Top 25 DLD VIVA Questions

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Basic Concepts

1. What is digital logic?

Digital logic is the foundation of digital circuits, involving the manipulation of binary
values (0s and 1s) using logical operations.

2. Explain the difference between analog and digital signals.

 Analog signals are continuous and represent data with varying voltages or currents.
 Digital signals are discrete, consisting of binary 0s and 1s.

3. Define a logic gate.

A logic gate is an electronic component that performs a specific Boolean function,
such as AND, OR, or NOT, based on input signals.

4. What is a truth table?

A truth table is a tabular representation of all possible input combinations and their
corresponding outputs for a logic circuit.

5. Explain the difference between combinational and sequential circuits.

 Combinational circuits: Output depends only on current inputs (e.g., adders, multiplexers).
 Sequential circuits: Output depends on current inputs and previous states (e.g., flip-flops,

2. Boolean Algebra and Simplification

6. State De Morgan's Theorems.

1. A+B‾=A‾⋅ B‾\overline{A + B} = \overline{A} \cdot \overline{B}

2. A⋅ B‾=A‾+B‾\overline{A \cdot B} = \overline{A} + \overline{B}

7. What is the use of Karnaugh Maps (K-maps)?

K-maps simplify Boolean expressions by organizing minterms into a visual format,
reducing variables and minimizing logic circuits.

8. Define SOP and POS forms.

 SOP (Sum of Products): Boolean expression is expressed as a sum of product terms (ANDed
 POS (Product of Sums): Boolean expression is expressed as a product of sum terms (ORed

9. What are minterms and maxterms?

 Minterms: AND combinations of all variables in a truth table row that result in an output of 1.
 Maxterms: OR combinations of all variables in a truth table row that result in an output of 0.
10. What are universal gates? Why are they called so?
NAND and NOR gates are universal gates because any Boolean function can be
implemented using only NANDs or NORs.

3. Logic Gates

11. Explain the working of an AND gate.

An AND gate outputs 1 only when all its inputs are 1; otherwise, the output is 0.

A B Output

12. How does an XOR gate work?

An XOR gate outputs 1 if the inputs are different; otherwise, the output is 0.

A B Output

13. Why is NAND called a universal gate?

A NAND gate can perform AND, OR, and NOT operations, enabling the construction
of any logic circuit.

14. What is the function of a NOT gate?

A NOT gate inverts its input. If the input is 1, the output is 0, and vice versa.

15. What is the truth table for a NOR gate?

A B Output

4. Combinational Circuits
16. Define a multiplexer and its uses.
A multiplexer (MUX) selects one of several input signals based on control inputs and
forwards it to the output. It’s used in data routing and communication systems.

17. How does a half adder work?

A half adder adds two binary numbers and produces a sum (S) and carry (C).

 Sum: S=A⊕BS = A \oplus B

 Carry: C=A⋅ BC = A \cdot B

18. What is a decoder?

A decoder converts binary input into a one-hot code, activating one output line based
on the binary value of the input.

19. Explain the concept of a comparator.

A comparator compares two binary numbers and outputs whether one is greater than,
less than, or equal to the other.

20. What is a priority encoder?

A priority encoder outputs the binary position of the highest-priority active input.

5. Sequential Circuits

21. What is a flip-flop?

A flip-flop is a bistable circuit that stores one bit of data and can be triggered by a
clock signal.

22. How does a JK flip-flop work?

 J=1J = 1, K=1K = 1: Toggles the output.

 J=0J = 0, K=1K = 1: Resets the output to 0.
 J=1J = 1, K=0K = 0: Sets the output to 1.
 J=0J = 0, K=0K = 0: Maintains the current state.

23. What is an edge-triggered flip-flop?

An edge-triggered flip-flop changes its state only on the rising or falling edge of the
clock signal.

24. Define synchronous and asynchronous counters.

 Synchronous counters: All flip-flops are triggered simultaneously by the clock.

 Asynchronous counters: Flip-flops are triggered sequentially.

25. What is a ring counter?

A ring counter is a circular shift register with one flip-flop set to 1, while all others are
0, cycling through the bits.

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