ABSLI Wealth Smart Plus V01 Leaflet Web Version 2006034766
ABSLI Wealth Smart Plus V01 Leaflet Web Version 2006034766
ABSLI Wealth Smart Plus V01 Leaflet Web Version 2006034766
Linked Insurance Products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholder will
not be able to withdraw/surrender the monies invested in Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the
end of the fifth year from inception.
ABSLI Wealth Smart Plus is a unit-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan
that offers the following benefits:
1 2 Two Plan Options – Smart Life Option (coverage till Age 75)
and Whole Life Option (coverage till Age 100)
Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. Please consult your financial advisor for more
Step 2: Choose your Annualized Premium, Premium Payment Term, Policy Term and Premium
Payment Mode
Product Specifications
Maturity Age (age Minimum – 18 years 100 years (age last birthday)
as on last birthday) Maximum – 75 years
Premium Payment
Annual | Semi-Annual | Quarterly | Monthly
No Limit (subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy)
Maximum Sum
No Limit (subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy)
Maximum Policy
40 years 100 minus Entry Age
risk commences from the policy issue date. For policies issued on minor lives of less than age
1 year (age last birthday), the date of issuance shall also be the date of commencement of risk.
Benefits Details
For added protection, you can enhance your risk coverage during the
Policy Term by adding following riders at a nominal extra cost.
You will have the right to return Your Policy to Us within 30 days from
the date of receipt of the Policy, in case You disagree with the terms &
conditions of Your Policy. We will refund the premium paid post receipt
of written notice of cancellation (along with reasons thereof) together
with the original Policy document from Your end. We may reduce the
Free-look Period
amount of the refund by proportionate risk premium for the period of
cover and expenses incurred by us on medical examination, if any and
stamp duty charges while issuing Your Policy in accordance with IRDAI
(Protection of Policyholders’ Interests, Operations and Allied Matters
of Insurers) Regulations, 2024.
At any time during the Policy Term, You have the right to surrender the
policy by advising the Company in writing. The surrender benefit is
equal to the Fund Value less applicable discontinuance /surrender
charges. Policy can be discontinued/surrendered at any time but the
discontinued/surrendered value will be subject to the provisions of the
Policy. For further details please refer to the product brochure
available on our website.
You may, at least 15 days prior to the Maturity Date, opt for a
Settlement Option, pursuant to which the Company will continue to
manage the funds for you for a maximum period of 5 years from the
Maturity Date and make periodic payments. During the settlement
period, Fund Management Charges shall continue to be levied. There
shall be a risk cover equal to 105% of the Total Annualized Premiums
paid and Mortality Charges will be deducted basis the Sum at Risk.
During the settlement period, Partial Withdrawal is not allowed,
however, Fund Switches is allowed
Other Features
Investment Strategies:
1. Systematic Transfer Investment Option: An option which replicates a rupee cost
averaging method by systematically moving Your money from a debt to equity fund every
2. Return Optimiser Investment Option: A strategy that enables You to take advantage of
the equity market, protect your gains from the future market volatility and create a more
stable sequencing of investment returns.
3. Self-Managed Investment Option: A strategy where your money will be invested in Your
choice of fund(s).
4. Smart Investment Option: A standardized approach for striking the right balance
between debt and equity by rebalancing Your portfolio basis years to maturity remaining
in Your policy.
5. Life Cycle Investment Option: An option to manage your funds by creating an ideal
balance between equity and debt fund of Your choice, through systematic allocation
based on Your age.
Fund Switching:
If you have selected Self-managed/Systematic Transfer Investment Option then, you can switch
from one fund to another fund, provided the switched amount is at least Rs. 5,000. Switches are
not available under Systematic Transfer Option when the funds are in Liquid Plus Fund. There is
no limit on the number of switches that can be exercised in a policy year and all switches are free
of charge.
Premium Redirection:
You can opt to redirect future premiums under the Self-Managed option by giving a written
request and specifying percentage allocation amongst available 19 fund options. You can opt to
redirect future premiums under Systematic Transfer Option by giving a written request and
specifying percentage allocation amongst available 4 fund options. Premium Redirection is not
available under Systematic Transfer Option when the funds are in Liquid Plus fund. A maximum
of 12 Premium Redirections are allowed in a policy year and all are free of charge.
Plan Option Chosen: Whole Life Option | Annualized Premium: R1,00,000 | Premium Payment
Term: 10 years | Policy Term: 65 years | Investment Option: Self-Managed Option | Fund Chosen:
Nifty Alpha 50 Index Fund | Premium Payment Mode: Annual
Mr. Sharma survives the entire policy term.
You Give: R1,00,000 per year, for 10 Years (exclusive GST)
You May Get: Total Benefit Return @8% R4,30,96,656 or @4% R41,83,246
Maturity Benefit
At 8% = R4,30,96,656
At 4% = R41,83,246
Premium Payment Term
Policy Term
These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of
what you might get back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors
including future investment performance.
We may change the Fund Management Charge under any fund at any time subject to a maximum
of 1.35% p.a. in the future subject to IRDAI approval.
Mortality Charge
Mortality charge is based on the Sum at Risk and is deducted at the start of each month by
cancellation of units proportionately from each Fund under the policy at the time.
The Sum at Risk is any excess of Death Benefit over Fund Value. The charge per 1000 of Sum at
Risk will depend on the gender and attained age of the Life Insured.
Miscellaneous Charges
Discontinuance Charge
The discontinuance charge is guaranteed to never increase and is levied against the Fund Value
upon discontinuance. The charge on discontinuance or surrender of the policy will be:
Policy Year of
Annualized Premium up to R50,000/- Annualized Premium above R50,000/-
1 Lower of 20% of AP, 20% of FV, R3,000 Lower of 6% of AP, 6% of FV, R6,000
2 Lower of 15% of AP, 15% of FV, R2,000 Lower of 4% of AP, 4% of FV, R5,000
3 Lower of 10% of AP, 10% of FV, R1,500 Lower of 3% of AP, 3% of FV, R4,000
4 Lower of 5% of AP, 5% of FV, R1,000 Lower of 2% of AP, 2% of FV, R2,000
5+ Nil Nil
“The Trade Logo “Aditya Birla Capital” Displayed Above Is Owned By ADITYA BIRLA MANAGEMENT
COMPANY LIMITED (ABSLI) under the License.” For more details on risk factor terms and conditions,
please read sales brochure before concluding the sale. Linked Life insurance products are different from
the traditional life insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium paid in ULIP are
subject to investment risk associated with equity markets. Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company
Limited is only the name of the Company and ABSLI Wealth Smart Plus is only name of the ULIP and does
not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the
associated risks and applicable charges from your insurance agent or the intermediary, or policy
documents. Various funds offered under the contract are the names of the funds and do not any way
indicate the quaity of these plans, their future prospects and returns. Past performance of the Unit
Linked fund of the company is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of any of these Unit
linked fund(s).
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited Registered Office: One World Centre, Tower 1, 16th
Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound, 841, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai - 400 013.
Customer Helpline Numbers 1-800-270-7000, Company Website: https://lifeinsurance.adityabirlacapital.com
IRDAI Reg No.109 CIN: U99999MH2000PLC128110 UIN: 109L147V01 ADV/6/24-25/588