The 2022 Comprehensive Examinations shall cover the following core bar subjects and
their respective weights:
Political and International Law (with related tax 15%
Labor Law 10%
Criminal Law (and practical exercises) 15%
Commercial Law 10%
Civil Law I 15%
Civil Law II (and practical exercises) 10%
Remedial Law I 15%
Remedial Law II (with basic tax remedies) and Legal 10%
The exam periods will be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for the first exam and from 2:00
p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the second exam as follows:
METHOD: Digital (CPU will provide the computers during the comprehensive exam)
A. Legislative Power
1. Scope and limitations
2. Principle of non-delegability; exceptions
B. Houses of Congress; compositions and qualifications
1. Senate
2. House of Representatives
a. District representatives and questions of
b. Party-list system
C. Legislative privileges, inhibitions, and qualifications
D. Quorum and voting majorities
E. Discipline of members
F. Process of law-making
G. Appropriation and re-alignment
H. Legislative inquiries and oversight functions
I. Power of impeachment
J. Electoral tribunals and the Commission on Appointments
1. Powers and Jurisdiction
K. Initiative and referendum
A. Judicial Power
B. Judicial Review
1. Requisites
2. Political question doctrine
3. Moot questions
4. Operative fact doctrine
C. Judicial independence and fiscal autonomy
D. Appointments to the judiciary
1. Qualifications
2. Judicial and Bar Council (composition and powers)
E. The Supreme Court (composition, powers, and functions)
C. Arrests, Searches and seizures
1. Requisites of a valid warrant
2. Warrantless arrests and detention
3. Warrantless searches
4. Exclusionary rule
D. Privacy of communications and correspondence
1. Private and public communications
2. Intrusion, when allowed
3. Exclusionary rule
E. Freedom of speech and expression
1. Prior restraint and subsequent punishment
2. Content-based and content-neutral regulations
3. Facial challenges and overbreadth doctrine
4. Tests to determine the validity of governmental
5. State regulation of different types of mass media
6. Unprotected speech
F. Freedom of religion
1. Non-establishment and free exercise clauses
2. Benevolent neutrality and conscientious objectors
3. Tests to determine the validity of governmental regulation
G. Liberty of abode and right to travel
1. Scope and limitations
2. Watch-list and hold departure orders
H. Right to information
1. Scope and limitations
I. Eminent Domain
1. Concept
2. Just compensation
3. Expropriation by local government units
J. Right to Association
1. Scope and limitations
K. Non-impairment of contracts 1. Concept and limitations
L. Free access to courts and adequate legal assistance
M. Rights under custodial investigation
1. Meaning of custodial investigation
2. Rights of a person under custodial investigation
3. Requisites of a valid waiver
4. Exclusionary doctrine
N. Rights of the accused
1. Criminal due process
2. Bail
3. Presumption of innocence
4. Right to counsel
5. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of
a. accusation
6. Right to speedy, impartial and public trial
7. Right of confrontation
8. Right to compulsory processes
9. Trial in absentia
O. Right to speedy trial and speedy disposition of cases
P. Right against self-incrimination
1. Extent of the right
2. Immunity statutes
Q. Right against double jeopardy
1. Requisites and limitations
R. Right against involuntary servitude
S. Right against excessive fines, and cruel and inhuman
T. Non-Imprisonment for Debts
U. Ex post facto laws and bills of attainder
V. Writs of habeas corpus, kalikasan, habeas data, and amparo
A. Who are Filipino citizens
B. Modes of acquiring citizenship
C. Loss and re-acquisition of Philippine citizenship
D. Dual citizenship and dual allegiance
A. General principles
B. Powers of administrative agencies
1. Quasi-legislative (rule-making) power
a. Kinds of administrative rules and regulations
b. Requisites for validity
2. Quasi-judicial power
a. Administrative due process
b. Administrative appeal and review
c. Administrative res judicata
3. Fact-finding, investigative, licensing, and rate-fixing powers
C. Doctrines of primary jurisdiction and exhaustion of administrative remedies
2. Filing of certificates of candidacy
a. Effect of filing
b. Substitution and withdrawal of candidates
c. Nuisance candidates
d. Duties of the COMELEC
C. Campaign
1. Premature campaigning
2. Prohibited contributions
3. Lawful and prohibited election propaganda
4. Limitations on expenses
5. Statement of contributions and expenses
D. Remedies and jurisdiction
1. Petition not to give due course or cancel a certificate of
2. Petition for disqualification
3. Failure of election versus Annulment of Election
4. Pre-proclamation controversy
5. Election protest
6. Quo Warranto
G. Monopolies, Restraint of Trade and Unfair Competition
A. Basic policy on labor
B. Construction in favor of labor
C. Burden of proof and quantum of evidence in labor cases
D. Legal basis under the 1987 Constitution, Civil Code, and Labor
5. Leave benefits for women workers under R.A. No. 9710
and R.A. No. 9262
D. Special groups of employees
1. Women
a. Discrimination
b. Stipulation against marriage
c. Prohibited acts
2. Minors (R.A. No. 7610, as amended by R.A. No. 9231)
a. Child labor vs. working child
b. Allowed working hours and industries of a working
c. Prohibited acts
3. Kasambahay (R.A. No. 10361)
4. Homeworkers
5. Night workers
6. Persons with Disabilities
a. Discrimination
b. Incentives for employers
E. Sexual Harassment in the work environment
1. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (R.A. No. 7877)
2. Safe Spaces Act (R.A. No. 11313)
A. Right to self-organization
1. Who may join, form, or assist labor organizations or
workers’ associations
2. Restrictions as to managerial employees, supervisory
employees, confidential employees, employee-members of cooperatives, alien
employees, and government employees
3. Determination of appropriate bargaining unit (ABU), effect of inclusion of
employees outside of the ABU
4. Non-interference with workers’ rights to self-organization
B. Legitimate labor organizations
1. Registration with the DOLE
2. Cancellation of registration
3. Affiliation/disaffiliation from national union or federation
4. Rights of legitimate labor organizations
5. Rights and conditions of membership in legitimate labor
6. Check off, assessments, union dues, and agency fees
7. Union security clause
C. Bargaining representative
1. Modes to acquire status as Sole and Exclusive Bargaining
Agent (SEBA)
a. SEBA Certification
b. Certification/Consent Election
c. Bars to the holding of Certification/Consent
a. Election
d. Failure of election, Run-Off Election, Re-run
a. election
e. Employer as a mere bystander rule
D. Collective bargaining
1. Duty to bargain collectively, bargaining in bad faith
2. Collective bargaining agreement (CBA), mandatory
a. Provisions
3. Signing, posting, registration
4. Term of CBA, freedom period
E. Unfair Labor Practices
1. Nature, aspects
2. By employers
3. By labor organizations
F. Peaceful concerted activities
1. Strikes
a. Grounds for strike
b. Mandatory procedural requirements
c. Legal strike vs. illegal strike
d. Prohibited acts during strike
e. Liability of union officers and members for illegal
strike and illegal acts during strike
2. Picketing
3. Lockouts
a. Grounds for lockout
b. Mandatory procedural requirements
4. Assumption of jurisdiction by the DOLE Secretary
5. Injunctions
A. Security of tenure
1. Categories of employment as to tenure
a. Regular
b. Casual
c. Probationary
d. Project
e. Seasonal
f. Fixed-term
g. Work-pool employees
2. Legitimate subcontracting vs. labor-only contracting
a. Elements
b. Trilateral relationship
c. Solidary liability
B. Termination by employer
1. Substantive due process
a. Just causes
b. Authorized causes
2. Procedural due process
a. Two-notice rule
3. Illegal dismissal, reliefs therefrom
a. Reinstatement
b. Backwages
c. Separation pay, doctrine of strained relations
d. Damages
e. Attorneys’ fees
f. Liabilities of corporate officers
g. Burden of proof
C. Termination by employee
1. Resignation versus constructive dismissal
2. Abandonment
D. Preventive Suspension
E. Floating status
F. Retirement
CRIMINAL LAW (and Practical Exercises)
A. General principles
1. Mala in se and mala prohibita
2. Applicability and effectivity of the RPC
a. Generality
b. Territoriality
c. Prospectivity
3. Interpretation of penal laws
4. Retroactive effect of penal laws
B. Felonies
1. Criminal liabilities and felonies
a. Classification of felonies (grave, less grave and light felonies)
b. Aberratio ictus, error in personae, and praeter intentionem
c. Impossible crime
d. Stages of execution
e. Continuing crimes
f. Complex crimes and composite crimes
2. Circumstances affecting criminal liability
a. Justifying circumstances
b. Exempting circumstances
c. Mitigating circumstances
d. Aggravating circumstances
e. Alternative circumstances
f. Absolutory causes
3. Persons liable and degree of participation
a. Principals, accomplices, and accessories
b. Conspiracy and proposal
c. Multiple offenders
i. Recidivism
ii. Habituality
iii. Quasi-recidivism
iv. Habitual delinquency
4. Penalties
a. Imposable penalties
b. Classification
c. Duration and effects
d. Application and graduation of penalties
i. Indeterminate Sentence Law (Act No. 4103)
e. Accessory penalties
f. Subsidiary Imprisonment
5. Execution and service of sentence
a. Three-fold rule
b. Probation Law (P.D. No. 968, as amended)
c. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (R.A. No. 9344,
as amended)
d. Republic Act No. 10592 (Amendments to Articles
29, 94, 97, 98 and 99 of the RPC)
e. Community Service Act (R.A. No. 11362; A.M.
No. 20-06-14-SC)
6. Extinction of criminal liability (as amended by R.A. No.
7. Civil liability in criminal cases
A. Crimes against national security and laws of nations
B. Crimes against the fundamental law of the State
C. Crimes against public order
D. Crimes against public interest
E. Crimes against public morals
F. Crimes committed by public officers
G. Crimes against persons
H. Crimes against personal liberty and security
I. Crimes against property
J. Crimes against chastity
K. Crimes against the civil status of persons
L. Crimes against honor
M. Quasi-offenses
III. CORPORATION LAW (Provisions of B.P. Blg. 68, as amended by R.A. No. 11232)
A. General principles
1. Nationality of corporations
a. Control Test
b. Grandfather rule
2. Doctrine of separate juridical personality
3. Doctrine of piercing the corporate veil
B. De facto corporations versus corporations by estoppel
C. Corporate Powers
1. How powers are exercised
a. Ultra vires doctrine
b. Trust fund doctrine
D. Board of directors and trustees
1. Basic principles
a. Doctrine of centralized management
b. Business judgment rule
2. Tenure and qualifications of directors or trustees
3. Election and removal of directors or trustees
4. Duties, responsibilities and liabilities for unlawful acts
E. Stockholders and members
1. Rights and obligations of stockholders and members
a. Doctrine of equality of shares
2. Participation in management
a. Proxy
b. Voting trust
c. Cases when stockholders’ action is required
i. By a majority vote
ii. By a two-thirds vote
iii. By cumulative voting
3. Proprietary rights
a. Right to dividends
b. Right to inspect
c. Pre-emptive right
d. Right of first refusal
4. Remedial rights
5. Intra-corporate disputes (individual vs. representative vs.
derivative suits)
F. Capital structure
1. Shares of stock
a. Nature of shares of stock
b. Consideration for shares of stock
c. Watered stock
d. Situs of the shares of stock
e. Classes of shares of stock
2. Certificate of stock
a. Nature of the certificate
b. Uncertificated shares
c. Negotiability; requirements for valid transfer of
i. stocks
d. Issuance
e. Lost or destroyed certificates
3. Disposition and encumbrance of shares
a. Sale of shares
b. Allowable restrictions on the sale of shares
c. Requisites of a valid transfer
d. Involuntary dealings
G. Dissolution and liquidation
1. Modes of dissolution
a. Voluntary and involuntary dissolution
2. Methods of liquidation
H. Other corporations
1. Close corporations
2. Non-stock corporations
3. Foreign corporations
a. What constitutes “doing business”
b. Necessity of a license to do business
c. Requisites for issuance of a license
d. Resident agent
e. Personality to sue and suability
4. One-person corporations
I. Mergers and consolidations
1. Concept
2. Effects and limitations
IV. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE (R.A. No. 8293; exclude implementing rules and
A. Patents
1. Patentable vs. non-patentable inventions
2. Ownership of a patent
3. Grounds for cancellation of a patent
4. Patent infringement
B. Trademarks
1. Marks vs. collective marks vs. trade names
2. Acquisition of ownership
1. Concept of actual use
2. Effect of registration
3. Well-known marks
4. Rights conferred by registration
5. Cancellation of registration
6. Trademark infringement
7. Unfair competition
C. Copyrights
1. Copyrightable works
2. Non-copyrightable works
3. Rights conferred by copyright
4. Ownership of a copyright
5. Limitations on copyright
6. Doctrine of fair use
7. Copyright infringement
A. Basic concepts
1. Rehabilitation
2. Insolvent
3. Liquidation
4. Suspension of payments
B. Modes of rehabilitation
1. Court-supervised rehabilitation
a. V oluntary vs. involuntary
b. Commencement order (including stay order)
c. Rehabilitation receiver and management committee
d. Determination of claims
e. Rehabilitation plan
f. Creditor approval and confirmation
g. Failure of rehabilitation
2. Pre-negotiated rehabilitation
a. How initiated
b. Period and effect of approval
3. Out-of-Court or Informal Restructuring Agreement or
Rehabilitation Plan
a. Minimum requirements
b. Standstill period
c. Cram down effect
C. Liquidation
1. Voluntary liquidation vs. involuntary liquidation vs. conversion
2. Procedure
a. Liquidation order; effects
3. Determination of claims
D. Suspension of payments; suspension of payment order
CIVIL LAW (and Practical Exercises)
A. Effect and application of laws
B. Human Relations
A. General provisions
B. Testamentary succession
1. Wills
2. Institution of heirs (including declaration of heirship as
decided in Treyes v. Larlar, G.R. No. 232579. September
8, 2020)
3. Substitution of heirs
4. Conditional testamentary dispositions and those with a
5. Legitime
6. Disinheritance
7. Legacies and devises
C. Legal and intestate succession
1. General provisions; relationship and right of
2. Order of intestate succession
D. Provisions common to testate and intestate succession
1. Right of accretion
2. Capacity to succeed by will or by intestacy
3. Acceptance and repudiation of inheritance
4. Partition and distribution of the estate
A. Obligations
1. General provisions
2. Nature and effect
3. Kinds
4. Extinguishment
B. Contracts
1. General provisions
2. Essential requisites
3. Reformation of instruments
4. Interpretation of contracts
5. Rescissible contracts
6. Voidable contracts
7. Unenforceable contracts
8. Void or inexistent contracts
2. Natural obligations
3. Estoppel
4. Trusts
5. Quasi-Contracts
A. Nature and form
1. Essential requisites
2. Perfection
3. Contract of sale v. contract to sell
B. Capacity to buy or sell
C. Effects of the contract when the thing sold has been lost
D. Obligations of vendor
E. Obligations of vendee
F. Breach of contract
1. Remedies
2. Recto Law and Maceda Law
G. Extinguishment
1. In general
2. Pacto de retro sale
3. Equitable mortgage
H. Assignment of credits
A. General provisions
B. Rights and obligations of the lessor
C. Rights and obligations of the lessee
A. General provisions
B. Obligations of the partners
C. Dissolution and winding up
D. Limited partnership
A. Nature, form and kinds
B. Obligations of the agent
C. Obligations of the principal
D. Modes of extinguishment
A. Classification of property
B. Ownership
1. General provisions
2. Rules on accession
a. Rights of builder/planter/sower in good faith
C. Co-ownership
D. Possession
1. Kinds of possession
2. Acquisition of possession (including possession based on
3. Effects of possession
E. Usufruct
1. In general
2. Rights and obligations of the usufructuary
3. Extinguishment
F. Easements
1. Modes of acquiring easements
2. Rights and obligations of the owners of the dominant and
servient estates
3. Modes of extinguishment
4. Legal v. voluntary easements
5. Kinds of legal easement
a. Relating to waters
b. Right of way
c. Light and view
G. Nuisance
H. Modes of acquiring ownership
1. Occupation
2. Donation
a. Nature
b. Persons who may give or receive a donation
c. Effects and limitations of donation
d. Revocation and reduction
3. Prescription
a. General provisions
b. Prescription of ownership and other real rights
c. Prescription of actions
I. Quieting of Title
J. Actions to Recover Property
1. Accion interdictal
2. Accion publiciana
3. Accion reinvindicatoria
1. Voluntary dealings; general provisions
2. Involuntary dealings
a. Adverse claim
b. Notice of lis pendens
II. Non-registrable properties
III. Dealings with unregistered land
IV. Assurance Fund
1. Action of compensation from funds
2. Limitation of action
H. Cadastral System of Registration (Act No. 2259, as amended)
I. Registration through Administrative Proceedings (C.A. 141, as
J. Reconstitution of Titles
A. Substantive law vs. remedial law
B. Rule-making power of the Supreme Court
C. Principle of judicial hierarchy
D. Doctrine of non-interference/judicial stability
E. Jurisdiction
1. Original vs. appellate
2. General vs. special
3. Exclusive vs. concurrent
4. Continuity of jurisdiction
5. Original Jurisdiction of various Philippine courts
6. Aspects of jurisdiction
a. Jurisdiction over the parties
b. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
c. Jurisdiction over the issues
d. Jurisdiction over the res or the property in
7. Jurisdiction vs. exercise of jurisdiction
8. Jurisdiction vs. venue
9. Jurisdiction over cases covered by Barangay
Conciliation, Small Claims Cases and cases covered by Summary
4. Prohibited Motions (Rule 15, Sec. 12)
I. Dismissal of Actions
1. With prejudice vs. without prejudice; dismissals which
have an effect of an adjudication on the merits
2. Rule 17
J. Pre-trial (Rule 18)
K. Intervention (Rule 19)
L. Calendar of Cases (Rule 20)
M. Subpoena (Rule 21)
N. Computation of time (Rule 22)
O. Modes of discovery
1. Depositions (Rules 23 and 24)
2. Interrogatories to parties (Rule 25)
3. Admission by adverse party (Rule 26)
4. Production or inspection of documents or things (Rule
5. Physical and mental examination of persons (Rule 28)
6. Refusal to comply with modes of discovery (Rule 29)
P. Trial (Rule 30)
Q. Consolidation or severance (Rule 31)
R. Demurrer to Evidence (Rule 33)
S. Judgments and final orders
1. Judgment on the pleadings (Rule 34)
2. Summary judgments (Rule 35)
3. Rendition and entry of judgments and final orders (Rule
T. Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration
1. Rule 37
2. Remedy against denial and fresh-period rule
U. Execution, satisfaction, and effect of judgments (Rule 39)
H. Partition (Rule 69)
I. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer
1. Differentiated from accion publiciana and accion reivindicatoria
2. Rule 70
J. Contempt (Rule 71)
A. General matters
1. Criminal jurisdiction; concept and requisites for exercise
2. When injunction may be issued
B. Prosecution of offenses (Rule 110)
C. Prosecution of civil action (Rule 111)
D. Preliminary Investigation
1. Executive vs. judicial determination of probable cause
2. Rule 112
E. Arrest (Rule 113)
F. Bail (Rule 114)
G. Arraignment and plea (Rule 116)
H. Motion to quash (Rule 117)
I. Pre-trial (Rule 118)
J. Trial (Rule 119)
K. Judgment (Rule 120)
L. Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration (121)
M. Search and seizure (Rule 126)
N. Provisional remedies in criminal cases (Rule 127)
O. Revised Guidelines on Continuous Trial (A.M. No. 15-06-10- SC)
P. The Rule on Cybercrime Warrants (A.M. No. 17-11-03-SC)
A. General concepts
1. Proof vs. evidence
2. Burden of proof vs. burden of evidence
3. Equipoise rule
B. Admissibility
1. Requisites (Rule 128)
2. Exclusionary rules
3. Judicial notice and judicial admissions (Rule 129)
C. Object (Real) Evidence (Rule 130, A)
D. Documentary Evidence (Rule 130, B)
1. Definition
2. Best Evidence rule
3. Secondary evidence
4. Parol Evidence rule
5. Interpretation of documents
E. Testimonial Evidence (Rule 130, C)
1. Qualification of witnesses
2. Testimonial privilege
3. Admissions and confessions
4. Previous conduct as evidence
5. Testimonial knowledge
6. Hearsay and exceptions to the hearsay rule
7. Opinion rule
8. Character evidence
F. Burden of proof and presumptions (Rule 131)
G. Presentation of evidence (Rule 132)
1. Examination of witnesses
2. Authentication and proof of documents
3. Offer and objection
H. Judicial Affidavit Rule (A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC)
I. Weight and sufficiency of evidence (Rule 133)
J. Rules on Electronic Evidence (A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC)
B. Annulments of judgment by the Court of Appeals (Rule 47)
C. Collateral attack on judgments, when proper
D. Rule 65 as a remedy from judgment
A. Rule 122
1. Appeals from the Municipal Trial Courts
2. Appeals from the Regional Trial Courts
3. Appeals from the Court of Appeals
a. Section 13, Rule 124
B. Appeals from the Office of the Ombudsman
C. Appeals from resolutions of the Office of the City Prosecutor
D. Appeals from the Sandiganbayan
F. Rule 53 – New Trial
A. To society (Canons 1 to 6)
B. To the legal profession (Canons 7 to 9)
C. To the courts (Canons 10 to 13)
D. To the clients (Canons 14 to 22)
E. Lawyer’s Oath