prior to coating seeds

that will be planted in the experiment.



Field capacity may be explained as the amount of water the soil will hold in semi-equilibrium in contact with dry soil.

The field capacity of a field soil needs to be known so that the same soil in the pots can be maintained at similar field capacity during plant growth. Serious differences in the

water-status of the potted soil, especially during active plant growth can lead to large errors.

Drill a hole on the bottom of a 250 ml plastic cylinder.


hole allows air to escape when the cylinder is being filled with soil. The measuring cylinder chosen must be sufficiently Cylinders of glass or

transparent for making observations. Perspex are also suitable.

Fill the cylinder with samples of soil used in the pots. the cylinder to a similar consistency as that in pots.


Pour tap water gently into the cylinder until two thirds of the volume of the soil in the cylinder is wetted (see Figure A.19). This is accomplished by pouring the water to be Continue

absorbed into the soil in small volume increments.

the addition of water until the migrating wet-front indicates

wetting two thirds the volume of soil in the cylinder.


migrating water-front can be observed through the wall of the measuring cylinder.

Allow the column to equilibrate in the laboratory for 48 hours.

Mark off, on the cylinder, the middle 5 cm of the column (See Figure A.19). With a metal spatula (with flat end bent 90

degrees to form a scoop) remove and discard soil until the top of the 5 cm mark is reached. Continue removing the soil, but Collect the soil in a

this time do not discard the soil. metal weighing boat. lower 5 cm mark.

Continue removing the soil until the

Then weigh the soil on the weighing boat and

dry the soil in an oven at 110oC, to constant weight. Calculate percent moisture in the soil.

Obtain another sample of soil of the same soil weight (20-30 g) and dry at 110oC to constant weight. This sample gives the

moisture content of the soil not adjusted to field capacity.

The following examples illustrates the use of the weight measurements to determine the field capacity. The following

assumptions are made to simplify the calculations.

1) The moisture content of the potting soil at field capacity = 25%.

2) The moisture content of moist soil (soil not adjusted to field capacity) = 15%.

3) The weight of moist soil in pots = 2.4 kg. 4) The dry weight of field soil = 2400 X 0.85 g. The dry weight of adjusted soil = W X 0.75 g. Use the following equation to calculate the total weight of adjusted soil: 2400 X 0.85 = W X 0.75; W = 2720 g Add 320 g of water (2720 g 2400 g) adjust the moisture level of 2400 g of soil from 15% to 25%.

Figure A.19.

Determining field capacity of field soil.



A simple transfer chamber for aseptic work may be constructed from the materials listed in the following text, and according to the plans in Figures A.20, A.21 and A.22.

In this design of the transfer chamber, specific attention is given to the placement and position of the Bunsen burner, as this is critical to producing a sterile environment suitable for aseptic work.

The Bunsen burner is inserted into the base of the chamber through a hole, allowing approximately 1 inch of the tip of the burner to protrude into the chamber. In this position,

the gas supply line and the air intake ports of the burner are left on the outside of the chamber. When the burner is lit,

the flame eventually warms the air inside the chamber resulting in a unidirectional warm air current. This warm air

current exits through the open front, preventing entry of contaminants.

When using this chamber, the following instructions should be followed:


Open the hinged door and wipe the interior thoroughly

with an antiseptic such as 70% ethanol. ethanol to dry.

Allow the


Turn on the gas and light the burner.

The flame should

be blue and adjusted to no more than 6 cm in height.


Close the hinged door and wait 20 minutes before using the chamber.

When through working in the chamber, turn off the flame and disconnect the gas line on the outside of the chamber. This

is an important safeguard to prevent the possibility of gas leaking into and filling the chamber, which could result in an explosion the next time the burner is lit. Such an explosion

is not only theoretically possible but has happened when proper precautions were not observed. With correct practice

and precautions, this transfer chamber can produce good results.

Components of the Simple Transfer Chamber


Back: made of plywood, hardwood and glass (0.2 - 0.5 cm thickness).


Bottom: made of plywood with formica surface, includes 1.5 - 2 cm diameter hole for bunsen burner.


Top: made of plywood.


Reinforcement: made of hardwood or plywood; serves as anchor for the door.


Door: made of plate glass with hardwood frame; is attached to the reinforcement plate via hinges.


Two sides: made of plywood and glass.


Eight wooden moldings: to hold glass for window and door.


Eight wooden moldings: to hold glass for the back window.


Sixteen wooden moldings: to hold glass for the side windows.

(10) Four wooden legs: 10 cm high.

The plywood used should be 2 cm thick with a smooth finish on both sides. The chamber should be painted with oil based

epoxy paint, leaving a hard, smooth coat.

Figure A.20.

Cross section of Chamber Illustrating Working Principle.

Figure A.21.

Simple Transfer Chamber.

Figure A.22. Components of Simple Transfer Chamber.



Freeze drying or lyophilizing is a method of stabilizing materials of biological origin. This is one of the preferred

methods for the long-term storage of cultures of microorganisms. Cultures of rhizobia remain viable for many

years when freeze dried and vacuum sealed in glass ampoules.

Summary of the Process

Freeze drying allows moisture to be removed from the material without concurrent biological changes. removing moisture under a vacuum. This is done by

To prevent frothing as air

is withdrawn when the initial vacuum is applied, the culture is either prefrozen or subjected to centrifugation. In the

former case, the ice will change directly from the solid to the vapor stage. In the latter, the temperature of the

suspension falls as the water vapor is removed until it freezes and further drying occurs by sublimation.

During freeze drying, the ice does not evaporate simultaneously from all parts of the material, but continuously from the outer boundary until only a dry cake is left, resembling the original sample in size and shape.

Freeze drying equipment may come with a variety of accessories. The essential components of freeze drying

apparatus are: a vacuum chamber to hold the material to be freeze dried or a manifold to which ampoules or a vacuum vessel can be attached; a water trap; and a vacuum pump. A

vacuum gauge is usually connected to the system between the water trap and the vacuum pump. The water vapor which evolves

during freeze drying is captured in the water trap, thus prevented from entering the pump. Water traps may be chambers

to which drying agents have been added, such as phosphorus pentoxide, or they may be refrigerated condensers with compressors capable of cooling temperatures below -40 C.

Evaporation may be hastened by heating the materials to be freeze dried. The action of the vacuum will keep the material The rate and efficiency

frozen as long as it contains water.

of the flow of water vapor from the material to the condenser chamber is directly related to the vapor pressure differential; that is, the vapor pressure of the frozen material minus the vapor pressure of the condenser chamber. Since vapor pressure and material temperature are inversely related, it is desirable to have a condenser temperature of about -40 C to -50 C, and a material temperature as high as possible without causing a meltback of the material. For

cultures in ampoules, room temperature is usually sufficient.

Freeze drying is carried out in two stages.

During the

primary stage, 90%-95% of the moisture is removed.

After the

secondary stage, approximately 1% of the moisture remains. The retention of a small amount of moisture is essential for the survival of bacteria. This is achieved by suspending the

cells in a medium which will not permit complete removal of moisture. At NifTAL a mixture of peptone (5%) and sucrose Since a high fatality rate occurs even under

(10%) is used.

these conditions, highly concentrated cell suspensions are used.

It is often convenient to use one machine for the first stage and another machine for the second stage of freeze drying as the setup for each stage is different. Ampoules are

constricted with an ampoule constrictor after the first stage of drying. This permits easier sealing under vacuum after the The ampoules are tested with

second stage has been completed.

a high frequency tester to assure successful sealing, then stored in the dark in a metal drawer cabinet at room temperature.

Practice of Freeze Drying

The practice of freeze drying may vary from laboratory to laboratory. NifTAL. The methods described below are performed at


Preparation of Cotton Plugs

Cotton plugs are used to plug ampoules.

No. 0 dental cotton

balls (Richmond Dental Cotton Co., NC, USA) may be used for this purpose. Prior to use they are placed into 100 ml

beakers, covered with aluminum foil, and sterilized by autoclaving. This is followed by a 1 h drying period at 80 C

in a dry air oven.


Preparation of Labels

Paper and ink must be compatible (nontoxic) with the rhizobia and resistant to moisture. Whatman #1 filter paper, purchased

in large sheets, and ordinary typewriter ink of vegetable base are suitable. An IBM computer equipped with a printer is used

for typing the labels with the strain identification number and date. time. Only one identification number is printed at one A

The labels are cut manually to measure 4 x 25 mm.

margin of 10 mm is left on one side.

This empty margin will

later be touching the bottom of the ampoule thus preventing the written part from being submerged and rendered unreadable when the cell suspension has been added.


Preparation of Ampoules

Freeze drying ampoules of 0.5 ml capacity, inner diameter of 6 mm and 100 mm length, are purchased from Edward's High Vacuum, W. Sessex, UK. They are checked for defects such as cracks

and pinholes, then soaked in 10% HCl overnight.

They are then

rinsed in tap water at least six times or until the pH of the last washing is neutral indicating complete removal of the acid. This is followed by three rinses with deionized water Labels are added to the ampoules with

and drying in the oven. forceps.

The ampoules are then placed into a 250 mm beaker, The now sterile

covered with aluminum foil and autoclaved.

ampoules are dried in an oven at 80 C for 1-2 h.


Preparing Freeze Drying Medium

A solution is made in distilled water containing 5% peptone and 10% sucrose. The peptone/sucrose solution is dispensed in

2 ml portions into snap top culture tubes and sterilized by autoclaving.

The inclusion of 10% sucrose or another sugar in the freeze drying medium will automatically cause it to retain 1% moisture after dehydration. of the suspended organism. death of all bacteria. This will improve the viability Total desiccation would result in


Growing and Harvesting Cultures for Freeze Drying

Only authenticated cultures should be selected for freeze drying. They should be tested again for purity by streaking them out on YMA plates containing Congo Red and plates

containing BTB as well as by Gram stain.

If antisera are

available, they should be used as an additional check for strain identity and purity of culture.

After these tests, the cultures are grown on YMA slants in 50 ml culture tubes at 25-30 C. They should be harvested a few All work should be done

days after their log phase of growth.

under strict aseptic conditions in a transfer chamber.

Two ml of the previously prepared peptone/glucose medium are added to each slant culture. The growth is gently dislodged

with an inoculation loop and then transferred into a 10 ml vial. In the case of large batches, the growth from several The suspension is

slants is pooled in a 50 ml culture tube.

emulsified on a vortex mixer and immediately transferred to the freeze drying ampoules. The cell suspension should

contain approximately between 5 x 109 to 1 x 1010 cells per ml. Usually 6-8 ml are sufficient for 30-40 ampoules.


Filling the Ampoules

For this operation, stringent aseptic conditions cannot be over-emphasized. The work should be carried out on a laminar

flow chamber that has been cleaned with an antiseptic such as 70% ethanol, and, if possible, irradiated with ultraviolet light for 20 min before use. As an additional precaution,

wearing a disposable face mask and sterile surgical gloves is


To avoid a "mix-up" and/or cross-contamination, only one strain should be handled at a time. Sterile cotton plugged

Pasteur pipettes with long, fine capillaries and equipped with a rubber suction bulb of 1 ml capacity are used to transfer the cell suspensions to the ampoules. Eight drops of

suspension, delivered by a Pasteur pipette with a 16 gauge tip will equal a volume of approximately 0.2 ml of material. If

each ampoule receives 0.2-1 ml, the actual number of cells per ampoule are: 0.2 x 5 x 109 = 1 x 109 cells. sufficiently large number for survival. This is a

Loading the ampoules requires a steady hand and practice. Contamination of the upper portion of the ampoule with the cell suspension should be avoided as this will cause charring during the constriction process.

If large batches of ampoules are to be filled, a repetitive Cornwall syringe (available through Scientific Products, Co., USA) of 1 ml capacity is recommended.

After filling, use a sterile glass rod to push a sterile cotton plug into the center of each ampoule. cotton plug is used to close the opening. A second sterile

The ampoules are

then loaded into a paper towel lined VirTis vacuum jar (available through Scientific Products, Co., USA). The jar

holds approximately 50 ampoules.

Ideally, freeze drying should be carried out at this stage without delay. We frequently store filled and plugged

ampoules contained in a vacuum jar in a freezer overnight, without ill effect to the survival of the cultures.


Primary Freeze Drying

We use a LABCONCO No. 12 freeze dryer (Lab Con Co Corporation, Kansas City, MO, USA) for the first stage of lyophilization. It is equipped with a large 48 port manifold, a freeze bath, a condenser chamber, and a heavy duty vacuum pump. The machine

has two compressors, one for the freeze bath and the other for the condenser. vacuum. A McLeod manometer is used to monitor the

On the night before use, the freeze bath is filled to approximately the 10 cm level with methanol, and its condenser is activated. The bath will reach a temperature of -40 C on Vacuum jars containing ampoules may The condenser chamber is The condenser The vacuum pump

the following morning.

then be placed in the freeze bath.

closed, and its compressor turned on.

temperature usually drops to -40 C in 20 min. may then be activated.

Fifteen minutes later, the vacuum The vacuum

gauge should indicate a reading below 0.1 torr.

jars containing the frozen ampoules may then be removed from

the freeze bath and attached to the manifold.

This should be

done quickly to prevent thawing of the ampoules and a subsequent bubbling over of the suspensions. Sufficient time

should be allowed for the vacuum to re-establish itself between the attaching of each jar. The paper towel liner in As an

the jar will help to prevent a thawing of the material.

additional precaution, the jars may be further insulated by wrapping them in paper bags for an initial 30 min or until the evaporating water is cooling the suspensions in the ampoules effectively. h. Freeze drying is continued for approximately 6

The primary drying is completed when the pressure gauge

shows a reading of 1.3 x 10-1 mbar or below.


Prior to Secondary Freeze Drying

The ampoules are constricted at approximately 6 cm as measured from the bottom. The constriction should be done in equal

distance from each of the two cotton plugs to avoid charring, which may have a toxic effect on the culture.

Constrictions may be done manually over a finely adjusted propane plus oxygen flame. requires practice. This is a learned skill which

The ampoule is rotated slightly below the

tip of the blue flame so the flame passes over the horizontally held tube but not below it. The rotating is

continued until the walls of the heated area have constricted and thickened and the inner diameter is not more than 2 mm.

At this point, the ampoule is removed from the flame and pulled out until the inner diameter measures a little less than 1mm.

At NifTAL, most ampoules are constricted on an Edwards Ampoule constrictor (Edwards High Vacuum). This machine performs

beautifully on a propane plus air flame, provided both the retaining wheels are slightly adjusted from paralleled to toed-in position during the process, and the flame is properly adjusted. min. Constricting one ampoule requires approximately 1


Secondary Freeze Drying

An Edward's Modulyo freeze dryer is used at NifTAL for the second stage of freeze drying. This unit is equipped with a

double manifold which can hold 96 ampoules, a condenser chamber, and a two stage vacuum pump. a built-in Pirani gauge. Pressure is measured by

The condenser is switched on until a temperature of -50 C has been reached. Then, the vacuum pump is activated and freeze

drying is continued for 12-18 h to reduce the moisture level in the ampoules to 1%. At the completion of freeze drying,

the reading on the Pirani gauge should show a pressure of 0.01 torr or less. The ampoules are then sealed with a twin jet This is done by heating both sides of

torch (Figure A.23).

the constriction simultaneously (Figure A.24), and pulling gently at the bottom of the ampoule with a slight twist until the constricted area has sealed and is disconnected from its upper end which remains on the freeze dryer. The freeze dryer

may then be switched off and air permitted to flow slowly into the chamber. The drain should be opened to remove the

condensed water.

The ampoules are checked for presence of leaks before storage. This is done with an Edward's T2 HF ampoule tester which is a high frequency probe. At discharge, a properly sealed ampoule Ampoules without vacuum seals will

will display a blue flame. show no color.

The spark tester should be used only briefly

on each ampoule as each discharge may kill a certain number of bacteria.


Storing the Freeze Dried Cultures

Ideally, lyophilized cultures of rhizobia should be stored at 4 C and in the dark.

Optimal storage conditions are not always available and storage at room temperature and away from light is an accepted alternative. At NifTAL, cultures are stored within a steel

cabinet in an air conditioned room held at 20 C.


Opening of Ampoules

Ampoules containing freeze dried bacteria culture should be opened in an aseptic environment. A mark is filed on the

ampoule at about the middle of the cotton wool plug, and a red hot glass rod is applied to the mark. crack at the marked area. The ampoule should then

Care should be taken in opening the

ampoule slowly so that the onrushing air will filter through the cotton plug without drawing it into the ampoule.

Often the heated glass rod will not cause the desired crack at the mark. In such a case, two layers of sterile tissue paper

are wrapped around the ampoule and minimal pressure is applied to break open the ampoule at the file mark. This method is

especially recommended for ampoules which do not contain cotton plugs.

The cotton plug is removed with forceps and discarded as culture may be adhering to it. new sterile cotton wool plug. It should be replaced with a

The contents of the ampoule is rehydrated with 0.5 ml sterile water. Since the number of surviving cells may be low, A loopful is streaked

attempts are made for maximum recovery.

out on a YMA plate containing Congo red and on another plate containing BTB. The label which may contain a large number of

cells is transferred to another YMA plate.

The remainder of the culture is then removed with a sterile Pasteur pipette and added to 50 ml YM broth contained in a 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Broth and plate cultures are then

incubated at their optimal temperatures.

Figure A.23.

Sealing ampoules

Figure A.24.

Sealing ampoules (close-up)



The NifTAL Rhizobia Germplasm Resource is a comprehensive collection of rhizobia for numerous legumes (tropical and temperate) and is maintained at the NifTAL Center. All

strains cited in the various exercises of this book are available on written request addressed to: Curator, Rhizobia

Germplasm Resource, NifTAL Center and MIRCEN, University of Hawaii, 1000 Holomua Road, Paia, Hawaii 96779, USA.

The INLIT strains of rhizobia are also available.

INLIT is an

acronym for NifTAL's International Network of Legume Inoculation Trials in which response to inoculation with rhizobia on 18 species of economically important legumes were tested worldwide. A set of three effective and antigenically

distinct strains of rhizobia tested in the INLIT are listed in Table A24.1. Because each strain in the group of three

rhizobia recommended for each legume is antigenically distinct, serological methods of strain identification can be used to study competition, persistence and other ecological aspects.

There are also other laboratories/institutions which maintain collections of rhizobia:

Dr. Carlos Batthyany Nitrosoil, Florida 622, 4 Piso Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

Rhizobia for Tropical Legumes

Dr. R. J. Roughley Australian Inoculants Research and Control Service Horticultural Research Station P.O. Box 720 Gosford, N.S.W. 2250 AUSTRALIA

AIRCS Strains

Dr. R. A. Date CSIRO, Div. Tropical Crops and Pastures Mill Road, St. Lucia Queensland 4067 AUSTRALIA

Rhizobia for Tropical Legumes

Dr. F. Bergersen Microbiology Section CSIRO, Div of Plant Industry Canberra, ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA

Rhizobia for Clovers, Medics and other Temperate Species

Prof. J. R. Jardim Freire Rhizobium MIRCEN IPAGRO Caixa Postal 776 90000 Porto Alegre Do Sul BRAZIL

Rhizobia for Tropical Legumes

Dr. D. J. Hume Crop Science Dept. University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 CANADA

Rhizobia for Pea, Lupin,Alfalfa and Soybean

Dr. John Day Soil Microbiology Dept. Rothamsted Experimental Sta. Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2JQ UNITED KINGDOM

Rhizobia for Clovers, Alfalfa, Peas, Beans, and other Temperate Legumes

Plant Diseases Division D.S.I.R. Private Bag Auckland, NEW ZEALAND

Rhizobia for Clovers, Alfalfa, and Lupin

Dr. Peter van Berkum USDA CCNFL Bldg. 001 Rm 309 BARC-W Beltsville, MD USA 20705

Rhizobia for Soybean and Temperate Legumes

Dr. O. P. Rupela Senior Microbiologist Legumes Program ICRISAT Pantancheru, A.P. 502 324 INDIA

Rhizobia for Chickpea, Pigeon Pea, and Peanut

More addresses of institutions which have rhizobia collections can be found in Skinner, F.A., E. Hamatova and V.F. McGowan, 1983. In: World catalog of Rhizobium Collections. V.B.D.

Skerman (ed.).

World Data Center for Microorganisms at the

University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Table A.18. LEGUMES

Legumes and recommended strains of rhizobia RHIZOBIA* TAL# 1000 169 1371 1127 OTHER DESIGNATION(S) TAL 1000 Nit 176A22(Nitragin) T-1; Nit 8All(Nitragin) IHP 38

Arachis hypogaea

LEGUMES Cajanus cajan Centrosema pubescens


TAL# 1132 569 651 655 1146 620 480 1148 569 1147 667 102 377 379 634 638 640 82 1145 582 380 1372 1373 22 169 644 182 1797 1383 634 1236 1402 228 1021 1022 309 310 658 1397 1399 1400

OTHER DESIGNATION(S) IHP 195 MAR 472 UMKL 44 UMKL 09 CIAT 590 IHP 3889; CB1189 UASB 67 Nit 27A3 (Nitragin) MAR 472 CIAT 299 CIAT 13; MAR 471 USDA 110 USDA 138 CB 1809; USDA 136b Nit 92A3 (Nitragin) I-2 I-11 TAL 82 CIAT 1967 CB 81 SU 47 POA 116 POA 135 TAL 22 Nit 176A22 (Nitragin) CIAT 257 TAL 182 CIAT 899 CIAT 632 Nit 92A3 (Nitragin) ALLEN 344 Nit 128C75 (Nitragin) TAL 228 Nit 132B13 (Nitragin) Nit 132B14 (Nitragin) CB 756 CB 1024 CIAT 71 Nit 175F9 (Nitragin) Nit 175F12 (Nitragin) Nit 175F16 (Nitragin)

Cicer arietinum Desmodium intortum

Glycine max

Lens culinaris Leucaena leucocephala

Medicago sativa Phaseolus lunatus Phaseolus vulgaris

Pisum sativum Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Stylosanthes guianenis

Vicia faba



TAL# 441 420 169 441 420 169 209 173 658

OTHER DESIGNATION(S) UPLB M6 THA 301 Nit 176A22 (Nitragin) UPLB M6 THA 301 Nit 76A22 (Nitragin) TAL 209 Nit 176A30 (Nitragin) CIAT 71

Vigna mungo

Vigna radiata Vigna unguiculata

*B = Bradyrhizobium; R = Rhizobium.

Each group consists of

three antigenically distinct strains of rhizobia.

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