It Work Shop Record Origin Copy-1
It Work Shop Record Origin Copy-1
It Work Shop Record Origin Copy-1
Branch for the IT WORKSHOP Laboratory Course,in 1st semester During the
1. Internal Examiner
2. External Examiner
4 Installation of Windows XP
5 Installation of Linux based
6 To create a project certificate using
7 Mail merge
8 Creating a worksheet to maintain
student records such as Roll
no,Name,Gender,Branch, and also
maintain marks in three subjects and
calculate total
marks,percentage,result and draw a
chart to analyze student
9 Creating a worksheet to maintain
employee monthly salary
information.and calculate HRA as
20%,DA as15%,TA as5%,PF as
2.5% and LIC as 3% and PT as 2.5%
and also calculate Grass Sal ,Net
Salary and Draw a Chart to
analyze employee vs Salary.
10 Power Point Presentation
11 Latex Program
12 ChatGpt Program
13 HTML program
Experiment 1: Identification of peripherals of a PC, Laptop, Server and Smart Phones: Prepare a
report containing the block diagram along with the configuration of each component and its
functionality, Input/ Output devices, I/O ports and interfaces, main memory, cache memory and
secondary storage technologies, digital storage basics, networking components and speeds.
Aim: Identification of peripherals of Desktop PC and its functions along with Block diagram of
Computer Block Diagram System: Mainly computer system consists of three parts that are
central processing unit (CPU), Input Devices, and Output Devices.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is divided into two parts again:
The set of instruction is in the form of raw data. A large amount of data is stored in the
computer memory with the help of primary and secondary storage devices. The CPU is like the
heart/brain of the computer. The user does not get the desired output, without the necessary option
taken by the CPU. The Central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for the processing of all the
instructions which are given by the user to the computer system.
The CPU contains three parts: The arithmetic logic unit, control unit and memory unit. We
have discussed briefly the arithmetic unit, logical unit, and control unit which are given below:
1. Control Unit
The control unit (CU) controls all the activities or operations which are performed inside
the computer system. It receives instructions or information directly from the main memory of the
When the control unit receives an instruction set or information, it converts the instruction
set to control signals then; these signals are sent to the central processor for further processing.
The control unit understands which operation to execute, accurately, and in which order.
The arithmetic and logical unit is the combinational digital electronic circuit that can
perform arithmetic operations on integer binary numbers. It presents the arithmetic and logical
operation. The outputs of ALU will change asynchronously in response to the input. The basic
arithmetic and bitwise logic functions are supported by ALU.
3. Storage Unit
The information or set of guidelines are stored in the storage unit of the computer system.
The storage unit provides the space to store the data or instruction of processed data. The
information or data is saved or hold in computer memory or storage device. The data storage is the
core function and fundamental of the computer components.
The hardware and software exist on the computer. The information which is stored through
the device is known as computer software. The hardware components of the computer system are
related to electronic and mechanical parts, and the software component is related to data and
computer programs. Many elements are connected to the main circuit board of the computer
system called a “motherboard.”
a. Processor.
b. Main Memory.
c. Secondary Memory.
d. Input Devices.
e. Output Devices.
f. These are mainly five components of the computer system Processor
g. The processor is an electric circuitry within the computer system. The Central processing
unit is the central processor or main processor of the computer system. The processor
carries out the instructions of the computer program with the help of basic arithmetic and
logic, input/output operations.
h. Main Memory
The Random Access Memory is the main memory of the computer system, which is
known as RAM. The main memory can store the operating system software, application
software, and other information. The RAM is one of the fastest memory and it allows the data
to be readable and writeable.
i. Secondary memory
We can store the data and programs on a long-term basis in the secondary memory.
The hard disks and the optical disks are the common secondary devices. It is slow and cheap
memory as compare to primary memory. This memory is not connected to the processor
It has a large capacity to store the data. The hard disk has a capacity of 500 gigabytes. The data
and programs on the hard disk are organized into files, and the file is the collection of data on
the disk. The secondary storage is direct access by the CPU; that’s why it is different from the
primary storage.
The hard disk is about 100 times the capacity of the main memory. The main difference between
primary and secondary storage is speed and capacity. There are several large blocks of data
which are copied from the hard disk into the main memory.
j. Input Devices
The user provides the set of instruction or information to the computer system with
the help of input devices such as the keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc. The data representation to
the computer system is in the form of binary language after that the processor processes the
converted data. The input unit implements the data which is instructed by the user to the system.
We can enter the data from the outside world into the primary storage as the input through input
devices. The input devices are the medium of communication between the outside world and
the computer system.
k. Output Devices
The output devices produce or generate the desired result according to our input, such
as a printer, monitor, etc. These devices convert the data into a human-readable form from
binary code.
The computer system is linked or connected to the outside world with the help of output devices.
The primary examples of output devices are a printer, projector, etc.
Experiment 2:- Parts of computer and Input & output devices
1. Monitor :
The monitor of a PC works like television screen, it displays text characters and graphics
in colors. The monitor is also known as screen, a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). Images which
produce on PC depend on the screen. An image is made up of tiny dots called as pixels. The
results on the screen are showed only temporarily and are not permanent unless they are saved
permanently on some storage device.
2. Keyboard :
The keyboard is an input device or type-writer device which contains keys to feed
information into the computer. In general keyboards are of two types.
3. Mouse :
Mouse is an input device and allows us to control the system without typing instructions
from the keyboard. A mouse has a rubber ball embedded on its lower inside. This ball actually
controls the movement of the pointer on computer screen. Every mouse has one primary button
and one secondary button. The primary button is used to carry most of the process. Secondary
button is used for special cases.
4. Scanner:
A Scanner is an input device and it can transfer typed or hand written text, graphs,
diagrams and photographs to the computer. To get required data, instead of making duplicate
copy on the paper we can use scanner. It is mainly used for storing important documents,
photographs in their original format.
5. Printer :
This type of printer uses fine powder ink called toner. This printer use same techno
logy as photocopy missions. They produce high quality text and graphics.
6. Speaker :
Speakers make the system much more reliable to use and entertain while you are
working on computer. Speakers enable us to take advantage of sound in many sites on the
internet and the multimedia.
System Unit:
The System Unit is the most important part of a PC. It is also called as brain of the
computer. The System Unit controls and executes all the operations performed by the PC.
• CD-ROM Drive: CD-ROM drive is a device that reads the information stored on CD. A CD-
ROM is an abbreviated term for Compact Disk-Read Only Memory. The information stored
in a CD-ROM can neither be changed nor new information Can be added to it. So, it is
called Read only Memory.
• Printer:
The printer of our computer has D-shape connectors and has 25 pins. The male connector
appears at the edge of the printer cord and the female connector appears at the backside of the
System Unit.
The leading Processor manufactures are Intel and AMD. Whichever the
Manufacturer may be, we have to make sure that we purchase a compatible Motherboard. Now a
day’s Intel & AMD have stopped GHz race and concentrated on how many cores they can fit in
each CPU. So, having a 3 Ghz core CPU is not better than having 2.4Ghz Dual core CPU. Now a
day’s CPU is judged on how many cores it has. The more cores it has the better it is.
• RAM :
RAM stands for ‘Random Access Memory’. The capacity of RAM is measured in
Mega Bytes (MB). The memory is read-write, and volatile. Two main types of RAM are the
Dynamic RAM and the Static RAM. A computer stores the data in units called bits and bytes.
• ROM :
ROM stands for ‘Read Only Memory’. This type of memory is permanent and cannot
be changed. ROM stores instructions to initialize all computer parts while booting (i.e. each time
when you switch on you computer). ROM is non-volatile.
EEPROM stands ‘Electrical Erasable Programmable ROM’. Its contents can be erased by
applying a specific voltage to one of its input pins while providing the appropriate timing signals.
• BIOS :
BIOS stands for ‘Basic Input Output System’. It is a built in software, which keeps track of all
devices attached to computer and provide inter communication channel between the listed
devices. BIOS is typically placed in ROM chip that comes with computer often called as ROM
• BUS :
A bus cable is a collection of wire through which the data is transmitted from one
part of a computer to another.
• Hard Disk :
Hard disk drive stores all the data including operating system, applications, user files
and documents. The hard disk memory is permanent so that the programs and data are not lost
when a computer is turned off.
There are three types of HDD, which are IDE/ATA, SCSI, SATA (Serial ATA).
Majority of home PCs are equipped with IDE Hard drives. SCSI hard drives are mostly included
in servers and powerful workstations as they offer better data transfer rate which results in better
performance than IDE drives. Modern SATA drives are not far behind SCSI drives in terms of
performance with the introduction of SATA 300 drives.
The power supply unit is a metal box found in a corner of the System Unit. This box
is known a SMPS. SMPS stands for ‘Switch Mode Power Supply’. It can supply power to all
components of the computer. The power supply is referred as switching power supply. Switch
technology is used to convert AC current into DC current. Once the current is converted to DC the
power supply unit sends required voltage or watts to different components of the computer. The
measurement unit of voltage is watts.
• Mother Board:
Motherboard is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that connects the processor, memory
and all our expansion cards together to assemble a PC. Most motherboards made now a days
are ATX. ATX means Advanced Technology Extended. An ATX motherboard has the standard
I/O connectors such as PS/2 ports, USB ports, parallel port, serial port, etc, built onto the
motherboard. An ATX motherboard fits into standard ATX case.
Hard Disk
Mother Board
Experiment :3 Internet Services:
• Web Browser usage and advanced settings like LAN, proxy, content, privacy, security,
cookies, extensions/ plug ins
4. To create your own security settings for a zone, select the zone icon, andthen select
Custom level and choose the settings that you want.
5. To restore all security levels to their original settings, select the Reset allzones to
default level button. Click OK.
1.5. Cookies:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Select Tools Internet options Privacy, click the Advanced button.
3. Select the Accept or Prompt option under First-party cookies.
4. Select the Accept or Prompt option under Third-party cookies.
5. In the internet options window, click OK to exit.
1.6. Extensions:
1. Open Google chrome on your computer.
2. Go to the chrome web store.
3. Click the search box, and type in a search box which app you want to
4. Add chrome (Ex: ad blocker) or you can also scroll down to view popularextensions.
5. Browse for an extension you want to install. Extensions will be listed at thetop of the
6. Click Add to chrome.
7. When you click Add to chrome button it shows the prompt and click Addextension.
Email Usage:
1. Open Gmail. Go to in your computer’s web browser.And sign in
with your e-Mail account.
2. Ex: email: [email protected]
Password: ***********
3. Compose: it shows a new message window in the lower-right side of the page.
To: Primary recipients.
Cc (Carbon Copy): Secondary recipients.
Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy): Tertiary recipients.
4. Subject:In this field whatever you want to use for the email’s subject.
Ex: Subject: IT Workshop material.
5. Message body: Type content or message in message body.
6. If you want to add some attachments like word documents, pdf’s etc… click
“Attach File” button. You want to send images click “Insert photo” button.
7. Send: It is used to send the message to the recipients.
To Cc Bcc
Message Body
Personal computer
1. Keep on press the delete button and go to advanced BIOS feature [ BIOS-
Basic Input Output System ]
2. And go to boot sequence. Select first boot drivers. CD ROM and press
F10 to save the bios feature. Yes and then enter. Press any key to boot from
CD. Press enter to setup windows XP.
F8=To agree the license.
1. Collecting information.
2. Dynamic update
3. Preparing installation
4. Installing windows.
5. Tracking installation
3. On the Windows XP Licensing Agreement page, read the licensing agreement. Press the
PAGEDOWN key to scroll to the bottom of the agreement. Then press F8
4. This page enables you to select the hard disk drive on which Windows XP will be installed. Once
you complete this step, all data on your hard disk drive will be removed and cannot be recovered. It
is extremely important that you have a recent backup copy of your files before continuing. When you
have a backup copy, press D, and then press L when prompted. This deletes your existing data. Press
ENTER to select UN partitioned space, which appears by default.
Press ENTER again to select Format the partition using the NTFS file system, which appears by default.
5. Windows XP erases your hard disk drive using a process called formatting and then copies
the setup files. You can leave your computer and return in 20 to 30 minutes.
6. Windows XP restarts and then continues with the installation process. From this point forward, you
can use your mouse. Eventually, the Regional and Language Options page appears. Click next to
accept the default settings. If you are multilingual or prefer a language other than English, you can
change language settings after setup is complete
7. On the Personalize Your Software page, type your name and your organization
name. Some programs use this information to automatically fill in your name when
required. Then, click Next.
8. On the Your Product Key page, type your product key as it appears on your Windows
XP CD case. The product key is unique for every Windows XP installation.Then,click
9. On the Computer Name and Administrator Password page, in the Computer name box, type
a name that uniquely identifies your computer in your house, such as FAMILYROOM or TOMS.
You cannot use spaces or punctuation. If you connect your computer to a network, you will use
this computer name to find shared files and printers. Type a strong password that you can remember
in the Administrator password box, and then retype it in the Confirm password box. Write the
password down and store it in a secure place. Click Next.
10. On the Date and Time Settings page, set your computer‘s clock. Then, click the TimeZone
down arrow, and select your time zone. Click Next.
11. Windows XP will spend about aminute configuring your computer. On the
Networking Settings page click Next.
13. WindowsXPwillspend20or30minutesconfiguringyourcomputerandwill
automatically restart when finished. When the Display Settings dialog appears, click OK
14. WhentheMonitorSettingsdialogboxappears,clickOK.
15. The final stage of setup begins. On the Welcome to Microsoft Windows page,
click Next.
16. On the Help protect your PC page, click Help protect my PC by turning
onAutomatic Updates now. Then, click
17. Windows XP will then check if you are connected to the Internet: If you are
connectedto the Internet, select thechoicethat describes
yournetworkconnectionon the Will this computer connect to the Internet
directly, or through a network? Page. If you‘re not sure, accept the default
selection, and click Next
18. If you use dial-up Internet access, or if Windows XP cannot connect to the Internet, you can
connect to the Internetafter setup is complete. On the How will this computer connect to the Internet?
Page, click Skip.
19. Windows XP Setup displays the Ready to activate Windows? Page. If you are connected tothe
Internet,clickYes,and then click Next. If youare not yet connected to the Internet, clickNo, clickNext,
andthen skip to step24.Aftersetup is complete, Windows XP will automatically remind you to activate
and register your copy of Windows XP
iscomplete. TEST DATA: No
Test data for this Experiment
ERROR: No Errors for this
Experiment 5: Installation of Linux based OS (ex. Ubuntu)
The Linux operating system, or Linux OS, is a freely distributable, cross- platform
operating system based on UNIX that can be installed on PCs, laptops, mobile and tablet devices,
video game consoles, servers, supercomputers etc…
Download the Unbuntu OS “.ISO” file from and write os in bootable format on
DVD or USB drive with help of third party software (such as Power ISO or USB Installer).
Connect the OS pendrive(USB) or DVD to computer and power on the system and continuously
press “F11” key on keyboard to boot from the OS pen drive or DVD drive.
Next is the installation type, this installation on the fresh HDD so i got only two options in the
installation type. Depend upon the other OS on your HDD you will get more options. Please
choose any one method.
1. Erase disk and install Ubuntu (i.e. it will format the entire drive and install the OS). If you
don’t have any idea about the partitioning scheme simply click continue.
Ubuntu 14.10 -Erase and Install Ubuntu
Once you clicked on continue, you would be asked to confirm the auto portioning. Click on
continue to proceed.
Something else (i.e. you can manually create the partition and install Ubuntu on your
selected partition), use this advanced mode if you are comfortable in manually partitioning your
drives. Click on continue.
Ubuntu 14.10 -Manual Partition
Once you clicked, you would get the following page where installer lists available hard disk. In
my case i have one harddisk size of 20GB, to create a partition; click on New Partition Table to
create empty partition since this is a new harddisk. Pop up will ask you to confirm, click on
Select your keyboard layout. In case you are not sure, use the ‘Detect Keyboard Layout‘ option
and you can also test your selection by typing in the test text box.
Ubuntu 14.10 – KeyBoard
In the final screen you will be prompted to enter information about the first user that is going to
be created on the system. Enter your information in this screen.
Here is one thing you should remember – if you select ‘Log in automatically‘, it will never ask
you your password for authentication while you try to log in to your Ubuntu System. Its best if
you give a very secure password for your installation. Ubuntu will inform you whether your
password is secure or not.
If you select ‘Encrypt my home folder‘ it will make all the files and folders in your home folder
more secure from unauthorized viewing if you have multiple users using your computer. When
you log in to your computer your files are seamlessly decrypted for just your session. If you are
not sure, leave this box unchecked.
Ubuntu 14.10 – InstallingOnce the installation is over, you should click on the restart now.
Once the Machine restarted, you will get login window. Type your password on the below of
your user name and Press Enter.
Ubuntu 14.10 – Login Screen
(a) Click format tool bar click the font option select the font
1. Click the paragraph that you want to login with a “drop cap a largedropped
initial capital
1. Select paragraphs
2. On the format menu click borders & shading and then click ok
3. Select options & then click ok
Step 7: inserting header & footer
Regd. No.
1. Internal Examiner
2. External Examiner
Experiment 7:
1. Open ms-word document and type the static part of the letter without to address
2. Choose ‘MAIL MERGE’ option from ‘TOOLS’ menu
3. Follow the steps in the mail merge helper dialog box to set the main document and
attach a data source
4. First attach the static part of the letter by clicking on create button present on mail
merge helper dialog box
5. Click on ‘GET DATA’ button present on mail merge helper dialog box. Data
form contains name, address fields etc…….
6. To create more records press on ‘add new’ button present ‘DATA FORM’ box
7. Edit the main document, place the cursor where we want to insert the recipient name
and address fields
8. Click on ‘insert merge field’ option present on mail merge toll bar
9. Click on ‘merge’ button present on mail merge toll bar
10. Click on ‘merge’ button present on mail merge helper dialog box
11. Main document and ‘DATA SOURCE’ are merged in a new file
2nd floor, kk chambers, east andhari: Mumbai
Yours faithfully,
2nd floor, kk chambers, east andhari: mumbai
Date: Dec-02-2019
You have been short listed for personal interview for the post mentioned above. You are
requested to report at 9 A.M in our office at the above address on December 10, 2019. You will be paid
second class train fare from your city to mumbai and backs. Please conform your attending the interview
by e-mail or a letter before December 20, 2019.
Yours faithfully,
2nd floor, kk chambers, east Andhari: mumbai
Date: Dec-02-2019
Kiran Kumar .P
34-5-7/A, Santhi tower,
Siddhartha nagar,
Andhra Pradesh,
PIN CODE: 520010
Yours faithfully,
Experiment 8.
Aim: Create a worksheet to maintain student records such as Roll no, Name, Gender,
Branch, and also maintain marks in three subjects and calculate total marks, Percentage,
result and rank draw a chart to analyze student performance.
Goto Start button select “All Programs” under the list click on “Microsoft office” and click on
“Microsoft Office Excel 2003”.
Enter the Student details such as RollNo, Name, Gender, Branch.Sub1, Sub2, and Sub3 As
shown in Table-A
0 1009 Kiran Female MCA 54 54 54
1 Sudhee
1 1010 r Male MBA 32 32 32
1. Total=Sub1+Sub2+Sub3
2. %per=Total/3
3. Result=if(and(sub1>=35,sub2>=35,Sub3>=35),”Pass”,”Fail”)
4. %per=Total/3
0 1009 Kiran Female MCA 54 54 54 162 54 pass 4
1 Sudheer
1 1010 Male MBA 32 32 32 96 32 Fail 10
Step 1: Goto Insert menu and click on chart option in the list
Step 3: Select Data Range for Chart by Holding “Ctrl” button and select B1->B11 and H1-
>H11and Click Next.
Step 4: enter different options display in chart such as values in X-Axis, Y-Axis, Title etc.,
Step 5: Select Chart Location and click Finish Button the chart will be created as shown in Fig-1
Result: Student Analysis has done successfully.
Experiment 9:
Aim: Create a worksheet to maintain employee monthly salary information. And calculate
HRA as 20%, DA as 15%, TA as 5%, PF as 2.5% and LIC as 3% and PT as 2.5% and also
calculate Grass Sal, Nett. Salary and Draw a chart to analyze employee vs salary.
Goto Start button select “All Programs” under the list click on “Microsoft office” and click on
“Microsoft Office Excel 2003”.
Enter the employee details such as EmpNo, Ename, Salary. As shown in Table-A
3. Given TA as 5% of Basic
7. Grass Salary=Basic+HRA+DA+TA+PF+LIC+PT
2 1001 Raj 8000 1600 1200 400 200 240 200 11840 11200
3 1002 Ravi 12000 2400 1800 600 300 360 300 17760 16800
4 1003 Ali 18000 3600 2700 900 450 540 450 26640 25200
5 1004 Rani 20000 4000 3000 1000 500 600 500 29600 28000
6 1005 Smith 12000 2400 1800 600 300 360 300 17760 16800
7 1006 Siva 15000 3000 2250 750 375 450 375 22200 21000
8 1007 Jhyothi 17500 3500 2625 875 437.5 525 437.5 25900 24500
9 1008 Kunal 21000 4200 3150 1050 525 630 525 31080 29400
10 1009 Kiran 20000 4000 3000 1000 500 600 500 29600 28000
11 1010 Sudheer 19500 3900 2925 975 487.5 585 487.5 28860 27300
Step 1: Goto Insert menu and click on chart option in the list
Step 3: Select Data Range for Chart by Holding “Ctrl” button and select B1->B11 and K1-
>K11and Click Next.
Step 4: enter different options display in chart such as values in X-Axis, Y-Axis, Title etc.,
Step 5: Select Chart Location and click Finish Button the chart will be created as shown in Fig-1
Employee Vs Salary
Employee Info
20000 Rani
15000 Smith
10000 Siva
Nett. Sal
1. Open PowerPoint.
2. In the left pane, select New.
3. Select an option:
▪ To create a presentation from scratch, select Blank Presentation.
▪ To use a prepared design, select one of the templates.
▪ To see tips for using PowerPoint, select Take a Tour, and thenselect
Create, .
Add a slide
1. In the thumbnails on the left pane, select the slide you want your new slide tofollow.
2. In the Home tab, in the Slides section, select New Slide.
3. In the Slides section, select Layout, and then select the layout you want fromthe menu.
Add and format text
1. Place the cursor inside a text box, and then type something.
2. Select the text, and then select one or more options from the Font section ofthe Home
tab, such as Font, Increase Font Size, Decrease Font
Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, etc.
3. To create bulleted or numbered lists, select the text, and thenselect
Bullets or Numbering.
When you save your files to the cloud, you can share and collaborate with others,and get to your
files from anywhere - on your computer, tablet, or phone.
When you're online, AutoSave is always on and saves your changes as you work. If at any time
you lose your Internet connection or turn it off, any pending changeswill sync as soon as you’re
back online.
Design in PowerPoint
To animate one line of text at a time, select one line of text, select ananimation, select the
next line of text, select an animation, ...
3. For Start, select When Clicked, With Previous, or After Previous.You can
also select the Duration or Delay.
Start a presentation
▪ On the Slide Show tab select From Beginning. Now, if you are working withPowerPoint
on a single monitor and you want to display Presenter view,
in Slide Show view, on the control bar at the bottom left select the three dots,and then
Show Presenter View.
▪ To move to the previous or next slide, select Previous or Next.
▪ To view all the slides in your presentation, select See all slides.
Experiment 11:
Aim:-Create a certificate using latex command .
\noindent This to certify that Mr/Mrs .................................... has undergone a course in this
institute and is qualified to be Technical Expert in latex.
\textsf{The principal}\\
Aim: ChatGPT
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows
you to have human-like conversations and much more with the chatbot. The
language model can answer questions and assist you with tasks, such as composing
emails, essays, and code.
• The first step is to visit the ChatGPT website and select ChatGPT.
• Next, you need to sign up after entering basic details.
• Now finally when it's ready to use you can type anything in the text box at the
bottom of the screen that you want the chatbot to answer.
Yes, an official ChatGPT app is available for both iPhone and Android users.
HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pagesHTML describes the structure
of a Web page
HTML consists of a series of elements
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
Example Explained
The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines that this documentis an HTML5 document
The <title> element specifies a title for the HTML page (whichis shown in the browser's title
bar or in the page's tab)
The <body> element defines the document's body, and is acontainer for all the visible
contents, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc.
HTML Attributes
The <img> tag is used to embed an image in an HTML page. The src attribute specifies the
path to the image to be displayed:
<img src="img_girl.jpg">
The <img> tag should also contain the width and height attributes, which specify the width
and height of the image (inpixels):
<img src="img_girl.jpg" width="500" height="600">
The required alt attribute for the <img> tag specifies an alternatetext for an image, if the image
for some reason cannot be displayed. This can be due to a slow connection, or an error in the src
attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>I am normal</p>
out put:
I am normal
I am red
I am blue
I am big
<body style="background-color:powderblue;">
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1 style="background-color:Tomato;">Tomato</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:Orange;">Orange</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:DodgerBlue;">DodgerBlue</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:Gray;">Gray</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:SlateBlue;">SlateBlue</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:Violet;">Violet</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:LightGray;">LightGray</h1>
</html> out
put: Tomato