Cs 60
Cs 60
Cs 60
Question no. t is compulsory. Attempt any three questionsfrom Q. no. 2 to 5, Cslculators are not qllowed.
Which of the following statementsare true- ? Give reasonsfor your answer. 10 - 1 (i) The directionratios of * 2 a r e2 , 3 , 7 .
cs-60 o
(iiil f(x) = cos x + sin x is an odd function' (iv) {1, 0, IGNOU} is a set. M u*3 * bx2 + cx i d = 0, d, b, c, d e Rhas three roots in R. Find the length of the major and minor axes, and the eccentricity of 3x2 - 4Y2= 72.
Find +l
O. [ J o;_+ x ' 1+
using the
Can the following system of equationsbe solved by Cramer's rule ? If yes, apply the rule to solve it' Otherwise apply the Gaussianmethod to solve it 2x-3y+42:5, 7x+4-y-82, x+8y-42+19=0' / r-;-rm
If y:
(*2 -
[.-J.'-n J
that show , th e n
*2) yn : 0'
cs-60 @
Find all the points of continuity in R of the function f, definedbv -*2 5x-4 f(x) = 4 x 2- 3 x 3x if x<o if 0<x<1 if 1<x<2 if x>2
t J
2 . x- +rr ax
Find the equationof a right-circular cylinder having for its basethe .u*" *2 + y2 + t2 = 9, x - y + z : 3 . Using Rolle'stheorem, show that there is 0 e l- 1, 1[ suchthat sin 20 = - 4g3. Prove that
I (b)
, cosnx+sinnx
7r 4
Find the volume of the solid generated by the revolution of an arc of the cycloid x = a(0 + sin0), y = a(1 - cos0) about the x-axis. 4
cs-60 @
giverl that one of the roots is 2 + iJ3 ' (d) For which valuesof l, e R does the plane S f I = x + y + z = ) " t o u c h = x 2+ y 2 + 2 2 : 7 ? Also find the points of contact of those planes II that touch S. 4. (a) (b) Find all the 5th roots of 5i 2.
Find all the asymptotesof the curve (*2-7x+6\y=x2+3x-1. Prove that the cone = g ryz * by2 * .r2 * 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hxY possesses three mutually perpendicular tangent planesif and only if bc + ca + ab = f2 + 92 * h2. 4
Find the upper and lower product sums of f, defined e by f(x) : l, wiih respect to the partition P : {1, 3, 5, 7} of [1, 71. 3
If a > b > 0, and n N, show that n-1 a ' - 1 + b a ' - 2 + . . . + b ' ' ' - 1 > n ( a b ;z ' Hence prove that a'n-1 b' > n(ab) 2 (a b).
cs-60 @
Reducethe equation *2-3*y +y2-6x+6y-2=O to canonical form. Hence identify the conic it represents.Also draw a rough sketch of the conic given by the equationabove. Find an approximate value of (O.OS1s/zusing Maclaurin'sseries,upto 3 decimalplaces.
cs-60 @
Time : 2 hours Nole ; Maximum Marks : 60
Question no. I is compulsory. Answerany three questionsJrom the rest. All algorithms should be written nearer to 'C' language.
Write a non-recursive function to traverse a tree in postorder. Apply the function on the following tree. 10
cs-62 o
is a graph representedby an adjacency matrix ? Write any two drawbacks of such a representation. betweenbinary searchand Give any two differences linear search. Also, write a function to implement the binary searchalgorithm.Show the output of the 10 algorithm using an example. Write five differences between Sequential file organisation and Direct file organisation.
Write an algorithm to evaluate a Postfix expression by using a stack. Illustrate the working of this algorithmwith a suitableexample. Compare the Best and Worst case complexitiesof Merge Sort, Quick Sort and the Bubble Sort algorithms.
(a) (b)
Write a program in C to sort a singlelinked list. Also list convertthe sorted.linked into a circularlinked list. Define the followingterms i (i) (ii) Spanning tree Weakly connectedgraph
7 3
(iii) B-Tree 4. (a) Define a circular queue. Write an algorithm to implementthe insertionand deletionoperationsin a circularqueue. 'Call by value' and Give any two differencesbetween 'Call by reference' methods. Also, give an example for each method.
cs-62 o
Explain the following, with an example of each . (i) (it (iii) (iv) (v) L value Heap Height-balanced-tree Garbagecollection Row major order
cs-62 o
Maximum Marks: 60
Question number 7 is compulsory. Answer ony three questtons t'rom the rest' Explain any two approaches of the compiler development. flow Write an algorithm, and draw a corresponding cirart, to find the sum of a 4-digit number, and also to print the number in reverseorder. Explain at least 5 characteristics of a distributed operatingsYstem. Explain the method to change the file permission modes using octal formi in UNIX' wiih th'e help of an example.
l. ,
cs-63 @
Write a shell program which will display a menu as shown below, and perform the desired' function basedon the user'schoice : FUNCTIONS MENU 1 _ PRINT-SORTED-LIST-OF-USERS 2 - COUNT-USERS WHO LOGGED.ON TO THE SYSTEM 3 - COUNT-FILES-IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY Type your choice from the above. 7
With the help of a diagram, explain dynamic partition memory management. What are the advantages of dynamic partition over fixed-size partition of memory ? the Mutual Semaphores Solve Exclusion Problem using
What are the outputs for the following UNIX commands: (i) (ii) head word list i wc who i wc-/
(iii) wc-cwl myfile (iv) cat < poem > poem.bak (v) kill 905
(vi) cal 06 2OOS calendarfile > (b) Describethe characteristics a file systemin UNIX. of 4
cs-63 @
while designingthe GNe 4 criteria to be considered system' debugging user interface{or any interactive which arrive Considerthe following set of processes in readYQueue at the sametime :
CPU time
Calculate the average turnaround time and average waiting time for the following scheduling algorithms : SJn FCFS and Round Robin (Quanium = 2) 5. (a) that are Explain any two file protectionmechanisms neededin a multiuserenvironment' What is a loader ? Explainits functions'
5 5
cs-63 @
Time : 3 hours
Note :
Mqximum Msrks : 75
Answer any
the 6
following arithmetic operations using 8 bit registers' Also indicate overflow, if anY :
27 - (- 100)
Draw the logic circuit for one stage of full adder' Implement a full adder using a decoder.
Write a program in 8086 assemblylanguage to reverse a string. Assume that the string terminates with a '\0'. Assumethat the string is stored in the memory. What is a Fetch Cycle ? Explain the steps performed during the instruction 'fetch', with the help of micro-operations. A digitalcompuferhas a memory unit of 64 R x 16 and a cache memory of 1 K words. The cache uses direct mapping with a block sizeoI4 words. (il How many bits wilt there be in the tag, index, block and word fields of the addressformat of cache? How many blocks can cache accomrnodate?
Draw the logic circuit for a register with parallel input-output. Make assumptions,if any.
Explain the von Neumann architecture, with the help of a suitablediagram. Also give an advantage and a disadvantage this architecture. of
Write the syntax and functions of the following 8086 assemblylanguageinstructions: (i) CALL
(ii) TEST (iii) xcHG (iv) DAA (c) for Write an instructionsequence evaluating A x B/ C + D * E using 2 and 3 addressinstructions. 4. (a) Write an 8086 assemblyprogram to find the sum and averageof a given finite set of numbersstored in an array in the memory.
(b) Construct an 8 x 1 multiplexer using 4 x 1 5
multiplexers. Make assumptions,if required. (c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of architecture ? Describe this
Explain three differencesbetween each of the following 15 pairs : (i) (ii) Hardwiredcontrol vs. Wilkes control Direct cache mapping vs. Set associativecache mapping
(iii) Contact and Aerodynamichead mechanisms hard in disks 1 (iv) 2 D chip organisation 22 D chip organisation vs. (v) Unencodedand Highly encodedmicroinstructions
Question number 7 is compulsory. Attempt any three questionsfrom the rest. What is multimedia? Explain three advantages and three disadvantages using multimediaapplications. g of Fxplain the role of multimedia in the area of publication,with a suitableexample. Explain five featuresof MacromediaDirector. Explain the copyright issues in the context of multimediaapplications. Explain five major challengesfor the multimedia developers. Explainthe use of any one componentof multimedia in E-commerce applications.
6 s
(c) (d)
Explain four major components of multimedia' in the Explain two frequently used file extensions case of multimediaaPPlications field of Explain the effeci and changes in the usageof multimedia' with the increasing business What is Quicktime? Also explain its working' Explain the processof planning of any multimedia application,with the help of an example' What is a hypertext? Explainfour main applications of hypertextwith an exampleof each' for Explain the role of a program storyboard templates multimedia projects' List four common in a Program storyboard' lsed transfer' Explain the role of multimediain knowledge with an examPle. is useful Explain, with an example,how multimedia training (CBT)' in creation of computer-based
(a) (b)
Time : 3 hours Note : Maximum Marks : 75
networks and distributed systems ? (b) What are 'piggybacking' and 'pipelining'
advantages. (c) What are the principles that were applied to arrive at the seven layers in an OSI model ? (d) Differentiate between the following : (i) (ii) (iii) Analog and Digital data Baud rate and Bit rate Bridges and Gateways
5 15
(iv) Upward and Downward multiplexing (v) (e) Token ring and Token bus 3
cs-68 @
Differentiate between the following : (i) (ii) TCP and UDP Internetand Inhanet
(iii) Hub and Switch (iv) Virtual Circuit serviceand Datagram service (b) Explain the carrier sensing protocol and give its advantages over ALOHA. Which CSMA protocol is widely usedin a LAN environment,and why ? Explain the use of a modem, and the difference betweenthe ASK, FSK and PSK modems. How is connection established and released in a transport layer ? Explain this, using a timing diagram. Differentiate between baseband and broadband communication. Explain each of the words in "lntegrated ServicesDigital Network". Explain the different basictypes of ISDN services. 4. (a) (b) (c) Explain the differences between Packet and Cell switching. What are the three factors that determine whether a communicationsystemis a LAN; MAN or WAN ? Explain the various transmission modes. List the basic network topologies. For each of these topologies, explain what happens if a single cable fault occurs. Explain the limiting factors on the sizeof the bus network topology.
(a) (b)
cs-68 @
(ii) osPF
What is DNS, and its purpose ? Give any two domain namesalong with their meanings' How does an ATM network work ? Explain this diagram. using an aPProPriate
cs-68 @
June, 2006
Question no. I is compulsory. Attempt any three questionsfrom the rest. Explain the detailedprocedurefor routing a packet in the TCP/IP network. Also, explain the use of 'routing 'gateway' and table' during the routing of a packet.
(a) '
Identify the address class of the following IP addresses : (i) 797 .702 . O52.002
( i i ) 2 1 6. 8 . 2 . 2 ( i i i )7 2 . 6 . 2 . 0 (iv) 140 . 156 . 15 . 15 (c) What are the different types of IP address components? Also, explain the different IP address and their formats. classes P.T.O
cs-6e o
What are the two' reasons for having layered architecturesin the networking models ? How many layers are there in the TCP/IP model ? List any three functionsof-eachlayer of theTCP/lP model. Explainthe IP subnetaddressing, with the help of an example. betweenTCP/IP and OSI Write any two similarities ReferenceModel. Explain the importanceof the followingTCP header 10 fields in network communication: (i) (ii) Sequence number Acknowledgementnumber
How much data can be carried within an IP datagram ? Also explain how IP datagrams are deletedfrom the network. Which transport layer protocol is appropriate for th'e following applications, and why ? (i) (ii) Multicastcommunication File transfer
cs-6e @
Explain the retransmission and dispatch of a TCP segment on (i) (ii) time-over,and without any acknowledgement
Also draw a diagramfor each case. 4. (a) Designan algorithmeach for a UDP client and for a UDP server,where the client should prompt a user to enter two numbers,and send it to the server.The server should listen to the clients concurrentlyand print the sum of the given number with the client name on the screen. 10 "Clients are often easierto build than a server and usually require no system privileges." Why ? Also explain the different special systeh privileges requiredfor designinga serversoftware. 5. Write any three differences betweeneach of the following pairs : 15 (i) (ii) TCP/IP and OSI model Upward and Downwardmultiplexing
(iii) Gatewayand Bridges . (iv). Connectionorientedand Connectionless services (v) Flow control at Data link layer and at Transportlayer
cs-6e o
briefly three ? specification Describe What is baseline types of baselinespecifications. 7 software project
management ?
organizations.Describe the factors that should be when planninga structureof a team. considered (c) four types of CASE tools. Give three Briefly describe benefitsof using a CASE tool. , (d) Describe briefly any four qualities of any software product.
cs-70 o
(a) (b)
Explainthe phasesof the softwarelife cycle.Also list 4 modelsof SLC. Define the following : (i) (ii) Technicalplanning Project tracking
7 4
(iii) Deliverytimings (iv) Partial recovery (c) , Describehow a 4GL helps to solve a problem. Also explain two featuresavailable a SGL but not in a in 4GL. Describe the concepts of coupling, cohesion and abstractionin the context of softwaremodules. What is SoftwareQuatityAssurance Describethree ? utilitiesthat are performedbV SQA. Describefour capabilities a debugger. of Write the processof scheduling project. a What is a software crisis? Describesix caseswhich contribute to a software crisis.
6 s 4
(a) (b)
cs-70 @
T i m e: 3 h o u r s Note: Maximum Marks : 75
Question number 7 is compulsory. Attempt any three quegtionst'rom Q' 2 to Q. 5' Calculators are not allowed. Unless otherwise stated, should be done upto 3 decimalplaces' calculations
Show that there existsa root of f(x) = ;3 - 3x + 1 = 0 in the interval(0, 1)' Derive that a suitablefixed point iterationxk*1 = Q(xu).such the method converges.Then, iterate two usingxO=03' - 2, Suggest a way to calculate f(x) = {A + 4 correctly(to avoid loss of significantdigits),if we use four decimal arithmetic to compute f(x) when x is near 0. times
cs-71 o
By inverse Lagrange interpolation, find the value of x' when y =. 2'0 from the table of valuesbelow : x
(d) (e)
Obtain a bound for the error in linear interpolation. The initial value problem y' = 3ty, y(1) = 2 is given. Find y(1'1), using the classical Runge-Kuttamethod of fourth order.
Write the expressionfor the bound of the error in Simpson'sone-third rule of integration.Hence, find the minimum number of intervals required to 1 f d x evaluate with an accuracyof 1 x 10- 6: J dh 0 Determine 67/3 using two iterations by the NeMon-Raphson method. Take the initial approximationas 2. Using Gauss elimination, check whether the given system of equationsis consistent.If it is, solve it., Otherwise obtain the determinantof the matrix of coefficients. x1+x2+x3+2xn=g 4xr+x2+x3+xn=g 2xr+Sxr+xr+2xn=7 4xr+xr+8xa+x4=2A
2. (a)
cs-71 o
in reading, Km/min, of a car moving The speedometer on a straight road is given in the following table' Estimate the distance travelled by the car in 16 rule. minutes,usingthe trapezoidal Time (in min.) Speedometerreading
4 6 8 10
0 6 9 14 79 13
Let f be the constant function f(x) = c V x e R' Show that the Simpson'srule gives the exact value
o f I f d x f o r a n y a , b e R ,a < b .
J a
b I
0 1
4 5
225 426
6 P.T.O.
cs-71 o
From the following data of values of a function f(x), compute approximations f'(3.0) and f"(3.0) using to Lagrangeinterpolation.
f(x) 4. (a)
Find an approximationto y(1.2) for the initiaLvalue problem9' = x2 + y2, y(1) : 2, with h = 0.1, using Taylor seriesmethod of O(h2). Which of the following are true ? Give reasonsfor your answer. (i) (ii) Rounding off 20'39801 to 3 significantdigits gives20'398. Any number has a unique floating point representation.
(iiil Truncation error is not the same as round-off error. (iv) Every algorithm exhibitsa linear growth of error. 5. (a) Derive the Gauss-Seidel method in matrix form for the solution of the system of equations Ax = b. Hence, derive the matrix formulation of the Gauss-Seidel method for the following system of (no iterationsare.to be performed): equations
t-2 )
Using four decimalarithmetic,show that ah - c) * ab - ac; wherea = 0'3333 x 101, b: 0'2323 x 101, c = 0'2313 x 101. Obtain the stability interval for the third order polynomialapproximationof cos x.
cs-71 @
Explain the role of inheritance in Object Oriented Programming, with a suitable example.
Define static binding. Give an example to demonstrate its use. Give .advantages and disadvantages of static binding.
Explain the difficultieS encountered in the usage of multiple inheritance, with an example.
Explain the utility of templateswith an exar'rple' the Write a program in C++ to demonstrate concept of a virtual function. Explain the various access specifiers available in C++, and differentiatebetweenthem with the help of an example.
Give two distinct situations,with justification' in which a constructor would need to be overloaded.
Create a classComplex and implernent the following : o . . and destructors define suitableconstrutors overloadthe oPerators+ and write a friend function surn which adds the real and imaginarYParts a comPlex object Explain the 'use case diagram'' When are such diagrams used ? What are the steps involved in drawing such diagrams ? Write a program in C++ to copy a file to another file using streams.
following features of Object Oriented Programming. Yorir explanation shouldincludeexamples. 1 0 (i) (ii) Data abstraction Code reusability
Explain the
Questionnumber 7 is compulsory. Answer ony three questionst'rom the rest. If L, and L, are the two regular languages, their is union L, U L, also regular ? Give reasonsfor your answer. Construct a finite automata correspondingto the regular expression 10 + (0 + 11)0-1 Explain the following notations for growth rate of functions :
(i) c
(ii) f)
(iii) o
cs-73 @
(il (iil
What is the Post CorrespondenceProblem ? Does the following PCP instance have a solution? Give reasons.
x 10, 01, 100, 1 y 101, 100, 00, 010 (iii) Given a PCP instance,is it possibleto construct a TM to decide if the instancehas a solution ? Give reasonsfor your answer.
Let M be a Turing machine and L be the language accepted by M. How will you construct a Turing all machine Ml which enumerates stringsin L ? are both recursively enumerable If L and t is ? languages, L recursive Give reasons. and State the pumping lemma for regularlanguages prove that the language L={aPlpisprime} is not regular.
What is the Chomsky Normal Form for a context free grammar ? Can every CFG be converted into Chomsky Normal Form ? Give reasonsfor your answer. Convert the following context free grammar to Chomsky Normal Form : S + aSa, S -+ bA, A -+ bA, S -+ b, A -+ b
cs-73 o
C S- 7 4O
Questionnumber 7 is compulsory Attempt any three questionsfrom the rest. What is a class? Differentiatebetween an instance variable and class variables' Give an example in support of your answer. What is an array ? Write a program using an array to createan output as given below : 2 3 5 4 6 7
8 9 1 0 1 1
cs-74 o
(c) (d)
Why are pointers not allowed in Java t *nu, rl.lt,, happen if pointersare allowed? Identify and correct the errors in each of the following statements i (i) if (c < 7h ("C system.out.println is lessthan 7"); (ii) if (c => 7) ("The no. greaterthan 7", C); system.out.println
Write a program that demonstrateshow various exceptions(e.g. Arithmetic Exception,Array Out of Bound Index)are caughtwith Catch (Exceptionexception);
Explain, with the help of examples,the purpose of Border Layout in Java. Write a program to calculate the areas of a rectangle,squareand circle using an abstractclass. What does extends keyword mean ? Explain this usingan example.
4 I 3
(a) (b)
? What are wrapper classes Give examplesof three wrapper classes along with one method used,for each. Differentiatebetweenthe following : (i) (ii) final and finalize paint ( ) and repaint( )
4 9
Give the output of the followingcode : public classiest { public staticvoid main (stringargs [ ]){ bYtex : 3; _ x=(byte) x; system.out.println value of x is : " +x); ("
l l
4. (a) What are modifiers ? List 3 modifiers availablein Java, and explaineach of them through an example. "A superclass object can refer a subclass object." Is the statementcorrect ? Explain this with the help of a small program. (c) Which is the smallest packageavailable Java, and in what does it do ? Give the output of the following program, and an explanationof its functioning: public classtry { publicstaticvoid main (stringargs [ ]){ Stringstrl : " abc',; Stringstr2 - "def "; String str3 : strl . concat (str2); strl . concat (str2); System.out.println (str1); 4 ?
cs-74 @
Write an applet that should accept a four digit number in a text box and display this number in a reverseorder in another text box at the click of a button. Differentiate between a string class and a string buffer class,using examples.
cs-74 @
What is Lu ? Is Lu recursivelyenumerable ? Justify your answer. Describethe Halting problem of a Turing Machine. Is this problem decidable Why or why not ? ? A lJamiltonian path between vertices s and t is a path that includesall verticesof the graph, exactly once and starts at s and ends at t. Show that the Hamiltonian path problem is Np_complet e by reducingthe Hamiltoniancycle problem to it. What is the lexical analysisphase of compilation ? How are regular expressions used in this phase ? Give the processinvolved.
When is a context free grammar ambiguous ? Give an example, with justification, of an ambiguous CFG. Is it possible decidewhethera given to CFG is ambiguous? Give reasonsfor your answer. g What is the Chomsky hierarchy ? Give examples, with justificationof languages which are (i) (ii) Type 0 but not Type 1 Type 1 but not Type 2 7
cs-73 o
Questionno. I is compulsory. Ansuterany three questionslrom the rest. What are the software and hardware requirements for the installationof an Intranet having 295 client machines(computers) ? s Give any five differences the featuresof IIS and in Samba server. What is the process of configuring a maximum simultaneous requestand listen queuesize ? How is public key infrastructure used to implement securityin an Intranet? Also, explainthe importance of digital certificates. Give any five important featuresof an editor tool. Write the steps required to create roaming user profile. Also, give the stepsfor deletingit.
s s
(e) (f)
cs-75 o
What are the categoriesof Intranet ? Write one feature of each also' Give the messageformat of ARP' Also, explain the purpose of the following fields : (i) HLEN
(ii) PLEN 3. (a) What is groupware? What are variousnews services with resPectto grouPware? What are two benefitsof usingweb authoringtools ? Explain the usesof web authoringtools'
(a) 'If a LAN has a subnetmask oI 255'255'0'0, how ? ? a 727.0.0.1 address What is Broadcasting (b) Explain the purpose of the following commandsin an Intranet Anternel. Write their complete syntax also. (i) (ii) STAT in POP RETR msg in POP 5 5
Write any two disadvantages of CGl-based applications.Also, explain how these disadvantages 5 in are overcome ISAPI. How does the wirelessdatagram protocol differ from the user datagramprotocol ? Explainthe importance of SMS, CSD and USSD in the wirelessdatagram protocol. 5
cs-75 @
State whether the following functions are true or false. Give reasonsfor your answers. (i) The maximum possible domain of f, defined by
cs-601 o
(iv) The curve r = 3 cos 30 is symmetricabout the initial line. (v) The curve *3 at (0, 0). *2 + 2xy y2 = O has a cusp
1 a n dP : 1 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 1
(c) Find*ifv=l d x
.+ x-+L
(e) Findf'(x)when f(x)= s.r..h(ln x). (0 Findall the symmetries the curvey = + . of X
3 4
cs-601 @
1 +x 2
-1 (iii) t. a n - x
(iv) c o t ^ x
(vi) cosec - x
Find the approximatevalue of e0'3, rounded off to two decimalplaces,using Maclaurin's theorem. If f(x) = x [x], find lim
and lim
f(x). Is
Find the equationof the normal to the curve, x = 2 cos t, y = 3 sin t at the point given by
t = TE - .
3 P.T.O.
cs-601 o
with respect Differentiate (2x +I\5 (x + 1)a(x + 3)2 to x. Find the volume of the solid of revolution obtained by revolving the triangle with vertices(0, 0), (3, 0) and (0, 4) around the y-axis.
dx rule UseSimpson's to evaluate ---n, J 1+x" 0 h : 1, upto two decimal places.
cs-601 @
l C S - 6 1 O @ , F O U N D A T I O N O U R S EN C EN GL IS H OR C OMP U TING F
Time : 2 hours Note : Attempt all the questions. Maximum Marks : 50
Readthe passage that follow : and answerthe questions Revolution, We are still in the middle of the Industrial
we had better be, for we have many things to put right in it. But it has made our world richer, smaller,and for the first time ours. And I mean that literally : our world, everybody's world. From its earliest beginnings when it was still dependenton water power, the IndustrialRevolutionwas terribly cruel to those whose lives and livelihood it overtumed. Revolutionsare cruel it is their nature,
cs-610 @
becauseby definition revolutions move too fast for those whom they strike. Yet it became.in time a social that social equality, the equality revolution and established of rights, above all intellectual equality are some of the values on which we depend. Where would a man like me be, where would you be, if we had been born before 1900 ? We still live in the middle of the Industrial Revolution and find it hard to see its implications, but the future will say of it that in the ascent of man it is a step The Renaissance astride, as powerful as the Renaissance. establishedthe dignity of man, The lndustrial Revolution establishedthe unity of nature. (prom j. Bronowski : The Ascent of Man) (il What has the IndustiralRevolution done to our world ? (ii) What did the Industrial Revolution depend on, initially,for energy? (iiil How has the Industrial Revolution become a social revolution ?
(iv) (v)
Why are all the revolutionscruel ? and the Industrial What have the Renaissance ? Revolution established
cs-61 @ o
Change the following sentencesinto the passive voice : (i) Sehwag scored a double century against Pakistanin Lahore. The police has capturedthe terrorist. 7 1
(ii) (b)
with the Fill in the blanksin the following sentences given in correct form of the tense of the verbs brackets: (i) (ii) The food kitchen. Usually he _ 6.00 a.m. (burn)when I reachedthe (go) for a walk at (live)in Gurgaonsince 1999.
The woman with her two children were nearly starving.(Correctthe sentence) We sold all our furnitures. (Correct the sentence)
(iii) The shopkeepers feels acutely discontented when additional taxes are imposed on them. (Correctthe sentence) 1 (iv) Neither of the boys were willing to take the examination.(Correctthe sentence) (u) Tendulkar is great. (Use a suitabletag question) (vi) 15 August 7947 is __________-:_ historical day. (Use a/an) I 1 7
cs-610 @
(Use comparativedegree)
(vllu He said, "The sun risesin the east."
(Changeinto indirectspeech) (ix) costly;descend. (Giveantonymsof thesewords) 4. Read the passage and summarise in about 150 words. it In spite of all that has been done in recent times to improve the statusof women, the great majority of wives are still financiallydependentupon their husbands.This dependence is in various ways worse than that of a wage-earner upon his employer.An employeecan throw up his job, but for a wife this is difficult; moreover, however hard she has to work in keeping the house she cannot claim rnoneywages.So long as this state of affairs persists, it cannot be said that wives have anything approachingeconomicequalitywith men. Yet it is difficult to see how the matter can be remedied without the establishment of Socialism. It is necessary that the expenseof children should be borne by the State rather than by the husband,and that married women, except during lactation and the latter part of pregnancy,should earn their living by work outside the home. This will require certain architectural reforms, and the establishment nurseryschoolsfor very young children. of For the children,as for mothers,this will be a great boon. since children require conditions of space and light and
1 2
cs-6o @ 1
diet which are impossiblein a wage-earner's home but can be provided cheaply in a nurseryschool. A reform of this sort in the position of wives and the rearing of young children may be possible without complete Socialism,and has even been carried out here and there on a small scale and incompletely. Buf it cannot be carried out adequatelyand completely except as part of a general economictransformationof societyr. (264 words) 5. Write a compositionin about 300 words on any one ot the followingtopics : 75 (i) (ii) The Misuseof Computers The Loss of Green Cover
cs-61 oo
Explain the steps involvedfor each of the following in MS-WORD : (i) (ii) Soft page break Hard page break
(iii) Repaginatio (b) Explain diagrams: (i) (ii) Star Bus the following topologies along with
c s -61 1 @
Define Accesstime, Seek time and Latency time of a Winchesterdisk. Write two differences betweenGUI and CUL Write two featuresof each of the following , (i) (ii) PublicSwitchedTelephoneNetworks PublicSwitchedData Networks
6 2 5
(e) 2. (a)
(b) 3. (a)
Explain the RSA approachto encryption. What is parallelprocessing Also, explain the terms ? 'Distributed Architecture'and 'Multi processors'. What are the steps involvedfor creatinga graph in Powerpoint ? Also write the steps {or changingthe graph type. What is RISC ? Write four characteristics RISC. of Explain three featuresof Dot Matrix printing. Also, write two differences betweenDot matrix and Inkjet printing. What are scanners ? Explain Optical Mark Recognition and Optical Bar Code reader techniques. Explain five categories files basedon their type of of information.
5 5
(a) (b)
c s - 6 1o 1
June, ?OOG
C S - 6 1 2 @ : P C S OF T WA R E KTLLS S
Time : 2 hours Note : Maximum Marks : 6O
Questionno. I is compulsory. Answerany three questionsfrom the rest. A man who is the owner of a winery, recentlypassed away. In his will be left 21 barrels(sevenof which are filled with wine, seven are half-filledand seven are empty) to his three daughters.However, the wine and barrels must be split so that each daughter has the same number of full barrels, same number of half-filledbarrelsand same number of empty barrels. Note that there are no measuringdeviceshandy. How can the barrels and wine be so divided ?
What is u Bro*rn, ? Differentiate between Gopher and World Wide Web browsing mechanisms.
cs-61 @ 2
Explain the following functions, giving their syntax and usage : (i) HLOOKUP( )
(ii) AND( ) (iiil REPLACE( ) (iv) PROPER( ) (v) CEILING( ) (d) What is a Pivot table ? List the sourcesfrom which a pivot table can be created' Write the steps for creating a Pivot table. Seventeen people correspond by mail with one another, each one with all the rest. In the letters only three different topics are discussed' Each pair of correspondentsdeals with only one of these topics' Prove thal there are at least three people who write to each other about the same toPic. 2. What is Internet ? Briefly explain the working of Intemet' Also explain four methodsof connectingto the Internet' (a) What are charts, and why are they created in Excel ? Explain any six chart components' What are functions ? Explain any four categoriesof functions, giving one example of each category' What is the use of Search Engines on the Internet ? List any six commonly used search engines'
cs-612 @
Find the smallestnumber n which has the following properties : (i) (i0 Its decimalrepresentation 4 as the last digit. has It is divisibleby 3 and 8.
(iii) It is a squarenumber. 5. (a) How can we create controls on the worksheet ? Explain any four controls, and how they can be formatted. What is E-Mail ? How is it different from postal mail ? Explain any six componentsof the Message Compositionwihdow.
cs-61o 2
any Questionnumber 7 is compulsory' Answer three questionslrom the rest' of List any ten applications lnternet' What is a Browser ? List any two browsers that are availableto browse the Internet' List 6 features of any browser. 10 70
(a) (b)
Write the step-by-stepprocedure to register and open a new e-mail account' List 5 features of an 70 e-mail software. Explain the usesof the followingInternettools : (i) Telnet I
cc-oe @
What is a searchengine? How is it used to find out specificinformation? Write all the stepsinvolved. Write a step-by-stepprocedure to find out an E-greetings website,and send E-greetings a group to of people. 10 Why do we need a securewebsite? Explainthis with the help of an example.
With the help of an exampleexplainhow we can perform online shopping to purchasesome books. Write all the stepsinvolvedin the whole process. 15
cc-os @
June, 2006
C C - l 1 @ : V I S U A LB A S I C
Time: 2 hours Note : MaximumMarks:75
Question number 7 is compulsory. Answer any three questionsfrom the rest. Explain the function of a form property window in VB. Indicate at least four elements of it. Also. explainthem. 70
Write an event procedure that accepts a string as input and displaysthe reverse of it, as shown in the example below : (For example, if input is : THIS IS VISUAL BASIC EXAM, then output is EXAM BASIC VISUAL IS THIS.) 70
Explain each of the following functions with an exampleeach : 10 (i) (ii) Ucase$ Rate
Explain any 5 buttons of a toolbar. Write an event procedure that simulatesa computer keyboard.Designthe samplelayout. Make necessary assumptions.
Write an event procedure for a command button to display integers starting from 1 to x, where x is a positive integer. Design a sample layout for the application,which shouldincludea splashscreen.
What is a Data Manager ? Design a Visual Basic Applicationto automatethe admission processof an educational institution. Give the details of database tables, forms, controls and menu design. Make assumptions, wherevernecessary.
Define a record. Explainthe processfor performing the following actions : (i) To move betweenrecords
What is a customcontrol ? Explain the two types of controls that VB can use. What is the procedureto load a customcontrol, each time VB is loaded? Write an event procedurefor computingthe area of a triangle. Design a user interface for this application.
Question number 7 is compulsory. Answerany three questionsfrom the rest. (JseC++ whereuer necessary.
XYZ is a universitywhich offers admissionto its programmes twice a year, in Januaryand July. After the admissionprocessis completed,they count the number of applications received programme-wise. the applications received for each programme, they count the applications in differentcategories age groups (lessthan or equal of to 25 years,above 25 but less than 45, above 45). Then, they allot studentsof the same age group to a particular set of study centres.In this way, they ensure that students of a programme attached to a study. centre belong to the same age group. Among
cc-16 @
for Design appropriateclasses the studentallocation system, including constructors, destructors and member functions. Also, write an appropriate main() Iunction. Make assumptions, wherever necessary. (b) Explain the use of "-" with an example. operator in C++ programs'
of Explain the advantages an abstractclass,with the help of an examPle. Explain the conceptof objectorientedprogramming, with the help of an examPle. Write a constructor that initialisestwo matrices in a program in C++ that will add them' Make necessary assumptions. 6
Write a program in C++ that accepts a string as it. input and reverses Define appropriateclasses' 'Macro'' Write an exampleprogram Define the term that usesa Macro. In C++, is it alwayspossibleto instantiatean object of a class? Justify your answer with an example' Define Operator Overloading' Write an example . operators program that overloads Explain the use of 'this' pointer in C++'
5 3
c c - 1o 6
Explain the term ,Exception Handling,. Write an exampleprogram that incrudes exceptionhandring. (b) Define the terms ,Multiple inheritance, and 'Multilevel inheritance'.Give an example of each. (c) Explain any two modesof opening a file in C++. (a) Write a function template that sorts a set of elements.
6 4
Design and implement a class complex, which represents complexnumber. a The classmust have a constructorand a member function _ add, that adds two complex objects. Write a suitable maino function to demonstrate the classabove. 10
cc-16 @
Time : 3 hours Note : l. (a) Attempt any fiue questions.No calculatorsare allowed. : Find the 15m term of the followingsequence 2, 6, 78,54, ... Also find the sum of the first 50 terms of the sequence. of with justification, Give examples, (i) Two irrationalnumberswhose sum is a rationalnumber. Max. Marks: 700
4 4 4
of between A(a, 2) andB(- 2, b\, if the mid-point AB is C(3, 4). Findthe distance , I f l n 3 - 0 ' 4 7 7 7 w h a t i sl n 9 + t n 2 7 + m l t
11 t2
3 |
= 0'
lo 1 .-21
(b) (c) Find the term involvi.,g y4 in the expansionof (x ' 2y215 checkwhether, I f A = 1 I , 2 , 3 , 4 1 B = { 3 , 6 , 9 } a n dU : { x l x e N a n d l < x < 1 0 } , , (A U Bf, and A' (\ B' are different. Find the derivative,with respect to x, of : (i) f(x) = (x2 f(x) : 3x + 7)2
x2+1 2x-1
PPc @
There are 6 computer books and 4 mathematics book on a shelf. In how many ways can you pick 3 computerbooks and 2 mathematics books from them ? Provethat \ + tan2A = seczA, where A is any acuteangle. For A =
4 4
(c) (d)
and B =
(_ 4
_| 12 4)
commutative. (e) Find the median of the data below : Class Frequency
4 6 18 32 25 12 3
Three students B and C are in a swimmingrace. A and B have the same probability A, of winning and each is twice as likelyto win as C. Calculate probabilities A, B, and the of C winning the race. The diameterof a circleis 5 cm. If it is increased 4 cm, find the corresponding by increase in its area. Which of the following pairs of equations are equivalent are inconsistent Find the or ? unique solution if it exists. (i) x+3y7=0,2x+y-4=0 = 0, 6x+ 4y+ 5 = 0 : 0 , x + 4 . 5 y4 =O
(b) (c)
Find the maxitnum possibledomain and range of the function f defined by x- 3. * - 2. f(x)= Also find li2+x ;l!; 2+x
PPc o
Find the baseanglesof an isosceles triangleif the verticalangle is 80?. Give an example,with justification, the use of similarityin real life, of If cosecA = 2 and cos A is negative,find all the trigonometricratios of angleA. A ladder5 m long, makesan angleof 4|''with the horizontal,and leansagainsta wall. Find the distanceof the foot of the ladderfrom the wall. Draw a suitable diagram. Draw the graph of (x 2) (x + 1) = y.
2 2
5. (a) (b)
4 4 4
(c) (d)
3 4 5 11 L2 9 7 4
If two cards are picked from a well-shuffled pack of cards, find (i) (ii) the probabilitythat the first card is a jack or a club. the probability that both cards are heart face cards. ql# ;Tb : 4x3.
(a) (b)
If the 6th term of an A.P. is 14 and the 14th term is 38, find its first term and common difference.
Which of the followingare true and which are falseon R ? Give reasons vour answers. 6 for (i) (iil Division is commutative Addition is distributiveover multiplication
(iii) Multiplicationis distributive over subtraction (d) ;i 4 = la,e), B - la, b, c, d, e|, C: diagramsto represent (i) AUD (ii) B-c l a , c , e , g ) and D : {d, e, f, g, h}, draw Venn
PPc @