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PDF (Original PDF) C++ Programming From Problem Analysis To Program Design 8th Download
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Eighth Edition
Program Design
From Problem Analysis to
From Problem Analysis to
Program Design
D.S. Malik
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
Brief Contents
© HunThomas/Shutterstock.com
3. Input/Output 123
9. Records (structs)611
INDEX 1413
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
Table of Contents
© HunThomas/Shutterstock.com
Programming Methodologies 20
Structured Programming 20
Object-Oriented Programming 20
ANSI/ISO Standard C11 22
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
x | C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Eighth Edition
Quick Review 22
Exercises 24
Data Types 37
Simple Data Types 38
Floating-Point Data Types 40
string Type 53
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
Table of Contents | xi
Assignment Statement 57
Saving and Using the Value of an Expression 60
Declaring and Initializing Variables 61
Input (Read) Statement 62
Variable Initialization 65
Preprocessor Directives 78
namespace and Using cin and cout in a Program 79
Using the string Data Type in a Program 80
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xii | C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Eighth Edition
I/O Streams and Standard I/O Devices 124
cin and the Extraction Operator >> 125
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Table of Contents | xiii
Control Structures 188
SELECTION: if AND if . . . else 189
Relational Operators and Simple Data Types 189
Comparing Characters 190
One-Way Selection 191
Two-Way Selection 194
int Data Type and Logical (Boolean) Expressions 198
bool Data Type and Logical (Boolean) Expressions 198
Logical (Boolean) Operators and Logical Expressions 199
Order of Precedence 201
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xiv | C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Eighth Edition
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Table of Contents | xv
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xvi | C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Eighth Edition
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
Table of Contents | xvii
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
xviii | C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Eighth Edition
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. WCN 02-200-208
Table of Contents | xix
9 Records (structs)612
Accessing struct Members 614
Comparison (Relational Operators) 618
struct Variables and Functions 619
Arrays versus structs620
Arrays in structs620
structs in Arrays 623
structs within a struct 624
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export of cotton to so considerable an amount. I found the best-
informed opinion in Southern Nigeria imbued with the belief that the
1911 crop will be a poor one, though better than last year’s, but that
the prospects for the crop of 1912 are good. The newly opened
ginnery at Oshogbo is said to be doing well. The ginnery at Oyo,
however, is apparently lying idle. At any rate, it had done nothing, I
was there informed, ever since it was put up, some four years ago. A
good deal seems to have been spent upon the experimental
plantation at Ibadan, with indifferent results. It has now been taken
over by the Government, whose officers, I was informed, found it in a
very neglected condition.
Personally, I do not attach, in a sense unfavourable to the growth
of the industry, much importance to the drop in the output. The field,
it must always be remembered, is small, the entire Western Province
being only 27,640 miles square, and much of it, as already stated,
covered with forest. In West Africa new industries are always liable
to violent fluctuations. The drop in the maize export is much more
considerable than the falling off in cotton. Unfavourable seasons, too
much rain or too little, late sowing, and other considerations play a
determining part in these matters. Things move very slowly in West
Africa as a rule. The cotton crop is not the easiest to handle.
Compared with ground nuts, for instance, it entails a great deal more
time and trouble. All kinds of obstacles have to be encountered and
overcome which people at home have difficulty in fully appreciating.
The experimental stage of any enterprise, especially in a place like
West Africa, is bound to leave openings for error, and error in West
Africa is a costly luxury. The Protectorate is under considerable
obligations to the Association for the good work it has done and is
It seems to me that the British Cotton-growing Association may
perhaps find it advisable, so far as the Western Province of Southern
Nigeria is concerned, to reconsider two aspects of its policy.
Fundamentally that policy is without question sound—viz. the
recognition that agricultural development in West Africa can only be
possible on any scale worth mentioning when undertaken by the
natives themselves. A policy of large plantations run under white
supervision by hired native labour will not pay in West Africa, and,
politically speaking, is virtually impossible. The Association should
receive public support in resisting any pressure which might be
placed upon it to alter its fundamental policy by those of its
supporters who may be impatient of a comparatively slow advance—
slow, i.e., in comparison with the unwise optimism displayed by
some of the Association’s friends upon public platforms. I doubt,
however, if an export trade in cotton will ever reach substantial
proportions—let us say 100,000 bales per annum twenty years
hence—in the Western Province unless the element of competition is
introduced. Hitherto, by combining with the merchants, the
Association has established a fixed buying price. In the initial stages
this was a good thing. The native farmer wanted the certainty that his
crop would be purchased if he were induced to grow it. Now that the
industry is well on in its stride it may be seriously questioned whether
the Yoruba farmer, the certainty of sale notwithstanding, will be
content with the prices offered him under the monopoly agreement
now obtaining. He has always the oil palm to fall back upon; but he
has, in addition, cocoa and maize. Cocoa is rapidly increasing, and
the profit realized by the cultivator is a good one. The timber trade,
too, is growing slowly, and the forest is always yielding fresh
elements of trade. The bulk of the cotton produced in the Western
Province to-day is roughly similar to “middling American,” which is
now quoted, I believe, at 8d. a pound, but some of the Yoruba cotton
fetches up to 3d. above “middling American.” It is asserted by the
Association that 4 lbs. of seed cotton are required in the Western
Province to produce 1 lb. of lint. The native cultivator is (now)
supposed to get from the combine—i.e. from the Association and the
merchants, as the case may be—from 1d. to 1⅛d. per lb. of seed
cotton. I say “supposed,” because I was informed that the actual
producer had not always got the amount which he was understood to
be getting. As regards Northern Nigeria, until the close of last year
the native had never been paid 1d. a lb. cash, and I was given to
understand that conditions had been much the same in the Southern
Protectorate, except at Ilushi, where it was proved to my satisfaction
that the amount of 1d. cash had actually been paid.
The Association reckons, I understand, that at this rate every
pound of lint landed in Liverpool costs the Association 6½d. I cannot
check that figure. I merely quote it. But one may point out that in
addition to the profit at the present price of “middling American”
disclosed by this estimate, there must be a considerable profit to the
Association on the seed, which, upon arrival in England, is worth, I
believe, between £5 and £6 per ton. Moreover, as already stated,
some of this Yoruba cotton is fetching a higher price than “middling
American,” and I do not think it is beyond the mark to say that, but
for the fact that the Association’s ginneries are not continuously
employed, the Association’s profits on Southern Nigerian cotton to-
day would be substantial. It must be fairly obvious from what
precedes that if the industry were placed upon an ordinary
commercial footing like any other, with merchants competing on the
spot for the raw material, the Yoruba farmer would have no difficulty
in obtaining very much more than he gets at present for his crop.
Cultivation, under those circumstances, would become
proportionately more profitable and a greater acreage would be laid
out in cotton. No doubt it would cut both ways, the native restricting
his acreage when the price fell, but it may be fairly argued that no
special reason now exists for treating the cotton industry on an
artificial basis, that it must take its chance like any other, and like any
other become subject to ordinary economic ups and downs. We
cannot expect the native farmer to concentrate upon one particular
crop if he can make a greater profit in cultivating another. No industry
can develop healthily on artificial lines. If this suggestion were
thought worthy of consideration, the Association’s rôle could be
confined to ginning, and, if asked to do so, selling on commission, or
that rôle might be combined with buying and selling in cases where
the producers preferred to deal with the Association, or found it more
convenient to carry the cotton direct to the various ginneries. That,
no doubt, would force the Association into competition with the
merchants, and the merchants, bringing out their own gins (if it paid
them to do so), might cause the Association’s position to become
precarious. The first alternative would, therefore, appear the most
desirable, the merchants being the buyers and the Association, the
ginners, and, if necessary, sellers on commission. Each force would
then be operating within its natural orbit, and an unnatural alliance
would cease, unnatural in the sense that one price means one
market, and that one market is not an inducement to economic
expansion, especially when the price of other tropical products
produced by the Yoruba farmer with an open free market to deal in
has been steadily rising during the last few years. The Association
has always contended that its primary object is not money making,
but the establishment in our oversea dependencies of an Imperial
cotton industry calculated in the course of time to relieve Lancashire,
in whole or in part, of her dangerous dependence on American
The other point which those responsible for the management of
the Association might conceivably think over, is one that impressed
me in Northern Nigeria when inspecting the beautifully kept cotton
plantations in the Kano and Zaria provinces. I was later on to find
that it was one upon which very strong, though not unanimous,
opinions were held by persons of experience and judgment in the
Southern Protectorate. A great deal of energy, and doubtless money
too, is apparently expended by the Association in experimenting with
and distributing seeds of non-indigenous varieties of cotton. Now,
although one cannot say without careful cultivation, speaking of the
north, one can at least say without perpetually improving scientific
cultivation extending over a century, Nigeria is able to produce
indigenous cotton, fetching to-day 1¼d., 2d., and even 3d. per lb.
above “middling American.” Does not this fact constitute the
strongest of pleas for concentrating upon the improvement of the
indigenous varieties instead of distributing effort by worrying about
the introduction of exotics? If these indigenous plants, without a
century’s scientific care, can produce cotton superior in value to
“middling American,” what could they not do with a tithe of the
attention which has been lavished upon the industry in the States? I
know the experts will argue that the indigenous varieties make a lot
more wood, and that an acre planted with American varieties will
yield much more lint than an acre planted with a Nigerian variety. Not
being an expert I would not venture to dispute this. All that I would
make bold to query would be whether experiments tending to prove
it have in Nigeria been sufficiently continuous and carried out under
conditions of fairness to the indigenous cotton sufficiently conclusive
to place the matter beyond the pale of discussion. Even if this were
so, I am not sure that it could be taken as an irrefutable reply to the
contention I have ventured to put forward. For, on the other side,
must be reckoned the diseases which invariably attack all exotics,
animal, vegetable, and human, introduced into the West African
forest region. At every halt on my trek from Riga-Chikum to Kano, a
matter of twelve days, wherever I saw cotton plantations, and often
enough at points on the road, I made it my business whenever
practicable to put a number of questions to the Sarikis (chiefs) and to
individual farmers on the subject of cotton-growing. I always
prefaced these questions with an assurance that I did not belong to
the Government and that I was not a commercial man, but merely a
Mallam (I believe my interpreter sometimes inserted on his own
account the word “wise” before Mallam), who travelled about and
wrote “books,” and that my friends could therefore feel satisfied that
they would not be causing me any pleasure at all by answering my
questions in any particular manner—that, in short, I did not care a
row of yams what their answer might be. One question I never failed
to ask was whether the Government had distributed seed to that
particular village or in that particular area, and if so, what result had
followed the sowing of it? Sometimes the answer was in the
negative. When it was in the affirmative it was invariably the same.
The Government seed had come. It had been sown. But it was “no
good.” Now, I disclaim all attributes of wisdom in this matter of
cotton. But I beg you to believe me when I say that the Hausa farmer
is no fool.[14]