Web Services: Why Web services, SOA - Service Oriented Architecture, , Types of Web Services,
SOAP based Web Services, RESTful Web Services, How to create RESTful Services
Web Services
Web services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) are fundamental concepts in modern
systems. Let’s explore the key aspects of web services and SOA based on the provided search
interaction over a network. They provide a standardized way of integrating web-based applications
using open standards such as XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. Web services can be accessed over
standard internet protocols, making them independent of platforms and programming languages.
regardless of their underlying technologies, by using standard internet protocols and data
2. Standardization: They adhere to standardized protocols such as SOAP (Simple Object Access
Protocol) and REST (Representational State Transfer), ensuring consistent communication and
data exchange.
3. Service Description: Web services are described using WSDL (Web Services Description
communication protocols.
SOA is a software development approach that emphasizes the creation of reusable and interoperable
software services. It enables the integration of disparate systems and applications by encapsulating
business functions as services with well-defined interfaces. SOA promotes loose coupling,
1. Reusability and Interoperability: SOA promotes the reuse of software components and
3. Decoupled Architecture: SOA encourages loose coupling between services, allowing them to
Interoperability: Web services and SOA enable seamless integration and communication
Reusability: Services designed in an SOA can be reused across multiple applications, reducing
Flexibility: SOA allows for the flexible composition and orchestration of services to meet
Standardized Service Contract — Services adhere to a service description. A service must have
some sort of description which describes what the service is about. This makes it easier for client
Loose Coupling — Less dependency on each other. This is one of the main characteristics of web
services which just states that there should be as less dependency as possible between the web
services and the client invoking the web service. So if the service functionality changes at any point
in time, it should not break the client application or stop it from working.
Service Abstraction — Services hide the logic they encapsulate from the outside world. The service
should not expose how it executes its functionality; it should just tell the client application on what it
Service Reusability — Logic is divided into services with the intent of maximizing reuse. In any
development company re-usability is a big topic because obviously one wouldn’t want to spend time
and effort building the same code again and again across multiple applications which require them.
Hence, once the code for a web service is written it should have the ability work with various
application types.
Service Autonomy — Services should have control over the logic they encapsulate. The service
knows everything on what functionality it offers and hence should also have complete control over
Service Statelessness — Ideally, services should be stateless. This means that services should not
withhold information from one state to the other. This would need to be done from either the client
application. An example can be an order placed on a shopping site. Now you can have a web service
which gives you the price of a particular item. But if the items are added to a shopping cart and the
web page navigates to the page where you do the payment, the responsibility of the price of the item
to be transferred to the payment page should not be done by the web service. Instead, it needs to be
already seen this in the concept of the UDDI, which performs a registry which can hold information
Service Compos ability — Services break big problems into little problems. One should never
embed all functionality of an application into one single service but instead, break the service down
Service Interoperability — Services should use standards that allow diverse subscribers to use the
service. In web services, standards as XML and communication over HTTP is used to ensure it
To understand SOA, consider the architecture commonly found on college campuses: the data-
batch-file transfers from one department to another. For example, the library might need to check
individuals who wish to borrow materials to find out if they are full-time students. To do so, the
library would query the student records department, which, in the case of UW–Madison, would send
all 45,000 student records in a batch. The library would then load the batch into its system’s
database, simply to locate the data it needs for a small subset of those students.
Research firm Adventure notes that university departments can easily misinterpret data sent by batch
transfers because departments use different business rules or different versions of data to suit their
unique needs. Recreational facilities, for example, might define a current student as one who is
enrolled and has paid all college fees and is therefore authorized to use campus facilities. The
library, on the other hand, might define a current student — one eligible to check out books — as
one who is enrolled but has not necessarily paid all fees. Such differences can create obvious data-
The fact that the batch-file method includes all possibly needed data increases the security risk and
places a large burden on already strained computing resources. Batch-file transfers inherent can be
cumbersome, time-consuming processes prone to errors. As departments transfer batch files across
campus, different “versions of truth” begin to circulate. In contrast, SOA is based on a service-level
agreement between a service owner (source) and the service consumer. The transaction between the
Pros :
1. Service Reusability
In SOA, an application is built by assembling small, self-contained, and loosely coupled pieces of
functionality. Therefore, the services can be reused in multiple applications independent of their
2. Easy Maintainability
Since a service is an independent entity, it can be easily updated or maintained without having to
worry about other services. Large, complex applications can thus be managed easily.
3. Greater Reliability
SOA-based applications are more reliable since small, independent services are easier to test and
4. Location Independence
The services are usually published to a directory where consumers can look them up. This approach
allows a service to change its location at any time. However, the consumers are always able to locate
Since services can be reused, there is no scope for redundant functionality. This helps reduce errors
7. Platform Independence
SOA facilitates the development of a complex product by integrating different products from
8. Increased Productivity
Developers can reuse existing legacy applications and build additional functionality without having
to develop the entire thing from scratch. This increases the developers’ productivity, and at the same
Ø Increased Overhead
Every time a service interacts with another service, complete validation of every input parameter
takes place. This increases the response time and machine load, and thereby reduces the overall
Ø Complex Service Management
The service needs to ensure that messages have been delivered in a timely manner. But as services
keep exchanging messages to perform tasks, the number of these messages can go into millions even
for a single application. This poses a big challenge to manage such a huge population of services.
Example of SOA:
To deliver services outside the firewall to new markets: First Citizens Bank not only provides
services to its own customers, but also to about 20 other institutions, including check imaging, check
processing, outsourced customer service, and “bank in a box” for getting community-sized bank
everything they need to be up and running. Underneath these services is an SOA-enabled mainframe
To provide real-time analysis of business events: Through real-time analysis, OfficeMax is able to
order out-of-stock items from the point of sale, employ predictive monitoring of core business
processes such as order fulfilment, and conduct real-time analysis of business transactions, to
quickly measure and track product affinity, hot sellers, proactive inventory response, price error
that helped the bank attain measurable results on a number of fronts, including cost savings,
integration, and more impactful IT operations. Metrics and progress are tracked month to month —
issued guidelines intended to help government agencies achieve enterprise transformation through
enterprise architecture. The guidelines and conclusions offer a strong business case for commercial
businesses also seeking to achieve greater agility and market strength through shared IT services. As
GAO explains it, effective use of an enterprise architecture achieves a wide range of benefits.
To improve state and local government operations: The money isn’t there to advance new
initiatives, but state governments may have other tools at their disposal to drive new innovations —
through shared IT service. Along these lines, a new study released by the National Association of
State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), TechAmerica and Grant Thornton, says well-managed
and focused IT initiatives may help pick up the slack where spending is being cut back.
To improve healthcare delivery: If there’s any sector of the economy that desperately needs good
information technology, that’s the healthcare sector — subject to a dizzying array of government
mandates, fighting cost overruns at every corner, and trying to keep up with the latest developments
software systems over a network. Two primary types of web services are SOAP-based and RESTful
services. Each has its own set of characteristics, advantages, and use cases.
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol for exchanging structured information in the
implementation of web services. It relies on XML for message formatting and is based on a client-
server model. SOAP web services are known for their robustness and standardization.
Simple Object Access Protocol, as the name says, is a standard protocol intended to exchange
to exchange messages across the internet. It has a set of rules which define and describe the
messaging format and processing rules for information exchanged between the sender and receiver.
SOAP can use two different transfer protocols to exchange the messages: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol) and SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol), but the most popular protocol used by
Content-Length: 309
SOAPAction: ”getEvent”
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8
Host: ems-sv258:1774
<ans:getNote xmlns:ans="http://soap.com/act">
Since SOAP standards for message exchange are based on XML and usually use HTTP as a
operational systems.
One specific characteristic of SOAP is the coupling between the service provider (server) and the
service consumer (client). There is a rigid contract between the server and client in SOAP and the
consumer must know the exact message structure to send to the server. If anything changes on either
Another important characteristic of SOAP is its association with Web Service Description Language
(WSDL). The WSDL has the description of SOAP service and how it works. This makes the client
building process easier once IDEs and frameworks can be utilized to automate the implementation
based on WSDL.
SOAP also has built-in error handling. When any message has an error or is missing required
information, the error response message contains information about what is wrong and can be used
by the client to fix the problem. This is very important to consumers when they are not the owner of
the service, otherwise, the client won’t be able to understand what is wrong with the request.
How to work SOAP:
SOAP primarily uses the standard HTTP request/response model (see Figure A).
The client wraps a method call in SOAP/XML, which is then posted over HTTP to the server. The
XML request is parsed to read the method name and parameters passed and delegated for
processing. The XML response is then sent back to the client, containing the return value — or fault
data — of the method call. Finally, the client may parse the response XML to make use of the return
Figure -A
But HTTP is not the only transfer protocol that SOAP supports. In version 1.1 of SOAP, the
specification was expanded to cover other transfer protocols such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or any other protocol that can transfer text. These other
protocols could be used to make asynchronous SOAP calls, meaning the client application could
invoke the SOAP service but would not have to wait for a response from the server.
Cons and Pros:
2. Language and Platform independent: SOAP web services can be written in any programming
1. Slow: SOAP uses XML format that must be parsed to be read. It defines many standards that
must be followed while developing the SOAP applications. So it is slow and consumes more
2. WSDL dependent: SOAP uses WSDL and doesn’t have any other mechanism to discover the
Example of SOAP:
In order to call a SOAP API, you’ll most likely need to include a SOAP library with your
programming language. Although it’s possible to make SOAP API calls without SOAP libraries, it’s
more efficient to work with an abstraction rather than crafting the messages yourself. The SOAP
While the following examples use Python for readability, remember that SOAP is agnostic regarding
your programming language. To retrieve a user profile from a fictitious SOAP API, you might make
invoking the getuser option with a user ID parameter. It’s a simple example, but disguises even more
structure. Compared to some more modern API request examples, SOAP may appear overly
complex. Keep in mind that most developers making SOAP API calls are using a library, which
That said, it is possible to make SOAP API calls through a typical HTTP request (most SOAP
services use HTTP, though the specification is independent of protocol). Here is the same call above
order to determine the username and any other data the SOAP API returns.
Standardization: SOAP has a well-defined set of standards, making it suitable for enterprise-
Extensibility: SOAP’s extensibility allows for the addition of new features and standards
applications. RESTful web services are known for their simplicity, scalability, and flexibility.
Key Characteristics:
1. Architectural Style:
REST is not a protocol but an architectural style that uses standard HTTP methods (GET,
Resources in RESTful services are identified by URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) and can
2. Message Formats:
RESTful services can use multiple formats for data exchange, including JSON, XML, HTML,
and plain text. JSON is the most commonly used format due to its lightweight nature and ease
of use.
REST is a web standard architecture that achieves data communication using a standard interface
such as HTTP or other transfer protocols that use standard Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The
design is such that each component in a RESTful web service is a resource that can be accessed
using standard HTTP methods (if the chosen protocol is HTTP). Resources which can be thought of
as objects in the concept of Object oriented programming (OOP) are identified by URIs and the
resources are represented in several ways such as JSON, XML, Text etc. though JSON is currently
the more favoured choice.
RESTful services have the following properties: Representations, Messages, URIs, Uniform
interface, Stateless, Links between resources and caching. A quick look into these properties below
using HTTP
1. Representation- resources are represented in different formats as earlier stated and should be a
complete representation of the resource.
2. Messages- This is how the client and server interact. Along with the data, messages contain
metadata bout the message. When accessing a RESTful resource using HTTP, the commonly used
methods are GET (reads a resource), PUT (creates a resource), DELETE (removes a resource) and
POST (updates an existing resource)
The figures below show the request and response message formats
The Response Header and Body hold similar information to the request, only that the information is
different as it is the server response
3. URIs – Each resource needs at least one URI to identify a resource(s) and the operation is
determined by the HTTP verb/action. Hence a URI can be called with different actions.
4. Stateless- Restful web services are stateless and any session state is held on the client not server.
This ensures that every client to server request has the necessary information to understand the
request and handles each request independently.
5. Links Between Resources- the representation of a resource can have links to other resources.
6. Caching- the data produced when a request is made the first time is stored and used the next time in
order to stop regenerating same information for the same request and improves performance. The
HTTP headers help to control caching such as age which tracks how long ago the data was fetched
from the server, expires date and time the resource representation expires etc.
The above gives an oversight of the six properties of REST and it is important to remember that:
REST is not coupled to HTTP and is actually protocol independent. It is simply not a mapping of
CRUD to the HTTP methods.
REST makes it relatively easy to integrate with websites and are exposed using XML (one of many
ways) for easy consumption
Simplicity: RESTful services are simple to implement and use, making them ideal for web and
mobile applications.
Scalability: The stateless nature of RESTful services allows for easy scaling and load
While both SOAP and RESTful web services enable communication between different systems,
Protocol vs. Architectural Style: SOAP is a protocol with strict standards, while REST is an
Message Format: SOAP uses XML exclusively, whereas REST can use multiple formats, with
Complexity: SOAP is more complex and suitable for enterprise-level applications requiring
robust security and transactional support. REST is simpler and more flexible, making it ideal
RESTful web services are a fundamental part of modern web applications and microservices
architectures. They provide a standardized way to enable communication between different systems
over HTTP. Spring Boot, combined with Spring Web MVC (also known as Spring REST),
simplifies the development of RESTful web services. Let’s explore the process of creating RESTful
REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that uses standard HTTP methods to
interact with resources identified by URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers). RESTful services are
stateless, scalable, and can use multiple data formats, with JSON being the most common.
1. Stateless: Each request from a client to a server must contain all the information needed to
2. Resource-Based: Resources are identified by URIs, and interactions with these resources are
3. Representation: Resources can have multiple representations, such as JSON, XML, or HTML.
To create a RESTful service with Spring Boot, you need to set up a Spring Boot project. You can
use Spring Initializr (https://start.spring.io/) to generate a project with the necessary dependencies.
Spring Data JPA: For database access (optional, if you need to interact with a database).
It does not define the standard message exchange format. We can build REST services with
both XML and JSON. JSON is more popular format with REST. The key abstraction is a
resource in REST. A resource can be anything. It can be accessed through a Uniform
Resource Identifier (URI). For example:
The resource has representations like XML, HTML, and JSON. The current state capture by
representational resource. When we request a resource, we provide the representation of the
resource. The important methods of HTTP are:
For example, if we want to perform the following actions in the social media application, we
get the corresponding results.
Copypackage com.example.reactivewebservice;
public Greeting() {
public String toString() {
return "Greeting{" +
"message='" + message + '\'' +
In the Spring Reactive approach, we use a handler to handle the request and create a
response, as shown in the following example:
Copypackage com.example.reactivewebservice;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyInserters;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
public class GreetingHandler {
Create a Router:
In this application, we use a router to handle the only route we expose ( /hello ), as
shown in the following example:
Copypackage com.example.reactivewebservice;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import static
import static
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class GreetingRouter {
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(GreetingHandler
greetingHandler) {
return RouterFunctions
The router listens for traffic on the /hello path and returns the value provided by our
reactive handler class.
Create a WebClient:
The Spring RestTemplate class is, by nature, blocking. Consequently, we do not want
to use it in a reactive application. For reactive applications, Spring offers
the WebClient class, which is non-blocking. We use a WebClient-based implementation
to consume our RESTful service:
Copypackage com.example.reactivewebservice;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;
public class GreetingClient {
The WebClient class uses reactive features, in the form of a Mono to hold the content
of the message (returned by the getMessage method). This is using a function API,
rather than an imperative one, to chain reactive operators.
It can take time to get used to Reactive APIs, but the WebClient has interesting features
and can also be used in traditional Spring MVC applications.
You can use WebClient to communicate with non-reactive, blocking services, too.
Make the Application Executable:
We’re going to use the main() method to drive our application and get the Greeting
message from our endpoint.
Copypackage com.example.reactivewebservice;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
public class ReactiveWebServiceApplication {
If you use Maven, you can run the application by using ./mvnw spring-boot:run .
Alternatively, you can build the JAR file with ./mvnw clean package and then run the
JAR file, as follows:
java -jar target/gs-reactive-rest-service-0.1.0.jar
The steps described here create a runnable JAR. You can also build a classic WAR file.
Logging output is displayed. The service should be up and running within a few seconds.
Once the service has started, you can see a line that reads:
>> message = Hello, Spring!
That line comes from the reactive content being consumed by the WebClient. Naturally,
you can find something more interesting to do with your output than put it in System.out.
Copypackage com.example.reactivewebservice;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.test.web.reactive.server.WebTestClient;
// We create a `@SpringBootTest`, starting an actual server on a
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment =
public class GreetingRouterTest {
// Spring Boot will create a `WebTestClient` for you,
// already configure and ready to issue requests against
private WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void testHello() {
// Create a GET request to test an endpoint
// and use the dedicated DSL to test assertions against the
.expectBody(Greeting.class).value(greeting -> {