1100 Week 2

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WEEK 2 – DAY 1

1. Dilatory (adj)- /ˈdɪl.ə.tər.i/ slow and likely to cause delay; e.g. dilatory behavior /
Synonyms: slow, tardy, procrastinating, delaying, lagging, sluggish, lax. რომ
აჭინაურებს, გამჭინაურებელი, აუჩქარებელი, ნელი;
2. Unsavory (adj)- /ʌnˈseɪ.vɚ.i/ unpleasant and morally offensive: e.g. He has
a history of unsavory business dealings. არასასიამოვნო, უსიამოვნო, ცუდი,
მორალური თვალსაზრისით მიუღებელი;
Synonyms: unpleasant, distasteful, offensive, objectionable, unappealing,
disagreeable, revolting, nasty.
3. Iniquity (n) – /ɪˈnɪk.wə.ti/ a very wrong and unfair action or situation; e.g.
The writer reflects on human injustice and iniquity. უსამართლობა, ბოროტება,
Related words: iniquitous (adj); iniquitously (adv);
Synonyms: wickedness, immorality, sinfulness, atrocity, depravity,
4. Egotist (n)- /ˈiː.ɡə.tɪst/ a person who considers himself or herself to be better or
more important than other people; e.g. Politicians are notorious egotists.
ეგოტისტი, თავის ტავზე შეყვარებული ადამიანი;
Related words: egotistic (adj); egotistical (adj); egotistically (adv);
Synonyms: conceited, boastful, narcissist, braggart, egoist, self-centered,
5. Infamous (adj)- well known for something bad; notorious; e.g. He is infamous for
saying that cheating is the way the game is played. ცუდი სახელის მქონე,
სახელგატეხილი, საქვეყნოდ შერცხვენილი;
Related words: infamy (n) ; infamously (adv);
Synonyms: notorious, disreputable, ill-famed, scandalous, shady, shameful,
villainous, wicked.
6. Impish (adj) –showing a child's pleasure in enjoying yourself and making trouble: e.g.
At 70, he still retains his impish grin. ცელქი, ანცი;
Related words: impishness (n) ; impishly (adv);
Synonyms: mischievous, playful, naughty, elfish, waggish, puckish.


1. DIL- The root "dil" comes from Latin, primarily found in the verb "diluere," which
means "to wash away" or "to dissolve." It is associated with the notion of
something being spread out, thinned, or delayed. This root is present in words
such as:

A) Dilute: To make a liquid thinner or weaker by adding water or another

B) Dilation: The action of expanding or widening.

In the context of the word "dilatory," the root "dil" relates to delay or postponement,
reflecting the idea of spreading out or extending time.

2. The root word "equi" comes from Latin, meaning "equal" or "even." It is used in
various English words to convey the idea of equality, balance, or fairness. Here
are some definitions and examples:
A) Equal: Being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.
Example: "All citizens should have equal rights under the law."
3. The root "ego" comes from Latin, meaning "I" or "self." It is often used to refer
to the self, especially in the context of self-importance or self-identity. Here are
some words derived from the root "ego" and their meanings:
A) Ego: The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.
Example: "His ego was bruised after the rejection."
4. FAM – meaning fame, celebration.


1. To the point-"To the point" means being direct, concise, and focused on the
main issue or topic without unnecessary detail or deviation. It implies clarity and
efficiency in communication, getting directly to the core of the matter or
argument without meandering or wasting time.
2. Elevate-to give someone a higher or more important position; e.g. They hoped
to elevate the position of women in society. დაწინაურება, წოდების, ტიტულის
3. The Oval Office - The Oval Office is the official workspace of the President of
the United States, located in the West Wing of the White House in Washington,
D.C. It is named for its distinctive oval shape and serves as the president's
primary office for conducting official business, meetings, and ceremonial
activities. The Oval Office is where the president meets with advisors, signs
legislation, delivers addresses to the nation, and hosts foreign dignitaries,
among other duties. It is an iconic symbol of the presidency and American
political power.
4. Predecessor-someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or
something that comes before another thing in time or in a series; e.g. My
predecessor worked in this job for twelve years. წინამორბედი
5. Preside-to be in charge of a formal meeting, ceremony, or trial; e.g. Who would
be the best person to preside at/over the public enquiry? თავმჯდომარეობა,
ხელმძღვანელობა, ადგილის დაკავება;
6. Roaring Twenties-The term "Roaring Twenties" refers to the decade of the
1920s, particularly in Western countries like the United States, Canada, and
parts of Europe. It was characterized by significant social, cultural, and
economic changes. უდიდესი, კოლოსალური 20-იანი წლები
7. Benign-pleasant and kind; not harmful or severe; e.g. His humor was
benign, never cruel or hurtful. კეთილი, სათნო, წყნარი
8. Thrive- to grow, develop, or be successful; e.g. His business thrived in
the years before the war. კარგად, სწრაფად იზრდება, ხარობს,ყვავის; რაიმე
ეხერხება, ემარჯვება;
9. Sermon-a talk on a religious or moral subject, esp. one given by
a religious leader during a religious ceremony; ქადაგება
10. Throng-a crowd or large group of people: e.g. A huge throng
had gathered around the speaker. ბრბო, ხალხის სიმრავლე;
11. Newsman- journalist, reporter, correspondent; ჟურნალისტი
12. Intrepid-extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations;
13. Sin-the offence of breaking, or the breaking of, a religious or moral law:
e.g. We confess our sins to you, O God, and ask for your forgiveness.
14. Minister-(in various Christian churches)
a person who leads religious ceremonies; მღვდელი,
15. Bribe-money or a present that you give to someone so that they will do
something for you, usually something dishonest; e.g. The judge took a bribe
in exchange for giving a lenient sentence to the defendant. ქრთამი
16. The 1919 White Sox- The "1919 White Sox" refers to the Chicago White
Sox baseball team during the 1919 Major League Baseball season. This team
became infamous for their involvement in the "Black Sox Scandal." In the 1919
World Series, several players from the White Sox were accused of intentionally
losing games in exchange for money from gamblers, tarnishing the reputation
of the sport and leading to significant repercussions within baseball. This
scandal had a lasting impact on the integrity of professional baseball and led to
reforms aimed at preventing similar incidents in the future.
17. Streak-an often unpleasant characteristic that is very different from
other characteristics; e.g. You need to have a competitive streak when
you're working in marketing. თავისებურება, ხასიათის თვისება;
18. Pounce-to jump or move quickly in order to catch or take hold of
something; e.g. The cat sat in the tree ready to
pounce on the ducks below. მივარდნა, მიჭრა, დატაკება, უეცარი თავდასხმა
19. Fair Housing Act-The Fair Housing Act, also known as Title VIII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1968, is a federal law in the United States that prohibits
discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability.
20. Entrenched-Entrenched ideas are so fixed or have existed for so long
that they cannot be changed; e.g. It's
very difficult to change attitudes that
have become so deeply entrenched over the years.
21. Unrepentant- /ˌʌn.rɪˈpen.tənt/ not repentant (= feeling sorry for
something that you have done); ცოდვების არმომნანიებელი

22. Arrogant-unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are
more important than, or know more than, other people: e.g. I found him
arrogant and rude. ქედმაღალი, მედიდური, ამპარტავანი

1. Folly-the fact of being stupid, or a stupid action, idea, etc., stupidity;
სისულელე, უგუნურება, სიგიჟე;
2. Miscreant-(n) /ˈmɪs.kri.ənt/ someone who behaves badly or does not obey rules;
immoral person; e.g. Many, but by no means all, miscreants grow up
without proper parental guidance. არამზადა, ბოროტმოქმედი ადამიანი
Synonyms: villain, scoundrel, delinquent, wrongdoer, offender,
criminal, culprit.
3. Slovenly- (adj) /ˈslʌv.ən.li/ untidy and dirty; sloppy in appearance; e.g. I'll
have to improve my slovenly habits - my mother's coming to stay.
ფეთხუმი, მოუწესრიგებელი, უსუფთაო
Related forms: slovenliness (n)
Synonyms: untidy, messy, unkempt, scruffy, careless, negligent,
sloppy, unclean, disorderly, haphazard.
4. Untoward- (adj) unexpected and not convenient or unpleasant; e.g. Unless
anything untoward happens we should arrive just before midday.
არახელსაყრელი, უიღბლო, ცუდი, მოულოდნელი
Related forms: untowardly (adv)
Synonyms: inappropriate, unfortunate, unlucky, improper, awkward,
inconvenient, adverse, unwelcome, disconcerting, troublesome.
5. Asinine- (adj) /ˈæs.ɪ.naɪn/ extremely stupid, foolish; e.g. Hannibal defeated
well-disciplined Roman legions led by asinine commanders. ჯიუტი,
უგუნური, სულელი
Synonyms: foolish, silly, stupid, absurd, ridiculous, idiotic, inane,
senseless, brainless, moronic, ludicrous.
6. Scurrilous- (adj) /ˈskʌr.ə.ləs/expressing unfair or false criticism that
is likely to damage someone's reputation; e.g. It has been to start
a scurrilous attack on all his opponents. უხეში, უხამსი, სალანძღავი
Related words: scurrilously (adv);

Synonyms: defamatory, slanderous, insulting, abusive, vulgar,
malicious, derogatory, offensive, scandalous, disparaging, vitriolic.
7. Brigand- (n) /ˈbrɪɡ.ənd/ a thief with a weapon, especially one of a group living in
the countryside and stealing from people travelling through the area; robber;
ყაჩაღი, ავაზაკი, ბანდიტი
Synonyms: bandit, outlaw, robber, thief, gangster, desperado,
marauder, raider, freebooter, cutthroat.

Notable Roots:

1. MIS- The root word "mis-" is a prefix in English that typically means "bad,"
"wrong," or "incorrect." It is derived from Old English "mis-" and related to
Old Norse "mis-," both of which mean "wrong" or "wrongly." This prefix is
used to form words that convey a sense of error, badness, or incorrectness.

Examples of Words with "Mis-":

1. Misunderstand: To understand incorrectly.

2. Misjudge: To judge incorrectly or unfairly.
3. Misconduct: Wrong or improper behavior.
4. Misplace: To put in the wrong place.
5. Mislead: To lead in the wrong direction; to deceive.
6. Misinterpret: To interpret wrongly.
7. Misfortune: Bad luck; an unfortunate condition or event.
8. Misuse: To use something incorrectly or improperly.

2. CREA-The root word "crea-" comes from the Latin word "creare," which
means "to create" or "to make." This root is the basis for several English
words related to the concept of bringing something into existence, forming,
or inventing.

Examples of Words with "Crea-":

1. Create: To bring something into existence.

2. Creation: The act of creating or something that has been created.
3. Creative: Having the ability to create; imaginative or inventive.
4. Creator: One who creates, especially a person who brings something new or
original into existence.
5. Recreate: To create again; to reproduce or renew.
6. Creature: A living being created by a higher power, often referring to animals
or humans.
7. Creationism: The belief that the universe and living organisms originate from
specific acts of divine creation.
3. SLOVEN - The root word "sloven" comes from the Middle English word
"sloven," which refers to a person who is habitually messy or careless in
dress, appearance, or habits. The term is derived from Middle Dutch "sloef,"
meaning "careless" or "negligent."

Examples of Words with "Sloven":

1. Slovenly: Untidy or messy in appearance or habits; careless.

2. Sloven: A person who is habitually untidy or careless.

WARD- The root word "ward" has several meanings and origins, depending on its

A. Guardian or Protector: In Old English, "weard" meant guardian or protector.

Over time, this evolved into "ward" in Modern English, referring to a person who
is under the protection or care of another.
B. Division or District: In some contexts, "ward" refers to a division or district
within a city or town, especially in administrative or electoral terms. For
example, "ward" can denote a specific area that is represented by an elected
C. Direction or Position: "Ward" can also refer to a direction or position, as in the
case of "to ward off" (to fend off or defend against something) or "to go toward"
(in the direction of).

Examples of Words with "Ward":

1. Guardian: A person who has the legal responsibility for the care of someone
who is unable to manage their own affairs, such as a minor or someone
2. Award: Something given in recognition of achievement or merit.
3. Forward: Moving or directed ahead or toward a destination.
4. Backward: Directed toward the back or in a reverse direction.

1. Cast a glance over- "To cast a glance over" means to quickly look at or examine
something briefly. It implies a swift or casual observation rather than a detailed
examination. It can also suggest scanning or surveying something in a cursory
manner; e.g. "She cast a glance over the report before the meeting."
ვინმესთვის, რაიმესათვის სწრაფად შეხედვა, თვალის შევლება

2. Furtive-(of people) behaving secretly and often dishonestly, or (of actions)
done secretly and often dishonestly; e.g. I saw him cast a furtive glance at the
woman at the table to his right. ფარული, მალული, შეუმჩნეველი
3. Slip out-to leave quietly or quickly so that no one will notice; e.g. Before I could
say anything she had gathered her books and slipped out
the door (= left quickly through the door).
4. Mainstream media-forms of the media, especially traditional forms such
as newspapers, television, and radio rather than the internet,
that influence large numbers of people and
are likely to represent generally accepted beliefs and opinions; e.g.
Mainstream media is always going to take a couple of years to catch onto
what 20-year-olds are thinking. ძირითადი, წამყვანი მედია-საშუალებები
5. Penal system-The penal system refers to the institutions, practices, and procedures
by which a society punishes and manages individuals who have been convicted of
crimes. It encompasses various aspects of the criminal justice system, including law
enforcement, courts, corrections, and rehabilitation programs. სადამსჯელო სისტემა
6. Plethora-a very large amount of something, especially a larger amount than you
need, want, or can deal with; e.g. There's a plethora of books about
the royal family. ბევრი, უხვი
7. To compound-The word "to compound" has several meanings depending on the
context: ა) Increase or Intensify: To make something worse or more intense,
especially a problem or difficulty. For example, "to compound someone's troubles"
means to add to their existing problems. ბ) Settle or Resolve: To settle a dispute or
reach an agreement, often by offering or accepting a compromise.
8. Irate- /aɪˈreɪt/ very angry; e.g. We have received some
irate phone calls from customers. გაღიზიანებული, ძალიან გაბრაზებული
9. Rumor-an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented,
and quickly spreads from person to person; e.g.
She's circulating/spreading rumors that the manager is going to resign.
ჭორი, ხმები, მითქმა-მოთქმა
10. “Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage”.- The phrase
"Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage" is a poetic expression that
suggests physical confinement alone does not define or confine a person's spirit or
freedom. It emphasizes the idea that true imprisonment goes beyond mere physical
boundaries and involves the state of mind and emotional well-being of the individual.
Interpretation of the Phrase:

 Metaphorical Imprisonment: The phrase suggests that while physical walls (stone
walls) and bars (iron bars) may physically confine a person, they do not necessarily
imprison one's thoughts, dreams, or inner spirit.
 Freedom of the Mind: It implies that even in difficult circumstances, one can find
freedom by maintaining a positive attitude, resilience, and inner strength. The human
spirit can remain free despite external constraints.
 Philosophical Reflection: This expression often reflects on the resilience of the
human spirit and the idea that true freedom comes from within, regardless of external

Usage and Origin:

This phrase is derived from a poem by Richard Lovelace titled "To Althea, from
Prison," published in 1642. The full stanza reads:

Stone walls do not a prison make,

Nor iron bars a cage;

Minds innocent and quiet take

That for an hermitage;

If I have freedom in my love,

And in my soul am free,

Angels alone that soar above Enjoy such liberty.

This poem reflects Lovelace's thoughts on confinement and freedom during his own
imprisonment. It has since become a well-known expression used to convey the idea
that true freedom and imprisonment are not solely defined by physical constraints but
also by one's state of mind and emotional resilience.

11. Grooming-the things that you do to make your appearance clean and neat,
for example brushing your hair, or the things that you do to keep an
animal's hair or fur clean and neat; e.g. In general,
women spend much longer on personal grooming than men.

12. Belie – (v) – /bɪˈlaɪ/ to show something to be false, or to hide something such
as an emotion; e.g. Her calm face belied the terror she was feeling. არასწორი,
მცდარი წარმოდგენის შექმნა; წინააღმდეგობა
13. Impressiveness-"Impressiveness" refers to the quality or state of being
impressive. It describes something that evokes admiration, respect, or awe due to its
exceptional or striking characteristics; e.g. The impressiveness of her speech
captivated the audience.
14. Plains-Flat or open areas of land without significant hills or mountains, typically
characterized by grasslands or prairies. ველი, ვაკე ადგილი; პრერია, ტრამალი, სტეპი
15. Law enforcement-the activity of making certain that the laws of
an area are obeyed;
16. Arcane-/ɑːˈkeɪn/ mysterious and known only by a few people; e.g. He was the
only person who understood all the arcane details of the agreement.
საიდუმლო, იდუმალი, ფარული

WEEK 2 – DAY 3

1. Callow- (adj)- /ˈkæl.əʊ/ Someone, especially a young person, who is

callow behaves in a way that shows they have little experience, confidence,
or judgment; e.g. Mark was just a callow youth of 16 when
he arrived in Paris. მოუმწიფებელი, გამოუცდელი;
Synonyms: inexperienced, immature, naïve, juvenile, adolescent, unripe.
2. Sinister (adj)- making you feel that something bad or evil might happen.
Threatening; e.g. She has dark, sinister eyes that make you nervous when
she looks at you. ავბედითი, ავის მომასწავებელი, სახიფათო
Related words: sinisterly (adv)
Synonyms: evil, wicked, malicious, dark, ominous, threatening, foreboding,
3. Pathological (adj)- (of
a person) unable to control part of their behaviour; unreasonable; e.g. I've got a
pathological fear of heights. პათოლოგიური, პათოლოგიასთან დაკავშირებული,
ავადმყოფობის შედეგად განვითარებული

Related words: pathology (n) ; pathologist (n); pathologically (adv);
pathologize (v)
Synonyms: abnormal, compulsive, obsessive, chronic, uncontrollable,
irregular, anomalous, persistent.
4. Megalomania (n)- an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or
the belief that you are very much more important and powerful than you really are.
მეგალომანია, განდიდების მანია
Related words: megalomaniac (n);
Synonyms: narcissism, egotism, self-importance, arrogance, overconfidence,
vanity, conceit, grandiosity.
5. Dilettante (n) –/ˌdɪl.əˈtæn.ti/ a person who is or seems to be interested in a subject,
but whose understanding of it is not very deep or serious; e.g. He's a bit of a
dilettante as far as wine is concerned.დილეტანტი, მოყვარული
Plural form: dilettanti
Synonyms: amateur, novice, hobbyist, nonprofessional, enthusiast,
layperson, dabbler, jack of all trades.
6. Obsequious (adj) – /əbˈsiː.kwi.əs/ too eager to praise or obey someone; e.g. She
is embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority. მლიქვნელური, მორჩილი,
ქლესა, ლაქუცა
Related words: obsequiously;
Synonyms: subservient, servile, fawning, obedient, sycophantic, groveling,
slavish, compliant, brown-nosing.


1. PATH-The root word "path" comes from the Greek word "pathos," meaning
"feeling" or "suffering." It is used in English to denote various meanings related to
feeling, suffering, or a way or course taken. Here are some common meanings
and words derived from the root "path":
A. Pathos: A quality that evokes pity, sadness, or sympathy.
B. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
C. Sympathy: Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
D. Apathy: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

2. MEGA-The word "mega" is a prefix derived from the Greek word "megas,"
meaning "great" or "large." In modern usage, "mega" is commonly used as an
intensifier to denote something extremely large, significant, or powerful. It can
also imply superiority or excellence in its category.
Examples of Usage:

A. Megalopolis: A very large, heavily populated city or urban complex.

B. Megabyte: A unit of digital information storage capacity, approximately equal
to one million bytes.
C. Megastructure: A very large or massive man-made structure or building.
D. Megastar: A highly successful and famous person, especially in entertainment
or sports.

3. MANIA-The root word "mania" originates from the Greek word "mania," which
means "madness" or "insanity." In English, it is used to denote a state of intense
enthusiasm, obsession, or excitement about something. Here are some common
meanings and words derived from the root "mania":

A. Mania: A psychological condition characterized by extreme excitement,

euphoria, or agitation. It can also refer to an obsession or intense interest in
B. Pyromania: An impulse control disorder characterized by the persistent urge to
set fires.
C. Bibliomania: Excessive fondness for acquiring and possessing books.
D. Kleptomania: An impulse control disorder that involves an irresistible urge to
steal items that are not needed or for personal use.

4. DIL- meaning “delay”.

1. Conviction-the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or
the act of officially finding someone guilty; e.g. Since it was her first conviction
for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence. მსჯავრის დადება
2. Validation-the act or process of making
something officially or legally acceptable or approved; e.g. Parking is free with
validation of your ticket by one of the outlets in the mall. დამტკიცება,
3. Instill-to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has
a strong influence on the way that person thinks or behaves; e.g. It is part of a
teacher's job to instill confidence in/into his or her students. თანდათანობით
შთაგონება, ჩანერგვა;
4. Couple (v)_ to join or combine; e.g. High inflation coupled
with low output spells disaster for the government in the election. შეერთება,
დაკავშირება, გადაბმა

5. Acknowledge- to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of
something; e.g. Historians generally acknowledge her as a genius in her field.
ცნობა, აღიარება, დადასტურება, დამოწმება
6. Persevere-to continue making an effort to do or achieve something, even when this
is difficult or takes a long time; e.g. If you persevere long enough and work hard
enough, you’ll eventually succeed. სიძნელეების მიუხედავად
შეუპოვრად/დაჟინებით სწრაფვა;
7. Hallmark-a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing; e.g. Simplicity is a
hallmark of this design. განმასხვავებელი ნიშანი / თვისება
8. Endeavor-an attempt to do something; e.g. In spite of our best endeavors, it
has proven impossible to contact her.ძალისხმევა, მცდელობა
9. Attain-to reach or succeed in getting something; e.g. We need
to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives/goals. მოპოვება, მიღწევა
10. Withhold –to refuse to give something or to keep back something; e.g. During
the trial, the prosecution was accused of
withholding crucial evidence from the defence. რაიმეზე უარის თქმა, რაიმეს
გაკეთებიაგან თავშეკავება
11.Fad diet-A "fad diet" refers to a popular dieting approach that gains sudden and
widespread popularity, often driven by media hype, celebrity endorsements, or
anecdotal success stories rather than scientific evidence. These diets typically promise
rapid weight loss or other health benefits through specific rules, restrictions, or
12. Demeanor- a way of looking or behaving; e.g. There was nothing in his
demeanour that suggested he was anxious. ქცევა, ქცევის მანერა, თავდაჭერა
13. Treachery-/ˈtretʃ.ər.i/ behaviour that deceives or is not loyal to someone
who trusts you; e.g. From his cell on board ship, the captain wrote about the
treachery of his crew. ღალატი, ორგულობა
14. Vapidness-"Vapidness" refers to the quality of being dull, uninteresting, or
lacking liveliness and substance. It describes something that is shallow, insipid, or
lacking in stimulating qualities that would engage or captivate interest. უინტერესობა,
უსიცოცხლობა, მოწყენილობა
15. Foreboding-/fɔːˈbəʊ.dɪŋ/ a feeling that something very bad is going
to happen soon; e.g. There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as
if fighting might at any minute break out. ავის/ უბედურების მომასწავებელი


1. Sordid- (adj)- dirty, unpleasant, distasteful; e.g. There are lots of really
sordid apartments in the city's poorer areas. უზნეო, ამორალური, უპატიოსნო,
Related words: sordidness (n); sordidly (adv);
Synonyms: dirt, filthy, sleazy, disgusting, vile, repulsive, shameful, grubby,
seedy, tawdry;
2. Nefarious- (adj)- /nəˈfeə.ri.əs/ morally bad, villainous, notorious; e.g. The
company's CEO seems to have been involved in some
nefarious practices/activities. საძაგელი, უზნეო, ამორალური, თაღლითური;
Related words: nefariousness (n); nefariously (adv);
Synonyms: wicked, villainous, evil, sinister, malevolent, diabolical, devious,
iniquitous, corrupt, malicious, notorious;
3. Bias- (n)- the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in
an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment; e.g.
There has always been a slight bias
towards employing liberal arts graduates in the company. მიკერძოება,
მიკერძოებული დამოკიდებულება
Related words: biased.
Synonyms: partially, prejudice, favoritism, discrimination, tendency,
preference, inclination.
4. Callous- (adj)- /ˈkæl.əs/ unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for
other people; e.g. It might sound callous, but I don't care if he's homeless.
He's not living with me! უგულო, გულცივი, გულქვა, არაგულისხმიერი
Related words: callousness (n); callously (adv);
Synonyms: heartless, unfeeling, insensitive, cruel, cold-hearted, indifferent,
unsympathetic, ruthless.
5. Servile- (adj)- /ˈsɜː.vaɪl / too eager to serve and please someone else in a way
that shows you do not have much respect for yourself; e.g. As
a waiter you want to

be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile. მონურად მორჩილი,
მლიქვნელური, ლაქუცა
Related words: servility (n); servilely (adv);
Synonyms: subservient, obedient, submissive, slavish, meek, docile,
compliant, fawning, toadying.
6. Lurid- (adj)- (especially of a description) shocking because involving violence, sex,
or immoral activity; e.g. You can read all the lurid details of the affair in
today's paper. საშინელი, შემზარავი, საზიზღარი
Related words: luridness (n); luridly (adv)
Synonyms: shocking, sensational, gruesome, horrifying, scandalous,
dramatic, titillating.


1. NE-The root "ne" doesn't have a standalone meaning in English. However, it is

often a prefix or part of words derived from Latin or other languages,
contributing to their overall meaning. Here are a few examples where "ne" is

A. Negative: From Latin "negativus," meaning "denying" or "negating."

B. Neurology: From Greek "neuron," meaning "nerve" or "sinew."
C. Neonatal: Relating to newborn infants, from Latin "neo-" meaning "new."
D. Nefarious: From Latin "nefarious," meaning "wicked" or "evil."

2. FAR/FER- Meaning “make” , “do”.

3. CALL- meaning “skin”.
4. SERV-The root "serv" comes from the Latin word "servus," which means "slave"
or "servant." In English, words derived from this root often relate to service,
servitude, or serving others. Here are some common words and meanings
derived from the root "serv":


1. Ponzi Scheme- A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scam that promises

high returns to investors with little or no risk. It operates by paying returns to
earlier investors using the capital contributed by newer investors, rather than from
profit earned by the operation of a legitimate business. This creates the illusion of
a profitable business or investment opportunity when, in reality, it is unsustainable
and destined to collapse.

2. Loophole-a small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone
the chance to avoid having to do something; e.g.
The company employed lawyers to find loopholes in environmental prot
ection laws.
რაიმესაგან თავის დასახწევი ან რაიმესათვის თავის ასარიდებელი საშუალება;
3. Redeem-to carry out a promise or pay back a debt; e.g.
The amount required to redeem the mortgage was £358,587. რაიმეს
გამოსყიდვა, ვალის გადახდა;
4. Postage-the money that you pay for sending letters and parcels through the post;
საფოსტო გადასახადი, მოსაკრებელი, საფოსტო ხარჯები;
5. Amass-to get a large amount of something, especially money or information,
by collecting it over a long period; e.g. She has amassed a huge fortune from
her novels. მოგროვება, დაგროვება;
6. Reverence-a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something; e.g. She
has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors. ღრმა პატივისცემა,
მოწიწება, კრძალვა;
7. Acumen-skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject,
such as business or politics; e.g. She
has considerable business/financial acumen. შორსმჭვრეტელობა, გამჭრიახოა,
8. Byword-a person or thing that is very closely connected with a particular quality;
e.g. Their products are a byword for good value. ადამიანის, ადგილის ან
საგნის სახელი, რომელსაც უარყოფითი ნიშნის მიხედვით აზოგადებენ;
9. Aversion-(a person or thing that causes) a feeling of strong dislike or of
not wishing to do something; e.g. I felt an instant aversion to his parents.
ზიზღი, სიძულვილი, ანტიპათია;
10. Captor-a person who
has captured a person or animal and refuses to release them. დამტყვევებელი,
ტყვედ ვინმეს ამყვანი;
11. Underling-a person of low rank and little authority who works for someone
more important; e.g. She surrounded herself with underlings who were
too afraid of her to answer back. დაბალი თანამდებობის ან მდგომარეობის
მქონე პირი, ვინმეს ხელქვეითი

12. Assailant-/əˈseɪ.lənt/ a person who attacks another person; e.g. Can
you describe your assailant? მოწინააღმდეგე, თავდასხმელი, მტრულად

Week 2 – day 5

1. Apathy-behavior that shows no interest or energy and shows that someone

is unwilling to take action, especially over something important. აპათია,
გულგრილობა, უხალისობა
2. Dally-to waste time or do something slowly. დროის უქმად ხარჯვა
3. Negate-to cause something to have no effect; e.g.
The increase in our profits has been negated by
the rising costs of running the business. რაიმეს არსებობის ან სისწორის /
ჭეშმარიტების უარყოფა
4. Arrogance-the quality of being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are
more important than, or know more than, other people; e.g. He has a self-
confidence that is sometimes seen as arrogance. ქედმაღლობა, მედიდურობა,
5. Amendment-a change or changes made to the words of a text; e.g. I've made a
few last-minute amendments to the article. შესწორება
6. Servitude-the state of being under the control of someone else and of having
no freedom; e.g. In the past, the majority of women were consigned to
a lifetime of servitude and poverty. მონობა, დამონება, დამოკიდებულება
7. Involuntary-not done by choice; done unwillingly, or without
the decision or intention of the person involved; e.g. A sharp tap on
the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.
უნებლიე, უნებური, წინასწარგანუზრახველი
8. Pyromaniac- /ˌpaɪ.rəˈmeɪ.ni.æk/ someone who suffers from pyromania. პირომანია -
დაუძლეველი ლტოლვა ცეცხლის წაკიდებისადმი. ვითარდება წინასწარ განზრახვის
გარეშე. გვხვდება ფსიქოპათიის გარკვეულ ფორმის შემთხვევაში
9. Arson-the crime of intentionally starting a fire in order to damage or destroy some
thing, especially a building; e.g. A cinema was burned out in north London
last night. Police suspect arson. ცეცხლის წაკიდება, ცეცხლის გაჩენა

10. Toddler-a young child, especially one who is learning or
has recently learned to walk. ბავშვი, რომელიც სიარულს სწავლობს
11. Egocentric-thinking only about yourself and what is good for you; e.g. Babies
are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they will next be fed.
12. Infamy-the quality of being famous for something considered bad; e.g.
The president described the attack as "a day that will live in infamy".
ცუდი სახელი, სახელგატეხილობა (ბოროტი, საძრახისი საქმეების გამო)

1. Laid plans-"Laid plans" refers to carefully thought-out and organized
arrangements or strategies that someone has made in advance. It implies that
significant effort and consideration have been put into preparing these plans,
often with specific goals or outcomes in mind. The phrase is commonly used to
denote well-prepared or premeditated actions or intentions.
2. Sprint (v)- to run as fast as you can over a short distance, either in a race or
because you are in a great hurry to get somewhere; e.g. We had to sprint
to catch the bus. მოკლე მანძილზე სწრაფად სირბილი
3. Courtesy van-A "courtesy van" is a vehicle provided by an organization, such
as a hotel, hospital, airport, or car dealership, to transport customers or clients
to and from their location free of charge. The service is offered as a courtesy to
enhance customer convenience and satisfaction.
4. Penitentiary-a state or federal prison. ციხე
5. Felon-a person who is guilty of a serious crime. დამნაშავე, კრიმინალი
6. pretense - a way of behaving that is intended to deceive people. თავის
მოჩვენება, მოკატუნება, თვალთმაქცობა
7. gall bladder-a small organ in the body, connected to the liver,
that stores bile (= a bitter liquid that helps to digest food). ნაღვლის ბუშტი
8. bulky-A bulky object takes up a lot of space, or is difficult to move or carry.
დიდი მოცულობის
9. spell out-to explain something in a very clear way with details; e.g.
The government has so far refused to spell out its plans/policies.
ახსნა, განმარტება
10. disguise-to give a new appearance to a person or
thing, especially in order to hide its true form; e.g. He disguised himself
by wearing a false beard. შენიღბვა
11. foolproof-(of a plan or machine) so simple and easy to understand that it
is unable to go wrong or be used wrongly; e.g. I don't believe there's any
such thing as a foolproof system for making money. მარტივი,
ელემენტარული, ადვილად გასაგები
12. seizure-the action of taking something by force or with legal authority.
ხელში ჩაგდება, ჩამორთმევა, კონფისკაცია
13. fabricate-to invent or produce something false in order to deceive someo
ne; e.g. He was late, so he fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble. რაიმეს
გამოგონება, შეთხზვა
14. Smuggle - to take things or people to or from a place secretly and
often illegally; e.g. They managed to smuggle a video of
the captive journalists out of the prison. ფარულად შემოტანა, შემოყვანა,
15. Rear - at the back of something; e.g. There's a sticker on the
rear door/window. უკანა
16. Foil -to prevent someone or something from being successful; e.g.
The prisoners' attempt to escape was foiled at the
last minute when police received a tip-off (გაფრთხილება, საიდუმლო
ინფორმაცია). ვინმეს გეგმების ჩაშლა, ხელის შეშლა


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