The Simple Formula for Success in STEM Learning
The Simple Formula for Success in STEM Learning
The Simple Formula for Success in STEM Learning
in STEM Learning
Education of one’s children is something about which every parent is very much conscious and no
doubt it’s the most crucial thing which decides the future of someone’s life. Every parent wants their
child to get the best education and is ready to pay any amount of money to get them enrolled in the
best school situated in their locality. They want their child to learn and get good marks in their
subjects. Getting good marks is okay but parent’s desire doesn’t end here. They want their child to
top their class. There is nothing wrong with this but when considering these things, we often get
deviated from the main objective of education.
The main goal is to learn and get to know how things work using science and math, learn technology
and use them to implement one learning to use. With engineering added to along with these, it
becomes a complete package that one requires to solve real-world problems. Thus, how STEM
education is being inculcated into the traditional education system is very important and its main
objective of it should be kept in mind. Kleiba is a startup which aims to promote STEM learning and
is working on an app which helps students learn better.
The inclusion of STEM education in elementary education is a very nice initiative as they prepare the
children for a better future. However, this inclusion has to be done properly as many people
perceive it wrongly. Moreover, students shouldn’t be forced rather, they should be encouraged.
Problems to be addressed
STEM education is a necessity of time however, to implement it successfully, there are certain
problems which need to be addressed.
Students attitude
Nowadays you might have heard of students fearing subjects like maths and science. They have
developed a dislike for these subjects as they are not able to score good marks. However, we know
that everything is possible if the person has the right mentality and perception of that particular task
or goal. Students should not be forced and shouldn’t be made to study maths and science just for
the sake of marks. Interest can be developed among them through problem-solving and project-
based learning frameworks. Activities-based learning should be carried out so that they understand
the subject better and make learning fun. Just the right approach towards learning subjects will stop
them from fearing these subjects.
There are some social factors also which give shape to the attitude of children towards subjects like
maths and science. Peer pressure is something every young blood goes through when they are
young. They often don’t want to do something different from the general crowd and hence don’t
want to stand out from the crowd. Due to this feeling, they often tend to hold back themselves and
are very much self-conscious. This nature of students will hinder their learning process and
eventually make them hate their subjects.
The inclusion of new technologies like virtual reality and smart boards should be encouraged in
schools as they help students to experience and learn about things even if they are sitting within the
four walls. Moreover, various activities-based apps like the one which is being made by Kleiba make
the user do interactive activities so that they learn better and hence making the process of STEM
learning easy.
The inclusion of these things will make them genuinely develop an interest in these subjects.
STEM learning has gained very much importance in recent times. It has been introduced to
elementary education and is a nice initiative to develop the curiosity and interest of children at a
very young age. The inclusion of STEM education can only be successful if people get the correct
understanding of what STEM education is. It’s more about applying basic science and mathematics
to real-world situations rather than just studying to score well in exams. The role of parents and
teachers is immensely crucial for the success of STEM learning. An interactive and project-based
approach toward learning by the use of hands-on activities will not only make the learning process
easy but way more enjoyable for students. Moreover, the inclusion of technologies like various
applications, VR technologies and Smart boards will make this process of STEM learning more