HRM Unit 1
HRM Unit 1
HRM Unit 1
Human beings are social beings and hardly ever live and work in isolation. We always plan, develop
and manage our relations both consciously and unconsciously. The relations are the outcome of our
actions and depend to a great extent upon our ability to manage our actions. From childhood each
and every individual acquire knowledge and experience on understanding others and how to
behave in each and every situations in life. Later we carry forward this learning and understanding in
carrying and managing relations at our workplace. The whole context of Human Resource
Management revolves around this core matter of managing relations at work place.
Since mid 1980’s Human Resource Management (HRM) has gained acceptance in both academic
and commercial circle. HRM is a multidisciplinary organizational function that draws theories and
ideas from various fields such as management, psychology, sociology and economics.
There is no best way to manage people and no manager has formulated how people can be
managed effectively, because people are complex beings with complex needs. Effective HRM
depends very much on the causes and conditions that an organizational setting would provide. Any
Organization has three basic components, People, Purpose, and Structure.
In 1994, a noted leader in the human resources (HR) field made the following observation: Yesterday,
the company with the access most to the capital or the latest technology had the best competitive
Today, companies that offer products with the highest quality are the ones with a leg up on the
competition; But the only thing that will uphold a company’s advantage tomorrow is the caliber
of people in the organization.
That predicted future is today’s reality. Most managers in public- and private sector firms of all
sizes would agree that people truly are the organization’s most important asset. Having competent
staff on the payroll does not guarantee that a firm’s human resources will be a source of
competitive advantage. However in order to remain competitive, to grow, and diversify an
organization must ensure that its employees are qualified, placed in appropriate positions,
properly trained, managed effectively, and committed to the firm’s success. The goal of HRM is to
maximize employees’ contributions in order to achieve optimal productivity and effectiveness, while
simultaneously attaining individual objectives (such as having a challenging job and obtaining
recognition), and societal objectives (such as legal compliance and demonstrating social
Opening Case
On October 3, 2003, Anant Dalvi and Akhtar Khan, who worked as contract workers in Tata
Electric Company until they were laid off in 1996, doused themselves with kerosene and set
themselves ablaze even as their co-workers protested before the company’s offices. While Dalvi
died on the spot, Khan died a few days later.
The Tata Electric Company said they were no longer on their payroll and were not permanent
workers. Employees union had taken up their case and filled petition in the Labour Court before
their contracts were terminated. The court directed the company not to terminate their services without
following the due process of law. Despite this their services were terminated on June 30, 1996.
The company union promised the workers that they would renegotiate. Yet on the night before they
kiled themselves when Khan and Dalvi spoke to the union leader Shinde, they were told that
nothing more could be done for them. It is this that led them to take their lives. Dalvi has been in
service as apeon for17 years and Khan had been employed for 19 years. But their services were not
regularized. Such workers draw salary much less than the permanent employees.
This is an example of the problem that comes under the purview of Human Resource Management-
the main concept elaborated in this chapter.
The scope of HRM is really vast. All major activities n the working life of a worker – from the time of
his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves it comes under the purview of HRM.
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) conducted fairly an exhaustive study in
this field and identified nine broad areas of activities of HRM.
a) Human Resource Planning: The objective of HR Planning is to ensure that the organization
has the right types of persons at the right time at the right place. It prepares human resources
inventory with a view to assess present and future needs, availability and possible shortages
inhuman resource. Thereupon, HR Planning forecast demand and supplies and identify
sources of selection. HR Planning develops strategies both long-term and short-term, to meet
the man-power requirement.
b) Design of Organization and Job: This is the task of laying down organization structure,
authority, relationship and responsibilities. This will also mean definition of work contents for
each position in the organization. This is done by―job description‖. Another important step is
―Job specification‖. Job specification identifies the attributes of persons who will be most
suitable for each job which is defined by job description.
c) Selection and Staffing: This is the process of recruitment and selection of staff. This
involves matching people and their expectations with which the job specifications and career
path available within the organization.
d) Training and Development: This involves an organized attempt to find out training needs of
the individuals to meet the knowledge and skill which is needed not only to perform current
job but also to fulfil the future needs of the organization.
e) Organizational Development: This is an important aspect whereby ―Synergetic effect‖
is generated in an organization i.e. healthy interpersonal and inter-group relationship
within the organization.
f) Compensation and Benefits: This is the area of wages and salaries administration where
wages and compensations are fixed scientifically to meet fairness and equity criteria. In
addition labour welfare measures are involved which include benefits and services.
g) Employee Assistance: Each employee is unique in character, personality, expectation
and temperament. By and large each one of them faces problems everyday. Some are
personal some are official. In their case he or she remains worried. Such worries must be
removed to make him or her more productive and happy.
h) Union-Labour Relations: Healthy Industrial and Labour relations are veryimportant for
enhancing peace and productivity in an organization. This is one of the areas of HRM.
i) Personnel Research and Information System: Knowledge on behavioral science and
industrial psychology throws better insight into the workers expectations, aspirations and
behaviour. Advancement of technology of product and production methods have created
working environment which are much different from the past. Globalization of economy has
increased competition many fold. Science of ergonomics gives better ideas of doing a work
more conveniently by an employee. Thus, continuous research in HR areas is an unavoidable
requirement. It must also take special care for improving exchange of information through
effective communication systems on a continuous basis especially on moral and motivation.
HRM is a broad concept; personnel management (PM) and Human resource development (HRD)
are a part of HRM.
1) Human capital : assisting the organization in obtaining the right number and types of employees
to fulfill its strategic and operational goals
2) Developing organizational climate: helping to create a climate in which employees are
encouraged to develop and utilize their skills to the fullest and to employ the skills and abilities of
the workforce efficiently
3) Helping to maintain performance standards and increase productivity through effective job
design; providing adequate orientation, training and development; providing performance-related
feedback; and ensuring effective two-way communication.
4) Helping to establish and maintain a harmonious employer/employee relationship
5) Helping to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment
6) Developing programs to meet the economic, psychological, and social needs of the
employees and helping the organization to retain the productive employees
7) Ensuring that the organization is in compliance with provincial/territorial and federal laws
affecting the workplace (such as human rights, employment equity, occupational health
and safety, employment standards, and labour relations legislation). To help the organization to
reach its goals
8) To provide organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees
9) To increase the employees satisfaction and self-actualization
10) To develop and maintain the quality of work life
11) To communicate HR policies to all employees.
12) To help maintain ethical polices and behavior.
The above stated HRM objectives can be summarized under four specific objectives: societal,
organizational, and functional and personnel.
1. Administrative Role of HR
The administrative role of HR management has been heavily oriented to administration and
recordkeeping including essential legal paperwork and policy implementation. Major changes have
happened in the administrative role of HR during the recent years. Two major shifts driving the
transformation of the
administrative role are: Greater use of technology and Outsourcing.
Technology has been widely used to improve the administrative efficiency of HR and the
responsiveness of HR to employees and managers, more HR functions are becoming available
electronically or are being done on the Internet using Web-based technology. Technology is being
used in most HR activities, from employment applications and employee benefits enrollments to e-
learning using Internet-based resources.
Increasingly, many HR administrative functions are being outsourced to vendors. This outsourcing
ofHR administrative activities has grown dramatically in HR areas such as employee assistance
(counseling), retirement planning, benefits administration, payroll services, and outplacement
The operational role requires HR professionals to cooperate with various departmental and
operating managers and supervisors in order to identify and implement needed programs and
policies in the organization. Operational activities are tactical in nature. Compliance with
equalemployment opportunity and other laws is ensured, employment applications are processed,
current openings are filled through interviews, supervisors are trained, safety problems are
resolved, and wage and benefit questions are answered. For carrying out these activities HR
manager matches HR activities with the strategies of the organization.
3. Strategic Role for HR
The administrative role traditionally has been the dominant role for HR. However, as Figure 1.4
indicates that a broader transformation in HR is needed so that significantly less HR time and fewer
HR staffs are used just for clerical work.
Differences between the operational and strategic roles exist in a number of HR areas. The strategic
HR role means that HR professionals are proactive in addressing business realities and focusing on
future business needs, such as strategic planning, compensation strategies, the performance of HR, and
measuring its results. However, in some organizations, HR often does not play a key role in formulating
the strategies for the organization as a whole; instead it merely carries them out through HR
Many executives, managers, and HR professionals are increasingly seeing the need for HR
management to become a greater strategic contributor to the ―business‖ success of
organizations. HR should be responsible for knowing what the true cost of human capital is for an
employer. For example, it may cost two times key employees’ annual salaries to replace them if they
leave. Turnover can be controlled though HR activities, and if it is successfulin saving the
companymoney with good retention and talent management strategies, those may be important
contributions to the bottom line of organizational performance.
The role of HR as a strategic business partner is often described as ―having a seat at the table,‖
and contributing to the strategic directions and success of the organization. That means HR is
involved in devising strategy in addition to implementing strategy. Part of HR’s contribution is to
have financial expertise and to produce financial results, not just to boost employee morale or
administrative efficiencies. Therefore, a significant concern for chief financial officers (CFOs) is
whether HR executives are equipped to help them to plan and meet financial requirements.
However, even though this strategic role of HR is recognized, many organizations still need to
make significant progress toward fulfilling it. Some examples of areas where strategic contributions can
be made by HR are:
Evaluating mergers and acquisitions for organizational ―compatibility,‖ structural changes,
and staffing needs
Conducting workforce planning to anticipate the retirement of employees at all levels and
identify workforce expansion in organizational strategic plans
Leading site selection efforts for new facilities or transferring operations to international outsourcing
locations based on workforce needs
Instituting HR management systems to reduce administrative time, equipment, and staff by
using HR technology
Working with executives to develop a revised sales
compensation and incentives plan as new products
It is the era when for the competitive triumph of the organization there is a need to involve HRM
significantly in an integrated manner, which demands such capabilities from the HR specialists.
The role of HR shifted from a facilitator to a functional peer with competencies in other functions, and
is acknowledged as an equal partner byothers. The HR is motivated to contribute to organizational
objectives of profitability and customer satisfaction, and is seen as a vehicle for realization of quality
development. The department has a responsibility for monitoring employee satisfaction, since it is
seen as substitute to customer satisfaction.
According to McKinsey’s 7-S framework model HR plays the role of a catalyst for the
organization. According to this framework, effective organizational change is a complex
relationship between seven S’s. HRM is a total matching process between the three Hard S’s
(Strategy, Structure and Systems) and the four Soft S’s (Style, Staff, Skills and Super-ordinate
Goals). Clearly, all the S’s have to complement each other and have to be aligned towards a single
corporate vision for the organization to be effective. It has to be realized that most of the S’s are
determined directly or indirectly by the way Human Resources are managed, and therefore, HRM
must be a part of the total business strategy.
While developing sound personnel policies management should pay attention to the following
5. Based on Facts: Personnel policies should be built on the basis of facts and sound
judgment and not in personal feelings or opportunistic decision.
7. Fair & Equitable:- policies should be just fair & equitable to internal as well as
external groups. Eg:- a policy of recruitment from within may limit opportunities to
bright candidates from outside & a policy of recruitment from outside only a would
limit promotional avenue to promising internal candidates.
Policies pertaining to the recruitment and selection process are the foundation of building any
workforce. You must have a plan for creating applications, how to prequalify applicants, how
applicants move up to become a candidate and other employment procedures. This set of policies also
benefits current employees who refer applicants to your business.
2. Training and Professional Development
Provisions for employee training and development are included in human resource policy
documents because it informs employees of the kind of professional development available to
them. In addition, policies related to training and development assistance in the formulation
of employee development plans or performance improvement plans. Training and
development policies serve as an outline of educational benefits available to current
Many companies have written procedures for handling employee complaints, whether
they are internal, informal complaints or allegations made about the employer to
enforcement agencies. The benefit of this policy is to document your company’s commitment
to non-discriminatory practices and how such complaints are resolved. These policies also
benefit employees because they provide important information about workplace
communication in the event an employee is unsure of who she contacts to discuss any
concerns or problems.
4. Workplace Safety
In a time when more than worker safety in the performance of her job is the primary issue
addressed in safety policies, employers distribute policies that address matters such as
workplace violence. These types of policies are generally discussed in detail with employee
groups; an emergency evacuation policy isn’t effective if you don’t discuss it until the
emergency happens. Another benefit to having a human resources safety policy is adherence
to federal and state guidelines for workplace safety.
5. Organizational Structure
An introduction to the human resources policy manual explains the organizational structure,
what departments fulfill which expectations and company leadership. In the introductory
section, many employers also explain the company philosophy as it is related to customer
service, co-workers, and leadership and business ethics. Ethics statements are extremely
popular, especially in a world where social responsibility is observed by so much of the
population. This section of a human resources policy manual may also state the company's
compliance with federal, state and local anti- discrimination laws.
6. Employment Rules:-
Employees are accustomed to learning specific workplace rules such as dress code, discipline
procedures, parking, attendance and working hours, holidays, employee benefits and payroll
dates. The human resources policy on these issues is easy accessed by employees who have
questions, or reviewed by new employees eager to learn more about their new employer.
Provisions for employee training and development are included in human resource policy
documents because it informs employees of the kind of professional development available to
them. In addition, policies related to training and development assistance in the formulation
of employee development plans or performance improvement plans. Training and
development policies serve as an outline of educational benefits available to current
Many companies have written procedures for handling employee complaints, whether
they are internal, informal complaints or allegations made about the employer to
enforcement agencies. The benefit of this policy is to document your company’s commitment
to non-discriminatory practices and how such complaints are resolved. These policies also
benefit employees because they provide important information about workplace
communication in the event an employee is unsure of who she contacts to discuss any
concerns or problems.
9. Workplace Safety
In a time when more than worker safety in the performance of her job is the primary issue
addressed in safety policies, employers distribute policies that address matters such as
workplace violence. These types of policies are generally discussed in detail with employee
groups; an emergency evacuation policy isn’t effective if you don’t discuss it until the
emergency happens. Another benefit to having a human resources safety policy is adherence
to federal and state guidelines for workplace safety.
An introduction to the human resources policy manual explains the organizational structure,
what departments fulfill which expectations and company leadership. In the introductory
section, many employers also explain the company philosophy as it is related to customer
service, co-workers, and leadership and business ethics. Ethics statements are extremely
popular, especially in a world where social responsibility is observed by so much of the
population. This section of a human resources policy manual may also state the company's
compliance with federal, state and local anti- discrimination laws.
Employees are accustomed to learning specific workplace rules such as dress code, discipline
procedures, parking, attendance and working hours, holidays, employee benefits and payroll
dates. The human resources policy on these issues is easy accessed by employees who have
questions, or reviewed by new employees eager to learn more about their new employer.
1. Recruitment and Selection
Policies pertaining to the recruitment and selection process are the foundation of building any
workforce. You must have a plan for creating applications, how to prequalify applicants, how
applicants move up to become a candidate and other employment procedures. This set of
policies also benefits current employees who refer applicants to your business.
Training and Professional Development
Provisions for employee training and development are included in human resource
policy documents because it informs employees of the kind of professional
development available to them. In addition, policies related to training and
development assistance in the formulation of employee development plans or
performance improvement plans. Training and development policies serve as an
outline of educational benefits available to current employees.
Workplace Safety
In a time when more than worker safety in the performance of her job is the primary
issue addressed in safety policies, employers distribute policies that address matters
such as workplace violence. These types of policies are generally discussed in detail
with employee groups; an emergency evacuation policy isn’t effective if you don’t
discuss it until the emergency happens. Another benefit to having a human resources
safety policy is adherence to federal and state guidelines for workplace safety.
Organizational Structure
Employment Rules:-
Employees are accustomed to learning specific workplace rules such as dress code,
discipline procedures, parking, attendance and working hours, holidays, employee
benefits and payroll dates. The human resources policy on these issues is easy
accessed by employees who have questions, or reviewed by new employees eager to
learn more about their new employer.
12. Training and Professional Development
Provisions for employee training and development are included in human resource
policy documents because it informs employees of the kind of professional
development available to them. In addition, policies related to training and
development assistance in the formulation of employee development plans or
performance improvement plans. Training and development policies serve as an
outline of educational benefits available to current employees.
In a time when more than worker safety in the performance of her job is the
primary issue addressed in safety policies, employers distribute policies that address
matters such as workplace violence. These types of policies are generally discussed
in detail with employee groups; an emergency evacuation policy isn’t effective if
you don’t discuss it until the emergency happens. Another benefit to having a
human resources safety policy is adherence to federal and state guidelines for
workplace safety.