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Cloud IT Handbook 313 Numerical & Short Questions

C Programming and Data Structure

Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
1. The output of the following 'C' program is 
extern int a;
printf("\n%d", a);
int a = 20;
2. The output of the following 'C' program is 
printf("%f", sqrt (36.0));
3. If c is a variable initialized to 1, then  number of times will the following loop be
while ((c> 0) && (c<60)) {
loop body
4. Following statement 
printf("%f", 9/5);
5. The value of x and y after execution of the following statement (C language) n = = 5;
x = n++; y = -x is 
6. The value of F(4) using the following procedure is 
function F(k: integer): integer;
if (k <3)
then F: = k
else F : = F(k-1) * F(k-2) + F(k-3)
7. A hash table with 10 buckets with one slot per bucket is depicted. The symbols, S1 to S7
are initially emeged using a hashing function with linear probing. Maximum number of
comparisons needed in searching an item that is not present is .
8. The statement,
printf “%d”, 10 ? 0 ? 5:1:12); prints .
9. For x and y are variables as declared below
double x = 0.005, y = – 0.01;
The value of ceil (x + y), where ceil is a function to compute ceiling of a number is .
10. A short integer occupies 2 bytes, an ordinary integer 4 bytes and a long integer occupies 8
bytes of memory.
If a structure is defined as
struct TAB{
short a;
int b;
Cloud IT Handbook 314 Numerical & Short Questions

long c;
}TABLE [10];
then total memory requirement for TABLE is .
11. If i, j, k are integer variable with values 1, 2, 3 respectively, then the value of the expression
is .
!((j + k) > (i + 5))
12. The C declaration
int b [100];
reserves  successive memory locations, each large enough to contain single integer.
13. Minimum number of interchange needed to convert the array 89, 19, 14, 40, 17, 12, 10, 2,
5, 7, 11, 6, 9, 70, into a heap with the maximum element at the root is .
14. A hash function f defined as f (key) = key mod 7, with linear probing, insert the keys 37,
38, 72, 48, 98, 11, 56, into a table indexed from 11 will be stored in the location .
15. A text is made up of the characters a, b, c, d, e each occurring with the probability 0.12, 0.4,
0.15, 0.08 and .25 respectively. The optimal coding technique will have the average length
of .
16. To solve recurence T(n) = T(n – 1) + We can use  method.
17. Suppose DATA array contains 1000000 elements. Using the binary search algorithm, one
requires only about n comparisons to find the location of an item in the DATA array, then n
is .
18. The number of nodes in a complete binary tree of level 5 is .
19. The number of binary trees with 3 nodes which when traversed in post-order gives the
sequence A, B, C is .
20. The weight of the minimal spanning tree for the graph in problem 234 is .
21. A complete binary tree of level 5 has  number of nodes
22. The smallest number of key that will force a B-tree of order 3 to have a height 3 is .
23. Number of possible ordered trees with 3 nodes A, B, C is .
24. Average successful search time taken by binary search on a sorted array of 10 items is
25. Number of possible binary trees with 3 nodes is .
26. A-2-3 tree is a tree such that
1. all internal nodes have either 2 or 3 children.
2. all paths from root to the leaves have the same length.
The number of internal nodes of a 2-3 tree having 9 leaves could be .
27. The minimum number of inter changes needed to convert the array 89, 19, 40, 17, 12, 10, 2,
5, 7, 11, 6, 9, 70 into a heap with maximum element at the root is .
28. A polynomial p(x) is such that p(0) = 5, p(1) = 4, p(2) = 9 and p(3) = 20
The minimum degree it can have is .
29. Consider a hashing function that resolves collision by quadratic probing. Assume the
address space is indexed from 1 to 8. If a collision occurs at position 4, then the location
which will never be probed is .
30. A hash table has space for 100 records. Then the probability of collision before the table is
10% full, is .
31. How is the 2nd element in an array accessed based on pointer notation?
Cloud IT Handbook 315 Numerical & Short Questions

32. A machine needs a minimum of 100 sec to sort 1000 names by quick sort. The minimum
time needed to sort 100 names will be approximately  sec
33. What is the return value of the function f00(k, n) = (k % n) + f00 (floor(f/n), n). Where f00 (0,
n) = 0. When it is called as f00, (345, 10)?
34. What is the value printed by the following C program?
#include < studio.n >
int f (int * a, int n){
if (n < = 0) return 0;
else if ("*a%2 = = 0) return * a +f(a+ 1, n-1);
else return *a –f (a + 1, n - 1);}
int main (){
int a{} = {12, 7, 13, 4, 11, 6};
printf("%d", f (a, 6));
return 0;
35. What does the following program print?
void F (int * p, int * q)
p = q;
* p = 2;
int i = 0, j = 1;
int main()
f(&i, & j);
printf("%d % d% n", i, j);
return 0;
36. Consider the polynomial p(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x² + a3x², where ai, # 0 -vi, the minimum
number of multiplications needed to evaluate p on an input x is .
37. Minimum numbers of queues required to implement a stack data structure is .
38. The minimum numbers of stacks are required to implement STACK-MAX data structure
are . This is a similar to stack data structure and thus will support all of stack operation
and also supports find max () operation additionally. The running time of each should not
be more.
39. The following post fix expression with single digit operand is evaluated using a stack. 8 2 3
^ /2 3* + 5  1 * –
Note that ^ is the exponentiation operator. The top elements of the stack after the first * is
evaluated are
40. The following keys are inserted into an empty BST. The number of nodes would the right
subtree of a have after all insertions are  5, 6, 4, 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 14, 2
41. The total calls that are made to function B () when function A (root) completes its
execution are .
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42. In a binary tree with n nodes, every node has an odd number of descendants. Every node is
considered to be its own descendant. What is the number of nodes in the tree that have
exactly one child?
43. In a binary tree , the number of internal node of degree 1 is 5 and the number of internal
nodes of degree 2 is 10. The number of leaf nodes in the binary tree is 
44. The number of distinct BSTs can be constructed with 3 distinct keys is .
45. Consider a b+ tree of order m which has 1001 leaf nodes. The number of keys does it have
in the internal nodes is .
46. The smallest height of B-Tree of order 5 having 25 keys .
47. The number of keys does it have in the internal nodes in a B-Tree of order m which has 100
leaf nodes is .
48. The smallest number of keys that, when inserted in an appropriate order, will force a B-
Tree of order 3 to have height .
49. Consider a B+ tree in which the maximum number of keys in a node is 5. The minimum
number of keys in any non-root node is .
50. Consider a min Heap which has 4 leaf nodes. Then the number of maximum internal node
is .
51. Consider the following C program fragment that has a max heap array as input. Let input
heap array is {16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1} and suppose the root index is 1 then 
would be the output sequence printed by this function if it runs on the given heap.
void do something (int heap [], int heap size){
int current = size;
for (; current > 1; current/ = 2)
if ((heap [current] & heap [current[-1] = = 0)
printf("%d", heap [current]);
52. Minimum number of  comparison operations required to find the smallest and largest
element in an unsorted array of 10 elements.
53. The number of  different insertion sequence of the key values using the same hash
function and linear probing will result in the hash.
Answers of Section-1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 6.000000 59 0.000000 5, -5 5 5 11 0 140
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 100 3 6 2.15 DP 20 63 5 21
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
63 7 12 2.9 15 4 2 2 2 0.45
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
*(a + 2) 6.7 sec 12 15 02 3 1 2 6, 1 5
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
9 0 11 5 1000 1 99 21 3 4
51 52 53
1 15 30
Cloud IT Handbook 317 Numerical & Short Questions

Explanation of Section-1
1. In this program int value is 20 then the output is 20.
2. Output of sqrt of 36.0 is floating and will be 6.000000.
3. Because the loop body < 60, then the answer is 59.
5. if n = = 5;
then x = n ++
y = -x
then x = 5
and increment the value
and y = -5
then result will be
x = 5, y = -5
8. The statement
printf ("%d", 10? 0 ? 5:1:12);
printf? output: 11
9. x and y are variable then declared number is 1.
10. Following the program structure defined is output140
11. The value of the expression is 1.
12. The reserves 100 successive memory.
16. Dynamic Programming. In this method the recurrence of each sub-problem can be store
and reused again to solve further problem.
17. ceil(Log2 (106)) = 20
18. The binary tree is the complete binary tree 2n+1 -1. Here n = 5. Hence answer is 63.
20. Minimal spanning tree for the graph in problem 234 is the 21.
23. The tree may be of depth 2 or 1. If 2, we have 6 possible trees. Because one of the three
nodes A, B, C may be the root. The next level may be one of the remaining two. So, 6. If
the depth is 2, the root may be one of the 3 nodes A, B, C corresponding to a root say A,
two trees are possible as this.

So, 6 possibilities. So, altogether 12 possible trees

24. The 10 items i1, i2.... i10 may be arranged in a binary search tree as shown in the figure
So, to match i5, the number of comparison needed is 1; for i2, it is 2, for i8 it is 2, for i1 it
is 3 and so on.
Cloud IT Handbook 318 Numerical & Short Questions

Average = (1 + (2 + 2) + ( 3 + 3 + 3 + 3) + (4 + 4 + 4))/10 = 2.9

26. 4
27. Interchange 1: 10 and 70
Interchange 2: 40 and 70
Answer is : 2.
29. We can verify that the 1st, 3 rd, 5 th, 7 th …. Probes check at location 5.
2nd , 6th , 10th ….probes check at location 8.
4th, 8th, 12th….probes check at location 4.
Rest of the address space will never be probed.
31. a[2] is equivalent to *(a + 2) in pointer notation.
33. = f00 (345, 10)
= 5 + f00 (34, 10)
= 5 + 4 + f00 (3, 10)
= 5 + 4 + 3 + f00 (0, 12) = 12
35. i, j variables are global to main function p and q will also be pointing to same memory
location where i and j respectively, when f(&i, &j) is called up.
Now p = q statement will move p to the memory location being pointed by q.
Thus *p = 2 will replace 1 by 2
There is no change in the value of variable i(Which is still 0);
37. Use one queue and a counter to keep track number of elements present in the queue.
38. Use two stacks one stack to keep the elements as usual and another one for keeping
maximum element. Thus push code is modified to see if the new element is greater than the
top element of Smax if so the same elements will be push in both stacks. Therefore top of
Smax is always the maximum element.And pop will see if deleting element is on S max then
that also be deleted.
39. Given postfix expression is
823 ^/23 +51 * -
Expression Symbol OP1 OP2 VAlue Top S
8 8
2 8, 2
3 2 3 8 8, 2, 3
^ 8 8 1 8, 8
/ 1
2 1, 2
3 1, 2, 3
* 2 3 6 1, 6
Cloud IT Handbook 319 Numerical & Short Questions

40. The inserted empty BST, then the nodes right subtree after instruction of 2.
42. We will use induction on such trees.
n = 1 → 0 numbers of descendant is 1
n = 2→ tree is not possible as per given definition.
Number of required nodes are zero which is not
possible in such tree structure. Hence, zero is right.
46. You should assume input such that being distributed among leaf nodes so that splits
differed as much as possible for getting smallest height for a given set of keys. Remember
more splits at leaf level cause more keys to be promoted to higher levels hence may result
in more splits to be promoted to higher level, therefore there is a high probability for
getting more height.
47. Look at any B-Tree for any number of leaf nodes, if L is leaf node (L> = 2) then keys in the
internal nodes is always L-1. This is because each split at leaf level gives birth to new leaf
node and promote one key value into internal nodes.
48. You have to assume an input order such that there will be higher chances of node split
possibly at each key insertion. Now follow the insert algorithm with this assumption.
Certainly 21st key is the first key that will increase the height from 1 to two. Using N min
formula you will get 17 but that’s the different of degree 3 of height 2 certainly will have at
least 17 keys however to bring the height to 2 from one at least 21 keys are required.
49. As per B+ tree definition each node to be full at least 50% of its total capacity.
52. Compare all the elements pair wise, total 5 comparisons. We got two seats, first seat has all
greater elements and second set has all smaller elements. Find the largest in the first in 5
comparisons and smallest in the second set with 5 comparisons. Total 15 comparisons.
53. Please notice 52 cannot be appeared in any of first three position of any input sequence
otherwise we will not get the needed hash table. Also, 33 can only be appeared in the last

Section-2 : Fill in the blanks.

1. A  is a linear structure which follows a particular order in which the operations
are performed
2. In  the client can only add to the end of the queue, and can only examine/re move
the front of the queue.
3. The difference between stacks and queues is in .
4. In a  we remove the most recently added item, while in a  we remove the first
added item.
5.  adds an item to the rear of the queue.
6.  removes an item from the front of the queue.
7.  Get the front item from queue.
8. Bellman ford algorithm computes and its running time is .
9. Arrays are the structure of  data items..
10. Recursion makes algorithms more  and simple.

Answers of Section-2.
1. Queue 2. Queue 3. Removing 4. Stack, Queue
5. Enqueue 6. Dequeue 7. Font 8. O(n3)
9. Unique 10. Compact
Cloud IT Handbook 320 Numerical & Short Questions

Section 3: True/ False

i) One can implement a stack based on a linked list so that each individual push/pop operation
is time O(1).
ii) One can implement a stack (of unbounded size) based on an array so that each individual
push/pop operation is time O(1).
iii) One can reverse the order of the elements in a linked list in time O(n).
iv) It is possible to append two linked lists in time O(l)
v) Adding an element to a heap has worst-case time complexity O(log(n).
vi) In a circular doubly linked list with 10 nodes, we will need to change 4 links if we want to
delete a node other than the head node.
vii) Returning the maximum element in a max-heap (but not deleting it from the done in time
viii) When we use a max heap to implement a priority queue, the time complexity of both the
add and delete operations are O(n).
Answers of Section-3.
i) True
Push/pop operation takes place at one end.
ii) True
Each operation time doesn’t change with size. it takes place at one end, so O(1)
iii) True
Singly linked list can be reversed in O(n) time by using recursive or iterative method
iv) True
Appending 2 linked list is inserting the head of one linked list at the end of another linked
so, it takes time of insertion operation, which is O(1)
v) True
Insertion in heap depends on number on levels the new element go through to satisfy the
heap property
so, the worst case is O(log n)
vi) True
Lets circular list be, A -> B -> C ->D ...
that, is A's next node pointer points to B, where B's previous node pointer points to A
C's previous node pointer points to B and B's next node pointer points to C so, it we need to
delete B node, we need to change these 4 links.
vii) True
In max heap, the maximum value is at the root/parent node, so peak operation is O(1)
viii) False
Insert and delete in priority queue using max heap, takes O(log n) time because it also
maintain the max heap property
Cloud IT Handbook 321 Numerical & Short Questions

Section 4: True /False

1. A function f(n) Ω(n) if there exist positive constants c and n0, such that 0≥ f(n) ≤ cg(n).
2. To search for key in array with size n using serial search algorithm, we need n
3. Quick sort algorithm divides the entire array into three sub arrays .
4. Dijkstra algorithm is more efficient than Bellman Ford algorithm .
5. The average running time of merge sort algorithm is O(nlogn) .
6. There is only one minimum spanning tree in any graph .
7. Dijkstra algorithm can work on negative edge in graph .
8. Merge sort is out-place algorithm .
9. The time complexity of recurrence relation T(n) = T(n/2)+n is O(n) .
10. NP is stand for Non-deterministic polynomial.
11. If there are many minimum spanning tree in graph the minimum cost should be one.
12. The subproblem in dynamic programming should be overlapping .
13. The basic principle behind Bellman algorithm is relaxation.
14. Heap can be used as priority queue.
15. In a full binary tree if number of internal nnodes is L, the number of nodes N are N=2*L –
16. A function that computes the location of the key in the array is called hash fuction.
Answers of Section-4.
1. False, If f(n) = Ω(g(n)), then there exists positive constants c, n0 such that 0 ≤ c.g(n) ≤ f(n),
for all n ≥ n0
2. true
3. False, quick sort algorithm divide the entire array into 2 sub parts
4. False, depends on the circumstances. Go with Dijkstra's algorithm for reducing the time
complexity and Bellman-Ford algorithm for negative weights
5. true
6. False, If a graph is a complete graph with n vertices, then total number of spanning trees is
n(n–2) where n is the number of nodes in the graph.
7. False, Dijkstra's algorithm works with edge weights being non-negative
8. true
9. true
10. true
11. False
12. true
13. true
14. true. The property of heap that the value of root must be either greater or less than root of
it's children makes it work like a priority queue.
15. false. In a full binry tree if number of internal nodes is L, the number of nodes N are N =
16. true, A function that computes the location of the key in the array is called hash function.
Cloud IT Handbook 322 Numerical & Short Questions

Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
1. A  is an organized collection of data.
2. A  is a software package that can be used for creating and managing databases.
3. A  is a database management system that is based on the relational model.
4. Three popular DBMS software are ,  & .
5. A  is a unique value that identifies a row in a table.
6. Composite Key is a combination of  columns.
7. A table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical  and
horizontal .
8. A  is a set of data values of a particular type, one for each row of the table.
9. A  represents a single, data item in a table.
10.  are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database.
11.  function perform arithmetic operations on groups of records in a database.
12. Common DDL statements are  ,  and .
13. The types of languages used for creating and manipulating the data in the Database are
 & .
14. A  is a standard for commands that define the different structures in a database.
15. A  is a language that enables users to access and manipulate data in a database.
16.  is a set of rulesused by access to maintain consistency between relates tables when data in
either table is updated.
17. A popular data manipulation language is .
18.  are the basic building blocks of a database.
19. There are  types of Relationships in a table.
20. A  helps the user to systematically store information in the database.
21.  Database relationship exists in DBMS?
22. Minimum number of record movements required to merge five files A (with 10 records), B
(with 20 records), C (with 15 records), D (with 5 records) and E (with 25 records) is 
23. If contents of a field cannot be zero or less than that, then in the range minimum value
would be specified as 
24. The first element in T [4, 31 is 
The following schedule which perform the
transaction as follows:
T₁ : lock - S (A);
read (A);
unlock (A);
lock-S (B)
read (B);
unlock (B);
display (A + B);
Suppose that the value of accounts A and B are
Rs. 100 and Rs. 200, respectively. If these
transactions are executed serially, then the result is 
Cloud IT Handbook 323 Numerical & Short Questions

25. Data model is set of concepts to describe the  of database, and certain  that database
should obey.
26. Insulation between the program and data is known as .
27. DBMS schemes are at three levels :  schema, conceptual schema and  schema.
28. The most dominant and commercially used data model is  model.
29. A table in a database consists of  and .
30. SQL keywords  specify the order in which rows are sorted in a query.
Answers of Section-1:
1. database 2. DBMS 3. RDBMS
4. Microsoft Access, OpenOffice Base, MySQL 5. Primary Key
6. one or more 7. columns, rows 8. column
9. row 10. Datatypes 11. aggregate
12. create, alter, drop 13. DDL, DML 14. DDL
15. DML 16. referential integrity 17. SQL
18. Tables 19. three 20. form
21. 3 22. 65 23. 1
24. 300 25. structure, constraints 26. Program Data independence
27. Physical, view 28. Relational 29. rows and columns.

Section 2: True/False
1. Any information that can be organized into ordered collection of data can be considered a
2. Each row in a database is called a record.
3. For simple collections of information, flat-file databases are usually adequate.
4. Relational databases are preferred solutions for large and complex collections of
5. Primary and foreign keys link records across multiple tables in a relational database.
6. When accessing databases with PHP, you must use a data manipulation language.
7. The WHERE keyword specifies the conditions that must be met for records to be returned
from a query.
8. Data Base Management Systems Organize data within the data base and provides user
interface for retrieving the information.
9. The mysql_error () function returns a value of FALSE if it detects an error.
10. A list of records that are returned from a query is called a result set.
11. Hidden form fields maintain state information between Web pages, but not when the Web
session closes.
12. Cookies created with the name and value arguments are temporary cookies
13. “Data Mining" is the ability to retrieve specific information from the data base
14. The session_stars() function does not accept any arguments.
15. The names of tables and attributes are stored in a system catalog (or data dictionary).
Answer of Section-2:
Cloud IT Handbook 324 Numerical & Short Questions

8. TRUE, DBMS helps to organize data in a database, its functions include
concurrency, security, backup and recovery, integrity.
10. TRUE
11. TRUE
12. TRUE
13. TRUE, data mining is used to extract usable data from a large database.
14. TRUE
15. True. A data dictionary is a file or a set of files that contains a database's metadata. The
data dictionary contains records about other objects in the database, such as data ownership,
data relationships to other objects, and other data.
data dictionary includes:
 Names of all tables in the database and their owners
 Names of all indexes and the columns to which the tables in those indexes relate
 Constraints defined on tables, including primary keys, foreign-key relationships to
other tables, and not-null constraints

Computer Organization and Architecture

Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
1. Number of machine cycles required for RET instruction in 8085 microprocessor is
2. Microprocessor 8085 is the enhanced version of.with essentially the same
construction set.
3. If we use 3 bits in the instruction word to indicate if an index register is to be used and if
necessary, which one is to be used, then number of index registers to be used in the
machine will be .
4. The capacity of program counter (PC) is.bits
5. The programmable interval timer is .
6. The storage capacity of a Hollerith card which is organized into nibbles is .
7. Thenumber of addresses are required for 25 x 40 video RAM
8. Number of machine cycles required for RET instruction in 8085 microprocessor is .
9. The average access time for a drum rotating at 4000 revolutions per minute is.ms
10. The  number of input lines are needed to construct 1024 bit coincident core plane
11. Thenumber of RAM chips of size (256K x 1 bit) are required to build 1M Byte
12. Thenumber of types of storage loops exist in magnetic bubble memory.
13. The  number of wires are threaded through the cores in a coincident-current core
Cloud IT Handbook 325 Numerical & Short Questions

14. Transfer of information from main storage is typically n times faster than the transfer from
auxiliary storage, where n is about.
15. The  number of bits can be stored in the 8K capital
16. The seek time of a disk is 30 ms. It rotates at the rate of 30 rotations/second. The capacity
of each track is 300 words. The access time is (approximately)ms.
17. The number of RAM chips od size (256K * 1 bit) are required to build 1M Byte
18. In a memory system, four 256 * 8 PROM chips are used to make total memory of size 1024
* 8. The number of address bus lines is .
19. The hit ratio of a cache if a system performs memory access at 30 nano seconds with the
cache and 150 nano seconds without it is . Assume that the each uses 20 nano sec
memory, choose the closest approximate.
20. A 16 x 8 organization of memory cells, can store up to  bits
21. A memory organization that can hold up to 1024 bits and has a minimum of 20 address
lines can be organized into .
22. In a 4m-bit chip organization has a total of 19 external connections then is hasaddress
if 8 data lines are there.
23. The gray code of a given binary number 1100 is
24. The number of 256 * 4 RAM chips required to construct 2 kB cache is
25. Convert decimal value (888)10, to base 5.
26. What is the word size in bits of a 8086 processor?
27. What is the (r - 1)'s complement of 345 in octal number system?
28. What is the octal equivalent of given binary number? (011001)2
Answer of Section-1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 8080 3 12 8253 240 1000 3 7.5 32
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
32 3 2 10 8192 47 32 10 92% 128
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
20 19 1101 16 (12023)5 16 bits 432 31

Explanation of Section-1
1. Number of machine cycles required for RET instruction in 8085 microprocessor is 3.
2. Microprocessor 8085 is the enhanced version of 8080 with essentially the same
construction set.
3. If we use 3 bits in the instruction word to indicate if an index register is to 3.
4. The capacity of program counter (PC) is 12 bits.
5. The programmable interval timer is 8253.
6. The organized into nibbles 240.
7. Many addresses are required for 25 x 40 = 1000 video RAM.
8. Machine cycles required for RET instruction in 8085 microprocessor is 3.
9. 7.5 milli seconds.
10. Core plane is 32.
11. 32
12. 3
Cloud IT Handbook 326 Numerical & Short Questions

13. The wire threads cores in a coincident current core memory 2.

14. 10
15. 8k capital is 8192.
18. 10
19. 92%
20. It can be store upto 128 bits as each cell can hold one bit of data.
21. All the others require less than 20 address bits.
22. To have 8 data lines and 19 external connections it has to have a address lines.
23. The gray code of 1001 is 1101.
24. 16 RAM chips of size 256 * 4 are need to constant a CACHE of size 2 kB.
25. Divide the given number 888 by 5 and write all the remainder terms from the bottom to up
finally we will get (12023) to the base 5.
26. 8086 is a 16 bit processor.
27. (r-1)'s complement of 345 in octal number system is 432.
28. The octal equivalent of 011001 = 31

Section 2: True/False
1. Most computers typically fall into one of three types of CPU organization: (1) general
Register organization; (2) single accumulator organization; or (3) stack organization.
2. The advantage of zero-address instruction computers is that they have short programs; the
disadvantage is that the instructions require many bits, making them very long.
3. An instruction takes less time to execute on a processor using an instruction pipeline than
on a processor without an instruction pipeline
4. The term "endian" refers to an architecture's byte ordering.
5. Stack architectures have good code density and a simple model for evaluation of
expressions, but do not allow random access, which can cause a problem with the
generation of efficient code.
6. Most architectures today are accumulator-based.
7. Fixed-length instruction format typically results in better performance than variable length
instruction format
8. Expanding opcodes make instruction decoding much easier than when it is not used.
9. The effective address of an operand is the value of its actual address in memory.
10. Resource conflicts occur in a pipeline when there are multiple instructions that require the
same resource.
Answer of Section-2:
1. True
Most computers typically fall into one of three types of CPU organization:
(i) general register organization;
(ii) single accumulator organization; or
(iii) stack organization.
2. False
The advantage of zero-address instruction computers is that they have short programs; the
disadvantage is that the instructions require many bits, making them very long.
Since zero address require fewer bits and it satisfy for the THREE-ADDRESS
Cloud IT Handbook 327 Numerical & Short Questions

3. True
(i) An instruction takes less time to execute on a processor using an instruction pipeline
than on a processor without an instruction pipeline.
(ii) Multi processing achieved using pipeline.
(iii) Using pipeline we have the facility that each stage will process a
different instruction per cycle.
4. True
(i) The term endian refersto a computer architecture's “byte order.
(ii) computer stores the fata in bytes.
(iii) Each document have bytes of a multiple-byte data element.
5. True
The statement given about stack architectures, is true. Stack architectures are known for
their quite good code density and simplistic model for the evaluation of expressions. But,
they posed disadvantages too. Mainly, they do not have an ability for random access to
memory. Since in stack architectures the operands are on the top of the stack, and not in the
specified registers, it's hard to generate an optimum or efficient code with it.
6. False
7. False
8. False
9. True
10. True

Operating System
Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
(a) Operating System provides interface between  and software of a computer system
(b) Two of the classical IPC (Inter-Process Communication) problems are the Dining
Philosophers Problem and .
(c) One main feature of the third generation operating system is using  technique to save
CPU time.
(d) Threads are  in a process.
(e) The  is a portion of the operating system code that is always resident in memory.
(f) A semaphore is accessed only through two standard atomic operations,  and .
(g) To implement the process, operating system maintains each process's information in its
(h) A is a small program that tells the OS how to communicate with a specific device.
(i) Give two benefits of thread (compared to process). …..
(j) The number of processes that are completed by a system per time unit is called 
(k) One condition that a solution for the race condition should have is no two processes may be
simultaneously inside their critical regions (mutual exclusion). Give two other conditions
that a solution for the race condition should have……….
Cloud IT Handbook 328 Numerical & Short Questions

Answers of Section-1.
(a) Hardware :
The operating system acts as an interface between the hardware of the computer system and
the software programs requesting I/O.
(b) The Readers Writers Problem :
Other IPC problems are, The Producer-Consumer Problem, The Sleeping Barber Problem.
(c) Integrated Circuits (ICs) :
Integrated circuits have two main advantages over transistors. ICs have low cost and High
performance as compared to transistors
(d) Sharing resources such as memory(code segment, data segment, files)
The threads of a process share its executable code and the values of its dynamically
allocated variables and non-thread-local global variables of a process at any given time.
(e) karnel
(f) wait() and signal()
wait() is used to decrease the value of semaphore and signal() is used to increase the value
of semaphore.
wait() is also called sleep or down operation and signa() is also called wake-up or up
(g) Process Control Block (PCB)
PCB is a data structure used to store all the information about a process. When a process is
created, the operating system creates a corresponding process control block.
(h) device dirver
(i) Threads minimize the context switching time.
It is more economical to create threads as compared to processes.
(j) Throughput
(k) Progress: if a process is not using the critical section, then it should not stop any other
process to access it.
In other words, any process can enter a critical section if it is free.
Bounded Waiting: each process waiting to enter the critical section must have a limited
waiting time. It should not wait endlessly to access the critical section.
NOTE: solution of part (d) may differ as there is very less information present in question
itself to make the solution unique. Any other properties of threads within the process can
also be filled and it will be a right solution.

Section 2: True/ False

(a) The operating system acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the human
(b) The processing required for a single instruction on a typical computer system is called the
Execute Cycle.
(c) Multiprogramming allows the processor to make use of idle time caused by long-wait
interrupt handling.
(d) A virtual memory address typically consists of a page number and an offset within the
(e) Linux is one example of a modern UNIX system that implements a modular architecture.
Cloud IT Handbook 329 Numerical & Short Questions

(f) A process can be defined as a unit of activity characterized by a single sequential thread of
execution, a current state, and an associated set of system resources.
(g) The Process Image refers to the binary form of the program code.
(h) A typical UNIX system employs two Running states, to indicate whether the process is
executing in user mode or kernel mode.
(i) Starvation refers to the situation where competing processes are denied access to a resource
due to scheduling problems.
(j) Linux is an example of an operating system that does not provide virtual memory.
Answers of Section-2.
An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the
computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.
The Instruction Cycle : Each phase of Instruction Cycle can be decomposed into a sequence
of elementary micro-operations. In the above examples, there is one sequence each for
the Fetch, Indirect, Execute and Interrupt Cycles.
The Indirect Cycle is always followed by the Execute Cycle. The Interrupt Cycle is always
followed by the Fetch Cycle.
Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that the CPU always
has one to execute.
In Paging virtual memory address is made up of page number and offset with the page.
Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel
(most of the kernel employ modular architecture)
A process is the instance of a computer program that is being executed by one or
many threads. It contains the program code and its activity. Depending on the operating
system (OS), a process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute
instructions concurrently.
Process image is an executable file required while executing the program. This image
usually contains the following sections : Code segment or text segment, Data
segment, Stack segment and Heap segment
All standard Unix kernels use only Kernel Mode and User Mode. When a program is
executed in User Mode, it cannot directly access the kernel data structures or the kernel
programs. When an application executes in Kernel Mode, however, these restrictions no
longer apply. Each CPU model provides special instructions to switch from User Mode to
Kernel Mode and vice versa. A program usually executes in User Mode and switches to
Cloud IT Handbook 330 Numerical & Short Questions

Kernel Mode only when requesting a service provided by the kernel. When the kernel has
satisfied the program’s request, it puts the program back in User Mode.
Starvation is the problem that occurs when low priority processes get jammed for an
unspecified time as the high priority processes keep executing. Various CPU scheduling
algorithms may lead to starvation like Priority Scheduling and Shortest Job First
Linux supports virtual memory, that is, using a disk as an extension of RAM so that the
effective size of usable memory grows correspondingly. The kernel will write the contents
of a currently unused block of memory to the hard disk so that the memory can be used for
another purpose. When the original contents are needed again, they are read back into
memory. This is all made completely transparent to the user; programs running under
Linux only see the larger amount of memory available and don't notice that parts of them
reside on the disk from time to time. Of course, reading and writing the hard disk is slower
(on the order of a thousand times slower) than using real memory, so the programs don't
run as fast. The part of the hard disk that is used as virtual memory is called the swap space.

Section-3 : Fill in the blanks.

1. Process  selects amoung available process for execution on CPU.
2.  is an early mainframe defined by the operating systems.
3.  is the use of computer and software to manage information.
4. Physical components of computer is hardware.
5. The two models for interprocess communication are  and .
6. The amount of data which it can transport per unit of time, by multiplying its width by its
frequency is .
7.  is a common set of rules and signals that computer on network use to communicate.
8. CPU is housed in a single silicon chip called .
9.  is small, inexpensive computer designed for an individual user.
10.  these discs hold the space of about 4.7 GB and are used to record movies on.
11. Most of the first generation operating system where implemented using  programming.
Answers of Section-3.
1. Process Scheduler. 2. IBM system/360
3. Management information system 4. hardware.
5. shared memory, message passing 6. transfer speed of bus.
7. Protocol 8. microprocessor.
9. Personal computer 10. DVD or Digital Versatile Disc
11. Machine level language.
Cloud IT Handbook 331 Numerical & Short Questions

Computer Network
Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
WAN data, voice academic and video Optical
collection autonomous computer Spectrum Wavelet
Analyzer. Transform
communication Unguided Wavelength
Electrical 10 MBPS to Frequency, LAN Thermal Noise or
1000 MBPS Phase Nyquist-Jhonson
Cross Talk Transmission noise
1. A computer network interconnects a number of  computers.
2. Computer network emerges due to the development between two fields, namely  and
3. Three main categories of networks are  and  .
4.  are privately owned while  are usually owned by government
5. LAN operates at a  speed with 1:1011error rate than WANs.
6. Internet is  of networks.
7. Initially, computer network was develop for .
8. A signal is a , Electromagnetic or  coding of data.
9. The four parameters that are used to characterize a signal in time domain concept are
amplitude,  and .
10. With the help of , we can find out the different frequency components of a signal, and
these components are visualized with the help of .
11.  gives the measure of the span of the spectral components of a signal
12. The noise created by the agitation of electrons of the transmission channel is termed
as .
13. The noise created by bunching several cables together is known as .
14. The quality of transmission primarily depends on the characteristics and nature of .
15. Antenna Size plays an important tole for data communication in  media as it is
wireless transmission.
Answers of Section-1.
1. autonomous 2. computer and communication
3. data, voice and video 4. LAN, WAN
5. 10 MBPS to 1000 MBPS 6. collection
7. academic and research 8. Electrical, Optical
9. Frequency, Phase and Wavelength 10. Wavelet Transform , Spectrum Analyzer.
11. Spectrum Analyzer 12. Thermal Noise or Nyquist-Jhonson Noise
13. Cross Talk 14. Transmission
15. Unguided Transmission
Cloud IT Handbook 332 Numerical & Short Questions

Section 2: Fill in the following blanks with appropriate answers

1. The most important computer network components are .
2. The key elements of a protocol are 
3. The OSI  layer is implemented mainly by hardware.
4. Detection and correction of transmission errors is the major roles of  layer in an
OSI model.
5.  of OSI model is forbids itself from adding its own header to the data during
6.  is responsible for packet forwarding including routing through intermediate routers.
7. A packet used for the transmission purpose is basically a combination of  and 
8. Keyboard is an example of  transmission mode.
9. The  field in TCP segment is used when a sender and receiver negotiate the
maximum segment size (MSS).
10. In , the whole message is sent from the source to the destination without being
divided into packets.
11. The twisting in the twisted pair cable reduce the , which is generated due to the
electromagnetic interference.
12. in single cable mode of broadband communication, using coaxial cables , the frequency
translation is performed by a device is known as .
13. The principle to  is responsible for the optical signal propagation in fiber optic cables.
Answers of Section-2.
1. NIC, Switch ,Cable, Hub, Router, Modem 2. Syntex, Semantics and Timing
3. PHYSICAL 4. Data Link Layer
5. The physical Layer 6. The network layer
7. source, destination address and group of bits. 8. Simplex
9. Optical and variable length options 10. Circuit Switching
11. electromagnetic induction or crosstalk 12. cladding diameter
13. total internal reflection

Section 3: True/false
1. Data communication systems are computer systems that transmit data over
communication lines.
2. The basic components of a data communication system are a sending device and a
communication link only.
3. Cable modems use standard phone lines to transmit data.
4. Telephone modems use the cable of the TV system to transmit data at very high speeds.
5. A LAN is usually a network of personal computers.
6. If two LANs are similar, they may send messages among their nodes by using a bridge.
7. A client/server arrangement may not involve a server.
8. The server has hard disks holding shared files and often has the highest-quality printer,
9. All computers in a peer-to-peer arrangement have an equal status.
10. A WAN is usually limited to one office building.
11. A modem is used for both modulation and demodulation.
Cloud IT Handbook 333 Numerical & Short Questions

12. Interaction among networked computers must use a protocol.

13. The term "node" may refer to any device that is connected to a network.
14. A gateway connects two similar computers.
15. The arrangement in which most of the processing is done by the server is known as the
Client/server arrangement.
16. Computers that are linked together are known as a network.
17. The transfer of data to the computer for processing is known as input.
18. Spreadsheet software consists of an electronic ledger designed to perform mathematical
calculations quickly.
Answers of Section-3.
1. True
Reason: The data is transferred over the communication line between the sender and the
2. False
Reason: It too requires a receiver end.
3. False
Reason: Cable modem uses co-axial cable.
4. False
Reason: Telephone modem uses twisted-pair cables.
5. True
Reason: LAN is Local area network, limited to few computers.
6. True
Reason: Bridge is used for interconnecting two LANs working on the same protocol.
7. False
Reason: Client/Server management must require a server whether it's your localhost.
8. True
Reason: Various resources can be attached to the server, like printer and storage devices.
9. True
Reason: A peer-to-peer arrangement has no server/client management, all nodes are treated
10. False.
Reason: WAN is a wide area network, like the internet and it is spread all over the world.
11. True.
Reason: MODEM stands for modulator and demodulator.
12. True
Reason: To build a connection few protocols are required as - IP, TCP etc.
13. True
Reason: Nodes are the attached devices over a network.
14. True
Reason: Gateway is a passage to connect two networks together that may work upon
different networking models.
15. True
Reason: Server is used for backend processing, file sharing etc.
16. True
17. True
18. True
Cloud IT Handbook 334 Numerical & Short Questions

Section 4: Numerical Type Questions.

1. Fiber optics have maximum segment of  m
2. Twisted pair have maximum segment is  m
3. Thick coax have maximum segment is  m
4. The monitor station in  standard ensures that one and only one token is circulating
5. If a network designer wants to connect 5 routers as point-to-point simplex line, then total
number of lines required would be .
6. A 100 km long cable runs at the T1 data rate. The propagation speed in the cable is half the
speed of light. The  number of bits fit in the cable ?
7. Four bits are used for packed sequence numbering in a sliding window protocol used in a
computer network. The maximum window size is .
8. Number of cross point needed for 10 lines in a cross point switch which is full duplex in
nature and there are no self-connection is .
9. Maximum data rate of a channel for a noiseless 3-kHz binary channel is bps
10. Maximum data rate of a channel of 3000 Hz bandwidth and SNR of 30 dB is  bps
11. Minimum number of bits required to represent B is .
12. Minimum number of required to represent all the symbols together is .
13. A 3000 Hz bandwidth noisy channel transmits bits with a signal to thermal noise ratio of 30
dB. The maximum data rate of the channel is  kbps.
14. If data rate of ring is 20 Mbps, signal propagation speed is 200 b/ms, then number of bits
that can be placed on the channel of 200 km is …….bits
15. The signal-to-noise ratio is needed to put a i1  carrier on a T0-kHz line is  db.
16. In a crossbar with 1000 cross points, The  number of statistically are in use at any
17. The  numbers of cross points are needed in a single-stage switch with 40 inputs and 50
18. The  Number of hosts are attached to each of the local area network at your site.
19.  connections are possible in a point to point network with 10 devices.
20. The  number of bit internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet
which is used in all communication with the host.
Answers of Section-4.
1. 2000
2. 100
3. Thick coax have maximum segment is 500 m:
4. Here 802.3 is Ethernet, it uses CSMA/CD. But 802.5 is Token ring. It will have only one
token in circulation. These are IEEE standards but FDDI is ANSI standard.
6. Propagation speed in the cable
= 200,000 km/sec = 200 km/usec.
Hence 100 km cable will be filled in 500 usec. This corresponds to four 193-bit frames, or
772 bits on the cable.
Cloud IT Handbook 335 Numerical & Short Questions

7. The maximum window size is 15.

8. As all lines are full-duplex and there are no self-connections, only the cross points above
the diagonal are needed. Hence formula for the number of cross points needed is n(n-1)/2
9. Maximum data rate = 2H l0g2 V bps,
where, H = bandwidth
V = discrete levels
Here H is 3 kHz and V is 2.
10. Maximum number of bps = Hlog2 (1 + SNR).
11. Minimum number of bits required to represent B is 3.
12. Minimum number of required to represent all the symbols together is 15.
13. rate of ring 20 Mbps
speed = 200 b/ms
channel = 200 km
= (speed x channel)/ring
= (200 x 200)/20 = 2000 bits
15. To send a T1 signal we need
Hlog2 1 + N = 1.544  106 with H 50,000.
S/ N = 230 – 1, 79 ≈ 93 db.
16. A crossbar switch connects n inputs to m outputs in a grid, using electronic micro switches
at each cross point, totally n x m cross points are required for crossbar switch. In general 25
percent of the cross points are used at a given time. The rest are idle so, totally 1000 cross
points, so 25% = 250 cross point points are in use.
17. In a single stage switch n inputs and m outputs. Totally n x m cross points are needed
Here, n = 40 and m = 50
n x m = 2000
18. 254
n(n – 1)
19. 2 = 45
20. All communication with the host is 32 bits.
Cloud IT Handbook 336 Numerical & Short Questions

Cyber Security
Section 1: Choose the word from the table below and fill in the blanks.
First Intranet Substitution Server Expert
Vulnerability Processing Trojan Top Packaged
Software Asymmetrical Extranet Threat User
Virus Ready Freeware Storage Waiting
1. Information Processing Cycle is best described as: Input →  →  Output.
2.  system is a typical example of Information systems (IS) using Artificial Intelligence
3.  is a kind of malware that appears as a normal program, but can steal your data. And it
can even allow a 'back-door' access to your computers.
4. Vigenere cipher is a kind of  cipher.
5. Applying the security patch to the Information System (IS) is to tackle the problem of
6.  is usually used in companies conducting business between each other.
7. The word hk in the URL: https://soul2.hkuspace.hku.hk is  level domain name.
8. Microsoft Office is a kind of  software which is made for mass production.
9. Network Operating systems, e.g. Unix, is usually used in  computers.
10. Before CPU executes the job, the job is usually placed in the  queue.
Answers of Section-1.
1. Input → Processing → Storage → output 2. Expert
3. Trojan 4. Substitution
5. Vulnerability 6. Extranet
7. Top 8. Packaged
9. User 10. Ready

Section 2: Fill in the blanks with appropriate keywords from the word bank:
Identity Theft Detect Hacker Untrained Prevent
Authenticated Uninformed Communicating Computer Security Confidentiality
1.  is the process of detecting and preventing any unauthorized use of your laptop/
2. Most of the security breaches come from  and  persons which give information to
a third party or publish data in Internet without knowing the consequences.
3.  is a case where your identity is stolen (photo, name surname, address, and credit card)
and can be used for a crime like making false identity documents.
4. The general state in Computer Security has the ability to  and  attacks and to be
able to recover.
Cloud IT Handbook 337 Numerical & Short Questions

5. Let's say there are two people  via an encrypted email they know the decryption keys
of each other and they read the email by entering these keys into the email program. If
someone else can read these decryption keys when they are entered into the program, then
the  of that email is compromised.
6. Let's say a  has compromised a webserver of a bank and put it down. You as an 
user want to do an e-banking transfer but it is impossible to access it, the undone transfer is
a money lost for the bank.
Answers of Section-2.
1. Computers security 2. Untrained and uninformed
3. Identity theft 4. Detect and Prevent
5. Communicating and confidentiality 6. Hacker and Authenticated

Section 3: True/ False

1. Computer Security is the process of detecting and preventing any unauthorized use of your
2. You are doing updates regularly, setting up firewalls, antiviruses, etc.
3. That even physical security is important in computer security
4. Internet equipment as routers to be protected with password.
5. People having access to computer systems should have their own user id with password
6. Most of the security breaches come from uninformed and untrained persons
7. Information should be protected in all types of its representation in transmission by
encrypting it.
8. The general state in Computer Security has the ability to detect and prevent attacks and to
be able to recover.
9. Integrity is the trustworthiness of data in the systems or resources by the point of view of
preventing unauthorized and improper changes.
10. In Computer Security, layer is a well-known practice which was taken from military
11. It is better that the communication to be encrypted between the end users, a good tool for
this is
Answers of Section-3.
1) True
Because it is the process of protecting against intruders from using your personal computer
resources for malicious purposes. And they can get access to them accidentally.
2) True
It is important to protect your devices from all types of malicious activities and fraud. So,
for that, it is important to keep your system updated regularly. Only by using safety
measures, you can protect your devices.
Cloud IT Handbook 338 Numerical & Short Questions

3) True
To protect the personnel, software, hardware, data, and networks from physical actions or
damage physical security in computers is very much important. With this, you can prevent
serious loss or damage to your computers.
4) True
It is good to protect your wireless internet connection with a password. If you are leaving
your internet connection open then anyone can connect with your network and chances for
malicious activity increases. So, protect your network with a password and set a password
is a very quick and easy process.
5) True
Before login to a system, it is good to set a defense against unauthorized users. So, for that,
the user must set a strong password so that no one can able to login into his/her computer as
the password should know only to the user.
6) True
It is because of us, means humans. Humans are the only ones who give information to a
third party without knowing the harmful result.
7) True
With the help of encryption, we convert plain text, messages, emails into an unreadable
form which is known as ciphertext. This helps to protect the data from the defaulters.
8) True
Because if this type of attack is successful then it has contained the disordering of
information and check if they remain low or liberal.
9) True
Because the original data is provided in a secure manner. It also concerns that the value of a
particular data element is handled by authorized users.
10) True
If the user succeeds to find the security of the first layer and enter into it then he also has to
find a way to go to the destination. So, layers are a good technique that helps in maintaining
11) True
It is important because it provides security to the users for their messages, files, and emails
from the data send by the sender until the moment it is received by the receiver.
Cloud IT Handbook 339 Numerical & Short Questions

Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
1. There are 4 features in OOP:  ,  inheritance and  .
2. Name 3 types of access control: A.  B.  C.  .
3. Implementation of polymorphism includes ,  and virtual function
4. Binding is the relationship between call and execution, including static binding and 
5. Abstract class is a class with pure .

Answers of Section-1.
1. Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.
2. A. Discretionary Access Control (DAC),
B. Role Based Access Control (RBAC), and
C. Mandatory Access Control (MAC).
3. Early Binding, Late Binding.
4. Dynamic binding.
5. Pure Virtual Function.

Section-2 : Fill in the blanks.

1.  is an OOP concept that hides the data from direct manipulation.
2. A  is the blueprint from which individual objects are created.
3. The capability of a class to derive properties and characteristics from another class is called
 .
4. The compiler creates a(n)  and a(n)  for every class if they are not provided by the
5. Class are by default .
6. A member function declared as  is accessible only by the class, derived classes and
7.  is an OOP technique that provides a single interface to multiple entities of diverse
8. A  is automatically called whenever a new object of this class is created.
9.  Inheritance is a type of inheritance where a derived class is created from another
derived class.
10. A  function, is a function which is not a member of the class but still can access all the
member of the class.
Cloud IT Handbook 340 Numerical & Short Questions

Answers of Section-2.
1. Encapsulation :
Encapsulation can be used to hide data members and members function... Under this
definition, encapsulation means that the internal representation of an object is generally
hidden from view outside of the object's definition
2. Class
The class is that blueprint by which other individuals objects is being created.
3. Inheritance
it is one of most important features of OOP (object oriented programming).
4. constructor and destructor
5. private
6. friend
Friends are functions or classes declared with the friend keyword.
7. Polymorphism
This is that OOP technique which will provide single interface to that multiple entities. This
means multiple forms and it is an another fundamental concept in object oriented
it permits to use a single interface with different and other underlaying forms.
4. Constructor
This is that method which called automatically when object of a class is being created.
5. Multi level inheritance
In this Multi level inheritance the derived class is being created from the another derived
6. Friend Function
This function isn't a member of any class even though it has access to all class's protected
and private members.
Cloud IT Handbook 341 Numerical & Short Questions

Software Engineering
Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
1. Software Engineering Process consists of ,  and .
2.  is a characteristic of a system that deals with printers and monitor of a personal
computer as a system
3.  is the extent to which a module performs a single function
4.  is the raw facts and  is its processed counterpart
5. SAP is an example of  as a source of software

Answers of Section-1.
1. Software specification , software design and implementation , software verification and
Explanation:- a software process also known as software methodology is a set of related
activities that leads to production of software where these 3 process involve in the
development of the software .
2. Output unit
Explanation:- monitors and printers are two of the most commonly known output devices
used with a computer
3. Cohesion
Explanation:- the cohesive module only needs to take the data if it passes act on them and
pass it's output on its superordinate module
4. data , information
Explanation:- the word raw means that the facts have not yet been processed to get their
exact meaning. The output after processing the data is known as information
5. Open source
Explanation:- SAP is active contributor,user and creator of open source software

Section-2 : Fill in the blanks.

a) The term  is the state of the art of developing quality software on time and within
b) Ideally, requirements analysis (should / should not) consider the implementation
c) Software costs (more / less) to maintain than it does to develop
d) Essential software product attributes are (Specification / maintainability / design and
implementation / dependability / Validation / security / evolution / efficiency and
e) The fundamental ideas of software engineering are (applicable/not applicable) to all types
of software system.
f) The main problem of (Incremental development / The waterfall model) that the system
structure tends to degrade.
g)  is the process of checking the requirements for validity, consistency, completeness,
realism and verifiability.
h) The process of software evolution is driven by  for changes and includes change 
analysis, release planning and change implementation.
Cloud IT Handbook 342 Numerical & Short Questions

i)  can only show the presence of errors in a program. It cannot demonstrate that there
are no remaining faults.
j)  is a user testing process where the aim is to decide if the software is good enough to
be deployed and used in its operational environment
Answers of Section-2.
a) The term Software project management is the state of art of the developing quality software
on time and within budget.
b) Ideally, requirement analysis should consider the implementation technology.
c) software costs more to maintain than it does to develop it.
d) Essential software product attributes are maintainability, dependability, efficiency, security
e) The fundamental ideas of software engineering are applicable to all types of software
system. The reason is all software systems have common quality attributes.
f) The main problem of Incremental development that the structure tends to degrade it.
g) Requirements validation is the process of checking the requirements for validity,
consistency, completeness, realism and verifiability.
h) requests , impact
i) testing
j) UAT(User acceptance Testing)

Section 3: True/ False

1. Software is only the computer programs of an application.
2. The software engineering methods and techniques are not determined by the type of
application that is being developed.
3. Competence is a professional standard that is covered by law.
4. The waterfall model is the process model that is most used by other engineering disciplines.
5. Incremental software development is a fundamental part of agile approached.
6. Reuse-oriented approaches to software development only rely on a small base of reusable
software components.
7. Requirements engineering is the process of understanding and implementing the services
required by the client.
8. Testing last throughout the complete life-cycle of a software system.
9. Change identification and change resistance are two ways to reduce the costs of software
10. Agile methods may be modified and scaled to be used to develop critical systems.
11. Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of
software production.
12. There is NO best software engineering techniques and methods.
13. System development is more expense than system maintenance.
14. Compared to computer science, software engineering tends to focus more on theory and
Answers of Section-3.
1. true.
Software is only the computer programs of an application.
2. false.
The software engineering methods and techniques are determined by the type of application
that is being developed.
Cloud IT Handbook 343 Numerical & Short Questions

3. true.
Competence is a professional standard that is covered by law.
4. true.
The waterfall model is the process model that is most used by other engineering disciplines.
5. true.
Incremental software development is a fundamental part of agile approached.
6. true.
Reuse-oriented approaches to software development only rely on a small base of reusable
software components.
7. true.
Requirements engineering is the process of understanding and implementing the services
required by the client.
8. true.
Testing last throughout the complete life-cycle of a software system.
9. false.
Change avoidance and change tolerance are two ways to reduce the costs of software
10. true.
Agile methods may be modified and scaled to be used to develop critical systems.
11. true.
Explanation: Software engineering is a discipline of engineering that deals with all aspects
of design, from the early stages of system definition to system maintenance after it has been
put into use. It is regarded as an engineering subject since it uses appropriate ideas and
methods to address problems while considering organisational and financial constraints.
Software engineering encompasses not only the technical process of software creation, but
also project management and the development of tools, methods, and other resources to aid
software development.
12. false.
Explanation: All software projects must be properly developed and maintained, and
various techniques or processes are appropriate for various systems. Games applications,
for example, should always be built through a series of prototypes, but safety-critical
control systems necessitate the creation of a complete and analyzable specification. As a
result, you can't say one method is superior than another.
13. false.
Explanation: According to various industry assessments, maintenance expenses as a
percentage of total construction costs range from 40% to over 90%. The cost of software
maintenance varies every project, and no two projects are same. Your software
maintenance costs will always be higher than the costs you spent on design and
development. As a result, you must include in all software development and installation
costs, as well as ongoing maintenance costs, from the beginning. It's crucial since the cost
of app maintenance can be up to three times what you paid for software planning and
development in the first place.
14. false.
Explanation: The most important thing to keep in mind regarding these two fields of study
is that they are essentially the same. Finally, both Software Engineering and Computer
Science can help you become a better programmer and developer; the only difference is
how they're used. Software Engineering is far more practical than Computer Science, which
is lot more theoretical.
Cloud IT Handbook 344 Numerical & Short Questions

Miscellaneous Subject
Section-1 : Fill in the blanks.
1. The basic storage unit in the computer is byte, and each byte consists of  bits (b).
2. The quality of  is not affected by the resolution of the equipment. Zooming in or out
will not affect the clarity of graphics.
3.  is a large-scale program that manages and controls the hardware and software
resources of the computer. And it acts as a user interface between the user and the
computer, with it the user can use the computer conveniently.
4.  is a transfer protocol for sharing files in the network. It is widely used in network file
5.  is special high speed memory that speeds access to data from RAM. It alleviates the
contradiction between fast CPU speed and slow memory speed.
6. An IPv4 address occupies  bits or  bytes, the MAC address occupies  bits or
 bytes, and  protocol is responsible for the conversion of IP address and MAC
7. In the TCP/IP protocol stack, HTTP protocol is  layer protocol.
8. The ASCII code of the English letter 'a' is  in decimal and  in binary.
9. The TCP / IP reference model has only four layers, namely layer,  layer,  layer,
 layer and  layer.
10. Internet protocol transmits the data in form of  .
11.  is a software that helps an external device establish communication with a computer.
And it usually runs in the background, without opening a window on the screen.
12.  is a set of program instructions that affects the use of computers, reproduces itself,
and spreads to other computers.
Answers of Section-1.
1. 8 bits 2. image
3. operating system 4. FTP
5. Cache msswemory
6. Ipv4 = 32 bits and 4 bytes and 48 bits and 6 byte, Address Resolution protocol
7. seventh 8. decimal = 97, binary = 01100001
9. Application, Transport, Network, Link 10. TCP protocol
11. System software 12. Malware

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