SmartMedic Shield Double Annual Limit - EN 2024
SmartMedic Shield Double Annual Limit - EN 2024
SmartMedic Shield Double Annual Limit - EN 2024
Double Annual Limit Campaign1
Offer Period: 1 May - 31 May 2024
Note: *The insurance charges are not guaranteed and may be revised due to adverse claims experience. **The total annual limit stated here
consists of RM2 million annual limit of SmartMedic Shield with Hospital Room and Board RM400 and an additional RM2 million annual limit
via SmartMedic Shield Extender, as well as an additional RM4 million annual limit via the attachment of an optional rider, SmartMedic Shield
Double Annual Limit. Terms and conditions apply.
1. The “SmartMedic Shield Double Annual Limit Campaign” (“Campaign”) is organised by Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia)
Berhad (“Great Eastern” or “the Company”).
SmartMedic Shield
SMS + SMSE Total
Double Annual Limit
Plan Initial Annual Limit Annual Limit
Additional Annual Limit
(RM) (RM)
• During the Campaign Period, SmartMedic Shield Double Annual Limit is offered with no additional insurance charges. The
insurance charges are not guaranteed and may be revised due to adverse claims experience.
4. By participating in this Campaign, the policyholders are taken to have read, understood, and be bound by these terms and
conditions, and accept that all decisions by the Company are nal and binding. The Company reserves the right at its sole and
absolute discretion to change, amend, add, or delete any of these terms and conditions at any time, which may be communicated
through modes of communication deemed suitable by the Company, without prior notice to the policyholder and the
policyholders agree to be bound by such changes.
5. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.
Important notices
SmartMedic Shield
SmartMedic ShieldDouble
AnnualLimit is is
Limit a unit deduction
a unit medical
deduction rider
medical attachable
rider to selected
attachable regular
to selected premium
regular investment-linked
investment-linked insurance Shield
insurance plans. SmartMedic plans. Double
SmartMedicAnnualShield Double
Limit can onlyAnnual Limittogether
be attached can onlywith
be attached together
SmartMedic Shieldwith
Shield plus SmartMedic
Shield Extender. Shield Extender.
These plans are insurance products that are tied to the performance of underlying assets, and are not pure investment
These plans
products suchare insurance
as unit products
trusts. The insurancethat are tied
charge, to the
if any, to beperformance
imposed will be ofdeducted
underlying fromassets, and
the total are not pure
investment value of
your policy onproducts
a monthlysuchbasis.asYouunitmaytrusts.
stop paying premiums
The insurance underifthe
charge, policy
any, to beand still enjoy
imposed protection
will be deductedasfromlongthe
as total
there is
investment total
valueinvestment valueon
of your policy toapay for thebasis.
monthly insurance
You maycharge.
stopHowever, there is aunder
paying premiums possibility of theand
the policy policy
stilllapsing when the
enjoy protection
required charges, including rider charges exceed the total investment value of the fund units available. Purchasing too many
unit deduction riders may deplete the fund units.
policy lapsing when the required charges, including rider charges exceed the total investment value of the fund units
You shouldPurchasing too many
satisfy yourself thatunit
rider willriders may deplete
best serve the fund
your needs and units.
that the premium payable under the policy is an
amount you can afford. A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the suitability of the Medical and Health
You should(MHI) product.
satisfy yourselfIf athat
rider is cancelled
this during
rider will best thisyour
serve period, the and
needs policy owner
that is entitled
the premium to the reinstatement
payable under the policyof the
is anunits
deducted for the payment of insurance charge after net of expenses incurred for the medical examination, if any. If you switch
your Medical Policy/Rider from one company to another or if you exchange your current Medical Policy/Rider with another
Medical Policy/Rider within the same company, you may be required to submit an application where acceptance of your
units deducted
proposal will befor the payment
subject of insurance
to the terms charge to
and conditions after net of expenses
be imposed incurred
at the time for the medical
of Policy/Rider examination,
switching if any. If you
or replacement.
switch your Medical Policy/Rider from one company to another or if you exchange your current Medical Policy/Rider with
This material
another is for
Medical general information
Policy/Rider within theonly.
sameIt is not a contract
company, you mayof insurance.
be required You
to are
submitadvised to refer to where
an application the Product Disclosure
acceptance of
Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed important features and benefits of the plan before purchasing the plan.
your proposal will be subject to the terms and conditions to be imposed at the time of Policy/Rider switching or
Please refer to the SmartMedic Shield product brochure for the exclusions and limitations of benefits. For further information,
reference shall be made to the terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by the Company.
If there
This is anyis
material discrepancy
for generalbetween the only.
information English
It isand
notChinese versions
a contract of this material,
of insurance. the English
You are advised version
to refer shall
to the prevail.
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A) is licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulated
by Bank Negara Malaysia.
If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this material, the English version shall prevail.