Bill 1901011124100013
Bill 1901011124100013
Bill 1901011124100013
Drawing Officer DISTRICT ADI DRAVIDAR WELFARE OFFICE / Thanjavur- Treasury Reference Number 1901011124100013
Treasury/PAO DTO THANJAVUR-(1901) Treasury Reference Date 10-10-2024
HOD Directorate of Adi Dravidar Welfare-(00402)
Scheme Code District Staff - Adi-Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department-(222580001AA)
Detail Head Pay-(30101)
Description Supplementary Regular Salary Bill For Aug-2024
Post Sanction GO G.O NO: 259 23-OCT-17,Temporary
222501277AA30101 Pay 4539 834200117AA80101 CPS 3143
222501277AA30102 Medical Allowance 68 023560800AH22403 Family Benefit Fund 110
222501277AA30106 House Rent Allowance 271 222580001AA34902 Festival Advance Recovery 1000
222501277AA30108 City Compensatory Allowance 41 844300800FB80102 NHIS Corpus Fund 5
222501277AA30301 Dearness Allowance 2269 007500800BM22401 New Health Insurance Scheme 295
222580001AA30101 Pay 16413
222580001AA30102 Medical Allowance 232
222580001AA30106 House Rent Allowance 774
222580001AA30301 Dearness Allowance 8206
NET : 28260
(Twenty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Only)
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Government of TamilNadu
Certificate Points :
Pay Fixation Statement for Pay Commission arrears and fixation of pay on promotion are required. G.O. Ms. No. 303 Fin. 11.10.17 and 22 B of F.R.
A certificate to be furnished to the effect that a note of Arrear claim has been made in Office Copy of Pay Bill. SR 14 TR 16.
Increment certificate is required for arrear claim of increased pay. SR 13 TR 16 & Art 75 of TNFC Vol-I.
Non-drawl certificate with pay drawn particulars covered for the entire period of arrear claim is necessary . SR 14 TR 16.
DDO Section :
Approver Approver Name Approver Post Name DDO Name Certificate Certificate Name Date & Time
Role Employee ID No of Signature
DDO Bill Tamil Selvan K 09010388098 Assistant Accounts DISTRICT ADI DRAVIDAR WELFARE 24344899 K TAMILSELVAN 10-OCT-2024
Approver Officer| |626069 OFFICE / Thanjavur 11:58:45
Audit Section :
Approver Approver Name Approver Post Name DDO Name Certificate Certificate Name Date & Time
Role Employee ID No of Signature
Bill Audit Rajendran V 16020131997 Superintendent| TREASURY OFFICER, DISTRICT 25292615 RAJENDRAN 14-OCT-2024
Verifier |298962 TREASURY, THANJAVUR VADIVEL 14:18:27
Bill Audit Maheswar S 16020131003 Assistant Treasury TREASURY OFFICER, DISTRICT 23446038 MAHESWAR S 14-OCT-2024
Approver Officer| |298960 TREASURY, THANJAVUR 14:45:04
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Government of TamilNadu
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