Marketing Module
Marketing Module
Marketing Module
• is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a
target market at a profit.
• Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires
• It defines measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential.
• According to (America Marketing Association, 2007), is the activity, set of institutions, and
processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
• It is the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing. It is the state of felt deprivation.
HUMAN NEEDS • These needs include physical (food, clothing, shelter and safety), social (needs for belonging and
affection); and individual needs (for knowledge and self expression)
• Are the form taken by a human need as shaped by their culture and individual personality
WANTS • Wants are shaped by one’s society and are described in terms of the objects that will satisfy
• these are products which are considered to be tangible, meaning a customer can hold
GOODS them, and own them examples of goods are cellphones, chairs, food, necklace, etc.
• these are products which are considered to be intangible, meaning you can’t hold, nor
SERVICES own it, but just experience the product. Example of these are: massage spa services;
salon services; bank services; education services, etc
• Marketing offers and value proposition are inseparable. Without a marketing offer there would
be no value proposition. We have defined the former marketing offer as the products being
offered by a company to a certain market for them to satisfy their needs and wants, the latter
(value proposition) is the benefits you will be receiving if you will be consuming a certain
(1) Massage Spa Services
(2) Cellular Phone
It is the difference between the values This is a key influence on future buying behavior;
(importance) customer gains from owning and thus satisfied customers buy again and tell others
using a product from the cost of obtaining the about their good experiences. For people to be
product. You would either be satisfied, dissatisfied satisfied with a product the establishment should
or delighted (kotler & amstrong, 2010) make sure that they meet (satisfied) or exceed
(delighted) their customer’s expectations
Exchange, Transaction
and Relationships in Marketing
• According to Kotler & Armstrong (2010), marketing involves the following processes: exchange, transactions,
and relationship.
• Is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.
EXCHANGE • Example: barter (exchange of good with another good); offer money in return for a
• is a trade of values between two parties that involves at least two things of value,
TRANSACTION agreed-upon conditions, a time of agreement, and a place of agreement.
• It is the marketing unit of measurement
• The goal of marketing is to satisfy target customer’s needs, wants, and expectations more
superiorly than competitors (Go, 1998).
• These are the important fold goal of marketing:
Market segment is a group of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing
According to Grewal and Levy (2012), there are six (6) methods of segmenting market, namely:
1) Geographic segmentation, 2) Demographic segmentation, 3) Psychographic segmentation,
4) Geo-demographic segmentation, 5) Benefits segmentation, and 6) Behavioral segmentation.
The Marketing Mix
• The marketing mix is one of the most famous marketing terms. The marketing mix is the
tactical or operational part of a marketing plan.(Marketing Teacher, 2010)
• Marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools – product, price, place, and
promotion – that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. The
marketing mix consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product or
service (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010).
Elements of Marketing
• The product's costs rise sharply as the heavy expense of advertising and
INTRODUCTION marketing any new product begins to take its toll
• By now the product is widely accepted and growth slows down. The company
MATURITY now experience sales peak, low cost per customer, high profits, middle majority
are targeted, and competition begins to decline
BRAND • The legal term for brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a
family of items, or all items of that seller (Lake, 2012).
• It is a trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a
manufacturer (Free Dictionary, 2012).
Packaging Labeling Trademark
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