Hukamnama Jan 29

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Sri Amritsar.
[January 29, 2012, Sunday 05:30 AM. IST]
rwgu sUhI mhlw 3 Gru 10
<> siqgur pRswid ]
dunIAw n swlwih jo mir vM\sI ] lokw n swlwih jo mir Kwku QIeI ]1] vwhu myry swihbw vwhu ] gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY
scw vyprvwhu ]1] rhwau ] dunIAw kyrI dosqI mnmuK diJ mrMin ] jm puir bDy mwrIAih vylw n lwhMin ]2] gurmuiK
jnmu skwrQw scY sbid lgMin ] Awqm rwmu pRgwisAw shjy suiK rhMin ]3] gur kw sbdu ivswirAw dUjY
jY Bwie rcMin
] iqsnw BuK n auqrY Anidnu jlq iPrMin ]4] dustw nwil dosqI nwil sMqw vYru krMin ] Awip fuby kutMb isau sgly
kul fobMin ]5] inMdw BlI iksY kI nwhI mnmuK mugD krMin ] muh kwly iqn inMdkw nrky Goir pvMin ]6] ey mn jYsw
syvih qYsw hovih qyhy krm kmwie ] Awip bIij Awpy hI Kwvxw khxw ikCU n jwie ]7] mhw purKw kw bolxw hovY ikqY
prQwie ] Eie AMimRq Bry BrpUr hih Enw iqlu n qmwie ]8] guxkwrI gux sMGrY Avrw aupdysyin ] sy vfBwgI ij
Enw imil rhy Anidnu nwmu leyin ]9] dysI irjku sMbwih ijin aupweI mydnI ] eyko hY dwqwru scw Awip DxI ]10]
so scu qyrY nwil hY gurmuiK ndir inhwil ] Awpy bKsy myil ley so pRBu sdw smwil ]11] mnu mYlw scu inrmlw ikau
kir imilAw jwie ] pRBu myly qw imil rhY haumY sbid jlwie ]12] so shu scw vIsrY iDRgu jIvxu sMswir ] ndir kry
nw vIsrY gurmqI vIcwir ]13] siqguru myly qw imil rhw swcu rKw aur Dwir ] imilAw hoie n vICuVY gur kY hyiq
ipAwir ]14] ipru swlwhI Awpxw gur kY sbid vIcwir ] imil pRIqm suKu pwieAw soBwvMqI nwir ]15] mnmuK mnu n
iBjeI Aiq mYly iciq kTor ] spY duDu pIAweIAY AMdir ivsu inkor ]16] Awip kry iksu AwKIAY Awpy bKsxhwru ]
gur sbdI mYlu auqrY qw scu bixAw sIgwru ]17] scw swhu scy vxjwry EQY kUVy n itkMin ] Enw scu n BwveI duK hI
mwih pcMin ]18] haumY mYlw jgu iPrY mir jMmY vwro vwr ] pieAY ikriq kmwvxw koie n mytxhwr ]19]
]19] sMqw sMgiq
imil rhY qw sic lgY ipAwru ] scu slwhI scu min dir scY sicAwru ]20] pUrI miq hY Aihinis nwmu iDAwie ]
haumY myrw vf rogu hY ivchu Twik rhwie ]21] guru swlwhI Awpxw iniv iniv lwgw pwie ] qnu mnu saupI AwgY DrI
ivchu Awpu gvwie ]22] iKMcoqwix ivgu
ivgucIAY eyksu isau ilv lwie ] haumY myrw Cif qU qw sic rhY smwie ]23]
siqgur no imly is Bwierw scY sbid lgMin ] sic imly sy n ivCuVih dir scY idsMin ]24] sy BweI sy sjxw jo scw
syvMin ] Avgx ivkix pl@rin gux kI swJ krMin@ ]25] gux kI swJ suKu aUpjY scI Bgiq
Bgiq kryin ] scu vxMjih gur
sbd isau lwhw nwmu leyin ]26] suienw rupw pwp kir kir sMcIAY clY n clidAw nwil ] ivxu nwvY nwil n clsI
sB muTI jmkwil ]27] mn kw qosw hir nwmu hY ihrdY rKhu sm@wil ] eyhu Krcu AKutu hY gurmuiK inbhY nwil ]28] ey
mn mUlhu BuilAw jwsih
jwsih piq gvwie ] iehu jgqu moih dUjY ivAwipAw gurmqI scu iDAwie ]29] hir kI kImiq n pvY
hir jsu ilKxu n jwie ] gur kY sbid mnu qnu rpY hir isau rhY smwie ]30] so shu myrw rMgulw rMgy shij suBwie ]
kwmix rMgu qw cVY jw ipr kY AMik smwie ]31] icrI ivCuMny BI imlin
imlin jo siqguru syvMin ] AMqir nv iniD nwmu hY
Kwin Krcin n inKuteI hir gux shij rvMin ]32] nw Eie jnmih nw mrih nw Eie duK shMin ] guir rwKy sy aubry
hir isau kyl krMin ]33] sjx imly n ivCuVih ij Anidnu imly rhMin ] iesu jg mih ivrly jwxIAih nwnk scu
lhMin ]34]1]3]
AYqvwr, 16 mwG (sMmq 543 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 755)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw:
rwgu sUhI mhlw 3 Gru 10
<> siqgur pRswid ]
hy BweI! dunIAw dI ^uSwmd nwh krdw iPr, dunIAw qW nws ho jwiegI[ lokW nMU BI nwh vifAwauNdw iPr, ^lkq BI
mr ky im`tI ho jwiegI[1[ hy myry mwlk! qMU DMn hYN[ qMU hI swlwhux-jog hYN[ hy BweI! gurU dI Srn pY ky sdw aus
prmwqmw dI is&iq swlwh krnI cwhIdI hY jo sdw kwiem rihx vwlw hY, Aqy ijs nMU iksy dI muQwjI nhIN hY[1[
rhwau[ hy BweI! Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mnu`K dunIAw dI imqRqw ivc hI sV mrdy hn (Awqmk jIvn swV ky
suAwh kr lYNdy hn[) AMq jmrwj dy dr qy cotW KWdy hn[ qdoN auhnW nMU (hQoN KuMiJAw hoieAw mnu`Kw jnm dw) smw
nhIN imldw[2[ hy BweI! jyhVy mnu`K gurU dI Srn pYNdy hn, auhnW dw jIvn sPl ho jWdw hY, ikauNik auh sdw-iQr
pRBU dI is&iq swlwh dI bwxI ivc juVy rihMdy hn[ auhnW dy AMdr srb-ivAwpk prmwqmw dw prkwS ho jWdw hY[ auh
Awqmk Afolqw ivc AMwnd ivc mgn rihMdy hn[3[hy BweI! jyhVy mnu`K gurU dI bwxI nMU Bulw dyNdy hn, auh mwieAw dy
moh ivc msq rihMdy hn, auhnW dy AMdroN mwieAw dI qyh
R Bu`K dUr nhIN huMdI, auh hr vyly (iqRSnw dI A`g ivc) sVdy
iPrdy hn[4[ Ajyhy mnu`K BYVy bMidAW nwl imqRqw gMFI r`Kdy hn, Aqy sMq jnW nwl vYr krdy rihMdy hn[ auh Awp
Awpxy prvwr smyq (sMswr-smuMdr ivc) fu`b jWdy hn, AwpxIAW kulW nMU BI (Awpxy hor irSqydwrW nMU BI) nwl hI fob
lYNdy hn[5[hy BweI! iksy dI BI inMdw krnI cMgw kMm nhIN hY[ Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mUrK mnu`K hI inMdw
kirAw krdy hn[ (lok prlok ivc) auh bdnwmI K`tdy hn, Aqy iBAwnk nrk ivc pYNdy hn[6[ hy myry mn! qMU ijho
ijhy dI syvw-BgqI kryNgw, auho ijhy krm kmw ky auho ijhw bx jwieNgw[ (pRBU dI rzw ivc ieh inXm hY ik jIv ny
ies krm-BUmI srIr ivc ) Awp bIj ky Awp hI (aus dw) Pl Kwxw hMudw hY[ ies dI aulMGxw nhIN kIqI jw

skdI[7[ (au~cI Awqmw vwly) mhw purKW dw bcn iksy prsMg Anuswr hoieAw krdw hY[ auh mhw purK Awqmk jIvn
dyx vwly nwm-rs nwl BrpUr rihMdy hn, auhnW nMU iksy syvw Awidk dw lwlc nhIN huMdw (pr jyhVw mnu`K auhnW dI
syvw krdw hY, aus nMu auhnwN pwsoN Awqmk jIvn iml jWdw hY)[8[ auh mhw purK hornW nUM (BI nwm jpx dw) aupdyS
krdy hn[ gux gRhx krn vwlw mnu`K (auhnW pwsoN) gux gRhx kr lYNdw hY[ so, jyhVy mnu`K auhnW mhw purKW dI sMgiq
ivc rihMdy hn, auh vfy BwgW vwly ho jWdy hn, auh BI hr vyly nwm jpx l`g pYNdy hn[9[hy BweI! ijs prmwqmw ny
ieh isRStI pYdw kIqI hY auh Awp hI sB jIvW nMU irzk ApVWdw hY[ auhI Awp sB dwqW dyx vwlw hY[ auh mwlk sdw
kwiem rihx vwlw (BI) hY[10[ hy BweI! auh sdw kwiem rihx vwlw prmwqmw qyry AMg-sMg v`sdw hY[ gurU dI Srn
pY ky qMU aus nMU AwpxI A`KIN vyK lY[ (ijs mnuK
` auqy auh) Awp hI b^SS krdw hY aus nMU Awp hI (Awpxy crnW ivc)
joV lYNdw hY[hy BweI! aus pRBU nMU sdw Awpxy ihrdy ivc vsweI r`K[11[ hy BweI! auh sdw kwiem rihx vwlw
prmwqmw (sdw) pivqR hY, (jdoN qk mnu`K dw) mn (ivkwrW nwl) mYlw rhy, aus prmwqmw nwl imlwp nhIN ho skdw[
jIv qdoN hI aus pRBU dy crnW ivc iml skdw hY, jdoN pRBU Awp gurU dy Sbd dI rwhIN aus dy AMdr dI haumY swV ky aus
nMU Awpxy nwl imlWdw hY[12[ hy BweI! jy auh sdw kwiem rihx vwlw Ksm-pRBU Bu`l jwey, qW jgq ivc jIaUxw
iPtkwr-jog hY[ ijs mnu`K auqy pRBU Awp myhr dI ingwh krdw hY, aus nMU pRBU nhIN Bu`ldw[ auh mnu`K gurU dI miq dI
brkiq nwl hir-nwm ivc suriq joVdw hY[13[ hy BweI! (AsW jIvW dw koeI Awpxw jor nhIN c`l skdw) jy gurU (mYnMU
pRBU nwl) imlw dyvy, qW hI mYN imilAw rih skdw hW, Aqy aus sdw iQr rihx vwly prmwqmw nMU mYN Awpxy ihrdy itkw
ky r`K skdw hW[hy BweI! gurU dy ipAwr dI brkq nwl jyhVw mnu`K pRBU-crnW ivc iml jwey, auh iPr kdy auQoN nhIN
ivCVdw[14[ hy BweI! gurU dy Sbd ivc suriq joV ky qMU BI Awpxy Ksm-pRBU dI isPiq swlwh kirAw kr[ pRIqm pRBU
nMU iml ky ijs jIv-iesqRI ny Awqmk AnMd pRwpq kr ilAw, aus ny (lok prlok ivc) soBw K`t leI[15[ hy BweI!
(Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mnu`KW dw mn prmwqmw dy nwm ivc nhIN iB`jdw (hir-nwm nwl ipAwr nhIN pWauNdw)[
auh mnu~K Awpxy mn ivc mYly Aqy kTor rihMdy hn[ jy s`p nMU du`D BI iplwieAw jwey, qW BI aus dy AMdr inrol zhr
hI itikAw rihMdw hY[16[ hy BweI! (sB jIvW ivc ivAwpk ho ky sB kuJ) pRBU Awp hI kr irhw hY[ iks nMU (cMgw jW
mMdw) AwiKAw jw skdw hY? (kurwhy pey jIvW auqy BI) auh Awp hI b^SS krn vwlw hY[ jdoN gurU dy Sbd dI brkiq
nwl (iksy mnu`K dy mn dI) mYl lih jWdI hY, qW aus dI Awqmw nMU sdw kwiem rihx vwlI suMdrqw iml jWdI hY[17[
hy BweI! (hir-nwm-srmwey dw mwlk) Swh-pRBU sdw kwiem rihx vwlw hY, aus dy nwm dw vxj krn vwly BI A`tl
Awqmk jIvn vwly bx jWdy hn[ pr auh Swh dy drbwr ivc kUVI dunIAw dy vxjwry nhIN itk skdy[ auhnW nMU sdwiQr pRBU dw nwm psMd nhIN AwauNdw, qy, aus sdw du`K ivc hI ^uAwr huMdy rihMdy nh[18[ hy BweI! haumYN (dI mYl) nwl
mYlw hoieAw hoieAw jgq Btk irhw hY, muV muV jnm mrn dy gyV ivc ipAw rihMdw hY, ipCly jnmW dy kIqy krmW dy
sMskwrW Anuswr Eho ijhy hI hor krm krI jWdw hY[ (krmW dI bxI ies PwhI nMU) koeI imtw nhIN skdw[19[ hy
BweI! jy mnu`K swD sMgiq ivc itikAw rhy, qW ies dw ipAwr sdw-iQr pRBU ivc bx jWdw hY[ hy BweI! qMU (swD
sMgiq ivc itk ky) sdw-iQr pRBU dI is&iq swlwh kirAw kr, sdw-iQr pRBU nMU Awpxy mn ivc vsw lY, (ies qrHW)
sdw-iQr pRBU dy dr qy sur^-rU hovyNgw[20[ hy BweI! pUry gurU dI miq aukweI-hIx hY[ (jyhVw mnu~K guru dI pUrI miq
lY ky) idn rwq prmwqmw dw nwm ismrdw hY, auh mnu`K haumY Aqy mmqw dy vfy rog nMU AMdroN rok dyNdw hY[21[ hy
BweI! (jy pRBU myhr kry, qW) mYN Awpxy gurU dI vifAweI krW, inaUN inaUN ky mYN gurU dI crnIN l`gW, Awpxy AMdro huamY
dUr kr ky Awpxw mn Awpxw qn gurU dy hvwly kr idAW[22[ hy BweI! fWvW-fol hwlq ivc irhW ^uAwr hoeIdw hY[
iek prmwqmw nwl hI suriq joVI r`K[ Awpxy AMdroN haumY dUr kr, mmqw dUr kr[ (jdoN mnu`K haumY mmqw dUr krdw
hY) qdoN sdw iQr rihx vwly prmwqmw ivc lIn hoieAw rihMdw hY[23[ hy BweI! (myry) auh mnu`K Brw hn, jyhVy gurU
dI Srn Aw pey hn, Aqy sdw-iQr pRBU dI is&iq swlwh dI bwxI ivc ic`q joVdy hn[ jyhVy mnu`K sdw-iQr pRBU ivc
lIn ho jWdy hn, auh (iPr-pRBU nwloN) nhIN ivCuVdy[ auh sdw-iQr pRBU dy dr qy (itky hoey) id`sdy hn[24[ hy BweI!
myry auh mnu`K Brw hn s`jx hn, jyhVy sdw kwiem rihx vwly prmwqmw dI syvw-BgqI krdy hn[ (guxw, dy v`ty)
Aaugx ivk jwx nwl (dUr ho jwx nwl) auh mnu`K (Awqmk jIvn ivc) pRPulq hMd
u y hn, auh mnu`K prmwqmw dy guxW
nwl sWJ pwauNdy hn[25[ hy BweI! gurU nwl (Awqmk) sWJ dI brkiq nwl (auhnW dy AMdr Awqmk AwnMd pYdw huMdw
hY, auh prmwqmw dI At`l rihx vwlI BgqI krdy rihMdy hn[ Aqy hir-nwm (dw) lwB K`tdy hn[26[ hy BweI!
(keI iksm dy) pwp kr kr ky sonw cWdI (Awidk Dn) iek`Tw krIdw hY, pr (jgq qoN) qurn vyly (auh Dn mnu`K dy)
nwl nhIN jWdw[ prmwqmw dy nwm qoN ibnw hor koeI BI cIz mnu`K dy nwl nhIN jwvygI[ nwm qoN suM\I swrI lukweI
Awqmk mOq dI h`QI lu`tI jWdI hY (Awpxw Awqmk jIvn lutw bYTdI hY)[27[ hy BweI! mnu`K dy mn vwsqy prmwqmw
dw nwm hI (jIvn-s&r dw) Krc hY[ ies s&r-Krc nMU Awpxy ihrdy ivc sWB r`Ko[ ieh Krc kdy mu`kx vwlw nhIN
hY[ jyhVw mnu`K gurU dy d`sy rsqy auqy qurdw hY, aus dy nwl ieh sdw leI swQ bxWdw hY[28[ jgq dy mUl prmwqmw
qoN KuMJy hoey hy mn! (jy qMU iesy qrHW KuMiJAw hI irhw, qW) AwpxI ie`zq gvw ky (ieQoN) jwvyNgw[ ieh jgq qW mwieAw dy
moh ivc PisAw ipAw hY (qMU ies nwl Awpxw moh C`f, Aqy) gurU dI miq auqy qur ky sdw iQr rihx vwly prmwqmw dw
nwm ismirAw kr[29[ hy BweI! prmwqmw iksy mu`l qy nhIN iml skdw[ prmwqmw dI vifAweI ibAwn nhIN kIqI jw
skdI[ ijs mnu`K dw mn Aqy qn gurU dy Sbd ivc rMigAw jWdw hY, auh sdw prmwqmw ivc lIn rihMdw hY[30[ hy
BweI! myrw auh Ksm-pRBU AwnMd-srUp hY (jyhVw mn`K
u aus dy crnW ivc Aw juVdw hY) aus nMU auh Awqmk Afolqw
ivc, pRym-rMg ivc rMg dyNdw hY[ jdoN koeI jIv-iesqRI aus Ksm-pRBU dy crnW ivc lIn ho jWdI hY, qdoN aus (dI ijMd)
nMU pRym-rMg cVH jWdw hY[31[ hy BweI! jyhVy mnu`K gurU dI Srn pYNdy hn, auh (pRBU nwloN) icr dy ivCVy hoey BI (pRBU nMU)
Aw imldy hn[ prmwqmw dw nwm (jo, mwno, DrqI dy swry) nON ^zwny (hY, auhnW nMU) Awpxy AMdr hI l`B pYNdw hY[ aus
nwm ^zwny nMU auh Awp vrqdy hn, hornW nMu vMfdy hn, auh iPr BI nhIN mu`kdw[ Awqmk Afolqw ivc itk ky auh
mnu`K prmwqmw dy gux Xwd krdy rihMdy hn[32[ hy BweI! (gurU dI Srn Aw pey) auh mnu`K nwh jMmdy hn nwh mrdy
hn, nwh hI auh (jnm mrn dy gyV dy) du`K shwrdy hn[ ijnHW dI r`iKAw gurU ny kr id`qI, auh (jnm mrn dy gyV qoN)
bc gey[ auh sdw pRBU dy crnW ivc juV ky Awqmk AwnMd mwxdy hn[33[ hy BweI! jyhVy Bly mnu`K hr vyly pRBU-

crnW ivc juVy rihMdy hn, auh pRBU-crnW ivc iml ky muV kdy nhIN ivCuVdy[ pr, hy nwnk! ies jgq ivc Ajyhy
ivrly bMdy hI au~GVdy hn, jyhVy sdw iQr rihx vwly prmwqmw dw imlwp pRwpq krdy hn[34[1[3[
English Translation:
Do not praise the world; it shall simply pass away. Do not praise other people; they shall die and turn to
dust. || 1 || Waaho! Waaho! Hail, hail to my Lord and Master. As Gurmukh, forever praise the One who is
forever True, Independent and Carefree. || 1 || Pause || Making worldly friendships, the self-willed
manmukhs burn and die. In the City of Death, they are bound and gagged and beaten; this opportunity
shall never come again. || 2 || The lives of the Gurmukhs are fruitful and blessed; they are committed to
the True Word of the Shabad. Their souls are illuminated by the Lord, and they dwell in peace and
pleasure. || 3 || Those who forget the Word of the Gurus Shabad are engrossed in the love of duality.
Their hunger and thirst never leave them, and night and day, they wander around burning. || 4 || Those
who make friendships with the wicked, and harbor animosity to the Saints, shall drown with their
families, and their entire lineage shall be obliterated. || 5 || It is not good to slander anyone, but the foolish,
self-willed manmukhs still do it. The faces of the slanderers turn black, and they fall into the most
horrible hell. || 6 || O mind, as you serve, so do you become, and so are the deeds that you do. Whatever
you yourself plant, that is what you shall have to eat; nothing else can be said about this. || 7 || The speech
of the great spiritual beings has a higher purpose. They are filled to over-flowing with Ambrosial Nectar,
and they have absolutely no greed at all. || 8 || The virtuous accumulate virtue, and teach others. Those
who meet with them are so very fortunate; night and day, they chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. || 9
|| He who created the Universe, gives sustenance to it. The One Lord alone is the Great Giver. He Himself
is the True Master. || 10 || That True Lord is always with you; the Gurmukh is blessed with His Glance of
Grace. He Himself shall forgive you, and merge you into Himself; forever cherish and contemplate God. ||
11 || The mind is impure; only the True Lord is pure. So how can it merge into Him? God merges it into
Himself, and then it remains merged; through the Word of His Shabad, the ego is burnt away. || 12 ||
Cursed is the life in this world, of one who forgets her True Husband Lord. The Lord grants His Mercy,
and she does not forget Him, if she contemplates the Gurus Teachings. || 13 || The True Guru unites her,
and so she remains united with Him, with the True Lord enshrined within her heart. And so united, she
will not be separated again; she remains in the love and affection of the Guru. || 14 || I praise my Husband
Lord, contemplating the Word of the Gurus Shabad. Meeting with my Beloved, I have found peace; I am
His most beautiful and happy soul-bride. || 15 || The mind of the self-willed manmukh is not softened; his
consciousness is totally polluted and stone-hearted. Even if the venomous snake is fed on milk, it shall
still be filled with poison. || 16 || He Himself does who else should I ask? He Himself is the Forgiving
Lord. Through the Gurus Teachings, filth is washed away, and then, one is embellished with the
ornament of Truth. || 17 || True is the Banker, and True are His traders. The false ones cannot remain
there. They do not love the Truth they are consumed by their pain. || 18 || The world wanders around in
the filth of egotism; it dies, and is re-born, over and again. He acts in accordance with the karma of his
past actions, which no one can erase. || 19 || But if he joins the Society of the Saints, then he comes to
embrace love for the Truth. Praising the True Lord with a truthful mind, he becomes true in the Court of
the True Lord. || 20 || The Teachings of the Perfect Guru are perfect; meditate on the Naam, the Name of
the Lord, day and night. Egotism and self-conceit are terrible diseases; tranquility and stillness come from
within. || 21 || I praise my Guru; bowing down to Him again and again, I fall at His Feet. I place my body
and mind in offering unto Him, eradicating self-conceit from within. || 22 || Indecision leads to ruin; focus
your attention on the One Lord. Renounce egotism and self-conceit, and remain merged in Truth. || 23 ||
Those who meet with the True Guru are my Siblings of Destiny; they are committed to the True Word of
the Shabad. Those who merge with the True Lord shall not be separated again; they are judged to be True
in the Court of the Lord. || 24 || They are my Siblings of Destiny, and they are my friends, who serve the
True Lord. They sell off their sins and demerits like straw, and enter into the partnership of virtue. || 25 ||
In the partnership of virtue, peace wells up, and they perform true devotional worship service. They deal
in Truth, through the Word of the Gurus Shabad, and they earn the profit of the Naam. || 26 || Gold and
silver may be earned by committing sins, but they will not go with you when you die. Nothing will go
with you in the end, except the Name; all are plundered by the Messenger of Death. || 27 || The Lords
Name is the nourishment of the mind; cherish it, and preserve it carefully within your heart. This
nourishment is inexhaustible; it is always with the Gurmukhs. || 28 || O mind, if you forget the Primal
Lord, you shall depart, having lost your honor. This world is engrossed in the love of duality; follow the
Gurus Teachings, and meditate on the True Lord. || 29 || The Lords value cannot be estimated; the
Lords Praises cannot be written down. When ones mind and body are attuned to the Word of the Gurus
Shabad, one remains merged in the Lord. || 30 || My Husband Lord is playful; He has imbued me with His
Love, with natural ease. The soul-bride is imbued with His Love, when her Husband Lord merges her into
His Being. || 31 || Even those who have been separated for so very long, are reunited with Him, when they
serve the True Guru. The nine treasures of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are deep within the nucleus
of the self; consuming them, they are still never exhausted. Chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord, with
natural ease. || 32 || They are not born, and they do not die; they do not suffer in pain. Those who are
protected by the Guru are saved. They celebrate with the Lord. || 33 || Those who are united with the Lord,

the True Friend, are not separated again; night and day, they remain blended with Him. In this world, only
a rare few are known, O Nanak, to have obtained the True Lord. || 34 || 1 || 3 ||
Sunday, 16th Maagh (Samvat 543 Nanakshahi)

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