OSPF Route Filtering Demystified

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OSPF Route Filtering Demystified


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Aug 17

OSPF Route Filtering Demystified

51 Comments Posted by Petr Lapukhov, 4xCCIE/CCDE in IGP



There was a lot of blogging related to OSPF topics recently. In this post, I would like to clarify some common misunderstandings that many people have about OSPF route filtering. I have seen so many folks wrongfully understanding the underlying behavior so its about time to make the things clear. OSPF Data Structures

To begin with, avoid using the term LSA filtering with OSPF. You cannot really filter LSAs with the exception of one special case you filter the network reachability information. To understand this in depth, start by recalling that OSPF deals with the following data structures: 1) Topological information. Outlines the connections in the graph describing the routers and the links in the network. This is what OSPF LSAs are about they contain information about attached links. Think of LSAs as the objects that correspond to the edges of the graph. LSAs are stored in the LSBD link state database. No real routes are stored in the LSDB, since this is the database for topological objects. However, routing or network reachability information is attached to the LSAs. 2) Network Reachability information. Contains the actual IP subnets. This information is associated with the network graph edges and you may think of it as leaves connected to the edges. Routing information does NOT describe any connectivity, just the prefix associated with the link. This information is contained in the LSAs, but as an attribute, and

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is used to populate the routing table i.e. the RIB. 3) Main routing table. This is the routers RIB, as OSPF does not have a RIB of its own, unlike BGP. This structure is used when OSPF generates new summary or external LSAs as we see later. 4) Routers routing table. This structure is unique to OSPF, and contains the IP addresses to reach the border routers ASBRs and ABRs. It is used when calculating the respective inter-area routes, by adding the router path cost to the respective prefix advertised by this router. You may display the contents of this data structure by using the command show ip ospf border-routers. OSPF route calculation overview 1) Routers establish adjacencies to flood topological information. The flooding process in OSPF is pretty complicated, and ensures the LSAs are delivered to all routers in a single area. As mentioned, topological information is carried in the form of LSAs and cannot be filtered, which it is essential to the OSPF algorithm. The only thing that limits LSA propagation is the flooding domain associated with the particular LSA type. Using the topological information learned, all routers within an area build the consistent graph of the network connections. 2) After all routers have a consistent topology view, they may calculate intra-area paths using the SPF algorithm and finally associate the network reachability information with the paths. This is where the secondary, leaf-level information comes in play. The leaves are attached to the paths and the routing table entries are calculated. So keep this in mind first LSA flooding, then LSDB population, then SPF computations, and finally the RIB population. 3) After the intra-area paths have been calculated, inter-area routes are computed based on type-3/4 LSAs contents for other area information summarization. This process uses a quick and simple distance-vector computation algorithm, without the need for SPF computations. The routers routing table is used extensively during this process. When you can REALLY filter LSAs Now, back to the case of LSA filtering. Some may recall the commands ip ospf databasefilter all out or neighbor <IP> database-filter all out. Good point, but what it does is prevent the OSPF process from sending any LSAs out of the particular adjacencies. This could be done only if youre sure that the LSAs will be flooded to all routers in the area by some other means. This is the special case Ive been talking about previously. The purpose of this feature is to compensate for the absence of mesh-groups and limit the amount of flooding on NBMA subnets shared by many routers. Overview of OSPF route-filtering All right, so if you cannot really filter LSAs, how do you perform route filtering with OSPF? Using the term route filtering is the correct way of saying LSA filtering. You may apply route filtering to OSPF using the following two general methods: 1) Preventing optimal paths generated by OSPF from entering the RIB. This is what you can

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do by applying the command distribute-list in under the OSPF process. This affects routes installed in the RIB. There is one special extension of this method to filtering the FA (forwarding address) to block external OSPF routes. 2) Affecting the LSA generation process, by changing the source information used to generate the LSAs. There is a bunch of ways to do this, each specific to a particular LSA type. To understand this completely, we need to recall all the basic LSA types and their flooding scopes. How OSPF generates different LSA types LSA type 1. Describes an attached circuit, different link types. This is the fundamental building block of the topology graph. This LSA is flooded within the single area and never gets past the ABRs. The sources of information for LSA type-1 are the directly connected links. If you want to remove the network reachability information, just remove the link LSA type 2. Generated only on the shared networks (BROADCAST/NON-BROADCAST network types) to minimize the amount of topological information generated. Imagine that you have 10 routers on a shared Ethernet segment. Normally, to fully describe the topology, every router would need to generate an LSA describing its connection to all other 9 routers. This would result in 90 LSAs. Using LSA type-2 and the Designated Router concept, every router needs to declare a connection to the DR, and the DR will generate a Type 2 LSA describing all routers on the segment (the bunch). In our example, this will result in 11 LSAs total. This LSA does not carry any real network reachability information with the exception of the netmask and the list of routers on the segment. It is used along with information from type 1 LSAs to describe the shared network. I like to think of it as a glue LSA. The flooding domain is one area as flooding stops at ABRs. LSA type 3. Now this type is a bit tricky and brings in a lot of confusion. It is generated by an ABR to tell the routers in one area about the network in another area. Essentially, the router pretends like all the foreign networks are attached to it. From a topological perspective, this is true, because areas never know anything about another areas topology this information is lost when crossing the area boundaries. How are Type 3 LSAs generated? First of all, keep in mind that OSPF generates those by walking the main routing table, not the LSDB. This is per RFC 2328 clause 12.4.3 and in full accordance with distance-vector protocol behavior. Every route in the table has additional OSPF information associated with it, such as area number, route-type (intra-area, inter-area, external) next hop, and so on. 1) The ABR goes over the network reachability information in the RIB associated with intra-are routes for the particular area X and summarizes them honoring the area X range command settings. This results in Type-3 LSAs being generated and advertised into all other areas. Pay attention to the following important things: 1.1) Only intra-area routes are summarized. You cannot summarize inter-ara routes installed by processing type-3 LSAs learned from Area 0. Those will generate new type-3 LSAs in the ABR and will propagated them into non-backbone areas unmodified. 1.2) The intra-area routes are summarized PRIOR to applying the distribute-list filter and blocking the routes from entering the RIB. This is needed to allow for generation of a summary route, even if you dont want the specific prefixes in the local RIB and calculate the

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correct metric if needed. Thus, even though OSPF walks over the RIB to gather the intra-area prefixes for summarization, it does so BEFORE applying the filter. The ultimate goal is making summarization the highest priority task, in order to increase network stability. 1.3) The OSPF metric for the summarized route is taken as the minimal among all intra-area routes. To ensure better routing stability, it is usually recommended setting the metric manually, to prevent LSA re-flooding in case some component route flaps and affects the summary metric. 2) Now, for dealing with the inter-area routes learned by the ARB, first of all, keep in mind that an ABR ONLY accepts and processes type-3 LSAs received from the backbone area. This is the well-know loop prevention mechanism built into OSPF, since OSPF behaves as a distance-vector protocol when dealing with inter-area routing information. This is a short description of how an ABR processes type-3 LSAs: 2.1) Ignore the type-3 LSA if it is NOT from the backbone area (prevents routing loops). 2.2) Walk over the inter-area routes learned via Area 0 in the RIB and generate respective type-3 LSAs which are flooded into the attached non-backbone areas. Thus, LSAs are effectively being re-generated based on the RIB contents. Next, consider an important aspect of this process. The re-generated summary LSAs are generated AFTER applying the OSPF filter associated with the routing-process via the distribute-list in command. Thus, if you filter some of the inter-area routes from entering the RIB, the respective new summary LSAs will NOT get generated. This will stop routing information propagation into the attached non-backbone areas. This quickly summarizes the type-3 LSA generation process. Notice that filtering the routing information is not based on some LSA filtering procedure, but rather on the routes contained in the RIB. At this moment, some people may recall the command area X filter-list prefix {in|out}. Good news here this command applies after all summarization has been done and filters the routing information from being used for type-3 LSA generation. It applies to all three type of prefixes: intra-area routes, inter-area routes, and summaries generated as a result of the area X range command. All information is being learned from the routers RIB. Oh, almost forgot LSA type-3 flooding scope is one area, it never crosses ABR boundaries it just gets re-generated when needed! Now, here is a summary of inter-area router filtering commands (applicable only at an ABR):
Method 1: Filter the inter-area routes generated at ABR router ospf 1 area 10 filter-list prefix in NAME Method 2: Filter out intra-area routes router ospf 1 area 10 range no-advertise Method 3: Filter inter-area routes learned by ABR from Area 0 router ospf 1 distribute-list 1 in

LSA type 4 This type has always been confusing to many people. This LSA describes the metric that the ABR uses to reach the respective ASBR. This LSA contains the router-ID of the ASBR
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and the metric to reach it. ABRs generate type-4 LSAs based on the special router routing table which is visible when you issue the command show ip ospf border-routers. This command is the essense of the distance-vector OSPF behavior. During the inter-area path calculations, the ABR populates this table with host routing entries for every ABR and ASBR detected with the respective metrics. This table is never transferred to the main router routing table, but rather used for inter-area path computations and type-4 LSA generation. Effectively, the metrics in this table are used as metric offsets for the paths learned from ABRs and ASBRs. The ABR generates type-4 summary LSAs into every normal attached area, to make sure the routers in there can reach the prefixes from the ASBR. You cannot really filter the contents of this LSA, as they are taken from the router routing table. The information from this LSA is used to populate the non-ABR routers special router routing table. The flooding domain is one area as it stops at the ABR. LSA type 5 This LSA is originated by an ASBR (router redistributing external routes) and flooded through the whole OSPF autonomous system. You cannot limit the way this LSA is generated except to controlling the routes redistributed into OSPF. When a type-5 LSA is being generated, it uses the RIB contents and honors the summary-address commands in the ABR. You may filter the redistributed routes by using the command distribute-list out configured under the protocol, which is the source of redistribution or simply applying filtering with your redistribution.
Method 1: router ospf 1 distribute-list 10 out rip ! access-list 1 deny access-list 1 permit any Method 2: router ospf redistribute rip route-map RIP_TO_OSPF ! route-map RIP_TO_OSPF match ip address 1 Method 3: router ospf summary-address no advertise

There is yet one more way to filter the routing information found in type-5 LSAs. If the LSA contains non-zero FA (forwarding address) field, OSPF process will check for this address to be accessible via RIB (RFC specifies that only OSPF routes should be considered, but it seems IOS satisfies with any route) before installing the actual prefix into the RIB. If the FA is not accessible, the corresponding external prefix is not installed into the global routing table. We will discuss this type of filtering a bit later, when well be looking into type-7 LSAs. However, keep in mind that FA is non mandatory for type-5 LSA and is only assigned to a type-5 LSA under special conditions, outlined in the following document Common Routing Problem with OSPF Forwarding Address. Here is the list of the conditions: OSPF is enabled on the ASBRs next hop interface AND

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ASBRs next hop interface is non-passive under OSPF AND ASBRs next hop interface is not point-to-point AND ASBRs next hop interface is not point-to-multipoint AND ASBRs next hop interface address falls under the network range specified in the router ospf command. Please refer to the URL provided for more epxplanations. There is only one more type of OSPF LSAs to discuss. Type 7 LSA These only exist at NSSA areas and have the flooding scope of a single area, as opposed to the whole domain for type-5 LSAs. The type-7 LSAs reaching ABRs are used to populate the local routing table and re-generate the new type-5 LSAs, originated now by the ABR. This is important since the ABR becomes an ASBR and re-originates the routes, you may use the command summary-address ADDR MASK no-advertise to block the type-5 LSA generation. There is another, less obvious way to do things: When an ABR generates type-5 LSAs, it adds the forwarding-address (FA) based on the information learned in the type-7 LSA. This information is originally inserted by the ASBR to help in optimal exit point selection. The use of forwarding-address with the type-7 LSAs is mandatory per the RFC, since there is just one translator, and it may lie on the sub-optimal path to the ASBR. Thus all routers in the OSPF autonomous system are supposed to rely on the FA for optimal routing to the translated prefixes. And here is the trick: if you filter the forward-address IP from the routing table in the ABR, using the command distribute-list in the type-5 LSA will not be generated!. Look at the following output, where R2 is an ABR for NSSA area 27:
Rack1R2#show ip ospf database nssa-external OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1) Type-7 AS External Link States (Area 27) Routing Bit Set on this LSA LS age: 11 Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC) LS Type: AS External Link Link State ID: (External Network Number ) Advertising Router: LS Seq Number: 80000001 Checksum: 0xDEB5 Length: 36 Network Mask: /24 Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path) TOS: 0 Metric: 20 Forward Address: External Route Tag: 0 Routing Bit Set on this LSA LS age: 11 Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC) LS Type: AS External Link Link State ID: (External Network Number ) Advertising Router:

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LS Seq Number: 80000001 Checksum: 0xBDD3 Length: 36 Network Mask: /24 Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path) TOS: 0 Metric: 20 Forward Address: External Route Tag: 0 Rack1R2#show ip ospf database external OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1) Type-5 AS External Link States ... LS age: 26 Options: (No TOS-capability, DC) LS Type: AS External Link Link State ID: (External Network Number ) Advertising Router: LS Seq Number: 80000001 Checksum: 0x2193 Length: 36 Network Mask: /24 Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path) TOS: 0 Metric: 20 Forward Address: External Route Tag: 0 LS age: 26 Options: (No TOS-capability, DC) LS Type: AS External Link Link State ID: (External Network Number ) Advertising Router: LS Seq Number: 80000001 Checksum: 0xFFB1 Length: 36 Network Mask: /24 Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path) TOS: 0 Metric: 20 Forward Address: External Route Tag: 0

As you can see, R2 generates type-5 LSA with the same forwarding address found in type-7 LSA Now we filter this IP address from entering R2s routing table:
R2: access-list 1 deny access-list 1 permit any ! router ospf 1 distribute-list 1 in

And apply our verification once again:

Rack1R2#show ip ospf database nssa-external OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

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Type-7 AS External Link States (Area 27) LS age: 222 Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC) LS Type: AS External Link Link State ID: (External Network Number ) Advertising Router: LS Seq Number: 80000001 Checksum: 0xDEB5 Length: 36 Network Mask: /24 Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path) TOS: 0 Metric: 20 Forward Address: External Route Tag: 0 LS age: 222 Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC) LS Type: AS External Link Link State ID: (External Network Number ) Advertising Router: LS Seq Number: 80000001 Checksum: 0xBDD3 Length: 36 Network Mask: /24 Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path) TOS: 0 Metric: 20 Forward Address: External Route Tag: 0 Rack1R2#show ip ospf database external OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1) Type-5 AS External Link States

And we can see that Type-7 to Type-5 translation is not working anymore, as the forwarding address is no longer reachable in the RIB. Notice that forwarding address should be accessible via the main RIB, not the routers routing table of OSPF. This special behavior is unique to the routes learned by processing the type-7 LSAs. Now what if you have to following topology:

And R3 is filtering the forwarding address for the type-5 LSAs originated at R4 using say area X range no-advertise or area X filer-list prefix {in|out} commands, so that R1 has no FA IP in its RIB. In this situation, R3 will have the route to the redistributed prefixes
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installed (it sees the FA!), but all other routers in the domain with the exception of the NSSA area internal routers will not. Even though they will receive the type-5 LSA, they will not be able to process them and use the information for routing the forwarding address will be unreachable. One way to overcome this issue is by using the command area X nssa suppress-fa to instruct R3 on setting the FA to itself. Summary of the post We went over almost all of the important route-filtering scenarios for OSPF. The key thing you should remember is that non-local route filtering for OSPF is only available at ABRs and ASBRs, the points where OSPF behaves as a distance-vector protocol with respect to inter-area routing information. Here is the list of points you need to remember: 1) You cannot filter LSAs directly, you can only manipulate the routing information used to generate LSAs. 2) The above routing information is taken from local routers RIB directly. 2.1) In the case of intra-area routes, RIB filters are applied after the type-3 LSAs are generated (intra-area routes are summarizable). 2.2) In the case of inter-area routes, RIB filters are applied prior to type-3 LSA generation (inter-area routes are not summarizable). 3) External AS routes can only be filtered at the ASBR. 4) NSSA routes can be filtered at an ASBR and the ABR performing the translation. 5) If the FA for an external prefix is NOT reachable, the router will NOT install it into the route table nor will it translate type-7 LSAs to type-5. Futher Reading 1) RFC 2328. Dont skip this if you are serious about understanding OSPF 2) OSPF Design Guide by Sam Halabi. Excellent introductory reading on OSPF. 3) Cisco IP Routing by Alex Zinin. A must read to anyone who wants in-depth understanding of IP Routing internals. Tags: ccie, filtering, lsa, ospf Download this page as a PDF

About Petr Lapukhov, 4xCCIE/CCDE:

Petr Lapukhov's career in IT begain in 1988 with a focus on computer programming, and progressed into networking with his first exposure to Novell NetWare in 1991. Initially involved with Kazan State University's campus network support and UNIX system administration, he went through the path of becoming a networking consultant, taking part in many network deployment projects. Petr currently has over 12 years of experience working in the Cisco networking field, and is the only person in the world to have obtained four CCIEs in under two years, passing each on his first attempt. Petr is an exceptional case in that he has been working with all of the technologies covered in his four CCIE tracks (R&S, Security, SP, and Voice) on a daily basis for many years. When not actively teaching
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classes, developing self-paced products, studying for the CCDE Practical & the CCIE Storage Lab Exam, and completing his PhD in Applied Mathematics. Find all posts by Petr Lapukhov, 4xCCIE/CCDE | Visit Website

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51 Responses to OSPF Route Filtering Demystified


Yandy Ramirez says: August 17, 2009 at 4:02 pm very cool post! thanks for the info Reply


Rizzo says: August 17, 2009 at 5:36 pm Really Nice one Thanks Reply


Lejoe says: August 17, 2009 at 6:06 pm Excellent Article Petr. I guess we can call it manipulation of OSPF prefixes to suppress generation of certain types of LSAs. Reply


Marcos Umino says: August 17, 2009 at 7:33 pm Wow, incredible explanation on OSPF. If anyone ever asks me for an OSPF article, I know now where to point. Reply


Stan I says: August 17, 2009 at 7:44 pm Anthony, thanks for the very insightful document and the form it has been presented in. I enjoyed reading it twice and I dont particularly like re-reading stuff call me energy efficient (or part of the green initiative:).

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Cheers! Stan Reply Anthony Sequeira, #15626 says: August 17, 2009 at 8:17 pm Hi Stan!!! Thanks so much for following our blog! This was Petrs brilliant work. He is amazing for sure. Reply 6. saj says: August 17, 2009 at 8:19 pm Thank you Petr,Very useful post Reply 7. Stan I says: August 17, 2009 at 9:08 pm Oops, I apologize to Petr, I guess I was so much in a hurry to read the article that I just assumed it was part of the OSPF series. Thank you for pointing it out Anthony! Stan Reply 8. Arwin Erasga says: August 17, 2009 at 9:46 pm Thanks Petr! Reply 9. sarge says: August 18, 2009 at 12:01 am Great post. Thanks to Petr. It would be nice if anyone corrected the typos. They are obvious but sometimes look bad. Reply Anthony Sequeira, #15626 says: August 18, 2009 at 9:00 am Fixing those now thanks!

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Reply 10. Mohamed Zaki says: August 18, 2009 at 1:27 am Amazing article, thanks Petr, you are awesome. Reply 11. Amit Chopra says: August 18, 2009 at 3:38 am More reason to have COD of this bootcamp after reading this OSPF explanation Reply 12. John Spaulding says: August 18, 2009 at 6:28 am Awesome work!!! I always feel stupid after reading his blogs Reply 13. Chirag says: August 18, 2009 at 8:15 am Mr Petr Lapukhov can I ask my are you so clever Reply 14. Chirag says: August 18, 2009 at 8:15 am There is only one Petr :0) Reply 15. Wouter Prins says: August 18, 2009 at 11:16 am hi Petr, You are the man of the bits at INE, shouldnt you mention something about the P-bit in the article? Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: August 18, 2009 at 11:28 am Hmm i think I did, but apparently I missed that Here is the thing related to filtering like i mentioned, type-7 LSAs with P-bit set MUST have a non-zero FA

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value. This is needed to ensure optimal routing as there is only one translator in potentially multi-exit area. This allows for filtering based on hiding the FA address. Reply 16. andy jordan says: August 18, 2009 at 12:47 pm so in order to get to an external ( nssa) destination , does a remote router in some other area use the metric to the FA or the metric to the network itself ? Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: August 18, 2009 at 3:13 pm To: Andy Jordan If the FA field is non-zero, it is used to calculate the routing metric and the route itself. If the FA is zero, the path cost to reach the respective ABR/ASBR is used instead. Reply 17. Narbik Kocharians says: August 18, 2009 at 2:05 pm Based on what i hear from my students, Why do you have LSA type 3 Filtering all over your work books? Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: August 18, 2009 at 4:20 pm To: Narbik Appreciate your interest in our products. The reason is mainly that Cisco uses this term in their documentation. Although the term is not entirely correct as I tried to show in this post, it became commonly used around. A more correct way of saying would be Inter-Area Route Filtering. Reply 18. Narbik Kocharians says: August 18, 2009 at 5:21 pm HAHAHAHAHA So its NOT a misunderstanding like you mentioned? Is it? You need to stop and think before you write. Reply
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Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: August 18, 2009 at 5:49 pm To: Narbik Posting non-sense and pointless comments really does not make you look any smarter. Please, try being more constructive and consider using your own advice next time. Reply 19. Chris Gray says: August 19, 2009 at 5:30 am The article actually starts by saying To begin with, I would have to ask everyone please, avoid using the term LSA filtering with OSPF You cannot really filter LSAs with the exception of one special case Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: August 19, 2009 at 7:58 am To: Chris Yeah, this message goes to Cisco as well Their terminology is confusing, as filtering means blocking something transit to the device and make you think type-3 LSAs are flooded through the ABR. I wish they use more consistent wording, as this is misleading. We were using the same terminology in the past to follow Ciscos documentation, but that does not mean LSAs could be filtered in general. Even if Cisco says that. Even if John Chambers calls you at night and yells that. LSAs are flooded and every type has its own flooding domain. Network Reachability information is filtered The whole point of my post was showing the difference between LSA (topological) and NLRI (reachability) concepts. Reply 20. Chirag says: August 19, 2009 at 5:36 am Narbik Why you spoiling things .. if you want to make silly comments please do not here Regards Chirag Reply 21.
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Chris Gray says:

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August 19, 2009 at 9:58 am I wish John Chambers would stop doing that, hes just confusing me man. Reply 22. Darby Weaver says: August 22, 2009 at 12:07 pm When is Petr going to be teaching classes? His articles are excellent and amazingly clear, love to hear everything he has to offer over a 1 or even 2 week class. Reply 23. Ted says: August 22, 2009 at 11:49 pm Outstanding work, thats a good read. Reply 24. Olu says: August 23, 2009 at 6:18 am Excellent and very clear post Petr Thanks for this. - Olu Reply 25. Daniel Spatig says: August 23, 2009 at 12:51 pm I wanted to add this, because as I get a little mixed up with this also. The statement The OSPF metric for the summarized route is taken as the minimal among all intra-area routes is only valid for RFC 1583 they changed the metric calculation in RFC2328 page 136 to be the cost equal to the largest of any of the component networks. to have the metric calculate based on RF2328 you need to have no compatible rfc1583 because for some reason cisco defaults to rfc1583, or it does for me in ver 12.4 Reply 26. Jorge says: September 7, 2009 at 3:49 pm Great post Petr. Thank you for being so thorough about clarifying LSA vs route filtering. Super helpful!

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Reply 27. Ananth Kumar says: September 9, 2009 at 2:59 am Much much appreciated Petr, for helping us to fill the gaps I have used these methods and thought that I understood the filtering, but some point I was not clear about the difference between them. Once again thanks a lot at last is that a typo , acl name rip? Method 1: router ospf 1 distribute-list 10 out rip ! access-list 1 deny access-list 1 permit any Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: September 9, 2009 at 7:34 am To: Ananth, no, the ACL# is 10, and rip here is the source protocol, the protocol that is being redistributed into OSPF Reply 28. A question says: September 13, 2009 at 3:12 am Hi, I didnt understand the ospf type 3 lsa section.. Can you please tell me the follwoing things1- How does the ABR sends the intra area routes (area 0 routes) to non backbone areas 2- How does the ABR sends the inter area routes (area X routes) to non backnone areas (area Y) 3- If i have 2 ABRs (ABR1 and ABR2)connecting area 0 and area X.. a)Is there a possibility that routes learned from area X on ABR1 will be sent back to ABR2 into area X b)Is there a possibility that routes learned from area 0 on ABR1 will be sent back to

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ABR2 into area 0. Thanx a tonn in advance Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: September 13, 2009 at 6:28 pm > 1- How does the ABR sends the intra area routes (area 0 routes) to non backbone areas Walks over the routing table looking for area 0 routes, generates type 3 LSAs, performs summarization prior to this if needed according to area-range table. > 2- How does the ABR sends the inter area routes (area X routes) to non backnone areas (area Y) It walks over the area X routes and generates type-3 LSAs. However, no summarization is performed. Other routers by default ignore type-3 LSAs for non-area 0 to prevent routing loops. However, it is possible to consider them if the area is transit (Ill make a separate blog post on that). > 3- If i have 2 ABRs (ABR1 and ABR2)connecting area 0 and area X.. > a)Is there a possibility that routes learned from area X on ABR1 will be sent back to ABR2 into area X No, as ABRs do not consider non-area 0 inter-area routes when calculating best-paths. > b)Is there a possibility that routes learned from area 0 on ABR1 will be sent back to ABR2 into area 0. No due to the same reason: only inter-area routes from Area 0 are considered in best-path computations with the special exception to transit area. Im going to blog about it soon, as this topic seems to be confusing to many. Thanx a tonn in advance Reply 29. A question says: September 13, 2009 at 10:11 pm Thanx for your answer still a little confused on the below.

> 1- How does the ABR sends the intra area routes (area 0 routes) to non backbone areas Walks over the routing table looking for area 0 routes, generates type 3 LSAs, performs summarization prior to this if needed according to area-range table. Q- So it summarizes only if the area range is configured or by default.

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> 2- How does the ABR sends the inter area routes (area X routes) to non backnone areas (area Y) It walks over the area X routes and generates type-3 LSAs. However, no summarization is performed. Are these LSAs summaries or specific? Question 3 and 4 If i change the words route to LSA what would happen then would the LSAs be fed back in case of 2 ABRs, If yes how would the recieving router react to it and if no, why so? Reply 30. Alexei Monastyrnyi says: September 30, 2009 at 10:01 pm Just a quick one, Petr. If we have say a router with Ethernet interface in UP/UP state advertised into OSPF with network statement but the link it represents is not a transit network, i.e. there is no other OSPF neighbour on that link (it is just connected to L2 dumb device). Which LSA type that link would be advertised with? Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: October 1, 2009 at 1:21 pm @Alexei OSPF LSA Type 1 (router LSA); Router LSA Link type 3 (Stub network); Router Link ID Network Number; Router Link Data Network Mask Reply 31. Alexei Monastyrnyi says: October 1, 2009 at 2:20 pm Right, thanks Petr. Kind of lost it in LSDB. Link connected to: a Stub Network (Link ID) Network/subnet number: (Link Data) Network Mask: Number of TOS metrics: 0 TOS 0 Metrics: 1 Reply 32. OSPF Prefix Filtering using Forwarding Address - CCIE Blog says: November 24, 2009 at 7:53 am [...] at the ABR(s) of the area containing the ASBR. You may use any of the methods described in the post OSPF Route Filtering Demystified to prevent type-3 LSA
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generation, e.g. use the inter-area route [...] Reply 33. Net_OG says: November 24, 2009 at 8:29 pm Wow Petr, this is a classic post. I love that you have a little reading list at the bottom. Great job putting so much in one post. Part of the problem is: we see these situations in various contexts at different times in labs or even in Cisco Documents and it is hard to tie them all together into a coherent procedure. I really appreciate your posts. Reply 34. Net_OG says: November 25, 2009 at 9:34 am Petr, The type-7 LSAs reaching ABRs are used to populate the local routing table and re-generate the new type-5 LSAs, originated now by the ABR. This is important since the ABR becomes an ASBR and re-originates the routes, you may use the command summary-address ADDR MASK no-advertise to block the type-5 LSA generation. The above quote is pretty significant because when reading the documentation it states that you do this summarizing on the ASBR, but if you didnt think of the ABR as an ASBR you might get confused as to why you are applying the summary-address ADDR MASK no-advertise command on the ABR. Here is the link tot he cisco config guide entry: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/partner /docs/ios/iproute/configuration/guide /irp_ospf_cfg_ps6350_TSD_Products_Configuration_Guide_Chapter.html#wp1054417 Reply 35. James Huang says: January 8, 2010 at 11:19 pm Hi Petr, Thanks for such a clear post. It really demystifies some of the blur area in OSPF. You mentioned that for type-3 LSA origination by intra-area routes, area filter-list prefix out is applied after all summarizaion is done. I tested this and found what you said does not seem to be correct. Here is the quote from Ciscos document titled OSPF ABR Type 3 LSA Filtering: For area filter-list out command, if an area-range command has been configured for the area, type 3 LSAs that correspond to the area range are sent to all other areas only if at least one prefix in the area range matches an
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entry in the prefix list. Can you verify again? Thanks, James Huang Reply Petr Lapukhov, CCIE #16379 says: January 9, 2010 at 9:20 am @James I dont see a contradiction here: the documentation says that type 3 LSA is generated is there is at least one entry in the prefix-list matching one of the area ranges (this behavior is valid for outgoing LSA advertisements). Thus, the routing process performs route summarization, and then the prefix-list filters the summarized prefixes. Reply 36. James Huang says: January 9, 2010 at 12:30 pm HiPetr, Here are the tests I did to reach the conclusion that area filter-list out is executed BEFORE area range for intra-area routes. Topology: area 0: R1s loopback 0, IP R1 f1/0, ip R2s f1/0, ip area 1: R2s f1/1, ip R3s f1/0, ip area 2: R1s loopback 1, ip Test 1: At R2, add area-range and area filter-list out: Router#sh running-config | sec ospf router ospf 1 router-id log-adjacency-changes area 0 range area 0 filter-list prefix area0out out network area 0 network area 1 Router# Router#sh ip prefix-list area0out

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ip prefix-list area0out: 3 entries seq 5 deny seq 10 deny seq 15 permit le 32 Verify at R3: Router#sh ip route Codes: L local, C connected, S static, R RIP, M mobile, B BGP D EIGRP, EX EIGRP external, O OSPF, IA OSPF inter area N1 OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 OSPF external type 1, E2 OSPF external type 2 i IS-IS, su IS-IS summary, L1 IS-IS level-1, L2 IS-IS level-2 ia IS-IS inter area, * candidate default, U per-user static route o ODR, P periodic downloaded static route, + replicated route Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets O IA [110/2] via, 00:06:33, FastEthernet1/0 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 L is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 At R2, the intra-area route was filtered out first and area range did not find anything in the range to summarize. So R3 did not learn or route. Test 2: At R2, modify area0out prefix-list as follows: Router#sh ip prefix-list area0out ip prefix-list area0out: 3 entries seq 5 deny seq 10 deny seq 15 permit le 32 The OSPF configuration is the same as test 1. Verify at R3, Router#sh ip route Codes: L local, C connected, S static, R RIP, M mobile, B BGP D EIGRP, EX EIGRP external, O OSPF, IA OSPF inter area N1 OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 OSPF external type 1, E2 OSPF external type 2 i IS-IS, su IS-IS summary, L1 IS-IS level-1, L2 IS-IS level-2 ia IS-IS inter area, * candidate default, U per-user static route o ODR, P periodic downloaded static route, + replicated route Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets O IA [110/3] via, 00:00:32, FastEthernet1/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
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O IA [110/2] via, 00:19:31, FastEthernet1/0 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 L is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 In this test, R2 will filter out intra-area route. If R2 were to perform area range first and then area filter-list out, R2 would not have advertised type-3 LSA to R3. But R3s route table shows that R2 did advertise to R3. A dump of the OSPF database at R3 confirms that again: At R3: Router#sh ip ospf database summary OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1) Summary Net Link States (Area 1) Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0 LS age: 333 Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward) LS Type: Summary Links(Network) Link State ID: (summary Network Number) Advertising Router: LS Seq Number: 80000001 Checksum: 0x48E8 Length: 28 Network Mask: /16 MTID: 0 Metric: 2 James Huang Reply 37. Al says: September 12, 2010 at 9:46 pm Question: If based on area address range, two routes are summarized in one summary LSA and at some point, the topology changes and one of the mentioned routes is removed, would the summary LSA be flushed? or will it not change given it still covers one reachable route? Thanks in advance, Al. Reply 38. OSPF Filtering Toward The Triumph says: June 7, 2011 at 3:07 am [...] OSPF Route Filtering Demystified [...] Reply

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David Chosrova says: August 24, 2011 at 3:18 am Thanks for this very good post Reply


Denis Mikhailov says: September 7, 2011 at 10:19 am Hi Petr, Hope you are doing well ! Thanks for the good article! I met this today since Im on the R&S bootcamp now. The qustion arised is it possible to filter intra-area OSPF route by any other method then distribute list ? There are tons of examples in the Internet but all of them describe the same construction: distribute-list in in the OSPF process. As we know it is not a cultural method to do it. Is where any other method ? Thank you ! Best Regards, Denis Mikhailov. Reply

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