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Inception Report - Youth Entrepreneurship Support II (YESII) - 09-06-2020

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September 6, 2020
Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II


A) PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT....................................................................................................... 3

B) APPROACH/STRATEGY .............................................................................................................. 6
C) PROJECT SCHEDULE:................................................................................................................ 24

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II


Up to 60 young senior students of Electrical Engineering, Civil, Mechanical and Architecture will
have received technical, entrepreneurship and leadership training and coaching, and will be
empowered with entrepreneurship skills in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

This section has been copied in its entirety from the RFP Terms of Reference.

The activities covered by the consultant will be as follows:

I. Development of a market-oriented and customized Curricula and training of small-

scale entrepreneurs

This part of the assignment will require focusing on the enhancement of the technical
and managerial skills needed to develop and implement renewable energy projects. The
curricula shall strengthen the capabilities of the entrepreneurs and encompass the
following elements:

 The curricula are to be developed in English but presented in Dari and Pashtu and to
be adapted to the assignment’s needs and to the knowledge status of the interns.
 The consultancy is to develop training materials to support the curricula’s content.
 The curricula’s content developed for renewable energy technical training should
a. Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Systems
b. Solar Water Heater (SWH)
c. Solar Water Pumping (SWP) utilizing FAI/GIZ toolbox for SPIS advisors
d. RE economics and business development
e. Best practices

 The curricula’s content developed for energy efficiency technical training should
a. Energy Efficiency Measures and its various forms in Buildings including
Thermal energy, Heat transfer, building envelopes, Lighting systems, Plug
loads, HVAC
b. Energy management
c. Data analysis

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

d. Energy auditing
e. Water and energy efficiency
f. Business cases
g. Best practices

 The curricula’s content developed for Entrepreneurship and Leadership training

should include:
a. Essentials of Entrepreneurship including Business Ownership, Identifying &
assessing the opportunities, Customer value proposition, Market sizing,
Competitive landscape, Market research and strategy, International Markets.
b. Business plan development.
c. Marketing Management, digital and social presence, communication and
presentation skills
d. Founders, core team & early hires, raising investment
e. Financial and Accounting Management and understanding Financial
f. Business modeling, growth drivers’ assessment, and development
g. Organizational Development and Change, Leadership and Decision Making

II. Conduct Training and Coaching of the YES participants:

The participants of the program will be selected in a merit-based selection process. The
consultancy is to commence a combination of online written test and one-on-one
interview sessions. The JV Consultant will identify about 400 potential candidates and
perform the necessary document reviews and online testing to select 60 candidates,
who will be interviewed online for final candidate selection. Additional 30 highest
scoring candidates will be placed on a reserved list which will be called upon if any of
the original 60 candidates not meet the qualifications. The training shall be delivered
based on advance adult learning techniques and methodologies, making the online
classes interactive enough for the participants to learn all the relevant lectures and
benefit from site visits and practical training accordingly. Because of social distancing
requirements imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, online classes should be taken into
consideration. Moreover, the participants will be given a 6-month training and
internship contract (with benefits) by the GIZ-ESIP. The interns will be assigned to work
in energy sector institutions, including policymakers, regulators and implementers of
energy projects (e.g. ESRA, DABS, MRRD, AREU and private companies, CRIDA, MUDL,
KM, ANSA, MAIL, NEPA, etc.) to receive practical training. The consultancy is henceforth
tasked to liaise with host institutions and develop the program content for the interns.
The consultancy is also bound to follow up with the interns, organize two meetings at
minimum throughout the practical work with each individual intern, and conduct

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

several assessments throughout the period of internship to assure the interns are
involved with the activities of the respective host institution and the technical training
are in line with the work scope of the host institution, the consultancy shall also
organize and arrange regular meetings with the focal points of the host institutions and
shall resolve any logistical issue that may be required. Moreover, the consultancy shall
provide all relevant reports and documents related to the interns’ full-time contribution
to the program. At the end of the program, the consultancy shall organize a business
summit/fair where YES II participants can present their business plans and ideas to local
organizations and institutions, thought leaders and financial institutions.

Upon the completion of the training, the consultancy shall support and follow up the
participants to streamline the PiO exercise by attending some of the training and
providing an assessment report.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

The program shall be implemented taking into consideration the following key 16 deliverables:
1) Selection criteria
2) Application forms
3) Identifying participants
4) Drafting and signing MoUs with ESRA, DABS, MRRD, AREU, CRIDA, MUDL, KM, ANSA,
5) Drafting contract between ESRA and Intern
6) Work Plans for Practical Work
7) Designing PR material
8) Developing of customized online training platform
9) Developing curriculum and customized training manuals
10) Training of trainees
11) Site visits
12) Internships
13) PiO program – “Pass it On”
14) Business Summit
15) Certificates
16) Reports by Trainees forwarded to ESRA and GIZ
17) Final Report

Specifically, the deliverables shall be planned and undertaken as follows:

1) Selection criteria

Minimum requirement for candidates to join the program:

a. Must have completed four-year degree program in electrical engineering, civil,

Mechanical, architects and energy engineering.
b. Must have graduated during the past 12 months.
c. Must be fluent in written and spoken English to be verified by graduation from
language courses and through in-person interview.

Specific requirements shall be as follows:

In partnership with GIZ and extensive marketing including social media outlets,
ACBAR.org and Jobs.af website and various other outlets, the JV Consultant will identify
about 400 potential candidates and perform the necessary document reviews and

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

online testing to select 60 candidates, who will be interviewed online for final candidate
selection. The following key steps will be undertaken to carry out this task:

a. All steps involved in the process are directly and immediately affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic response and its social distancing guidelines. As such in
person testing, interviews and other related activities will be avoided, where
b. An online test will be prepared with questions that relate to the requirements of
the program. Three categories of each ten questions will be prepared to gauge
knowledge of the participants. The first category will be less complex, the second
set more complex and the third category most challenging with the intent of
picking the top qualified participants.
c. Testing shall be carried out using a dedicated platform on the Yes2.org website,
which will have questions imbedded into it. The page will be password protected
and opened during the test period. All applicants will be tested and 60
candidates with highest scores will be invited for an online interview. If any of
the top finishing participants demonstrate weakness in language skills or are
evidently not as qualified as the testing had shown or are not able to supply the
documents and certificates to verify their education qualifications, then the next
person in line on the reserved list as described under section II will be
interviewed until such time that the sixty candidates are identified.
d. MS Teams shall be the preferred platform used to undertake face-to-face
interviews. In case of technical problems with connectivity, as estimated by the
project team, Zoom may also be used to carry out training, provided all material
exchange, documents and related items will be channeled through the eLearning
platform on the Yes2 website.
e. The test date and time will be agreed to with GIZ and the candidates will be
invited to participate via MS Teams or Zoom.

2) Application forms

The following key criteria are relevant for identifying the trainees:
 Personal information
 Educational qualifications,
 Geographic location.
 Language capabilities
 Previous experiences, including internships

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

Application forms shall be available to the applicants via a link on the advertisement
through ACBAR website, Jobs.af and others, the social media site or other forms of
communication, including via links with relevant Universities.

Application Form
Specialized Post Graduate Diploma
Youth Entrepreneurship Support (YES -II)
Solar Power Engineer

GIZ/ESIP is sponsoring the Youth Entrepreneurship Support (YES) Program. YES is a knowledge-
based and activity-oriented leadership and entrepreneurship training program for Afghan
youth. YES-II helps university graduates to deepen their technical skills as well as leadership and
entrepreneurship skills and knowledge with particular emphasis on solar power. A combination
of in-class training, site visits and internship activities will be used to achieve the set objectives.

To evaluate your interest and basic qualifications, please fill out the below form:

Personal Information:
First Name: Last Name:
Date of Birth: Male Female Father’s Name:
City of Birth: City of Residence:
Address: Phone #:

Education Information:
Bachelor’s Degree
University’s Name:
Degree Program:
Year of Graduation:

Other Skills

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

Additional Training:
Name of Institution: Name of Institution:
Title of Training: Title of Training:
Duration of Training: Duration of Training:
Date completed: Date completed:
Name of Institution: Name of Institution:
Title of Training: Title of Training:
Duration of Training: Duration of Training:
Date completed: Date completed:
Name of Institution: Name of Institution:
Title of Training: Title of Training:
Duration of Training: Duration of Training:
Date completed: Date completed:

Language Skills:
Excellent Good Some None

Work/Internship Experience:
Most Recent: Experience/Internship:
Company Name: Company Name:
Position: Position:
Duration: From To Duration: From To
Responsibilities: Responsibilities:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Experience/Internship: Experience/Internship:
Company Name: Company Name:
Position: Position:
Duration: From To Duration: From To
Responsibilities: Responsibilities:
1. 1.
2. 2.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

3. 3.
4. 4.

This training and internship/exposure is 6 months in length. The first two months will stand for theory
classes consisting of technical classes, leadership, entrepreneurship, etc. while the next four months
will stand for practical internship and exposure to gain practical experience of the renewable energy

By signing below, I give consent to this program and the purposes set out above
 I commit to be available for this program over the next 6 months.
 I commit to be available for assessment of the program up to six months after completion of
this program.

Signature: Date:
(E-signature is okay)

Note: Please e-mail your application to [email protected]

Overflow Page:
To be used if you wish to share more education, training or experience information

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

3) Identifying participants

All graduates meeting the selection criteria shall be provided access to apply or the
program. Participants will be able to apply directly or use any of the following means of
advertisement to apply for the program.

a. Universities may recommend potential participants through their lists of last

year’s graduates.
b. Online advertisement through Social media will attract more applicants.
c. ACBAR website
d. Jobs.af website and other similar sites.

4) Drafting and signing MoUs with ESRA, DABS, MRRD, AREU, CRIDA, MUDL, KM, ANSA,

The following activities shall be undertaken:

a. A draft MoU will be formulated and discussed with GIZ to incorporate their
b. A list of relevant entities will be prepared with whom MOUs will be signed.
c. They will be contacted to initiate discussion on their participation in the
d. MoUs will be signed with each entity separately.
e. Implementation of agreements as described in the MoU will be monitored.

5) Drafting contract between project government counterpart and Intern

The following activities shall be undertaken:

a. Draft contract prepared.

b. GIZ input received.
c. Draft contract revised and finalized.
d. Government counterpart input will be sought.
e. Final contract between Government counterpart and Intern will be prepared.
f. All interns sign contract with Government counterpart.
g. Contract implementation by both sides will be monitored.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

6) Work Plans for Practical Work

The following activities shall be undertaken:

a. A detailed work plan will be prepared

b. Work plan will be discussed with GIZ and finalized.
c. Work plan will be described to all trainees upon orientation into the program.
d. Workplan will be discussed with companies, organizations, agencies and
Ministries where interns will be trained.
e. Workplan will be implemented.
f. Meeting objectives of the workplan will be reported on.

7) Designing PR Material

The following activities shall be undertaken:

a. Website development

i.Structure of a website will be developed in collaboration with GIZ

ii.Website domain will be identified and registered.
iii.Website will be developed.
iv. Online training platform will be incorporated into the website with off-
the-shelf live session tool incorporated into the platform through a
dedicated link.
v. Website hosting initiated.
vi. Email accounts for all interns will be prepared

b. Presentations in different cities

i. A power point presentation on the program will be developed.

ii. GIZ input will be received and reflected in the contents of the PPT.
iii. Presentations will be made at each one University in major provinces
such as Kabul, Herat, Nangarhar, Mazar and Kandahar.
iv. Findings and outcomes will be reported on.

c. Success stories documentary

i. A storyline will be developed for a documentary of achievements of the

YES II program.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

ii. A documentary expert will be hired to develop the screenplay for the
iii. Videographers will be assigned to accompany a number of most
promising candidates from start of the program until its conclusion.
iv. A 15-minute documentary will be prepared and finalized for broadcast
via website and social media.
v. A 3-minure short form of the same documentary will be prepared.

d. Printing posters, banners etc. and display in different cities

i. Posters and banners will be designed and printed upon advice and
approval of GIZ.
ii. Locations will be identified in Kabul and key cities for their display.
iii. Posters and banners will be displayed as per agreement.
iv. Total of 300 posters and 20 banners will be printed.

e. Designing yellow modules, i.e. stories of participants and featuring them on the

i. A standard format will be developed for highlighting each Intern.

ii. For every intern a one-page bio and key achievement story will be
iii. Some key quotes from the Intern and others involved with him/her will
be incorporated.
iv. The information will be posted on the YES webpage.

8) Developing Customized Training Platform

The JV will work with technology experts and online training specialists to develop
custom made online training platform with a combination of cloud supported data
management and off-the-shelf broadcast capability with real-time interactivity and
document sharing mechanisms. The online training platform will be incorporated into
the website, so that trainees can log onto the website and gain immediate access to
training materials, including training modules, videos, PowerPoints and other related
documents can be accessed by the trainees during the training and after its completion.
The website will also provide them access to live class sessions and chatting
opportunities with each other through a class and program forum as well as directly
with the instructors on a real-time basis.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

9) Developing Curriculum and Customized Training Manuals

Three sets of manuals shall be developed to cover the areas of renewable energies,
energy efficiency in buildings as well as entrepreneurship and leadership. Each manual is
custom developed and relates to issues of relevance for Afghanistan. LC-QRTDW JV will
utilize its highly qualified engineers based in Afghanistan and overseas to provide the
critical material for the training manuals. Whereas international experts will primarily
focus on curriculum development, Afghan experts will deliver the training in local
languages to ensure smooth and effective communication of the instruction material.
Afghan trainers will be trained instructors and will be able to deliver the prepared
material in a competent and effective manner. The same engineers will also conduct
the training so that a smooth flow of information from manual to classroom can be
achieved. Their work will be guided by highly experienced international curriculum
developers, who will be available for advice and guidance.
The specific training manuals will include the following key areas:

a. Renewable Energy Systems:

Training shall include the following key areas:
I. Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Systems
II. Solar Water Heater (SWH)
III. Solar Water Pumping (SWP)
a. Fundamental of irrigation and water resource management
b. Economics of solar irrigation
c. Installation quality and maintenance of solar pumping systems
d. Content will be aligned to: https://energypedia.info/wiki/Toolbox_on_SPIS
IV. RE economics and business development including regulating tariffs,
maintenance of grid-connected & individual RE plants and economic
V. Best practices

For each of these areas, training will include site assessment, system sizing, and
design of system using manual design parameters as well as PVSyst design software.
In addition to design, developing bill of quantities, procurements of parts from
Afghanistan and overseas, system pricing as well as system installation,
commissioning, operation and maintenance shall also be part of the curricula. Thus,
the graduate will have developed a good understanding of the complete value chain
for working with these four systems.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

b. Energy Efficiency for Buildings:

Energy efficiency in the developed world has a very different dimension than in
Afghanistan. However, in both cases, the objectives are the same, namely to use
existing technologies, materials, habits and approaches to minimize the use of
energy in a building. Traditional construction material such as clay and mud-bricks
are significant tools to reduce energy consumption in a building. Also using
advanced construction technologies such as stabilized compressed earth bricks are
very useful in reducing energy consumption. Traditional heating and cooling systems
coupled with passive solar can enhance energy saving within a building. In addition
to these, minimizing use of hot water with electric boilers and maintaining
reasonable habits in leaving lights on/off have significant cumulative effects on
energy efficiency within a building. Within the context of these considerations, the
following critical areas will be further developed and enhanced through effective
training manuals and curricula:

i. Energy Efficiency Measures and its various forms in Buildings including

Thermal energy, Heat transfer, building envelopes, Lighting systems, Plug
loads, HVAC
ii. Energy management
iii. Data analysis
iv. Energy auditing
v. Water and energy efficiency
vi. Business cases
vii. Best practices

The curriculum will be developed with hands-on exercises, description of case

studies, data collection, processing and analysis tools and mechanisms and
associated factors. All aspects of utilities such as water, electricity, gas and related
areas will be covered in the efficiency management system. Additionally, best
practices from historic context of Afghanistan, which can be adapted to present day
conditions will be elaborated on. Experiences and best practices from the regional
markets, including Central, Southeast Asia, the Middle East will be used to
demonstrate effective ways of achieving energy efficiency within buildings. In
addition to these, modern global programs and activities for energy efficiency will
also be incorporated into the curriculum in order to offer an all-inclusive
understanding of the subject matter.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

c. Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Not every engineer is a born business leader. However, every engineer has the
potential to be a very successful business leader, if he/she has the tools and training
necessary to do the right thing at the right time. The entrepreneurship and
leadership training component of the program will provide the tools and training to
ensure that the candidates can be successful business leaders as well. It should
enable them to think of ideas and then know how to develop a successful business
around those ideas and excite others to invest in their ideas. In order to do these,
and then create sustainably operational companies, training in the following areas
are necessary:
i. Essentials of Entrepreneurship including Business Ownership, Identifying
the opportunities, Customer value proposition, Market sizing, Competitive
landscape, Market research and strategy, International Markets.
ii. Business plan development.
iii. Marketing Management, digital and social presence, communication and
presentation skills
iv. Founders, core team & early hires, raising investment
v. Financial and Accounting Management and understanding Financial
vi. Business modeling, growth drivers’ assessment, and development
vii. Org. Development and Change, Leadership and Decision Making

The curricula will be developed based on interactive approach, class discussions, case
studies, developing formats for documents and analysis of existing simple as well as
slightly more complex financial statements and business plans. The curriculum will be
developed with the full understanding that the students are with engineering and not
business of finance backgrounds. Hence, concepts will be explained carefully and
understandably, using hands-on approach, group discussions and other related factors.

The draft curricula will then be presented to GIZ and their input collected as well as
incorporated to issue the final version to be used by the instructors.

10) Training of Trainees

The training shall be geared towards the capabilities and strengths of the trainees. If the
trainees are weak in certain areas, then the training will need to be adjusted to ensure
that they are able to benefit from the program to a maximum level. In some cases, a
section of the students is relatively advanced on their understanding of key issues, while

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

other are not as advanced. The instructors will take into consideration such differences
and ensure that all students are able to benefit from the training while the strong ones
are not bored, and the weaker ones are not stressed out. The curricula developed by the
instructors will have taken such differences into consideration. Since the curricular is
developed by the actual instructors, they also have the ability and flexibility to adjust
their curricula to ensure that all trainees can equally benefit from the taught material.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, training classes will be organized in an online

format, while maintaining interactive, hands-on manner. Lectures will be held by the
instructors. Discussions will be held to clarify open issues. Lectures will be divided into
chapters. Upon completion of each chapter, an online quiz will be held, which will
enable the instructor to see the level of understanding of each trainee. At the beginning
of each component of the program, e.g. PV Power, Solar irrigation system, solar hot
water, Building’s energy efficiency chapters, entrepreneurship, a group project will be
identified by groups of 5 trainees, which will accompany the trainees through all stages
of the training. Upon completion of each chapter and one segment of the training, the
groups will present a brief overview of their practical work to the class. Other trainees
will be able to ask clarification questions and exchange their views with views and
experiences of other groups. At the end of the training, the groups will present their
completed projects to the class and the class will grade them for their performance
based on established criteria and using an online grading tool. Thus, the newly gained
knowledge is internalized, while all trainees will have hands on engagement in the
program, preventing free riders from hiding behind other trainees’ hard work. It is
critical that upon graduation the trainees hit the ground running and will immediately
be able to contribute in their learned skill area.

The trainees will be able to log on to the training portal on the YES-II website and access
all training materials. They will then utilize a separate platform for the online, face-to-
face, real-time communication with the instructor and all other trainees.

The trainees will be divided into groups of ten students (for entrepreneurship training:
groups of 15 trainees), who will receive training based on the following modality:

o Applicants will be divided into two groups i.e. the EE group and the RE.
o Most likely the RE group will be more than EE group. The ratio of EE: RE will be 1:2,
so that 40 trainees will be assigned for RE and 20 for EE training.
o Training will be done simultaneously for RE and EE
o The training modalities shall be as follows

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II


o The 40 students of RE will be divided in 4 groups (10 students in each group).
o The 40 students will receive six weeks training and each group of 10 students will
attend three sessions of 2 hours duration every week for total of 6 hours per week.
o Field work will continue for the balance of the training time. These will be in the
form of project works that will start at the beginning of the two-month training and
will end with student presentations during the last week.
o Total hours sessions for RE will be 120 hours divided in four sections (Solar
electricity, solar hot water, solar irrigation and PVSyst training and assignments).
o Last week will be allocated for PVSyst training

Solar Power (24 hours – Week 1)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 10 students 2 hrs

Solar Power (24 hours – Week 2)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 10 students 2 hrs

Solar Water Heater (24 hours – Week 3)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 10 students 2 hrs

Solar Irrigation System (24 hours – Week 4)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 10 students 2 hrs

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

PVSyst and Assignments (24 hours – Week 5)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 10 students 2 hrs

Group Presentations (24 hours – Week 6)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 10 students 2 hrs


o The 20 students of EE will be divided in 2 groups (10 students in each group).
o The 20 students will receive six weeks training and each group of 10 students will
attend two sessions of 2 hours in every week.
o Total hours sessions for EE will be 72 for the duration of the training

Energy Efficiency (12 hours – Week 1)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs

Energy Efficiency (12 hours – Week 2)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs

Energy Efficiency (12 hours – Week 3)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs

Energy Efficiency (12 hours – Week 4)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

Energy Efficiency (12 hours – Week 5)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs

Group Presentations (12 hours – Week 6)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 10 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 10 students 2 hrs

o The 60 students of EE & RE will be divided in 6 groups (15 students in each group).
o The 60 students will receive two weeks training and each group of 15 students will
attend three sessions of 2 hours in every week.
o Total hours sessions for Entrepreneurship training will be 48 hours divided in two
sessions every day.

Entrepreneurship (24 hours – Week 1)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 15 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 15 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 15 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 15 students 2 hrs

Entrepreneurship (24 hours – Week 2)

Groups Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Group 1 - 15 students 2 hrs
Group 2 - 15 students 2 hrs
Group 3 - 15 students 2 hrs
Group 4 - 15 students 2 hrs

In the unlikely event that social distancing guidelines are removed by the time the
training can start, training shall be held in classrooms inside the Kabul Polytechnic
University compound, utilizing a combination of online support with modules, videos
and other online documents.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

11) Site Visits

A site visit shall be organized either in Kandahar or in Herat, depending on availability

and relevance. In Kandahar, trainees will be able to visit utility scale solar power plants.
In Herat they will be able to visit utility scale hybrid solar and wind power plants. The
field trip will be 2-3 days long and will be undertaken via air.

Because of the social distancing requirements of COVID-19, by the time the online
training is completed, the Consultants may not be able to organize the site visits. In
such case, the site visit will be postponed until such time that it is physically possible.

12) Internships

It is assumed that by the time the training is completed, COVID-19 pandemic related
precautionary measures will have been lifted, so that work at government and private
company offices will continue as normal. In case the precautions are still in place, the
internship component of the program will be postponed until such time that these
precautionary measures have been eliminated.

As specified in the terms of reference, “the participants will be given a 6-month training
and internship contract (with benefits) by the GIZ-ESIP, the interns will be assigned to
work in the energy sector institutions, including the policymakers, regulators and
implementers of energy projects (e.g. ESRA, DABS, MRRD, AREU and private companies,
CRIDA, MUDL, KM, ANSA, MAIL, NEPA, etc.) for the duration of four months to receive
practical training.” LC-QRTDW JV with “liaise with the host institutions and develop the
program content for the interns.” During the internship, LC-QRTDW JV “follow up with
the interns, organize two meetings at minimum throughout the practical work with each
individual intern, and conduct several assessments throughout the period of internship
to assure the interns are involved with the activities of the respective host institution
and the technical training are in line with the work scope of the host institution.” LC-
QRTDW JV will “also organize and arrange regular meetings with the focal points of the
host institutions and … resolve any logistical issue that may be required.” Regular
reports shall be generated and documents furnished that describe the internship
experience of the trainees. At the conclusion of the internship, a “business summit/fair”
will be organized where “YES II participants can present their business plans and ideas to
local organizations and institutions, thought leaders and financial institutions.”

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

LC-QRTDW JV will prepare detailed work plans and schedules for interns’ practical work
and site visit, including to existing solar, wind and hydro power facilities in different
parts of the country.

LC-QRTDW JV will ensure that all travel and transportation arrangements to the site
visits, e.g. Kandahar solar power plant(s), and/or Herat solar/wind power plant(s), etc.
are taken care of and adequately managed.

“Drafting MoU(s) and liaising with stakeholders/host institutions for the purpose of
absorbing/placing the interns as host institutions” will also be managed by LC-QRTDW
JV. This will include: e.g. ESRA, DABS, MRRD, AREU and private companies, CRIDA,

Drafting and developing the contract between ESRA-Interns will be managed by LC-
QRTDW JV, which includes the administrative support, collecting the reports of the
interns, validating the reports and liaising with GIZ-ESIP Admin team to process the
stipends of the interns on monthly basis

Monthly report and monitoring feedback to the YES interns, these sessions are to be
witnessed by ESIP team. Final report and evaluation of all activities shall also be
prepared by LC-QRTDW JV.

Upon the completion of the training, LC-QRTDW JV will “support and follow up the
participants to streamline the PiO exercise by attending some of the training and
providing an assessment report.”

13) PiO program – “Pass it On”

The following activities shall be undertaken:

a. All training materials will be made available to all trainees.

b. Each intern will organize a series of training sessions for a minimum of 5 other
engineers/students in their organization/institution.
c. The list of the expected trainees by each student will be prepared and submitted
to the Consultants during the theoretical training sessions.
d. A report of the training shall be prepared by each candidate.

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

14) Business Summit

A business summit shall be organized in which companies, government agencies, non-

profits and business associations will be invited to participate. Graduates of the
program will then be allowed to pitch their business ideas to the audience in 4 minutes
utilizing at most 5 slides to make their case. Interns can develop business ideas in groups
of 3-6, so that they can also demonstrate their ability to collaborate during the training
program. Entrepreneurship training component will provide the necessary guidelines for
the interns to prepare effective presentations for the business pitch. The Consultant will
guide the trainees through their business plan pitch presentations.

15) Certificates

During the Business Summit, all participants will receive their participation/completion

16) Reports by Trainees forwarded to ESRA and GIZ

Each trainee shall prepare a report on their activities during their internship. Reports
will be prepared and submitted at the end of each completed internship component.
Report formats shall be developed by the Consultant. Reports will be reviewed,
compiled and submitted by the Consultants to ESRA and GIZ.

17) Final Report

The following activities shall be undertaken:

a. Final report format shall be prepared in advance.

b. Final report shall be prepared by the Consultants and submitted to GIZ and ESRA
for review and approval

Inception Report –
Youth Entrepreneurship Support II

Actv START END Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21
Activity Name status DATE DATE 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

A Project Start-up
A001 Signing agreement with GIZ COMPLETED 23-Aug-20 29-Aug-20
Meeting with GIZ's technical staff to obtain necessary
A002 COMPLETED 23-Aug-20 29-Aug-20
information about the project
A003 Preparing inception report ONGOING 30-Aug-20 5-Sep-20
Receving GIZ's comments/approval for the inception and
A004 ONGOING 6-Sep-20 12-Sep-20
submitting the final inception report
A005 Drafting MoUs for relevant government agency ONGOING 13-Sep-20 30-Sep-20
B Curriculum Development and Training
B001 Development of curricula and materials RE and EE COMPLETED 23-Aug-20 5-Sep-20
Development of curriculum and materials for
B002 COMPLETED 23-Aug-20 5-Sep-20
Preparing and documentation for written test and
B003 ONGOING 8-Sep-20 7-Oct-20
interview framework
B004 Conducting written test and interview sessions PLANNED 8-Oct-20 21-Oct-20
All training, coaching, follow up and meetings with the
B005 PLANNED 22-Oct-20 7-Nov-20
Online training the YES II participants including the
B006 PLANNED 8-Nov-21 8-Jan-21
guidance and regular meetings during internship
Liaising with Gov. Institutions and other stakeholders to
B007 PLANNED 1-Dec-20 8-Jan-21
sign MoUs & place the interns for practical training
B008 Exposure visit to Kandahar/Herat PLANNED 10-Jan-21 16-Jan-21
B009 Start the internship program PLANNED 20-Jan-21 18-May-21
Preparing the certificates and organizing the business
B010 PLANNED 24-May-21 27-May-21
summit/fair for upto 150 guests
C Design, PR, Pvsyst, Web Development and Work Plans
C001 Website development including three years hosting ONGOING 30-Aug-20 30-Oct-20
Developing an online platform for delivering training and
C002 ONGOING 20-Sep-20 30-Oct-20
coaching of the participants
C003 Designing/Developing PR materials COMPLETED 23-Aug-20 7-Sep-20
C004 Advertiment of PR materials in various provinces ONGOING 11-Sep-20 16-Oct-20
Drafting and developing work plans for the interns'
C005 ONGOING 1-Sep-20 30-Oct-20
practical works
Provision of PVsyst Software including installation and
C006 ONGOING 1-Sep-20 15-Oct-20
C007 Regular monthly progress report to GIZ ONGOING Last week of every month
C008 Submission of Final Report (full package) PLANNED 28-May-21 30-May-21


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