Endovascular Superior Vena Cava Stenting As Effective Therapy of A Life Threatening Epistaxis in A Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Endovascular Superior Vena Cava Stenting As Effective Therapy of A Life Threatening Epistaxis in A Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Endovascular Superior Vena Cava Stenting As Effective Therapy of A Life Threatening Epistaxis in A Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Case Reports
Figure 1A: Pre-Treatment Findings Chest X-Ray shows catheter tip hooked into azygos vein arch.
Chest front x- ray shows subclavian vein (SCV) port catheter tip mislocation into azygos arch. Key feature displays a retracted catheter tip inclined
medially to the SVC long axis (arrow). Secondary catheter tip displacement was likely due to severe coughing or vomiting efforts.
Figure 1B: Caval angiography displays SVC occlusion (Azygos Catheter tip, arrow) and dilated venous cervical collateral pathways (oblique arrows).
Percutaneous SVC recanalization was successfully performed through the right common femoral vein, using a 18mmx 60mm steel Wallstent endopro-
thesis, a 11French introducer sheath, a 0.0035in-guide wire.
Figure 1C: Caval angiogram displays antegrade SVC flow, disappearance of collaterals after SVC stent placement.
Post- SVC stenting phlebography shows complete reopening of the SVC while disappearance of the collateral veins. SCV catheter will be retrieved
few days after the SVC stenting procedure.
Figure 1D: Enhanced – Chest CT control at 6months follow-up. SVC stent is patent
Chest CT scan follow-up at six months confirms durable SVC patency, without collateral vein opacification. SVC clot has completely disappeared.
Figure 1E: Scheme of arteriovenous sac malformation (AVM) sac, before SVC stenting. The dilation of the nasal AVM sac is due to increased blood
pressure and retrograde flow (red arrows) into the SVC, internal jugular veins, facial veins and the AVM’s sac dilated efferent vein. SVC clot (*) ex-
plains the SVC occlusion related to secondary catheter tip misplacement. Double black arrow stigmatizes the rupture of the dilated AVM’s sac, and
subsequent nose bleeding.
Figure 1F: Scheme of arteriovenous sac malformation, after SVC stenting. The AVM efferent vein flow has become antegrade thanks to the SVC
reopening (vertical arrow). AVM’s sac diameter has dramatically decreased, active nose bleeding definitely will stop.
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Volume 14 Issue 9 -2024 Case Report