Andita Apriliasari Car Research Proposal

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Language plays an important role in human life. One seeks to acquire, learn and
use language as a means of communication, and at the same time as a social symbol of
humanity. By using language, one can make statements, convey facts and knowledge,
explain or report something, and maintain social relations between language users. This
shows that by using language, people can express their ideas, feelings, and information
through communication. Language plays an important role in human life. One seeks to
acquire, learn and use language as a means of communication, and at the same time as
a social symbol of humanity. By using language, one can make statements, convey facts
and knowledge, explain or report something, and maintain social relations between
language users. By using language, people can express their ideas, feelings, and
information through communication.
English is the language of the International Union and the most frequently used
by foreign language speakers around the world. In an era where competition is not only
limited to the national level, but also at the international level, having the ability to
speak English is not only a tool for self-development, but can also be an added value
for you in finding a job. On the other hand, English can also be a means of developing
tolerance in cultural diversity which is an important thing to be promoted through
various fields, including education. Learning a foreign language that includes the target
culture in it can have a positive impact on students if the teacher changes it as a means
for students to achieve intercultural communication competence. Students will be more
familiar with the life and habits of the target cultural community, develop tolerance,
and intercultural awareness.
One aspect of language skills that has a very important role in efforts to give
birth to future generations who are intelligent, critical, creative, and cultured is speaking
skills. By mastering speaking skills, students will be able to express their thoughts and
feelings intelligently according to the context and situation when they are speaking.
Speaking skills will also be able to form creative future generations so that they can
give birth to communicative, clear, coherent, and easily understood speech or
utterances. Speaking is a highly complex skill that comprises (1) knowledge of
language and discourse (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse), (2) core
speaking skills (chunking, signaling intention, and turn-taking), and (3) communication
strategies (paraphrasing, rephrasing, and approximation) (Goh & Burns, 2012). In
addition, speaking skills will also be able to give birth to future generations who are
critical because they can express ideas, thoughts, and feelings to others coherently and
systematically. Speaking skills will also be able to give birth to future generations who
are cultured because they are accustomed and trained to communicate with other parties
according to the context and situation of speech when he is speaking. Speaking skill is
one of the active and productive skills. It is a primary skill while communicating with
others. Getting a command on the other three skills helps the learner to get knowledge
and share ideas through oral communication (Khan & Ali, 2010).
Public Speaking is part of language skills, especially speaking. As a skill, it will
never just come to the culprit, however, it takes a process. In other words, this public
speaking skill will be more fluent and successful if the person concerned always
practices and practices to hone it. The ability to speak is not obtained naturally but must
go through a process and diligently practice. Therefore, a teacher needs to understand
and be able to apply various strategies, methods, and approaches in improving speaking
skills. One approach used to improve speaking skills is the application of an integrative
approach. by applying an integrative approach in learning English can make it easier
for students to better understand how good speaking skills are.
In language learning, including English, it is based on the idea that aspects of
language are always used in an integrated manner, never used separately, aspect by
aspect. Integrative learning is learning that connects children's activities to interact with
the environment and experiences in their lives. The integrative approach method is a
language learning approach (policy) by presenting subject matter in an integrated
manner, namely by uniting, connecting, or linking teaching materials so that nothing
stands alone or separately. The integrative approach can also be interpreted as the
unification of various aspects into a whole. In language teaching, the integrative
concept refers to the understanding of language material as a whole. This means that
language teaching materials, both in the form of language elements and language skills,
are presented in unity by the reality of using language naturally in language
communities. The integrative approach method makes the teaching and learning
process relevant and contextual so that it is meant for students. According to brain
research, brain function will be optimal when a person learns something meaningful to
him and will interest him. The integrative approach method emphasizes student
involvement in learning. Students are made actively involved in the learning process
and students will understand the concepts or aspects of the language skills they are

Improving language skills in learning Indonesian in students can be done with

an integrative approach, namely by combining language aspects in a lesson. For
example, improving students' writing skills by combining other language skills such as
listening and reading or improving writing skills by combining reading and speaking
skills. Language learning with this integrative approach in addition to improving
students' writing skills will also affect the improvement of other language skills.
Another integration, for example in measuring students' reading skills, will involve
aspects of listening, speaking, and writing skills.
The problem that identified:
1. Can we use an integrative approach to improve students' ability in English?
Based on the identification of the problem, the problem cannot improve students' ability
to speak English with public speaking through an integrative approach using (classroom
action research) which seeks to examine and reflect on a learning approach to improve
teaching processes and products for 7th-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Kota.
Tangerang. The instruments used to collect the research data were in the form of
questionnaires, observations, and field notes. The questionnaire is a way of collecting
data through several statements submitted to respondents (students) in writing. The
purpose of this questionnaire is to determine the extent of student response and
development towards the application of a communicative-integrative approach that is
focused on improving speaking skills.
Based on the limitation of the problem, the following problems can be formulated:
1. Students' lack of confidence when speaking English
2. The teacher tries to use an integrated approach in public speaking to increase
their motivation in speaking English
The objectives of conducting classroom action research are:
1. Students can develop speaking activity through an integrative approach
2. Students can increase their motivation in practicing public speaking
1. Theoretically
Researchers in classroom action research can expect the motivation of 7th grade junior
high school students in speaking and the development of students' ability to speak
2. Practical
a. For The Teachers
This research is expected to provide input and empirical considerations for choosing
alternative strategies in learning as an effort to improve students' speaking skills and
encourage teachers to be able to create student-oriented learning.
b. For The Student
The results of this study provide opportunities and experiences that fun in expressing
opinions and improving speaking skills as well as training students to convey and
receive information orally.
c. For The Researchers
The results of this study can add insight to knowledge, meaningful experience, in
developing existing abilities
A. English as Foreign Language
Foreign Languages English is the international language of business, politics, science and
communication. The role of English as a foreign language in Indonesia is very significant.
Student participation in the learning process is very important to create an active, creative
and fun learning process. In other words, every country needs an English teacher. Most
language schools advertise on the internet and many like to arrange contracts in advance.
Most English schools are English environments. You will use English for all interactions
at work. However, knowing a few basic phrases in the local language shows respect for
others and will greatly add to your cultural experience (James Jenkin, 2010:13). The spread
of the English language around the world is just one of many different developments
included in the general phenomenon of globalization. This is further related to unrestricted
mobility and, as such, is the language of globalization. If, on the one hand it is true that
language is a vital commodity in a globalized world, on the other hand it is also true that
globalization poses problems for the learning and teaching of second languages (Gilian
Mansfield, 2012:160).

B. Improve Students' Ability in English Speaking Skill

English is a tool for communicating orally and in writing. Communicating is understanding
and expressing information, thoughts, feelings, and developing science, technology, and
culture. The ability to communicate in a complete sense is the ability to discourse, namely
the ability to understand and or produce text and/or writing which is realized in four
language skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four skills are used
to respond or create discourse in social life. Speaking is a skill that develops in a child's
life, which is only preceded by listening skills, and at that time the ability to speak or speak
is learned.
Learning English no longer prioritizes absorption through the achievement of information,
but places more emphasis on developing capabilities and processing information. For this
reason, student activities need to be increased through exercises or English assignments by
working in small groups and explaining ideas to others. Speaking is a language skill that
develops in a child's life, which is only preceded by listening skills, and it is at that time
that the ability to speak English is learned. Speaking English is of course closely related to
the development of vocabulary acquired by the child through listening and reading
activities. Immaturity in language development is also a delay in language activities. It
should also be recognized that the skills required for effective speaking are much the same
as those required for effective communication in other language skills.

In learning a language, especially English, maybe the child will have difficulty in speaking
or speaking. A child must be skilled in using vocabulary and how to use it. Speaking
difficulties are usually caused by:

a) Difficulty expressing ideas verbally (speaking).

b) Limited vocabulary (vocabulary).
c) Limited grammar skills (grammar), so it is difficult to speak with the correct rules.
d) Limited pronunciation of words (pronounciation), so it is difficult to pronounce the
words that are spoken correctly.
e) Lack of courage to speak for fear of being wrong.

However, when viewed from the element of habit, after observing it turns out that many
people are ordinary or fluent in English because they are used to it. And it further
strengthens the opinion of experts that "practice makes it perfect". For students who are
highly motivated, they usually want quick results and even after the first lesson, want to
show their friends or family members that they can speak English.

Several Methods to Improve Speaking;

1) Role Play

Role play is a speaking activity when students role play, each student can be anyone. This
of course will develop their ideas and expand their imagination in using appropriate
expressions when practicing speaking. According to Richards, et al (2002: 460): “Role-
play also role playing in language teaching is drama-like classroom activities in which
students take the role of different participants in a situation and act out what might typically
happen in that situation. Harmer (2007: 352) states that “simulation and role play can be
used to encourage general oral fluency or to train students for specific situations, especially
where they are studying English for specific purposes (ESP).” In a class talk
In general, role play can be very imaginative because students can be 'whoever' they want.
This can attract the attention and interest of students because they certainly have certain
professions that become their aspirations which they will later play in real life. It could also
be that these roles can represent their desire to become someone they admire, just as many
young people like a certain singer or actress/actor. And they can manifest this in a positive
activity to develop creativity and improve language skills.

2) Using Picture Strip Story Media in Teaching Speaking

A picture story is a series of pictures that contains a story or chronological order. This
picture story can be used as a medium in teaching English, especially for speaking skills.
According to Neuman (2010:21), "Media is often related with means of communication.
The term media often refers to any device that brings information from the source of
message to the destination.” In everyday life, television, radio, newspapers, magazines,
leaflets, billboards, posters are all media. All of these media are used to facilitate the
transfer of information. In teaching and learning activities, the media is often used by
teachers to help make student learning activities easier. With picture stories or picture
series, students can develop their ideas or stories based on pictures and express them in
their own language style and choice of words. Wright (1997:136) states, “Picture strip story
is a story which has been separated into smaller segments from beginning to end. These
story segments do not have to contain much or many text at all. In fact, a strip story could
insist entirely of pictures similar to what one would find in a comic book.”

The use of picture stories is stated to be quite effective in improving students' speaking
skills, especially for children and adolescents for several reasons. First, pictures can grab
their attention. Young children or students are more interested in pictures that can represent
many words. Children are more motivated to develop ideas if they are presented with some
pictures in the learning process. Second, the use of pictures can develop students' ideas and
imaginations better. Students can try to interpret each picture with their own understanding
which of course is not limited to words, phrases, or sentences that have been arranged neatly
as in the story text. Third, by interpreting story pictures, students can practice their literacy
skills better.

C. Integrated Approach in Learning English

The integrative approach is the design of language teaching policies by presenting learning
materials in an integrated manner, namely by uniting, connecting, or linking learning
materials so that nothing stands alone or separately.
In language learning, including English, it is based on the idea that aspects of language are
always used in an integrated manner, never used separately, aspect by aspect. Integrated
learning (integrative) is learning that connects children's activities to interact with the
environment and experiences in their lives. Learning aspects of language skills are given
in an integrated manner. For example:
1. Listening and talking
2. Listening and writing
3. Reading and listening
4. Reading and writing
5. Write and tell stories

Structure learning is also integrated with all skills. With methods like the example above,
it is possible to integrate structural learning with reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
With this approach students develop reasoning skills in the formation of knowledge based
on interactions with the environment and experiences in their lives. Students can learn to
relate what they have learned to what they have just learned. The integrated approach or
integrated approach is an approach that combines two or more elements in a learning
activity. The elements of integrated learning can be in the form of concepts with processes,
concepts from one subject with concepts in other subjects, or it can also be in the form of
combining one method with other methods.

The tendency of the concept of integrated learning is believed to be an approach that is

oriented towards learning practices that are in accordance with the learning needs of
children. This approach departs from an understanding that integrated learning is a basic
concept for the formation of knowledge and the intellectual structure of children.
A. Time and Place
This research will be conducted from October 2021 to November 2021. The research
location is at Junior High School 3 Tangerang City, addresed on St. Raden Patah No.52,
RT.002/RW.003, Sudimara Bar., Kec. Ciledug, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15151.

B. Method of Study
In this study, researchers used qualitative methods. According to (Creswell, use with
assumptions and 2013:44-45) Qualitative research initiates an interpretive/theoretical
framework that informs the study of research problems that address the meanings that
individuals or groups perceive as stemming from social or human problems. To study
these issues, qualitative researchers use emergent qualitative approaches to inquiry,
data collection in natural settings that are sensitive to the person and place being
studied, and inductive and deductive data analysis and establish patterns or themes. The
final written report or presentation includes participant voices, researcher reflections,
description and interpretation of complex problems, and their contribution to the
literature or calls for change. Qualitative research methods can help researchers to find
out more about students' efforts in English language proficiency by public speaking
through an approach integrative. The researcher can also describe and investigate the
level of students' difficulties when speaking in English as a foreign language. This
research is related to the experience of the researcher.
The research data was obtained through data collection using the following techniques:
(1) interviews, conducted with the aim of seeking opinions from various relevant data
sources in answering research problems; (2) document analysis, namely looking for
relevant written data; and (3) distributing questionnaires to enrich the research data
obtained using the previous technique. To support data collection, an instrument was
developed that had been compiled in the form of interview guidelines and
questionnaires via google form. The questionnaire used in this study consists of 30
items (4-point Likert scale: 1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 - Strongly Disagree, 4 -

C. Subject of Study
The subjects of this study were grade 9 junior high school students and the class were
expected to be a source of this research.

D. Techniques for Collecting Data

According to (Creswell, 2013:45) for collecting the data of qualitative method, the
researcher as key instrument. The qualitative researcher collect data themselves through
examining documents, observing behavior, and interviewing participants. They may
use an instrument, but it is one designed by the researcher using open-ended questions
They do not tend to use rely on questionnaires or instruments developed by other
researchers, Qualitative researchers typically gather multiple forms of data, such as
interviews, observations, and documents, rather than rely on a single data source.

E. Techniques for Analyzing Data

The process of analysis is much more It also involves organizing the data. The process
of analysis the data involves organizing the data, conducting an introduction read-
through of the database, coding and organizing themes, representing the data, and
froming an interpretation of them. After collecting the data, the next step of this study
is analyzing the data. Analyzing the data is the step where all the data has been the score
to get the changing before and after the treatment of the research.
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